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Nitro Pipe Freeze providing a safe lockout of pipe systems since 2009

Safety is Our Priority
Since 2009, we have been providing our customers with a safe lockout of pipe systems. We are proud that our safe work procedure instigated a new regulation guideline at Worksafe B.C. to allow for ice plugs as safe alternative means of isolation to pipe systems. De-energization and lockout guideline G10.4(6) states that a cryogenic system is an approved alternative to lockout for cases where freezing the pipe contents to form a plug (freeze plug) in the pipe is used to block piping and isolate equipment. As pioneers in our industry, we are constantly in - novating and improving our systems and procedures to help meet the challenges our customers face in the field.
We Offer Solutions
Our Operations Manager, Matt Farrell is a ticketed Red Seal Plumber qualified in the UK and Canada, “We aim to go above and beyond purely pipe freezing when providing service to our customers. Our approach is to collaborate to help provide the best overall solution to our customer and their clients. We prefer to be involved from the planning stage through to advising on preparing the pipe system prior to the job commenc- ing. This way we can help to guide our customers to help achieve the conditions for a safe freeze plug and a successful job whilst reducing or eliminating system downtime”
We Are Responsive
Our fleet of four trucks operate from our headquarters in Vancouver’s Strathcona neighbourhood, within a few minutes of Vancouver’s downtown core. We keep liquid nitrogen on hand at our facility so that we can cover any eventuality or emergency. We provide service throughout Metro Vancouver and B.C. as well as further afield if required.
We Are Experienced
The typical operating pressure for these systems is 100 bars/1450 PSI.
We are affiliated members of MCABC and UA170 since 2009.
We have a perfect safety record since inception and have been continuously covered by WCB. For more information, visit nitropipefreeze.com. n
Simple architecture, planning, and interior design solutions for complex challenges in the built environment.
Our team’s experience is over 30 years and more than 30,000 freeze plugs to date. We work in all types of facilities including hospitals, hotels, petro chemical plants, industrial, mills, airports, commercial, and residential. We have frozen most types of pipe materials and solutions including chemicals, brine, glycol diesel. We regularly hold back pressures of between 30 – 300 PSI and our technicians have also safely held back 200 bars/2900 PSI during work on in-service cruise ships in Canada Place and Port of Los Angeles, USA. Freezing the HI-FOG system for Marioff fire protection systems, the system repairs and upgrades are tested with 200 bars of pressure applied between the plugs. thinkspace.ca