1 minute read
SPOA Conference Information 28
400 people in this building emit up to 200 lbs of water vapor in a day.
We can help manage moisture without even breaking a sweat.
There’s a science to managing moisture.
Humans are about 60 percent water. It’s no wonder, then, that they emit so much water vapor. When that vapor diffuses into a steel stud cavity wall, it can cause trouble. Trouble like corrosion, reduced R-value of batt insulation and indoor air quality problems.
Diffusion is just one way moisture can enter a wall cavity. Condensation, air infiltration and severe weather can also cause moisture to build up.
No matter how it gets there, moisture mustbe managed. The right insulationis critical.
By learning how moisture builds up, Dow has been able to develop insulation products that help control it. And with our sciencebased solutions, you’ll find the right product for your steel stud application.
For a free dew point calculation of your wall assembly, call your local Dow sales representative. We sweat the details so you don’t have to.