Ontario Prospector Summer 2020

Page 14

Gatling reaping the rewards of exploration on Cadillac-Larder Break Award-winning explorers enjoying repeated success at Larder gold project in Northern Ontario


s any experienced investor will tell you, it’s hard to find a great gold exploration project these days and almost impossible to find one in a safe, favoured ju-

mediate success with a string of high-grade hits that quick-

risdiction. Gatling Exploration’s 3,370-hectare project sits

hits continued, Gatling’s team expanded the program from

within the McVittie and McGarry Townships of Northern

10,000 metres to 20,000 metres and then again to 35,000

Ontario, just seven kilometres west of the Kerr-Addison gold


Drilling commenced in January 2019 and saw almost imly expanded the footprint of the Bear deposit. As the drill

mine. With three high-grade gold deposits over a 4.5-kilo-

By September, the footprint of all three deposits had in-

metre trend, an historical resource just shy of one million

creased and two had been connected for a 2.5 kilometres un-

ounces Au, and prior exploration data from over $8 million of

broken mineralized strike length.

work in the last decade, Larder seems to have it all.

Proving that Larder hosts a single, very large mineralized

“We picked up the Larder assets when we were running

system is not the only major win for the company. The dis-

Bonterra. Investors wanted us to stay laser focused on the

trict is known for massive but deep deposits and previous

Gladiator deposit so we eventually spun out Larder into Gat-

operators believed that part of Larder’s mineralization was

ling, along with enough money for an aggressive drill pro-

only to be found at depth. However, Gatling has hit consid-

gram,” explains founder and CEO Nav Dhaliwal, who brought

erable grades at and near surface, which hints at the possi-

a carefully picked team with him to Gatling.”

bilities for future open-pit production.

“What really interested us was that these three deposits

Not content with hitting so many milestones in such as

had been worked at various times by some great operators

short space of time, Gatling scooped up more land. Adjacent

but always individually. Our VP exploration, Nathan Tribble,

to the north, the Kir Vit claims sit six kilometres from the

used to be Sprott’s principle geologist. He worked at Larder

main trend at Larder. Teck Resources had previously spent

back in 2013 and had always felt the deposits were as part

over $2 million on fieldwork, which essentially gave Gatling

of a single system of great size. No one else had managed to

a very attractive, drill-ready prospect.

consolidate the land packages before now and so his theory was untested until Gatling went to work.” 14 Ontario Prospector summer 2020

At the beginning of March 2020, Gatling announced that it had hit gold at Kir Vit with 13 out of 16 holes over a

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