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2023 property taxes, alarm permits, and T.I.P.P.
Property Taxes
2023 Property Tax Statements were mailed out in June.
If you did not receive a copy of your Property Tax Statement, please contact us at 204-239-8308. Taxes are due on July 31, 2023.
To avoid waiting in line, we offer a variety of payment options.
Please note electronic payments take three to five days to process. To avoid penalty, allow sufficient time for your payment to be received by the City on or before the due date.
• Online banking: set up through your financial institution
• Telpay: www.telpay.ca
• Mail: cheque or money order made payable to City of Portage la Prairie 97 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0L8.
Cheques and post-dated cheques must be dated and received at City Hall by the due date of July 31, 2023, before 4:30 p.m.
• After hours: a night deposit box is located on the east front door of City Hall.
• E-Transfer: to payments@city-plap.com. Instructions are available on our website.
• Credit card: online only through Pay Simply at www.paysimply.ca Fees of 2.5% apply.
• In person: at City Hall Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
• TIPP: Properties set up on the preauthorized payment program will continue to have payments withdrawn monthly as scheduled.
If you have sold the property, please return the property tax statement to City Hall.
Alarm Permits
Alarm permits are required for alarm systems installed in any residential or commercial building. There is no charge for this permit. Contact City Hall at 204-239-8309 or officeclerk@city-plap.com for more information.
If you currently have a permit, please ensure that all information is current by calling City Hall at 204-239-8309.
Tax Installment
Pay your 2024 property taxes in 12 easy monthly installments on the 15th of each month beginning January 15, 2024. Applications should be submitted by December 15, 2023.
Complete the TIPP application found on the City website, visit City Hall, or call 204-239-8308 for more information.