2 minute read
Do you have old obsolete speed reducers? Sumitomo can help

Paramax reducer with bottom motor mount, kidney lube system and rigid output coupling. Paramax reducer with side motor mount, kidney lube system and rigid output coupling. Paramax reducer upright mounted with motor lantern and transition base to offer drop in replacement.
The potash industry in Canada dates back to the early 1960’s, that’s over 60 years. Over this time, a lot has changed with multiple generations of speed reducers being installed. Some, but not many, are still in service and need to be replaced or repaired. Parts and direct replacements are no longer available.
Sumitomo Drive Technologies (SM Cyclo of Canada, Ltd.) and Hansen Industrial Transmission have worked with all the potash mines in Canada, primarily Saskatchewan. We have been very successful in replacing some of these old obsolete units with current units that offer higher mechanical ratings and higher efficiencies than the old obsolete ones. We pride ourselves in thinking outside the box, talking to the customer to understand their challenges and finding out what they would like to see in their new drive arrangement.
Many times we are asked to replace old units that have large chain drives on the head shaft to eliminate that chain drive and mount the reducer directly on the shaft. We can do that! You don’t want the motor on top of the reducer as it will be too high for the maintenance team. We will work with you to find the perfect solution.
Do you have a drive that has no head room or bottom room to mount a motor? We can help design a side-mount motor mount and work with the space you have available. Sumitomo is ready for any challenging application and will fully explain how our drive system will work in your application. We will never leave you guessing how things will be installed or operated.
Do you have an application where you want to keep that chain drive but want a drop-in replacement? We can help with that as well. We have many different drive styles: inline, right angle, parallel, offset parallel. Not to mention our electrical division includes motors, VFD’s, and condition monitoring systems.
Sumitomo Drive Technologies (SM Cyclo of Canada, Ltd.) and Hansen Industrial Transmission have been working with the potash companies in Canada since the early ‘70s with the Hansen product. Those potash companies have grown with the Sumitomo product lines since we opened in Canada in 1984. We currently have well over 1,000 Paramax and Hansen drives installed and running. We are very proud to say we help produce the potash in Canada that helps feed the world.
If you have a tough critical piece of equipment that you need to run trouble free, please call Sumitomo Drive Technologies and let us show you what we can do. s