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I’m Dreaming of a White...Halloween???? 5
S.P.O.A.S.P.O.A .
British Columbia
Published By: DEL Communications Inc.
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Fall Colours Near Smithers ~ Chuck Morris 4
President’s Message ~ John Garossino 5
Secretary Treasurer’s Message ~ Jim Garfield 6
Biography ~ Kelly Gahir 7 Biography ~ Glenn Brennan 7 Remembrance ~ Jim Thorpe 8 Spoa’s 42nd Annual Conference & Trade Show ~ What A Conference It Was! 9 Trex Composite Decking & Railing 12 Industrial Education Safety Is Everyone’s Responsibility 13 Capital Asset Management System Working Group Update 16 Schools and the Design Build Process 18 Major Construction Trends: Design-Bid-Build / Construction Management 22 Protect Staff and Studens with Code Alert Quick Response System 23 Small Communities, Large Schools 24 Big Steel Box 26 Clean Get Away ~ Microfiber cleaning products save time, money and your back 28 Surrey School District Soars with SchoolDude 32 Prevent Mold and Mildew with Proven Adhesives for Flooring Systems 32 Working Smarter, Not Harder: A Trash Can For the Next Generation 34 Ahead of the Curve ~ Facilities Renewal Through Energy Savings 36 Thoughts On: Fishing 37 Bursary Winners 2006 38 Energy Usage In Your Facilities 39 Tip Top Tables 40 Maintain That Floor To Add Years To Its Life 42 Floor-Cleaning Technology Breakthrough 44 Do You Really Care? 46 NFP Open & Closed Bag Filters 47 School Plant Official Guy 48 Clean-Air Services 48 The Importance of Due Diligence in Managing Water Damage 49 I’m Dreaming of a White...Halloween???? 50 Index to Advertisers 51
Mission Statement: To provide support and recognition to our members who work in partnership with leaders in education in the province of British Columbia.
WWherever our job takes us, we encounter and the first snow appears on the mounmany divergent thoughts about work and tain tops, a surrealistic change seems to how to deal with any given issue. For take place. many of us working in districts that cover What could be better than to stop large areas, driving from the office to one along the road and pause for fifteen minof our schools can take an hour or many, utes? That pause, while basking in the using up a good portion of our day. glory of the scene before you, can be This offers us time to reflect on the job some of the best few minutes spent we are doing, and allows for some time thinking about your work. Very often, to think on where we are going and how fresh ideas and new thought patterns we can improve. This province's topog- come to you, allowing resolution to a raphy is so varied, that at any given time, problem. Let us be grateful for British we could be driving urban areas amongst Columbia’s beauty, and its ability to tall buildings and clogged streets, and enhance our everyday lives. end up smack dab in the middle of Mother Nature herself, cruising on wide- ❏ open highways alongside of meandering We welcome your comments and feedback. rivers and streams. Often at times, the beauty and serenity If you have an idea for a story or profile in an up-coming edition,please send it to: katrina@delcommunications.com is so overwhelming that one actually needs to stop and take it all in. Such is Please include the name of the magazine the case in the Bulkley Valley. Driving or association in your email header or west from Smithers, the terrain changes subject line. from an open landscape to high moun- We look forward to tains and sharp canyons. When fall hearing from you. arrives with its glory of yellows and reds,
WWelcome back everyone, to another excit- ciation, we have the knowledge and experting year for our association. ise to make real and relevant input into the
First of all, I would like to thank all of our future of facilities management practices in members and associate members for the the educational community in the province support you have shown this association of BC. Sharing knowledge and promoting and its executive. It is support like this that partnerships may be one of the most imporcreates the climate for advancement and tant directions we embark upon, as it has the change, which are so vital to the survival potential to affect the way we do business in and growth of our association. the future.
We have just completed one of the most Two years ago under the direction of successful years our association has seen in President Ernie Lambert, our association advancing our association’s profile in this “Charted our Course;” this started us on a province and I realize it will be a tough journey. Last year, under the direction of show to follow. In saying that we are plan- President Lisa Johnston, this association ning to keep the momentum going for this “Navigated our Course” and brought our up coming year and build on the success we association a higher profile within the eduachieved last year. cational community. This year, our theme
This year, your executive is planning to “Rowing Together in Partnership” will complete the standards and procedures show the true benefits of the networking manual, to continue to build on our spon- that our association is known for. sorship program, to expand and promote I wish you all a successful year and I our certification program, to actively pro- hope that the work your executive is doing mote membership in our association, and to behind the scenes will continue to be of actively explore future partnerships that will benefit to our membership on the whole. be beneficial to our members. I will continue to be available to all of our
In addition to this, we will continue to members, and I am committed to work diliwork with the Ministry of Education for the gently for this association to achieve the benefit of both our members and their success we are all expecting. respective districts. Yours in service,
Our association will also continue to John Garossino work towards promoting partnership dis- President cussions within our association as they School Plant Officials Association relate to facilities management. As an asso- ❏
S.P.O.A.S.P.O.A .
British Columbia
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This year’s conference has been deemed a huge success by the membership. I have just reviewed the comments from the assessment forms. Those that responded felt that the addition of the other organizations was well received, and that the conference was a good opportunity for SPOAmembers to network and gain insight into other organizations. From the assessment forms received, there was 118 Excellent, 66 Good, and 3 Fair. Some of the comments from the forms were as follows: ·Very good, don’t think we need to have a conference every year ·Excellent, keep it rolling ·One of the best conferences we have attended ·Presidents’Reception was too noisy ·Achange in food would be nice ·Excellent, the combined conference had much to offer
With the inclusion of the other organizations came the addition of new suppliers who had not previously attended our conference nor been aware of it. This in itself will help us to have a better supplier base for future conferences and to give us better exposure.
This year’s joint conference offered us the chance to visit 140 booths along with the 260 exhibitor representatives that manned these facilities. I had occasion to visit the bulk of these booths and was well received by all. The exhibitor’s hosted evening went very well with good participation from the exhibitors and delegates and I believe a fun time was had by all.
We had a total of 246 delegates attend the conference this year. The break down is as follows: 123School Plant Officials Association Members 3School Plant Officials Society of Alberta 12School Plant Officials Association Retirees 7School Plant Officials Association Associate Members 79Recreational Facilities Association of BC 17Canadian Educational Facility Planners International (BC Chapter) 5BC School Safety Association
This, along with the increase in exhibitors and partners, gave us close to 600 people attending this year’s conference. It was nice to see and gave the executive an insight into what may be available to SPOAin the future. Yes, there were a few hic-ups that did happen and these will be addressed in the future, but by and large, things went very well.
One other area that we delved into this year was sponsorship, with two major sponsors coming on board. These included B.C. Hydro, Bell Mobility, School Dude (who sponsored the breakfast), and Tersan Gas (who sponsored a hole at the golf tournament).
By allowing major companies to sponsor part of the conference, we had the added advantage of increased funds. This, in turn, allowed us to expand our conference and to continue to bring in quality speakers and programs. The basis for accepting a major sponsor was that they had to be a company that did not compete with the exhibitors, those being Hydro, Work Safe, Bell etc. This added funding will allow our organization to expand and to become a major contributor to the educational system
As Conference Director, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Executive who helped in making this year the success that it was. Thanks to Grant Davidson for an excellent selection of speakers, John Garossino for continually harassing me to get things done, Chuck Morris for giving us the funds needed to make this work, Pat Zinio for your assistance, Bob Hardy for keeping us on the straight and narrow, Ivan Lewis for your input, Molly Shipowich for keeping things running the way they should, and to our Past President, Lisa Johnston, for backing us and allowing us to take a few chances. I do believe she breathed a sigh of relief when it turned out to be an overwhelming success. To her I give special thanks.
When we put the knowledge that we gained from this conference and apply it to the upcoming conference, another successful conference is in the making. Thanks again to all the delegates and exhibitors, and to all who made this conference a success.
Jim Garfield,Secretary-Treasurer
School Plant Officials Association of BC ❏
Lisa Johnston starting off the AGM with the hit of the gavel. Chuck Morris provides the members with the Financial Report. Great job Chuck! John Garossino giving his Presidential acceptance speech at the AGM.