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your ConstruCtIon AssoCIAtIon
As the Vancouver Island Construction Association (VICA), we serve our construction community: the institutional, commercial, industrial, civil and multi-family residential construction sectors on Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and other coastal areas of British Columbia. With roots that date back to 1912, we’re one of the oldest construction associations in Canada.
As leaders in the industry, we believe in collaborating, sharing knowledge and making it more profitable to do business on Vancouver Island. We do this through advocacy and representation on regional, provincial and national policy and regulatory issues, and through spearheading formal and informal dialogue with local governments and the construction community at large.
WE bElIEvE IN buIldINg aN INduSTry FOr a STrONg FuTurE
At VICA, we value diversity within the construction sector and are proud to be the association of choice for 450-plus small and large companies from the southern tip of the island to the northern point. We are a community of skilled professionals — from owners, general contractors and trade contractors to manufacturers, suppliers and purchasers of construction services — looking to connect, grow, learn and save. Through our courses and workshops, events, conferences and our Under 40 (U40), Young Builders Network (YBN) and Women in Construction (WiC) networks, we bring the industry together to create business opportunities while promoting industry excellence.
We are proud to be a part of the BC Construction Association (BCCA) and the Canadian Construction Association (CCA), giving our industry members a national voice on issues and opportunities that affect everyone in the construction sector.
The Vancouver Island Construction Association supports and promotes the principles of fair, open and transparent procurement processes. Guided by ethical standards and practices, we strive to foster growth and economic stability for our members across Vancouver Island, British Columbia and Canada. We share this vision with our regional, provincial and national partners.
a vICa mEmbErShIp IS mOrE ThaN juST bEINg parT OF aN aSSOCIaTION
To be a VICA member is to be a member of a diverse community that shares the same vision: to build up this dynamic industry we are all proud to be a part of. Our goal at the Vancouver Island Construction Association is to connect you with the training and education, project and business development opportunities and labour you need to grow your business while saving you time and money.
Our broad membership base — comprised of women, men, young and old — brings unique skills and experience to the workforce. By coming together, we form a collective voice while contributing to the thriving construction industry on Vancouver Island.