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City of Portage la Prairie FoodCycler™ Pilot Program
asked to track the amount of waste they’re diverting using a tracking sheet provided by the City. At the end of the 12 weeks, there will be a closing survey to share experiences and give feedback on the program. Once participants have gone through the steps of purchasing, tracking, and completing the survey, the system will be theirs to keep.
After the $100/unit municipal subsidy and additional Impact Canada subsidy, the cost to participating residents was only $170 plus tax for the FoodCycler™ FC-30 (2.5L bucket) or $320 plus tax for the FoodCycler Maestro (5L bucket).
More information on the program is available at: www.city-plap.com/cityplap/departments/operations/solidwaste/foodcycler-pilot-program.
FoodCycler™ offers:
• 90 percent reduction in food waste volume.
• 95 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from food waste.
FoodCycler™ is:
• Energy Efficient: Less than $2 in energy costs each month.
• Odourless: Carbon filtration controls odours!
• Easy to Use: Just press Start!