2 minute read
Message from EFMA President
How are all of you doing? By the time you read this we will be over two years battling various waves of COVID and its variants! It has been a long haul, and everyone is likely tired of masking up, washing hands, and just generally being careful.
Your Executive has been working hard behind the scenes to keep the Association moving and viable. I want to thank the following for all their hard work:
Archie Stogianos, Vice President; Rick Delorme, Past President; Harry Kumar, Secretary Treasurer; Travis Elwood, Director; Albert Klade, Director; Megan MacDonald, Director; Cintha Winters, Director; Glenn Miller, Executive Director; Molly Shipowich, Administration; Andrew MacKay, Exhibitor Representative; Paul Williamson, Exhibitor Representative.
Each of the people listed above work hard for you. As well as working their own jobs, they carry a load with EFMA of work that is scheduled (hoping for a return to live action conference!), day to day running of the Association, as well as attending (if they are able) a monthly Presidents open agenda zoom session. Along with that, we have four Executive meetings each year plus the Spring Directors and annual Conference to deal with. This is where a lot of new ideas come from or results presented for other work accomplished. We have made a lot of headway on many fronts.
We are in a new year now and I trust you are looking forward to daylight and successfully advancing to better times. We will always have a lot of work to do and Ops Talk magazine hopefully gives you a look at new products, processes, and ideas. There are a number of people involved with content, layout, topics, and double checking everything between the covers. Hats off to Del Communications as they have done a great job since the first issue back in 2004!
Our goals are to support all of you. Whether that means just picking up the phone to ask for help or developing educational sessions to bring you outstanding speakers on such topics as Resilient Leadership, a Secretary Treasurers outlook on Facilities, and Ministry updates. Our Education Committee will be re-established after the framework is finished. We have so many new people because of retirements that education needs to be at the forefront. Watch for that coming over the next few months.
It has truly been my pleasure standing as the current President of EFMA and ensuring we are being productive along the way. I am proud to represent this fine organization. We have an updated and NEW Code of ETHICS and standards appearing on our website before June. Read them please. These help solidify what we stand for and how we respond to things. It is all about knowledge and professionalism!
Thank you everyone! n