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The Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta (ECAA) has recently embarked on a refresh of its member management system and social media assets. We have developed a series of new strategies that we are currently executing on, which has resulted in significant strides toward expanding our ability to communicate directly to members and the wider community.
The ECAA has set up a new website with new capabilities that include self-management of your membership profile, the ability for employees of member companies to create their own personal profiles, and it allows for the ability to register and pay for all of our training and events online. We are already seeing high levels of engagement from the membership, and we will be rolling out new features of the new website and member management system over the coming months and years. You will see new reporting tools coming from us that will help you see the great value that you receive as members of our association.
As the demographics of our industry and our association change, we need to rethink the ways in which we communicate with our members, stakeholders, and public so that we remain relevant and are seen as leaders in the construction industry. One tool that appeals to a younger demographic is social media. To that end, we have adopted a new social media strategy, that covers all of the major social media platforms and are publishing content that is consistent and strategic in its nature.
While the ECAA has been active on Facebook and YouTube for several years, a critical element of our new strategy is to become consistent and fresh in our approach to Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn; and the effort has already resulted in a rapid increase in followers and in engagement.
ECAA’s Instagram and Twitter pages feature highlights of ECAA’s community involvement, and educational “tips and tricks”. Our LinkedIn page is geared toward connecting with members and promoting the association’s news and benefits. The organization’s LinkedIn page also shares industry news and information about ECAA’s training programs. This platform is particularly useful for networking and professional development, as it allows members to connect with colleagues and mentors in the electrical industry. We are actively participating in discussion on the Reddit platform, and we are currently in the development stages of creating content for TikTok, which will be a fun way for us to engage with an even younger group of Albertans.
Overall, ECAA’s new social media efforts are helping to strengthen its relationships with members and the community. By showcasing the skills and accomplishments of its members, ECAA is promoting the value of the electrical industry and attracting new talent. The tools that we are using are helping the ECAA communicate with our members and helping them to stay up to date with industry trends and opportunities. As social media continues to play a significant role in communication and marketing, ECAA’s efforts are positioning the association as a leader in the electrical industry. n