1 minute read
Message from the editor, Shayna Wiwierski
I think we can all agree that 2020 was a year no one will ever forget.
With the COVID-19 pandemic throwing a wrench into every industry’s plans starting in March 2020, exploration and mining activity in the north slowed down but did continue on a number of northern projects.
In the Northwest Territories, there were 99 mineral claims staked in 2020 and exploration drilling on gold and base metal projects continued to yield positive results. In the Yukon, there were 95 active hard rock exploration projects in 2020, with 23 of those projected to have expenditures of $1 million Canadian dollars or more.
As for Nunavut, as per a recently released economic analysis by the Conference Board of Canada titled “The Impact of COVID-19 on Canada’s Territorial Economies”, since Nunavut was able to still pursue mining in the midst of the pandemic, this industry will account for over one-third of the territory’s economy in 2020, a share that is higher than any other province or territory in the country.
Since mining was deemed an essential service early on in the crisis, activity went on as (somewhat) usual. In this issue of North of 60 magazine we take a look at a few different exploration companies and the activity they have been up to over the last year, as well as what the future holds. We also explore a few other interesting features, such as how University of Alberta researchers found diamonds with gold in Canada’s northern territories which offer clues to Earth’s early history. Lastly, we also have all those supplier features you know and love, as well as industry editorials from agencies dealing with mining in our great nation.
I hope you enjoy this 2021 issue of North of 60 magazine and if you have any story ideas, comments or just want to say hi, I encourage you to get in touch with us through our website, miningnorthof60.com, where you can also find more Northern Canada mining news throughout the year.
Enjoy, and as always, strike gold!
Shayna Wiwierski