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EFMABC 2022 Conference in Review
If COVID19 has taught us anything, it has to be PATIENCE, and patient we were and continue to be.
Our 2022 EFMA BC conference was finally held in person once again in Penticton. The conference marked our 58th Anniversary of our Associations’ service, and this year’s theme was “Pride & Excellence – Raising the Bar”.
There are several reasons why this year’s conference was so important for EFMA to put together a program that finally permitted all of us to be together in person. I choose to believe this year’s conference was NECESSARY. Here’s Why!
We had 42 new members join our Association this year – 22 of them have never worked for a school district before, and 21 new members attended this year’s conference while taking part in the professional development program.
Our membership has increased 21 per cent over the last two years. This alone is enough to say it was necessary!
It was very clear to our Executive and particularly the Conference Planning Committee early on that the importance of our Education/Professional Development program in this year’s conference needed to be powerful and focused. The topics at this years professional development sessions were: Communication Toolbox The Justice Institute of British Columbia and Certificate of Recognition Internal Auditor Training

– WHS Consulting, B.C. Municipal Safety Association. Great job planning committee!
Tuesday evening was the Presidents’ reception held once again in the Penticton Conference Centre. President Chuck Morris welcomed a room full of enthusiastic and chatty people that showed us just how right it was to be together while knowing full well that the lessons we have learned over the last few years regarding gatherings are still valid today and likely to continue indefinitely.
Opening Ceremonies on Wednesday morning kicked off the beginning of the next three days of lectures, courses, and presentations as well as the opportunity for members to engage with 125 exhibitors and vendors that were presenting the products and services we use in B.C. school district facilities.
The zone meetings and the election of the zone reps were also held first thing Wednesday morning with excellent discussions and stories from the last two years that each member experienced within their zones. They also began planning the zone meeting schedules and presenters for the upcoming year. Thank you to all zone reps for all your time and effort in helping to keep our zones relevant and your colleagues informed.

New member orientation was a very positive meeting that allowed many of our past presidents and members of our Executive the chance to welcome the new members to our Association. This was also the time to share information about what is expected of each EFMA member as it relates to our Standards and Practices and Code of Ethics. Each new member was also encouraged to seek out any active member of our Association, Executive, Past President or Life member over the next few days to answer any questions they may have regarding our Association and the role that we play.
The conference sessions wrapped up Friday afternoon with the Ministry update. We once again want to thank the Ministry of Education Capital Management Branch for continuing to provide our members with uptodate information on Ministry Capital planning initiatives and programs.
Our 2022 2023 planning committee is now working on the 2023 Conference to be held in sunny Penticton May 29 – June 2, 2023.
If you have any questions on becoming an active member of EFMA please contact myself or view our website for details.
Mark your calendars. See you all at the conference in 2023. n