62 minute read
RCN Membership Listings
Allrite Heating & Ventilation Ltd.
Contact: John Worswick 869 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3K5 Tel: 250.612.3912 | Fax: 250.612.0094 john@allriteheating.com | www.allriteheating.com Ventilation equipment and components, Mechanical Contractors, Supply and install ventilation/mechanical systems.
Alpha Training Solutions
PO Box 6730 Station Main, Fort St. John V1J 4J3 Tel: 250.787.9315 | Fax: 250.787.8839 reception@alpha-training.ca | www.alpha-training.ca Safety & Health Services, Education & training consultants, courses, etc..
ALS Environmental Laboratories
Contact: Geoff Archibald 10712A 101 Avenue , Fort St. John V1J 2B9 Tel: 250.261.5517 Geoff.Archibald@alsglobal.com | www.alsglobal.com Analytical laboratories & supplies.
ALX Exploration Services
Contact: Currie Dixon 33 Levich Drive, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0A8 Tel: 867.668.6096 info@alx.ca | www.alx.ca Exploration services & consultants, Analytical laboratories & supplies, Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
AME – Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia
Contact: Kendra Johnston 800, 889 West Pender Street, Vancouver V6C 3B2 Tel: 604.689.5271 | Fax: 604.681.2363 info@amebc.ca | www.amebc.ca Associations.
Andrew Sheret Limited
Contact: Dennis Lalonde 1995 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X2 Tel: 250.561.2444 | Fax: 250.561.2488 m4rk3ting@sheret.com | www.sheret.com Heating and Cooling (HVAC), Pumps, Contractors.
Andrew Sheret Limited
Contact: Jim Golder 4650 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 4K1 Tel: 250.638.8840 | Fax: 250.638.8845 m4rk3ting@sheret.com | www.sheret.com Heating and Cooling (HVAC), Pumps, Contractors.
Apex Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Bill Wookey / Bill McIntyre Box 477, 6118 Harvard Way, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4300 info@apexdrill.com | www.apexdrill.com Drilling contract services, drilling equipment & supplies.
Applied Industrial Technologies
Contact: Mike Ryeo 1084 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8 Tel: 250.562.1114 | Fax: 250.562.1761 4104@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com Sales, service, engineering of hydraulic & power transmission products, Repair & service of hydraulic equipment & gearboxes, Engineering & fabrication of hydraulic power units & equipment.
Applied Industrial Technologies
205B Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5 Tel: 250.992.7038 | Fax: 250.992.3727 4105@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com Sales, service, engineering of hydraulic & power transmission products, Repair & service of hydraulic equipment & gearboxes, Engineering & fabrication of hydraulic power units & equipment.
Applied Industrial Technologies
871 South MacKenzie Avenue, Williams Lake V2G 3X8 Tel: 250.392.2388 | Fax: 250.392.5322 4106@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com Sales, service, engineering of hydraulic & power transmission products, Repair & service of hydraulic equipment & gearboxes, Engineering & fabrication of hydraulic power units & equipment.
Archer CRM Partnership
Contact: Frank Craig Box 523, 177 East Columbia Street, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0 Tel: 250.567.9496 | Fax: 250.567.9492 f.craig@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca Archaeological Consultants, Cultural Heritage Resources , GIS – mapping services, Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Archer CRM Partnership
Contact: Peter Gross 952 4 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3H8 Tel: 250.562.0444 | Fax: 250.562.0445 p.gross@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca Archaeological Consultants, Cultural Heritage Resources , GIS – mapping services, Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Archer CRM Partnership
Contact: Remi Farvacque 9008 109 Street, Fort St John V1J 6H4 Tel: 250.261.5584 | Fax: 250.261.5474 r.farvacque@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca Archaeological Consultants, Cultural Heritage Resources , GIS – mapping services, Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Armtec Inc.
Contact: Iain Elder 2001 Industrial Way, Prince George V2N 5S6 Tel: 250.561.0017 | Fax: 250.561.1240 iain.elder@armtec.com | www.armtec.com Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Ground control equipment & supplies, Water – treatment & equipment services.
Armtec Inc.
Contact: Krystal Wiebe 1287 Boundary Road, Prince George V2N 5T2 Tel: 250.561.2911 | Fax: 250.561.0273 krystal.wiebe@armtec.com | www.armtec.com Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Bridge drainage solutions, Metal fabrication supplies & services.
Armtec Inc.
Contact: Lisa Marshall Mile 2 1/2 Alaska Highway, PO Box 545, Dawson Creek V1G 4H4 Tel: 250.782.8335 | Fax: 250.782.2505 lisa.marshall@armtec.com | www.armtec.com Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Bridge drainage solutions, Metal fabrication supplies & services.
Assa Abloy Entrance Systems
Contact: Peter Shane 2278 South Nicholson Street, Prince George V2N 1V8 Tel: 250.563.0195 | Fax: 250.563.3719 info.pg.aaes@assaabloy.com | www.assaabloyentrance.ca Doors, overhead doors and windows, MegaDoor and High Speed Rubber Door System.
Atlantic Industries Limited (AIL)
Contact: Mike Desautels 4155 Crozier Road, Armstrong V0E 1B6 Tel: 250.546.9479 mdesautels@ail.ca | www.ail.ca Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Bridge Builders, Closure, reclamation & remediation.
ATS Electro-Lube International Inc.
7388 Wilson Avenue, Delta V4G 1H3 Tel: 800.663.8141 info@atselectrolube.com | www.atselectrolube.com Lubricants, Self-contained lubrication solutions.
Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Lee York 3364 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 888.420.1092 Lee_York@babinetruck.com | www.babinetruck.com Auto parts – gasoline and diesel vehicles, Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd.
Contact: John Bandstra 9341 Rock Island Road, Prince George V2N 5T4 Tel: 888.698.2741 John_Bandstra@babinetruck.com | www.babinetruck.com Auto parts – gasoline and diesel vehicles, Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
Badger Daylighting Inc.
Contact: Clayton Lode 123, 34A 2755 Lougheed Highway, Port Coquitlam V3B 5Y9 Tel: 778.874.7015 clode@badgerinc.com | www.badgerinc.com Hydrovac Excavation, Vacuum Truck Services – material management, Water – treatment & equipment services.
Badger Daylighting Inc.
Contact: Pat Magnusson 9630 Sikanni Road, Fort St. John V1J 4V1 Tel: 250.785.2100 pmagnusson@badgerinc.com | www.badgerinc.com Hydrovac Excavation, Vacuum Truck Services – material management, Water – treatment & equipment services.
Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd.
Contact: Rick Prest PO Box 95, 3394 Hwy 16 East, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 800.571.2057 info@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Logistics Services, Moving.
Bank of Montreal
Contact: Ante Cirko 1445 West Central Street, Prince George V2M 5S5 Tel: 250.565.8650 | Fax: 250.565.8610 ante.cirko@bmo.com | www.bmo.com Financial services, accounting & wealth management.
Bank of Montreal
Contact: Nicola Budd 10207 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3Y8 Tel: 250.785.8356 | Fax: 250.787.0314 nicola.budd@bmo.com | www.bmo.com Financial services, accounting & wealth management.
Bank of Montreal
Contact: Iain Acton 4666 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1R4 Tel: 250.615.6150 | Fax: 250.635.6963 iain.acton@bmo.com | www.bmo.com Financial services, accounting & wealth management.
BAT Construction Ltd.
Contact: Dan Sims 10230 Dallas Drive, Kamloops V2C 6T4 Tel: 250.573.1222 | Fax: 250.573.1236 info@batconstruction.com | www.batconstruction.com Drilling Equipment & supplies, Civil construction projects, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Belterra Corporation
Contact: Russ Allen 2247 South Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X4 Tel: 250.562.1245 | Fax: 250.562.8817 princegeorge@belterra.ca | www.belterra.ca Conveyor maintenance & repair, Bulk materials – handling equipment, Mineral – processing equipment, supplies & services.
Benchmark Automotive Services Inc.
Contact: Chris Desrochers 3532 Massey Drive, Prince George V2N 2M4 Tel: 250.564.5000 | Fax: 250.564.3045 info@benchmarkpg.ca | www.benchmarkpg.ca Surface mobile equipment & components, Vehicle maintenance & repair, Education and training.
Geotechnical Stabilization Services and Expertise SINCE 1988
• Slope Mesh SystemsHorizontal Drain Hole Drilling Rope Access • Shotcrete & Shoring
Geotechnical Stabilization • Mine Services Remote Access Construction • Blasting & Boulder Breaking
Betts Electric Ltd.
Contact: Cameron Betts 280 Industrial Avenue, Penticton V2A 3H8 Tel: 250.492.3221 | Fax: 250.492.3343 info@bettselectric.com | www.bettselectric.com Automation & communications, Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Electrical Contractors.
Bid Group Construction
Contact: Leif Norrgard 101, 1323 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L6 Tel: 250.561.0140 | Fax: 250.649.1880 leif.norrgard@bidgroup.ca | www.bidgroup.ca Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Cranes & rigging – services and equipment, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair.
BigSteelBox Structures
Contact: David Haas 880 Dalton Road, Kelowna V1X 2P9 Tel: 250.763.9660 info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelboxstructures.com Container – Based Steel Modular Buildings, Storage, Custom Enclosures.
BigSteelBox Structures
Contact: Lianne Ransom 5495 Hartway Drive, Prince George V2K 5B6 Tel: 250.962.6432 info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelboxstructures.com Container – Based Steel Modular Buildings, Storage, Custom Enclosures.
BigSteelBox Structures
2990 Highway 16 East, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 800.373.1187 info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelboxstructures.com Container – Based Steel Modular Buildings, Storage, Custom Enclosures.
BigSteelBox Structures
3550 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 5J3 Tel: 800.373.1187 info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelboxstructures.com Container – Based Steel Modular Buildings, Storage, Custom Enclosures.
BigSteelBox Structures
Contact: Lianne Ransom Mile 47 Alaska Highway, Fort St. John V1J 4M6 Tel: 250.262.1466 info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelboxstructures.com Container – Based Steel Modular Buildings, Storage, Custom Enclosures.
B.K. Two-Way Radio Ltd.
Contact: Tanya Kenna 1195 Cariboo Highway, Quesnel V2J 2Y3 Tel: 250.992.9007 | Fax: 250.992.7490 main@bktwoway.ca | www.bktwoway.ca Automation & communications, Wireless sales, services, rentals, and installations.
B.K. Two-Way Radio Ltd.
Contact: Tanya Kenna 101, 3963 15 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1A5 Tel: 250.562.4856 | Fax: 250.562.0020 main@bktwoway.ca | www.bktwoway.ca Automation & communications, Wireless sales, services, rentals, and installations.
Black Diamond Energy Services
Box 1629, 4505 Woods Court, Fort Nelson V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.321.0488 | www.blackdiamondgroup.com Camp management services & supplies, Drilling equipment & supplies, Buildings – portable, Logistics.
Black Diamond Energy Services
9203 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6K6 Tel: 250.787.0476 | www.blackdiamondgroup.com Camp management services & supplies, Drilling equipment & supplies, Buildings – portable, Logistics.
Blastpro Construction Ltd.
Contact: Danielle Himech 2438 Pulton Avenue, Box 482, Houston V0J 1Z0 Tel: 250.845.0044 danielle@blastproconstruction.ca | www.blastproconstruction.ca Blasting equipment & services, Drilling equipment & supplies, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Blue Collar Group
Contact: Rita Rief 255 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5 Tel: 250.992.9709 | Fax: 866.230.8907 r.rief@shaw.ca | www.bluecollargroup.ca Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Cranes & rigging – services and equipment, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair.
Britco Boxx LP
Contact: Christoph Neufeld 21690 Smith Crescent , Langley V2Y 2R1 Tel: 604.888.2000 cneufeld@britco.com | www.britco.com Buildings, portable, Buildings, pre-engineered, Camp management services & supplies.
Britco Boxx LP
Contact: Kris Schmidt 6751 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4 Tel: 250.649.0040 kschmidt@britco.com | www.britco.com Buildings, portable, Buildings, pre-engineered, Camp management services & supplies.
Brock White Construction Materials
Contact: Paul Bryant 1706 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9 Tel: 250.564.1288 | Fax: 250.563.7333 pbryant@brockwhite.com | www.brockwhite.com Mine site construction services & products, Ground control equipment and supplies, Concrete construction materials.
Bulkley Valley Engineering Services Ltd. (BVES)
Contact: Eerik Lilles, P.Eng 3763 1 Avenue, Box 92 , Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.8795 info@bves.ca | www.bves.ca Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Engineering, Surveying.
Bulkley Valley Wholesale
Contact: Mike Bundock 3302 Highway 16, PO Box 667, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.3313 | Fax: 250.847.3906 mike_bundock@bvwholesale.ca | www.bulkleyvalleywholesale.com Food supplies – fresh, frozen, dry, bulk, Camp management services & supplies.
Bureau Veritas Mineral Laboratories
Contact: Virginie Pochard 9050 Shaughnessy Street, Vancouver V6P 6E5 Tel: 604.253.3158 bvminfo@ca.bureauveritas.com | www.bureauveritas.com/um Analytical laboratories & supplies.
BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable 2400 Telkwa High Road, Telkwa V0J 2X1 Tel: 250.877.9642 | Fax: 250.846.5402 info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca Industrial electrical (Mining, Camps, Hydro, LNG), Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable 4235 11 Avenue, New Hazelton V0J 2J1 Tel: 250.877.9642 | Fax: 250.846.5402 info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca Industrial electrical (Mining, Camps, Hydro, LNG), Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable 505 Brightwell Street, Stewart V0T 1W0 Tel: 250.877.9642 | Fax: 250.846.5402 info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca Industrial electrical (Mining, Camps, Hydro, LNG), Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
C3 Alliance Corp.
Contact: Dan Jepsen 408 688 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6B 1P1 Tel: 604.343.4847 info@c3alliancecorp.ca | www.c3alliancecorp.ca Project Consulting, Community Capacity Development, Event Management.
Canada Rig Mats Ltd.
Contact: Mitch Philpott 20897 Highway 16 East, Vanderhoof V0J 3A1 Tel: 250.574.6181 | Fax: 250.567.4008 info@canadarigmats.ca | www.canadarigmats.ca Manufacturer of rig mats, crane mats, Manufacturer of swamp mats, Manufacturer of core boxes and timbers.
CAT Rental Store
10714 Alaska Highway, Fort St. John V1J 1B3 Tel: (800) RENT-CAT (736-8228) | www.catrentalstore.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Supplier, Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
CAT Rental Store
1140 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3 Tel: (800) RENT-CAT (736-8228) | www.catrentalstore.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Supplier, Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
CBIG – Canadian Benefits Investments & Insurance Group Inc.
492 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 2J7 Tel: 250.564.7484 | Fax: 250.564.7490 info@cbiggroup.ca | www.cbiggroup.ca Insurance products, consultants & services, Financial services, accounting & wealth management, HR services, professionals & consultants.
Capri Motor Inn
Contact: Lisa Bowd 3984 Highway 16 West, PO Box 3418, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4226 caprismithers@citywest.ca | www.caprimotorinnsmithers.com Hotels, motels & inns, Leisure travel services & products, Pet-friendly accomodations.
Cariboo Chrome & Hydraulics Ltd.
Contact: Jamie Yorston 1685 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1W7 Tel: 250.562.0166 | Fax: 250.562.3855 jamieyorston@cariboochrome.com | www.cariboochrome.com Metal Fabrication and precision machining, Hydraulic components and accessories, Equipment maintenance & repair (forklift & loader booms, etc.).
Cascade Mechanical Ltd.
Contact: Jaron Sucholotosky 3863 18 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B1 Tel: 250.564.2883 | Fax: 250.564.2881 jaron@cascade-mechanical.ca | www.cascade-mechanical.ca Industrial contractor – pulp and paper, gas and chemical plants, Fiberglass division – Piping systems – services and alterations, Mechanical contractors – pumps, plumbing, pipes, & valves.
CC Industries Ltd.
Contact: Lee Carter 2229 Knell Road East, Prince George V2K 4A8 Tel: 800.663.6986 | Fax: 250.962.5042 info@ccindustries.net | www.ccindustries.net Metal fabrication supplies & services, Ventilation equipment & components, Welding.
Central Interior Catering & Consulting Ltd. (C.I.C.C.)
Contact: Natalie Theessen 570 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C3 Tel: 250.563.5332 | Fax: 250.563.5363 cicc@cicamps.com | www.cicamps.com Camp management services & supplies, Camp catering.
558 East Kent Avenue South, Vancouver V5X 4V6 Tel: 604.263.1671 | Fax: 604.263.0947 | www.cgis.ca Valves, Automation and Controls, Mechanical – pumps, plumbing, pipes, & valves.
10, 1839 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y8 Tel: 250.562.8261 | Fax: 250.562.5366 | www.cgis.ca Valves, Automation and Controls, Mechanical – pumps, plumbing, pipes, & valves.
CH4 Systems Inc.
Contact: Peter Biederstadt 13530 West Beaverly Road, Prince George V2N 5A6 Tel: 250.964.4070 | Fax: 250.964.4024 ch4sys@pgonline.com | n/a Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Instrumentation, Class A Natural Gas Services – Piping products & services.
CIF Construction Ltd.
Contact: Teresa Betts PO Box 2159, Prince George V2N 2J6 Tel: 250.564.8174 | Fax: 250.564.1339 info@cifcon.com | www.cifcon.com Concrete, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Surveying and Scaffolding.
Clear Blue Water Systems Ltd.
Contact: Wendy Wynn PO Box 248, Fort St. John V1J 6W7 Tel: 250.827.3737 info@clearbluewatersystems.ca | www.clearbluewatersystems.ca Drilling Contract Services, Potable water treatment sales and supplies, Pumps sales and service (includes hoist lifting).
College of New Caledonia – Nechako Region (Fort St. James Campus)
179 Douglas Street, PO Box 1557, Fort St. James V0J 1P0 Tel: 250.996.7019 cncfsj@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca Education and training, Safety & Health.
College of New Caledonia – (Burns Lake)
545 Highway 16 West, PO Box 5000, Burns Lake V0J 1E0 Tel: 250.692.1700 lksdist@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca Education and training, Safety & Health.
College of New Caledonia – Nechako Region (Vanderhoof Campus)
3231 Hospital Road, Vanderhoof V0J 3A2 Tel: 250.567.3200 nechako@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca Education and training, Safety & Health.
College of New Caledonia – Prince George
3330 22 Avenue , Prince George V2N 1P8 Tel: 250.562.2131 | Fax: 250.561.5867 askcnc@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca Education and training, Safety & Health.
College of the Rockies
2700 College Way, Box 8500, Cranbrook V1C 5L7 Tel: 250.489.2751 | Fax: 250.489.1790 info@cotr.bc.ca | www.cotr.bc.ca Education and training, Safety & Health.
Container West Manufacturing Ltd.
Contact: Sydney Kjellander 11660 Mitchell Road, Richmond V6V 1T7 Tel: 800.561.9530 info@containerwest.com | www.containerwest.com Buildings, Portable, Custom shipping containers.
Corestock Industrial Supply Ltd.
Contact: Darcy Buryn 229 Ongman Road, Prince George V2K 4K9 Tel: 877.564.3001 | Fax: 250.564.3020 sales@corestock.ca | www.corestock.ca Mineral processing – pumps, pipes, and valves, Hydraulic components and accessories.
C R Metal Fabricators Ltd.
Contact: Rob Beetstra 1970 17 Avenue, Campbell River V9W 4L9 Tel: 250.286.6313 | Fax: 250.286.6122 info@crmf.bc.ca | www.crmf.bc.ca Metal fabrication supplies & services, Ventilation equipment & components, CNC Plasma Cutting / Drafting and Design / Explosive Transport Boxes.
Crossroads C&I Distributors
105 12 King Edward Street, Coquitlam V3K 0E7 Tel: 604.421.1221 | Fax: 604.421.1203 coqsales@crossroadsci.com | www.crossroadsci.com Commercial, Industrial & Marine Insulation, Custom Fabricated Insulation, Metal & Accessories, Anti-Corrosion Gels, PPE, Heat Tracing.
Crownsmen Partners
Contact: Gerrod Downey 403 Columbia Street, New Westminster V3L 1A9 Tel: 778.819.6204 info@crownsmen.com | www.crownsmen.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Site construction.
CWA Engineers Inc.
Contact: Nadine Clark 380 2925 Virtual Way, Vancouver V5M 4X5 Tel: 604.637.2275 | Fax: 604.637.2276 info@cwaengineers.com | www.cwaengineers.com Engineering contractors, Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Inspection Services.
Datoff Bros Construction Ltd.
Contact: Tom Datoff 102 1837 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1X2 Tel: 250.960.2223 info@datoff.com | www.datoff.com Engineering Contractors, Concrete construction materials.
Distribution Now
Contact: Vince Pfannmuller 3945 22 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B7 Tel: 250.562.9036 | Fax: 250.562.9047 Vince.Pfannmuller@dnow.com | www.dnow.com Mineral – processing – pumps, pipes, & valves, Industrial supplies & consumables, Compressors, air.
Distribution Now
Contact: Trent Schell 696 Cree Road, Kamloops V2H 1G7 Tel: 250.372.5650 | Fax: 250.372.9101 trent.schell@dnow.com | www.dnow.com Mineral – processing – pumps, pipes, & valves, Industrial supplies & consumables, Compressors, air.
Distribution Now
Contact: John Sastaunik 11824 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 4H9 Tel: 250.785.5677 | Fax: 250.785.7607 John.Sastaunik@dnow.com | www.dnow.com Mineral – processing – pumps, pipes, & valves, Industrial supplies & consumables, Compressors, air.
District of Chetwynd
Contact: Ellen McAvany, Economic Development Officer 5400 North Access Road, PO Box 357, Chetwynd V0C 1J0 Tel: 250.401.4100 | Fax: 250.401.4101 Emcavany@gochetwynd.com | www.gochetwynd.com Economic Development, Municipal operations / permitting, housing, employment, & education contact.
District of Fort St. James
Contact: Brooke Eschuk, Economic Development Officer 477 Stuart Drive West, PO Box 640, Fort St. James V0J 1P0 Tel: 250.996.8233 | Fax: 250.996.2248 edo@fortstjames.ca | www.fortstjames.ca Economic Development, Municipal operations / permitting, housing, employment, & education contact.
District of MacKenzie
Contact: Carl Ceder, Economic Development Coordinator 1 MacKenzie Boulevard, Bag 340, Mackenzie V0J 2C0 Tel: 250.997.3221 | Fax: 250.997.5186 carl@districtofmackenzie.ca | www.districtofmackenzie.ca Economic Development, Municipal operations / permitting, housing, employment, & education contact.
DMC Chartered Professional Accountants Inc.
696 Brunswick Street, Prince George V2L 2C1 Tel: 250.564.2660 reception@dmca.bc.ca | www.dmca.bc.ca Financial services, accounting & wealth management, Management – consulting services.
Don Stewart Construction Ltd.
Contact: Don Stewart PO Box 4949, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.877.6767 don@stewartconstruction.ca | www.stewartconstruction.ca Contractors, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Driftwood Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Gina Hetherington PO Box 2650, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.877.2710 | Fax: 250.877.6256 info@driftwooddrilling.com | www.driftwooddrilling.com Drilling contract services, Mineral exploration, Geophysical surveys & consulting.
Dulux Paints
Contact: Joe Plamondon 1602 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9 Tel: 250.562.2466 paf8553@ppg.com | www.dulux.ca Specialty coatings.
Duz Cho Construction LP
Contact: Jacob Albertson 4821 South Access Road, PO Box 28, Chetwynd V0C 1J0 Tel: 250.788.3120 | Fax: 250.788.3188 reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
Duz Cho Logging Ltd.
Contact: Chris Hayward 5360 Ritchie Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0 Tel: 250.997.4420 | Fax: 250.997.5430 info@duzchologging.com | www.duzcho.com Logging and Land Clearing, Camp management services & supplies, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8 Tel: 250.562.5541 | Fax: 250.562.5561 pgoffice@dwbconsulting.ca | www.dwbconsulting.ca Natural Resource Consulting, Environmental Consultants, Engineering Contractors.
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
PO Box 98, Lac La Hache V0K 1T0 Tel: 250.396.7208 | Fax: 250.396.7222 dwbconsulting@xplornet.com | www.dwbconsulting.ca Natural Resource Consulting, Environmental Consultants, Engineering Contractors.
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
1725 Beach Road, Burns Lake V0J 1E0 Tel: 250.692.7211 | Fax: 250.692.7282 bloffice@dwbconsulting.ca | www.dwbconsulting.ca Natural Resource Consulting, Environmental Consultants, Engineering Contractors.
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
8130 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1W5 Tel: 250.785.1570 fsjoffice@dwbconsulting.ca | www.dwbconsulting.ca Natural Resource Consulting, Environmental Consultants, Engineering Contractors.
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
5028 49 Avenue, Chetwynd V0C 1J0 Tel: 250.788.7872 | Fax: 250.788.7812 chetwynd@dwbconsulting.ca | www.dwbconsulting.ca Natural Resource Consulting, Environmental Consultants, Engineering Contractors.
Dynamic Avalanche Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Elaine Lajeunesse 301, 306 First Street West, PO Box 2845, Revelstoke V0E 2S0 Tel: 250.837.4466 info@dynamicavalanche.com | www.dynamicavalanche.com Engineering contractors, Safety & health services, consultants, Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.).
Dynamic Capital Equipment Finance
Contact: Erik Benson 310 Vancouver Street, Prince George V2L 2N9 Tel: 250.860.4466 | Fax: 877.521.9273 | www.dynamic-capital.ca Financial services, accounting & wealth management, Insurance products, consultants & services.
Easy Build Structures Ltd.
Contact: Clayton Mickey 55, 13325 115 Avenue, Surrey V3R 0R8 Tel: 604.589.4280 | Fax: 604.589.4202 sales@easybuildstructures.ca | www.easybuildstructures.ca Buildings, Pre-engineered.
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Kevin Wilson 140 Stuart Drive West, PO Box 1270, Fort St James V0J 1P0 Tel: 250.996.2151 | Fax: 250.996.2186 inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca Environmental Consultants.
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Ben McFarlane 1315 Noranda Road East, Prince George V2K 5R6 Tel: 250.960.1155 | Fax: 250.960.1144 inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca Environmental Consultants.
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Scott Fraser 9607 112 Street, Fort St. John V1J 7C7 Tel: 250.787.6009 | Fax: 250.787.6083 inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca Environmental Consultants.
Edward Jones
Contact: Robert Hlina 5111 Domano Blvd, Prince George V2N 5E1 Tel: 250.964.2353 | Fax: 877.384.9267 bob.hlina@edwardjones.com | www.edwardjones.com Financial services, accounting & wealth management.
Equity Plumbing and Heating Ltd.
Contact: Brad Popoff 4912 Hart Highway , Prince George V2K 3A1 Tel: 250.563.1191 | Fax: 250.563.1070 info@equityplumbing.ca | www.equityplumbing.ca Pumps, pipes, and valves, Mechanical contractors, Mineral processing – Pumps, pipes, and valves.
Everguard Fire Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Perry 2083 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1X2 Tel: 250.563.1799 info@everguardbc.ca | www.everguardbc.ca Fire prevention and suppression.
Excel Personnel Inc.
Contact: Karen Watt 204, 1300 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y3 Tel: 250.596.3683 | Fax: 250.374.3854 talent@excel.bc.ca | www.excel.bc.ca Staffing, Personnel recruitment.
Excel Personnel Inc.
Contact: Karen Watt 600, 235 1 Avenue, Kamloops V2C 3J4 Tel: 250.374.3853 | Fax: 250.374.3854 talent@excel.bc.ca | www.excel.bc.ca Staffing, Personnel recruitment.
Falcon Camp Services Inc.
Contact: Zane Pickering 8555 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4 Tel: 250.563.5609 | Fax: 250.563.5619 info@falconcampservices.com | www.falconcampservices.com Camp management services & supplies, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Aboriginal affairs.
Falcon Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Keith Hillen 3549 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B8 Tel: 250.564.7786 | Fax: 250.562.5937 office@falcon-drilling.com | www.falcon-drilling.com Drilling contract services, Drilling equipment & supplies, Software expertise in MS Word and Excel.
Falcon Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Joel Gibson 18412 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 3P8 Tel: 604.888.5066 jgibson@falconequip.com | www.falconequip.com Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Cranes & rigging – services and equipment, Hydraulic components and accessories.
Finger Lake Wilderness Resort
Contact: Jason Madsen 400 Gold Road, PO Box 1619, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0 Tel: 778.785.1114 FingerLake@xplornet.com | www.FingerLakeResort.com Camp management services & supplies, Hotels, motels & inns / Leisure travel services & products, Gas and Diesel Sales.
Finning Canada
49 Alaska Highway, Fort St. John V1J 4H6 Tel: 250.787.7761 | www.finning.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Supplier, Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Finning Canada
30 Vic Turner Airport Road, Dawson Creek V1G 0G1 Tel: 250.782.1381 | www.finning.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Supplier, Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Finning Canada
1100 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3 Tel: 250.563.0331 | www.finning.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Supplier, Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Finning Canada
Contact: Mike Pedde 1569, 6735 11 Street NE, Calgary T2E 8S5 Tel: 403.275.3340 mpedde@finning.com | www.finning.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Supplier, Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Fireweed Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Bruno Meili PO Box 26 , Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5X9 Tel: 867.668.5888 | Fax: 867.668.5110 bruno@fireweedhelicopters.ca | www.fireweedhelicopters.ca Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.), Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
Fleinco Alternative Energy and Construction
Contact: Dirk Fleing PO Box 484, Cache Creek V0K 1H0 Tel: 250.313.4033 | dwf@fleinco.com Master Carpenter, Constructing Passive / Active Solar Buildings, Installation and Sales of Alternative Energy and Generation Systems.
FMDC Watermist Canada Ltd.
Contact: Gord Miller 108, 9295 198 Street, Langley V0R 1L4 Tel: 888.508.4419 | www.fogmakercanada.ca Water mist fire suppression systems , High-pressure fire suppression system, Safety & health services.
Foraco Canada Ltd.
Contact: George Cooper 2007 West Trans Canada Highway, Kamloops V1S 1A7 Tel: 250.374.3366 | Fax: 250.374.9212 kamloops@foraco.com | www.foraco.com Core drilling, Geotechnical installations.
Foraco Canada Ltd.
139 Enterprise Drive, PO Box 280, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N2 Tel: 867.873.2533 north-america@foraco.com | www.foraco.com Core drilling, Geotechnical installations.
Forest Technology Systems – FTS Inc.
Contact: Chris Lindsay 1065 Henry Eng Place, Victoria V9B 6B2 Tel: 800.548.4264 | Fax: 800.905.7004 sales@ftsinc.com | www.ftsinc.com Water – monitoring equipment & supplies, Environment equipment & services, Instrumentation.
Formula Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Andrew Forbes 9157 Rock Island Road, Prince George V2N 5T4 Tel: 250.561.2933 | Fax: 250.563.2931 info@formulacontractors.com | www.formulacontractors.com Bridge builders, Site construction services & products, Contractors.
Formula Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Paul Tiefensee PO Box 214, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0 Tel: 877.761.2933 | Fax: 250.563.2931 info@formulacontractors.com | www.formulacontractors.com Bridge builders, Site construction services & products, Contractors.
Fort Machine Works (1986) Ltd.
Contact: Don Derksen/Jeff Davis 1180 Tachie Road, PO Box 1389, Fort St James V0J 1P0 Tel: 250.996.8231 | Fax: 250.996.2298 info@fortmachine.com | www.fortmachine.com Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Hydraulic components and accessories.
Foundex Explorations Ltd.
Contact: Ladia MacPherson 3175 Turner Street, Abbotsford V2S 7T9 Tel: 604.594.8333 lmacpherson@foundex.com | www.foundex.com Drilling contract services, Drilling equipment & supplies.
Four Rivers Co-operative
Contact: Allan Bieganski 188 East Stewart Street, PO Box 560, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0 Tel: 250.567.4414 | Fax: 250.567.4355 genmgr@vhfcoop.com | www.vhfcoop.com Camp management services & supplies, General equipment & supplies, Food supplies – fresh, frozen, dry, bulk.
Fox Professional Driver Training Centres Ltd.
Contact: Don Bailey 2274 Nicholson Street South, Prince George V2N 1V8 Tel: 250.596.9266 | Fax: 250.596.9267 foxpro@foxpro.bc.ca | www.foxpro.bc.ca Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Education & training consultants, courses, etc., Safety & health services, consultants.
Free Spirit Ventures Inc.
Contact: Hayden Greenshields 2430 Ridgeview Place, Prince George V2K 3Z3 Tel: 250.561.3253 free@safetypays.ca | www.safetypays.ca Safety & health services, consultants, Environmental Consultants.
Frontier Truck Rentals
Contact: Shawn Bradford 3046 Yellowhead Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.877.7769 Shawn@frontierchrysler.net | www.frontierchrysler.net Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
Frost Lake Logging Ltd.
Contact: Scott Kirschke 32 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1 Tel: 250.562.2487 | Fax: 250.562.8540 info@frostlake.ca | www.frostlake.ca Logging and Land Clearing, Road – building services & products, Aboriginal Affairs.
Design Flooring Ltd.
Contact: Jeff Lefebvre 1295 Cariboo Hwy North, Quesnel V2J 2Y5 Tel: 250.992.2272 | Fax: 250.992.2126 design@goldcity.net Buildings, portable.
Gem Systems – Advanced Magnetometers
Contact: Shannon Kadoski 135 Spy Court , Markham, ON L3R 5H6 Tel: 905.752.2202 | Fax: 905.752.2205 info@gemsys.ca | www.gemsys.ca Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
GeoNorth Engineering Ltd.
Contact: Dave McDougall 3975 18th Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B2 Tel: 250.564.4304 | Fax: 250.564.9323 mail@geonorth.ca | www.geonorth.ca Engineering Contractors, Geotechnical instrumentation, Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.).
Geotech Drilling Services Ltd.
Contact: Brant Jackson 5052 Hartway Drive, Prince George V2K 5B7 Tel: 250.962.9041 | Fax: 250.962.9048 info@geotechdrilling.com | www.geotechdrilling.com Drilling contract services.
Geotech Drilling Services Ltd.
Contact: Brant Jackson 8B, 2601 Highway 6, Vernon V1T 5G4 Tel: 250.549.2393 | Fax: 250.549.3387 info@geotechdrilling.com | www.geotechdrilling.com Drilling contract services.
Contact: Parker Minard 312 450 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6 Tel: 250.787.0300 bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com Surveying, Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services.
Contact: Lance Barrowman 1, 3772 Fourth Avenue, PO Box 939, Smithers V0J 2N3 Tel: 250.787.0300 bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com Surveying, Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services.
Contact: David Gosling 10716 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1Z3 Tel: 250.787.0300 bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com Surveying, Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services.
Glacier Resource Innovation Group (formerly InfoMine Inc.)
900 580 Hornby Street, Vancouver V6C 3B6 Tel: 604.683.2037 | Fax: 604.681.4166 info@infomine.com | www.infomine.com Software providers, consultants.
Global Resources For Industrial Projects (GRIP) Inc.
Contact: Doug Ballard 1686 57A Street, Delta V4L 1X8 Tel: 604.889.1855 | Fax: 866.695.9655 griprojects@gmail.com | www.conveycanada.ca Bulk materials – handling equipment, Process equipment, Packaging equipment.
Goldstream Publishing Inc.
Contact: Sean Simmons 1274 5th Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L2 Tel: 250.596.6277 | Fax: 250.596.6278 sean@anglersatlas.com | www.anglersatlas.com Software providers, consultants, Mapping services.
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Russell 8023 Webster Road, Delta V4G 1E4 Tel: 604.940.1627 | Fax: 604.940.1046 brianr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com Hoisting Equipment & Accessories, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Industrial supplies and consumables.
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: David Russell 7775 Edgar Industrial Way, Red Deer T4P 3R2 Tel: 403.340.8856 | Fax: 403.340.0213 davidr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com Hoisting Equipment & Accessories, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Industrial supplies and consumables.
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Strom 5426c Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5 Tel: 778.764.0233 brians@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com Hoisting Equipment & Accessories, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Industrial supplies and consumables.
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Petra Conniff 1505 River Street, Kamloops V2C 1Z2 Tel: 888.602.0000 | www.grainger.ca Industrial supplies & consumables, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Jerry Ward 8910 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3X1 Tel: 888.602.0000 | www.grainger.ca Industrial supplies & consumables, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jennifer Burry 106 Dickens Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2 Tel: 867.873.2081 info@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com Mining, Oil/Gas & Seismic exploration, Forest fire suppression, Aerial geophysics & environmental impact surveys.
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Cory Skender 4325 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9 Tel: 250.922.5258 clientservices@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com Mining, Oil/Gas & Seismic exploration, Forest fire suppression, Aerial geophysics & environmental impact surveys.
Great West Equipment – Fort St. John
Contact: Denis Matheson 12623 Charlie Lake Frontage Road, Fort St. John V1J 2B0 Tel: 250.785.4223 | Fax: 250.785.4237 gwesales@gwequipment.com | www.gwequipment.com Heavy Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Forestry, Recycling, Pipeline, Drilling, Mining, Construction.
Great West Equipment – Prince George
Contact: Lyle Dukacz 4759 Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5 Tel: 250.612.0255 | Fax: 250.612.0299 gwesales@gwequipment.com | www.gwequipment.com Heavy Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Forestry, Recycling, Pipeline, Drilling, Mining, Construction.
Great West Equipment – Terrace
Contact: Dale Weber 3830 Sharples Road, Terrace V8G 5P8 Tel: 250.635.9033 | Fax: 250.635.0978 gwesales@gwequipment.com | www.gwequipment.com Heavy Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Forestry, Recycling, Pipeline, Drilling, Mining, Construction.
Great West Equipment – Williams Lake
Contact: Cam Cochran 4700 Collier Place, Williams Lake V0G 5E9 Tel: 250.392.9599 gwesales@gwequipment.com | www.gwequipment.com Heavy Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Forestry, Recycling, Pipeline, Drilling, Mining, Construction.
Great West Equipment – Vernon
Contact: Colin Matejka 123 L&A Crossroad, Vernon V1B 3S1 Tel: 250.549.4232 gwesales@gwequipment.com | www.gwequipment.com Heavy Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Forestry, Recycling, Pipeline, Drilling, Mining, Construction.
Green Homes – Quality Factory Built Homes
1002 Railway Road, Prince George V2N 5R9 Tel: 250.614.0136 info@greenhomespg.com | www.greenhomespg.com Buildings, portable, Buildings, pre-engineered, Modular Homes.
Grizzly Supplies Canada
Contact: Curtis Yeats 19269 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4C4 Tel: 877.505.0155 | Fax: 855.505.0140 | www.grizzlyseals.com Sealing solutions for heavy equipment, Aftermarket Seal Kits, Face Seals.
Guardian Aerospace Holdings Inc.
Contact: Eric Stier and Bryan Wallace 156 West Stewart Street, PO Box 398, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0 Tel: 250.567.2655 | Fax: 250.567.2656 Eric@guardianaerospace.net | www.guardianaerospace.net Charter Fishing, Hunting & Remote Worksites , Metal Cutting & Welding, Flight training & Aircraft maintenance.
Guardian Aerospace Holdings Inc.
Contact: Eric Stier and Bryan Wallace Aviator Road, Gate 31 , Prince George V2N 4M6 Tel: 250.567.2655 | Fax: 250.567.2656 Eric@guardianaerospace.net | www.guardianaerospace.net Charter Fishing, Hunting & Remote Worksites , Metal Cutting & Welding, Flight training & Aircraft maintenance.
Guillevin International Co.
3 1455 Brigantine Drive, Coquitlam V3K 7C2 Tel: 604.395.3000 | Fax: 604.395.3500 | www.guillevin.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Safety & health services, consultants.
Guillevin International Co.
2233 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X4 Tel: 250.960.4300 | Fax: 250.563.6625 | www.guillevin.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Safety & health services, consultants.
Guillevin International Co.
10219 94 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 4T7 Tel: 250.785.3375 | Fax: 250.785.1485 | www.guillevin.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Safety & health services, consultants.
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone 628 Upper Bench Road North, Penticton V2A 8V2 Tel: 250.462.0076 jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca Drilling contract services, Exploration services & consultants, Closure, reclamation & remediation.
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone 5 Lorne Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S7 Tel: 867.393.2523 jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca Drilling contract services, Exploration services & consultants, Closure, reclamation & remediation.
HBH Land Surveying Inc.
Contact: Darren Kent 203, 1300 1st Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y3 Tel: 250.640.2287 darren@hbhlandsurveying.ca | www.hbhlandsurveying.ca Surveying, Mapping services.
HBH Land Surveying Inc.
Contact: Mark Rossmann 3750 1st Avenue, PO Box 536, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.3808 | Fax: 250.847.3808 bcls@hbhlandsurveying.ca | www.hbhlandsurveying.ca Surveying, Mapping services.
Heartland Steel Doors Ltd.
Contact: Brad Lechkobit 1925 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1X2 Tel: 250.563.3610 | Fax: 250.563.3617 sales@heartlandsteel.ca | www.heartlandsteel.ca Specialty doors, Stainless steel, FRP, blast resistant, acoustical, impact, etc., Hollow metal frames & doors, commercial wood doors & hardware, Toilet partitions, lockers, and washroom accessories.
Heartland Steel Structures Ltd.
Contact: Ken Kruger 1925 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1X2 Tel: 250.612.8416 kenk@heartlandsteel.ca | www.heartlandsteelstructures.ca Steelwork, Pre-engineered steel structures.
H.F. Nodes Construction
Box 373, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0 Tel: 250.786.5474 | Fax: 250.786.5807 info@hfnodes.com | www.hfnodes.com Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Hill Aircraft Service Ltd.
Contact: Katherine Hill 6 3900 Grumman Road, Prince George V2N 4M6 Tel: 250.963.7211 | Fax: 250.963.7218 kat@hillair.com | www.hillair.com Aircraft maintenance & repair, Aircraft refurbishment, Aircraft appraisals and recovery.
Home Care Prince George – Classic Life Care
102 1811 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 2L6 Tel: 250.563.3501 | Fax: 250.563.6448 princegeorge@classiclifecare.com | www.classiclifecare.com Counseling & prevention, Safety & health services, consultants, Aboriginal affairs.
Horizon Testing Inc.
Contact: Daniel Tremblay 9408 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6 Tel: 236.423.0447 | Fax: 236.423.0448 dtremblay@horizontesting.ca | www.horizontesting.ca Non-destructive testing: Pulp & Paper, Oil & Gas, Power generation, Remote field testing, Drone Visual Inspection.
Houle Electric Ltd.
Contact: Greg McLeod 3635 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B9 Tel: 250.562.2009 | Fax: 250.562.0134 gmcleod@houle.ca | www.houle.ca Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Electrical Contractors.
Hypower Systems (div of Applied Industrial Technologies Ltd.)
Contact: Mike Ryeo 1084 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8 Tel: 250.562.1114 | Fax: 250.562.1761 4104@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com Hydraulic components and accessories, Lubricants.
Hy-Tech Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Brian Butterworth 2715 Tatlow Road, PO Box 3248, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.9301 | Fax: 250.847.5111 brian.butterworth@hy-techdrilling.com | www.hy-techdrilling.com Diamond Drilling, Contractors.
IDL Projects Inc.
Contact: Sheldon Boyes 1088 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8 Tel: 250.649.0561 | Fax: 250.649.0581 info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com Mining Engineering & Contracting, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Road – building services & products.
IFS Equipment Ltd. (Innovative Foundation Solutions)
Contact: Richard Hutchings 10468 269 Road, Fort St. John V1J 4M7 Tel: 250.253.7986 rh@ifsequip.com | www.ifsequip.com Foundation equipment, Piling equipment, Quick-Pile helical pile system.
Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA of BC)
Contact: Jordan Bateman 700 4730 Kingsway, Burnaby V5H 0C6 Tel: 604.298.7795 | Fax: 604.298.2246 jordan@icba.ca | www.icba.ca Associations, Education & training consultants, courses, etc..
Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA of BC)
Contact: Christina Klotz 1253 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L3 Tel: 250.596.8118 | Fax: 236.423.0734 christina@icba.ca | www.icba.ca Associations, Education & training consultants, courses, etc..
Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA of BC)
Contact: Art Jarvis PO Box 6585, Fort St. John V1J 4J1 Tel: 250.794.6464 | Fax: 236.423.0734 art@icba.ca | www.icba.ca Associations, Education & training consultants, courses, etc..
Industrial Forestry Service Ltd. (IFS)
Contact: Robert Schuetz 1595 5 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3L9 Tel: 250.564.4115 | Fax: 250.563.9679 ifs@industrialforestry.ca | www.industrialforestry.ca Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services, Environmental Consultants.
Industrial Forestry Service Ltd. (IFS)
Contact: Robert Schuetz 11613 7 Street, Dawson Creek V1G 4S4 Tel: 250.784.1987 | Fax: 250.784.1986 ifsdc@industrialforestry.ca | www.industrialforestry.ca Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services, Environmental Consultants.
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Chad McKay 3671 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4M2 Tel: 250.635.2292 cmckay@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Industrial supplies & consumables.
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Jaret Pieper 10611 Finning Frontage, PO Box 6340, Fort St. John V1J 4H8 Tel: 250.785.6105 | Fax: 250.785.4303 jpieper@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Industrial supplies & consumables.
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Rick Bruneski 7337 Boundary Avenue, Prince George V2N 6C9 Tel: 250.562.8171 | Fax: 250.562.2914 rbruneski@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Industrial supplies & consumables.
Integris Credit Union
1598 6 Avenue , Prince George V2L 5B5 Tel: 250.612.3456 | Fax: 250.612.3451 welcome@integriscu.ca | www.integriscu.ca Financial services, accounting & wealth management, Insurance products, consultants & services.
Intercoast Construction Ltd.
Contact: Danny Schwab 4032 John Hart Highway, Prince George V2K 2Z6 Tel: 250.962.4620 | Fax: 250.962.2360 danny@intercoast.ca | www.intercoast.ca Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Road – building services & products, Bridge – builders.
Interior Warehousing Ltd.
Contact: Don Engelsjord 1955 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8 Tel: 250.563.4613 | Fax: 250.563.4745 don@interiorwarehousing.com | www.interiorwarehousing.com Warehousing, Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services, Asset liquidation consultants.
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing Ltd.
Contact: Vanessa Visona 1652 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 1X3 Tel: 250.561.7277 (PASS) | Fax: 250.561.7297 admin@iwct.ca | www.iwct.ca Analytical laboratories & supplies, HR services, professionals & consultants, Safety & health services, consultants.
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing Ltd.
Contact: Vanessa Visona 203, 4548 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1V4 Tel: 250.561.7277 (PASS) | Fax: 250.561.7297 admin@iwct.ca | www.iwct.ca Analytical laboratories & supplies, HR services, professionals & consultants, Safety & health services, consultants.
International Blasting Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Ron J. Elliott 437 Laurentian Crescent, Coquitlam V3K 1Y9 Tel: 604.936.3420 | Fax: 604.936.3632 ron@blastingconsultants.com | www.blastingconsultants.com Technical services in Drilling and Blasting, Seismic monitoring, Blaster training.
IRL Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Steve Mayoh 610 Richard Road, Prince George V2K 4L3 Tel: 250.562.2185 | Fax: 250.562.2911 inquiries@irlsupplies.com | www.irlsupplies.com General equipment & supplies, Camp management services & supplies, Industrial supplies & consumables.
Janitors’ Warehouse
Contact: Sandra Pratt 4545 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1P7 Tel: 250.635.5501 | Fax: 250.635.4798 janitorswarehouse@telus.net | www.janitorswarehouseterrace.ca Wholesale paper products, chemicals, equipment, Camp Kitchen Vent Hood Cleaning, Camp management services & supplies.
K2 Electric Ltd.
Contact: Lonnie Douglas 9629 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6 Tel: 250.564.7885 | Fax: 250.564.7875 lonnie.douglas@k2electric.com | www.k2electric.com Industrial electrical / High voltage construction and maintenance, General civil construction services, Carpentry services.
Contact: Tom Campbell 1160 Mill Road, PO Box 686, Mackenzie V0J 2C0 Tel: 250.997.6521 | Fax: 250.997.4508 tom_campbell@kaltire.com | www.kaltire.com Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair.
Kentron Construction
PO Box 1088 Stn Main, Kitimat V8G 4V1 Tel: 250.635.9676 | Fax: 250.635.4121 kentron@ycs.bc.ca | www.kentronconstructionltd.ca Road – building services & products, Aggregate supply, Asphalt paving.
Kemetco Research Inc.
Contact: Anca Nacu 150 13260 Delf Place, Richmond V6V 2A2 Tel: 604.273.3600 | Fax: 604.273.3609 info@kemetco.com | www.kemetco.com Analytical laboratories & supplies, Metallurgical laboratory.
Keystone Pumps
Contact: Andrew Clark Tel: 604.227.3555 | Fax: 604.229.0494 info@keystonepumps.com | www.keystonepumps.com Pumps, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) program, Manufacturer.
Kim Forest Management Ltd.
Contact: David Kim 805 4 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3H5 Tel: 250.564.3808 | Fax: 250.564.4427 info@kfm.ca | www.kfm.ca Environmental consultants, Mapping services, Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Lakes District Air Services Ltd.
Contact: Nick Hawes 1810 Highway 35, Burns Lake V0J 1E2 Tel: 250.692.3229 flying@LDair.ca | www.ldair.ca Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Mapping services, Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.).
Ledcor – Civil and Foundations Division
Contact: Bryan Kneller 1200 1067 West Cordova Street, Vancouver V6C 1C7 Tel: 604.681.7500 | Fax: 604.895.0801 bryan.kneller@ledcor.com | www.ledcor.com Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Mining engineering and contracting, Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.).
Lenmark Industries
27576 51a Avenue, Langley V4W 4A9 Tel: 604.449.1880 sales@lenmark.com | www.lenmark.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Cranes & rigging – services and equipment.
LHI Tutl’it Services Inc.
Contact: George Lacerte 2032 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8 Tel: 250.562.0486 | Fax: 250.562.0227 info@lhi-services.ca | www.lhi-services.ca Aboriginal affairs – development services, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Engineering – surveying, permits.
Lomak Bulk Carriers Corp
Contact: Rick Reinbolt 6555 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4 Tel: 800.663.3293 | Fax: 250.561.0750 info@lomak.ca | www.lomak.ca Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.).
MacCarthy GM Terrace
Contact: Tamara Weber 5004 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 5S5 Tel: 250.635.4941 | Fax: 250.635.6915 tweber@maccarthygm.com | www.maccarthygm.com Automotive sales, Automotive service, Automotive parts, accessories, and tires.
Mackenzie Hose & Fittings
Contact: Kevin Neary 1250 Frontage Road, PO Box 1900, Mackenzie V0J 2C0 Tel: 250.997.5757 | Fax: 250.997.6888 info@mackhose.ca | www.mackhose.ca Hydraulic components & accessories, Industrial hoses and fitting, Industrial supplies & consumables.
Mainland Machinery Ltd.
Contact: Graham Syme 2255 Townline Road, Abbotsford V2T 6H1 Tel: 604.854.4244 | Fax: 604.850.1796 gsyme@mainlandmachinery.com | www.mainlandmachinery.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Metal fabrication supplies & services, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Maptek Pty. Ltd.
Contact: Cherie LeDoux 100 555 Burrard Street, Vancouver V7X 1M8 Tel: 604.299.7613 info@maptek.com | www.maptek.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Drilling and Blasting, Surveying.
Marquis Advertising
Contact: Kristine Hansen 3174 Vista Ridge Drive, Prince George V2N 5G8 Tel: 250.964.7228 | Fax: 250.964.7250 kris@marquisadvertising.ca | www.marquisadvertising.ca Highway billboard advertising, Airport advertising, Graphic and web design services & consultants.
Matrix – Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney 214, 20171 92A Avenue, Langley V1M 3A5 Tel: 604.538.4574 | Fax: 604.538.4533 michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.), Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Matrix – Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney 3310 River Drive, Terrace V8G 3P1 Tel: 250.635.0507 michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.), Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Matrix – Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney 8 Yellowknife Airport, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2 Tel: 867.766.4952 | Fax: 867.766.3374 michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.), Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Mayfair Gas, Plumbing and Electrical Inc.
Contact: Brett Kehler 2291 Nicholson Street South, Prince George V2N 1V9 Tel: 250.562.8590 info@mayfairinc.com | www.mayfairinc.com Water treatment equipment and services, Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Plumbing, Gas, Electrical and HVAC services.
8808 72 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6M2 Tel: 250.787.0356 | Fax: 250.787.0310 info@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Surveying.
322 323 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6 Tel: 250.632.3200 | Fax: 855.407.3895 kitimat@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Surveying.
12 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1 Tel: 250.561.2229 | Fax: 855.407.3895 princegeorge@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Surveying.
729 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4 Tel: 250.624.4281 | Fax: 855.407.3895 princerupert@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Surveying.
1 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace V8G 4S8 Tel: 250.635.7163 | Fax: 855.407.3895 terrace@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Surveying.
200 858 Beatty Street, Vancouver V6B 1C1 Tel: 604.683.8521 | Fax: 855.407.3895 vancouver@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Surveying.
3907 4 Avenue, PO Box 787, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4040 | Fax: 855.407.3895 smithers@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Surveying.
Meerholz Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dan Dubrule 2108 Quinn Street South, Prince George V2N 1X5 Tel: 250.562.2788 | Fax: 250.562.2782 parts@meerholz.ca | www.meerholz.ca Cranes & rigging – services and equipment, Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Hoisting equipment & accessories.
Mike Morris, MLA Prince George-Mackenzie Constituency
Contact: Mike Morris 102 1023 Central Street West, Prince George V2M 3C9 Tel: 250.612.4194 | Fax: 250.612.4191 Mike.Morris.MLA@leg.bc.ca | www.bclib.ca/mikemorris Critic role on Public Safety and Solicitor General.
Mike Morris, MLA Prince George-Mackenzie Constituency
Contact: Mike Morris 140 403 Mackenzie Boulevard, PO Box 2125, Mackenzie V0J 2C0 Tel: 250.997.5281 | Fax: 250.997.5631 Mike.Morris.MLA@leg.bc.ca | www.bclib.ca/mikemorris
Mincon Canada – Western Service Centre
204, 9485 189 Street, Surrey V4N 5L8 Tel: 604.513.4292 salescanada@mincon.com | www.mincon.com Drilling equipment & supplies.
Moly-Cop Canada
250 Andover Crescent, Kamloops V2C 6X2 Tel: 250.573.7770 | Fax: 250.573.7755 sales@molycop.ca | www.molycop.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Mineral – processing equipment, supplies & services.
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Dennis Remanda 1201 Mill Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0 Tel: 250.988-1082 | Fax: 250.845.3245 dennis@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca Welding, Contractors, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Kyle Thompson 1155 MacKenzie Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 4P3 Tel: 250.574-0522 | Fax: 250.845.3245 kyle@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca Welding, Contractors, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Kyle Thomson PO Box 1446, Houston V0J 1Z0 Tel: 250.845.3240 | Fax: 250.845.3245 kyle@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca Welding, Contractors, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Brandon Lewis 5412 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 0C6 Tel: 250.615.1234 | Fax: 250.845.3245 brandon@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca Welding, Contractors, Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
More Core Diamond Drilling Services Ltd.
Contact: Devin Smith 2511 Highway 37A, PO Box 1039, Stewart V0T 1W0 Tel: 250.636.9156 | Fax: 250.636.9159 info@morecore.ca | www.morecore.ca Drilling contract services.
Motion Metrics International Corp.
Contact: Caitlin McKinnon 101-2389 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver V6T 1Z3 Tel: 604.822.5842 | Fax: 604.677.5191 info@motionmetrics.com | www.motionmetrics.com Supplier, service and equipment, Mineral – processing equipment, supplies & services, Drilling and blasting, and electrical equipment / lighting.
MS Analytical
Contact: Customer Service 107 4816 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 1L6 Tel: 250.631.0758 contact@msalabs.com | www.msalabs.com Geochem assay laboratory, Analytical laboratories & supplies.
MS Analytical
Contact: Customer Service 1, 20120 102 Avenue, Langley V1M 4B4 Tel: 604.888.0875 contact@msalabs.com | www.msalabs.com Geochem assay laboratory, Analytical laboratories & supplies.
National Compressed Air Inc.
11128 261 Street, Acheson, AB T7X 6C7 Tel: 780.960.6085 | Fax: 780.960.6873 alberta@nationalcompressedairinc.com | www.nationalcompressedair.com Compressors, Air, Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services, Industrial supplies and consumables.
National Emergency Safety Service (NESS)
Contact: Jeremie Beaudoin 1463 Chestnut Street, PO Box 702, Telkwa V0J 2X0 Tel: 250.571.7119 ceo@nationalemergency.ca | www.nationalemergency.ca Occupational Health and Safety, Training, Rescue, Legislation .
NATS Nursery Ltd.
Contact: Ron Jacobson 24555 32 Avenue, Langley V2Z 2J5 Tel: 604.530.9300 | Fax: 604.530.9500 ron@natsnursery.com | www.natsnursery .com Supplier.
Noratek Solutions Inc.
Contact: Steven Findlay 200, 1840 3 Avenue, Prince George V2M 1G4 Tel: 250.564.2236 | Fax: 250.564.3325 info@noratek.com | www.noratek.com Software providers, consultants.
Northern Development Initiative Trust
Contact: Joel McKay 301, 1268 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L2 Tel: 250.561.2525 | Fax: 250.561.2563 info@northerndevelopment.bc.ca | www.northerndevelopment.bc.ca Management – consulting services, Export consulting and support services, Economic development.
Northern Health – Vanderhoof Health Unit / Primary Care Services
Contact: Claire Radcliffe 3299 Hospital Road, Vanderhoof V0J 3A2 Tel: 250.567.6900 | Fax: 250.567.6170 claire.radcliffe@northernhealth.ca | www.northernhealth.ca Counseling & prevention, Safety & health services, consultants.
Northern Health Regional Office
600, 299 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 5B8 Tel: 250.565.2649 | www.northernhealth.ca Counseling & prevention, Safety & health services, consultants.
Northern Lights College – Dawson Creek
Contact: Rhonda Dayus 11401 8 Street, Dawson Creek V1G 4G2 Tel: 250.782.7622 | Fax: 250.785.6250 rdayus@nlc.bc.ca | www.nlc.bc.ca Education & training, Safety & health training.
Northern Lights Wildlife Society
Contact: Angelika Langen 17366 Telkwa High Road, Smithers V0J 2N7 Tel: 250.847.5101 info@wildlifeshelter.com | www.wildlifeshelter.com Wildlife rehabilitation, rescue, and release.
Northern Metalic
Contact: David McDougall 10407 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1B1 Tel: 250.785.6655 | Fax: 250.785.9432 dmcdougall@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Industrial hoses & consumables, Lubricants.
Northern Metalic
Contact: Paul Kinder 5240 Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5 Tel: 250.562.7000 pge@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Industrial supplies & consumables, Industrial hoses & consumables, Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Terry Rathjen 1000 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8 Tel: 250.562.5000 | Fax: 250.562.9825 pri.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Kellen White 1885 Versatile Drive, Kamloops V1S 1C5 Tel: 250.828.9971 | Fax: 250.828.8212 kam.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Cal Clapp 2650 Acland Road, Kelowna V1X 7J3 Tel: 250.762.6000 kel.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Kevin Brucks 25 Hodgson Road, Williams Lake V2G 3P5 Tel: 250.398.8000 wil.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Grant Dowdy 142 Highway 23 North, Revelstoke V0E 2S0 Tel: 250.805.1000 rev.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Colin Annett 3100 Tatlow Road, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.8000 smi.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Ryan Boult 3216 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4P3 Tel: 250.638.1000 ter.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Grant Richey 65 Railway Avenue, Burns Lake V0J 1E1 Tel: 250.691.6000 bur.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Regional Construction Association
Contact: Scott Bone 3851 18 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B1 Tel: 250.563.1744 office@nrca.ca | www.nrca.ca Associations, Education and training, Procurement Opportunity Planrooms.
Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
Contact: Scott Barry 5319 50 Avenue South, Bag Service 399 , Fort Nelson V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.774.2541 | Fax: 250.774.6794 justask@northernrockies.ca | www.northernrockies.ca Procurement Opportunity Planrooms, Economic Development.
Northern Steel Ltd.
Contact: Bernhard Maier 9588 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3 Tel: 250.561.1121 | Fax: 250.561.0112 sales@northernsteelltd.com | www.northernsteelltd.com Steel fabrication – piping, Machining – mine site construction, Sandblast/paint – equipment maintenance/repair.
Northern Thunderbird Air Inc.
100 4245 Hanger Road, Prince George V2N 4M6 Tel: 800.963.9611 | Fax: 250.963.8422 | www.ntair.ca Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.), Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Northland Automotive & Industrial Wholesale Ltd.
Contact: Tim Dunkley 335 Stuart Drive West, Fort St James V0J 1P0 Tel: 250.996.8281 | Fax: 250.996.2200 northlandcounter@telus.net Auto parts – gasoline and diesel vehicles, Industrial supplies & consumables, Hydraulic components and accessories.
Northlands Water and Sewer Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Dan Hunt 1733 Lyon Street, Prince George V2N 1T3 Tel: 250.561.1884 | Fax: 250.561.1830 info@northlandswater.ca | www.northlandswater.ca Water – treatment & equipment services, Mineral – processing – pumps, pipes, & valves, Piping products & services.
Northway Glass Inc.
Contact: Tod White 2235 Nicholson Street South, Prince George V2N 1V9 Tel: 250.563.9933 | Fax: 250.563.9932 tod@northwayglass.ca | www.northwayglass.ca Doors and windows, Industrial Doors, Glass glazing.
NR Motors Ltd.
Contact: Greg Nikkel 805 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y4 Tel: 250.563.8891 | Fax: 250.563.4428 contact@nrmotors.ca | www.nrmotors.ca Recreational and equipment sales, service, and parts, Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services, Surface mobile equipment and components.
Nu-Tech Systems Ltd.
Contact: Will Puckering 12200 1 Avenue, Richmond V7E 3M2 Tel: 604.271.9222 info@nu-techsystems.com | www.nu-techsystems.com Clean air systems – dust collectors, Vehcile & welding fume exhausts, Chimneys, fans, and air handlers.
O’Brien Training Ltd.
Contact: Dardo Krueger 1320 2 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3B5 Tel: 250.563.1998 | Fax: 250.563.0061 training@obriengroup.ca | www.obrientraining.com Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Education & training consultants, courses, etc..
OCL Group Inc. (OCL) – Head Office
325 Woodgate Road, Okotoks, AB T1S 2A5 Tel: 403.982.9090 | Fax: 403.982.9091 info@oclgroup.ca | www.oclgroup.ca Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Metal fabrication supplies & services, Closure, reclamation & remediation.
OCL Group Inc. (OCL)
12069 207 Road, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0 Tel: 778.949.5023 info@oclgroup.ca | www.oclgroup.ca Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Metal fabrication supplies & services, Closure, reclamation & remediation.
OCL Group Inc. (OCL)
103 1658 Commerce Avenue, Kelowna V1X 8A9 Tel: 403.982.9090 info@oclgroup.ca | www.oclgroup.ca Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Metal fabrication supplies & services, Closure, reclamation & remediation.
Okanagan Audio Lab Ltd.
Contact: Cliff Stephens 4420 28 Street , Vernon V1T 7P5 Tel: 800.663.2884 cliff@okaudiolab.com | www.okaudiolab.com Industrial Hearing Services, consultants.
Omega Communications Ltd.
Contact: Warren Saari 100 1751 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna V1Y 6G4 Tel: 250.860.8016 | Fax: 250.860.7477 info@omegacom.ca | www.omegacom.ca Two-way radio & wireless broadband solutions, RF modems for SCADA applications, Satelite internet & telephone solutions.
Omega Environmental Drilling Ltd.
101 12835 Lilley Drive, Maple Ridge V2W 0G1 Tel: 604.459.4567 | Fax: 604.459.5477 office@omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca | www.omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca Drilling contract services, Environmental equipment and services, Drilling equipment & supplies.
Omineca Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Tony Clovis 13756 Palling Road East, Burns Lake V0J 1E1 Tel: 250.698.3745 | Fax: 250.698.7991 tony@ominecadrilling.com | www.ominecadrilling.com Drilling contract services, Geotechnical Services, Drilling equipment & supplies.
Ouellette Brothers Building Supplies
Contact: Jonathan Ouellette PO Box 1543, Fort St James V0J 1P0 Tel: 250.996.7457 | Fax: 250.996.7157 jonathan@ouellettbros.com | www.ouellettebros.com Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Mineral – processing equipment, supplies & services, Industrial supplies & consumables.
P&R Exploration Services Ltd.
13189 Owens Road, Smithers V0J 2N1 Tel: 250.877.8278 pnrexploration@gmail.com | www.pnrexploration.com Drilling contract services, heliportable drilling programs, Timber falling & Trucking services.
P. G. Rental Centre Ltd.
Contact: Rob Kershaw 1669 South Lyon Street, Prince George V2N 1T3 Tel: 250.562.2626 | Fax: 250.562.3199 | www.pgrentalcentre.com Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Industrial supplies & consumables, Safety & health services, consultants.
Pacific Coastal Airlines Ltd.
Contact: Shawn Warneboldt 4980 Cowley Crescent, Richmond V7B 1C1 Tel: 800.663.2872 / 604.999.3673 | Fax: 604.273.6864 charters@pacificcoastal.com / shawn.warneboldt@pacificcoastal.com www.pacificcoastal.com Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.), Transportation (flight) , Leisure travel services & products.
Pacific Coastal Airlines Ltd.
102 3000 Airport Road, Williams Lake V2G 5M1 charters@pacificcoastal.com / shawn.warneboldt@pacificcoastal.com www.pacificcoastal.com Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.), Transportation (flight) , Leisure travel services & products.
Pacific Coastal Airlines Ltd.
A100 4141 Airport Road, Prince George V2N 4M6 Tel: 250.963.7233 | Fax: 250.963.7212 charters@pacificcoastal.com / shawn.warneboldt@pacificcoastal.com www.pacificcoastal.com Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.), Transportation (flight) , Leisure travel services & products.
Pacific Geomatics Ltd.
Contact: Matt Tomlins 4582 Sparwood Road, Cowichan Bay V0R 1N2 Tel: 604.372.3300 info@pacgeo.com | www.pacgeo.com Satellite imagery and processing, Geophysical surveys & consulting, Mapping services.
Parallel Welding, Fabrication Ltd.
Contact: Tracy Mero 1818 Brownmiller Road, Quesnel V2J 0C5 Tel: 250.992.9433 | Fax: 250.992.9424 tracy.mero@parallelwelding.com | www.paralleldiv.com Welding, Fabrication and Construction Company (pulp & paper, sawmill, OS&B, mining, energy, agriculture, engineering, industrial and commercial construction, machinery and equipment), Millwrighting.
Paxton Shuttle Service
Contact: Todd Pereversoff 1172 Babine Crescent, Prince George V2M 3X8 Tel: 250.612.1111 / 250.563.3850 | Fax: 250.564.7277 admin@paxtonshuttle.com | www.paxtonshuttle.com Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Shuttle services.
PCL Constructors Inc.
Contact: Scott Adkins 310 13911 Wireless Way, Richmond V6V 3B9 Tel: 604.241.5200 | Fax: 604.241.5301 sadkins@pcl.com | www.pcl.com Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Bridge – builders.
Peter Ryks Property Services Ltd.
Contact: Peter Ryks 115 2375 Burrard Avenue, PO Box 770, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0 Tel: 250.567.9158 blryks@hwy16.com Real Estate Appraisal, Property Management – consulting services.
Peterbilt Pacific Inc. (Prince George)
Contact: Mel Eby 6333 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3 Tel: 250.563.8866 | Fax: 250.563.5716 meby@peterbilt.bc.ca | www.peterbilt.bc.ca Auto parts – gasoline and diesel vehicles, Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Body Shop .
Peterbilt Pacific Inc. (Terrace)
Contact: Steve Smyth 3104 Hampton Street, Terrace V8G 5R5 Tel: 250.638.1433 | Fax: 250.638.1539 ssmyth@peterbilt.bc.ca | www.peterbilt.bc.ca Auto parts – gasoline and diesel vehicles, Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Body Shop .
Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc.
350 3600 Lysander Lane, Richmond V7B 1C3 Tel: 604.270.9613 | Fax: 604.270.9914 sales@pinnaclepellet.com | www.pinnaclepellet.com Pellet fuel – heating and combustibles, Animal bedding and natural sorbent, Industrial supplies and consumables.
Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc.
8545 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 6Z9 Tel: 250.562.5562 | Fax: 250.562.5584 sales@pinnaclepellet.com | www.pinnaclepellet.com Pellet fuel – heating and combustibles, Animal bedding and natural sorbent, Industrial supplies and consumables.
Polar Medical Services Inc.
Contact: Joanne Holness 2640 Shamps Road, Pritchard V0E 2P0 Tel: 250.638.0005 contact@polarmedical.ca | www.polarmedical.ca Safety & health services, consultants, Camp management services & supplies, Education & training consultants, courses, etc..
Portal Installations Ltd.
Contact: Davor Drazenovic 1030 2 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3A9 Tel: 250.564.9596 | Fax: 250.564.2288 info@portaldoors.ca | www.portalinstallations.ca Doors, overhead doors and windows, Dock levelers, Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Praxair Canada
1601 Central Street West, Prince George V2N 1P6 Tel: 250.563.3641 princegeorge@linde.com | www.praxair.ca Compressors, air, Industrial supplies and consumables, Specialty coatings.
Praxair Canada
4751 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 5R1 Tel: 250.635.1277 terrace@linde.com | www.praxair.ca Compressors, air, Industrial supplies and consumables, Specialty coatings.
Praxair Canada
10331 Alaska Road, Unit 101, Fort St. John V1J 1B1 Tel: 250.262.0047 fortstjohn@linde.com | www.praxair.ca Compressors, air, Industrial supplies and consumables, Specialty coatings.
Praxair Canada
1500 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek V1G 1Z7 Tel: 250.782.8280 dawsoncreek@linde.com | www.praxair.ca Compressors, air, Industrial supplies and consumables, Specialty coatings.
Precision Machinery
Contact: Josh Bergen 3521 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B8 Tel: 250.596.3222 info@pgmr.ca | www.pgmr.ca Machining, Millwrighting, Design and Engineering.
Prestige Hotels & Resorts – Okanagan Valley
1675 Abbott Street, Kelowna V1Y 8S3 Tel: 250.860.7900 | Fax: 250.860.7997 kelowna@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com Hotels, motels & inns, Leisure travel services & products.
Prestige Hotels & Resorts – Hudson Bay Lodge
3251 East Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4581 | Fax: 250.847.4878 smithers@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com Hotels, motels & inns.
Prestige Hotels & Resorts Treasure Cove Resort
2005 Highway 97 South, Prince George V2N 7A3 Tel: 250.614.9111 | Fax: 250.614.9101 princegeorge@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com Hotels, motels & inns.
Prestige Hotels & Resorts – Prince Rupert
118 – 6th Street, Prince Rupert V8J 3L7 Tel: 250.624.6711 | Fax: 250.624.3288 princerupert@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com Hotels, motels & inns.
Prince George Airport Authority
4141 Airport Road – 10, Prince George V2N 4M6 Tel: 250.963.2400 | Fax: 250.963.3462 info@pgairport.ca | www.pgairport.ca Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.), Transportation (flight) .
Prince George Citizen
505 4 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3H2 Tel: 250.562.2441 news@pgcitizen.ca | www.pgcitizen.ca Publishing, marketing & communications services, Graphic & web design services & consultants.
Prolenc Manufacturing Inc.
Contact: Kevin Hodgins 951 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7 Tel: 250.563.8899 | Fax: 250.563.6704 khodgins@prolenc.com | www.prolenc.com Drill head & down-hole parts, Manufacturer, Cargo securing equipment.
Pro-Vent Grease
Contact: Murray Gardy 2131 Upland Street, Prince George V2L 2V8 Tel: 250.961.2945 gardy@telus.net | www.proventgrease.com Janitorial supplies, paper, equipment and chemicals, Kitchen Hood and Vent Cleaning.
QSP Packers, LLC
Contact: Mark Hartley / Ron Roland PO Box 1544, Sumner, WA 98390 Tel: 253.770.0315 | Fax: 253.770.0327 info@qsppackers.com | www.qsppackers.com Infllatable grout packers and Wireline and Waterwell packers, Environment equipment & services, Mineral – processing equipment, supplies & services.
Ramada Plaza Hotel – Prince George
Contact: Shirley Tiller 444 George Street, Prince George V2L 1R6 Tel: 250.563.0055 | Fax: 250.563.6042 reservations@ramadaprincegeorge.com | www.ramadaprincegeorge.com Hotels, motels & inns, Leisure travel services & products.
Raven Rescue
Contact: Ron Morrison PO Box 2017, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.2427 | Fax: 250.847.8896 info@ravenrescue.com | www.ravenrescue.com Education & training consultants, courses, etc., Safety & health services, consultants.
RF Klein & Sons Ltd.
Contact: Cory Klein 180 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8 Tel: 250.564.7453 cory@kleingroup.ca | www.kleingroup.ca Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Aggregate crushing & supply, Landscape supply.
Rigid Robotics
Contact: Nick Larson 120 3605 Gilmore Way, Burnaby V5G 4X5 Tel: 888.731.0564 | Fax: 888.731.8792 info@rigidrobotics.com | www.rigidrobotics.com Software providers, consultants, Automation & communications, Wireless sales, services, rentals, and installations.
Robertson Manufacturing Ltd.
Contact: Kier Robertson 799 Athabasca Street East, Kamloops V2H 1C7 Tel: 250.377.7727 rml@coreboxes.com | www.coreboxes.com General equipment & supplies, Industrial supplies & consumables.
Rocky Mountain Energy Ltd.
970 Terminal Blvd., Prince George V2N 0H5 Tel: 250.596.2665 info@coolcreek.ca | www.coolcreek.ca Lubricants, Fuels, Solvents.
Roktek Services Inc.
Contact: Leonard Sims 7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4 Tel: 250.564.9011 | Fax: 250.561.1538 info@roktekservices.ca | www.roktekservices.ca Site construction services & products, Blasting equipment & services, Drilling contract services.
Rolling Mix Concrete Ltd.
Contact: John Paolucci 105 Foothills Boulevard, Prince George V2N 2J8 Tel: 250.563.9213 | Fax: 250.563.6286 reception@rollingmix.ca | www.rollingmix.ca Rolling concrete product, Aggregate product, Precast product.
RST Instruments Ltd.
Contact: Mike Hopson 11545 Kingston Street, Maple Ridge V2X 0Z5 Tel: 604.540.1100 sales@rstinstruments.com | www.rstinstruments.com Monitoring systems, Automated data acquisition systems (ADAS) , Automation & communications.
Ruskin Construction Ltd.
Contact: Brian Moore 2011 P.G Pulpmill Road, PO Box 1050, Prince George V2L 4V2 Tel: 250.563.2800 | Fax: 250.563.6788 bmoore@rcl.bz | www.ruskinconstruction.com Bridges & foundations, Drilling contract services, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair.
Safety Protection Warehouse
Contact: Terry Smeader 39 Starling Street, Kitimat V8C 1K4 Tel: 888.440.4668 | Fax: 250.483.3356 admin@coverallsale.ca | www.coverallsale.ca Safety & health services, consultants, Uniform – supply & cleaning services, General equipment & supplies.
Sandman Hotel & Suites Prince George
Contact: Melanie Read 1650 Central Street, Prince George V2M 3C2 Tel: 250.563.8131 | Fax: 250.563.8613 reservations@sandman.ca | www.sandmanhotels.com Hotels, motels & inns, Leisure travel services & products.
Sandman Signature Hotel Prince George
Contact: Melanie Read 2990 Rec Place Drive, Prince George V2N 0B2 Tel: 250.645.7263 | Fax: 250.645.2150 reservations@sandman.ca | www.sandmanhotels.com Corporate and Leisure Travel, Leisure travel services & products.
SBS Forestry Inc.
Contact: Doug Bryce, RFT 1541 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1W7 Tel: 250.561.1140 admin@sbsfor.com | www.sbsfor.com Management – consulting services, Mapping services, Environmental Consultants.
Scouten Engineering
Contact: Dave Scouten, P.Eng. 201 1968 Queensway, Prince George V2L 1M2 Tel: 250.562.7050 | Fax: 250.562.7052 info@scoutenengineering.com | www.scoutenengineering.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Engineering contractors.
Service Electric Ltd.
Contact: Mike Fisher 1275 Cariboo Highway 97 North, Quesnel V2J 2Y3 Tel: 250.992.7091 | Fax: 250.992.7330 mike.fisher@serviceelectric.ca | www.serviceelectric.ca Electrical Contractors, Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
SEW – Eurodrive Company of Canada Ltd.
Contact: Mike Savage 7188 Honeyman Street, Delta V4G 1G1 Tel: 604.404.3974 | Fax: 604.946.2513 m.savage@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sewcan.ca Manufacturing – Power Transmission, Gear Motors, frequency inverters, servo-technology, Industrial gears.
Silverwood Natural Resource Consultants
Contact: Paul Hanna 210 4644 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V8G 1S6 Tel: 250.635.0766 mail@silverwoodconsulting.ca | www.silverwoodconsulting.ca Resource road engineering, Environmental assessment, Forestry & land use permits.
Sims Group
Contact: John Irving 7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4 Tel: 250.564.9011 | Fax: 250.561.1538 info@simsgroup.ca | www.simsgroup.ca Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Drilling Equipment & supplies, Civil construction projects.
Sinkut Radiator Service & Aluminum Cooler Remanufacturing
Contact: Rick Reimer 4786 Griffith Road, Vanderhoof V0J 3A1 Tel: 250.570.2727 sinkutradiator@gmail | www.sinkutradiatorservice.com Radiator repair, Aluminum Oil Cooler remanufacturing, Mobile Steam Cleaning.
Skeena Power Systems Ltd.
79612 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4 Tel: 250.564.9032 | Fax: 250.561.1538 info@skeenapower.ca | www.skeenapower.ca Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Smithers Exploration Group
Contact: Christine Ogryzlo 101 3423 Fulton Avenue, PO Box 3196, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.877.7883 info@smithersexplorationgroup.com | www.smithersexplorationgroup.com Exploration services & consultants, Associations, Education & training consultants, courses, etc..
Smithers Lumber Yard Ltd.
Contact: Katie Froese 3528 Highway 16, PO Box 938, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.2246 | Fax: 250.847.7886 sales@smitherslumber.com | www.smitherslumber.com Lumberyard.
SNC Lavalin – Burnaby
8648 Commerce Court, Burnaby V5A 4N6 Tel: 604.515.5140 | www.snclavalin.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Engineering contractors.
SpanMaster Structures Ltd.
Contact: Brian Sweet 3901 Myers Frontage Road , Tappen V0E 2X3 Tel: 866.935.4888 | Fax: 250.835.4818 info@spanmaster.ca | www.spanmaster.ca Prefabricated Structures, Buildings – portable and pre-engineered.
SpeeDee Printing & Promotional Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Kathy 795 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C6 Tel: 250.563.8291 | Fax: 250.562.4720 info@speedeesolutions.ca | www.speedeesolutions.ca Digital offset printing – full service finishing, Printing & Promotional Solutions.
Spotless Uniform Ltd.
Contact: Shaun Heighington 3902 Kenworth Road East, Prince George V2K 1P2 Tel: 250.962.6900 | Fax: 250.962.6950 support@spotlessuniform.com | www.spotlessuniform.com Uniform – supply & cleaning services, Camp management services & supplies, Industrial supplies & consumables.
Spruce Credit Union
Contact: Kelly Zammit 879 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 2K7 Tel: 250.562.5415 | Fax: 250.564.9977 kzammit@sprucecu.bc.ca | www.sprucecu.bc.ca Financial services, accounting & wealth management.
St. John Ambulance
470 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3B9 Tel: 250.561.1696 | Fax: 250.564.7552 princegeorge@bc.sja.ca | www.sja.ca Education & training consultants, courses, etc., Safety & health services, consultants, First Aid Supplies.
Star West Petroleum Ltd.
Contact: Trent Bilodeau 101 1024 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8 Tel: 250.563.5823 | Fax: 250.563.5824 trentb@swpetroleum.ca | www.swpetroleum.ca Gasoline and Diesel fuel delivery, Lubricants, Storage tank provider and consultant.
Sterling Crane
Contact: Colin Cote 2 8958 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3 Tel: 250.561.1501 | Fax: 250.561.1601 ccote@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com Cranes & rigging – services and equipment, Hoisting equipment & accessories.
Sterling Crane
Contact: Reg Harrison 3545 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4M2 Tel: 250.635.6802 | Fax: 250.635.6881 rharrison@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com Cranes & rigging – services and equipment, Hoisting equipment & accessories.
Sterling Crane
9608 81 Avenue, Box 2, Comp 5, Fort St. John V1J 6R5 Tel: 250.263.0082 | Fax: 250.263.0081 fortstjohn@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com Cranes & rigging – services and equipment, Hoisting equipment & accessories.
Storm Mountain Technical Services
Contact: Greg McAuley PO Box 1746, Garibaldi Highlands V0N 1T0 Tel: 778.875.9345 greg@snowavalanche.com | www.snowavalanche.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Environmental Consultants.
Synergy Engineering Ltd.
Contact: Fred Malmberg 135 Glacier Street, Coquitlam V3K 5Z1 Tel: 604.464.3663 | Fax: 604.464.9399 office@synergy-eng.com | www.synergy-eng.com Material handling – Electrical – OEM.
Taylor Professional Driving Ltd.
Contact: Dardo Krueger 1320 2 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3B5 Tel: 250.564.7624 | Fax: 250.563.0061 taylor@obriengroup.ca | www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com Transportation equipment, accessories & services, Education & training consultants, courses, etc..
T&T Power Group (formerly 3 Phase Power Systems Inc.)
Contact: Simon Fandrey 1323 Kelliher Road, Prince George V2L 5S8 Tel: 250.562.4343 | Fax: 250.562.4383 simon.fandrey@ttpowergroup.com | www.ttpowergroup.com Industrial electrical component sales , Electrical component manufacturing / maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Automation & communications.
TDB Consultants Inc.
Contact: Rob Kragt 2032 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8 Tel: 250.562.1828 | Fax: 250.562.0227 info@tdb.ca | www.tdb.ca Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services, Engineering Contractors.
Tenaquip NIS Ltd.
3526 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 2P9 Tel: 250.562.4435 | Fax: 250.562.0462 info@tenaquip.com | www.tenaquip.com Hydraulic components & accessories, Industrial supplies & consumables, Safety & health services, consultants.
Tenaquip Ltd.
1125 Cariboo Highway, Quesnel V2J 2Y5 Tel: 250.992.5521 | Fax: 250.992.6718 info@tenaquip.com | www.tenaquip.com Hydraulic components & accessories, Industrial supplies & consumables, Safety & health services, consultants.
Tenaquip Ltd.
2815 Kalum Street, Terrace V8G 2M4 Tel: 250.638.0248 | Fax: 250.638.0963 info@tenaquip.com | www.tenaquip.com Hydraulic components & accessories, Industrial supplies & consumables, Safety & health services, consultants.
Terrace & District Community Services Society (TDCSS)
Contact: Michael McFetridge 200 3219 Eby Street, Terrace V8G 4R3 Tel: 250.635.3178 | Fax: 250.635.6319 info@tdcss.ca | www.tdcss.ca Counseling & prevention, HR services, professionals & consultants, Education & training consultants, courses, etc..
Tetra Tech
Contact: Bernie Teufele 1000 885 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver V6C 1N5 Tel: 604.685.0275 | Fax: 604.684.6241 bernie.teufele@tetratech.com | www.tetratech.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Engineering contractors.
The Answer Company
Contact: Krista Magnusson 502 233 Nelson’s Crescent, New Westminster V3L 0E4 Tel: 604.473.9166 | Fax: 604.473.9155 info@theanswerco.com | www.theanswerco.com Software providers, consultants, Management – consulting services.
Timber West Construction Ltd.
Contact: Ed Ridley 5955 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4 Tel: 250.564.6857 | Fax: 250.564.6837 ed@twconstruction.ca | www.twconstruction.ca Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Metal fabrication supplies & services, Bulk materials – handling equipment.
Timberspan Wood Products Inc.
Contact: Nicole Cvenkel 12555 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 7A8 Tel: 250.961.0146 | Fax: 250.963.7869 info@timberspan.ca | www.timberspan.ca Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Bulk materials – handling equipment.
Contact: Jack Fasoli 220 Lafleaur Avenue, La Salle, QC H8R 4C9 Tel: 438.828.1637 jack.fasoli@totalenergies.com | www.totalenergies.ca Hydraulic components & accessories, industrial supplies & consumables, lubricants, supplier.
Contact: Kerry Lalonde 410 475 West Georgia Street, Vancouver V6B 4M9 Tel: 604.331.2512 | Fax: 604.331.2513 info@tre-altamira.com | www.tre-altamira.com Ground control equipment & supplies, SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) , Geophysical surveys, instrumentation & consulting.
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Rachel Caira 3210 Apsley Street, Terrace V8G 0J2 Tel: 250.635.1494 | Fax: 250.635.1495 rcaira@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com Environmental consultants, Mapping services, Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Amanda Wamsteeker 3990 22 Avenue, Prince George V2N 3A1 Tel: 250.562.9155 | Fax: 250.562.9135 awamsteeker@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com Environmental consultants, Mapping services, Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Rachel Caira 623 B Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2E5 Tel: 778.631.2224 rcaira@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com Environmental consultants, Mapping services, Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Twin Rivers Developments Ltd.
Contact: Sheldon Mayert 5048 Banzer Drive, Prince George V2K 4H2 Tel: 250.962.6657 | Fax: 250.962.9600 smayert@twinriversdev.com | www.twinriversdev.com Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) , Road – building services & products, Heavy transport, gravel hauling.
Tyrod Industries Ltd.
Contact: Tyson Kranrod 429 McAloney Road, Prince George V2K 4L2 Tel: 250.596.1640 | Fax: 866.827.6892 jamie@tyrodindustries.com | www.tyrodindustries.com Welding, Piping products & services, Metal fabrication supplies & services.
UNIGLOBE Sunburst Travel Ltd.
Contact: Tina Perison 110 177 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 5R8 Tel: 250.562.5444 | Fax: 250.562.6801 tina@uniglobepg.com | www.uniglobesunbursttravel.com Corporate and Leisure Travel.
United Rentals Inc.
Contact: Tim Kish 2073 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Z1 Tel: 250.564.3111 | Fax: 250.564.6232 kisht@ur.com | www.ur.com Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Camp management services & supply rentals, General equipment & supplies.
United Initiators Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dave Willis 11132 160 Street, Surrey V4N 1R2 Tel: 604.583.2247 dave.willis@united-in.com | www.united-initiators.com Environment equipment & services, Processing ( chemicals, minerals, petroleum products, etc.), Industrial supplies and consumables.
United Initiators Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dave Willis 2147 P.G. Pulpmill Road, PO Box 2366, Prince George V2N 2S6 Tel: 800.567.5700 | Fax: 250.561.4240 dave.willis@united-in.com | www.united-initiators.com Environment equipment & services, Processing ( chemicals, minerals, petroleum products, etc.), Industrial supplies and consumables.
Van Houtte Coffee Services Inc.
Contact: Jay Kryklywyj 1722 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9 Tel: 250.564.6316 | Fax: 250.564.0283 jkryklywyj@vanhoutte.com | www.vhcoffeeservices.com Camp management services & supplies, General equipment & supplies.
Victory Ace Building Center
Contact: Sylvain & Marilyne Laferriere 200 Mackenzie Boulevard, PO Box 2605, Mackenzie V0J 2C0 Tel: 250.997.3003 | Fax: 250.997.4450 sales.victorybc@gmail.com | www.ace-canada.ca Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Lumber yard, Hardware Supplies.
Waddell Environmental Inc.
Contact: Glenda Waddell 974 Ochakwin Crescent, Prince George V2M 5P6 Tel: 250.640.8088 waddellenvironmental@gmail.com Permits & regulatory consultants & services, Environmental Consultants, Enviromental compliance auditing.
Wajax Equipment
Contact: Shawna Hicks 10135 Finning Frontage, Fort St. John V1J 4J1 Tel: 250.785.4191 | Fax: 250.785.7621 wewebenquiries19@wajax.com | www.wajax.com Surface and underground mobile equipment & components, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Diesel engines and accessories.
Wajax Equipment
Contact: Al Gandy 4620 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3 Tel: 250.562.7321 | Fax: 250.561.1404 wewebenquiries11@wajax.com | www.wajax.com Surface and underground mobile equipment & components, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Diesel engines and accessories.
Wesco Distribution
Contact: Bryan Fields 2223 Nicholson Street North, Prince George V2N 1V9 Tel: 250.562.3306 | Fax: 250.562.4832 bfields@wesco.com | www.wesco.ca Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Industrial supplies & consumables, Instrumentation.
West Fraser Electro/Mechanical Ltd.
Contact: Robert Shaw 3937 22 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B7 Tel: 250.563.4330 | Fax: 250.563.4331 | www.west-fraser.com Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Generators, Motor rebuild facility and manufacturer.
Westcana Electric Inc.
Contact: Scott Sherba 1643 Ogilive Street, Prince George V2N 1W7 Tel: 250.564.5800 | Fax: 250.564.1830 info@westcana.com | www.westcana.com Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Industrial supplies & consumables, Instrumentation.
Westcana Electric Inc.
Contact: Gord 4109 Substation Road, Terrace V8G 3W6 Tel: 250.615.5573 | Fax: 250.615.5536 gord@westcana.com | www.westcana.com Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Industrial supplies & consumables, Instrumentation.
Westcana Electric Inc.
Contact: Gord 102, 8913 72 Street, Fort St. John V1J 0B4 Tel: 250.785.0971 | Fax: 250.785.9967 gord@westcana.com | www.westcana.com Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies, Industrial supplies & consumables, Instrumentation.
Westpro Machinery Inc.
202, 3317 30 Avenue, Vernon V1T 6N6 Tel: 250.549.6710 | Fax: 250.549.6735 sales@westpromachinery.com | www.westpromachinery.com Mineral – processing equipment, supplies & services, Water – treatment & equipment services.
Wide Sky Disposal (1989) Ltd.
Contact: Basil Batton PO Box 1570, Fort Nelson V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.774.6528 | Fax: 250.774.4750 basil@widesky.ca | www.widesky.ca Waste products – industrial and commercial, recyclable beverage containers, used oil, paints and batteries, Oil and gas industrial waste products.
Wilson M. Beck Insurance Services Inc.
Contact: David W. Beck 303 – 8678 Greenall Avenue, Burnaby V5J 3M6 Tel: 604.437.6200 | Fax: 604.437.5347 info@wmbeck.com | www.wmbeck.com Insurance products, consultants & services.
Wilson M. Beck Insurance Services Inc.
Contact: Brett Nicholson 3685 Massey Drive, Prince George V2N 4E6 Tel: 778.693.2740 | Fax: 778.693.2750 info@wmbeck.com | www.wmbeck.com Insurance products, consultants & services.
Wolftek Industries Inc.
Contact: Gordon Gallop 4944 Continental Way , Prince George V2N 5S5 Tel: 250.561.1556 | Fax: 250.561.0235 gord@wolftek.ca | www.wolftek.ca Metal fabrication supplies & services, Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair, Mineral – processing equipment, supplies & services.
Wood Group – AMEC Foster Wheeler
Contact: Nick C. Polysou, P.Eng. 3456 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 2P9 Tel: 250.564.3243 | Fax: 250.562.7045 nick.polysou@woodplc.com | www.woodplc.com Consulting Geologists & Engineers, Engineering contractors.
Wood Group – AMEC Foster Wheeler
600 890 West Pender Street, Vancouver V6P 1J9 Tel: 604.267.1717 | www.woodplc.com Consulting Geologists & Engineers, Engineering contractors.
WoodPro Engineering Ltd.
Contact: John Westergard 983 Vancouver Street, Prince George V2L 2P6 Tel: 250.563.9964 | Fax: 250.563.5648 princegeorge@woodproengineering.com | www.woodproengineering.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Engineering contractors / project managers, Mechanical engineering contractors.
WorkBC Centre – Kitimat
Contact: Cyndi McIntosh 562 Mountain View Square, Kitimat V8C 2N2 Tel: 250.632.6581 centre-kitimat@workbc.ca | www.kitimatcommunityservices.ca Education & training consultants, courses, etc..
WorkBC Center – Terrace
Contact: Lorna Sandhals 201 4622 Greig Avenue, Terrace V8G 1M9 Tel: 250.638.8108 | Fax: 250.638.7212 info-terrace@workbc.ca | www.workbccentre-terrace.ca Employment Services, Education & Training.
WorkBC Centre – Hazelton
4345 Field Street, Hazelton V0J 1Y0 Tel: 250.842.6110 | Fax: 250.845.2282 centre-hazelton@workbc.ca | www.workbccentre-hazelton.ca Employment Services, Education & Training.
Contact: Angus English 1000 840 Howe Street, Vancouver V6Z 2M1 Tel: 604.685.9381 VancouverOfficeServices@wsp.com | www.wsp.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Environmental Consultants.
312 450 City Center, Kitimat V8C 1T6 Tel: 250.632.2387 | www.wsp.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Environmental Consultants.
10716 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1Z3 Tel: 250.787.0300 | www.wsp.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Environmental Consultants.
780 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C5 Tel: 250.561.2603 | www.wsp.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Environmental Consultants.
1, 3772 4 Avenue, Smithers V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.1913 | www.wsp.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Environmental Consultants.
205 133 Industrial Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2V2 Tel: 867.668.2525 | www.wsp.com Consultants – geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.), Mapping services/GIS, Environmental Consultants.
Yellowhead Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Brook Pennington 4275 Hangar Road, Prince George V2N 4M6 Tel: 250.963.9884 | Fax: 250.963.7143 princegeorge@yhl.ca | www.yhl.ca Air transportation (charter services, helicopters, etc.), Transportation (flight) , Leisure travel services & products