2 minute read
No stone unturned
Dr. Dave Webb inspecting a vein at the Mon Gold Mine in 2021.
Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd. has been working on restarting its wholly-owned Mon Mine in the prolific Yellowknife Greenstone Belt in the NWT, Canada. Development of stopes below the past-producing West Stope, where 12,000 tonnes grading 30 gpt gold were extracted in the 1990’s, commenced in late 2021. The East Stope and extension around a fold hinge yielded an additional 3,000 tonnes at a similar grade.
All mining equipment and supplies have been delivered to the property, the camp and shops are installed and operations are ready to commence. In late 2021, a three-by-four-metre ramp was driven 132 metres to intersect the vein 17 metres below the old stopes. The plan is to extend this ramp another 70 metres +/- to where historic drill holes, including 61.38 gpt gold over 1.2 metres in 87-11, 47.49 gpt gold over 3.0 metres in 89-7, 25.31 gpt gold over 1.7 metres in 89-14, and more recently, 15.29 gpt gold over 1.6 metres in NDM-3 have been
encountered. Stopes to be developed in this material are expected to produce material similar in nature to that from the stopes above.
Operating crews have past experience mining this property in the 1990’s and other properties in the Yellowknife Gold Belt in the 2000’s. It is worth noting that two other mines that commenced operations at 100 tpd in the Yellowknife Gold Belt include the Discovery Mine (past production one-million ounces of gold at 30 gpt) and the Con Mine (past production six-million ounces of gold at 15 gpt). Mon Property, mining and processing at the permitted 100 tpd rate will commence and additional resources are expected to be developed to sustain operations.
Work across the consolidated 2,700 hectare property discovered a silver and gold-rich volcanogenic massive sulphide horizon whose existence had been speculated on in the past, but remained undiscovered until 2018. And to illustrate the “no stone unturned” adage and that there are always opportunities, a large gabbroic intrusion greater than 600-metres thick was found to host significant nickel, cobalt gold, platinum, and palladium values in sampling following up a biogeochemical survey. Work in 2022 on this discovery has identified similar sulphide-poor showings discontinuously
Camp at the Mon Mine in July 2021.

Scoop loading truck.

over a 200 metre strike-length. Samples have been delivered to the laboratory for analysis, and petrographic samples have been delivered to laboratories for characterization of this unusual showing where nickel values greater than one per cent and cobalt values of 0.18 per cent have been obtained. This is the first significant nickel + cobalt + PGM discovery in the Yellowknife Gold Belt.
Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd. is run by an experienced team of miners and financers with many decades of experience. Dr. D.R. Webb, PhD, P.Geol, P.Eng, president, CEO, and a director is committed to this project and leads the team. Webb controls over 25 per cent of the shares in the company, completed both his M.Sc. and his PhD
on projects in Yellowknife, and has been involved in mine development in North America, Africa, Asia, and Europe over the past 40 years. 7