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Leading with Focus: EFMABC Spring Leadership Workshop

It has been just shy of two years since EFMABC Facility Managers Association sat together in the same room in the same city and talked, listened, shared stories, and heard numerous examples on how school district facility leaders managed, coped, struggled and at the end of the day, kept B.C. school district facilities warm, safe, and dry despite the challenges around them. To all of them….a huge WELL DONE!
Our spring workshop titled “Leading with Focus” was held March 3 and 4, 2022 in Richmond, B.C. Fifty facility managers, supervisors, and directors attended the event. The two-day workshop was designed to highlight the importance and need of strong leadership as we move into post-pandemic realities.
President Chuck Morris opened our workshop, and Executive Director Glenn Miller was the emcee for the event.
We began our workday with a moment of silence for those who have died in Ukraine.
The presenters and presentations included:
Michael Frost, Focused Education Resources
Michael’s presentation was framed as a journey of discovery to the issues facing supply chain through 2021 and beyond and the impacts to the K-12 sector now and into the future. Michael believes that by working together we can present a singular voice to leverage the supply community’s desire to partner with and bring creativity, innovation, and value to the BC K-12 sector. Thanks Michael.
School District Directors Rick Delorme, Chuck Morris, Pete Godau
Our round table panel discussions are a very well received and successful part of our education sessions. These three directors once again demonstrated how important candid and progressive topics benefit all facility managers. With lots of different areas covered including Capital funding, COVID 19 cleaning standards and procedures, HVAC systems, and much more. Thank you, gents, for your work here.
Phil Eastwood, Fiore Group Training Inc.
Phil’s enthusiastic presentation was a well received look in detail about how people communicate with each other and that by doing a bit of fine tuning, remarkable changes are possible. This very interactive session had our attendees communicating with each other and asked each person to look at themselves and how they communicate. Very positive and very enlightening. Thanks Phil.
Mike Morris, Retired RCMP Superintendent
Mike presented a powerful number of examples and issues from his past 30+ years as a member of the RCMP. From constable to superintendent, Mike spoke about how resilience played a critical role in his career and life. Mike also reminded many of us, and reviewed in detail, the work of Steven Covey’s message and principles. Thanks Mike.
Kim Morris, Secretary-Treasurer School District #61 (Greater Victoria)
As a member and representative of BCASBO on a number of key committees, Kim outlines how important our relationship is and must be with our Secretary-Treasurers. Her presentation provided clear understanding of the expectations and the important role that facility managers have as essential voices at the learning table. We heard loud and clear, we ALL contribute to learning. Thanks Kim.

Francois Bertrand/ Damien Crowell, Ministry of Education Capital Facility Management Branch
The Ministry once again provided attendees with an overview of their capital funding program on both the minor and major side. The feedback was much appreciated particularly with our new members that attended. The message from Francois and Damien was that communication between school district facilities and the Ministry’s Facility Capital Management Branch is more critical now then ever as budgets and funding dollars move closer to approval deadlines. Thanks Francois and Damien.
We are grateful to the following sponsors for supporting this years Leadership workshop. Their support helps us put together a program that benefits and applies to all facility leaders. Many thanks!
Barclay Sales, Caliber Sport, Canstar Restoration, Forbo Flooring, Green Roots Play Equipment, Habi-
credit to Calvin Owen Jones
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credit to Calvin Owen Jones
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tat Systems, Integral Group, Merlin Instrumentation, National Air Technologies, Quantum Lighting, Swing Time Distributors, Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance
• Molly Shipowich for her help putting this together with all the logistics within a really short time frame • The Workshop Committee for their time and help. Thank you
Harry, Rick, Archie, and Chuck.
Most of all, thank you all for taking the time and making the effort to attend. We do this for YOU!
Please don’t forgot our Annual Conference and Trade Show/ Annual General Meeting for 2022 will be held in Penticton May 30 to June 3, 2022. More details located in the back of the magazine. n

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