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Quarry Project (gold
By Ken Klyne
Grab samples from quarry.
I had originally staked this area as a retirement project as it is close to Winnipeg. The assessment files show a couple of short shafts with native copper/gold showings. There is also a 30-foot adit following a quartz vein.
Six months later, the contractor building the new road north to the First Nations reserves on the east side of Lake Winnipeg started quarrying on one of my claims. The quarry started out the size of an Olympic pool, and now you could fit a football field in there.
Multiple veins showed up. The two zones appear to be four feet wide and 50 feet wide. Soon I was making weekly trips tracking the quarry expansion progress. More claims were staked to complete a land position. Prospecting/assaying is ongoing as is mapping of direction and length of quartz veins. 6