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Pemmican Island Project – EV/battery metal Ni/Zn/Co/Pb/Cu/Ag/Au
Assays from the outcrop in the above picture
• 1.18 per cent nickel
• 0.76 per cent zinc
• 1,400 ppm lead
• 830 ppm cobalt
• 120 ppb gold
• A short-angle hole under the outcrop above yielded
• 20 feet 0.61 per cent zinc, starting at 15 metres down hole
• Within the 20 feet was six inches 4.59 per cent zinc, 0.41 per cent lead, .014 per cent copper, 10.4 per cent iron, 14.05 per cent sulfur, 62 ppm silver Highlights of conclusions-geophysical survey

The most positive outcome from the magnetic and large-loop transient EM surveys at the Pemmican island property is that there appears to be an anomalous magnetic and conductive formation coincident with the inferred sulphide zone trending northeast under lake Winnipegosis from the island.
ICP analyses
Five small loose chip samples from the mineralized interval from DDH Klyne No. 3, sent for ICP-MS analysis, returned the following: 1. 95 per cent dolomite and five per cent sulphide − 6.04 per cent Zn and l.04 per cent Pb
2. 80 per cent dolomite and 20 per cent sulphide − 31.2 per cent Zn, 6882.6 ppm Pb, 62 ppm Ag
3. 75 per cent dolomite and 25 per cent sulphide − 5.66 per cent Zn and 1.04 per cent Pb
4. 100 per cent sulphide − 7.84 per cent
Zn, 2753.6 ppm Pb, 23 ppm Ag
5. 95 per cent dolomite and five per cent sulphide-0.98 per cent Zn and 1605.7 ppm Pb
From Cominco airborne geophysics completed in the 1990s, depth to bottom is 400 metres; there is an intrusive under pemmican island that is 300 metres to top and another a mile away, which is 200 metres to top. The geophysical classification under Pemmican Island is Mafic-ultramafic flow. 6

Used Oil & Antifreeze Recycling:
The Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corp. (MARRC) manages the Used Oil & Antifreeze Recycling Programs.
We are very much interested in assisting
communities in the north with recycling their used oil, filters, containers as well as antifreeze and its containers.