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Thoughts on: Who’s going to fill their shoes
Who’s going to fill their shoes? (Sorry George)
By Chuck Morris
We have spoken about the challenges of finding people to replace supervisors, managers, and directors almost ad nauseam. Seriously; I recall speaking to people about this during our annual conferences, when visiting other school districts, and even over the telephone and through email for a great many years. We have looked at who may be available within our own staffing matrix, tried to decide if someone in a position elsewhere in the province may be fed up and would like to move, and contemplated (and done it) hiring from outside of British Columbia. What works?
There is an aging workforce in most of the school districts in B.C., and one would hope that at least some of your younger and middle-aged staff may be wanting to learn more and step up to the plate when the time comes. We all know it takes more than that simplified statement of course, but you do get the drift! One thing going for us right now is the downturn in Alberta, and to some extent, here at home. That means some of our talent may not be so eager to leave now as those higher wages are no longer there, along with the awesome living out allowance and all that overtime. A school district can be a really great place to work.
Take a look around you now (your peers throughout the province) and see how long some of those people have been in that chair. Most of them are comfortable with
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where they are and in how they get their job done. They know how to respond to the ministry for the most part, and can produce a good report when asked or mandated. What happens when they finally retire or leave early because of health issues? Who’s going to fill their shoes?
George Jones sang a lament about all the great country singers that are getting old or have passed on. There will never be another like the Outlaw, Mr. Cash, Conway and Jerry Lee. Who will replace Lefty and Marty? That song was written and produced in 1985. He was quite right, who will replace these great country artists? Transfer that thought to our school districts and consider what is happening. Who will replace the likes of some of our talented men and women within our operating sphere?
It is expensive to hire a search firm or to do all the work in-house when looking for a replacement. We need to be watching and listening to our own staff and willing to identify those who have displayed an eagerness to take on more responsibility and learn. We all have them; those who take ownership of their actions, who seem to have that innate ability to move people in the right direction with empathy and a solid understanding of how to direct without coercion.
I think it incumbent that we, in our positions, follow through and encourage, support, and guide those that would follow. It can mean less financial burden for the district, improve moral by showing people care about others’ work output, and improve your odds of thinking about your own future. Let’s not ask, “Who’s going to fill their shoes”, but show we have a plan and we know who will fill their shoes and perhaps even your own. Thanks George. p
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