4 minute read
Halton Region
Aerosports Trampoline Parks Oakville 2 & 3, 2679 Bristol Circle Oakville, ON L6H 6C8 T: (905) 829-2989 www.aerosportspark.ca/oakville
African Lion Safari 1386 Cooper Road Cambridge, ON N1R 5S2 T: (519) 623-2620 | F: (519) 623-9542 E: admin@lionsafari.com www.lionsafari.com
AgScape – Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc. 8560 Tremaine Road, PO Box 460 Milton, ON L9T 4Z1 T: (905) 878-1510 | F: (905) 878-0342 E: info@agscape.ca www.agscape.ca
Andrews Farm Market & Winery 9365 10th Sideroad Milton, ON L9T 2X9 T: (905) 878-5807 www.andrewsscenicacres.com
Art Gallery of Burlington 1333 Lakeshore Road Burlington, ON L7S 1A9 T: (905) 632-7796 | F: (905) 632-0278 E: info@artgalleryofburlington.com www.artgalleryofburlington.com Art Gallery of Hamilton 123 King Street W Hamilton, ON L8P 4S8 T: (905) 527-6610 E: education@artgalleryofhamilton.com www.artgalleryofhamilton.com
Artistic Way Ltd. 1003 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6C 2C7 T: (416) 760-9027 E: art@artisticway.ca www.artisticway.ca
Aspire Climbing and Fitness Inc. 104 Bronte Street N Milton, ON L9T 2N5 T: (905) 864-1442 E: info@aspireclimbing.ca www.aspireclimbing.com
Big Village – a global fairtrade market 12 Garnet Drive Georgetown, ON L7G 1K6 T: (905) 702-1787 E: liz@bigvillage.ca www.bigvillage.ca Bronte Creek Provincial Park 1219 Burloak Drive Oakville, ON L6M 4J7 T: (905) 827-6911 E: bcppfriends@gmail.com www.brontecreek.org
Champions of History – Early Societies Programs & Stage Combat 201 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6 T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787) E: info@championsofhistory.com www.championsofhistory.com
Cineplex – Education Cinema & More Various locations in Ontario T: (800) 313-4461 E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Dairy Farmers of Ontario 6780 Campobello Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8 T: (905) 821-8970 E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org

Oakville Galleries
2022-23 School Programs
With a commitment to fostering creativity, confidence, and critical thinking skills in children and youth, Oakville Galleries presents school programs that give students opportunities to look at, discuss, and make art where they are encouraged to experiment with new ideas and specialized materials.
As one of Canada’s premier contemporary art museums, Oakville Galleries offers innovative field trips and in-class visits that make the visual arts accessible and engaging for all students.
All programs are designed to promote inquiry-based learning; to support the development of students’ collaborative and innovative learning abilities; and to emphasize big ideas and interdisciplinary engagement.
Location Programs can take place in your classroom or at our Gairloch Gardens location (1306 Lakeshore Road East). On-site programs include a guided tour of a current exhibition.
Program Fees Duration: full day Fee: $12 per student (minimum fee of $250 applies) on site or $15 per student (minimum fee of $300 applies) in your classroom. Available: Year-round
2022-23 School Programs with Oakville Galleries
Enrich your students’ education with hands-on visual arts workshops taught by professional arts educators, with innovative field trips and in-class visits!

Oakville Galleries in Gairloch Gardens and at Centennial Square

Halton Region

Fallsview Indoor Waterpark 5685 Falls Avenue Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6W7 T: (905) 374-4444 E: reserve@niagarafallshotels.com www.fallsviewwaterpark.com
Focus UP – Improvisation / Stage Combat 201 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6 T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787) E: info@focusupcreativity.com www.focusupcreativity.com
Fly Toronto / Oakville 2007 Winston Park Drive Oakville, ON L6H 6P5 T: (289) 795-4000 E: info@iflytoronto.com www.iflytoronto.com
Kreative Kidz Art Bus 794044 3rd Line EHS Mono, ON L9W 5Y7 T: (647) 235-4464 E: info@kreativekidzartbus.com www.kreativekidzartbus.com
Marineland of Canada 7657 Portage Road Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X8 T: (905) 356-9565 E: groupsales@marineland.ca www.marineland.ca
Mountsberg Conservation Area 2259 Milburough Line Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 T: (905) 854-2276 E: web@hrca.on.ca www.conservationhalton.ca Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens / Butterfly Conservatory 2565 Niagara Parkway Niagara Falls, ON L2E 2S7 T: (905) 356-8119 E: npinfo@niagaraparks.com www.niagaraparks.com
Oakville Galleries at Centennial Square 120 Navy Street Oakville, ON L6J 2Z4 T: (905) 844-4402 | F: (905) 844-7968 E: education@oakvillegalleries.com www.oakvillegalleries.com
Oakville Galleries in Gairloch Gardens 1306 Lakeshore Road E Oakville, ON L6J 1L6 T: (905) 844-4402 | F: (905) 844-7968 E: education@oakvillegalleries.com www.oakvillegalleries.com
ONE AXE Pursuits 24 Henderson Street Elora, ON N0B 1S0 T: (519) 846-8888 E: hello@oneaxepursuits.com www.oneaxepursuits.com
Putting Edge – Oakville Entertainment Centrum 2085 Winston Park Drive Oakville, ON L6H 6P5 T: (905) 829-8833 E: info@puttingedge.com www.puttingedge.com Roseneath Theatre 651 Dufferin Street, 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M6K 2B2 T: (416) 686-5199 E: education@roseneath.ca www.roseneath.ca
Shaw Festival 10 Queen’s Parade, Box 774 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 T: (905) 468-2172 E: boxoffice@shawfest.com www.shawfest.com
Souptogo 573 Parkside Drive Waterdown, ON L8B 0G7 T: (905) 689-1652 E: info@soup-to-go.ca www.soup-to-go.ca
Stratford Festival 55 Queen Street Stratford, ON N5A 4M9 T: (519) 273-1600 E: groups@stratfordfestival.ca www.stratfordfestival.ca
Toronto Rock Lacrosse Club 1132 Invicta Drive, Second Floor Oakville, ON L6H 6G1 T: (416) 596-3075 | F: (905) 339-3473 E: info@torontorock.com www.torontorock.com
Town of Oakville 1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville, ON L6H 0H3 T: (905) 845-6601 | F: (905) 815-2025 E: service@oakville.ca www.oakville.ca
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