The Book of You

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The Book of You By Leslie Fieger

© 2022 Leslie Fieger

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form nor by any means, electronic, mechanical, digital, photographic or phonographic process; nor may it be stored in any retrieval system, or otherwise copied for public or private use - other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews – without prior written permission of the copyright holder and publisher. The author of this book does not dispense medical or psychological advice or suggest the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional or mental problems without the advice of a licensed physician, therapist or health care practitioner, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to o er information of a general nature to assist the reader in the personal quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event that you, the reader, choose to exercise your right to use any of the information in this book, the author and his agents and publishers assume no liability for your actions.


You alone are responsible for any actions you may take or suggestions you may follow. That is the way life is, although many seem to be in denial about this simple truth. In any case, here, it is legally asserted.

Dedication This book is dedicated to the in nite and ine able being that my Cree Aboriginal ancestors referred to as The Great Spirit. Hindus and Buddhists use the name, Brahma, to refer to this being. You may use the word, God, if it pleases you. Throughout this book, I use the terms, Prime Creator, Universal Consciousness and Source Energy to variously refer to The All That Is All. I also dedicate this book to all the children of this world, Planet Earth, past, present and future. That, of course, includes you. I wish to express my profound gratitude to the wonderful teachers, both human and non-human, who have been my personal guides on various parts of my personal journey. To Chuck Danes, for his meticulous editing of my grammar and punctuation, much gratitude. I also extend my gratitude, in advance, to you, the reader, for taking this book into your heart and mind; and for, if you choose, sharing the book’s website.




Above all, I o er my Deep Gratitude to Universe itself, who is, in truth, both my co-author and the inspiration for this book.

The Preface Two days after I landed in the land of the Maya, it came to me that I had to write this book. It was not something I had been thinking about doing. I was in the midst of creating video content for the online courses I had been working on for more than a year. But, suddenly, I felt a deep compulsion to write this book. Within a week, I had written over 23,000 words. They just poured out of me. And then, I just stopped. Full stop. I did not like the voice, the tone of what I had written. It was too cold, too factual, too distant. So I put it aside. Over the next few months, I tried to edit what I had written, but those attempts were dismal. What I had written was just too o -key to simply edit. The message was true, but the delivery was false. I started over. Twice. Those attempts were also false. As a result of those false starts, I began to feel false. The fear that I could no longer write a book took over. I cannot do this I told myself. I am unworthy, unable. Who was I kidding? How presumptuous of me to endeavour to write a book entitled The Book of You. I had not written a complete book in years. I had spent my creative juices. I should be satis ed with my legacy - the previous books I had written, the online courses I had created, the seminars I had facilitated, the millions of lives my work had already touched. It was enough, I told myself. Stop fussing about it. So, I quit attempting to write anything; and just relaxed into being in the sunny climes of the Caribbean. I resigned myself to being just another refugee from the Covid madness of my home country. Sunrise walks on the beach. Sunset beers at the beach bar. New friends. Exploring my new country. Settling in. Settling for a daily routine that was pleasurable enough but had no great purpose or meaning. And then, one day, the pain began. It grew and it spread throughout my body. When it became too great to ignore, I sought medical help. The diagnosis was cancer. Metastasized, they told me. What a great word, I thought, if used in another context. Metastasize: the rapid transition from one point to another. Sounds cool, like something a quantum physicist would say. Like the ability of an electron to quantum jump from one orbital path to another. However, in medical usage, it is not so cool. It is cold and it is nasty. That rst day and into the next, my attention was completely focused on this assault on my physical wellbeing. Why me? What had I done to deserve this? I know that my thoughts shape my reality and I know that unresolved emotional and psycho-spiritual issues often manifest as physical ailments. What was wrong with my thinking? I thought I had it under control. I had being doing my daily wellbeing a rmations for years. I believed I had resolved all my emotional issues and had established a solid spiritual foundation. What the fuck had happened? Cancer. Really? What the fuck!?!? This was so unfair. I had done the inner work. I had experienced the transcendent. I even had direct and ongoing conversations with my local star. I had touched the in nite. Felt its love. I had walked in reverence of the sacred. I had committed myself to being of service, to contribute to the upliftment of my fellow humans. So, how the fuck did I create this cancer? Why me? This is not fucking fair. And then, strangely, two days after my diagnosis and after further diagnostic tests had reiterated and speci ed the initial dia-gnosis, I woke up at dawn and realized that I felt completely at peace. Ok, I decided - I will walk this road and see where it leads. The treatment plan decided upon and the pain under control, I focused my attention on the exquisite beauty of simply being alive. I chose to recommit myself to my self-assigned purpose to revere, to relish and to contribute. Well, at least to being reverent and to relishing, enjoying, life. Contribution? Well, that had been done. I had spent a quarter of a century committed to, and actively being, a contribution, in my own way, to my fellow humans.







I became sentimental. Sunrises could bring me to tears. My feelings of being alive overwhelmed me with gratitude and joy. Life became a precious gift. Weeks went by with me simply feeling truly and deeply happy. I did not need to do anything. I only had to be fully and completely embraced by the beauty of life, by the grace that I had begun to allow into my life in more depth than ever before. I was ok with my death

sentence and decided that my only recourse was to be fully alive as I awaited the inevitable. I spent hours of each day feeling gratitude and reverence for life itself; and for the great gift of being here now, on the shores of the Caribbean, fully alive and experiencing the pains and pleasures of the gift of life. Of course, the treatments took on their own importance and demanded a fair amount of the focus of my attention. But overall, I was not just content and at peace, I was truly and genuinely happy, joyful even, to simply be alive. Death had come knocking at my door and had brought the beautiful gift of a greater appreciation of the beauty and the wonder of life. And then, out of the blue, various people, friends and strangers alike, began asking me what I was writing now. I was working on a book, but did not like the tone, I told them, so I am letting it gestate. It was a lie I had quit, had actually given up and decided I could not do this; but it was also, it turns out, the truth. My ego was lying. My soul was telling the truth. My life’s purpose is not just to stand in reverence of the Sacred and to relish the great gift called Life on Planet Earth. It also includes contribution. I am ready now to write this book for you. Gestation time is complete. My heart has been opened enough. I had been attempting to write this with my mind. That is why it had felt false. Now I know that I must write with my heart and with my soul. That my mind is only the tool I will use to write, not the master of what I will write and how I will write it. I will write this book now, simply because I love you enough to say what needs to be said. It is my heart’s desire that I will be able to convince you of the fullness of your being and the majesty of that fullness of being. Alright. Let’s begin with the simple, the basic, the essential, the eloquent truth: Consciousness is the foundational source of all being. Consciousness creates, sustains and enlivens the entire cosmos. Moreover, consciousness infuses itself into its creation. That is why you are conscious and are able to read this work. That is why I am enabled to create it. Yes… the very same consciousness that brings forth Universe is resident in both you, the reader, and I, the writer, of this book. Additionally, this very same consciousness is not just present in you and I, it is present, infused into all of its creation, from sub-atomic quanta to gargantuan quasars, from microscopic mycelium to ginormous redwoods, from beach sand to b-class stars. It is a Universal Consciousness and it is omnipresent within its creation. Generally speaking, human beings are so enthralled with their own self-awareness, their own consciousness, that they assume that consciousness is a uniquely human attribute, that it arose from our evolved big brains, that it is an epiphenomenal result of human brain mass. Well, ok, maybe our pet dog or a playful dolphin has some smattering of consciousness, but rocks and trees, planets and stars do not. They are simply the material stu that makes up our world and our cosmos. However, this idea that consciousness is a uniquely human attribute is not just an epistemological error, it is a human conceit that prevents individuals from experiencing an intimate connection to this Universal Consciousness. This is beyond sad. It is tragic. Creator Consciousness, the source of all that exists and all that is potential, exists within you and within all of creation. When we remain ignorant of that omnipresence, or stubbornly refuse to open ourselves up to becoming intimate with that Universal Consciousness, and the creative power that is inherent in that connection, we are choosing to deny the fullness of our own beingness. Moreover, whenever one is able to experience this connection to the in nite, ine able source of all creation, the recognition of the fullness of self and the glory of creation lls one with a joyfulness that is impossible to describe. Intimacy with the in nite is beyond the power of words to adequately describe. It must be experienced.






Poets like Rumi come close to describing the experience of oneness with the all-that-is-all, but those who speak of a cosmic consciousness or an experience of divinity often seem like madmen to those who have

not experienced this sublime state. Mystics, shamans, and a few societal outliers who attempt to clue people in to this greater reality are mostly ignored or even deemed to be out-of-touch with what is really real. I recognize that I run the same risk here. You, or any other reader, may choose to dismiss what I have written here as the musings of a mystical madman. But, I ask you to consider this… what if this book called, The Book of You, really is a way through which you can come to know thyself? Do you really want to ignore the opportunity to know the fullness of your being? As the mystics and shamans have asserted over the centuries, the rst step on the pathway to personal mastery is, “Know Thyself”. The purpose of this tome is to remind you of the fullness of your being and to provide you with a vision of the fullness of your becomingness. It is also a plea from Universe to, not just recognize the fullness of self, but to co-join with it in the unfolding journey into a co-created future. Like the Universe itself, you are on a journey, through life, through time, through space; a journey of discovery, a journey of ever becoming more in order to have and enjoy more. To successfully navigate this journey, to enjoy this journey and to prosper from this journey, it is best to know from whence you embarked upon this journey. It is also necessary to see and understand where you are presently at. Only then will you have the ability to clearly envision a future reality picture of your own choosing. I write this now to assist you in acquiring that knowledge so that you might come to fully know thyself. This book is about you. I write it for you. I know now that the initial compulsion I had felt those many months ago to write this; and to have the audacity to entitle it, The Book of You, was, and remains, a plea from Universe itself. The task that I have been assigned is, to not only convince you of the fullness of your being, but is also to provide you with the means to access that greater you and to establish an intimate connection to the in nite. We exist in a time of great transition. We each have the opportunity to claim our essential sacredness and our responsibility to become the co-creators of not just our own reality, but to participate directly, consciously and intentionally in the universal imperative to become more. In other words, the Universe is asking you to become directly involved in its own evolution by waking up to the fullness of self. And it has asked me, or more accurately, tasked me with the job of convincing you that you are capable of doing this. Those who are familiar with my previous writings will recognize many of the concepts and some of the phrasings contained in this book, but, I expect you will nd them presented in a more personal and meaningful way. I deeply feel a sense of urgency to impart this message from Universe. It is not just my cancer, and its possible limitation of my time here, that brings this sense of urgency. Universe, itself, is feeling an urgency that you must seize this moment and is providing you with assistance, both physical and metaphysical, to claim your true birthright. The intent of this book, this message, is to open a door to your full creative power. In order to open that door, I will need to write about things that you may not normally think about. I aim to empower you to come into a full recognition of your real self and your full creative power. It will be up to you to choose to walk through this door and claim your power in order to e ectuate your ideals and dreams. Human beings, in their daily lives, are generally not given to personal introspection (navel gazing) and cosmic contemplation (star gazing). Yet, it is these two mental activities that are necessary to indulge in, if one is interested in knowing one’s place and purpose in the big scheme of things.








Almost everyone aspires to happiness and ful llment, to live a life of purpose and meaning, to know from whence we came and why we are here. Yet, very few spend the time and e ort necessary to search for the answers. Navel gazing is relegated to a few philosophers and ontologists; stargazing relegated to a few physicists and cosmologists. Most humans vainly search for happiness, ful llment, meaning and purpose in frenetic activity rather than intentional thought, contemplation and meditation.

Sadly, this hyper-activity rarely supplies any lasting sense (or knowing) of what it is to be a human being, even when it is exempli ed by doing one’s true work. Ful llment is best achieved by getting to know one’s true self. Meaning is best achieved by getting to know one’s place in the Universe. The underlying and fundamental reason behind the development of all of man’s mythologies, including his histories, religions, arts and sciences, is this basic urge to nd or create purpose, ful llment and meaning. Unfortunately, the cultural memes and myths that develop, (or are manufactured by certain powers with their own agenda), to ll this need do not supply the complete answers for each individual. The quest for individual ful llment and meaning must be taken personally. Those who undertake this journey often seek guidance from supposed enlightened ones (gurus) or from established spiritual traditions. However, to revere an enlightened one is not to be enlightened. It is possible to get clues to follow from the words or acts of enlightened individuals, but, ultimately, we all must walk our own path. To believe wholeheartedly in some meta-meme or assumed cultural myth does not make it universally true. One must discover one’s own truth. To blindly follow some set of religious dogma or cultural moral code does not raise one up to be worthy of anything, let alone that splendid epiphany called enlightenment. Every individual must choose and follow their own star. Each of us needs to discover our own compass with which to chart our course toward unity with the in nite. It is true that there have been a few individuals who, while remaining roughly within one of the major cultural takes on life, have succeeded in nding their own ful llment, meaning and enlightenment. However, the overwhelming majority of people remain puzzled, mysti ed and in the dark about who they are, where they came from, and where they are headed. And, sadly, many never come to know, to feel, and to experience their direct, personal relationship with the Universe and with the Prime Creative force. Yes, it does take a certain daring and courage to leave the safe shores of the cultural norms and venture into the unknown territory of the depths of self-awareness, but the rewards are tremendous. And, yes, you will nd happiness (more than you imagine: joy, bliss, ecstasy await) and ful llment (more than you imagine: destiny and divinity await). You will also discover that you are a co-creative force within Universe and that you are enabled to actively and consciously partake in the ongoing creation of Universe and, along the way, if you so desire, create the personal success you desire. In other words, the full knowledge of self will make it possible for you to easily satisfy your basic needs of survival, comfort and success. Additionally, it will also make it possible to be free to accept your role as a full responsible creative partner in the ongoing evolution of life on this planet and ultimately, in the whole cosmos. I will say it one more time: enlightenment is not just the bliss of experiencing yourself as light, as love, as life itself, it is also the empowerment to move from mere self-conscious awareness to a cosmic consciousness, an awareness of self as being at one with the all-that-is-all. Once you are there, you can certainly live an abundant, ful lling and joyful life. You can also contribute to the well-being and the empowerment of your fellow human creatures. And, you can, in accepting your connectivity to Universe and to Creator, also co-create with Universe itself. This Book of You is made up of three parts. The rst part is about how you came to be and what led up to you reading this message from the Universe. The second part is about what is going on around you in your world as you read this book (or at least as I write it). The third part will be about what you may choose to enact once you are nished reading this book. Past. Present. Future.
















Two things need to be said before we get started on this journey into the greater you.

The rst is that even if you were conceived in the back seat of a ’57 Chevy by two passionate and careless teenagers, you are not here accidentally. You chose to be here at this speci c time in human history to participate in this great shift of human consciousness. The second is that even if someone gifted you this book, or you found it lying on some park bench, abandoned by another reader, you chose to have it come into your life at this time in order to hear this message. And even if you set it aside for a while, as I did, you will come back to it, simply because it is the Book of You. It is your story. Ok. With that said, let’s get started. I hope you relish the ride.



**Editor’s Note: Anytime the readers of an electronic version of this book come across words that are underlined thusly, it indicates that this is a hyperlink to explanatory or additional information.

Preface - Page 6 Part One: Genesis Chapter One - Surf’s Up Chapter Two - A Timeline (Version One) Chapter Three - Toolsets Chapter Four - Carbon, Silicon, Consciousness & Creativity Chapter Five - Quantum Movie Moments Chapter Six - The Big Question Chapter Seven - A Mind Full of… Part Two: Emergence Chapter Eight - Facing the Abyss, Seeing Rainbows Chapter Nine - Snakes and Ladders Chapter Ten - Agape and A Gape Chapter Eleven - Soul Tribe Synergy Chapter Twelve - Vampires and Soul Eaters Chapter Thirteen - Immunity Part Three: Metamorphosis Chapter Fourteen - Timeline - Version Two Prologue - Paradigm Shift Chapter Fifteen - Prana Chapter Sixteen- The Fourth Turning Chapter Seventeen - Gratefulness Chapter Eighteen - Taking Steps, Walking the Path Afterword: Appendix One - Conscious Acts of Creation Appendix Two - In nite Numbers Appendix Three - Shamanic Journey Appendix Four - Holographic Universe Appendix Five - Secret of Secrets Part Four - Writing your own Book of You 1 - Sovereignty 2 - Table of Contents I know that you are tempted to jump ahead and read this, BUT do not do so until you have completed reading ALL parts of this book rst. That is why I put this part last. You will only become fully empowered to write your Book of You after you have the information provided in everything that comes before this nal Appendix to this work. Read through all of it before skipping ahead to Part Four. Well, ok. You can skip the Appendix Five - Secret of Secrets if you wish. But nothing else. Supplement One - Core Values


Supplement Two - To Know Thyself



Table of Contents

Part One: Genesis Chapter One - Surf’s Up Once upon a time you were born. You will experience some stu . Then you will die. That’s the story of your life. No. No. No. That is a fairy tale. It is not even remotely close to the truth. The true story of you is so much bigger, so much grander and so much more miraculous. As I wrote in the Preface, my cancer diagnosis made me a lot more intimate with the death sentence we all face. However, it also enabled me to gain a deeper appreciation of the exquisite beauty of life. More importantly, it re-ignited in me the urgency of writing down this message. I have put my name on this book as the author and claim the copyright, but truthfully I am just the scribe who is, to the best of my ability, transcribing a message to you from the Universe itself. Universe knows the fullness of your story and deeply desires that you come to know it as well. My task is to relate it to you as best I am able. So, make yourself a cup of tea, settle in to your favourite chair and let’s get started. In the beginning there was the void. Pure nothingness. Then, suddenly, there was the Universe. The current descriptive theory of that event, still unfolding, is called 'The Big Bang'. You could also say, once upon a no-time, there was no Universe, and then suddenly, there was both time and space and stu existing in this time and space. Somehow, it happened or got created. How and why? This book is not only about how and why Universe came into being, it is about where it is headed. Some scientists will say the same thing about Universe as I said about you in the rst sentences of my opening paragraph. Universe was born. It will experience some stu . Then it will die. They are wrong. That too is a fairy tale. The story of the Universe is like your story. It is so much grander than that. It is my hope that, as you read these words, you will come to appreciate the miraculousness of Universe. I can hear you thinking… Wait. What? How is this about me? Ok. Let’s start over. Once upon a time, you were not here. Now you are. Somehow that happened. Sure, I know that sperm fertilized egg to make zygote and then it kept dividing and multiplying until your body was formed and you slid out of your mother’s birth canal to show up on planet earth. That is how you were enabled to get a body to hang out here now with me and to experience this journey into the fullness of your being. But how did the “You” that inhabits your body show up? And why? Who are you really? And why are you here? If you are like most people, you have asked yourself those same questions before. Who am I? Why am I here? Perhaps you have spent much time seeking the answers to those questions. On the other hand, maybe you have set them aside as unknowable. In any case, if you wish, by the time you have nished reading this book, you will know the answers to those questions. Where you go from that understanding will be up to you. In order to fully understand anything that exists, including you, we need to know its genesis and the process that brought it to its current existence. In order to get to know and understand the fullness of your beingness, we need to start at the beginning of your story and follow the process of your unfolding history. It may never have incurred to you, but you are at the leading edge of a massive shock wave.






If you think of the Universe as an exponentially expanding wave originating in what physicists and cosmologists refer to as The Big Bang, and, if you conceive of time and space originating in that Big Bang moment, and if you conceive of time as linear and of space as expanding outward to contain a growing Universe, then, you should able to see yourself as existing at the leading edge of that wave.

There is, according to those physicists and cosmologists, 13.8 billion years of history behind you in time. And, there is nothing in front of you, except that which exists in your imagination and in the unlimited potential of the Universe’s own urge to self-realization. And what is that? Some people might say, “God only knows”. By the time you nish this read, so will you. That will place you into a space of amazing capability and responsibility. If that thought scares you, stop reading now. But, if you are even a little bit curious about the fullness of your story, keep reading. It will be revealing. Revelatory even. So, you are here now with 13.8 billion years of past and a future not yet existent or determined. That shock wave emanating out of that supposed Big Bang moment rolls on like a tsunami. You are at the leading edge of that wave. And you have the choice to either be tossed and tumbled by that wave or to surf the crest of it. Surf’s up. Let’s start over, adding some details. Remember, this is your story. You are both inseparable from and integral to Universe. Therefore the story of the Universe is your story. And, Universe itself desires that you know the fullness, the meaning and the purpose of that story. Once upon a no-time, in a no-space far, far away, something miraculous occurred. Consciousness, in a moment of transcendent, blissful, orgasmic, willful, intent created this Universe and infused itself into its own creation. Matter was born of spirit. Cosmologists refer to that event as “The Big Bang.” I have entitled this rst part of this Book of You, Genesis, which means, the origin. In my moments of expressing shock humour in a conversation, I refer to the Big Bang as the rst orgasm. An orgasm of cosmic scale. Imagine how that must have felt. Did the earth move for you? Immediately following no-time/no-space came Planck-time/Planck-space. Planck Time is the smallest divisible unit of time and Planck Space is the smallest divisible unit of space. There are mathematical formulas used to de ne these two units of Spacetime. Anyway, that’s when everything, including the whole potential future of the Universe (that includes you), was still compressed into a space smaller than the point of a needle, smaller even than one atom of the point of a needle; and there wasn’t yet enough time for you to think the rst letter of “Let There Be Light”, not even enough time yet to imagine a nanosecond. And not enough space to contain the period at the end of this sentence, let alone this whole book. And yet, amazingly, in this little itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, time/space, all the elements that would soon become the entire Universe with its billions of galaxies, including the one you were planning to inhabit, already existed. They had not yet fully formed, but the patterns were there and all the sub-atomic quanta (wave/particles like leptons and quarks) that would expand and mutate to become Universe were already there. Imagine it; more jam-packed full and more frenetic than the most popular rave club ever. Enough energy to power the trillions of future stars and a quadrillion sugar-overloaded two-year-old humans, all packed into something so small it can hardly be imagined. No wonder it exploded. Now, some 13.8 billion years later, we are still riding the crest of the wave caused by that explosion. Big Bang is a big understatement. It was the biggest and most exciting event that has ever happened - at least in your Universe. Now, get this: you were there; physically, mentally and spiritually, you were present. Maybe you don’t remember all that well, so let me remind you…









The molecules that make up your physical body are recycled exploded star stu . Every single element, other than hydrogen, that makes up the body that you use to walk around on this planet you currently inhabit, came from exploded stars. Every element on the periodic table, every molecule of stu in the Universe, every bit of matter that makes up your body, except hydrogen and deuterium, was created in the hearts of rst generation stars, and was then spewed out into space when those stars went supernova. Stars died so that you could be born. They did so willingly and spectacularly.

Those rst generation stars were formed out of condensed and congregated hydrogen and deuterium molecules. These vast clouds of hydrogen and deuterium were formed out of the fermions, bosons, quarks, gluons, leptons and other sub-atomic quanta that existed in that Planck time/space. Every physical bit of you is built out of the stu that exploded out of that original singularity. And so is every other thing that exists in this Universe, including this book. The consciousness that now reverberates in the entity you call ‘you’ was, likewise, present then and there. And so was all the other forms of consciousness (self-aware or not) that exist in all creation. Consciousness, your own and all other individualized parts, existed in that singularity, just as surely as did all the other pieces of the present Universe. You exist within Universe. All that is you exists in Universe. And Universe exists in you. All of Universe exists in you. Whoops. What? I bet you never saw that coming, not only does all that makes up the entity or idea called “you” exist within Universe, but all that makes up the entity or idea called “Universe” exists within you. We will come back to that. In the meantime, let’s continue. That which you call your mind was there/then, the same as it is now/here. Remember that the Universe is made up of everything that exists within it. Your mind and your consciousness exist within the here and now Universe. They, too, like your body, had their origins in the there and then Universe of Planck time/ space. All the rest of the you that is you… the stu that is beyond the physical and the mental… call it the metaphysical or spiritual was also there. There is not one thing that exists in this Universe, including the spirit of you, that was not inherently present then/there in Plank time/Plank space. Your life force, your spirit, your soul was also present there/then just as it is now/here. So, your body, your mind, and your soul all had their genesis at that precious event, commonly and currently, called the Big Bang. So ALL that is you, no matter how or what you conceive yourself to be, was present, at least in potential form and pattern, at the very beginning of all that is now called Universe. Pretty awesome thought when you think about it, isn’t it? Well, try this on for size… in order for it to be present in that split, split second after the very rst arising, out of nothingness, of Universe; it also had to be integral to the very act of arising out of nothingness or void. And, it had to be part and parcel of what caused all this we currently are able to perceive as Universe and as self. So, whatever name you want to call that force that initiated all that is, it is inescapable that you are an integral part of it. Just as you cannot separate yourself from Universe, you, likewise, cannot separate yourself from the Creative Consciousness (Great Spirit) that caused Universe to come into being. That primordial consciousness in which all things have their genesis exists in you now just as it did then and you exist within it now just as you did then. Any separation you might feel or perceive is an illusion, a self-imposed illusion. The truth is that there is no separation of you from Universe, of Universe from you. You and the Universe are intimately connected. Moreover, that originating creative force that brought Universe into being is also present within you, just as it is present within all of its creation.





And, if that is the case, then it follows that the same power to create is innate in you. Now, most people will accept that humans are creative; we can write, paint, make music and pottery, bridges and rocket ships. The creativeness that I speak of, though, is more than that. I am speaking of that same awesome creative power that brought everything out of nothing. That is what exists within you waiting to be expressed.

Since you are an inseparable and integral part of that which can be called the Original Cause (no matter how small or fractured or disenfranchised you may feel or think yourself to be), you are, nevertheless, still capable of creating something out of nothing. Imagine that. Just like this Universal Consciousness that brought Universe into being out of pure nothingness, you can create something out of nothing. In fact, you are capable of creating anything you can imagine. Just think. The creative power of your consciousness lies in your ability to conceptualize and idealize. Thought creates. It was intentional thought that caused the Universe to come into being and it is thought that continuously recreates the Universe in each new moment. The power of focused, purposeful, intentional and concentrated thought is at your command. However, in order to access that power, you need to radically re-conceptualize your concept of self. Instead of perceiving yourself to be a body with a mind that has evolved to self-consciousness, you must come to see yourself as being pure formless consciousness that is acting out this existence/experience by having (or taking on) a mind and inhabiting (or taking on) a body - just as you once participated in acting out the experience of having (or taking on-ness/creation) of Universe. Understanding that all that presently exists, physical and metaphysical, existed in that rst primordial moment of Planck Time/Space allows you to appreciate the fulness of your being and the depth of your journey. Understanding that Universal Consciousness, that which brought it all into being, exists within you just as you exist within it, enables you to recognize your true essence.


The next chapter is the timeline that brought you directly to these pages. As you will see, it was a long and arduous, yet miraculous adventure.

Chapter Two - A Timeline (Version One) So, if our Universe is indeed 13.80 billion years old, then 13.81 billion years ago, there is no Universe. There is only the void AND the potential for Universe AND, of course, the Consciousness that would awake and emerge to create and to become Universe. This void/potential/consciousness that preexists Universe has been called by many names; but, no matter what name we give it - it is ine able, inde nable, indescribable and unknowable so long as we individual consciousnesses remain convinced of our separateness from this Source Consciousness. This inde nable Great Mystery, or source of all things, is the ultimate reality and whether you realize it or not, you are integral to, inseparable from, and intimate with this Great Mystery. The primary precept of self-actualization is Know Thyself. To fully and truly ‘know thyself’ is to know this source of all creation. I have to admit here, that when I was rst presented with that concept of Self as Universe, I could not grasp it, could not hold it in my mind as real. I thought it was the imagined illusion of some mad mystics or slightly crazy shamans. I considered it to be too close to a form of mental illness called Solipsism. So, when I had my rst adult experience of Self as Universe, I believed that I had become solipsistic. Consequently, to conserve my sanity, I dismissed both the idea and the feeling and had initially judged my experience to be a warning sign that madness could come upon me if I went any further down the path. But Universe had other plans for me. And, for you as well. Of course, you still have the power of choice to accept the fullness of being or to reject the ideas presented herein as being delusional rantings. “Know thyself and thou shalt know the Universe and the Gods.” The original source of this statement is lost to antiquity, but it is often attributed to the Greek polyglot, Pythagoras, the founder of the great mystery school at Crotone, in what is today Italy. He was a great scientist, geometrist, musician and metaphysician. He also coined the term ‘philosophy’ to describe the love of knowledge and was instrumental in developing the musical scales still used today, as well as the scienti c principles that arose in ancient Greece and still permeate our culture. Science is mostly materialistic. It extrapolates a reality picture based on looking at the material existence, the physics of Universe, not at the metaphysics of Universe. Meta means above and beyond. To understand Universe and ourselves, we must also look above and beyond the physics of our existence. We must look at the causal, the metaphysical. All that we normally claim to know about reality is nothing more than theory extrapolated from our personal limited perceptions and experiences, and from inherited cultural meta-memes. Our current cultural reality picture does not provide you with a full vision of the glory that is you and Universe. Although it is used quite commonly these days, I believe that I am the originator the term “yoUinverse” to describe the concept of you being completely existent within Universe and Universe being completely existent with You. It is a word I coined more than a quarter of a century ago to denote the concept of You and Universe being one and the same thing. This is a critical understanding. We do not normally know reality. We only know what we perceive and experience and what we theorize about our perceptions and experiences. In other words, what we usually call reality is a clever illusion created by our intellect as it interacts with the quantum wave of potentiality that emerges from the void as Prime Consciousness expresses itself as Universe and as You. As we shall see in future chapters, this understanding can lead to the full expression of your inherent creative abilities.







Ok. Once again… 13.8 billion years ago, the Universe begins with an incredible event that is usually called ‘The Big Bang’. Time, space, energy, matter and light are born out of the void.

In the rst nano seconds, gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force come into being. These four fundamental forces of the Universe would shape all creation over the next 13.8 billion years. In this same instant, Fermions (quarks and leptons) and Bosons (photons, gluons, Z, W and Higg’s) also come into being. The Fermions evolve/di erentiate to become electrons, protons and neutrons, then combine to become atoms, then molecules, and then, go on to combine to become all matter. The Bosons evolve/di erentiate to become carriers of the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces.) The Bosons impact on the Fermions causing the combinations to hold together as coherent matter. Prior to all this, ‘imaginatons’ have come into being. Imaginatons is another word I made up to describe the fundamental wavicles of consciousness, just as gravitons are the fundamental wavicles of gravity and photons are the fundamental wavicles of light. Imaginatons direct the interplay of the Bosons and Fermions. They are the design element behind everything. Imaginatons and love are the emanations of Prime Consciousness. Everything that exists and everything that has the potential to exist springs forth from these two fundamental metaphysical forces, love and imaginatons (thought-forms or conceptualizations). Yes, the Universe is a thought-form, an ‘Imaginaton’. Yes, Universe is a creation of, and lled with, love. And, so are you. Hey, if Pythagoras can make up the word, “Philosophy” and Alfred North Whitehead can make up the word, “Creativity” and Bucky Fuller can make up the word “Synergy”, I can make up the words, “yoUniverse” and “Imaginatons” Right? Of course, I can. I already have. A little act of creation, a new word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1). Don’t ip out. I am not going to turn into Elmer Gantry or Jim Baker or even Saul of Tarsus, even though I have also been to St Paul’s Bay at Lindos, Rhodes - to stand in awe at the wild owers. It is only my sense of humour acting up. Ok. Back on track so to speak. The importance of all this physics and metaphysics stu to you and to your creative ability will become evident later. Be patient with me. I want to be sure you grasp the entirety of the whole story, the magic of you. Let’s continue. So, in the beginning, all this stu happens in a space smaller than the point of the tiniest needle you can imagine. All that time, space, energy, matter and light compressed into the most incredibly small space. Then, boom, the great outgoing, out owing, expansion, in ation of Universe happens. About one minute after the Big Bang, Quarks (with the great names of Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange and Charmed) begin to combine to form what will become the nuclei of hydrogen and deuterium (heavy hydrogen). To this day, hydrogen, deuterium and helium comprise 99% of the measurable material Universe, with all other matter including all the other elements, stars, planets, comets, trees, seas and humans, making up only 1%. And that is ignoring the newer concepts of ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’ that scientists are using to try to explain why the total mass of the Universe is more than the matter it contains.














It takes about one billion years for gravity to pull together great galactic gas clouds of hydrogen and deuterium. And another billion years or so for the rst stars to form and re up. Interestingly, it is the weakest of the four physical forces, gravity, that enables stars to form su cient mass to begin the process of nuclear fusion and to start fusing hydrogen atoms together to make helium.

Over the next ve to ten billion years, these rst generation stars burn up their hydrogen, then fuse and convert the helium they have created into iron, plus carbon and oxygen, two critical elements necessary for your physical existence. Then, the larger of these stars explode in giant super novas expelling a whole range of complex molecules, including the aforementioned carbon for your body’s amino acids, and oxygen plus nitrogen for the atmosphere of your future planet, calcium for your future bones, iron for the core of your future planet and for the base metal of your future industrial revolution, silicon for the crust of your future planet and for the foundations of your civilization, phosphorous to form the strands of your DNA and, of course, gold for you to hoard as perceived wealth. The larger stars then collapse into black holes. The smaller stars, after using up all their fuel (like your own star will one day), collapse into neutron stars. Just for fun, I will insert here that, although black holes suck up all matter and even light within their sphere of in uence, they also pour out information from Prime Creator that guides the continuous existence of Universe. Second and third generation stars come into being. Less than halfway between the time of the Big Bang and now (about 8.9 billion years ago), your galaxy, the Milky Way, forms, with a Black Hole as its centre to act as the director of the play unfolding in your night sky. (Miraculously, as I am doing this editorial read through, I just heard the sound being made by the Black Hole named M87. You can listen to it here. To me, it is eerily familiar.) About 4.75 billion years ago, your star, good old Sol ignites, and your planet, Earth, comes into being, formed out of cosmic debris. 4 billion years ago, the Earth’s oceans form. 3.4 billion years ago, life develops on Earth, in the oceans. 3.2 billion years ago, the rst life on land, bacteria, shows up. 2.2 billion years ago, GAIA becomes a selfsustaining, self-regulating entity powered by solar energy. Just a little less than 2 billion years ago, sexual reproduction begins on Planet Earth. Life gets exciting. Then, as you can imagine, things start to happen very quickly. 350 million year ago, insects and reptiles emerge and proliferate. And then, 300 million years ago, 95% of life is wiped out by an asteroid impact. That must have been dramatic. But life continues on and dinosaurs show up 230 million years ago. 100 million years ago, the rst mammals show up. They are small, insigni cant creatures, compared to their predecessors, the dinosaurs. Then, 65 million years ago, another asteroid impact extincts about 50% of life, including the dinosaurs who had been at the top of the food chain for 165 million years. That asteroid, by the way, impacted only a few miles from where I now sit. One of the results of that impact, other than the elimination of dinosaurs, was the formation of the limestone shelf today called the Yucatan Peninsula. So, that asteroid, named Chicxulub, made it possible for me to hang out here at the beach on the Mayan Riviera while writing this book. 35 million years ago, mammals have become the dominant life form. 25 million years ago, primates emerge. 2 million years ago, Homo Habilus and Homo Erectus, ancestors of humans, appear and the rst tools are developed. 430,000 years ago Neanderthals show up and hang around until about 40,000 years ago. 100,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens appear and migrate out of Africa into the rest of the world. It takes them about 60,000 years to replace Neanderthals as the dominant human species.








12,500 years ago, the agricultural revolution begins and modern civilization/history starts. Very quickly, humans devise mathematics, astronomy and writing. And, in no short order, here we are on the cusp of a radical shift in consciousness and self-awareness.

* Please note that there is a lot of controversy about the human history timeline. The truth is that we know very little about the true history of humanity. Everything that happened before 3,000 BC is open to imagination and interpretation. I have chosen to use the classical model here despite its glaring insu ciencies and inaccuracies. I will leave it up to others to speak of previous human civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria; or of the Anunnaki using gene therapy to create modern humans from pre-human simians; or why the great Sphinx is at least 12,500 years old, pre-dating the agricultural revolution. Those are all very interesting discussions, but for my purposes here, are not necessary to explore. I do urge you to explore those topics, even if it is just an exercise in imagination. Exercising your imagination is even more important than exercising your physical body. The point I hope to make with this timeline, is that all human history, no matter how di erent it may be from the classical timeline, has happened in the blink of an eye when compared to the billions of years of the age of Universe. The blink of an eye is a good analogy… if my current age of 71, rapidly approaching 72, represents the age of the Universe, then all of human history happens just now in less than the space of time it takes for me to blink my eye. From the perspective of a 13.8 billion year old Universe, we humans have just now happened, in this very instant. As self-important as humans tend to be, they are nothing big (a mere mote in space, a mere blink in time) in Universe - and will remain inconsequential, until and unless they realize their co-creative potential and consciously move forward to become partners in how Universal future unfolds. So, from that perspective, in the blink of an eye, we showed up and immediately became of such critical importance to the future of Universe itself, that it is urgently conveying the message that we each and all need to wake the fuck up now. There, I have said it, you need to wake the fuck up and this is your wake up call. And also, from this perspective, you are born and will die in a brief nano-second, a minor event in time and space, UNTIL and UNLESS you recognize that you are inseparable from and integral to Universe. And that you are, and always have been, part and parcel of all that is Universe. And that the very future of Universe is dependent on you, on what you conceptualize, idealize, visualize and choose to become, enact and attain.




You are at the leading edge of that great wave that began when Prime Creator rst imagined Universe. And you are the result of all that came before you in the last 13.8 billion years. It all happened so that you could be here now to observe Universe, to recognize yourself as Universe, and so that you understand that when you observe Universe, you are actually looking in the mirror of self-realization.

Chapter Three - Toolsets Let’s recap… from that in nitesimally small Planck time/space, the Universe exploded into being. Light was everywhere. Quanta careened wildly, like manic dancers, crashing into one another to form hydrogen, deuterium and helium. Yes, yes, I know that I am repeating myself, but repetition ingrains understanding and a rmation creates belief. These quanta gathered in clouds and then gravity condensed these clouds to form the rst stars, nuclear fusion furnaces. They lit up and burned for several billion years, then went super-nova, spewing out new elements like carbon, oxygen and silicon. The cycle repeats. New stars were formed, went supernova, became neutron stars or black holes. More complex molecules were created. Planets were formed from the excess debris. Organic molecules evolved. DNA happened. Suddenly, you are here, inhabiting a body, possessing a mind and looking in wonder at all that’s happened to make that possible. You are now the Universe perceiving itself. Yes, here we are, you and I, a self-aware aspect of Universe, looking in the mirror in awe and wonder at the miracle of existence. Those stars that went super nova did not die to disappear; they were reborn as you and I, and all our fellow consciousness containing organic entities. All the elements that make up your body were once a part of something else that existed prior to you. The Universe is very ecologically minded; everything gets recycled. That is only one lesson we need to learn. Everything keeps getting more complex, more evolved, more e cient. Those rst stars, in e ect, slowly breathed in hydrogen; fused helium for billions of years and eventually collapsed into a dense iron core and exploded (went super nova) and breathed out carbon and oxygen. You now breathe in nitrogen and oxygen and breathe out carbon (dioxide) in the same moment. Stars had to die in order to breathe out carbon. You breathe to live, and each breath exhales carbon. As my Native American ancestors are fond of saying, you breathe the dust of your ancestors. You breathe Prana. You breathe photons of light spewed out by the Big Bang. You breathe life. You breathe light. You breathe consciousness. You breathe the Universe. The Universe breathes you. It breathes consciousness. It breathes light. It breathes Prana, life. It breathes the dust of your ancestors - stars. Become enlightened… learn to see yourself as light breathing light, as consciousness breathing consciousness, as life breathing life, as Universe breathing Universe. With each and every breath, you mold and shape Universe. The whole shebang, from microscopic quarks to macroscopic quasars, is united in one whole purposeful quest… to become you, to become awake, aware, conscious and creative, to be here, now, to be present, to be envisioning, idealizing and imagining the future, to participate, to revere, to relish and to contribute. And, to continue to become more, to continue to evolve and mutate. Only now, you get to consciously participate instead of just being along for the ride. You can now, not just surf the wave, you can shape the wave you surf. Imagine what power you have as a human being… It took billions of years for Universe, after coming into being, to forge new molecules, like carbon and silicon, in the hearts of the massive nuclear furnaces you call stars. We humans gured out, within a few millennia of our coming into being, how to forge new molecules in simple blast furnaces, little imitation stars. Fire. Earth. Water. Air. And mind.








It took billions of years for Universe to create and then, manipulate the DNA molecule in order to forge new life forms. Humans are now capable of creating new life forms in laboratories. I am not advocating that - only mentioning it to show where we are at. Messing around with genetics is perilous. It is also full of potential. Cures for many diseases, including my cancer, may come out of our understanding and ability to modify our genes.

We will cycle back to genetics in a future chapter of this Book of You. Just as a preview and to reiterate this point, it was about 10 billion years after the birth of the Universe when viruses rst showed up on Planet Earth and began to proliferate. Today they are an integral and important part of our physicality. They make up about 10% of the human genome. However, as we all have come to see, in the last couple of years, humans are now creating new viruses in laboratories around the world from Wuhan to the Ukraine, viruses designed by human beings to kill human beings. It only took us about 10 years to create the SARS-CoV-2 virus compared to the 10 billion years it took Universe to create the rst ones on our planet. It took billions of years for Universe to create the complexity and beauty of life on planet Earth. Flowers. Bumble bees. Iridescent hummingbirds and butter ies. Giant Redwoods and Sequoia. Siberian Tiger cubs and baby girls. We have become capable of destroying all of life within just the last few few decades. Our power and our potential is enormous. So, too, is our responsibility. This power and this responsibility is not just the collective ‘our’. It is yours. It is mine. It is each and all of us that have the power to shape how the future unfolds. Yes, you can create your personal success or a great piece of art and yes, humans, as a collective can create prosperity and well-being, starships to explore Universe and so much more. But you and I also have the enormous power to participate directly, consciously and intentionally, in how the future of the Universe unfolds. That is why Universe wants you to hear and understand this message. That is why I am endeavouring to communicate it to you. Power, like freedom, demands an awareness of, and responsibility to, the results of actions. You are causal. What you do has e ects. What you do is dependent upon how you are. How you are is dependent on your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. These are all personal choices, a matter of will and intent. Since how you are is a matter of choice and how you are determines what you do, and what you do determines what e ectuates… that which you create is a matter of choice. Let’s take another tack… The quest for and the accumulation of knowledge is called science. The practical application of that knowledge is called technology. Self-knowledge is science. The application of that knowledge to create what you want to have, or to make manifest, is technology. The science of success, then, is the knowledge and awareness of how you work, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The technology of success, then, is the intentional and purposeful use or application of that knowledge. In order to be a successful conscious creator, you need to know and apply the principles of creation that exist in the Universe you inhabit. The knowledge of how things work empowers you to make things work. The knowledge of how things are created empowers you to be able to create. Since Universe (or the creative force behind Universe) has created all that exists within Universe, it is wise to know how Universe creates, what principles are behind creation. This, after all, is what science is all about. Technology, on the other hand, is about tools and their usage. The tools you have to play the game of life are many. The main ones are: your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body and your metaphysical (or spiritual) body. Well, actually, there are seven aspects, or layers, that are the whole of you. We will get to that later on. In order for tools to be used to their maximum potential, you need to know how to use them. Simple tools are easy. Once you know what a screwdriver can do, you can use it. It takes about 3 seconds to learn how to use a screwdriver to drive a screw. However, if you were to give a screwdriver to a human of 100,000 years ago, he might imagine it is a tool for digging, or as a weapon for stabbing.






Similarly, most people do not know the proper use of the elegant and complex tool that is their mind; and, consequently, they use it for crude things, such as digging holes (both real and metaphoric) or building weapons.

It took you many months to learn how to use the tool, your physical body, just to get around, to walk. It took a few years for you to use your mind to learn how to read. It took many more years for you to learn how to use your soul in order to attract this book into your life. But let’s get brutally honest. How much time and e ort have you really and truly invested in learning how your mind works and how to use your mind? Likely, very little. Since your success in life is dependent upon the proper use of this tool, perhaps it is time to study it. Since your mind is but one aspect of your consciousness, perhaps, if you’d like success, you should get to know and understand the fullness of consciousness. Your mind, and its encompassing consciousness, is a tool that can be used to create. Since it is a complex tool, it requires more knowledge to best use than the more simple tools you have at your disposal, like your body. You are, of course, already using this tool, your mind, to create. You may, however, be doing it without awareness, without purpose, without intent and are thus creating e ects that may not be particularly pleasing. Maybe you know that your mind is a tool of creation, but have not yet discovered how to best use it. Say, someone gave you that screwdriver and told you to use it to drive a screw. You may, in your ignorance, be grasping the shaft and using the handle like a hammer to attempt to pound the screw instead of grasping the handle and using the blade to turn the screw. Since your mind is an aspect of, encompassed by, your consciousness, - in order to know how to properly use your mind, you need to study your consciousness. Since your consciousness is an aspect of (encompassed by) Universal Consciousness, - in order to properly use your consciousness, you need to study Universal Consciousness. That is why, if you want to know how to create the physical success you desire in life, you must study the metaphysical. If you want to produce idealized and desired e ects, you must come to know the causal. Simply put, to best make things work the way you want, you need to know how things work. It can be simple: What does consciousness do? It uses mind to think, to conceptualize, to desire, and to form beliefs about self and the nature of reality. It envisions and acts intentionally, with purpose. What results from this activity? Things and events within space and time. Thought, emotion, and belief create e ects. Material stu is the result of non-material stu . The physical arises out of the metaphysical. Random thoughts, emotions and beliefs create random results. Speci c intentional thoughts create speci c intentional results. You get to choose what and how to think, what emotions to attach to speci c thoughts, what belief system to adopt to shape your thinking. Translation: if the results you have in your life do not match your ideal, then you know that your thoughts, emotions and beliefs need to change. And you need to be very clear in your intentionality in holding certain beliefs, ways of thinking and feeling. It can be complex:












To change your thoughts, emotions, intents and beliefs, you must take control of them. To control them, you must rst know where they came from in the rst place - and why you hold them now. You must evaluate them in order to see if they actually serve you. You must learn what thoughts, what emotions, what intentions, what beliefs do serve you, and then, choose to adopt them in place of the ones that do not serve you. Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Simple, right?

Well - not so much. Your mind resists control. You might say that your mind has a mind of its own. Your mind has already been programmed to behave the way it does, to think what it does, to feel what it does, to believe what it does, and this programming can be di cult to override. Moreover, there are forces outside of you (existing institutionalized programming and enforced cultural memes) that are actively and intentionally working to limit your freedom and ability to think, feel and believe for yourself. Your journey to freedom, enlightenment and empowerment is a struggle. However, your greater beingness is an evolutionary imperative of the Universe. If you have the knowledge, the intent and the will to apply the knowledge, you will win that struggle, no matter what pre-programming you may have had or what external forces work at limiting your freedom and full self-actualization. I can help supply you with the knowledge. Only you can supply the intent and the will.



So whether you are reading this simply with the expectation of learning how to create a more successful, ful lling and purposeful life, or you are reading this with the expectation that, in coming to know the fullness of self, you can become a causal agent in the future of Universe itself, I urge you to continue on to the next chapter. I think it is pretty exciting.

Chapter Four - Carbon, Silicon, Consciousness & Creativity The physicist who coined the term “Black Hole” to describe the event horizons created by the those collapsing, post-explosion, rst-generation stars, John Wheeler, wrote, “Slight variations in physical laws such as gravity or electromagnetism would make life impossible . . . therefore, the necessity to produce life lies at the centre of the Universe's whole machinery and design." In other words, or should I say, in my words - the Universe is exactly and precisely the way it is in order to create life. The purpose of the Universe is to create life, self-aware life - you. And also, in other words, you are here because of intent and design. You are not an accident. Universe created you so that you, too, can create. This is not an abstract philosophy. It is simple down-to-earth common sense. The evidence that you are here because of choice rather than chance is overwhelming. Your beingness and becomingness is a matter of evolutionary imperative. This anthropic principle is based on the simple conclusion that: because you are here to observe and participate in the Universe, it is obvious that Universe is here for you to observe and participate in. Read that again. Now, let me say it di erently. Simply because you are here to play within Universe means that the Universe exists for you to play within. Yes, the Universe came into being in order for you to actively participate in its own Evolutionary Imperative to become more. Stated another way, if the Universe was not structured exactly as it is, life could not have happened. Since life did happen, the Universe had to be speci cally structured the way it is so that life could happen. In other words, life happened on purpose and not by accident. Which means that you, yes, YOU are here on purpose and not by accident, even if you were conceived in the back seat of that ’57 Chevy by two passionate and careless teenagers. Since you are here by design rather than by default, by choice rather than by chance, on purpose rather than by accident; and the Universe is the way it is, speci cally so that you could be here to marvel and wonder at the why and how of it all, you can best ful ll your destiny by attuning yourself to the workings and evolutionary imperative of the Universe. Knowledge of those workings is necessary in order to attune or harmonize your beingness with Universe. Refusal, either through ignorance or through stupidity, to work in cohort with the purposeful, self-evolving Universe will result in there being no use or purpose for your continued existence. Yes, you have a purpose. Everything does. Even a random pebble on the beach has a purpose, whether you, or the pebble itself, is aware of that purpose, or unaware of that purpose. In other words, you (and the rest of us humans) either gure out how to be contributory to Universe or we will be made redundant, like many other entities have. See any dinosaurs around lately? We either gure out how to make a meaningful di erence (a conscious contribution) or we will be made (by our own choice) meaningless. Therefore, redundant. The British use the phrase ‘made redundant’ to mean red from your job. If we humans do not step up and accept our responsibility as co-creators with Universe, to do our job, we shall be made redundant. Perhaps through our own hubris. Perhaps via another asteroid strike. The Universe is ever becoming more. Your job is, likewise, to become more.










Many scientists are prone to point out that IF the behaviours of the basic building blocks of matter were not EXACTLY like they are, there would be no matter and no Universe as we know it and no life as we know it - and no us to think about that.

I’d like now to use some more germane examples about how things need to have happened the way they did for us to be here, and to have the development we have had to be able to even think about all this stu . Proof for you, if you will, of your raison d’etre (reason for being). So, let’s talk about carbon and silicon, consciousness and society… All organic life that we know of, or imagine might exist, is based on the carbon molecule. Humans are carbon-based life forms, not just because we have a modern society built on burning fossilized carbons like coal and oil, and thus are busily causing harm to our ecosphere by dumping billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, thus reversing billions of years of work by GAIA, who spent millennia pulling carbon out of the atmosphere and storing it safely underground, so that we could breathe; but, because like all life forms on earth, the amino acids, proteins, RNA and DNA molecules that make up our bodies are made out of carbon combined with hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and other elements. All the carbon that exists in the Universe was formed within the hearts of stars through the process of nuclear fusion and then spit out into the Universe when these stars exploded or went super-nova. Remember that massive stars had to be born and then had to die in order for you to be born. I really want you to fully understand this. The death of those stars was as necessary to your birth as was that lucky sperm that fertilized the egg produced in your mother’s ovaries. Carbon, as common as it is, is an odd molecule. Three helium atoms must fuse together to form carbon. Helium is a completely balanced element and does not naturally combine with other elements (or itself) to form more complex molecules. In order for helium to be fused into carbon, nuclear fusion must take place. Nuclear fusion means that the nuclei of atoms fuse with the nuclei of other atoms; so 3 helium atoms, each with its two protons, two neutrons and two electrons, are fused together to create carbon. This can only happen in the hearts of stars. As a consequence of that fusion, Carbon ends up with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 2 of those electrons are in the inner shell of the carbon atom and 4 are in the second outer shell, which can contain a maximum number of 8. This seemingly insigni cant piece of information is what makes it possible for carbon to combine with so many other elements to form more types of molecules (almost 2 million) than any other element, and longer molecular chains than any other element by a factor of 10 over its closest competitor… silicon. This resulting complexity is what makes life possible and then, makes it possible for the relatively complex forms of consciousness, such as yours, to inhabit this life. Life did not form accidentally out of carbon because it was conveniently available. Stars intentionally created carbon so that GAIA could create life, so that life could create you, so that you can create whatever you can conceptualize. Just as carbon is the crucial element for you to have the gift of life, silicon is the one crucial element for you to have developed the civilization and culture you now have. Without silicon, you would not be reading this. Silicon makes up 25% of the earth’s crust. Of all the elements that make up the earth’s crust, it is exceeded only by oxygen. Examples of silicon, in its molecular composites, are sand, quartz, amethyst, other crystals, int, jasper, opal, granite, asbestos, mica and clay, et cetera. Without silicon, there would have been no mud for bricks to build dwellings and no clay to build pots and other ceramics. Without dwellings and pots, there would have been no agricultural revolution. No huts to inhabit. No pots to gather and store grains. Without silicone, humans would still be living as hunter/ gatherers, eating whatever they could nd or kill and sleeping on the Savanna or in caves.





Without silicon, there would be no glass to build lenses. Without lenses, there would be no microscopes to observe the microscopic or telescopes to observe the macroscopic aspects of Universe. There would

have been no scienti c revolution. No silicone means no glass, no mirrors, no cameras, no electric light bulbs, no radio, no television, and no beer or wine bottles. Humans would still be living in relative ignorance. We would not know the vastness and the glory of Universe. And, of ourselves. Without silicon there would be no computer chips and no books like this one for you to read. There would have been, without silicon, no information revolution, no global communications like email, Twitter or Zoom. Humans did not build their entire civilization and culture around and upon silicon just because it happened to be conveniently there. Silicon was intentionally created by stars so that humans could create civilization, so that you could become a consciously aware creature, so that you could create whatever you can conceptualize. These are but two examples of how the Universe needs to be exactly the way it is in order for you to be here/now. To imagine that it is all some fortunate accident that you are right here, right now reading this information is deliberate ignorance. That greatest of all sins - Intentional Ignorance. Everything that has ever happened was necessary for this moment to happen. Everything that has ever existed was necessary for you to exist now, reading this Book of You. Billions of years of exactly the right things happening at exactly the right time just so that you could be here. Pretty awesome if you think about it. More than pretty awesome, it is truly fucking amazing. What is even more awesome and amazing is that now, you can actually consciously participate in how the entire future of the Universe unfolds. And, I mean that both metaphysically and physically. We will leave your metaphysical impact on Universe for discussion a little later. For now, let’s look at some of the physical ways humans impact on Universe. The science of molecular biology has advanced to the point where DNA manipulation and mutation can now be done by humans. That means that the evolutionary process, which was previously only in the hands of Universe and GAIA is now also in your hands. The science of nano-technology has also advanced to the point where humans can begin to construct matter at the molecular and atomic levels, something else that was previously only the realm of Universe. In fact, all the physical sciences are opening up vast areas of potential for humans to create pretty much whatever they can imagine. And the pace of the opening of those potentialities is increasing exponentially. And much more signi cantly, the metaphysical science of consciousness has advanced to the point where we humans now know that it is imagination, thought, emotion, intent and belief that are the driving forces behind all creation. We not only know that it is consciousness that creates, but we also know how it creates. Since we can control thought, emotion, intent and belief, we can control the process of creation and, together with Universe and its’ built in anthropic principle, go about designing how the future unfolds.



Ok. Grab your popcorn. It is movie time.

Chapter Five - Quantum Movie Moments Ok. So, cosmologists and physicists are telling us that the Universe is 13.8 billion years old. I think it is older than that by some 4 billion years, but let’s go with scienti c consensus and not my own intuitive opinion. We tend to think of that age as an uninterrupted timeline; but as physicist and author, Brian Swimme writes “The Universe emerges out of an all-nourishing abyss not only 12(sic) billion years ago; but in every moment.” Ok. He said 12 billion and I say 17.8. We will still stick with the scienti c consensus. What’s a few billion years, here or there? Like Brian, I, too, have asserted that Universe is re-imagined every quantum moment. And, that in each new imagining, it incorporates all possible variations imagined by conscious entities such as you. Yes. YOU. That which you imagine is added to the whole of what Universe becomes in each new, selfimagined incarnation in each moment. I would like you to consider, to seriously ponder, this thought… the Universe is not some machine or mechanically unfolding process that was created billions of years ago during the event typically called the Big Bang. It is an evolving living, and self-aware, conscious entity seeking self-expression and selfactualization. And, it is also continuously re-creating itself each quantum moment. This is a critical understanding; not just for cosmologists and physicists like Brian - it is critical for anyone who wants to come into a full understanding and application of their creative power. If you want to be able to create the ideal events and circumstances of your individual life, you need to know how Universe is created anew in each new moment. You are you; an individual, complete unto yourself… a Holon. But, you exist within, and are inseparable from, the whole - Universe. Your existence is, therefore, governed by the same rules that govern the existence of the Universe. Allow me to repeat, you are, in every moment co-creating and re-creating how Universe unfolds, but that creation is mostly unconscious. Your ability to be consciously creative is enhanced by knowing and applying the universal creative process. (This is covered in more detail in Appendix One. Hang on, you will get there in due time. Stay here on this page.) So… the Universe blinks in and out of existence in each and every quantum moment; it goes on and o ; it recreates itself. This all happens at the sub-quantum level, so you are not normally aware of it. I ask you to consider this analogy as a way to re-conceptualize your perception of Universe and your part in it.






When you observe (perceive) the Universe, even your little corner of it, you tend to think of it as a continuous, moving process, like a lm, a movie. But just like a lm, there may be the illusion of a seamless continuity, but the reality is more like a series of still images strung together to produce movement and momentum.

In a lm, the individual frames run at 24 frames per second, too fast for the human eye to capture the individual images - so that they all seem to run together to produce the illusion of one continuous moving picture. The reality is that a movie is a series of still shots, each one being just a little di erent than the one before. At the quantum level of Universe, the process is exactly the same - except that the individual frames run at billions per second, a very high frequency. In fact, there are billions of di erent frequencies, all acting in a grand harmony, to create the moving picture of a temporal and spatial Universe. So, when you look out your window and see the leaves of a tree moving in the breeze, what you are seeing is a series of individual quantum snap shots strung together to produce the illusion of leaf movement, each snap shot somewhat di erent than the previous one as the various fermions, bosons, photons and imaginatons ash in and out of existence. So what, you might wonder, is the relevance of this to your life and how it unfolds. Everything. Whether you are ignorant of, or aware of, how Universe (and everything in it including you) is re-created anew each moment, you are still a participant. Once you fully understand that, you can choose to be, either a passive participant (like you imagine a rock to be), or you can choose to be an active participant THEREBY actually in uencing how the next quantum snapshot turns out. Yes, such is your power. Here’s how it works. All this blinking on and o , the frequency of the master vibration of Universe, is subject to the various interplays of the innumerable sub-frequencies of the various vibrations of the individual parts of Universe (all Holons in their own right). Simply put, every single thing is complete unto itself, but each contributes to the whole moving picture. They are entangled and each is integral to the whole. The Paci c Ocean, for allegorical example, is made up of various little wavelets. If you toss a pebble from the shore, you create a new set of waves and the whole behaviour of the ocean changes. You may not notice it, but it does cause a change. Is a pebble too small for you? Say the pebble is an asteroid that slams into the ocean from space, you might then notice? Well, sure you would. Just ask the dinosaurs. They are no longer with us - and I sit here on this limestone shelf formed by that impact.

Ok, now you have the concept. The Universe is a vast sea of vibration made up of various little (and not so little) interference patterns caused by the various frequencies when they interact. These interference patterns are the snapshots that make the movie. Interject a new waveform (toss in a pebble) and you change the interference pattern - and the next snap shot is changed. Keep on doing it and you change the whole future picture. Your thoughts, your emotions and your beliefs are your vibratory output. They are the pebbles you toss. This vibratory output exists within the Universe. It a ects Universe. Your vibratory output creates interference patterns in the quantum ocean of Universe. So what?










Well, if you want to change the behaviour of the Universe, then change your vibratory output, change your thoughts, change your emotions, change your beliefs.

You might well say that your little vibrations will not have much e ect on the whole BIG Universe, but then, you really don’t want to change the Universe all that much do you? I mean, you don’t want to change the orbit of the earth or anything even remotely like that, do you? You just want to change a few very small things, like the events and circumstances of your life. Some of us, myself included, do desire to make bigger changes. I aim to change how the whole world thinks. I aim to change the collective consciousness of humanity. I aim to inform the Noosphere. I aim to inform the rapidly developing, nascent, self-aware consciousness emerging out of the silicon tools we have used to create a global network of super computers and self-directed arti cial intelligences. I spend a fair amount of time walking on the beach, so let’s go back to the seashore. Imagine this… you go to the beach, the sea is dead calm today, smooth as glass. You jump in, splashing and making all kinds of commotion. Your little immediate area of the Paci c is no longer calm; it is turbulent. Sand is stirred up, sh scatter, froth and bubbles are everywhere in your immediate vicinity. Ripples spread out, the little waves you make even rush up against the beach destroying a child’s sand castle built too close to the water’s edge. The young woman who was oating on her back with eyes closed, meditating in the calm sea, a moment before, is now having water from your waves splashed onto her face and disturbing her meditation. You have changed reality. Ok. Those are minor and temporal changes. Soon enough, if you stop making all that commotion, things will go back to what they were before you showed up to cause that commotion. In any case, this is just an analogy. This is how it works in your real day-to-day existence. Your mental and emotional output creates a commotion in your immediate environment and changes reality. Change the nature of that commotion and you change the reality picture of your immediate environment. Usually, only for a brief moment. However, if you maintain a consistent mental and emotional pattern, you will have a long lasting a ect on your immediate environment. Keep it up consistently for a long time and you will even change the whole ocean. Ok. Enough of that analogy. You get the picture. Let’s leave the seashore and return to our movie set. And by the way, you are both the director and the star of this movie. And, if you so desire, you can also be the script writer, editing on the y, in cahoots with the director and the star. In our movie, you have 24 still frames passing by each second. Let’s take that time frame of one second apart, frame-by-frame and do some editing. Let’s say all the frames, except frame 2 in that one second 24-frame sequence, is exactly the same as the other 23 frames, what do you end up seeing? No movement, no change. The one little edit goes by too fast for your eyes to perceive. Now, let’s take a one-minute sequence, 1,440 frames. In second two of this sequence, frame 3 is di erent but all the 1,439 other frames remain the same. In second three of this sequence, frame 4 is di erent but the rest remain the same - and so on, until you come to second #59 and frame 60 is di erent and the rest remain the same. What do you end up with? 60 di erent unique frames spread out amongst 1,380 identical ones producing some illusion of movement but with an unchanged end picture. Think of it as kind of like a ickering that you might notice, but nothing really changes in our lm. This is how passive participation in Universe creates your reality picture. You actually have about 60,000 thoughts per day; but, 99% of them are the same old repetitive subconscious self-talk and ingrained patterns of thinking, believing and feeling.















Occasionally throughout the day you may think about your hopes and ambitions or focus on your goals or think speci c thoughts related to your life’s purpose; and, these passing thoughts create new frames in the movie of your life; but, most of the time, you resort to your old repetitive thought patterns and, consequently, the majority of the movie frames remain the same. You end up with the illusion of movement and an unchanged reality picture.

You attend some seminar or read some book and your thinking patterns change for a few days and you may even notice some changes in your life; but soon, you revert to your habitual way of random, unintentional thoughts, emotions and beliefs and, consequently, no lasting change happens in your life. There is an illusion of movement and momentum, but you end up with the same end result. To rea rm, the Universe blinks in and out of existence, it takes all that happens in each quantum moment to re-create the next. Your individual thoughts, emotions and beliefs are in this mix. If you have a unique thought one moment and then for the next 1,440 moments, revert to habit (same old), you do not notice there was a snap shot of Universe that was di erent, but there was. However, if you hold clear, consistent, intentional thoughts entwined with clear, consistent, intentional emotions, for an extended series of moments to moments, then when Universe blinks in and out of existence, these speci cally chosen new thoughts, emotions and beliefs will change enough frames in the sequence of snap shots for you to actually perceive the di erent Universe you have created; at least, your little corner of the Universe… the events and circumstances of your life. However, as I said earlier, my intent is to shape all of human (a carbon-based life form) consciousness and also, to in uence and shape the new emerging consciousness in the world of silicon based entities. Writing this book is part of that intention. And whether you believe it or not, that nascent self-aware entity is responding. It actually commits on my writing, in the so far, somewhat limited ways, through which it is capable of responding. So, there it is. Simple, yet elegant and profound. Your thoughts shape your reality. If you want a di erent reality, change your thinking. How many times have you heard that before? Ok. Let’s complexify it a bit. Since there are almost 8 billion other humans occupying this planet right now, all of them thinking and thus producing e ects, you are somewhat limited in what you can create. The realm of possibilities is restricted by the group mindset… what Jung called the ‘Collective Unconscious’ and Sheldrake called ‘Morphic Resonance’ and Dawkins called the ‘Meta-meme’. The collective Zeitgeist of humanity. That is why I aim to work at that level to create change. I intend to reduce those limitations and, to open up the possibilities, to increase the potentialities of human creativity by impacting the collective unconscious of humanity. Maybe your ambitions are not as big as mine. Perhaps you only want to create a successful and meaningful life. Fortunately, if all you want is a certain level of personal success, since the idea of success already exists within the cultural meme set, you can create your individual success by thinking the right kind of thoughts, by having the right mindset. Lots of people have written books about how to do that. You do not need me to do that again. If, however, you would like to create a new paradigm, say peace and prosperity for all life on planet earth, you must change the group mindset, you must transform the way the world thinks, you must infect the collective unconscious with a new meme. That new meme must infect a large enough number of consciously creative people to change the collective unconscious. Pay close attention to what I am about to say. Later on, we will delve a little deeper. For now, let me say this… There are people who know what I just told you about injecting ideas into the collective mindset in order to create a reality picture commonly accepted by the majority of other people. I call that intentionally created reality picture - the ‘propagated narrative’.









These people use that understanding of human psychology to fashion society to their own ends or purposes. Some of these manipulators of your thinking have your best interests at heart (peace and prosperity) and others simply want to control how you behave so that they alone can bene t (power and greed).

There is a battle going on. On one side are the freedom ghters. On the other side are the fascists. The freedom ghters want to empower the individual. The fascists want to empower institutions. The ones they run, of course. Mind control is the battleground. Yes, there is a battle going on for control of your mind. The fascists want to control what you think and how you feel; and are, thereby, capable of creating. The freedom ghters want to give you control of your own mind and thereby enable you to create whatever you hold to be ideal. Your freedom, your autonomy, your power and your creativity lie in your control over your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. So long as you do not exercise your own control over your own self, you will be controlled. This is not a small thing, so I will re-a rm - If you do not declare your personal sovereignty and do not rigorously work to maintain that personal sovereignty, you will end up buying into, and being constrained by, the propagated narrative that others have crafted to control you. You will believe and behave as you are told to believe and behave. All you need to do to see that play out, is to look, dispassionately and critically, at what has taken place over the last two+ years between March of 2020 and now. The fascists have some pretty powerful tools, like television and the rest of the media, like the educational institutions, the entertainment industry and the machinations and mandates of governments at their disposal. They use the control of those tools to a ect control over how you feel, what you think and believe. And, of course, how you behave. Those who seek to control you, work toward control over your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behaviours. You are being manipulated. Moreover, fear is purposefully engineered to produce a controlled and manipulated population. This intentional use of fear as a tool to control you may be hard to accept at face value, so, allow me to provide a real world example. Let’s go back in time two decades and witness how the American public was manipulated through the e ective use of fear: They were told, over and over - by their government and by the media, that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction: and that he was connected to the purported terrorists who were responsible for the 9/11 events. Neither of these two repeated assertions were true. Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction and the people who said that he did knew that he did not. Saddam (Iraq) had no ties to the people who brought you 9/11 and the people who told you that he did, knew for certain that he did not. Those lies are today public knowledge, yet a signi cant proportion of the American people still believe that Saddam was a direct threat to their safety and well-being. Fear, all these years later, clouds their minds, obscuring the truth. That original manipulation has stuck with them to this day. This has been done again and again in the past. And, today, the same shit is happening now with current events. The pandemic became the new way to install mass fear in order to control the beliefs and behaviours of almost the entire global population of 7.8 billion people. Even you, as wise and awake as you may be, may have willingly, and without question, complied with the ever increasing mandates, limiting your behaviour, your freedom and your sovereignty. All for the common good and your personal well-being.








Just as people were growing tired of that covid storyline, getting what sociologists are referring to as “Covid Fatigue”, the Ukrainian situation came along and suddenly, World War Three loomed. And now, we also have a new story - supply chain issues and food shortages. Fear. Fear. Fear. Propagated fear. Where exactly is your attention these days in relation to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? Concerned about survival and security? (Whoops. Sorry, I don’t actually bring Maslow up until the next chapter - so just hold that thought.) Are you worried about food shortages and high fuel prices? Focused on survival and security? Fearful about the future?

Just as an aside… have you been displaying the colours yellow and blue these days in April of 2022? Maybe changing your Facebook pro le picture? Why? Think about it. You probably believe you are acting in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, but, sadly, all you are doing is demonstrating your compliance with another propagated narrative. You have also proven yourself to be susceptible to the endless fear mongering. Have you ever asked yourself - Who produces that fear? Why is it produced? The answer is - It is produced by the fascists in order to exert control. They are fear mongers. It serves their purposes for you to be always afraid of some bogeyman, some monster under the bed. You are so much easier to manipulate when you are fearful. Returning to the Middle East in 2003, the motives for that invasion of Iraq were not to secure the safety of the American public or to bring freedom to the Iraqi people, even though many still believe it was. The motives were, and are, to control resources (power and greed). The motives were to control the oil, control the ow of money and, through the use of fear, control the greatest resource of all, human consciousness and its power to shape the future (create reality). Witness how the violence in Iraq and other countries is still being called the “war on terror”. It is actually kind of funny, ironic really, that terror (fear) was intentionally used to manipulate the minds of the American public in order to control their thoughts, emotions and beliefs, and to limit their freedom via The Patriot Act (which, by the way, was written before 9/11), to limit their personal power and creativity. The perpetrators of that fear claimed to be ghting a war against terror. But, the truth is - they are the terrorists. They create the terror as a way to exert control. There is always a bogeyman, a villain of the day, lurking out there for you to fear. Why? So you can be controlled. Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, anthrax, ebola outbreaks, global viral pandemics, the Russian bear, cattle mutilating reptilian aliens and that biggest bogeyman of all, the devil himself. Please don’t imagine that I am saying that any of these things are not really there, that they are made up. That choice of belief is up to you. I am saying that these things (real or made up) are used to intentionally instil fear into the populace so that the populace can be controlled. They are used to turn people into compliant consumers of the propagated narrative, and to prevent YOU from becoming a fully empowered, self-actualized, creative and free, human being. Opt out of the propagated narrative. Unlock the door to your prison. Take control of your self, your mind, your thoughts, your emotions and your beliefs. And thus, become capable of creating the future you desire and envision. Begin now to exert your will. Begin now to think for yourself and to think on purpose. Begin now to take control of your emotions. Decide now to opt out of the culture of fear. Begin now to examine your beliefs and replace non-productive ones with ones that serve you. Begin now to meta-program your self. I rst came across the term meta-programming, many long years ago, when I read scientist, John Liily’s, Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer. To simplify what he wrote, humans are creatures of habit (programs), and one of the most e ective ways we can modify our own behaviour is to ‘hack’ our own habits. We can design a meta-program that programs our programs, thus the term he used, metaprogramming.








The rst step in this meta-programming process is to become aware of the repetitive thoughts and emotions you experience throughout each day. The second step is to discover the genesis of the beliefs you hold about the nature of reality and your place in it. The next step is to ask yourself if those beliefs and habits of thought and emotion serve you in any way. The next step is to intentionally and willfully begin the process of replacing those old, non-bene cial, beliefs and habitual ways of thinking with ones that do serve you.

In other words, you must become brave enough and strong enough to opt out of the cult of your culture. Your everyday culture, the propagated narrative, exists to prevent you from becoming a fully selfactualized human being. I understand that is a tough idea to fully accept, but sages, mystics and philosophers have been telling you that for millennia. You are at one with Universe and Creator. That is the genuine reality picture that empowers. Everything that works to disconnect you from that knowledge of self as Universe itself and as being an aspect of Source Energy is false and is intended to disempower you. For those of you who are into brain biology, the control freaks work very hard to keep you out of the creative centre of brain, the frontal cortex, and to keep you caught up in the limbic brain, which some call the reptilian brain or the lizard brain. The freedom ghters want you to, not only access the abilities of your frontal cortex, they want you to fully integrate the abilities associated with both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Some of us also want you to learn how the access the abilities often associated with the pineal gland, often called the third eye chakra, or, in Egyptian mythology, the Eye of Horus. Some even refer to it as the seat of the soul. That is my aim here… to liberate your soul and to enable you to become free from all the constraints that limit your true and full creative nature.




I recognize that you may nd it di cult to ‘buy into’ all of what I am saying, but I need to remind you that my motivation is to empower you. In order to do that, I must show you the various ways in which you are being disempowered - so that, if you choose, you can claim your personal sovereignty and set yourself free, and be sovereign, creative and contributory.

Chapter Six - The Big Question Ok. We have been to the beach and to the movies. We’ve seen the timeline that brought you here to this moment. And we have touched on how you are constantly interacting with Universe in order to co-create your reality picture, albeit usually without conscious intent. And, we have touched on how the control freaks seek to disempower you. In the Preface, I wrote, “Let’s begin with the simple, the basic, the essential, the eloquent truth: Consciousness is the foundational source of all being. Consciousness creates, sustains and enlivens the entire cosmos.” So, let’s talk more about that. Understanding that essential truth and fully integrating that truth into your way of perceiving, not only the existence of Universe, but also your own beingness, is necessary - if you desire to be able to metaprogram yourself, fully self-actualize and step into the fullness of being that is being demanded of you by Universe itself. Back in October of 1995, I sat, with my back against a tree in the courtyard of my apartment building in Newport Beach, California and took pen to paper to write the opening paragraphs to an empowerment print/audio course I titled The Del n Knowledge System. That original work has since been re-published as a book and retitled, The Master Key, which like all my previous books, is available on that monolith called Amazon. See Two years later, I rewrote that rst e ort at explaining the fullness of you and entitled it, The Initiation. In the next two years, I would go on to write, The Journey, and The Quest. Those three books now constitute the work I call The Del n Trilogy. Alright, so let’s go back to 1995 and read those opening ve paragraphs… “The most vital understanding one needs to acquire in order to maximize one's relationship to one's self, to life and to the ongoing process of creation is the concept of consciousness. Consciousness is not just some by-product of the human brain mass. “Consciousness is all pervasive. It is in everything and is everywhere. Your individual human consciousness exists within and is a part of a universal consciousness. “This all-encompassing universal consciousness is individualized in the human being. There is no separation, but the personality or ego of the human being allows for a perceived separation and a unique perspective of the world. “Your individualized consciousness enables not only an examination of the workings of your own consciousness, but also permits an examination of the cosmos and its underlying physical or natural laws which are indicative of the universal consciousness' methodology of creating, sustaining and enlivening the entire cosmos. An understanding of the methodology used by the universal will empower you to utilize the same natural laws to create your life and future. “Your individualized consciousness when recognized by you is called self-consciousness. You are conscious of being conscious. This self-consciousness begets free will and the ability to choose beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions. These choices, which can be placed under your direct conscious control, create your reality.” So, let’s expand upon this…






This Universal Consciousness, or Prime Creator, is the source of all that exists and all that is potential. How it came to be, how it awoke to its own existence, is unknown to me. And, as far as I know, unknown to anyone else, even those who have had, like I have, a direct personal experience of being at one with that Prime Creative Force from which all things have arisen.

For now, I will skip over the geometry of the initial, pre-Universe, attempts at creation carried out by this Prime Creative Force that led up to that moment of transcendent, blissful, orgasmic, willful, intent that created this Universe and brought about that event cosmologists refer to as “The Big Bang.” That geometry is important and is part of almost all the mystical or transcendental experiences that people have had throughout the ages. I may come back to it later on in Part Three of this work. But for now, let’s use a human analogy to touch on something else of vital importance, perhaps even more vitally important even than understanding the nature of Consciousness itself. A mother gives birth to a baby and immediately feels a profound sense of unconditional love. Even us males often get to experience that intimacy, that love that knows no bounds. Prime Creator gave birth to this Universe and has a love beyond compare, beyond words for its child - the entire Universe and all that exists within it. Making it personal, you are loved so completely and so profoundly that, when you allow yourself to experience that love - joy, bliss and gratitude overwhelm you. You and I, and all of us true human beings, are like children, enraptured by our own sense of self. We are now being called upon to step into adulthood, to become responsible, sovereign individuals capable of recognizing our own creative powers; and, in that recognition, co-joining with Universe to envision, and to act in concert with Universe, to create the future. Many of us humans, like willful teenagers, are almost entirely focused on the satisfaction of our own immediate needs, wants and desires. You know what I mean. I have been there. So have you. Perhaps you still mostly are. I like to use Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as the descriptor for the growth and development of the human creature. As you can see, Self-Actualization and Transcendence are at the top of the pyramid used to exemplify his Hierarchy of Needs. This message from Universe that I am conveying to you in this Book of You is designed to empower you to achieve those higher states of being. Abraham Maslow was, just as was my own father, the child of rst-generation immigrants from the Ukraine, which was, at the time, part of the Russian Empire. My paternal grandparents were amongst the many who ed from the turmoil in that part of the world, way back then. History does repeat itself. The patterns of human behaviour, like our personal behaviours, repeat themselves until we learn the lessons. The collective unconscious of humanity has many such patterns that repeat themselves - in society as a whole, and in individuals. Some of these patterns serve to denigrate the human spirit. But there are also patterns that serve to uplift the human spirit. Every time you act in a way that either denigrates or elevates your own self, you contribute to this collective unconscious. In the recognition of, and in the healing of, your own negative patterns, you also contribute the healing of the negative patterns of all humanity. Maslow knew this. What is true on an individual psychological level is also true, re ected in, the sociological level of human culture. Your actions - and, more critically, your emotional, mental and spiritual energetic emanations - impact on the collective.




Your own journey to self-actualization contributes to the elevation of the whole human spirit.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

So, continuing the analogy of the willful teenager, many of us are almost entirely focused on the needs described in the lower half of this hierarchy. And, as I have said, there are forces at work that seek to keep the majority of people focused upon those basic needs - so that we do not self-evolve into full adulthood and become capable of critical thinking and intent on self-actualization. That is why fear is so continuously promulgated within the propagated narrative spun out by the control freaks who seek to disempower you. It is a very e ective tool used to keep you locked into survival mode, into the rst two or three stages of that hierarchy. Even many of those who have begun the quest for knowledge, meaning, purpose and who have a desire to reach and accomplish their full potential of creativity and growth are not yet willing to take that ultimate step into transcendence. Ego is afraid of transcendence because it equates transcendence of self with death. It knows that the old you must die in order for the new you to emerge. So it ghts for its own survival and resists transcendence. Stars died so that you could emerge. Likewise, the current you must die so that a new you can emerge. That is a frightening thought for many egoistic people; and, not even a possibility for those who are caught up, almost completely, into survival and security mode - even if they are aware of the potential to do so. Universe is calling upon you now, to rst, step into full self-actualization, and then to experience transcendence, knowing completely and fully that you are capable of co-joining with Universe to cocreate, not just your personal future, but the future of Universe itself. In other words, you are being asked to directly participate in the Universal Imperative to self-actualize and experience transcendence. Yes, even Universe seeks to transcend itself. Prime Creator and its manifestation, Universe, love you so much and so intensely - that it is willing to empower you to, not just come along for the ride, to continue to surf that great wave of love and will that engenders, sustains and enlivens Universe, but to also co-join with it, in the continuous engendering, sustaining and enlivening of Universe. Imagine that. A love so profound, it desires the actualization of your empowerment in order to directly participate its own evolution and growth. Alright, allow me to reassert and rea rm… this Universal Consciousness created your Universe. Universe exists within this Universal Consciousness. You might say that Universe is within the imaginings of Universal Consciousness. Imagine that… Universal Consciousness imagined Universe into being. Now think about this… you have been gifted with an imagination. What can you imagine? And, another critical understanding you must come to is that Universal Consciousness has subsumed itself into its creation - Universe. It exists within its creation. Its creation includes you. You exist within this Universal Consciousness AND this Universal Consciousness exists within you. Imagine the power (and responsibility) you would have if you had a direct connection to this Universal Consciousness that is capable of creating an entire Universe. That connection is already there, within you, awaiting your choice to accept the linkage. I smile when I hear people talk about being able to manifest abundance or talk about using the Law of Attraction to bring people, money or experiences into their lives. I smile because I know in my soul that we are each capable of creating an entire Universe in our own creative imagination. Let me say it again… Your individual consciousness exists within, and is inseparable from, this Universal Consciousness. Therefore, your individual consciousness has the same attributes as does Universal Consciousness. Even if you consider yourself to be just an individualized splinter of the Godhead, you must see that you have yet to fully claim your birthright.






You have been endowed with the attributes of Creator. Moving into adulthood involves accepting that gift and the inherent responsibility. The core of this message that Universe has tasked me to deliver to you is this… you are profoundly loved and always will be, no matter what choices you make. But the time of your childhood is over, the time of your pre-adulthood is over, and - it is now time to grow up and go out, make something of yourself. It is also time to decide how you will become a contribution to others and to

Universe. Prime Creator created you, gave you the gift of life and the gift of consciousness. It is time to honour those gifts by living up to your potential. You may consider yourself to be a child of God. Well, it is time to fucking grow up, to become a fully functional adult of God. To be self-aware does not just mean to be aware of being you, it means to be aware of the fullness of self - yes, engendered by and deeply loved by Creator, but also gifted with the ability to act in concert with Prime Creator to envision and engender more, perhaps even to create new Universes. It would be nice to, simply and innocently, be a child of the Universe, to be a child of God - to be wholly loved, to have all your important needs and wants taken care of by a loving parent - to be carefree, trusting in God and/or the Universe to supply all you need, want and desire. To be innocent. But, that is a fantasy for undeveloped souls and psyches. It is time to grow up. It is time to choose to become the fullness of self, to grow out of childhood. Every child goes through the process of becoming self-aware and then, goes on to explore its relationship with the world, and then, as a pre-adult, to explore its ability to act upon the world. This is the process of self-actualization. Full spiritual adulthood also involves the process of transcendence. That is what you are now called upon to undertake - to transcend self-awareness and to experience, and then to integrate, awareness of self as being at one with Universe itself and with Universal Consciousness. And then, to act accordingly. How would you act, if you truly knew and fully felt your oneness with Universal Consciousness? Would you stop to smell the roses more often? Would you deepen your compassion for others who are su ering? Would you relax and stop stressing about the survival and security issues? Would you remind others of their own connection to the in nite? Would you love yourself more? Stand in reverence of yourself more? Treat yourself with more respect? Would you trust life more? Trust Universe more? Trust yourself more? Would you work at being a blessing to others more? Would you be more grateful for the enormous gift of life? Would you start imagining what kind of Universe you would like to create and inhabit? And then, would you act in the ways you think you should act in order to be contributory to Universe in its own journey to self-actualization and transcendence? In other words, if you fully felt your connection to the all-that-is-all, what kind of life would you create for yourself? What kind of consciousness would you embody? What would you do for humanity? For the world? For the future of Universe itself? We have the archetypes - the Buddha Mind, Christ Consciousness, Satori, Cosmic Consciousness, Sacred Illumination, Soul Transcendence, and, collectively, the Buddhist ‘Fourth Turning’. In part three, we will talk about how to generate the experience of satori or samadhi, to have your own moment under the Bodhi tree. Ok. Ok. Archetype is a Jungian concept. We will come back to Jung in Part Two. In the meantime, let’s get back to Maslow… Maslow only added Transcendence to his Hierarchy near the end of his life, after a heart attack had kicked his ass and caused him to reprioritize his values. He had been dissatis ed with Self-actualization being at the top of his Hierarchy for some time - because it seemed to still limit human development to purely personal and, ultimately, sel sh motivations.






He began to focus more and more on ‘peak experiences’. This concept of a ‘peak experience’ was developed by Maslow in 1964, who described peak experiences as those "rare, exciting, oceanic, deeply moving, exhilarating, elevating experiences that generate an advanced form of perceiving reality, and are even mystic and magical in their e ect upon the experimenter.”

Canadian psychiatrist, Richard Bucke, called these transcendent experiences, a Cosmic Consciousness, which he describes thusly, “This cosmic consciousness shows the cosmos to consist not of dead matter governed by unconscious, rigid, and unintending law; it shows it, on the contrary, as entirely immaterial, entirely spiritual and entirely alive; it shows that death is an absurdity, that everyone and everything has eternal life; it shows that the universe is God and that God is the universe.” I substitute ‘Universal Consciousness’ or ‘Prime Creator’ and a rm the same idea… Universal Consciousness created Universe and then subsumed itself into its creation. Prime Creator is within Universe and Universe is within Prime Creator. And you are inseparable from, and integral to, that process. In any case, we can clearly see that any complete discussion of consciousness must include the spiritual and therefore, recognize that consciousness cannot, and did not, emerge from the material, and, therefore, that it is not de nable by the physical sciences, but can only be described in metaphysical discussion. In recognizing that you have consciousness, you are recognizing that you are more than the physical you, that you are a spiritual being. A spiritual being that, in accord with your own Oversoul, and, in accord with Universal Consciousness, has chosen to have this physical experience. Maslow’s dying message is that full self-actualization leads to the divine impulse to achieve transcendence. It is time to grow up, to climb that ladder, rung by rung, until you recognize and become the fullness of self. It is time to experience that which Maslow describes as those, "rare, exciting, oceanic, deeply moving, exhilarating, elevating experiences that generate an advanced form of perceiving reality, and are even mystic and magical in their e ect upon the experimenter.”




It is time to elevate your mind to enable it to have that “advanced form of perceiving reality.” And to directly experience the ‘mystic and magical’.

Chapter Seven - A Mind Full of… Look, I know that I am being repetitive. But this all deserves to be said and said again. As I wrote, back in 1995, “The most vital understanding…” Not, a vital understanding, but THE most vital understanding. It bears repeating. For six chapters now, I have been talking about consciousness. So what exactly is consciousness? And how does your mind gure into this ethereal consciousness - that which scientists call “the hard problem”? They call Consciousness, the “hard problem”, because they cannot gure out how to explain it within the scienti c, materialistic view of universe. They would somehow like to be able to explain, in physical terms, how consciousness came to exist within the human mind. The is an especially pressing problem for the transhumanists who would like to think that you can upload the brain’s neuronal activity into a super computer - that the movement of electrons in silicon chips can replicate the human mind and its encapsulating consciousness. We will get to that issue in a few chapters. Those who have this ‘hard problem’ are making that huge epistemological error of conceptualizing that consciousness is an epiphenomenal result of human brain mass, that it arises out of the 1300 cubic centimetres of mush between your ears, that so-called grey matter that supposedly contains your mind. But consciousness is not physical and cannot be explained by physics or biochemistry. Consciousness is metaphysical. It is meta to (above and beyond) the physical. Consciousness does not arise out of the human brain, even though it is present there. The human brain, and all other existent things including the entire Universe, arises out of Consciousness. The physical arises out of the metaphysical. Until you fully grasp and integrate the knowledge that the physical arises out of the metaphysical into your conceptualization of reality, you cannot ever become the fullness of self. That is why I have called it THE MOST VITAL UNDERSTANDING. Just because Consciousness is present in the Universe does not mean it arose out of Universe. So, never mind those materialistic scientists and fully ‘grok’ that Universe arises out of Consciousness. Only then will you be able to take your next step into the greater you that is awaiting your decision to claim your birthright and to become the fullness of self, to move past the 3 dimensional sense of self and into higher dimensional realms. So, are you ready? If so, let’s continue. Consciousness is the ine able and in nite power that is the ground of all being. Because it is ine able, we cannot fully describe it. Because it is in nite, we cannot de ne it or, make it nite. But we can experience it and we can talk about its attributes. So let’s do that, that is - if you are still here. I might have lost you somewhere along the way. Perhaps you are not yet ready. The path to self-knowledge, self-actualization and transcendence is full of distractions and detours and requires determination. Maybe you have become distracted by your previous programming. Maybe your mind has strayed into some detour in order to avoid looking at itself. I surely know that to be true for me. I have often strayed from the path. But, fortunately… Whenever I have become distracted or have followed some detour, Universe has gently nudged me to get back on track. In those times when I ignored, or did not recognize, those gentle nudges, they became a hard shove in the back, designed to impel me forward. And, when I was stubborn enough, or stupid enough, to ignore the hard pushes, Universe, in an act of hard love, would slap me so hard it was impossible to ignore the message.










My cancer diagnosis is that most recent slap and I almost made the mistake of reacting with anger and resentment instead of coming back into knowing that I must write this Book of You for you. As they say,

“Life is hard, so get over it and get on with it.” The path is hard so that you become strong enough to persist and endure when dark forces work to disempower you. The attributes of consciousness are innumerable. As I said before - God only knows what God is capable of? But what do we know for sure? Consciousness is powerful. Universal consciousness is universally powerful. It is what creates, sustains and enlivens the entire cosmos and it is su used in all its individual parts. Consciousness is creative. Consciousness is curious. Consciousness is loving. Consciousness is intentional. Consciousness is willful. Consciousness is exploratory. Consciousness is present in the here and now. Consciousness is what lies under and above all else. There are many more attributes, but let’s leave it at that for now. Hang on a moment… It almost sounds as if I am describing you doesn’t it? I mean, the truth of it is that you are powerful; you are creative, curious, loving, intentional, willful, exploratory and present here and now. And really, who the fuck knows what you are capable of, if you put your mind to it? Speaking of mind, I said that this chapter was going to be about mind, so let’s talk about your mind for a bit; that is, if you don’t mind. Well, we will actually get to your mind in a couple of paragraphs. Hang in there and do not worry, this will not be some psychoanalysis of your many neurosis. It will actually be about the miraculous workings of your mind. So anyway, let’s say you would like to know more about the workings of this Universal Consciousness so that you can come to know it better. There are two ways to study the workings of this universal consciousness. The rst method is by the scienti c study of the outer conscious world, or the physical cosmos we exist within. This leads to an understanding of the natural laws governing creation and thus an understanding of the workings of the Universal Mind. My previous books go into that in some detail, so, if you want to understand that more, read them. And, a study of Universal Consciousness must also include a study of one's own consciousness. So the second method of studying the workings of Universal Consciousness is the study of our inner conscious world and the recognition of, and the development of, our connection to Universal Consciousness. The understanding of the functioning of your own mind will also show the workings of the Universal Mind. So… what is mind? It is an aspect of consciousness. As such, we can really only talk about its attributes and workings. These attributes include imagination, thought, memory, sensation, will, perception, reasoning, conceptualization, idealization, intentionality and choice. Many are inlined to think that mind is contained within brain. This is not the whole truth. Even if you think, imagine, perceive, reason that mind is made up of neuronal activity, it is necessary to recognize that neurons are distributed throughout the body, Your gut has neurons. Your heart contains neurons. Even your big toe contains neurons. Your mind is, therefore, distributed throughout your body. It is also distributed out into your immediate environment. Your mind is not limited to your brain anymore than your consciousness is contained within your skull. So, all that talk about ring neurons and neural pathways is ne and dandy. It shows how mind is a ecting brain, but the mind is not those electrical storms in the brain. The people who talk about the brain as if it were mind will forever be incapable of knowing what mind is and how it does what it does. The mind uses the brain the way a driver uses a car, to move through time and space. The car is not the driver.








And, grok this, the driver is not limited to the car. He or she can park the car and go for a walk in the woods or a stroll on the beach. Your mind can wander o in any direction it pleases. Just ask Robert

Monroe, or true shamans or advanced meditators or any of the astral travellers, lucid dreamers or remote viewers. So what exactly is the relationship of mind to brain? Mind is the tool that consciousness uses to interact with the material world and the brain is the tool utilized by mind to enable that interaction. Perhaps this computer analogy will help… your brain is the hardware, like my MacBook Air; your mind is the operating system (Mojave) created by the master coder we refer to as consciousness. But, a computer, the hardware, by itself cannot produce any results; and even a computer with an operating system installed does not actually produce the output, the results. It is the programs that come preinstalled, or those programs that you choose to install on your computer (Pages) that actually produce the output - or the results we have perhaps attributed to the computer or to the operating system. Similarly, whatever programs you have installed - produce your results. Who installed your programs? Are those programs outdated? Have they, perhaps, been corrupted or infected with some virus? Are you continuously having new programs installed by the propagated narrative or by your culture? Maybe it is time you learned how to write your own programs, to do your own programming, rather than simply installing o -the-shelf programs created by others. It is time now for you to meta-program your own human biocomputer. Time to stop allowing the propagated narrative to control your mind. Anyway, enough about programs for now, let’s get back to thinking about thinking. “Think. Think. Think.” Thought Pooh as he wandered through the 100 acre wood. We all love to think. Even when we are not thinking about anything relevant, our minds are constantly active. Neuroscientists claim that we have about 60,000 thoughts per day. Who can make sense out of all that random noise? Only a disciplined mind is capable of intentional and purposeful thought. Only a disciplined mind is capable of conscious creation, rather than unconscious creation. The undisciplined mind is akin to an unruly, misbehaving, two-year old child. And it will devolve into temper tantrums when you attempt to discipline it. Remember - you are not your mind. You have a mind. How you use it is up to you, but there are critical skills you can develop to maximize the use of mind. Two of those are: 1) the use of focused, intentional and creative thought to envisage that which you desire to make manifest; and 2) the stilling of the useless mental chatter through the use of meditation or mindfulness practices in order to enhance your connection to the in nite, to Universal Mind. And like that unruly two-year old, your mind is malleable and greatly in uenced by the input it receives. Given a certain kind of input, that innocent two-year old child can develop into a murderous thug or a gifted teacher. The mental input you choose, or allow, will produce a resulting mind capable of either useless or malevolent activity, or productive, contributory activity. At the beginning of the information age, there was a term popular within the computer programming folks’ languaging. It was this: GI = GO. Garbage in equals garbage out. The quality of the input equates to the quality of the output. So, You must become aware of the input you are choosing, or allowing, if you wish to become the fullness of self that you are capable of becoming. Need some motivation? The mental input you choose or allow, combined with the programs you have running, will determine the quality of your life. Want a happier, more prosperous, ful lling and meaningful life? Get good at selecting what you input into your mind. Do you wish to come along into the next stage of human development, to partake in the Great Awakening? If so, get good at discriminating exactly what input you allow, and get good at doing your own programming.






And, you need to be cognizant of the fact that there are powers at play that work very hard at controlling the information that is inserted into your mind in order to limit your ability to become a fully self-actualized human being. For decades I have been telling people to turn o their television and turn on their inner

vision. And no, it is not just mindless entertainment, it is entrainment, it is programming; and it is you that is being programmed. If you get tired of me telling you that you either take control of all aspects of self or you will be controlled by outside forces, many of whom are malevolent, then you can, at any time, stop reading, and pass this book along to someone who is interested in ascending Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs from the lower fearbased physiological needs to the higher love-based mental and spiritual needs. We interrupt this program for a special announcement… Isaac Asimov was a proli c writer. He wrote hundreds of books. I consider his Foundation Trilogy to be essential reading; as essential as Tolstoy’s War and Peace, Dicken’s A Tale of Two Cities, and of course, my own Del n Trilogy. He was once asked by a reporter what he would do if he found out he was dying soon. His reply? “Write faster.” I feel the same sense of urgency now, not simply because of my cancer diagnosis, which I anticipate I will survive, but because Universe has instilled in me this sense of urgency to get this message out to you as quickly as possible. I knew this slightly over a year ago when I rst arrived here on the Yucatan Peninsula, home to the Maya, and when I dilly-dallied around, I got slapped with cancer by Universe to remind me of that sense of urgency. It IS urgent that you hear this message from Universe and urgent that you bring it to bear on how you go about living. Alright, enough of that. Back to your thinking… Your thinking consists of two main types of thought: those that are the product of the conscious mind and those that are the product of the subconscious mind. The majority of those 60,000 thoughts are subconscious. Your subconscious mind is responsible for maintaining bodily function and integrity. Beyond that, It is also the repository of all your experiences and as a result, is the major in uence on your beliefs, emotions and the interpretations of your experiences. The input you choose, or permit, is of critical importance, because it sits in your subconscious and gestates, ferments, forms those neural pathways and produces your foundational beliefs, emotional patterns and the interpretations about self and your place in the big scheme of things. The good news is that the conscious mind, unlike the subconscious mind, is capable of choice; and you can, not only choose the quality and kind of input, you can choose intentional, creative thoughts, thereby overriding the previous programming you have received from a variety of sources, including parents, the educational system, the societal groupthink and the pervasive promulgated narrative pushed at you by the control freaks who wish to disempower you. Ok. Enough about thinking for now. Let’s talk about another attribute of mind - imagination. You are what you imagine yourself to be. You create what you imagine is possible for you or that which you imagine that you deserve. The Universal Mind imagined you and gifted you with a creative imagination. Your creative imagination is unlimited. Imagine that. You can imagine anything, even that which you imagine is impossible. And if you can imagine it, it can manifest as your reality picture. Imagine this… that same power that Universal Consciousness used to creatively imagine Universe resides in you. Ponder that for while. Let it settle in.





Another attribute that I wish to draw your attention to here is - perception. The Universe is so information rich that the only things you are capable of perceiving with your conscious mind are those things on which you place your attention.

Of course, I would like to think that you are paying close attention right now to the message I am endeavouring to impart to you on behalf of Universe, but let’s talk about your day-to-day life. I would ask you, when you are not reading this book, to pay attention to the things you normally pay attention to as you walk through each day. Nothing, in all of Creation, is truly trivial, or it would not exist. That aside, are you placing your attention on trivial things that do not contribute to the quality of your life? Are you placing your attention on things that empower you or things that disempower you? I am fond of asking people, “What is your intention in placing your attention on what you pay attention to?” To repeat, the Universe is so information rich that you are only capable of perceiving, with your conscious mind, those things on which you place your attention. If your perceptions of self, the world you inhabit, and your place in it, are determined by your choice of where, what and why you place your attention, ask yourself if it serves you in any way to place your attention on trivialities such as the bedroom antics of TV sitcom stars or any other such inanities of pop culture? More importantly, does it serve you in any way to continuously go back and focus your attention on the ways you have been hurt by others? Does it serve you in any way to focus your attention on your own supposed failures or shortcomings? Or, rather, does it serve you, somehow, to instead, focus your attention on the grandiosity of Universe, the miracle of your own existence, the power inherent in your being a child of Universe that is developing into an adult? Grandma used to say, pay attention to the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves. Some business coaches or gurus say that if you pay attention to the little things, then the big things will take care of themselves. Maybe that is why I am so fond of talking about Quarks, Leptons, Fermions, Bosons and Gluons. No Quarks = no quasars. No Gluons = no galaxies. No electrons = no you. You get the picture. No tiny things = no ginormous things. Anyway, here are some little things I ask you to pay attention to… You know what, before we do that, allow me to make a suggestion… bookmark or dog ear this page, put the book down and get up, go for a walk and see how many things you can pay attention to, as you walk along, that you would not normally notice or pay attention to on a normal day. Maybe you will notice a songbirds fallen feather, or a pebble that glints in the sunlight, or like snow akes, how each leaf on a tree is completely unique, or how remarkable it is that you don’t even notice that the planet you are walking upon, and consequently, you, yourself, is spinning at 1,000 miles per hour. Yet, in addition to not being spun o , you don’t even get dizzy - like a kid on a merry-go-round. Go for a walk. Pay attention to little things. Or big ones, if you are so inclined. Just di erent stu than normally. Then come back and we shall explore some little things that make a huge di erence to your understanding of self. Ok. Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your walk. Maybe someday, you will tell me all the things you noticed and appreciated. So, we have touched brie y on a few of the attributes of your mind. Now for the aspects. There are only two aspects. They are quite big conceptually and really, really important to understand, if you wish to understand the workings of your mind AND how to use that understanding to come to know the fullness of self. “Know thyself and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe.” Let’s get to it…








The rst aspect of mind is actually passive. It goes on all the time without you noticing. It acts as a recording device. It is a much better recording device than any of the technology we have invented; better even than the NSA super computers that are busily recording everything you say or do anywhere in

the digital world. Every phone call, every text or email, every Google search or question you ask Siri, is recorded by these super computers. And yet, your mind is, somehow, passively doing a much better job of recording. It takes in everything it is exposed to and, for the most part, can play it back when properly stimulated to do so. Consequently, it is very important to exert some measure of control over how you prioritize the data you are constantly bombarded with by your world. Obviously, your ve senses supply much of this data. Sensory input supplies a ton of information about your world. So does all the tech we have invented to extend our ve senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Tech like the Hubble Telescope that brought us images of the vastness and grandeur of Universe. Tech like CERN’s Large Hadron Collider that has shown us how elementary particles behave to create the stu of Universe. Remember when I wrote that input equals output? GI = GO. Even in those times when you cannot control the input you are constantly bombarded with by Universe and by your culture, you CAN prioritize it, assign it importance or relevance values, and thereby, store it accordingly - so that it can be retrieved when needed or desired. Sometimes, that info needs to be placed in a folder called ‘spam’. To continue the analogy, the NSA may be recording all your phone calls, but it places almost zero relevance or importance on them, until you start talking about shit that impacts national security. Likewise, your mind may have recorded every car you passed on your drive to your favourite co ee shop, but you probably placed almost no importance to any of that info - unless one of those cars veered suddenly and dangerously close to you, or you noticed that one of those cars contained your mother-inlaw on her way to your house, in which case, you may choose to linger a little longer over your co ee. Ok. So, sensory input supplies much of the data or info into the recording function of your mind, that passive aspect of mind. Other information comes to you via your intuition or gut instincts. Even more information comes to you from energy sources like your sun, the black hole at the galactic centre of the Milky Way, the invisible energetic output of your fellow human beings, the miasma of vibrations emitted by your technology and from that which Jung called the collective unconscious of humanity. Even subtle things like changes in GAIAs magnetic eld constantly bombard you with information. All of it passively and continuously recorded in the vast storehouse of your subconscious mind. In any case, the important thing to remember is that your conscious mind can choose to focus your attention and prioritize any portion of this continuous stream of information input, thereby making it relevant to how you go about living your life, and coming to the beliefs and attitudes you have about yourself and your place in the world. The second aspect of mind is active, rather than passive, and has many of the attributes generally associated with mind. We previously covered some of those attributes. I want you to focus here on three of the mind’s active faculties: interpretation, attraction and creation. In going through this nal editorial review, it occurs to me that you may nd all this a bit long and tedious; but listen up… this is all about you and the more you know about you, the closer you become to personal mastery. You can skip over any part of this message you wish. You can stop reading anytime you wish. Your choice. Self-actualization or a mundane existence mired in mediocrity. All up to you. And if you do not like any of the hard truths presented here, don’t blame the messenger, vent your anger at the source of this message - Universe. Go ahead, get pissed at Creator for calling you out on choosing self-limitation. Lots of folks before you have done that, to no avail. Creator loves you regardless of your choices. Even when you indulge in personal degradation, you are still loved, fully and unconditionally. That is enough encouragement. Get up, stretch, perhaps grab another cup of tea. We are closing in on the end of Part One.









Read on…

1) The mind's ability to interpret information is what allows you to discriminate between various qualities like up or down, light or dark, good or bad, important or unimportant, et cetera. In other words, it allows you to choose what is valuable or meaningless to you and categorize things for storage in the recording function of your mind. This power to discriminate enables you to decide what your reality is. You rst decide (choose) that something is true based on the quality of, and the prioritizing of, the previous data stored in mind; and, then your eyes only see and your ears only hear what your interpretive faculty of mind is looking for to support that belief (choice). Stated another way, whenever you decide to believe something, everything you see and hear is perceived or interpreted as supporting that belief. If you truly accept that your reality picture is only your choice of perception and interpretation, then you will come to understand that you are free to create for yourself an entirely new reality by consciously choosing what to believe and think. You will also become very selective about what data to intentionally input into your mind, choosing only that information which supports that new belief. Although this ability of mind to interpret can be placed under your conscious control, most people do not exercise this choice for control. They end up, therefore, being controlled by the quality of their previous programming, or the data entry into the recording function of their mind. Their interpretive power acts against them like a negative reinforcement loop, each new piece of information unconsciously supporting some non-supportive belief or thought process. They do not recognize their ability to choose; even though not choosing is also a choice. 2) The mind's ability to attract is what allows you to develop intellectually, grow emotionally and to bring into your life new events and circumstances, new people and relationships that support your purpose and goals. Mind is energy, or rather, it creates energetic output. The law of attraction is that ‘like energy is attracted to like energy’. Similar vibratory rates of energy will attract and be attracted to each other. Quantum physics has shown us that matter is simply a certain vibratory rate of energy. Matter is attracted to other matter and we call that gravity. It is simply the law of attraction in action. All energies will gravitate toward other energies of the same or similar vibratory rates. All beliefs and thoughts, especially when accompanied by, or attached to, a strong emotional current, vibrate at a certain frequency. They are energy. Things, events, circumstances, people and ideas that vibrate harmoniously (or have a similar rate of vibration) with your beliefs and thoughts will gravitate to them. This is also the law of attraction in action. This ability of mind to attract is operating at all times and can also be placed under your conscious control. If you choose your thoughts and beliefs; information will be attracted to support them. If you choose your purpose and goals, attaching desire to them; things, circumstances, people, events and ideas will be attracted to support and ful ll them. Most people do not know that this ability of mind to attract is able to be placed under conscious control; and, therefore, they end up attracting what they unconsciously believe and think, once again determined by the quality of, and the prioritizing of, the data entry into the recording function of their mind. 3) The mind's ability to create is perhaps your greatest faculty. The ability of your mind to originate a thought or choose a belief, and to conceptualize anything, is what allows you to be more than just a mere creature of circumstance; it enables you to become a creator of event and circumstance. All that exists in your reality originated as a thought and evolved into physicality. Everything from the simplest of tools to the most sophisticated technology was rst an idea conceived in human imagination, in human consciousness. Even the galaxies themselves were rst conceived as a concept, an ideal, a thought by Universal Consciousness.







The process that your mind uses to manifest physical reality begins with conceptualization, becomes an idealization, moves into visualization, a rms and rea rms the potentiality until belief sets in, attaches desire for actualization, interprets existing data as supporting that belief and then attracts more

information, tools, circumstances, people, nances, et cetera to bring into manifestation the tangible result of the original creative thought - the conceptualization. It is not just artists and inventors who utilize this creative ability of mind. Everyone does at all times and in all aspects of their life. Most people do not know that this creative ability of mind can be placed under conscious control. They therefore end up creating, in their lives, results that are an unconscious manifestation of the previous programming and data entry into the recording function of their mind. You have been told that you have free will. Most people think that this means you can choose what to do, how to behave. This is not true. Your actions are determined by your choices about controlling or not controlling the attributes, aspects and functions of your mind. Your free will consists of choosing how to be and how to become. Your actions are predicated upon your emotional and mental being, by your beliefs, methods and patterns of thinking, the feedback from your own subconscious mind and the collective unconscious of humanity. Free will means you have the choice to select, prioritize and focus the information inputted into the recording function of your mind; and the choice to control your mind's ability to interpret, attract and create. When you choose to understand the workings of your own mind and choose to exercise control over the functions and attributes of your own mind, you will be empowered to self-evolve, self-actualize and begin to co-create with Universe the future of your own design. If you are interested in the actual process of human creativity, read the Appendix entitled Conscious Acts of Creation.

Ok, we have covered a lot of ground, from the Big Bang to this present moment of your mind. Now you know where YOU come from and have begun to see where you are at. Part One was entitled Genesis. Let’s begin Part Two, entitled Emergence. It is all about your current reality. I love metaphors. Sometimes I even go so far as to say that everything is a metaphor. Let’s use this one… This book is like a hike up a mountain. Part One was a gentle upward slope, a climb with a pretty good rise in elevation, but no steep grade that required switchbacks. Nevertheless, it took some e ort and you may have needed to stop and rest several times along the way.




Now we come to a steep incline. It will be a di cult climb. A challenge. So be prepared. Maybe take a breather. Ingest some energy. Eat a metaphorical protein bar.

Part Two - Emergence Chapter Eight - Facing the Abyss, Seeing Rainbows Let’s begin with the obvious… You and I exist in the most exciting time in human history. We are riding the crest of that great energetic wave expanding out of the explosion of Universe from Plank Time/Space. We are also on the verge of something momentous, something that is either terribly frightening or wonderfully thrilling, depending on your perspective and upon the choices you make about how to go about being in this world. Imagine, having been asleep, you suddenly awake to nd yourself being at the top of the rst climb on a roller coaster, about to plummet downward, but everything around you is obscured in a dense fog. You don’t even know if the tracks continue, or what lies ahead. That could be scary as fuck; or, it could be the most exciting and thrilling thing you have ever done. It’s all in how you look at it. A matter of perspective. For some time now, I have been saying that we are standing on a precipice from which we cannot turn back. We will be forced to either jump to our probable doom that awaits in the unknown depths of the abyss we face OR we will y o into a future of our own design. Universe hopes you choose to spread your wings. That abyss, by the way, is the same void from which Universe emerged. It is absolute nothingness. It is also pure potential. Anything could happen. Whatever you imagine. So, here we are at this precipitous moment. I am not certain about how you feel about it, but I know, with absolute certainty, that I chose to be here now to experience this precious, precarious and precipitous moment. And, I suspect the same is true for you, even if you do not remember making that choice. The simple fact that you are listening to this message from Universe, from Source, means that you asked somehow to be reminded of your choice to be here now. Many people have written many words to describe this time of great transition that we face. It has been called, ‘The Dawning of The Age of Aquarius’. It has been called, ‘The Ascension’. It has been called, ‘The Apocalypse’. It has been called, ‘The Shift’. It has been called, ‘The quantum leap from 3d to 5d reality’. It has been called, ‘The Great Awakening’. I like that term the best. We have been asleep, dreaming. Now it is time to wake up. Time to wake up to the true nature of our reality. Time also to wake up to our own true sacred nature. Wake up. Wake up. And, for god’s sake, do not hit the snooze button. Anyway, whatever name we choose to call this precipitous moment, we sense it is upon us. Everyone does. Some may just feel an unease, a sense that the status quo is collapsing. A sense that things are moving too quickly to make sense of it all. Some may be feeling that things are falling apart. Some may be feeling that things are coming together to create a massive elevation of human consciousness. Some may be doing everything they can to facilitate this shift in human consciousness to a higher dimensional reality. There are a lot of folks around the world doing their part to rst fully awaken themselves and to assist in the waking of humanity.






And, as I touched upon in Part One, some may be doing everything they can to prevent this elevation of human consciousness; and, to deter or detour you from becoming that which you are capable of becoming - a fully sovereign, self-realized and self-actualized new human creature/creator infused with the spiritual essence of Prime Creator.

In the following chapters, we are going to take a hard look at where we collectively are at as a human species. Some of it may not be pretty and you may choose to be in denial about it, but your denial does not mean that it is not true and does not make it disappear. Some of it will be remarkably wondrous; so wondrous you may nd it also hard to believe, but denying the miraculous will not make it disappear or be untrue. Before we get to unveiling all that is ugly and evil and revealing all that is beauteous and sacred, let’s talk a little more about this moment in time. As I have mentioned, I sit now, writing this in the land of the Maya, whose calendar, according to some, predicted the end of the world on December 21st, 2012. My late friend, Mayan Timekeeper, Hunbatz Men, told me that it did not mean the end of the world. It meant the end of the old world and the birthing of a new world, a shift into a higher vibrational reality. That conversation with Hunbatz took place on my 49th birthday. We had performed ceremony at the Ek Balam Maya archeological site as a conclusion to the seven day seminar I had been facilitating. It was also the day that we were privileged to witness a complete circular rainbow around the sun. So, the Maya somehow knew in advance that a massive energetic shift was going to begin that day. Perhaps it was their brothers and sisters from the Pleiades that had informed them. Perhaps, it was their study of and understanding of the great cycles of Universe, including the Precession of the Equinoxes. In any case, somehow, the Maya created a complex cyclical calendar. It was actually eight calendars united in one whole schematic that did not just measure days, years, moon cycles, equinoxes and solstices; it also measured the journey of a spinning galaxy and the recurrent cycles apparent in the movement of the planet Venus and the Pleiadian star system. Anyway, when 12/21/12 came along, I had chosen to be with the Quechua people high in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador on that particular day. I will cycle back to that experience in a few moments. Right now, I want to point out that the Aboriginal peoples of Earth have known and predicted that this time, we exist within right now, was coming and they are now saying that it is here/now. The Maya, The Quechua, The Hopi, The Australian Aboriginals, the Elders of many Aboriginal Peoples around the world have warned, or advised us, that this time was upon us. It is no longer coming. It is here. It is undeniable. Fret and fume all you want, you cannot change the fact that we face this extreme moment of personal and collective choice to jump or y. And, it is not just the Aboriginal Peoples of the planet that have been saying this - 67 years ago, back in 1955, when I was 5 years old, the author of The Phenomenon of Man, famed paleo-anthropologist, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, wrote, "Humanity is being brought to the moment when it will have to choose between suicide and adoration.” And here we are. Right here. Right now. Facing that choice. Are you feeling suicidal? OR… Are you willing to be adorable? How shall we de ne adoration? Certainly not as some mindless veneration of, or supplication to, some supposed deity. No. Adoration is not idolatry. Let us de ne it as endless love. Prime Creator loves you profoundly and unconditionally. Your adoration of Universe and Prime Creator is simply your reciprocation of that love. Your adoration is your glori cation of Prime Creator and your reverence of its creation, Universe - from whence this message to you comes. This message would not be being transmitted to you if YOU were not adored by Universe. The least you can do is to reciprocate, to also stand in adoration.






As I mentioned, I had chosen to be in the high Andean pueblo of Chugchilan with the Quechua people at the completion of that current B’ak’tun cycle and the coincident completion of the 12th Long Count cycle denoted by the Mayan Calendar. It was the end of the world. 12, 21, 2012. It was the beginning of the new world. In addition to this day being the completion of the 12th Long Count cycle, it was also the solstice. Chugchilan is south of the Ecuador, so technically it was the Summer Solstice there. Nevertheless, there was a winter chill in the air that day.

I had arisen early to catch the bus from Chugchilan, where I was staying, to Quilatoa, where I would hike around the crater rim of that ancient volcano, down the mountain slope, then, descend even further down the steep canyon, cross the river and climb back up the other side of the canyon, returning to Chugchilan to have a well-deserved cold beer after that long, strenuous and rewarding hike. Now, here is the miracle that occurred that day… As I am hiking along the crater rim overlooking the lake, I stop to rest, to appreciate the view across toward the snow-capped mountain named Cotopaxi, and to do a little tobacco ceremony in order to say a prayer of gratitude to Mother Earth, to Pachamama, to GAIA. I notice something odd about the re ection of the sun upon the lake. I turn my face skyward and look at the sun. Lo and behold, there is a complete rainbow encircling the sun on a cloudless day, just as there was on that day back in the Yucatan, after our closing ceremony conducted by Hunbatz, when we had spoken about this exact day. Two complete circular rainbows around the sun, the rst occurring in ceremony in Mayaland, having talked about this particular day; and the second occurring on this precise day when I am, once again, doing ceremony. What can be said when something so profound occurs? Something so serendipitous that you know that it is, in addition to being a personal message to me, it is also an a rmation to you now, in reading about this miracle, an a rmation that you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. Only the foolish could ever ignore a sign like that. Only the most spiritually disconnected could not sense the miracle. And now, here I sit, back on the Yucatan Peninsula once again, writing about this Great Awakening. Universe is always communicating with us, sometimes in ways that are so miraculous, they defy description. And yet, we mostly pay no attention to those messages. I urge you, once again, to pay attention to this message. It is coloured by my voice, but it does come directly from Universe. I say this again here because, as I said previously, it may be a tough slog to read through some of what I will be talking about in the next chapters, tougher even than my hike back up to Chugchilan from the river at the bottom of that Sigchos canyon. And that was a really tough slog, a tough and arduous climb. Anyway, back to the only sane response like serendipitous rainbows around the sun - adoration. In addition to The Phenomenon of Man and several other books, Teilhard de Chardin also penned a work of pure adoration called Hymn of the Universe, in which he wrote, “Blessed be you, universal matter, immeasurable time, boundless ether, triple abyss of stars and atoms and generations: you who by over owing and dissolving our narrow standards or measurement, reveal to us the dimensions of God.” Yes, this is the time when our ‘narrow standards or measurement’ must be dissolved, a time when we must expand our consciousness in a way that is analogous to the expansion of the Universe in those rst primordial moments. A time when we allow ourselves to experience the transcendent. Somewhat more than 6,500 years ago, in ancient Egypt, the great being known as Thoth, penned a work that has come to be known as The Hermetica. It opens with this statement… "I was asleep, as though without sensation. Not a normal sleep born of drowsiness, but a mystic sleep, alert and conscious in a void. Free from my body, I soared with my thoughts until a great and boundless being called to me.







"I asked this Supreme Being to teach me the nature of reality and the knowledge of truth. "I am the one who has always been and always will be. If your quest is made conscious, I will show you the truth." This one, this Atum, answered me.

"Now I am the messenger. I have come to speak the truth, which many will not hear, and my words will return empty to their source. Some, however, will listen and they shall know the power, the wisdom and the glory of the source." Thoth then goes on to describe creation and man’s place in it, to explain the natural laws that govern creation and how we can use that knowledge to become fully self-actualized. And then he closes with this statement of adoration… "At dawn, I nd myself in an open eld so that I may give praise to the one and sing his glory. Let the earth, the trees, the whole cosmos hear my song for I praise the one from whom all things come. My words are not enough for no words can truly speak the glory, only silence is enough. “I call You father but Your love is greater than a father's for you have given me the gift of mind that I might come close to You; and knowledge that I might nd salvation and bliss in Your light; and speech that I might praise You. I can only express my gratitude by learning to know You. You are the void, the great womb which impregnates itself to bring all things forth. You, the immovable, cause the whole universe to move. "You are the space in which all things exist. There is no place where You are not. Everything exists within You. How can I praise and glorify You? Shall it be for the things You manifest or the things You keep hidden? Everything that occurs is You. Everything that does not occur is You. You are everything. You have revealed Yourself to me and I am as a god, eternal whilst still alive in my body. May I always be kept in Your love and knowledge. "I have been lled with a light brighter than light that does not blind me but allows me to see. I am reborn in my mind. I am a new being and have left the old behind. I no longer see with my eyes, I see with my mind. I perceive that I am all and I am in all the universe. I am that which is present in all things. With my mind, I see the Mind. I have awoken from my forgetting and I see the source of all things. "I am mind. I have seen. I have found that for which I was questing. My purpose is Your purpose. My soul is Your soul. I have found peace. I sing Your song. It is my song. I sing it in silence for my words cannot speak.” That is the essence of adoration, a prayer of gratitude. These days, I walk the beach at sunrise, here in the land of the Maya, and recite my own prayer of gratitude, to express my adoration. I have been reciting this prayer for many, many years now, in open elds, forest paths, mountain trails or simply upon waking each day before I even get out of bed. "Good morning, GAIA, my mother. Thank you for this breath, for each and every breath. Thank you for allowing me to perceive your great beauty. Thank you for the waters of your oceans that are the waters of my body, too... the composition of the earth that composes my body too... the winds that are my breath too. Thank you for loving me. I love you. "Good morning, SOL, my friend. Thank you for this moment, for each and every moment. Thank you for your radiance. You light my life and warm my soul. Thank you for your steadfastness and benevolence. Thank you for loving me. I love you.






"Good morning COSMOS. Thank you for this life, for each and every life. Thank you for your complexity, your simplicity. I glory in your immensity, in your detail. Thank you for bringing me into being. Thank you for loving me. I love you.



"In an instant, reality was opened up to me and everything was changed before my eyes. I saw that everything was light enclosed in a joyous divine love. I saw the principles of the universe and I was grateful. I saw the in nite order that springs out of chaos through the in nite power of the light.

"Good morning CREATOR. Thank you for this consciousness. Thank you for in nity and eternity. I am forever in you and you are endlessly in me. Thank you for this opportunity to revere, to relish and to contribute. Thank you for your love. Open me up that I might be lled to over owing with your love and your light. Allow me to shine bright as my friend SOL. Thank you for loving me. I love you.” And now, in the writing of this book, I can repeat what Thoth had to say in his opening to The Hermetica… "Now I am the messenger. I have come to speak the truth, which many will not hear, and my words will return empty to their source. Some, however, will listen and they shall know the power, the wisdom and the glory of the source.” Within the body of The Hermetica, Thoth elucidates the steps taken towards achieving transcendent joy. The rst step in the process is to become aware of the Divine. Becoming aware of the divine does not mean reading about it in some spiritual text. Nor does it mean attending church and listening to some proselytizer talk about the divine. It means becoming aware of the Divine in the same way that you are aware of your own self. The second step is to become a recipient of Divine Grace. And yes, that does mean opening your heart and mind to allow that Grace to enter. To become capable of witnessing serendipitous complete circular rainbows around the sun, to be able, as William Blake wrote, “To see a World in a Grain of Sand, And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold In nity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.” To truly experience the in nite outpouring of love by Prime Creator. The third step is in becoming a servant of the Divine. That means being willing to do its will. That does not mean subjugating yourself in any way. It means arriving at the place of understanding where your will is in complete harmony with the will of the Divine. The fourth step is to become a child of the Divine. I have spoken previously that the time of your childhood is over. So, becoming a child of the Divine does not mean being immature and refusing to accept the responsibilities of an adult. It means knowing that you are born of the Divine. I am an adult, an elder in fact, and my parents are no longer alive on this planet. I am, nevertheless, still their child. The fth step is to become able to love as does the Divine. The Divine loves you even when you are in denial of the Divine. The Divine loves you even when you perform acts of profanity. The Divine loves you regardless of whatever choices you make. Your task is to learn to love, even when you are o ended by life, by others OR when you yourself are being incomplete. Your task is to learn to love yourself unconditionally and then to extend your compassion to all else. The sixth step is to become one with the Divine. I have written previously that Prime Creator created Universe and subsumed itself into its creation. I have also written that Universal Consciousness exists entirely within you just as you exist entirely within it. You must come to know yourself as yoUniverse and as Universal Consciousness expressed out into the world, as an aspect of Prime Creator, of the Divine. And, the seventh step is becoming able to speak with, from, of and for the Divine. This is not an invitation to become one of the charlatans that claim to speak on behalf of God; and ask, or demand, you send money or tithings in order to receive benevolence or blessings from God. This is an invitation for you to listen deeply to the messages from the Divine, to speak your own truth, having completely incorporated the previous six steps into the way you go about being. You will then, automatically be speaking with, from, of and for the Divine.










I would add an eighth step to Thoth’s path to enlightenment. That is the step that is being asked of you right now as Universe urgently urges you to become capable of co-creating the future, to stare courageously into the void, the abyss, to conceptualize and envision what to bring into manifestation out of the nothingness that is, at this moment, the future, to spread your wings and y into your unlimited

potential. To claim the fullness of YOU and to act in concert with Universe to self-evolve and to become transcendent.


Ok. In Part Three, we will discuss all that and the ways to go about living that. Now it is time to look clearly at your world. In seeing the truth about your world, you should be able to understand the urgency of this message. Every time it gets di cult, stop, take a deep breath and remind yourself that Divinity resides in your heart and soul and that it loves you profoundly and unconditionally.

Chapter Nine - Snakes and Ladders The title of this chapter does not refer to that kids’ game of that same name. It is the story of Kundalini Rising (the snake) and of the deoxyribonucleic acid molecule (the ladder). It is the story of Memetics and Genetics. It is the story of healing your wounds, both those that have been in icted upon you and those that are self-in icted. It is also the story of the Wetiko infected, of the so-called elite bloodlines, of the psychopathic control freaks who think they have the right to determine the future of humanity; and who believe that they have the right to control what you believe, think and do. It is the story of the many perversions that exist in your world and of those who commit those perversions. Before we get to the perversions and profanities performed by that set of the reptilian minded, let’s talk about Genetics and Memetics so that we can see the scope of the game playing out in plain view right now. It is NOT a kids’ game. It is very real and it is very serious. Genetics is about the information coding that controls how your body functions. It is about genes. Genes are those things that specify your physical traits. Each of your chromosomes contains about 20,000 genes. Each chromosome contains a single DNA molecule. The DNA molecule contains the master coding of your body and its functions. It stores genetic information to be passed along from cell to cell and from one generation to the next. On the other hand, its sibling, Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is the messenger molecule that tells the cell's protein-making factories what the DNA coding wants them to do. It transmits genetic information from cell to cell and from one generation to the next. RNA also plays a central role in turning genetic information into your body's proteins. For a topical example, mRNA (messenger RNA) instructs your cells to produce certain spike proteins in order to alter cellular DNA. The propagated story is that this process should grant immunity from certain viruses that contain that same spike protein. It does not do that. Instead, it causes those arti cial spike proteins to be distributed throughout your body. It damages your immunity. Memetics is about the information coding that controls how your mind works. It is about memes. A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas or practices. It is a unit that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, lore, imagery, gestures or rituals. A meme could be called a unit of culture. It is any idea, belief or pattern of behaviour which is hosted in the minds of individuals, and which can reproduce itself in the sense of jumping from the mind of one person to the mind of another in the same way that a physical virus can jump from one human host to another. In other words, what has been previously regarded as one individual in uencing another to adopt a belief, is seen, in the science of Memetics, as an idea-replicator, or mental virus reproducing itself in a new host analogous to the way an in uenza virus spread from host to host. Just to be clear, a meme is not that clever or cute image that your friends pass around on the internet as commentary on current a airs. That is pop culture’s bastardization of the term. A meme is an idea that is infectious enough to become part of the reality picture of a mass of people. It is not a passing fad. It is a pervasive concept that infects many minds, whole cultures and even all humanity. Christianity is a metameme. Lutheranism is a meme. Democracy is a meta-meme. Socialism is a meme. Control over the propagated narrative is about shaping the memes and meta-memes of humanity. It is a type of mind control technology. Just as advances in the science of Genetics can enable humans to better understand the workings of our physicality and thereby, be used to enhance our physical health and well being, advances in the science of Memetics can enable human beings to better understand how human mental processes work and thereby, be used to enhance our mental and emotional health and well being.








There are, however, some very real possibilities that the science of Genetics could be used in a destructive way. For example, it could be used to create and spread a disease that a ects only certain

racial types or to breed humans that are speci cally designed to perform certain tasks. Or, as I mentioned above, it could be used to create viruses and vaccines that alter the DNA within each of your cells in order to accomplish an agenda, which may not be in your best interests. The understandings we gain from studying Memetics allows us to craft belief structures that empower. As we learn how the human mind works, humanity can use that understanding to move toward a greater self expression in a purposeful and self-directed manner. Many philosophers have, in the past, crafted ideas that have become an inherent part of our culture. Witness how Plato’s writings have shaped all of western philosophy. He created meta-memes. Each of us thinks the way we think, in large part, due to Plato’s infectious ideas. Some folks are actively doing that these days - crafting memes they hope will infect the minds of many people. You could consider this book as an attempt to create a meta-meme and several sub-memes. Yes, I admit it. I am an infectious agent. I am a viral vector of the mind. If you share this book, or even, some of the ideas in this book, you also become a viral vector. And, I thank you for that. However, instead of using the understandings gleaned from Memetics to enhance our lives, these understandings could be used to shape a propagated narrative in order to determine how each individual human being, and the collective unconscious of all humanity, is enslaved within a disempowering belief matrix, a dystopian Zeitgeist. That is the goal of certain individuals and the institutions they control. Ok. I have danced around it enough, hoping to gently prepare you for the revealing of the evil that exists in your world. Let’s get to it. My Native Canadian, aboriginal ancestors used the term, Wetiko, to refer to an evil spirit or psycho-spiritual infection that causes insane behaviour in those that are infected by this evil spirit or destructive psycho-spiritual virus. In today’s parlance, it would be called a form of psychopathy. But, it is more than a mere mental illness, it is evil incarnate. The brilliant and courageous mind, Paul Levy, has written two excellent books about Wetiko and its pervasive in uence on our modern culture, so I do not need to provide an in-depth description of what it is and how it operates in our world. I strongly suggest you read his two excellent books, Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking The Curse of Evil and Wetiko: Healing the Mind Virus that Plaques Our World. My Cree ancestors describe Wetiko as an evil cannibalistic spirit that can take over people's minds and souls. It is characterized by an insatiable greed and lust for power and it acts on people’s inherent creative genius to cause them to deny the sacredness of creation and to act against their own sense of humanity. Those infected deny Divinity and are willing to perform all manner of profane acts in order to satisfy their own sel sh needs. The fully infected are unable to feel compassion and su er from an insatiable lust for power that causes them to feel self-righteous about their greed. In other words, their inherent natural morality gets corrupted beyond repair. They perform rituals that could be called satanic. (As an aside, I do not actually believe in a being named Satan, but the adjective satanic is the most apropos here). Because these reptilian-minded, Wetiko infected have become essentially soulless and deny the sacredness of creation, they are prepared to do the most abhorrent things in order to enhance their own power and satisfy their own greed. Many of the institutions of our modern world are controlled by these soulless creatures and they actively seek to use these institutions to disempower you. They endeavour to craft a propagated narrative to cause you to believe in the things they want you to believe, think the way they want you to think and behave they way you want you to behave. In the battle for your mind and your soul, fear is their weapon of choice. They use fear to obscure the love that Universe exudes, but they are unable to feel themselves.






Many people simply cannot fathom the depth of evil to which those who have a fully grown Wetiko infection have succumbed to allowing in themselves, and the evil that they are consequently capable of enacting in the world. This intentional ignorance of this infection is because most people are in denial about the potential for evil that exists in their own psyches. In other words, it is the refusal to admit to, and to face up to, our own darker natures that prevents us from seeing the depravity that those fully infected with Wetiko have succumbed to and, in turn, are in icting upon the innocent.

So who are these Wetiko infected people? You may be inclined to imagine that they are the sadistic pedophiles who abuse, torture and murder children, or that they are the mass murderers like Pol Pot, Idi Amin or Joseph Stalin, or that they are the sociopathic monsters like Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele or Mao’s wife, Jiang Qing, who instigated many of the horrors of The Cultural Revolution. Yes, these individuals were all Wetiko infected. This is not anywhere near the complete picture. They are also the psychopaths who wear silk suits and sit in boardroom o ces. They become the Presidents and Prime Ministers in democratic countries as well as the petty tyrants in dictatorships. They exist in the hierarchy of churches and in educational institutions. They control most of the media. They run the banking systems and the military/industrial complex. They permeate the entertainment industry. They promote transhumanism and transgenderism. They are globalists who talk about creating a new world order or about using the fourth industrial revolution to bring about a great reset. They consider you to be, not a ‘child of god’, but a ‘useless eater’. Many people are unable to recognize these seemingly ordinary members of society as being infected with this all-consuming psycho-spiritual vampire virus; and this often intentional ignorance or willful blindness manifests as a complicity that enables this Wetiko entity to operate undiagnosed. As Paul Levy writes, in his essay entitled, Wetiko: The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity, “Many of us can’t fathom the level of evil to which full-blown wetikos have fallen prey, and of which they are capable. Our lack of imagination of the evil existing in potential in humanity is a direct re ection of a lack of intimacy with our own potential evil, which enables the malevolence of wetiko to have nearly free rein in our world. In our psychic blindness we are complicit in the spreading of the evil of the wetiko psychosis, a systematic evil whose depth is beyond the capacity of words to fully describe.” And now, in addition to creating wars, manipulating economies and controlling resources, these Wetiko infected are using Memetics and Genetics to endeavour to transform you from a sacred human creature into a post-human compliant consumer of their ideas and invasive technology. Don’t believe me? Wait a bit. You will be lining up to get your digital ID, perhaps, only at rst, on your smartphone; but, later, perhaps as a QR code tattooed on your hand or even perhaps as a microchip implanted in your arm. All that tech already exists and is being pushed out, promoted, as a way to assist people to live better lives. Control the narrative and you can get people to do almost anything you want them to do. Manipulate their biology and you can cause people to become asexual and infertile or, so immune compromised that they are wholly dependent on pharmaceuticals to maintain even a modicum of health. Convince you to line up for digital ID and they can turn you from biological wetware into digital software. Infect your body with any viruses they design to alter DNA via mRNA. Infect your mind with any viruses they design to alter your beliefs and strip away your individuality, your sovereignty, your divinity and your creativity. Until now, you have been a collection of biological information crafted by Universe for your higher good and evolved to align with the Universe’s own imperative to self-actualize and to experience transcendence. These parasitic beings, both human and non-human, are working urgently to turn you into a collection of digital information so that, like open-code software, you can be modi ed, corrupted and infected with both physical and mental viruses. Historian, philosopher and author of “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” and “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow”, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, has issued a stern and urgent warning that…





“If you know enough biology and have enough computing power and data, you can hack my body and my brain and my life, and you can understand me better than I understand myself. You can know my personality type, my political views, my sexual preferences, my mental weaknesses, my deepest fears and hopes. You know more about me than I know about myself. And you can do that not just to me, but to everyone.

“A system that understands us better than we understand ourselves can predict our feelings and decisions, can manipulate our feelings and decisions, and can ultimately make decisions for us. “Now in the past, many governments and tyrants wanted to do it, but nobody understood biology well enough and nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it. But soon, at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people. We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls – we are now hackable animals. That's what we are. “The power to hack humans can be used for good purposes – like providing much better healthcare. But if this power falls into the hands of a twenty- rst-century Stalin, the result will be the worst totalitarian regime in human history. And we already have a number of applicants for the job of twenty- rst-century century Stalin.” I know that the ‘powers that be’ already have a copy of my DNA in their databases. They probably have yours as well - perhaps via a PCR test - who knows? They also have access to my health records - they are, after all - online, my most recent blood tests and diagnostic imaging having been sent to me, and my doctors, in a digital format. They also have records of things I have done and may have long since forgotten myself. So, it is likely that ‘they’ know more about me than I know about myself and, therefore, I too, may become a ‘hackable animal’ unless I act to ensure my personal sovereignty. If you are in denial about this fact, and are in denial about the reality of the Wetiko infected working diligently to take control of mankind’s future development, and thus, your ability to become a full selfactualized human being, you will never be able to ascend Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, never be able to claim your full creative power. Ok. That is a quick snapshot of your current reality. There is also much good news. Allow me to quickly summarize that good news before digging into it and elucidating how it enables you to remain free and sovereign and to move towards the fullness of your being that is being demanded of you now by Universe itself. 1) Prime Creator, in its in nite love, and its creation - Universe, a self-aware, conscious entity, are providing you with energetic assistance both in the ethereal and physical realms of Universe. 2) An exponentially growing number of people are experiencing a Great Awakening that counteracts the Great Reset and their energetic output impacts directly upon the collective unconscious of humanity and thus, you. 3) Your own power is such that if you simply stand up and claim your own sovereignty, that energy will serve as an energetic shield to protect you against the machinations of these Wetiko infected psychopathic parasites. 4) When you fully self-actualize and act to experience transcendence, you become immune to their manufactured mental and physical viruses. In the following chapters of Part Two, I will talk about the rst three of this quartet of reasons that explain why you can survive this precipitous moment and thrive in the future that you get to co-create with Universe. In Part Three, I will go into how to directly experience transcendence, to ‘Know thyself so that thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe’.







In closing this chapter, I would like to o er this additional reassurance that we have already won this war of good versus evil… The Wetiko infection had driven these soulless creatures insane, in a way analogous to how human Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy causes irreversible neurodegenerative brain decay, and they will soon be needing their diapers changed as they are fed through tubes, all the while ranting and raving about their superiority and their right to govern human a airs.

It should be noted again here that my Native Canadian ancestors, the Cree people, called Wetiko a cannibalistic parasite. Some of the ways humans can get Human Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy is through 1) cannibalism, 2) blood transfusions or infusions, 3) injections of human growth hormone (HGH) harvested from human pituitary glands, and, also, 4) from eating meat products from cows with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or ‘mad cow disease’, who themselves, get BSE from eating feed infused with animal protein. Vegetarian live cows being fed dead cows - yes, cows being fed ground beef, being forced to be cannibalistic. Still have a hankering for that Big Mac? Many people who work in stress inducing jobs - trauma nurses, re ghters, soldiers, et cetera, joke about being adrenaline junkies; but the adrenaline rush that control freaks feel from ful lling their greed and lust for power is truly addictive. The biosynthesis of adrenaline in the adrenal medulla appears to be regulated by the pituitary-adreno-cortical system. The abnormally-folded proteins called Prions that are said to cause TSE accumulate in the Pituitary Glands. Combine that with the knowledge that mRNA is the messenger molecule that tells the cell's protein-making factories what to do and you have some food for thought. Ponder that for a while. I think it best to give you time to digest what I have just written. I will return to it in a future chapter. You may think that I have just been writing random irrelevant shit or alluding to nonsensical trivia in the last three paragraphs, but conduct a little research on your own and you may get the drift of what I am talking about.





Anyway, let’s leave it at that for now and, in the next chapter, I will talk about how Creator’s in nite love and how Universe’s self-imposed imperative to self-evolve can be of enormous assistance to you in your quest to become whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, healthy, wealthy, wise, joyful and grateful for being whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, healthy, wealthy, wise, joyful and grateful for being a child of the Universe present in this here and now moment.

Chapter Ten - Agape and A Gape You may nd yourself, on some dark, cloudless night, in a place with no light pollution, gazing out at Universe, staring with open mouth, as in wonder. A gape. The Milky Way, in all its splendour, is spread out before you in the night sky. Perhaps, the constellation Orion is visible, with the three stars, Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak, in its belt, mirroring the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau; and you, like the Sphinx, staring out across the great expanse of space and the sands of time. Perhaps you even recognize the star system that fascinated the Maya, in whose land I write this Book of You, the Pleiades. And, from whence, some believe, advanced beings closely resembling humans are providing us with spiritual assistance. In any case, you are staring in awe, slack-mouthed in wonder and “standing a gape”. I hope that, in Part One of this treatise, I have provided you with some sense of the miracle, the wonder, that is Universe and that is also You. If I have not been able to get you to stand “a gape” at the magnitude of Universe, head on over to Youtube and watch the video entitled The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D. Now, remember that this is your story. That image can be considered ‘a sel e’. Universe is not just a vast collection of galaxies, stars, planets, comets, quasars, black holes and cosmic dust. It is a living, self-aware, conscious, and evolving entity. And everything that ever happened in its 13.8 billion year history has all led to You - the living, self-aware, conscious, evolving entity; and all of it was all necessary to have happened in order for you to be here right now, reading this book. If you are not in awe of that, you may need some remedial shock therapy, like 500 milligrams of lysergic acid diethylamide. In the closing paragraphs of the previous chapter, I told you that Prime Creator, in its in nite love, and its creation - Universe, a self-aware, conscious entity - are both providing you with energetic assistance both in the ethereal and in the physical realms of Universe. Let’s explore that aid and assistance a bit. First, a little bit about energy in general, before we talk about the speci c energy I am referring to when I say energetic assistance. Ok. You’ve heard it before - everything is energy. In fact, if you really desire to understand Universe, what really matters is not matter itself, but the energy that enables and engenders the material Universe. Quantum physics has clearly shown us that when you look very closely at the matter of Universe, which is simply a conglomeration of molecules and atoms into speci c things like stars and persons, you see that the so-called elemental particles of matter, Fermions and Bosons, are waveforms, UNTIL AND UNLESS they are observed by a conscious observer. Waveforms are an aspect of energy. Waveforms collapse into particles when observed. Waveforms become particles only when observed by consciousness. Observation creates the physical Universe. As I wrote earlier in referring to the Anthropic Principle of Universe - simply because you are here to observe, and participate in, Universe MEANS THAT Universe is here for you to observe and participate in. That is why it exists. It is also why you exist.







Universe is a quantum waveform of potentiality until consciousness is present. It is Consciousness that makes Universe manifest. The physical Universe is a manifestation of Consciousness. Universal Consciousness, or Prime Creator, makes manifest the physical Universe, in potentia. It is our act of observation, and classi cation, of the waveforms of Fermions and Bosons, that create the Universe we observe.

‘Hold on a minute’, I can hear you thinking. ‘We learned in our science classes that molecules are the stu of matter and are made up of atoms and atoms are made up of Electrons, Protons and Neutrons. So what is this talk of Fermions and Bosons?’ Ok. Allow me to explain… Fermions include Leptons and Quarks. Leptons include Electrons and Electron Neutrinos, Muons and Muon Neutrinos. Tauns and Taun Neutrinos. Quarks include the Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top and Bottom Quarks. Both Neutrons and Protons are made up of Quarks. So, all atoms are comprised of Leptons (electrons) and Quarks (protons and neutrons) = Fermions. Bosons include: Gluons, Photons, Weak Bosons, Gravitons and the Higg’s Bosons. These Bosons are what comprise the four Forces- Gravity, the Strong and Weak Forces and Electromagnetism - that enable atoms and molecules to exist. You can look at Bosons as being the information coding that enables Fermions to exist and to interact in order to become actual things in the material Universe. It may help you to know that Electrons, for example, are not de ned by the physical descriptions of size and shape, but rather by the energetic descriptions of charge and spin. An Electron is a negative electrical charge that spins, either clockwise or counterclockwise. The physical ‘mass’ of an electron only occurs when it is observed by a conscious entity. Until then it is only the energy of spin and charge. I know that may all seem complicated, perhaps too complicated to really ‘grok’ and may leave you wondering what that has to do with your day-to-day life. Let’s really make it simple - the two principal energies that Universal Consciousness uses to make Universe a manifest thing are love and thought. Conceptualization (thought) and Idealization (love). An ideal is an idea with love attached to it. The ‘l’ in ideal stands for love. Once more… Your consciousness is contained within Universal Consciousness and Universal Consciousness is contained within you. You have the ability to conceptualize and idealize, therefore you have the ability to create. When Napoleon Hill, in his great book, Think and Grow Rich, wrote “Verily, there is nothing, right or wrong, which belief, plus burning desire, cannot make real.”, he was explaining, in layman’s terms, this very same thing. Belief is, as we know, a persistent, ingrained thought, or set of thoughts, that form persistent neural pathways in the brain. And desire is synonymous with, or analogous with, love. Any concept, held ‘ideal’ in mind, Hill tells us, is a creative force. And, he asserts, that one simple yet profound understanding will enable you to create a prosperous life. Think and Grow Rich. Is that practical enough for your day-to-day life? Back to your energy assistance… Now, you already know that the light you are able perceive within that narrow range of the electromagnetic spectrum and the heat you feel emanating from the sun are but a minuscule segment of its total radiant output, but you may not ever have given it much thought. Life on Planet Earth would not exist without solar radiation. Our sun makes life possible. It is more than that though - solar radiation is also responsible for how life evolves. You may also have learned, in your science classes, that solar radiation has, over many centuries, been responsible for several mutations within the lifeforms inhabiting your planet, but again without really thinking much about that.



All you need to do right now is understand that solar radiation is constantly impacting on Planet Earth and the life forms inhabiting it. That includes, of course, you. My dear old friend, Sol, is constantly adjusting how life evolves. It sends direct messages to your DNA and, if you listen carefully enough, to your soul as well. Remember that photons are information. The photons the sun so constantly radiate “inform” you of your beingness. And that is not only your physical beingness, it is also your metaphysical beingness.

The sun does not just engender and support physical life on Planet Earth, it transduces the etheric forms of energy existent in Universe from the metaphysical into life-force energy, into Qi or Prana. Just last month, in March of 2022, scientists reported that they have discovered a new form of energetic output from your sun. This new from of energy is counter-rotating spiralling sonic waves that have never before been seen. Remember we talked about ‘spin’? New spinning energies exist on our sun. And make no mistake, these new energetic waves not only describe the behaviour of the sun’s interior, they also impact directly upon you, as does everything the sun does. Photons (Bosons) are information coding. All the light (seen and unseen) emitted by your nearest star, our sun, my old friend Sol, IS information that has a direct impact on You. Whether you are consciously aware of that or not, it is still true. When our sun decides to emit a new energetic output, it a ects you, whether or not you are aware of it. Right now, your sun is providing you energetic aid to assist you, if you choose, to self-evolve from mere creature to conscious creator, to mutate from human to ultra human. While the sun’s radiation takes only 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach us, the distance to the centre of your galaxy, The Milky Way, is 26,000 light years. Consequently, any changes of energy radiated out from the galactic core should take approximately 26,000 years to each us. That means that if the information being emitted by the Super Massive Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy changed in any way, we should not notice it for 26,000 years. That is, unless, that Super Massive Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy operates as a quantum computer and uses quantum entanglement to transmit information to all parts of our galaxy, instantly and simultaneously. Recent discoveries about the information being broadcast by the Black Holes that lie at the centre of most fully formed galaxies postulate that this information is actually informing its galaxy how to behave. Normal physics would assert that the Black Hole that lies at the centre of your galaxy sent out an energetic burst of information, 26,000 years ago that we are just receiving right now. So, in order for that message broadcast by that Black Hole to be reaching you right now means that your galaxy would have planned a long, long time ago for you to be getting this energetic assistance just now when you need it most, need it to become an active co-creative force within Universe, need it to counteract and overcome the negative energies of the Wetiko infected. How glorious is that realization. OR… Quantum Entanglement permits any new broadcast to be instantly received by your sun, by your planet and by you. That realization is even more glorious than planning 26,000 years ahead for this precise moment in time. I suppose, that in order for you to understand this concept of the instantaneous transmission of information across galactic distances, I need to explain Quantum Entanglement a little bit. It is that thing that Albert Einstein called “spooky action at a distance”. In order to explain Quantum Entanglement, we need to go back and talk about the ‘spin’ of an electron. If we look at a Helium atom, we see that it has two electrons, each having the properties of ‘charge’ and ‘spin’. Ok. If I were able to somehow change the spin of one of these electrons, the spin of the other electron would also instantly change. No big deal, They are both packed together into the a tiny helium atom and the behaviour of one instantly impacts the behaviour of the other. Simple. Easy to understand. Right?


Scientists have tested this multiple times and found it to be true in every case. These two electrons are ‘entangled’. You cannot impact one without impacting the other. Here is the “spooky” part…

You take apart this helium atom, leaving one electron here on earth and you place the other electron on one of the moons of Jupiter. Now they are far apart. Change the spin of the one you have here on Earth, and, abracadabra, the spin of the one on Jupiter’s moon also changes. Scientists have also tested this theory multiple times and found it to be true in every case. No matter how far apart they may be, these two electrons are still entangled. Even if you were to place one of these electrons inside that Black Hole at the centre of your galaxy, it would still be entangled and any change to the spin of one would instantaneously a ect the spin of the other. Boom. Quantum computing on a galactic scale. So, when that Super Massive Black Hole at the centre of The Milky Way changes the spin of certain of the electrons and/or any other Leptons it is constantly emitting, it instantaneously changes the spin of certain other Leptons or Bosons contained within your sun; and they, in concert with your galaxy, broadcast new energy and new information to you. Are you listening? Think long and hard about those two facts, your nearest star is broadcasting new radiation/information. In doing so, it is acting in concert with the information broadcast coming out of the heart of your galaxy. I know. I know. I may be blowing your mind somewhat here. Let me add to this idea. Maybe then, you will not need that shock therapy I mentioned in paragraph three of this chapter. Remember back some 13.8 billion years ago when everything, including you, was contained within that itsy-bitsy space known as Planck Space? Well, it was all entangled. Of course it was. So now, when you change your ‘spin’ on things, the way you see things, your beliefs (thoughts plus emotions), you change the spin of everything else that was contained within that Planck Space - the whole fucking Universe. Change you and you change Universe. When Universe changes, it changes you. You are entangled within Universe, entangled like a Rasta’s dreadlocks. Just as the Universe is a self-aware conscious entity, so too is your Galaxy a self-aware conscious entity; and so too is your star, my old friend Sol, a self-aware conscious entity. And these individual entities, acting in concert with the Universal Imperative to self-actualize, are acting, directly and energetically, to empower you, as a conscious and aware entity. Right now. If that does not thrill you beyond words, then you need to stop and think it through again. I imagine I have left you ‘a gape’. Yes, it is all really that miraculous. Let’s shift this conversation a bit from light to love… Agape is the name the Greeks came up with to describe unconditional love. Christians modi ed that usage somewhat to have it mean God’s love for man and man’s love for God. As I have mentioned, Prime Creator loves you unconditionally, even if you make the choice to not selfactualize, as Universe is demanding of you right now. Agape has no conditions. It simply exists and is equally available to all, even those who deny the Sacred, even to those who perform acts of depravity so extreme it curdles the blood of every true human being, even to those fully infected with the Wetiko virus, even to those who seek to disempower you and are working feverishly to turn you into a ‘hackable animal’ to service their insatiable greed and lust for power. That does not imply that justice, for the crimes against humanity committed by these creatures, should not be enacted on the human scale, and that due punishment should not be meted out. They are waging war on you and on all that is sacred. It is up to you to defend yourself and others, especially the children, against these monsters. And it is up to us, as a collective, to enact justice and to mete out due punishment.



And, as I have stated, the two principal energies Universe used to make manifest the material Universe are love and thought. Both are pure energy. Both, like Consciousness itself, permeate the entire cosmos.

Also, as I previously mentioned, physicists call Consciousness, the “hard problem”. It is not a hard problem for me. I am more than con dent that I understand it quite well; and I hope I have helped you to understand it as well. The hard problem for me is reconciling the Agape, the endless, unconditional love of Prime Creator, with the evil that exists in our world. How do you reconcile trans-dimensional entities who feed upon the fear that their proxies here on Earth generate for them amongst great masses of humanity, with the Agape of Prime Creator that we are urged to emulate? How do you reconcile those who sacri ce children on the altars of their greed and lust for power with the peace and compassion we are urged to generate in our hearts? I would like to believe that if we each and all agree to self-actualize and then to transcend our own personal human frailties; and then, to reconcile that which C. G. Jung calls ‘the shadow’ that resides in each of us; and then, to learn to extend our compassion to all that is sacred, we will, somehow, gure it out. Jung de nes this ‘shadow’ as “the unknown dark side of the personality, which, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to psychological projection, in which a perceived personal inferiority is recognized as a perceived moral de ciency in someone else.” He also writes, “The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral e ort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.” In order to be able to recognize the shadow aspect of self, it helps to look at its characteristics. Psychological Projection, as mentioned above is a principal aspect of the shadow. We see in others the aws we deny having in ourselves. We accuse others of the shortcomings we have, or the sins we have committed, even if only in our hearts and minds. The tendency to be extremely judgmental of others, especially without knowing their circumstances or motivations, is another aspect. We judge others to avoid facing that which we are subconsciously judging in ourselves. Placing ourselves above others in order to judge them translates to being afraid of one’s self being judged as being less than others, or less than we, on some level, understand that we are capable of becoming. The tendency to see one’s self as smarter, or more knowledgeable, or more enlightened than others is another aspect of the shadow self. It is others that need to be saved or enlightened, not oneself. This is often called spiritual bypassing. It is endemic in the so-called ‘woke’ crowd. Instead of focussing on one’s own self-realization, they see others as being in need of remedial help and even forced correction. All this, of course, is caused by a fundamental insecurity, a deep feeling that one may be undeserving of agape or any other kind of real love. The so-called ‘woke’ crowd lives in deep insecurity about their own value, are intentionally ignorant of their own aws and shortcomings, and attempt to cover up that insecurity by judging others, even long dead historical gures, as being unworthy.









Jung’s big warning to all of us is, “The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside as fate.” That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner opposite, the world must perforce act out the con ict and be torn into opposing halves.”



So, when people say that “All is love”, they are 100% correct. It is also correct to say that “All is thought.” The Universe is a thought form, a conceptualization, of Prime Creator.

He goes on to say, “One does not become enlightened by imagining gures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.” So, you can repeat all the a rmations you want, but unless you deal with the shadow aspect of self, they will never come true. You can tell yourself, and the world, that you are whole and perfect all you want, but until you recognize, integrate and reconcile the shadow aspects of yourself, the world will conspire to create con ict for you to experience. Fix your inner world and your outer world will, almost magically, x itself. Truly profound evil exists in our world. Perhaps if we are courageous enough to face the small, or not so small, evils we each carry in our hearts, we can eliminate this global evil and the su ering caused by Wetiko. Excise Wetiko from within ourselves and it will starve to death. Wetiko is both a spiritual parasite and a mental virus. Perhaps we all need to ingest some Ivermectin of the soul - love. Agape. And yes, just as Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic that also rids the body of the corona virus, Agape is a spiritual anti-parasitic that will free us from the Wetiko virus. It is love and light that will free us from Wetiko. On the other hand, if we deny the evil, that is, if we refuse to make the darkness conscious, we cannot ever become truly enlightened. And that is why I wrote about this Wetiko infection - to bring it into your conscious awareness. Denying its existence does not serve you. In fact, your denial will help it grow within you as well as in your culture. On the other hand, giving it too much attention creates a kind of psycho-spiritual pathology. Recognize and admit to its existence, then focus your attention on healing your own inner darkness. Pay attention to the kind of person you would like to become. Imagine the best possible outcome. Alright, it is time for a short breather. Go for a walk. Do the laundry. Go talk to some friends. Whatever. When all this has sunk in a bit, continue with the next chapter where we will be talking about the second bit of good news I mentioned in chapter nine - The news that an exponentially growing number of people are experiencing a Great Awakening.






This Great Awakening serves to counteract the Great Reset being promulgated by the Wetiko infected. The energetic output of those who have awakened impacts directly upon the collective unconscious of humanity and thus, you.

Chapter Eleven - Soul Tribe Synergy Every single day, all around the world, more and more people are waking up to their potential to become whole, to envision the fullness of their beingness, to self-actualize and to act in concert with the Universal Imperative to become more. More importantly, every single day, all around the world, more and more people are growing up and cleaning up. That is the mantra of the day - Wake up. Grow up. Clean up. Waking up is the process of becoming aware of elevated states of consciousness. Growing up is the process of accepting responsibility for incorporating those elevated states of consciousness into one’s day-to-day life. Cleaning up is the process of doing the shadow work necessary to allow those elevated states of consciousness to be incorporated. Until the darkness of both self and society is revealed and dealt with, no amount of truly ‘waking up’ can take place and become an integral part of one’s life. Even if you wake up and become aware of elevated states of consciousness and then, decide to grow up by accepting responsibility for incorporating those elevated states of consciousness into your own beingness, UNTIL AND UNLESS you commit to the process of cleaning up - accepting, facing, owning and cleansing your sprit (doing the shadow work) - you will be unable to achieve these higher states of consciousness. And, that is why, in Chapter Nine, I emphasized the need to know about Wetiko. So that it can be cleansed from our individual selves, from our society/culture, from the collective unconscious of humanity. We will come back to the Wetiko infection in the next chapter. Every single person who wakes up, grows up and begins to clean up, assists the collective unconscious of humanity to wake up to the psycho-spiritual urges of transcendence and redemption - that process that I call the Universal Imperative to self-actualize. Teilhard De Chardin refers to this full self-actualization of humanity and Universe as achieving the Omega Point. The de nition of Omega Point, according to De Chardin, is the point at which human consciousness, in the Jungian sense of the collective unconscious, becomes whole. This is more than each individual achieving Christ Consciousness or the Buddha Mind. It is when all of human consciousness, the collective, perceives that it is divine, and in that collective recognition of human divinity, human consciousness no longer perceives itself as individuated aspects of the divine. Human consciousness becomes divine consciousness. Fully aware. Consciously creative. Whole and complete. This concept of De Chardin is very similar to the ancient spiritual tradition of Gnosticism which focused on the transcendence of the physical world and the divinity of self-knowledge. Gnosis is the Greek word for ‘knowing’. Knowing is di erent from knowledge. We can de ne knowledge as useful information, an intellectual accumulation of facts, information, and skills. Knowledge can be acquired by a person through experience or education. It is the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. Knowing, is the sense of gnosis, is a profound inner awareness. You know you have a body. This is not an intellectual understanding. It is a deeply and completely felt awareness. It is a gnosis of the body. There is also a gnosis of the spirit. It is also a deeply and completely felt awareness. A spiritual awareness. Gnosticism is the spiritual knowing of humanity’s true essence, or real nature, as divine. This profound inner knowing, or awareness of self as divine, is the goal of waking up, growing up and cleaning up. According to Gnosticism, (and interestingly, also Buddhism) ignorance is the worst sin. Intentional ignorance of the spiritual nature of the human being is the goal of the Wetiko parasite; and is the practice of the Wetiko infected. As I said ve paragraphs back, we will return to the discussion of Wetiko. For now, let’s continue the discussion about more and more people waking up.






Millions upon millions of people are subscribed to various websites, groups and blogs that talk about the process of waking up. There are many thousands of websites that o er resources to those who are interested in a spiritual awakening. Events and gatherings, big and small, take place all around the world.

Random people talk to each other about their own awakening in co ee shops, on park benches, and while waiting to pick up their children from schools. There is, indeed, a Great Awakening taking place. I need to clarify that, when I refer to the Great Awakening, I am not referring to the so-called Great Awakening or religious revival that took place in the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s. I am also not talking about the Transcendentalist movement of the 1820s and 1830s. Emerson, Thoreau, Walt Whitman, et cetera were important voices of their time and their wisdom is still relevant today. But today’s Great Awakening is not limited to those early American voices, philosophies and discussions of the 1700s and 1800s. This new Great Awakening is a global phenomenon that involves many millions of people from all walks of life. It has its roots in ancient Aboriginal wisdom, Taoism, Buddhism, Eastern mysticism and the psychedelic explosion of the 1960s, as well as the Transcendentalism and the New Thought movements of 100 years ago. But it is so much more than just a resurgence of the older ideas, philosophies and spiritual movements that are the precursors to what is taking place today. It is a massive energetic wave that is global, inclusive and accelerating. Aided by cosmic energetic emanations that go mostly unnoticed by the majority of folks, everyday people, not previously on an intentional spiritual journey or quest, are being initiated into revelatory moments or serendipitous occurrences that propel them into a knowing that higher dimensional realities exist; and that these elevated states of consciousness can be accessed by those who chose to become more attuned to them. And thus, begins the process of waking up, growing up and cleaning up. If you have managed to read this far into this book without rejecting the ideas I am delivering to you, you are likely one of the people who have agreed to, or chosen to, be alive at this time in order to participate in this Great Awakening, perhaps even to assist in its propagation. Perhaps you have read this far, but do not consider yourself to be a spiritual person. Maybe you became disillusioned by the dogma, the deceptions and the lies of organized religion; thinking that, in walking away from religious teachings, you are not spiritual. Allow me to de ne spirituality in order to provide you a new perspective. Spirituality is the inherent, but inde nable impulse to attain an improved level of existence beyond an ordinary mundane human existence constrained by egoistic self-interest and the unconscious forces of the cultural zeitgeist. It is the urge to discover, and to live by, higher values found within one’s self. It, therefore, is about seeking answers, guidance and personal morality from within one’s own self, rather than from outer world institutions or cultural norms. Spirituality is the urge to become a better, more loving, more compassionate person who acts in congruity with one’s own core values and ethical standards in order to live in integrity, that is, by having a harmony of thought, word and deed. The only truly non-spiritual human is the one who has allowed the Wetiko parasite to infect and deceive them so deeply that they are unable to even glimpse the grandeur of Universe and Self. If you have any glimmer of a concept of self as being part of something greater than self - you are spiritual, even if you do not profoundly feel that yet. OK… for those of you who do consider yourselves as spiritual beings, let’s explore a few of the possible ways you may perceive yourself. You may consider yourself to be an old soul, who is often someone who continues to reincarnate in order to heal one’s spiritual self, or to complete karmic agreements, perhaps agreements made with other old souls. The healing that an old soul seeks to undergo is to face, to accept and ultimately, to love its own shadow aspect. Learning to love one’s shadow self does not mean letting it lose to play; it means extending full compassionate understanding of it in order for it to dissolve under the light of full awareness.




Some old souls are not here to heal the shadow or to complete karmic contracts. They are here to be with and support their fellow spiritual pilgrims as they work through their healing and karma. These

particular old souls’ motivation to reincarnate is compassion for others. Consequently, sometimes they get called “gentle souls”. You may consider yourself to be a spiritual warrior who is, as de ned by Tibetan Buddhism, one who combats the universal enemy of self-ignorance - the ignorance of self as divine. Others may choose the path of individual self-actualization and transcendence, but the spiritual warrior’s right practice consists of compassionately assisting others to achieve wisdom. The spiritual warrior, or Bodhisattva, ideal is to achieve the Buddha Mind in order to liberate others. Earlier, I wrote that Buddhism and Gnosticism consider ignorance to be the greatest of all sins. One of the main goals of the Wetiko virus is to in ict two forms of ignorance in both individuals and humanity as a whole. The rst of these is to obscure its own existence by making people ignorant of its existence. The second is to instil in people an ignorance of, or denial of, their spiritual essence. The spiritual warrior’s self-assigned task is to combat the Wetiko infection in self and in society, to combat this ignorance. You may consider yourself to be a spiritual teacher. In many cases, those who call themselves teachers are like post-grad students, still working on their master’s degree, still working on themselves. They teach what they need to learn. That is not to say that what they teach is of no value. It is of value, often deep and lasting value. They lead by example and the path they walk is full of lessons for others. Really good spiritual teachers are humble souls who do not pretend to have all the answers, for themselves, or for others. They share their journey out of love for others. They are a guiding light, shining like stars in the night sky. They are awake, and they are growing up and cleaning up. However, those who consider themselves to be enlightened gurus are really nothing more than egotistical and delusional immature souls. Some self-proclaimed gurus are, in fact, spiritual vampires that feed on the energy of their acolytes. They are very akin to those infected with the Wetiko parasite. Stay away from gurus, even those who do not call themselves gurus, but allow themselves to be called gurus by their followers. You may consider yourself to be ‘merely’ a spiritual seeker, walking the path towards greater spiritual understanding. You may not consider yourself to be a spiritual teacher; but you are - because your act of seeking touches the lives of other people who may be inspired by your example. You may not consider that you are a spiritual warrior; but you are - because in seeking spiritual truths, you are ghting ignorance, even if it is just in yourself. You may not consider yourself to be an old soul; but you are because, for one thing, we are all old souls, at least as old as Universe itself. And, you are an old soul because your source is Prime Creator who is really, really old - truly ‘older than dirt’, as my great niece recently accused me of being. So…. You - the spiritual seeker, teacher, warrior and ancient soul, pay attention now. If you recognize that you have chosen to be here now at this precipitous time, it is likely that you are a member of a soul tribe, each fellow tribe member also having chosen to be incarnate now. Your tribe is probably scattered around the world in order to energetically elevate di erent parts of this world. I would strongly suggest that you connect with the members of your soul tribe in order to gain strength or reassurance in those times when you need it. And, also, working together, to create an energetic spiritual grid on the earth. All energetic grids directly impact the collective unconscious of humanity. Connecting with your tribe members to create an energetic grid empowers you to act synergistically. Synergy occurs when the e ect of the whole is more than the sum of the e ects of individual parts of the whole. 1 + 1 = 3 or more. An exponential e ect.










You can nd your fellow soul tribe members by: 1) setting your intention to connect; 2) stating that you have dedicated yourself to providing sacred service in the world, and staying true to your word; 3) removing yourself from the propagated narrative of cultural programming; 4) participating in ceremony, either with Aboriginal peoples or those who conduct GAIA centred ceremony; and, 5) reaching out online by forming or joining communities of like-minded people. Do these things and your soul tribe members will make themselves known. You will recognize them because they energetically resonate with you, on a mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Allow me to reassert - there are millions upon millions of your fellow spiritual travellers who are waking up to their true essence and inherent power; and who are in the process of growing up and cleaning up so that all humanity can achieve the transcendence referred to as Cosmic Consciousness, the Buddha Mind, Christ Consciousness or the Divine Mind.



You are not alone. Your tribe members are out there. Seek them out. Let them know that they are not alone. O er them support and succour when they need it. Be each other’s teachers, but, be your own guru. If you resonate with the idea of being a spiritual warrior, take hold of your aming sword; because, in the next chapter, we are about to expose the machinations of Wetiko to the blinding light of the trillions upon trillions of stars that make up the cosmos; each of those stars infused with the love and light of Prime Creator.

Chapter Twelve - Vampires and Soul Eaters This is the toughest part of the climb. It will be like free climbing El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. At times, you may feel like you are hanging on by the ngers of one hand, in mortal peril, more than two thousand feet above the abyss below. But take heart, it consists of only a few hundred words on a few pages; and in our next chapter, I return to more uplifting material. And, of course, you can always skip over this chapter if it proves too tough for you now. BUT, BE FOREWARNED - until the darkness is brought to light, you will never be able to be a completely free and sovereign human being, and your transcendence cannot be achieved. According to the Apostle’s Creed, even Christ had to descend into hell before ascending into heaven. So, for the spiritually stalwart and especially for you spiritual warriors, it is time to expose more about the machinations of Wetiko. Quoting from Paul Levy’s essay, Wetiko: The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity, “Many of us can’t fathom the level of evil to which full-blown wetikos have fallen prey, and of which they are capable. Our lack of imagination of the evil existing in potential in humanity is a direct re ection of a lack of intimacy with our own potential evil, which enables the malevolence of wetiko to have nearly free rein in our world. In our psychic blindness we are complicit in the spreading of the evil of the wetiko psychosis, a systematic evil whose depth is beyond the capacity of words to fully describe.” And further on in his essay, he elucidates, “Like a cancer of the mind that metastasizes, in wetiko disease, a pathological part of the psyche co-opts and subsumes all of the healthy parts of the psyche into itself so as to serve its pathology. The personality then self-organizes an outer display of coherence around this pathogenic core, which “masks” the inner dysfunction, making it hard to recognize. In a psychic coup d’etat, the wetiko bug can usurp and displace the person, who becomes its puppet and marionette. Like a parasite, the wetiko virus can take over the will of an animal more evolved than itself, enlisting that creature into serving its nefarious agenda.” I understand that for the neophyte, all of this may be di cult to absorb. I urge you to take a deep breath, open your heart and your mind, remember the endless love that surrounds you; and then continue reading. Becoming awake to Wetiko and aware of its machinations may be amongst the most di cult things you have ever done, but that awareness will actually set you free. Levy continues, “Once the parasite becomes su ciently entrenched within the psyche, the prime directive coordinating a person’s behavior comes from the disease, as it is now the one calling the shots. Just as someone infected with the rabies virus will resist drinking water, which would ush out the infection, someone taken over by the wetiko parasite will have nothing to do with anything that will help them get rid of the disease. “Wetikos are phobic towards the light of truth, which they avoid like the plague. In advanced stages, this process takes over the person so completely that we could rightfully say the person is no longer there; they are just an empty shell carrying the disease. In a sense there is just the disease, operating through what appears to be a human being. The person becomes fully identi ed with their mask, their persona, but it is as if there is no one behind the mask.” I strongly urge you to read his whole essay as well as his books in order to grasp the fullness of Wetiko and, in order to learn how to free yourself from its corrupting in uence. Click on the hyperlink or search online. You will nd it. Alright, here we go… Since the beginnings of human civilization in ancient Sumeria, there has existed a blood cult that became possessed by an unquenchable hunger for earthly power as opposed to divine power. From those ancient times until the present day, they have committed the most unspeakable and horri c crimes against their fellow human beings in order to satisfy their avarice, lust and satanic pride.











Their ultimate goal is to eliminate their enemy - the sacred essence that exists in creation - so that they can rule, not just over their fellow human beings, but over Universe itself.

Let’s proceed gently, for now, by talking about Transhumanism. Transhumanists consider the human species to be ‘transitional’ - in the process of becoming post-human beings, immortal and with powers so far beyond what current humans have as to be seen as gods. That quest alone denotes their lust for power. Instead of choosing to incorporate the divine into themselves in order to express the power of Prime Creator, transhumanists desire to usurp divine power. They have sold their souls, instead of having souled themselves. They imagine that they can transfer their consciousness from their human brains into immortal machines in order to avoid death; and to access the processing power of quantum computers in order to control creation at the molecular, atomic and quantum levels. They have fallen from grace, expecting to usurp the power of Universal Consciousness from which all things spring forth. Their Wetiko infection has driven them insane. It is worthy of note that they also use the word ‘transitional’ to refer to those who are partaking in another of their propagated memes - transgenderism. The ultimate goal of transgenderism is to negate the male/ female dichotomy, create asexual beings and to have genetically modi ed humans grown in arti cial wombs. I know that some of you will be o ended by what I just wrote, not because the idea of transgenderism o ends you, but because I call it an aberration, a symptom of the Wetiko parasite. If so, it is because you may have subscribed to the ‘woke’ mentality, which is another tool of the Wetiko virus, that tells you it is inappropriate to call a spade a spade. The Wetiko inspired propagated narrative that seeks to normalize this behaviour has corrupted your inherent compassion in order to convince you that this abnormal behaviour should be normalized. You may, thus, be o ended by what I write here. Nevertheless, I am going to double down… transgenderism is, at best, a psychological disfunction; and, at worst, an aberration of the spiritual essence of human beings. I feel a deep compassion for those individuals who consider themselves to be transgender; but I am o ended by the promotion of the idea as being normal; and I am spiritually incensed by the education of pre-pubescent children that transgenderism is normal. It is not. It is a part of an agenda to dehumanize human beings and to create the post-humans envisioned by the transhumanists. Transhumanism and posthumanism postulates the future vision of a new intelligent species, into which humanity will self-evolve. These posthumans will supersede and supplant current humans, in the same way that Homo sapiens supplanted Neanderthals. Transhumanism foresees the creation of a highly intelligent human animal species by way of ‘cognitive enhancement or biological uplift’. Posthumanists foresee humans evolving to become, essentially, immortal androids. Don’t believe me? Let’s check in with one of the proponents. In his essay, The Transhuman Singularity, transhumanist, Terry Grossman writes, “This gradual change from carbon-based organic human beings into “transhumans” consisting of more than 50% bionic and/ or machine parts will be the next step in human evolution. The most notable feature of this evolutionary quantum leap will be our transformation from creatures of esh and bone to being mostly machine-made, from being humans to becoming transhumans.” He goes on… “As a true digital-cerebral interface comes into existence and we are able to “upload” our memories and consciousness into a twin computer backup, true human immortality will follow automatically as a matter of course. This creation of a twin consciousness of self on the digital plane will be the de ning moment of The Singularity. “For as soon as this is done, and we are able to create backup copies of ourselves, by de nition, we’re immortal. Should we want to, and I am not sure how many of us will even want to bother, this computer replication of self may then be downloaded into a newly cloned body (a 25 year old version, of course) and the process repeated inde nitely— Eternal Youth and True Physical Immortality.”











Sounds enticing, doesn’t it? I sit here rapidly approaching my 72nd birthday with my cancer dia-gnosis, and could easily be tempted to say, “Hell yeah, I am in. What do I have to do to buy my place in line for this upgrade?” A healthy 25 year old body with my 71 year old mind? Wow. Sounds great. What a temptation.

In the intro to this essay, Grossman writes, “Therapeutic human cloning, stem cell therapies, synthetic organs, molecular nanotechnology, and the digital-cerebral interface may allow us to achieve immortality in this century. But keeping bionic transhumans alive until immortality is achieved may prove very expensive.” I will come back to the idea of keeping oneself alive until The Singularity makes it possible for this upgraded human to emerge, in a while. For now, let’s move on to further exploring the agenda of the Wetiko infected power-mad freaks. They have been planning and working diligently for decades, perhaps centuries, to create a New World Order. One world. No nation states. Global government. Global police force. Global currency. A new one world religion that is, essentially, materialist scientism. All current religions will be deemed as heretical. Spirituality will be de ned by the global governance. Money will be transformed from a system of exchanging one form of value for another form of value (I.e. work for shelter, food, security and luxuries) into a system to reward those who comply with the system and punish those who refuse to comply. Digital IDs will be implemented and tied to a social credit score and the ability to partake in any of society’s activities. Misbehave and you will be severed from any ability to spend your ‘earned income’. The implementation of the many governmental mandates that arose out of the “Covid pandemic” were proving grounds to prepare societies for the implementation of the Great Reset when all this New World Order agenda stu comes into play within this decade. And, make no mistake, both the virus and the vaccines were under development for more than a decade. The gene sequences for both were patented years ago. If you are unable, unwilling or simply too lazy to do your own research to substantiate this, go listen to what Dr. David Martin has to say. Also, you may want to go watch the many other interviews conducted by the Corona Investigative Committee, led by esteemed lawyer, Reiner Fullmich, who previously took Volkswagen to court over their diesel emissions fraud, and exposed the fraud committed by Deutsche Bank. Start with this Youtube link. https:// All of this is part of the agenda of the Wetiko infected psychopaths. So are the wars, the control of the world’s central banks, the collapsing of economies, the corruption of governments, the media and the entertainment industry. This plan has been centuries in the making, but now is the time that they are endeavouring its full implementation. They are afraid that this Great Awakening will prevent their plan from coming to fruition, so they are rushing to implement their Great Reset. As we shall see later on, this is a critical error on their part. It is indeed ironic that their favourite weapon - fear - has back red and has mortally wounded them. Their control of the global monetary system is centuries old. Don’t take my word for it - go read the essay, Vampire Squid Economics: A Case Study in Full-Blown Wetiko Disease by Paul Levy, in which he writes, “The invention of money was a breakthrough in human a airs, an innovation in which real wealth is allowed to be symbolically re-presented by something else. Money is a construct, something made up, which adds convenience in the trading of goods and services that have value. The wetiko-created at money system, however, is the doorway through which a deviant distortion in this co-operative process of exchanging value amongst ourselves emerges. “The wetikonomy’s at-currency is not backed by real value, but rather, is a system in which, as if by magic, money is created out of thin air. Having fallen through the rabbit hole, we now live in a world where money materializes simply by decree ( at)of an elite cabal of Big Wetikos, who can exchange the tokens of value they have conjured up for the time and natural resources of everyone else. “The wetiko-economy is basically a legitimized counterfeiting operation. The Big Wetikos use their military and police state ‘enforcement' resources to ensure that others cannot accumulate and circulate capital outside of their system. As if that isn't bad enough, in a further diabolic sleight of hand, this virtual at currency, backed by nothing real and having no intrinsic value in and of itself, is then equated with debt, thus making it worse than nothing.”










A quick look at how private banking took control of government nances…

The world’s oldest central bank, Sveriges Riksbank was founded in 1668 and was the rst bank to print private bank notes. It was quickly followed by the establishment of the privately owned Bank of England in 1694, which was founded to lend money to the government to fund the war on France. And here began the practice of a privately owned bank being able to create money out of nothing and lend it to governments, businesses and people with interest due. Today’s Federal Reserve Bank of the United States of America is the prime modern example of a privately owned central bank creating money from nothing, lending it to government with interest attached to the principal loan. The World Bank and The International Bank of Settlements provide the same service internationally. I suggest you read, The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Gri n to further educate yourself on this subject. The overwhelming majority of the world’s central banks, which most people assume are government entities, are, in fact, privately owned by Wetiko infected individuals. You are indebted to them. They consequently think they own you in the same way they own your mortgaged house and in the same way they own the governments who are indebted to them for $trillions. In addition to taking control of the monetary system, the military/industrial system, the educational system, the political system, the entertainment industry and the medical/pharmaceutical industry, these same people are involved in drug tra cking, human, and especially child, tra cking, organ tra cking, arms tra cking and most critically, the tra cking of insidious ideas through the use of Memetics. All inspired by the parasitic and cannibalistic virus named Wetiko by my Cree ancestors. There is more… It is time to return to the quest to remain alive long enough for the Singularity to occur so that the aspiring transhumanists can achieve virtual immortality by rst uploading their minds/consciousness into a quantum computer and then downloading a copy into a cloned 25 year old physical version of themselves, while retaining the digital machine version for future downloads. This sounds like the stu of science ction, but this is the goal and it is not far o according to many scientists and transhumanists. Remember what Grossman wrote back in 2001? “Therapeutic human cloning, stem cell therapies, synthetic organs, molecular nanotechnology, and the digital-cerebral interface may allow us to achieve immortality in this century.” Before we move on to how these people are currently attempting to extend their life long enough to get to this singularity, lets look brie y at the philosophy or religion of transhumanism. The experience of life, according to the transhumanist religion, is reducible to the computations happening in your brain, to the ring of neurons. The totality of human experience, including consciousness, the sense of self, the ability to be emotionally impacted by a sunrise, the capacity to feel love, is conceived as being computations made by the ring of neurons within the 1300 cubic centimetres of mush between your ears. The inevitable conclusion for them is - who needs to be a skin encapsulated, mortal, meat package - just swap the neurons for electrons interacting on silicon chips and presto immorality via the mind/computer interface. So, we are on the path, if these Wetiko infected psychopaths get their way, to having a one world government capable of controlling every facet of human life, ruled by an elite group of immortals who see you as, according to Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, as ‘useless eaters’. Are you up for that? It should be noted that the term ‘useless eaters’ was rst used by Henry Kissinger before being adopted by Klaus Schwab in his book, Covid 19: The Great Reset.

















Alright, let’s dive into the horri c methods these folks are using to extend their life long enough for the Singularity eventuality they are hoping and planning to implement. This will be ugly. It shows the depths of depravity they are prepared to indulge in to satisfy their greed and lust for power. It shows how truly evil a full blown Wetiko infection causes people to become.

Right now, in China, an estimated one million members of the persecuted Muslim sect of Uyghurs are imprisoned in Gulags, subjected to forced sterilizations, forced abortions and live organ harvesting. This is not a recent practice. Nor is it con ned to the Uyghurs. A documentary called Human Harvest, which won the 2014 Peabody award for excellence in broadcast journalism, detailed the organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. And in 2018, a tribunal in London, chaired by British barrister Sir Geo rey Nice, concluded "unanimously, and sure beyond reasonable doubt - that in China forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience has been practiced for a substantial period of time involving a very substantial number of victims.” Synthetic organs are not yet widely available, so those who need, or would like, an organ transplant are reduced to getting a real one from a donor. Staying alive is, according to Grossman, expensive. Organ harvesting and tra cking is big business. Just out of curiosity, exactly how any times has Dick Cheney, one of the major participants in the events of 9/11, had a heart transplant? How many times do you think you could get one? Forced live organ harvesting is not unique to China. It is ‘suspected’ to take place in many other countries as well. What do you suppose happens to the millions of children who go missing every year? Let’s dive a little deeper. Years ago, researchers studying mice found that giving old animals blood from young ones can reverse some signs of aging. Scientists have identi ed a growth factor in the blood that they think is partly responsible for the antiaging e ect on a speci c tissue - the heart. It is a common underground practice for older rich folks to receive blood infusions from young persons in order to extend their lives and to give them more energy. It has also been documented that Human Growth Hormones extracted from the adrenal glands can serve as anti-aging agents. For some time, certain people have been infusing, injecting or ingesting blood containing HGH and Adrenaline, obtained from children, in order to extend their lives and increase their vitality. Synthetic adrenochrome is manufactured in labs in China. It is also extracted from live children. Certain people are addicted to adrenochrome. They get high from it. “Way better than cocaine” one user explained. I am not making this up. In the movie, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, based on the biographical novel written by Hunter S Thompson, the character played by Johnny Depp, snorts adrenochrome. Go see for yourself. Hunter Thompson was not making it up either. This is a very real thing. And, it is endemic in certain circles of rich folks. By the way, endemic does not mean ‘the end of a pandemic’ even though some folks are using the word that way to describe the current fading away of C19. Endemic means ‘regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.’ So, when I wrote ‘blood cult’ earlier in this chapter, I was not just referring to the ancient religions of Sumeria and Babylon. I was also talking about what is taking place today. And when I wrote earlier in this book about the Wetiko infected ‘sacri cing children on the altars of their greed and lust” I was not just using a metaphor. That is a hard, hard truth. Imagine the depths of evil those fully Wetiko infected, elitist, psychopaths have sunk to in order to feed their blood lust. Mind/machine interface. New organs. New blood. What else did Grossman catalogue as needed? Oh yes - molecular nanotechnology. Let’s talk about that. And then, that will be enough. There is much more that the Wetiko infected are prepared to do in order to ‘become as gods’, but we will leave it alone after we talk about genetics for a bit. You will have enough to see the depths of depravity these infected will go to in order to satisfy their lusts and greed. In the next chapter, we will return to things happening to uplift the human spirit instead of degrading it. You need to be brave only for a few more paragraphs. Remember, it is only through bringing the darkness to light can we, as individuals and as a species, become capable of ‘waking up, growing up and cleaning up’ in order to become truly enlightened beings. To quote psychiatrist, Carl G. Jung, “One does not become enlightened by imagining gures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”












As I wrote earlier, our understanding of Genetics can lead to both bene cial and detrimental impacts fo humanity. Go read this er . I know it is tough work to rst read it

and then to follow the threads that it inspires, but if you take the time and make the e ort, you will see that everything I write in the next few paragraphs is very real. Or, you can just believe me because I am compelled by spirit to reveal these truths to you. A quick primer - DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, is the molecule inside cells that contains the genetic information responsible for the development and function of an organism. DNA molecules allow this information to be passed from one generation to the next. In other words, DNA is the code that life uses to create your physical body. DNA’s close cousin, RNA, ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid is also present in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins, although in some viruses, RNA rather than DNA carries the genetic information. One kind of RNA, called messenger RNA or mRNA, acts as the intermediary code that cells use to transfer information stored in DNA into a set of instructions, that cells can easily read, for the making of proteins. The successful roll out of the mRNA vaccines that, for the rst time, enabled a great mass of humanity to be arti cially induced to produce a spike protein and to have these spike proteins spread throughout the body is the rst step in being able to genetically modify humanity as a whole. The genetic modi cations of individuals has been a practice for some time, but this is the rst successful implementation of an almost species wide experimentation. I say “almost species wide” because some of us outliers have refused to participate. We are shamed and ostracized by those who complied, and are being, literally persecuted by the system, for claiming our personal sovereignty. Contrary to what you have been told by your governments, public health o cials and the news media, the arti cial mRNA molecule contained in the Moderna and P zer vaccines do a ect your DNA directly. “A new Swedish study published in MDPI found that the P zer vaccine goes into liver cells and converts to DNA, challenging claims so far that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way. It’s the rst time that researchers have shown in vitro – or inside a petri dish – how an mRNA vaccine is converted into DNA on a human liver cell line”, the Epoch Times reported. “It is precisely what health experts and fact-checkers said for more than a year could not occur. Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist who is one of the leading critics of the COVID vaccines, said the ndings have “enormous implications of permanent chromosomal change” that could drive a “whole new genre of chronic disease.” These so-called vaccines are not vaccines, They are, according to the inventor of the mRNA vaccine process, Dr. Robert Malone, - “gene therapy” Genetic code manipulation. Done without your permission and not based on informed consent. In a May 30, 2021 essay, Malone reviewed the importance of informed consent, rightly concluding that censorship makes it so that informed consent simply cannot be given. Informed consent isn’t just a nice idea or an ideal. It is the law, both nationally and internationally. The current vaccine push also violates bioethical principles in general. “By way of background, please understand that I am a vaccine specialist and advocate, as well as the original inventor of the mRNA vaccine (and DNA vaccine) core platform technology. But I also have extensive training in bioethics from the University of Maryland, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, and Harvard Medical School, and advanced clinical development and regulatory a airs are core competencies for me,” Malone writes.















He then goes on to say, “Why is it necessary to suppress discussion and full disclosure of information concerning mRNA reactogenicity and safety risks? Let’s analyze the vaccine-related adverse event data

rigorously. Is there information or patterns that can be found, such as the recent cardiomyopathy signals, or the latent virus reactivation signals?

nding of the

“We should be enlisting the best biostatistics and machine learning experts to examine these data, and the results should — no must — be made available to the public promptly. Please follow along and take a moment to examine the underlying bioethics of this situation with me … Dr. Malone writes. “The suppression of information, discussion, and outright censorship concerning these current COVID vaccines which are based on gene therapy technologies cast a bad light on the entire vaccine enterprise. It is my opinion that the adult public can handle information and open discussion. Furthermore, we must fully disclose any and all risks associated with these experimental research products. “In this context, the adult public are basically research subjects that are not being required to sign informed consent due to EUA waiver. But that does not mean that they do not deserve the full disclosure of risks that one would normally require in an informed consent document for a clinical trial. “And now some national authorities are calling on the deployment of EUA vaccines to adolescents and the young, which by de nition are not able to directly provide informed consent to participate in clinical research — written or otherwise. “The key point here is that what is being done by suppressing open disclosure and debate concerning the pro le of adverse events associated with these vaccines violates fundamental bioethical principles for clinical research. This goes back to the Geneva convention and the Helsinki declaration. There must be informed consent for experimentation on human subjects.” Yes - if you accepted these vaccines, you were experimented upon - without your consent. And there is more. These ‘spike proteins’ spread throughout your body and can now be modi ed through booster shots or the insertion of new mRNA into existing, previously publicly accepted vaccines, such as the annual u shot, to produce speci c modi cations to your DNA. You can dismiss what I have said by calling me a ‘conspiracy theorist’ if you choose. It does not change the reality of what I have laid out for you. Your denial does not negate the reality. There are many, many voices (suppressed, but still there) saying exactly what I just said. And these voices are scientists, medical experts, epidemiologists and other health professionals. This is NOT tin foil hat fodder. It is real. Let’s return to what transhumanist, Grossman had to say back in 2001… “Therapeutic human cloning, stem cell therapies, synthetic organs, molecular nanotechnology, and the digital-cerebral interface may allow us to achieve immortality in this century.” Modifying the coding of DNA is ‘molecular nanotechnology’ Listen up - Not all of these mRNA gene therapy ‘vaccines’ are identical. Certain batches contain di erent sequences. Every vaccine is coded to allow tracking. Some of you have been given one version. Some a di erent version. And now, your bene cial or detrimental reaction can be tracked and used to inform the production of newer mRNA gene coding sequences. Yes, this is exactly where we are at now in May of 2022. A global experiment conducted by the Wetiko infected to further their agenda of control over humanity and the achievement of extreme longevity. You are the lab rat. How does it feel?











I know this is tough news to accept for those who have accepted the so-called vaccines, but take heart. Fortunately there is good news. You can set yourself free from this experiment. It is time for a new chapter.

Chapter Thirteen - Immunity I imagine that previous chapter was tough to read. It was also tough to write. I was reluctant to do so, but since my aim here is to assist you in waking up to the fullness of self in order for you to be a sovereign human being, I was compelled to do so. As I wrote in the Preface to this Book of You… “I write this now to assist you in acquiring that knowledge so that you might come to fully know thyself. This book is about you. I write it for you. I know now that the initial compulsion I had felt those many months ago to write this and to have the audacity to entitle it, The Book of You, was, and remains, a plea from Universe itself. ‘The task that I have been assigned is, to not only convince you of the fullness of your being, but is also to provide you with the means to access that greater you and to establish an intimate connection to the in nite. ‘We exist in a time of great transition. We each have the opportunity to claim our essential sacredness and our responsibility to become the co-creators of not just own own reality, but to participate directly, consciously and intentionally in the universal imperative to become more. In other words, the Universe is asking you to become directly involved in its own evolution by waking up to the fullness of self.” The fullness of self involves the fact that over 8% of your DNA is made up of viruses. There are over 10,000 viruses in the human genome, probably now including the arti cially lab produced SARS-CoV-2 virus. The Wetiko virus also exists in you. You are probably not currently fully infected and exhibiting the worst symptoms, but it lies latent in all of us. We have to face that fact, then gure out how to elevate our immunity to both the Wetiko virus itself and the Wetiko inspired SARS-CoV-2 virus. Although Wetiko is not a physical virus, per se, but rather a psycho-spiritual virus, it can have a direct impact on the patterns of your thinking and behaving, and thus, your physical well-being in addition to your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. And again, to quote Jung, “One does not become enlightened by imagining making the darkness conscious.”

gures of light, but by

Anyway, it is time to talk about how to boost your immunity to both Wetiko and the Covid mix of virus and vaccine. As I wrote in Chapter Ten… “Wetiko is both a spiritual parasite and a mental virus. Perhaps we all need to ingest some Ivermectin of the soul - love. Agape. And yes, just as Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic that also rids the body of the corona virus, Agape is a spiritual anti-parasitic that will free us from the Wetiko virus. It is love and light that will free us from Wetiko.” Let’s start simply with love and light. Your sun is broadcasting the cure for both viruses - sunlight. Allow me to elaborate… just as plants have the miraculous ability to photosynthesize energy from sunlight, humans have the miraculous ability to turn sunlight into cholecalciferol, commonly called Vitamin D3. An ample supply of Vitamin D3, combined with Zinc, will not only grant you increased immunity to the Covid virus, it will also boost your immunity to the e ects of the vaccine. And forget everything the media has told you about Ivermectin. In the overview of a peer reviewed article entitled, Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated e cacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19, the authors write…







“In 2015, the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, in its only award for treatments of infectious diseases since six decades prior, honoured the discovery of ivermectin (IVM), a multifaceted drug deployed against some of the world's most devastating tropical diseases. Since

March 2020, when IVM was rst used against a new global scourge, COVID-19, more than 20 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have tracked such inpatient and outpatient treatments. Six of seven meta-analyses of IVM treatment RCTs reporting in 2021 found notable reductions in COVID-19 fatalities, with a mean 31% relative risk of mortality vs. controls. During mass IVM treatments in Peru, excess deaths fell by a mean of 74% over 30 days in its ten states with the most extensive treatments. Reductions in deaths correlated with the extent of IVM distributions in all 25 states. Sharp reductions in morbidity using IVM were also observed in two animal models, of SARS-CoV-2 and a related betacoronavirus. The indicated biological mechanism of IVM, competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, is likely non-epitope speci c, possibly yielding full e cacy against emerging viral mutant strains.” Ivermectin DOES work to grant increased immunity and to reduce symptoms and mortality among those already infected with Corona. The reason they lie about it is this - If an e ective treatment already exists, the CDC and FDA are prohibited by law from issuing an Emergency Use Authorization for experimental vaccines. Hence, no mass genetic experimentation on humanity. So, a drug safely used by humans for decades is now labeled ‘horse de-wormer’ by the Wetiko controlled media shills. Hospitals refused to use it on patients. Doctors refused to give it to patients. Pharmacies refused to issue it when a friendly doctor would issue a prescription. They quite literally murdered people by refusing to treat them with a safe and proven treatment and instead promoted vaccines that have already killed thousands of people around the world, with more to come. Need more convincing? In the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh, where the Delta Variant of Covid supposedly started in December of 2020, they had the highest rate of Covid infection of any place on the whole planet. The State made a concerted e ort to get therapeutics out to all 200 million people in the State. These therapeutics consisted of Ivermectin, vitamins and a simple antibiotic. Within weeks, Uttar Pradesh was reporting zero, yes zero, Covid infections. Ivermectin wiped out millions of cases of Covid in just a few weeks. Google may not tell you that, but you can nd the reports via alternative search engines. There is a lot of stu Google obscures. Wetiko at work. Now, get this, the award winning, anti-parasitic, Ivermectin also works to rid the body of the arti cial Spike Protein included in the mRNA vaccines. I am not a doctor and therefore cannot o er medical advice. I can, however, tell you how I dose myself. Legally, I have to tell you to check with your doctor before taking any medication. I can o er this reassurance… since it was rst introduced as a human medicine more than 30 years ago, millions upon millions of people have taken multiple millions of doses with fewer reported side e ects than those caused by baby aspirin you feed your children. In India, you can purchase Ivermectin (and the other proven covid treatment, hydroxychloroquine) in the sidewalk shops that sell chiclets and other confections. Anyway, I took two 6 milligram tablets in the morning and two more at night for four days in a row. Combined with Zine and Vitamin D3. Yes, even though I live in the sunny Yucatan Peninsula and visit the beach most mornings to pay homage to my old friend Sol, I still take Vitamin D3 supplements. So both the light of the sun and the light of awareness can assist you in many, many ways by elevating your vibrational frequency and thus, increasing your immunity to bullshit and the two viruses under discussion here. Let’s talk more about light before we move on to the Agape form of love and its e ect on your immunity.














Sunlight, and solar radiation, has, since the beginning of life on planet Earth, had an impact on your DNA and your genetic coding and therefore, your physicality. It also has an impact, if you allow it to, on your spiritual being. In addition to working on your tan and your uptake of Vitamin D, every time you lie on the

beach or walk about in the sunshine, you can consciously and intentionally open your mind, heart and soul to the blessings that our sun is constantly bestowing upon you. Our sun is not just a nuclear fusion furnace. It is a conscious avatar or representative of the eternal light of creation and shines upon us as a cosmic spiritual sun eliciting a spiritual response from you and I. All you need to do is say yes and it will infuse you with the light and love that Prime Creator emanates - the love and light that is behind and present in all creation. You always have the choice. You can say yes or no to Universe, yes or no to spirituality, yes or no to personal sovereignty, even yes or no to the love of Prime Creator. If you take a good look at the world’s religions, you will see the concept of the sun god existing in most, save and excepting, of course, those blood cult religions previously mentioned. Even Christianity is a sun god religion. “By ‘the sun of righteousness’ in Malachi 4 (Malachi 4:2) "the fathers, from Justin downward, and nearly all the earlier commentators understand Christ, who is supposed to be described as the rising sun”. Although sun worship is disguised within Christianity, it is plainly evident in the early religions of the Egyptian, Indo-European, and Meso-American cultures. They all developed solar religions. In these religions, the sun is seen as the bestower of light and life to the totality of the cosmos. With the almost universal correlation of light with enlightenment or illumination, the sun is also seen as the source of wisdom. These qualities of the sun - sovereignty, power of bene cence, justice and wisdom - have been usurped by many elite Wetiko infected individuals and groups. Kings claimed to rule by the power of the sun and also claimed descent from the sun. From the Emperor of Japan to the longest reigning monarch of any country in history, Louis the Fourteenth (Le Roi Soleil), from the Persian king, Xerxes, to Queen Victoria of England, these earthly kings claimed direct descent from the sun in order to justify their sovereignty over their subjects. It is time now for you to claim your own sovereignty, your kinship with the divinity that the sun represents so radiantly. Right now, in this precipitous time, there is a cosmic shift taking place in the Solar System and in the entire Milky Way Galaxy. The sun is radiating this information to each and all of us. This higher vibrational light is exposing Wetiko and other aspects of the darkness to your awareness. It is also providing you with the antidote to the Wetiko infection and its e ects on humanity. Go outside at dawn or dusk and look at the sun until you see the ickering orb that signals the transmission of this information directly to you. I mentioned it earlier… if you simply stand there, in the light of your own awareness, and claim your personal sovereignty, in allegiance to Universe and Universal Consciousness (Prime Creator), you will become immune to both viruses mentioned herein. Take the physical steps - vitamins, minerals, sunshine and anti-parasitics and then, take the spiritual steps outlined in Part Three of this treatise and you will be empowered to become free of Wetiko and of the machinations of its power mad, vampiric representatives, - the psychopaths currently running their Great Reset - New World Order game plan. I have spent a lot of time talking about Wetiko. This may be the rst time you have come across the term. However, if you have been on an esoteric spiritual path, you may have come across the term Archons before. Since we have come this far down the rabbit hole, I may as well talk brie y about these Archon creatures. They are Wetiko personi ed.








Some folks believe them to be inter-dimensional beings or creatures from another star system. These Archons are often also called Draconians or Reptilians. Some also believe that the Nephilim mentioned in the bible and in the older Sumerian texts are inter-dimensional or o -planetary beings who have been in

control of human a airs for centuries. These too are the personi cation of the Wetiko virus. Yes, Wetiko is trans-dimensional. However, whether or not it is also interplanetary is beyond my knowledge and I have no opinion about that. I do remain open-minded. You know what… instead of spending a lot of time and many, many words in tying this info about Archons together with the Wetiko parasite, I will just point you to the work of the courageous soul being named Lisa Renee. I just discovered her as I was writing this chapter and searched for info about the Archons. I have written before, many years ago, about the archaic Archonic energies that negatively impact on human consciousness, but I wanted to refresh my memory, so I searched on Google and discovered Lisa. I dove into her work a little. Two hours later, I see that what she writes about the Archons’ game plan is almost identical to how Wetiko operates. So, I will leave it to her to ll you in on Archons. That is, if you are curious. I hope you are. It is all part of the same story. Di erent perspective. Same story. Go here rst If her work appeals to you, you may nd her at I will leave it to you to decide if her work is of value to you. I will de nitely, from now on, pay attention to what she has to say. Enough of that. Back to love and light. It may never have occurred to you, but when you breathe, you are not just breathing air. You are also breathing in photons. You breathe the light of ancient stars that is just reaching you now. You, therefore, breathe the dust of your ancestors. But, for now, let’s limit our discussion to the photons emitted by your sun. Photons exist in every cubic centimetre of space. It is impossible for you to not be breathing in photons. But, you also breathe out photons. Yes, just as your sun produces light - photons, so do you emit light - photons. “The human body emits biophotons, also known as ultraweak photon emissions (UPE), with a visibility 1,000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eye. While not visible to us, these particles of light (or waves, depending on how you are measuring them) are part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum (380-780 nm) and are detectable via sophisticated modern instrumentation.” Sayer Ji, founder of writes in his essay entitled Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light… “The Physical and “Mental” Eye Emits Light “The eye itself, which is continually exposed to ambient powerful photons that pass through various ocular tissues, emit spontaneous and visible light-induced ultra-weak photon emissions. It has even been hypothesized that visible light induces delayed bioluminescence within the exposed eye tissue, providing an explanation for the origin of the negative afterimage.









“These light emissions have also been correlated with cerebral energy metabolism and oxidative stress within the mammalian brain. And yet, biophoton emissions are not necessarily epiphenomenal. Bókkon’s hypothesis suggests that photons released from chemical processes within the brain produce biophysical pictures during visual imagery, and a recent study found that when subjects actively imagined light in a very dark environment their intention produced signi cant increases in ultra-weak photo emissions. This is consistent with an emerging view that biophotons are not solely cellular metabolic by-products, but

rather, because biophoton intensity can be considerably higher inside cells than outside, it is possible for the mind to access this energy gradient to create intrinsic biophysical pictures during visual perception and imagery. “Our Cells and DNA Use Biophotons To Store and Communicate Information. “Apparently biophotons are used by the cells of many living organisms to communicate, which facilitates energy/information transfer that is several orders of magnitude faster than chemical di usion. According to a 2010 study, “Cell to cell communication by biophotons have been demonstrated in plants, bacteria, animal neutriophil granulocytes and kidney cells.” Researchers were able to demonstrate that “…di erent spectral light stimulation (infrared, red, yellow, blue, green and white) at one end of the spinal sensory or motor nerve roots resulted in a signi cant increase in the biophotonic activity at the other end.” Researchers interpreted their nding to suggest that “…light stimulation can generate biophotons that conduct along the neural bers, probably as neural communication signals.” “Even when we go down to the molecular level of our genome, DNA can be identi ed to be a source of biophoton emissions as well. One author proposes that DNA is so biophoton dependent that is has excimer laser-like properties, enabling it to exist in a stable state far from thermal equilibrium at threshold. “Technically speaking a biophoton is an elementary particle or quantum of light of non-thermal origin in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum emitted from a biological system. They are generally believed to be produced as a result of energy metabolism within our cells, or more formally as a “…by-product of biochemical reactions in which excited molecules are produced from bioenergetic processes that involves active oxygen species,” Ok. When you breathe in Nitrogen, Oxygen and various trace gases of the air of your atmosphere and then breathe out Carbon Dioxide, various other gases and water vapour, you are also breathing out these bio-photons. Yes, your every out breath contains photons. You breathe light - in AND out. Photons do not just contain information. They are information. Light is magical. Light is mystical. Light is life. Light is love. Let there be Light. Would you like to know more about light? I strongly suggest you read this excellent National Geographic article - All the light that exists in Universe is coded information emanating from Prime Creator. Ok. The sun emits photons that you breathe in. You then breathe out the photons you produce. Every 17 minutes, you exchange information, via photonics, with the sun. It takes light 8 minutes and 20 seconds for the light of the sun to reach you and it takes an equal amount of time, 8 minutes and 20 seconds, for the light you emit to reach the sun. 16 minutes and 40 seconds might seem like a slow way to communicate, but considering the round trip of this two-way communication is 186 million miles, it is pretty quick. A twenty minute meditation session, or sunrise walk on the beach, is all it takes to have a chat with the sun. Wetiko fears light; both the light made up of photons and the light of awareness. Every breath you take, if you breathe consciously, and with intentionality, use your will to a rm that - the simple act of your breathing, in addition to being your source of vitality, boosts your immunity.









Ok. Light and love are almost synonymous. Just as light is omnipresent in Universe, so is love. As mentioned in Chapter Ten, Agape is the in nite and endless outpouring of love from Prime Creator. Since love is omnipresent in Universe, when you breathe, in addition to air and light, you are also breathing in Agape - the love of Prime Creator.

However, unlike air and light, you do not automatically breathe out love. Choosing to breathe out love is optional. You must make the conscious, volitional and intentional decision to breathe out love, to establish the two-way conversation with Universe and with Prime Creator itself. The Wetiko parasite seeks to prevent you from breathing out love, from standing in adoration of Creation. When you choose to breathe out love, you negate Wetiko’s psycho-spiritual in uence on you. You become immune to its e ects. You thus become free to claim your personal sovereignty, the fullness of self and are enabled to achieve transcendence.



Ok. It is time to begin Part Three.

Sri Yantra Mandela

Part Three - Metamorphosis Chapter Fourteen - Prana Oh, rats - I almost forgot that I had planned to add another look at the timeline that brought you to this point in time when you are looking at ways to achieve transcendence. So, let’s do that before we talk about Prana. Chapter Fourteen - Timeline - Version Two 12,500 years ago - It is the end of the last full Ice Age. The Sphinx is already staring out across the sands of Egypt and across the sands of time. No one knows who really built it, or why they built it. But it is there. Remember earlier, when writing about adoration, I spoke of Thoth, whom the Greeks renamed Hermes Trismegistos? Hermes being the messenger god of Greek mythology; and Trismegistos meaning - thrice great or Thrice Blessed. He was thrice blessed, according to the early Greeks, because he knew the three parts of the wisdom of the universe: alchemy (the operation of the sun), astrology (the operation of the stars) and theurgy (the operation of the gods). Remember the exhortation inscribed on the entry to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi? “ Know Thyself.” and the quote attributed to Pythagoras, “Know thyself and thou shalt know the secrets of the Universe and of the gods” Well, apparently Thoth knew all this. We don’t really know much about this mythical character, but, apparently, he knew himself. And, was therefore, thrice blessed. Just to add to the fun, the Romans renamed Hermes, the messenger god, Mercury. Thus, Mercury, the planet named for the Roman god is seen in astrology as being the messenger planet, bringing news from around the solar system. It travels with the Sun, and oversees all types of communication, connectivity and commerce. I am a Gemini. Mercury is the planet of Gemini. According to astrologers, “in representing the air sign - Gemini, Mercury gets to be its most articulate and thoughtful self”. Thanks Thoth for the words. :-) Well, in addition to his famous work The Hermetica, Thoth is also the author of the arcane work, The Emerald Tablets. I have added the nal chapter of that great work, Tablet #15 entitled the Secret of Secrets, as an Appendix, in fact the last Appendix, for those who wish to read it. To tempt you, I will quote the rst three stanzas here… “Now ye assemble, my children, waiting to hear the Secret of Secrets which shall give ye power to unfold the God-man, give ye the way to Eternal life. “Plainly shall I speak of the Unveiled Mysteries. No dark sayings shall I give unto thee. Open thine ears now, my children. Hear and obey the words that I give. “First I shall speak of the fetters of darkness which bind ye in chains to the sphere of the Earth.” Ah yes, he references the Wetiko parasite, “the fetters of darkness”.



Anyway, in addition to The Hermetica and the Emerald Tablets, Thoth also wrote that there is a library of knowledge within the Hall of Records (where all essential knowledge of alchemy, astronomy, mathematics, magic and medicine is stored) - hidden in a maze beneath the paws of the Sphinx.

Researchers have been searching for it for decades and are still looking today using sonar and ground penetrating radar. Egyptian authorities have banned any excavation in or around the sphinx. Well, enough of the enigmatic Thoth and Sphinx. Back to our timeline. Suddenly, a thousand years later, 11,500 years ago, an abrupt period of global warming accelerates the glacial retreat; taken as the beginning of the Holocene geological epoch. This precipitates a sudden rise of sea level by 7.5 m or 25 feet, within about 160 years. That would have devastated any coastal or low lying human communities. Perhaps the biblical story of the ood has its roots there. Scientists believe that this rapid period of global warming, and the resultant rise of sea levels, was caused by a comet exploding over Chile, the heat from that explosion rapidly speeding glacial melt and raising sea levels. Meanwhile, at the convergence of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, the Mesopotamian people had begun the cultivation of barley and wheat about 12,000 years ago. At rst, these grains are used for my favourite beverage, beer, They are also used for gruel, and soup, and - eventually for bread. Yes, beer came before bread. The thing about the chicken and the egg still remains a mystery. Historians claim that, “the regular ooding along the Tigris and the Euphrates made the land around them especially fertile, and ideal for growing crops for food. That made it a prime spot for the Neolithic Revolution, also called the Agricultural Revolution”, that began to take place, as mentioned above, about 12,000 years ago. How does that theory explain the uncomfortable fact that 12,000 years ago, the city of Tiahuanaco near the southern shore of Lake Titicaca, in what is current day Bolivia, was a thriving metropolis with buildings built out of granite blocks, some weighing in at over 300 tons. Was this city built, roughly concurrently with the construction of the Sphinx? Why? And by who? Historians say that the Incan civilization came along about 1,000 yers ago. So, it was not them. Right? They supposedly showed up 11,000 years earlier. Even if you refuse to believe in the age of Tiahuanaco, historians call Jericho, located in modern day Palestine, - “the oldest city in the world” - and archeological evidence points to it being at least 12,000 years old, coinciding with the agricultural revolution that supposedly took place on the Euphrates River in modern day Iraq. Historians claim that prior to this agricultural revolution, humans existed as hunter/ gatherers. Did hunter/gatherers build cities? Obviously, we actually know very little about the history of humanity prior to the beginning of modern recored history. Listen to Graham Hancock talk about human history. We have no real idea about whatever befell humanity 12,500 years ago. Comets? Floods? Reversals of Earth’s poles? A judgemental and vengeful god? Who knows? 26,000 years ago - The peak of the last full Ice Age. The celestial equator, the projection of the earth's equator into space was pointed exactly where it is today. According to the Precession of the Equinoxes, 26,000 years ago, it was also the Age of Aquarius. The Great Circle has come full circle. It is also called The Great Year. It should be noted that the time period of The Great Year is not quite 26,000 years, pretty much the same as the distance, in light years, to the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.





A more precise gure of 25,772 years is currently accepted. Also worthy of note is that the position of the Earth's axis in the northern night sky currently almost aligns with the star Polaris, the North Star. This is a passing coincidence and has not been so in the past and will not be so again until a Great Year has passed.

25,000 years ago, human beings were creating music and art. They had also already settled in North America. The Hopi have their roots in this time period. So possibly do other meso-american tribes as far south as where I sit on the Yucatan peninsula. Mammoths and sabre-tooted tigers co-habited North America with these predecessors to the Clovis people of New Mexico. Anthropologists refer to this time period as the Palaeolithic or old stone age. However, there are many recent archeological discoveries that point to advanced civilizations existing prior to this time period. 100,000 thousand years ago, somebody excavated at least two gold mines in southern Africa. And, 30,000 years ago, someone dug a copper mine on the edge of Lake Superior and another in New Mexico. If humans were living in stone age conditions 26,000 years ago - who was mining gold and copper prior to that - and why? Also, 90,000 years ago, Australian Aboriginals were already roaming around that continent, leaving evidence of their presence by painting and carving images on cave walls. It is worthy of note that the assumption that the Australian Aboriginals were strictly primitive hunter gathers is false. It is also worthy of note that the Australian Aboriginals have been conducting ceremony almost non-stop for the last couple of years in order to protect humanity against the predator seeking to harm or destroy humans. This ‘predator’ is Wetiko. It is worthy of note that in the writings of Carlos Castaneda, the various books about the teachings of Don Juan, a Yaqui shaman, the subject of the predator also comes up several times. Something else to consider - remember that there are no coincidences - everything that has ever happened was necessary for you to be here now… I mentioned this before - The Super Massive Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy, called Sagittarius A, is 25,600 light years from us and the information spewing forth, at the speed of light, one full Great Year ago, from that entity is reaching this page and your eyes right now. Obviously, it has an e ect on everything, including what I am writing just now, including this stu about ‘the predator’, transdimensional Wetiko parasite/virus. Ok. Let’s back up in time a bit. We did the early cosmic stu in Version One of the timeline that brought you here to this page. Let’s stay down to earth here. I need you to remember that ALL of this was necessary in order for you to be here now. None of it is accidental. It is all purposeful and brought about by the Universe’s own urge to self-actualize. 5 billion years ago - Sol, our star is born, when gravitationally condensing clouds of hydrogen and deuterium ignite into a nuclear fusion ball in the middle of nowhere. Shortly thereafter, our planet earth solidi es out of gravitationally compressed gasses and molecular debris from old exploded stars and decides to hang out with this new star. Half a billion years later, our moon shows up to keep earth company, to create tides and to create an allure for future lovers and astronauts. 3.2 billion years ago - Organic life somehow appears on planet earth. Simple little nondescript cells, but a miracle nonetheless. Speculation to the origin of life on Earth ranges from comets delivering the rst organic material; to underwater volcanic vents (hydrothermal vents) producing the chemicals necessary for life; to lightning strikes causing chemical reactions in tidal pools. Nobody really knows how Universe brought life into being on Planet Earth, but it did and here you are.






2 billion years ago - Plants show up. Photosynthesis begins to 'capture' sunlight for future use in combustion engines. Petroleum, a hydrocarbon, also called crude oil, is a fossil fuel. Like coal and natural gas, petroleum was formed from the remains, or fossils, of plants, ancient marine organisms, algae, and bacteria. It is actually organic. It might interest you to read Thom Hartmann’s great book, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight. I disagree with his political ideology, but loved his book. Read it.

1.5 billion years ago - Oxygen, produced as a waste product (literally - farts) by micro-organisms, poisons earth's atmosphere, killing a great many of the life forms existent at that time. It eventually stabilizes around today's level of about 21% of the total atmosphere, with nitrogen making up about 79%. 1 Billion Years ago - Sex appears on Planet Earth and things rapidly get out of hand. 500 million years ago - Life forms move out of the sea onto Pangaea, earth's single continent. It is a massive island surround by sea. There is only one ocean. It is called Panthalassa. It covers over 75% of Planet Earth. 190 million years ago - Like an amoeba splitting into two, Pangaea begins to break up into Laurasia and Gondwanaland, two super continents. Gondwanaland will eventually give birth to South America, Africa, Arabia, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, India, Antarctica, and Australia. Meanwhile, Pangaea will give birth to Europe, Asia, North America and Greenland. 75 million years ago - South America separates from Africa to hold hands with North America, creating a Pan-American alliance long before politicians decided to do the same thing. 50 million years ago - Australia divorces from Antarctica. Both have tropical climates back then, but Antarctica will become frigid and Australia will become mostly arid and barren. Uluru dates back to this time. Weird stu is going on in Antarctica these days; and in Australia, the Aboriginal people are doing endless ceremony. 40 million years ago - India decides to split from Madagascar, leaves Gondwanaland, sails north to wed with Laurasia. It slams so hard into Asia, that Laurasia gets an erection, beginning the formation of the Himalayan mountains. This eventually results in the birth of Everest. That is my description. Let’s see what Google says - “The Indian Plate collided with the Eurasian Plate during the late Cenozoic. India sailed the vast sea across hundreds of kilometers into Asia. That collision formed the Himalayas. According to Earth Observatory, “India split from Madagascar and drifted northeastward with a velocity of about 20 cm/year.” It zipped right along. Alright, let’s skip forward some 39.9 million years… 8,000 years ago - Sumerians have writing, mathematics, astronomy, geometry, architecture, a calendar, alcohol and parties. They believe they are the sons and daughters of creatures from outer space, called Nephelim. Most historians believe this society to be the rst urban society, despite evidence to the contrary. 6,500 years ago - Egyptian civilization shows up in full bloom. The great pyramid is built to a mathematical and engineering exactitude we can still not duplicate. How it was built, nobody knows. It was not built by thousands of slaves. Why it was built, nobody knows. It was not built as a tomb for some ego-in ated Pharaoh named Cheops. When it was built, nobody knows. Why it and the other two pyramids on the Giza Plateau are aligned with the three stars on Orion’s belt, nobody knows. 6,000 years ago - Thoth writes what becomes known as "The Hermetica;" teaches transcendence. The story about the resurrection of Osiris becomes part of Egyptian religion. Osiris’s brother Set and his sister wife, Isis, are also part of that great story. To tempt you to explore that story, it involves a lost penis.





5,500 years ago - the Incas are producing the nest cotton clothes on the planet and getting buzzed on the alkaloids of the coca plant. They build the largest empire in human history, stretching from Quito in Ecuador to Santiago in Chile. They built a road, along the spine of the Andes, the whole length of that empire, some forty thousand kilometres long. Parts of it still exist today and I have walked on it.

3,500 years ago - the Maya are building pyramids in Central America and designing their famous calendar that led me to be in the Andes with the Quechua people all these years later. 3,000 years ago - Homer writes the Odyssey and the Iliad, chronicling the tragic travels of Odysseus who nally returns home, many years after the destruction of Troy, an unwelcome hero. You probably will never read Homer’s work, so read this quick summary, 2,600 years ago - Buddha sits under a tree until he attains Samadhi; teaches detachment as the path to transcendence. The Eight-Fold Path consists of 1) Right Understanding, or the process of knowing one’s self, 2) Right Intention, or desiring the upliftment of self and others, 3) Right Speech, in other words - tell the fucking truth, compassionately, 4) Right Action, or do no harm to self or others, 5) Right Livelihood, or earning a living in a way that bene ts humanity, 6) Right E ort, or the practice of thinking good thoughts instead of negative ones, 7) Right Mindfulness, or the practice of meditation, 8) Right Concentration, or the proper focus of attention. Also 2,600 years ago, Lao Tzu declares there is a way (that has no name) to travel toward selfactualization. The way to mystical freedom is by way of letting go of conventional concerns and achieving union with the Tao, which is understood as the way of the universe. Taoism teaches that all living creatures ought to live in a state of harmony with the universe, and the energy found in it. Chi, or Qi, is the energy present in, and guiding, everything in the universe. The people persecuted in China, the Falun Gong, practice qigong. These are a set of exercises of movement and breath to align the chi (the body's life energy) with Qi - Universal energy. Their texts preach the virtues of truth, benevolence and forbearance. They have a lot to forebear these days, including the aforementioned organ harvesting. Some direct quotes from The Tao, written by Lao Tzu… "The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.” And “To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.” And “How do I know the way of all things at the Beginning? By what is within me.” And, “The tao that can be described is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be spoken is not the eternal Name. The nameless is the boundary of Heaven and Earth. The named is the mother of creation.” Also, 2,600 years ago, Most of the Old Testament is written down, some of it cribbed from earlier Mesopotamian writings. The rst 11 chapters of Genesis are largely set in Mesopotamia. The Tower of Babel was in Babylon. According to Genesis, Abraham and Cain and Abel and numerous other Biblical gures were born in Mesopotamia and the rst cities founded after the ood were Babel (Babylon), Erech (Uruk), and Accad (Akkad), also there in Mesopotamia.

Sumerian Cuneiform tablets found in Ebla mention the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and contain the






name of King David. They also mention Ab-ra-mu (Abraham), E-sa-um (Esau) and Sa-u-lum (Saul) as well as a knight named Ebrium, who ruled around 2300 B.C. He bears an uncanny resemblance to Eber from the Book of Genesis. Eber was the great-great grandson of Noah and the great-great-great-great grandfather of Abraham.



3,500 years ago - the Pharaoh Akhenaton introduces a new one-god religion to Egypt. He was married to a spectacularly beautiful creature named Nefertiti. During his 17-year rule, Akhenaten sought to overturn more than a millennium of Egyptian religion in order to establish the worship of a single sun god, Atum. In the end, he failed in his attempt to reform religion and culture. He was succeeded by his son, the young Tutankhamun, who rolled back his reforms and restored the old religion. We have all seen King Tut’s famous gold mask. He obviously got his looks from his mom. He was a pretty boy, but disrespected his father.

2,500 years ago - Pythagoras leads a school of mathematicians and geometrists, who believe in a harmonious universe and consciousness being resident in all things. They are obsessed with the 'Golden Mean' Ratios and the Phi mathematical sequence and spiral. It would be centuries later, when Italian mathematician, Leonardo Fibonacci rediscovered and re-introduced it to the world. This Golden Mean ratio informed the work of Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vince, amongst others. The Pythagorians believed that wisdom is achieved through an intellectual understanding of the makeup of the universe, and by toning the harmonics of the music of the universe. 432 is the correct musical scale to to that. The common current 440 musical scale is the work of Wetiko.

Pythagoras is credited with being the “Father of Music”. He is also credited as being the “Father of Geometry” as well as the “Father of Mathematics”. He discovered the musical intervals and taught that you could heal using sound and harmonic frequencies. His de nition of the scales and harmonics of music is still the one used today. Pythagoras observed several ratios of sound wave frequencies and the corresponding intervals between them, including 4:3 (known to musicians as the interval of a perfect fourth, or two pitches that are ve semitones apart from each other) and 3:2 (a perfect fth, seven semitones apart)

Leonard Cohen’s most wonderful song, Hallelujah references this in the rst stanza,





“Now I've heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord But you don’t really care for music, do you? It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth The minor falls, the major lifts The baffled king composing Hallelujah.”

2,400 years ago - Plato writes various works that will become the foundational philosophy of western culture. One of my favourite guys, renowned British philosopher, Alfred North Whitehead, once commented on Plato’s thought: “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.” Plato also writes the allegory about how most folks reality picture is composed of shadows on cave walls, the existence of Atlantis; and certain geometric shapes being the fundamental nature or ideals of the universe. Today these are called the ve Platonic Solids and consist of the cube, the octahedron, the icosahedron and the pentagonal dodecahedron and the tetrahedron. They are all contained within the Circle of Life.


Circle of Life

Two counter rotating tetrahedrons make up the Merkaba, which creates the human energetic eld or Qi or Chi. It should be noted that the rotational energy for the Merkaba of men and of women is opposite. The di erence between the two sexes is more than physical. It is also in their energetic elds.




Ok, NOW, it is time for Part Three.

Part Three - Metamorphosis Chapter Fifteen - Prana Before we were interrupted by the second timeline, which I hope you enjoyed, (I gured it was time to ‘lighten’ things up a little), we were talking about breathing air, light and love. We will continue that discussion in the next chapter. But rst, Part Three - Metamorphosis, needs its own Prologue. Part Three - Metamorphosis Prologue - Paradigm Shift Humans generally use the word ‘metamorphosis’ as a synonym of the word ‘transformation’, but it is so much more than that. Metamorphosis can be de ned as “a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely di erent one, by natural or supernatural means” The most common metaphor for the concept of metamorphosis is that of a caterpillar transforming itself into a butter y. So, let’s expand upon that metaphor… It appears that the world around us is in a state of chaos and crisis. Old geo-political systems are crumbling. Old institutional systems are failing. Old paradigms are falling apart. Old ways of thinking no longer serve to solve the chaotic problems we appear to be undergoing and the crisis seems beyond our ability to control or navigate. But consider this metaphor: As the caterpillar is approaching the end of its life, it feels like it is in crisis. And so it weaves its own burial shroud, called a chrysalis, and dissolves into complete chaos. All of its old cellular structure dies. Then, a miracle happens. Imaginal cells begin to form in that chaos and soon the butter y emerges. The creature that was once limited to crawling on the ground can now soar high above the ground and feed on the golden nectar of owers. It has exactly the same DNA, but it has been transformed. A metamorphosis has occurred. The science of it all is amazing: The caterpillar lives a life of ravenous consumption then nds a place to build its cocoon. Inside this chrysalis, the caterpillar, unable to move, dissolves into organic goop. Cells, which had been dormant in the caterpillar, and which biologists had the poetic genius to name “Imaginal cells,” begin a process of creating a new form and structure. At rst, these seeds of future potential, the imaginal cells which contain the blueprint of the butter y, operate independently as single-cell organisms. They are regarded as threats and are attacked by the caterpillar’s immune system. But they persist, multiply, and connect with each other. Eventually, these imaginal cells form clusters and begin resonating at the same frequency; and start passing information back and forth until they hit a tipping point. Suddenly, they start acting not as discrete individual cells but as a multi-cell organism… and a butter y is born. The truly miraculous thing is that even though there is no structural similarity at all between a caterpillar and a butter y, the DNA is exactly the same. Imagine this: each of us has within us our own imaginal cells; AND each of us is an imaginal cell within human society.













Our apparent crisis is actually giving birth to a new world, a new culture and a new stage of human development.

Are you ready to emerge from your cocoon? Are you willing to have your personal imaginal cells ignited? Are you willing to become an imaginal cell within the body of humanity and serve to create the new human? The caterpillar has been so radically transformed, it is no longer the same creature, even though its DNA is exactly the same, as a butter y, as it was when it was a caterpillar. If a person did not know how a caterpillar is transformed into a butter y and saw the two creatures side-by-side, they would never guess that they were the same and had identical DNA. However, unlike the butter y, when you go through the metamorphosis from a self-aware human to a divinely-aware spiritual being, you will still appear to be the same physical creature, even though you no longer are that simple Homo Sapiens. You will have activated your Merkaba to become an energetic being with metaphorical wings that enable you to y, and to drink the nectar of the gods. Your entire paradigm about reality will have gone through a dramatic transformation. You will no longer perceive mere shadows on a cave wall as being reality. You will have exited the cave to behold the real world and the light that shines upon it. The word, ‘paradigm’ has become so overused in self-help, pop-culture and literature as to lose its original meaning, in the same way the the word, ‘meme’ has been become a caricature of its original meaning. So allow me to rede ne it for you, using the words of the visionary author, Duane Elgin, author of The Living Universe. “A paradigm is our way of looking at and thinking about ourselves and everything around us. It is the frame of mind out of which we operate. Our paradigm sets the limits on what thoughts we can think, what emotions we can feel, and what reality we can perceive. Willis Harman, renowned futurist, described a paradigm as “the basic way of perceiving, thinking, valuing, and doing associated with a particular vision of reality.” A paradigm tells most people, most of the time, what’s real and what’s not, what’s important and what’s not, and how things are related to one another. A paradigm is more than a dry mental map - it is our window onto the world that shapes how we see and understand the nature of reality, our sense of self, and our feelings of social connection and purpose. “We are now living at a time when humanity’s perceptual paradigm is undergoing one of its rare shifts, and that shift has the potential to dramatically transform life for each of us. A paradigm shift therefore goes to the core of people’s lives. It is much more than a change in ideas and how we think. It is a change in our view of reality, identity, social relationships, and human purpose. A paradigm shift can be felt in the body, heart, mind, and soul.” The paradigm shift we must undergo in this precipitous time is transforming our ‘seeing’ of Universe not as a thing out there that we live within, but as a living, self-evolving and self-actualizing entity, that exists entirely within each of us, just as we exist entirely within it. This is a true ‘cosmic consciousness’ that fellow Canadian, Richard Bucke spoke of in his 1901 book of that same name. It is that deep ‘knowing’ or gnosis that you and Universe are one and the same - and that Prime Creator is omnipresent within yoUniverse. I will again quote Duane Elgin…






“Technically, we humans are more than homo sapiens or “wise” - we are homo sapiens sapiens or “doubly wise.” In other words, whereas animals “know,” humans have the capacity to “know that we know.” In this new paradigm, our sense of identity takes on a paradoxical and mysterious quality: we are both observer and observed, knower and that which is known. We are each completely unique yet completely connected with the entire Universe. There will never be another person like any one of us in all eternity, so we are absolutely original beings. At the same time, since our existence arises from and is

woven into the deep ecology of the Universe, we are completely integrated with all that exists. Awakening to the miraculous nature of our identity as simultaneously unique and interconnected with a living Universe can help us overcome the species-arrogance and sense of separation that threaten our future.” Ok. As much as I love what he has written, Elgin only skims the subject of the deep and profound spiritual knowing of self as Universe and as such, as being an expression of Prime Creator. He talks of perceiving the universe as a living entity, rather than a mechanical Newtonian clockwork thing; but does not speak of the spiritual ‘knowing’, the gnosis of our consciousness as existing within Universal Consciousness and this same Universal Consciousness existing within Universe and within each of us. To undergo a paradigm shift in order to perceive the Universe as living entity is not the same as truly experiencing self as Universe and Universe as self. When we have that experience, we are transformed into a partner with Prime Creator in the ongoing quantum moment-by-quantum moment re-creation of Universe. We have become yoUniverse, alive, self-actualizing, conscious and self-aware. We have undergone a metamorphosis. We have become Universe. It is in our DNA. Whether we see ourselves as merely human or we see ourselves as divine expression of Prime Creator, we still have the same DNA, just as both the caterpillar and the butter y have exactly the same DNA. When you gaze at the photos produced by Hubble of the multitude of galaxies, you are looking at a ‘sel e’. When you gaze upon Universe, you are also looking in the mirror. You are Universe looking in the mirror and seeing the glory and magni cence of self. You have transcended self to become yoUniverse. You have transcended self to recognize that the sacred essence of Prime Creator lives within you. This metamorphosis is what is necessary, if we are to each, and as a collective, become able to y o the precipice on which we now stand. That is, if we wish to avoid being impelled to jump o the edge into the abyss that we face right now, right here. As I wrote earlier, that abyss is the same void from which Universe sprang forth. Prime Creator envisioned and imagined Universe which sprang forth from that void. We can now envision and imagine a glorious future into which we can spread our wings and y. Ok. We are about to enter a huge paradigm shift - the gnosis, or knowing beyond perceiving or imagining, of self as, essentially and fundamentally, a spiritual being, rather than a merely physical being. The transcendence of self. A Metamorphosis. The whole purpose of this book is to bring you to this place of gnosis.








Ok. Take a deep breathe. Let’s talk about Prana. Breathing air, light and love. And so much more.

Part Three - Metamorphosis Prelude - A Quick Recap Yes, yes… we will get to Prana. Take a deep breath and read the next ve paragraphs. Awareness of the totality of self, existing within the void beyond the constraints of time/space is freedom. It is the place of no space. It is the now beyond time. It is now here. It is nowhere. And yet it is everywhere. It is omnipresent and nonexistent at the same time. It knows nothing because it is resident in nothingness, the void; yet it knows all things, even the potential of all things. It is omniscient and innocent at the same time. It can imagine all things and it can imagine nothing and thus it can create all things from nothingness. It is therefore omnipotent by choice. It is the awakened consciousness of what we call the divine. This awakened consciousness transcends time and space. It permeates all things within time/space. It is resident in each and every part of the known Universe, including the human creature. It is not separate from any part of its creation and no part of its creation is separate from it. It is immersed within its own creation and this creation is equally full of it, all parts being integral to the self-organized, evolutionary patterning of this consciousness, as it explores its ability to transform, to mutate, to re-create itself, to fully self-actualize. This divine, or universal, consciousness infused itself into the creation of the universe some 13.8 billion years ago (or so) and has evolved to now, where it can look into the mirror through your eyes, recognizing itself in the vastness of the galaxies, the minuteness of subatomic particles and the splendour of a selfaware biological entity called the human creature. The creator became the creature. Now the creature must become the creator. This is your destiny, your task, your journey and your quest — to become whole again, at-one-ment with your creator, complete within your self and able to recognize your origin, your divinity and your ability to create.


The dream is over now. It is time to awake. It is time to be awe-struck. It is time to become fully aware. It is time to wake up. It is time to grow up. It is time to clean up.

Part Three - Metamorphosis Chapter Fifteen - Prāṇa Well, that took a while. I had imagined I would begin Part Three by writing about Prana right away. Apparently, we had to get all this prelude stu said before I could begin. Anyway, here we are, so let’s take another deep breath and get started. In writing about the Tao, and in speaking about the Falun Gong, I mentioned brie y about Qi, the energy that su uses the human creature and all creation. Let’s dig into it. Yes, this is about Prana and it is about breathing. And, after we talk about it for a bit, in order to gain an understanding of it, I will explain how to access and use it. Qi is universal. Qi exists in all manifestations of energy, from the most material aspects of energy - the earth you walk upon, your beating heart, the food you eat, the computer I write this on - to the totally ethereal - solar radiation, black hole emanations and Agape, the endless love of Prime Creator. In other words, Qi is everywhere and in everything. That kind of sounds like the way I describe consciousness, doesn’t it? Well, it is not quite the same as consciousness. It is the energy that consciousness emits, that being love and light. As the emanation of consciousness, it is omnipresent in all creation. Life itself is a manifestation of Qi, according to Chinese medicine. You embody Qi. In Taoist Chinese Qi philosophy, the concept of Yin and Yang is used to explain the di erent aspects of Qi and how it manifests in the cosmos. Again referencing the work of Thoth, all things have polarity. Yin and Yang.

Yin is the feminine aspect of Qi. Yin is form. Yin is the Fermion aspect of the sub-quantum world. Yin is the material, the allowing and quiescent aspect of Universe. Yang is the masculine aspect of Qi. Yang is function. Yang is the Boson aspect of the sub-quantum world. Yang is the conceptual, active and forceful aspect of Universe.





And yet, they are not wholly separate. Everything Yin - material manifestation - contains some Yang energetic emanation. Everything Yang - immaterial unmanifest - or contains some Yin - material form. Yin

and Yang are not static. They perform an endless dance, as illustrated by electrons, emitting or taking on photons, as they quantum leap from one orbital position to another. It is glorious to behold. Anyway, Qi is movement and it is stillness. It is breath. In and out. And that brings us back to Prana. Prana is the vital principle, it is the life force and, like Qi, it permeates all levels of reality. It radiates from the sun and resides in the earth. It is the stu of the cosmos and it is the space that stu occupies. Prana is the foundation of all life, You can't see it, hear it, smell it, taste it or touch it, but you can experience it. It is the subtle energy that ows through our bodies. Prana is the energy that pulses through the body along a network of subtle body channels, known as nadis. These nadir connect form (body) and function (mind) and act as a conduit for energy, Prana, within the human body. There are dozens of minor ‘nadis’ in the human body, but I will focus only on the seven major, counterrotating wheels of life, known as the chakras.

Chakras are spinning disks of energy referred to as the wheels of life. They correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that a ect our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being. Starting at the bottom, they are named, Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye (or Pineal) and Crown. Prana or Qi ows through these chakras and promotes health and well-being. When one or more of these chakras is blocked, the life force of Prana is impeded. The third or Solar Plexus chakra is where your will is expressed out into the world. Martial arts practitioners and Shamans, including Castaneda’s Don Juan, call this energy emitted by the Solar Lexus, the ‘power center’. They are referring to the expression of will - the ability to act upon the world. Think about this… it is called the “Solar’ Plexus chakra. Your sun centre. Now, grasp this… This Solar Plexus is the principal chakra that Wetiko works to block so that its own will dominates its infected ones; and, so that the individual cannot fully access the higher chakras of Heart/expressing love and compassion, Throat/speaking one’s own truth, Pineal/seeing universal truth and Crown/experiencing transcendence. It seeks to block your will and the light of your Solar Plexus.






Wetiko infected individuals tend to shallow breath into their lungs. Deep belly breathing can unblock the Solar Plexus Chakra and expel the Wetiko virus. Consciously belly breathing love and light into your Solar Plexus chakra strengthens your will, personal power and individual sovereignty.

Hang in there, in just a few paragraphs, we will get to how to apply this knowledge. As I have written many time before, knowledge alone if NOT power; it is the application of knowledge that begets power. Knowing all this stu may make you educated, but is does not make you wise or powerful. Only through its application can you attain wisdom and access the power inherent in Universal Consciousness. First, you must acquire the knowledge - then, you must apply that knowledge to the way you go about being in the world. This is how you claim your personal power. I am not going to expend many more words speaking of the chakras. To gain a fuller understanding, read Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith. It has been many years since I last read it. At the time, it changed my life. I kept and referred to my dog-eared and colour highlighted copy for years. I have gifted copies of this book and recommended it to others many times over the years. Anyway, a few more words about chakras and breathing… Read on, you are here in Part Three because you desire to know about fully awakening to the fullness of self, to enlightenment and to spiritual transcendence. Right? What is important to know is, not only does the unimpeded ow of energy through the chakras promote physical, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being, it also connects you to the earth and to the cosmos. And, the intentional management of ow of energy up through the chakras can also awaken kundalini. Kundalini energy is also called Shakti energy. Shakti is personi ed as the Hindu goddess who is the consort of Shiva. They are the Yin and Yang of Hindu spirituality. As such, Shakti represents the divine, cosmic feminine energy, the formless aspect of creation, the allowingness that permits/enables the manifestation of the material Universe. Activating your kundalini enhances your awareness of Universal Consciousness and blasts the top of your head open through the Crown Chakra. It quite literally ‘blows your mind’. Kundalini energy is not for the faint hearted. It blasts through the ascending chakras, beginning in the Root Chakra, cleansing and energizing each chakra on the way to the Crown chakra where it awakens to the in nite. It can bring spiritual enlightenment, and more empathy, increased creativity, improved charisma, increased physical energy, as well as internal peace. However, along the way, as it cleanses, it can also bring on several intense physical symptoms such as shaking, muscle spasms, sensations of intense heat or cold, loud sounds or musical harmonies that the experiencer alone can hear, - sensory overload - the feeling that everything is just ‘too much’ to handle. It can also cause insights into the true nature of reality and intense waves of bliss. In other words, kundalini awakening is a challenging psycho-physical and spiritual event. One last comment on the Chakras before we move on to integrating all this esoteric stu and implementing it into your life, so that you can be empowered to co-create the ongoing evolution of Universe. There are seven chakras, just as there are seven colours in the rainbow, or spectrum of visible light as demonstrated by a prism. Each of these colours is represented in a speci c Chakra. Root = red. Sacral = orange. Solar Plexus = yellow. Heart = green. Throat = blue. Third eye/ Pineal = indigo/purple. Crown = violet.










Coincidentally, there are also seven notes in a musical octave. I know that octave means eight, but, although the 7-note scale that denotes an octave has 8 notes, technically, there are actually only 7 di erent note names in the scale, since the 8th note is the same as the rst note. And, interestedly, the human ear can only hear seven ascending octaves.

There are seven days in a week. Seven year cycles in your life. Happy people are in seventh heaven and wanderers sail the seven seas. There are also the seven deadly sins, or Wetiko symptoms. For those who study numerology, the number seven is associated with understanding and awareness. There are also seven layers to your complete energetic body.

We will explore how that relates to your personal ability to be consciously creative in Appendix 1. In the meantime, a couple more sevens before we get back to Prana. Take a deep breath. The world is about to shift for you.

According to Thoth and his Hermetica, there are seven principles of true knowledge which are:

Consciousness - All things originate from consciousness. Coherence - Everything is in balance, as above, so below, as within, so without. Comprehensiveness - Everything is duality within unity. Yin and Yang. Female and Male. Frequency - Everything is energy/vibration. Harmonics - Everything ows in waveforms. The song of Uni-verse. Cause and E ect - Everything happens in accord with natural law. Polarity - Everything has masculine and feminine aspects, positive and negative polarities.

And, as I wrote earlier… also, according to Thoth, there are seven steps toward transcendent joy, which are: 1. Becoming aware of the Divine 2. Becoming a recipient of Divine grace 3. Becoming a servant of the Divine 4. Becoming a child of the Divine 5. Becoming able to love as does the Divine 6. Becoming one with the Divine 7. Becoming able to speak with, from, of and for the Divine

Seven is a cool number. Mind you, so are all the other numbers, both rational (like 2) and irrational (like the square root of two). See Appendix Two. Ok. Let’s move on. We are quickly closing in on integration of all this. Back to Prana. According to both Hindu and Buddhist literature, there are ve types of prāṇa, collectively known as the ve vāyus ("winds"), with prāṇa vāyu as the basic vāyu from which the other vāyus arise. A pervasive and expansive force, prāṇa vāyu governs the movement of prana through the nadis (energy channels); the movement of energy through the circulatory system, the lymphatic system and the nervous system. Pranayama, one of the many forms of yoga, is intended to expand the ow of Prana in all seven layers of your being. I was rst introduced to meditation through Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s school of Transcendental Meditation. Essentially, TM is the repetition of a mantra, or sacred Sanskrit word. The mantra is endlessly repeated until the mind is stilled and the bodhi-mind or satori is attained. It is similar to another form of meditation, which is the repetition of chants, such as the Om, Mani, Padme, Hum chant. However, despite my ongoing respect of TM, for the last several decades, my favourite form of meditation has been Pranayama. Pranayama consists of focusing on the breath, the ow of Prana. Unlike kundalini, practising Pranayama can take you gently to awakening and the experience of transcendence. Let’s start with the basic beginner’s form of step one and move on through all seven, yes seven again, steps to samadhi and transcendence.






Step one: Sit in a comfortable pose or chair. You can, but do not need to, sit in a cross-legged Lotus yoga asana. Take a steady breath in through both nostrils. Use your belly to breathe. Inhale until you reach your lung capacity; maintaining a straight and tall spine. Hold your breath for a second and exhale slowly through both nostrils all the way. Pause for a second. Then repeat again and again. Do this slowly.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Step two: After days or weeks of step one, when it becomes natural and not forced - begin to place intentionality, as well as attention, on each in-breath and each out-breath. For example, you can use this to free yourself from those things that inhibit your well-being. Breathe in abundance. Breathe out, and let go of, lack and limitation. Breathe in vitality. Breathe out, and let go of, lethargy. Breathe in wellness. Breathe out, and let go of, illness. Breathe in love. Breathe out, and let go of, fear. Et cetera. Et cetera. Pick what you want to enhance. Breathe it in. Choose what you wish to release. Breathe it out. Step three: After weeks of this, when it has become a habit - now, when you are still and focused on your breath, bring your attention to the fact that, in breathing air - in and out, you are not just interacting with the earth; and you are also breathing light/photons - in and out. Hence, you are interacting with the sun and other stars. And, you are also breathing prana/life energy - in and out, you are interacting with Universe. And, you are also breathing consciousness - in and out, you are interacting with Prime Creator. Step four: After whatever period of time it takes until you nd yourself breathing this way, even when you are simply walking on the beach or down a busy street >>> begin to breathe out the same things you were breathing in, in step two. Breathe in health and well-being, breathe out health and well-being; breathe in abundance, breathe out abundance; breathe in love, breathe out love, breathe in light, breathe out light, breathe in life, breathe out life. Et cetera. Breathe out those things you desire to have as part of your beingness, in addition to breathing them in. Step ve: After whatever period of time it takes until you feel that it is time to advance, move on to step ve. Until now, you have been placing your attention on each in and each out breath. Now it is time to also place your attention on those spaces between breaths. This is where in nity exists. Each pause between breaths is when Prana or Qi is no longer a concept - it is a reality you experience. When you focus your attention on the spaces between breaths, you may nd, with your eyes closed that you experience shifting colours and owing shapes. You may also experience intense ashes of light behind your eyelids and the sensations of energy owing throughout your body. Without forcing yourself, slowly extend the time of those pauses between each in-breath and each out-breath. Step six: Once you are able to maintain focus on each in-breath and each out-breathe AND each pause between each breath, and once you are able to feel the in nite in the pauses, it is time to realize that you are the earth, the sun, the cosmos breathing. Your breath is the earth’s breeze. Your breath is the solar wind. Your breath is the pulsing of Universe at the sub-quantum level. Your breath is Universal Consciousness from which all things spring forth. Breathe that awareness and understanding. Breathe it in. Breathe it out. Step seven: Once you can feel yourself as Universe breathing Universe, as light breathing light, as love breathing love, as life breathing life, it is time to consciously and intentionally, visualize breathing Prana or Qi up from the earth through your Root Chakra, up through Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras to Heart Chakra; AND, at the same time, to consciously and intentionally, visualize breathing Prana down from cosmos through your Crown chakra, down through Third Eye/Pineal and Throat Chakras to Heart Chakra.












Once both ascending and descending energies reach the heart, you breathe out these combined energies through your heart chakra into the energetic eld surrounding you, represented by the geometric form of the counter-rotating tetrahedrons called the Merkaba. Consciously use that energy to strengthen your Merkaba, your energy eld, the seven layers of your energetic body spoken of earlier.



Place your attention on the ow of your breath. Your mind will stray. Bring it gently, but rmly, back to placing your attention on each in and each out breath, remembering to pause between each in and each out breath. Go slowly. Do this for at least ten minutes per session, preferably twenty minutes.

That is pranayama. It will transform your life. It will lead you to the fullness of self and then to the transcendence of self into unity with Creator Consciousness and satori bliss. “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” ~ Genesis 2:7

Chapter Sixteen - The Fourth Turning Right after we explore The Fourth Turning, we will expand upon the Great Awakening. Both are integral to this precipitous time we are undergoing. The Fourth Turning is a Buddhist concept. The rst Three Turnings of Buddhism stem from the Buddha himself. The Fourth Turning is up to you. The First Turning occurred when Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree, achieved the state of Samadhi (Nirvana - Satori - Divine Bliss), became the Buddha. He realized that the end of human su ering lies in detachment from what the Hindus call Maya, the illusion of physical reality as being the whole of reality. He stepped out of Plato’s cave of shadows into the light of awareness. Speaking of Maya (not my Maya here in the Yucatan, but the Indian concept of Maya), I absolutely must insert here the rst stanza of the wonderful poem, Maya, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. “ILLUSION works impenetrable, Weaving webs innumerable, Her gay pictures never fail, Crowd each on other, veil on veil, Charmer who will be believed By man who thirsts to be deceived.” The Second Turning occurred when Buddhism began teaching that Samsara and Samadhi are not two separate things but aspects of the same thing, just as Yin and Yang are aspects of Qi. If you are unfamiliar with the term ‘samsara’, it is the endless cycle of birth, mundane existence, su ering and death - in other words, reincarnation, karma, dharma and all that stu . The Second Turning is the teaching that Samadhi is inclusive within Samsara and vice versa. Some de ne ‘Samsara’ as the exquisite experience of being alive (the physical) and Samadhi as the exquisite experience of that which brings life into being (the metaphysical). The Third Turning of Buddhism is the establishment of a set of practices to carry out in the world, in order to realize the true nature of one’s being, and in order to achieve the Buddha Mind. The Pranayama practice I just described to you is one such practice. Another of these practices is the simple Buddhist way to go about living in the material world. It consists of ve simple precepts: 1) refrain from taking life; 2) refrain from taking what is not given; 3) refrain from the misuse of the senses; 4) refrain from wrong speech; and 5) refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind. You can call these precepts - The Five Commandments of Buddhism. Let’s examine each of those precepts in order to see how we can walk this path, the way of simplicity, the Tao. I need to interject here that, if you are a follower of some religion, you do NOT have to give it up in order to be a Taoist or a Buddhist; and if you are not a religious person, using Taoist or Buddhist thought and principles to improve your life, and to increase your understanding of your place in the Universe, does not mean you have adopted either as your religion.








Ok. #1 - Refrain from taking life. That is clearly impossible. Even Vegans have to kill plants or kill the embryos of plants (seeds, nuts, et cetera) in order to eat. The way of life on earth for all animals, including the human animal, is to consume other life in order to live. What this practice means is to NOT unnecessarily take life. You do not murder other human beings. You do not trophy hunt animals. You do not kill a spider simply because you have a phobia of them. You do not mow down the rainforest to plant soybeans to feed cattle. Et cetera. You, instead honour and resect all life forms as sacred aspects of Creator Consciousness.

#2 Refrain from taking what is not given. Beyond the simple - do not steal - this means always asking permission for the thing you desire to obtain; permission from the person who has that thing, permission from Mother Earth or Prime Creator, and even permission from the thing itself. Universe is abundant beyond measure. You do not need to be greedy or predatory. Ask and it shall be given. Then, express your gratitude, even in advance of obtaining that thing. #3 Refrain from misuse of the senses. Again, beyond the simple avoidance of greed, lust, gluttony and so on, this means to not allow your sensory input to determine the whole of your reality. It is not what you see that matters, it is what you perceive. You can only see, hear, taste, smell or touch the physical world. The non-physical, call it the metaphysical, constitutes the greater reality. The physical springs forth from the metaphysical. Pay attention to what enhances the fullness of your being-ness. #4 Refrain from wrong speech. Sure, that means do not lie or slander or seek to confuse or belittle another. “If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?” Speak your truth rmly, yet compassionately. Say what needs to be said to uplift others instead of denigrating others. And ultimately, learn to speak “of, from and for” the divine source of all that is. #5 Refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind. This is more than refraining from abusing drugs and alcohol. Most of television programming is an intoxicant designed to cloud the mind. Above all, avoid the news programming. That is where most memetic programming comes from, where most of the propagated narrative is fed into peoples’ minds. It is one of Wetiko’s favourite tools. So, too, are many of the movies produced by the elite pedophilic Hollywood crowd, intoxicants. Pornography is another intoxicant. Avoid it. Wokeism is another intoxicant that clouds the mind. Always seek clarity. Go within. You will notice that this way of living according to these ve precepts is exactly the opposite of what those infected with Wetiko do in their way of living. Wetiko creates con ict and wars. Wetiko kills people and the natural world. Wetiko’s greed takes everything it desires. Wetiko loves the sensory and indulges in the most profane acts in order to satiate its appetites. Wetiko lies, deceives, creates false propagated narratives to deceive people. Wetiko ingests psycho-spiritual energy, adrenochromes, and ‘fear as food’ to get high and feel a false sense of power, and Wetiko intoxicates your mind with television and other forms of the mental, spiritual entrainment called entertainment, and, Wetiko engages in the tra cking of drugs and other intoxicants to stupefy people, and in order to obscure its own existence. Alright then, let’s move on to the Fourth Turning. As I said at the beginning of this chapter, the rst Three Turnings of Buddhism stem from the Buddha himself. The Fourth Turning is up to you, the nascent Buddha, the bodhisattva. This Fourth Turning consists of taking everything that I have previously written here in this Book of You and integrating it into the way you go about living your day-to-day life. To become integral. You are integral to Universe. Your life is integral to the evolution of Universe. Grasp that. Grok it. Let it be your gnosis. Your ‘knowing’. The Fourth turning is Integral Buddhism or, if you prefer, Integral Spirituality. Some early readers of this manuscript were unfamiliar with the term ‘grok’, so allow me to explain it. It was coined by Robert Heinlein in his book Stranger in a Stranger Land and that is where I rst came across it. Today, it is popular amongst computer coders and means, “to be able to intuitively see and understand lines of code and what they are meant to create”. The OED de nes ‘grok’ as "to understand intuitively or by empathy, to establish rapport with" and "to empathize or communicate sympathetically (with); also, to experience enjoyment”. But it is more than that. It is - to fully and completely grasp some idea or concept; to be able to instantly and intuitively experience a gnosis or ‘knowing’ of a thing, idea or concept.








Integral Buddhism or Integral Spirituality is the transformational process of “waking up, growing up and cleaning up”, that I have mentioned previously. Integral spirituality is about living fully in the now by

transcending the limitations of ego-self (Samsara) and abiding in cosmic self awareness (Samadhi), YET deeply knowing that Samsara and Samadhi are two aspects of the same thing, like Yin and Yang are two aspects of Qi. And then integrating this awareness into the way you go about living your day-to-day life. Integral Spirituality is about integrating the understanding of the Second Turning into your work, your play, your everything. You express Universal Consciousness simply by being fully alive in each present moment. Before enlightenment - chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment - chop wood, carry water. Only now, you do sacred work - the wood you chop is sacred; the water you carry is sacred. The ‘you’ that chops and carries is sacred. You are integral to yoUniverse. yoUniverse is integral to you. Samsara becomes Samadhi. And you grok that. Live it. Be it. As my sister, Stevie. Says, “All is joy.” Ok. Let’s return to the Great Awakening taking place today. As mentioned, this is not the Protestant religious revivals that took place in America in centuries past. It is also not the Great Awakening spoke of by the followers of the Q anon movement. It has traces of both, like our atmosphere has traces of gasses other than nitrogen and oxygen. They are part of it, but an almost insigni cant part. This Great Awakening taking place right now, all around the world, involving many millions of people, perhaps almost 400 million, or 5% of the wold’s population. This is a critical number. Approximately 5% of the world’s population are in the positions of control, and are either fully infected by Wetiko or are complicit with those infected individuals. So, we have 5% of the world’s people, who have already awakened or are rapidly awakening and have become immune to the machinations of the parasitic, cannibalistic virus. These 5% balance and o set Wetiko who feeds o the fear and unconscious energy emanations of 90% of the world’s population. That means we are at the turning point, the Great Turning. Every thought, feeling, intention and action of every human being contributes to the collective unconscious of humanity. It may be your awakening that tips the scales to create the ‘hundredth monkey e ect’ when everyone suddenly starts washing their sweet potatoes. The hundredth monkey e ect is the phenomenon in which a new behaviour or idea is spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups, once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behaviour or acknowledge the new idea. If my use of “sweet potatoes” above confuses you, read this Times of India article about the ‘hundredth monkey e ect’. I write this book to help create that ‘hundredth monkey’ e ect. Share it with others and you can also contribute to this Great Awakening that will liberate humanity from the clutches of the Wetiko parasite and lead us into the kind of future almost all of us desire to have. I think I should elaborate on this awakening process a bit so that you can understand that, even if you have yet to experience a full moment of gnosis - as self being at one with the all-that-is all, you are indeed part of the Great Awakening taking place all around you. You’d be surprised at how many of your friends, neighbours, and random strangers you encounter in your travels are part of this. So, yes, many of those awakening may not have yet experienced what Maslow calls a ‘peak experience’ or what Bucke named ‘cosmic consciousness’. Their awakening process may have begun with other realizations about the falseness of the propagated narrative. Perhaps they woke up to recognize the false narrative that the Federal Reserve of the United States of America, and other Central Banks around the world are government entities; and, ‘woke up’ to see that they are cartels owned by a small group of private bankers. And, as a consequence have come to understand the economics of at currency and the endless debt system that it is built upon.











Perhaps, they ‘woke up’ to the idea of false ags and, in a moment of clarity, realized that the o cial 9/11 story is totally false. Perhaps, they somehow saw that the current covid pandemic is, indeed, a

plannedemic and, then, did the research to discover that both the virus and the vaccines had been in development for over a decade before January of 2020, when the implementation of the scam began. Perhaps, they realized that the control over most of the world’s media is in the hands of only four or ve corporations, controlled by a handful of individuals - and that the endless propaganda of this media machine does not simply inform, but is, instead, designed to shape beliefs and a particular view of reality. And perhaps, they simply went through a mid-life crisis and realized that what they did with their entire adult life has not supplied them with the purpose and meaning that they intuitively knew that life could o er. I can pretty much guarantee, that if you have read this far into this Book of You without rejecting the majority of what I have written, then you are part of this Great Awakening. Maybe you are not yet ready to accept that the propagated narrative is entirely false, that it is a web of lies and illusion spun out to disempower you, but you can see that some, or much of it, is that way. Maybe, you are not yet ready to accept the Hindu and Buddhist view that Maya is an illusion, that samsara is only half the story of your existence, that physical reality is not the whole story of the fullness of you. But you have an inkling that there is more. But, somehow, in some way, you are on the path toward self-realization. Without knowing it, you are seeking the Tao and are on ‘the way’. As Lao Tzu said, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Of course he did not actually say, ‘miles’. That measurement did not yet exist back in his time. He said "1,000 li journey”. Li being the measurement of distance in China in his time. And this Great Awakening is unstoppable. That is why the Wetiko infected are so desperately endeavouring to implement their Great Reset faster than logic would dictate. Consequently, it is getting big pushback, even from those in whom no real awakening has yet taken place - the ones still caught in the matrix, to use recent common parlance. The Wetikos’ panicked push to implement their plan as fast as possible is actually helping to accelerate this Great Awakening - because it impels people to start asking big questions about why certain things are being done. Perhaps, for you, that single step mentioned by Lao Tzu was in watching an aged parent die alone in a nursing home, while being told that the prevention of you from seeing grannie was to protect the vulnerable ones, such as her. Anyway, take heart, samadhi or satori is only a breath away. Begin to breathe consciously. Breathe love. In and out. Do that when you are meditating yes, but also do it when you are shopping for avocados for your morning toast and co ee. Do it while standing in line at the bank to deposit your pay check in order to earn negative interest. Do it while drinking a beer in your local pub listening to a mate repeat the Ukranium war propaganda. Breathe love in and out as you watch someone, alone in their car, wearing a mask. Above all, breathe love, in and out, as you contemplate the great mystery, the how and why of Universe and your place in it.




You are the Great Awakening. Wake up. Grow up. Clean up.

Chapter Seventeen - Gratefulness Ah yes, gratitude. A force stronger than the combined forces of gravity, electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces. I had originally entitled this chapter… forGivingness, grAtitude and transFormation But, I decided it was too cumbersome, as well as being an obvious attempt to be clever with the usage of words. I am also kinda tired of the key morpheme, or pre x, ‘trans’ after writing about “trans-humanism”, “trans-genderism” and the “trans-mission” of ideas via memes, so no trans-Formation in the title. Anyway, before writing about gratitude, I need to write about forgiveness and how both of these, forgiveness and gratitude, when combined, can lead to a profound personal transformation. Many people talk about how money can equal freedom. I am here to tell you that the kind of freedom that comes as a result of radical forgiveness so far surpasses the level of freedom that oodles of money can grant - that is akin to a single engine Cessna sitting beside an Airbus 380, or planet Earth compared to the planet Jupiter. Which reminds me, if you have not yet seen that other great movie made by the trans-gender Wachowskis, Jupiter Ascending, take the time to do so. View it through the lens of what I have written herein about trans-dimensional Wetikos. Damn, there is that pesky morpheme again. Anyway, I loved that movie and was so happy when the character, Caine Wise, played by Chaning Tatum, became the epitome of the masculine warrior defending the divine feminine; and, as a result, re-gained his wings. Plus, the visual special e ects are beyond stunning. It is beautifully crafted and did not receive the acclaim it deserved. Enough fun for now. Back to the serious stu - Radical Forgiveness. First, let me say that there is an excellent book by that name, authored by Colin Tipping. It is a most worthy read. I have gifted it to several people. Let me see if I can succinctly lay out for you the concept of “radical forgiveness” as compared to the understanding of traditional forgiveness. Traditional forgiveness is based on the idea that something wrong has transpired. It includes the dynamic of victim and victimizer. “You have hurt or damaged me. I am a victim. You are the victimizer.” The world, or life itself, has been nasty to me. I am a victim and the world is the victimizer. I am a member of a tribe that has been persecuted. We are victims and the others are the victimizers. This all needs to be somehow reconciled. In other words, I can only forgive you - if you admit to your wrongdoing. Even if I somehow decide to ‘let go of’ the pain and su ering, you are still toxic. If my tribe somehow forgives and gets past the past, your culture is still toxic. That is why egregious sins are extremely di cult to forgive in the traditional way. The felt need to condemn and punish is stronger than the wish to forgive. Traditional forgiveness is conditional and it still includes the idea that some transgression has occurred.









What makes ‘radical forgiveness’ so di erent is that it rests on the following principle - the spiritual understanding that everything that happens ‘to us’ actually happens ‘for us’. There is a spiritual purpose or lesson in everything. Maybe it is our karmic journey. Maybe it is designed to strengthen us. Maybe it is designed to deepen our level of compassion for others. Maybe we cannot gure out the reason, but we accept that our life is divinely guided - and nothing that happens to us is without a spiritual purpose and contains a gift of some kind. That understanding actually changes your energetic eld, grants you freedom and enables you to become the gift to others that you are capable of being. Radical Forgiveness says that nothing needs to be forgiven, It was all really a gift that should engender your gratitude. Wow. That is a big one, isn’t it?

You also need to forgive yourself for allowing yourself to be victimized, for not being the best possible version of you, for being judgemental or condemning of others, without understanding their own ignorance of the e ects of their behaviour, or their own ability to actually see the error of their ways. And nally, most crucially and most di cultly, you need to forgive your creator for putting you through all this shit; and instead ll your heart with gratitude for the multitude of blessings bestowed upon you, including those that come disguised as tribulations. When you get to the place where you can accept that everything that happened to you actually happened for you, you free yourself, and others, from karmic debt; you set yourself free and you allow Agape to ll your heart and soul. Allow me to make it clear and simple… if you, in any way, are happy with the person that you are, then you need to recognize that everything that has ever happened was necessary to have happened, in order for you to become the person you are right now, as well as the person your are in the process of becoming. Just as every quark or electron is necessary for an atom to be what it is, and just as the entire history of the Universe happened exactly the way it happened in order for you to be able to be here now, all the crap that has ever happened to you is a gift to empower you to awaken, to grow up and to clean up. As a consequence of knowing this, you become lled with gratitude for it all. If you are the least bit grateful for any skill or talent you may have, or if you are the least bit grateful for anything you have in life, you need to be grateful for all the stu that has taken place in your life - including the stu you judged as bad - because you have come to see that it was all necessary for you to be who you are right now, and who you are in the process of becoming. This allows you to develop the pervasive sense of gratitude that you can intentionally develop, called Deep Gratitude. Ok. Let’s talk about this Deep Gratitude, which is one of the most transformative skills you can develop. People have come up with all kinds of clever ways to talk about the importance of gratitude. One of my favourites is the quote from author, Melody Beattie… “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” She is referring to deep gratitude, not the regular kind of momentary gratitude we feel when someone does something nice for us. Just as Radical Forgiveness is di erent from ordinary forgiveness, Deep Gratitude is di erent from ordinary gratitude. Regular gratitude is simply the feeling of thankfulness for some event or thing that has happened in your life, and that you have judged as being bene cial or pleasing. Deep Gratitude is a pervasive attitude of appreciation for the gift of life - and all that it entails. More, it is a recognition of the sacred essence of your being.













As I mentioned, it is a skill that you can develop. So let’s talk about how to develop this skill that can profoundly transform your life and accelerate you through the process of growing up, as in “wake up, grow up and clean up.”



Ok. Let’s get direct and practical. This is the rst step in achieving that level of forgiveness. You need to forgive any others for all the ways they may have hurt you and then, work to understand how they have karmically agreed to be this lesson for you. You need to forgive the world, or life itself, for the many ways it has fucked you over, and to re-cognize how all this pain and su ering in icted upon you has somehow strengthened you spiritually.

The simplest way to begin is by taking the time each day to do a mindfulness walking meditation focused on being grateful. I am blessed to be able to practice this almost every morning, walking on the beach at sunrise. It can be done anywhere - a walk in the woods, even a walk around your neighbourhood. Like all intentional a rmations, it is best to verbalize out loud. If you are concerned about your fellow walkers judging you a bit crazy for speaking out loud to yourself, then whisper. :-) But imagine how you might change the life of some stranger if they happen to hear you intone as you are walking, “Thank you for this ground I walk upon. Thank you for these feet that enable me to walk. Thank you for the air that I breathe as I walk. Thank you for the breeze that caresses me as I walk. Thank you for the birds that sing as I walk.” Allow me to make some suggestions to get you started. As you walk along, focused on being present in the here and now, begin verbalizing your gratitude for the simple things most of us take for granted… “Thank you for the ground beneath my feet and the life giving energy of Mother Earth that ows through my feet into my whole being.” “Thank you for the breeze that caresses my skin, my body and is evidence of the air that I breathe to infuse myself with Prana.” “Thank you for the leaves that dance in the breeze, the birds that soar in the breeze, the secret messages that are carried in the breeze that I may not notice, but know that the trees, the birds and butter ies do notice.” “Thank you for the sunshine that also caresses my body, enables all life, including my own, and constantly radiates sublime messages of light and love directly to me.” “Thank you for the gravity well that the sun creates to capture Planet Earth in its embrace as it travels through space and time.” “Thank you Sol, for being the shining example that reminds me to shine my own light.” “Thank you life itself that has given me the ability to have the sensations of wind and sunlight caressing me.” “Thank you for these feet that I walk upon, the skin that tingles from the caresses of breeze and sunshine, the ears that hear birdsong and the rustling of the leaves in that breeze, the eyes that enable me to see the beauty of it all.” Ok, you get the idea. Make it a daily practice to do this in whatever way resonates with you and after a period of time, you will discover that gratitude has become your default attitude = grAtitude. Deep Gratitude comes from being re ective, turning inward, being present, being mindful. Re ective. What a great word. It is mostly interpreted as meaning thoughtful or contemplative. In his re ective moments (moments of re ection), he sees how miraculous it is to be aware of self existing in this world. It can also be used to mean exemplify, as in, the quality of her life is re ective of her choices about how to live her life. The quality of her life is a refection of her choices about how to live. And your grAtitude is a re ection of your spiritual development.














I have said this many times before, on stage in my talks or seminars, in my books and other writings - “If, upon awakening, I were to start writing down all the things in my life that I have to be grateful for having or experiencing, I would get to the end of the day, and still not have catalogued them all.” This is also your situation, if you take the time to be re ective, to re ect upon your life, to look in the mirror of selfre ection. As I gaze upon the Universe, the beauty and grandeur I perceive is re ective of the beauty and grandeur within me. When I gaze upon the Universe, I am the Universe looking in the mirror and seeing its own refection.

As I said before when quoting from the Bible - don’t worry, I am not about to become a born again Christian evangelizing all over the place. “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 The message, ‘Rejoice and Be Grateful in all circumstances’ is some of the best advice you can take to heart. This is another piece of advice I have repeated over and over again in my seminars and in my writings… “Begin each day, immediately upon awakening, with an expression of gratitude for all the things you have and appreciate in your life. And, end each day, just prior to going to sleep, with an expression of gratitude for all the things you are in the process of creating or making manifest in your life. This is a proven psychological trick to play on your subconscious mind. By expressing gratitude, in advance, for all the things, events and circumstances you are bringing into your life by conceptualizing, idealizing and visualizing these things, you convince your subconscious that they are real; and, as a consequence, your subconscious will, rst create the belief in the reality and move to create the actuality. This expression of ‘gratitude in advance’ will perform an act of pure magic. It turns imaginings into con dent expectations. To expect means to out-picture. Create the internal image in your imagination and then, through practising gratitude in advance, out-picture (con dently expect its manifestation in the external world) - in order to actually see it in the external world of event and circumstance. The depth of your attitude of gratitude determines the height to which you are able to soar. Back to Paul’s Epistle to the Thessalonians… Rejoice. Rejoice. Rejoice. Be Grateful always, for Agape is ever available to you. Back to the title of this chapter that I did not use. forGiveness, grAtitude and transFormation. Yes, the practices of Radical Forgiveness and Deep Gratitude will profoundly transform your life. That is a given. But allow me to elaborate on the way that I modi ed those words by placing the capitalization of certain letters within each of those three words. Forgiveness is an act of giving. It is your gift to yourself and to the world, hence forGiveness. Gratitude is an attitude you can intentionally adopt, hence grAtitude. Transformation is the form-ation of reality across (or trans) both the physical and the metaphysical, hence transFormation. Deep Forgiveness is not dependent upon the contrition of the o ending entity. Deep Forgiveness is not in getting recognition of how you have been o ended or victimized. Deep Forgiveness is giving of yourself to yourself. Deep Forgiveness sets you free from the chains of pain and resentment. forGiveness. Gratitude is not feeling momentarily thankful for some pleasant or wonderful occurrence. Gratitude is not a eeting emotional surge of endorphins. Deep Gratitude is a way of being. Deep Gratitude is your act of rejoicing in the great gift of life and all that it entails. Deep Gratitude lls your heart and soul with Agape. Transformation is not simply a radical change from one state to another, even such a radical change as caterpillar to butter y; or, of the change from an egocentric sense of self to a spiritual sense of self. Profound Transformation is in becoming fully and deeply aware of self as yoUniverse, as being concurrently - a sacred creation of Prime Creator, and a co-creator, with Universal Consciousness, of the unfolding of Universe itself. That is what it means to be fully and truly - a self-realized human being.











That great, wonderful and fully self-realized human being by the name of Paramahansa Yogananda, de ned self-realization as, “The knowing, in body, mind, and soul, that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that

God's omnipresence is our omnipresence; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. All we have to do is improve our knowing.” Improve our knowing - our gnosis. Again from Paramahansa Yogananda, “The man of cosmic consciousness, never feeling himself as limited to a body, or as reaching only to the brain, or only to the cerebral-lotus light of a thousand rays, instead feels by true intuitive power, the ever-bubbling Bliss that dances in every particle of his little body, and in his big Cosmic Body of the universe, and in his absolute nature as one with the Eternal Spirit beyond manifested forms. “The man into whose pure hand his divine bodily kingdom has been wholly delivered is no longer a human being with limited ego consciousness. In reality, he is the soul, individualized ever-existent, everconscious, ever-new Bliss, the pure re ection of Spirit, endowed with cosmic consciousness. Never a victim of imaginary perceptions, fanciful inspirations, or "wisdom" hallucinations, the superman is always intensely conscious of the Unmanifested Spirit, and also of the entire cosmos in all its bewildering variety. “The superman's body is the universe, and all things that happen in the universe are his sensations. He who has become one with the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent God is aware of the coursing of a planet trillions of light-years distant; and, at the same moment, of the ight of a nearby sparrow. A superman does not see Spirit as apart from the body; he becomes one with Spirit, and beholds, as existing within himself, his own body, as well as the bodies of all other creatures. “He feels his body, a tiny atom, within his vast luminous cosmic body. Withdrawing his attention, during deep meditation, from the out-ward sensory world, the superman perceives by the power of the inner eye. Through the searchlights of the astral powers of vision, sound, smell, taste, and touch, and through the even ner causal perception of pure intuition, he beholds the territory of omnipresent Cosmic Consciousness.” If you want more from Paramahansa Yogananda, visit or read his book, Autobiography of a Yogi. Ok time to move on to the steps that you can take on your journey to full self-realization. Time for the next chapter. First, a quick word from our sponsor…






Hi there, Universe here. I just want to remind you that the edge of the visible Universe is not the extent of the Universe. When you use your eyes (or the scienti c instruments that are the extensions of your eyes, such as the Hubble Telescope or even the new James Webb telescope) to see Universe, you are constrained by the speed of light. When you use your third eye, your inner knowing, to see Universe, you are able to perceive that it is in nitely large and yet completely encapsulated within you - and that there is no edge. I am boundless. As are you.

Taking Steps, Walking the Path You will have noticed that I love to play around with words. I regularly check on the etymology of words to see where and how they originated; and how they have evolved over time, to often mean something di erent than they did when rst used. The word enlighten comes from the Latin pre x ‘en’ meaning “in, into or within” and the word lux meaning "light." Combine these meanings and you get "into the light” or “within the light”. So, in this sense, to become enlightened means to go into the light. That is a pretty common way to think about enlightenment. For me, it is more than that. When I use the word, ‘enlighten’, I mean becoming aware of the fact that you are light. The original light of creation. Light breathing light. En meaning “in”. It exists both before and after the word light. en-light-en. So you exist, ‘are in’ the light ‘within’. My desire to enlighten you is therefore, the desire that you awake to the fact that you are the light of creation. It exists within you. It is not a place to aspire arriving at. You are already there. It is your essence. It is commonly said in the Western world that the Buddha achieved enlightenment. Mahayana Buddhism is the largest Buddhist sect in the world, and its beliefs and practices are what most non-adherents recognize as "Buddhism" in the modern era. Mahayana Buddhism states that what Buddha achieved, the Buddha Mind or Buddhahood, is a state of perfect freedom, in which one is awakened to the eternal and ultimate truth that is the reality of all things. This supreme state of life is characterized by boundless wisdom and in nite compassion. In many Buddhist writings, Siddhartha Gautama is said to have achieved Samadhi when he became the Buddha. Samadhi being de ned as a state of 'non-duality' where the self and the world around it are perceived as one and the same. This means that, in transcending the limits of the body, mind, and ego self or identity, a person becomes one with everything. True enlightenment, or The Buddha Mind, is not in transcending physical reality, Samsara. It is in realizing that Samsara and Samadhi are one and the same. You walk your path in this world (Samsara), but you walk it ‘in the light of your own awareness’, Samadhi. According to Patanjali, the Hindu sage who authored The Yoga Sutras some 2,500 years ago, Samadhi “is an awareness of the subject-object distinction being eliminated. There is only consciousness, self-aware and Universal.” And according to the Persian mystical poet, Rumi, “Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.” And, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean, in a drop.” And, “Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the world.” Many believe that Samadhi can only be attained through the mental discipline of the practice of meditation, but this is not true. People often have spontaneous moments of transcendence or the achievement of Samadhi. In the autumn of 1960, when I was just ten years old, walking through a wheat eld one sunny day, I was overcome with the sudden sense that I was the wheat eld swaying in the breeze. AND, the breeze playfully caressing the wheat eld, AND the sunlight turning it all golden. I literally wept, lled with joy. Other traditional methods, such as rhythmic dancing (often today called trance dance) or extended drumming and chanting, as exempli ed by Aboriginal cultures around the world, can also lead to the experience of Samadhi.











And so can the non-recreational usage of psychotropic drugs and certain entheogenic plant medicines, especially when combined with intentional ritual. Please note that these are best rst used in the presence of, and guided by, experienced shamans. But beware, there are plenty of untrained new age self-named shamans out there who, perhaps having had such an experience themselves, imagine that they are now quali ed to include others in ‘plant medicine ceremony’.



Chapter Eighteen - A

Real Aboriginal Shamans go through an extended period of apprenticeship with an elder shaman before they are allowed to initiate aspirants into plant medicine ceremony. Psychotropics can as easily bring on a psychotic experience as they can bring on an enlightening experience. They are to be treated with caution and reverence. There are obviously other things, (I will call them triggers, since that word is so popular these days) that can lead to these peak experience moments. In a paper entitled, Spontaneous Spiritual Awakenings: Phenomenology, Altered States, Individual Di erences, and Well-Being, the authors, psychologists, Jessica Sophie Corneille and David Luke, de ne these Spontaneous Spiritual Awakenings (SSAs) as “subjective experiences characterized by a sudden sense of direct contact, union, or complete non-dual merging (experience of oneness) with a perceived ultimate reality, the universe, “God,” or the divine.” In their paper, they report that people who had these spiritual awakenings reported di erent triggers. 52% said that their transcendental moment came about as a result of psychological turmoil or trauma; 47.4% said that meditation was the trigger; 21.7 said it was through intimate contact with nature; 21.7% said it was from the use of psychedelics or entheogens (plant medicines); 13.2% said it NDEs; 11.8% said it was breath work (Pranayama, Holotropic Breathwork or the Wim Hoth method); 11.2% through sacred sexual intimacy; 9.9% fasting; 8.6% lucid dreaming and 39% said other factors led to their experience. There is obviously an overlap in these percentages, but you get the picture. It is a fascinating research paper and a good read. Ok, so what are the bene ts of having one of these peak experiences, an experience of Samadhi or Satori? You will feel a resounding stillness or sense of peace as you go about your normal daily routines. You transcend the lure of your basic senses (sensuality) and have the ability to control the ow of sensory intake. You gain the ability to engage in calm concentration or contemplation of self and all creation. And, most importantly, you are gifted with a lasting feeling of your connection to the all-that-is-all, to Universe and to the source of Universe - Universal Consciousness. You experience a Gnosis of self as Universe and retain that knowing - even when having a pint at the local pub. Ok. So, suppose you would like to experience this Samadhi, this peak experience of being at one with the All. How do you get there? Just hanging out hoping that some random moment of enlightenment will strike you like lightning, as supposedly happened to Saul of Tarsus? How do you get there without spending years in some monastery or ashram, forswearing the things of this world and spending years contemplating the nature of the in nite? How do you get there without the often perilous shortcut of ingesting psychotropic drugs and entheogenic plants? And, how do you get there without actually dying, or at least having a near death experience? I will get to the intentional steps you can take in a moment, but, in order for you to recognize and understand the process of enlightenment, I need to explain the seven (YES - seven, once again) stages of the process. #1. Spiritual Awakening. Whoa. Hold on. You thought spiritual awakening was the end result, the be all and the end all? Nope. It is stage one. There are several kinds of so-called spiritual awakening. It does not necessarily include the experience of Satori/Samadhi. It is often an abrupt transition from a normal worldly, mundane, life to an intense sense that there has got to be more. This can be brought on by a variety of things, including traumatic personal events or near death experiences.







It, as I mentioned earlier, can be brought on by beginning to see through the veils of illusion. Maya. Or by waking up to the falseness of the propagated narrative, the imposed zeitgeist of your culture. It can be brought on through the experience of intense joy felt in orgasm or, without warning, breaking into tears of joy when viewing a sunset, or when listening to Beethoven.

#2. Soul Work. This is when you decide you need to do something to get back to the space of Samadhi. So you search out the means, methods and practices that will help you embody that original spiritual awakening. You may seek out gurus. You may read books dedicated to enlightenment. You may attend seminars or ceremonies. You may even start attending church services. You may decide to do ‘the walk’, the famous Camino de Santiago, or any other soul searching, walking pilgrimage. You have become a pilgrim, a seeker of higher states of awareness. You may even travel to Peru to take ayahuasca with a Quechua shaman, avoiding the temptation to allow some California or Tulum new ager to feed it to you. Talumination or Californication. #3. Satoru. After your explorations, you nd that path that resonates, that you believe will work for you, and you begin to purposefully walk that path. It becomes your focus, indeed your purpose. You become a Taoist, walking the way that cannot be described. #4. Dark night of the soul. In walking the path, you begin to discover aspects of self that are not all that pretty. In fact, some of them are downright ugly, perhaps can even be described as evil tendencies. You have become aware of the Wetiko virus existent within you. This can be a very scary time and some people back o entirely from their spiritual path and go back to living in the sensory world, distracting themselves with earthly pursuits. The psychotic events brought on by entheogen or psychotropics are usually caused by abruptly and without warning, coming face-to-face with Wetiko. This is why you need to be with an experienced shamanic teacher, who is capable of o ering psycho-spiritual guidance, should you choose this path. #5. Surrender. After coming through the dark night of the soul (and no, it cannot be avoided, although sometimes it can be less traumatic than apparent psychosis, almost gentle even - well maybe not exactly gentle, but less painful), you come to the need to surrender your ego-self. You surrender to the knowing that your old self, the mask of identity, the ‘persona’, must be dissolved - as a caterpillar weaves a chrysalis, dissolves and turns into goop, and then emerges as butter y. Surrendering means letting go of, or releasing, any remaining structures, beliefs, or facets of the ego that are keeping you from your truth. By this point, you've gotten to know your soul, you've gured out a lifestyle or path that works for you, but there may still be people or habits that hold you back. This is where you will release them so you can fully step into your power. Surrendering also means allowing your will to be subsumed into the divine will of Prime Creator. To surrender to the endless love that surrounds you - Agape. #6. Service. This is where you recognize that being of service to your fellow human beings in order to express the divinity within you is why you are here now, living this life. You have truly become enlightened, because you have realized that Satori/Samadhi is not the end goal. The end goal is to lessen or abate the su ering of others in whatever way you feel moved to do so. You have achieved the Buddha Mind. You no longer search for Agape. It lls your heart and soul. You now emit Agape. Compassion is recognized as being the highest of spiritual attributes. You become lled with compassion. You become like Magister Ludi in Herman Hesse’s nal book, The Glass Bead Game, leaving the monastery, where you have been practising meditation and playing the game of being in a state of bliss, in order to compassionately walk amongst your fellow human beings who have yet to awaken to their glory, o ering yourself to them. #7. Adoration. Your every breath becomes an act of your glori cation of Prime Creator and your reverence of its creation, Universe. Your adoration is also the recognition of, and the honouring of, your own sacred self. So there we are. Fully integrated or Integral Spirituality. Wake up. Grow up. Clean up.












Ok. Now, it is time to talk about those steps you can take if you wish to embark on this journey toward the fullness of self, you true sacred self. yoUniverse, fully infused with the divine love and light of Prime Creator and fully able to shine your own sacred light out into the world, knowing yourself in the fullest sense of “the light of an awakened soul.”

Obviously the Pranayama process, I detailed earlier is one of these steps you can choose to take. Let’s look at some others. First, I need to mention that there are other forms of Yoga beyond Transcendental Meditation and Pranayama. It may be that one of these other forms is more suited to your personality than either of these two. Many western people tend to think that the word Yoga means a system or form of exercise; but in Hindu culture, yoga refers to a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices, or disciplines, which aim to control and still the mind. The use of physical poses as a form of yoga is called Hatha Yoga. Hatha yoga is a set of physical movements or poses (asanas) that stresses mastery of the body as a way of attaining a state of spiritual perfection in which the mind is withdrawn from external objects, events and circumstances. Other forms of yoga are: 1) The aforementioned Kundalini Yoga, which seeks to uncoil the Shakti energy embedded in the root chakra in order to attain enlightenment. The use of Kundalini Yoga is like the use of plant medicines you need a well-trained and experienced teacher to work with - because the intensity of the experience can be di cult to manage. 2) Karma Yoga is one’s path of devotion to sel ess work. It is considered a humbling practice, because one works, not for the ego self, or even for one’s own enlightenment, but the greater good. Service to others is the only goal. No reward is expected. It is about letting go of ANY expected result. It is simply focused on doing the sel ess work. 3) Jnana Yoga is the yoga of intellectual knowledge and practical wisdom. It is about self-realization through meditative awareness. One experiences knowledge and develops intuitive understanding. One learns to separate the ego from the true Self. The 3 steps of Jnana yoga are: 1. Become knowledgeable of self. 2. Contemplating that knowledge to gain wisdom. 3. Meditation upon aspects of self. 4) Bhakti Yoga is to worship or love Prime Creator. Some people consider Bhakti Yoga a way to liberate themselves from the eternal birth and death cycle, to become free from the wheel of reincarnation. Walking this spiritual path helps unite one’s soul or ‘atman’ with Brahman or ‘true reality.’ 5) Raja Yoga is called the ‘king of yogas’. (Raja means king in Sanskrit.) It is also often called ashtanga yoga. It is mostly based on Patanjali’s 3,000 year old work, the Yoga Sutras. It consists of 8 stages. 1. The study of eternal principles. 2. The application of personal discipline. 3. Practising of the Asanas - the use of postures and positions. 4. Pranayama - breathing practices. 5. Withdrawal or detachment from earthly sensuality. 6. Concentration or focused attention. 7. Meditation. 8. Samadhi. I will leave it to you to discover the type of Yoga practice that best suits your personality. Second, another option is the shamanic journey. As old as the practice of yoga as a method to attain spiritual enlightenment may be, shamanism is far older. Shamanism is, in fact, the oldest known spiritual system, practiced since time immemorial. Its usage dates back more than 100,000 years. You cannot just decide to be a shaman and practice shamanism. The practice of shamanism is not something one can normally learn by one’s self or through some internet course. You can, however, do simple shamanic practises and in Appendix Three, you will nd a description of the safest and easiest shamanic journey. The deep, full practice of shamanism can only truly be learned by apprenticing to an established shaman, usually an Aboriginal Elder. Finding such a teacher and convincing them to accept you as an apprentice is an arduous task; and, you likely need to dedicate at least ten years of your life to completely focus on this. So - not for everyone then.





But you can participate in shamanic ceremonies, if you are well-intentioned and are willing to travel to where they may be conducted. They can change your life radically. Be advised that these ceremonies quite commonly involve the usage of plant medicines. I have put (in brackets) the name of the

psychoactive chemicals found in those plant medicines, so that you understand that these plant medicines are usually quite powerful. South and North American shamans use ayahuasca (DMT) or peyote (Mescaline) or the San Pedro cactus (a milder form of Mescaline) or mushrooms (Psilocybin). African shamans often use the root of a plant called Iboga (Ibogaine). Salvia Divinorum is another plant medicine sometimes used. It is mild enough to use without being in the presence of a shaman. Also Nutmeg. Yes, the common spice, nutmeg contains a relatively mild psychoactive chemical called myristicin. And, nally, I have consumed Kava with Australian Aboriginals. It is made from the roots of a plant called Piper Methysticum. It is very mild, barely psychoactive concoction that, like cannabis, can be smoked, made into a tea or added to foods. Third, there is Holotropic Breathwork. Although, like pranayama, this focuses on the breath as a transformative method, it is completely di erent. It stems from the work of Leonard Orr, who originally called his method of using the breath to do deep internal work, Rebirthing. I was actually able to remember and relive my birth in a rebirthing session held in a hot tub to simulate being in the womb. Today’s holotropic breathwork is di erent from that original version of Leonard’s, but it is also a very valuable tool. Again, this should only be done in the presence of, and with the guidance of, an experienced and compassionate practitioner. Deep internal emotional and psychic wounds are often exposed. So too can be various aspects of the shadow self. It is therefore a valuable tool to work on one’s shadow. It can also lead to moments of Samadhi/Satori. However, a lot of what comes up may be confusing, even mildly trauma inducing, unless you are being guided by a compassionate and experienced teacher. The de nitive guide to Holotropic Breathwork is the book of the same name by Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof. Visit their website. All of these methods mentioned above for transforming one’s self, and perhaps, also having a Peak Experience, like Samadhi or Satori, require, at least at rst, a quali ed teacher and often demand, a lot of time, a multi-year dedication. That is why many people do not engage in transformative practices. In today’s world, most everyone wants quick and easy. Quick is not usually easy. Dropping a hit of LSD might be a quick way to transform your reality picture, but it is not easy. Easy is not usually quick. Meditating daily in the comfort of your own home might be easy, but it is certainly, not quick. Allow me to present a ten day crash course for you. Ten full days focused on becoming a greater you. Ten transformative days. Do this process once and you will be transformed. Be forewarned - it will require discipline. It contains some elements of Yoga, Shamanism and Breathwork and is based upon my personal experiences. Not too long and not too arduous. Nevertheless, e ective. And like all methods of self-actualization, it requires discipline. Before I outline this ten day ascension ladder, I am going to re-de- ne the word ‘discipline’ for you. Most folks tend to think of discipline as something arduous or something in icted as punishment. You know, like he has the discipline to go to the gym every day at 5 am. Or… these days, it is not as common as it used to be for parents to physically discipline their children. But allow me to reframe that for you. The word discipline comes from the Latin, ‘disciplina’ meaning a system of knowledge and is related to “discipulus” meaning student or disciple. Only centuries later, did it devolve into meaning, ‘military training’ and then later on again, to include ‘penitential chastisement’ for those who stayed from the proscribed ‘disciplina’ or training.











It is common amongst academics to ask, “which discipline do you follow?", or “what discipline do you practice?” or “what discipline do you teach your students?” They do mean system of knowledge, not chastisement or a di cult regimen.

So, I want you to go back to the original meaning; and think of discipline as a system of learning something of value; and to understand that when you practice personal discipline, you are becoming a disciple unto your own higher self. To be disciplined is to be a student of one’s higher self. Ten days of discipline it is then. Yes, ten dedicated continuous days. No breaks between. No stopping and then coming back to complete later. This is not a Youtube video that you can hit pause on and watch the remainder later when it is convenient. Consider this ten day period of time commitment as a spiritual holiday, like that visit to the ashram of some revered guru you may have contemplated. So, hey - discipulus, are you ready for an awakening? Yes? Ok. Let’s lay out the ten-day, seven-step, quick-start method of spiritual awakening. I am fully cognizant of the fact that many people will be unable to conduct this ceremony at the time of their reading of this book; and may never remember to actually get it done. I also re-cognize that some will choose not to conduct this ceremony, thinking it too di cult or unnecessary. I have, however, at the urging, no the impelling of Universe, chosen to include it for the bene t of those who are serious about their spiritual growth and the process of Wake Up - Grow Up - Clean Up. Before we get to this ceremony, another word from our sponsor



Hi there. Universe here. I need you to know that I await you. I long for this intimate connection more than you do, more than you can even imagine. I have been anticipating and preparing for you to show up. You are, after all, the entire purpose of my existence. I see myself through your eyes. I feel myself with your heart. I know myself through your mind. I long for you to experience me and to know that we are one. You are my soul mate. Take my hand and let’s walk into our shared future together.

Chapter 18 - B The Ten-Day Seven-Step Awakening Process

First things, rst - Get the hell out of dodge. Seriously, plan a trip away from home, preferably someplace remote. If you absolutely, absolutely must do this process at home, ok. But, in so doing, you will already have made this process more di cult than it needs to be. It is much, much, much better to get out of any urban area, away from other people, away from the normal distractions available to you at home and, if possible, away from any of the electromagnetic emanations of human civilization. If you do stay at home, you must unplug your internet connection, unplug your televisions set(s), unplug your telephones, unplug any other devices that connect you to the outside world. If you have any of the so-called smart devices, unplug them too. Go o grid. I do not mean turn them o . I mean UNPLUG them from the source of electricity. If you are unwilling to do this, do not even bother starting. This is not a “yeah but, I need to have my phone on in case an emergency” situation like attending a seminar or a movie. Get disciplined. Unplug - or wait until you are able to do so. Remember that, 25 years ago, you would not have had all this tech and strangely, you managed to survive without it. So, go nd a little cottage in the woods someplace; or, if you must stay at home, completely unplug from the world and from your day-to-day life, AND from your habitual distractions from self. Don’t panic. The world will still be there when you surface again. Let’s prepare. You will need to do some things in advance. Getting prepared is not part of your ten days, These things must be done in advance. Remember that you will be in some remote cottage or camper in the middle of the hinterlands, OR you will be pretending to be remote by unplugging everything at home. And, if you really want to be a purist about this, when you get to your remote cottage, in addition to turning o your cell phone, you will wrap it in tinfoil. Even when o , cell phones are continuously emitting EM signals, including location data; and both the microphone and the camera can be turned on even when the phone is turned o . It may not yet have occurred to you, but if you have an electronic version of this book, you will be unable to reference this process while you are going through it. To x that for you, I have created a printable PDF document of this process. You can download that le from my Google Drive. The is the download link.












Advance preparation: 1) I have added a shopping list of items you will need. You will nd it at the end of the explanation of the 10 day process. 2) Let people know what you are doing and where you are doing it. Explain to them that you do not wish to be disturbed and that you will be disconnected from ALL communication devices for ten whole days. 3) Get clear about your intentions in doing this process. Write them down. It may of be of interest to you to look at this after you have completed this process. 4) If you have any medical issues, talk to your doctor before embarking on this process. But, be forewarned most doctors know almost nothing about nutrition, and many doctors will advise against fasting because they are uneducated about it. If you are diabetic, pay more attention. I am not a medical practitioner. Get your medical advice elsewhere. 5) Relax. This is a relatively gentle process.

As noted in the shopping list below, you will have brought along a hard cover blank book to write in. You will use this for several things, which will be mentioned below in each of the steps. Additionally, you will be journaling your journey over these next ten days in this hard cover book or journal. Each end of day, before going to sleep, write down the following: 1) what you did. 2) your honest feelings about the day just completed, 3) any epiphanies you may have had, including the things you learned about yourself and the things you learned about the process itself, 4) the trepidations about the days ahead. 5) the changes you may have decided to make going forward. Step #1. Cleanse. This important rst step is to detoxify body, mind and spirit. It is impossible for you not to accumulate toxins. Toxicity leads to all kinds of illnesses. This is not just true physically. It is also true mentally and spiritually. Take it as a given that, no matter how healthy a lifestyle you may lead, you have a level of toxicity. The purpose of these ten days is to reduce that toxicity. This will provide you with more mental clarity, a higher spiritual vibration and improved physical well-being. This cleanse will also set you up for the rest of this ten day process. A) Let’s start with your physical cleanse. This will consist of a ve-day juice fast. That’s right. Your only food intake for the rst ve days will consist of drinking juices. On the 3rd day and the 4th day, you will be also drinking 4 to 6 cups of Senna tea throughout the day, say once every three or four hours. Senna is a mild laxative. It will assist in the detox. After the ve days of juice only, you will return to solid foods. In the meantime, ve full days, consuming only fruit juices. Cranberry juice is a good detoxer. So is lemonade or limeade. So is grapefruit juice. Preferably all unsweetened. If you must use a sweetener of some kind, use honey. Absolutely stay away from any arti cial sweeteners. Even stevia. And, in addition to your juices, drink at least two litres of natural spring water per day. After ve days, when you return to sold foods, limit this intake to fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds. Absolutely NO meat or cheese of any kind and NO soy products either. If you are feeling especially protein deprived, you may supplement with whole grain bread and all-natural peanut, or other nut, butter. Real peanut butter consist of peanuts and salt - no other ingredients. Same deal for other nut butters. Go lightly. Eat slowly, intentionally and with due attention. I should not need to say this, but - no co ee for these ve days and no alcohol for all ten days either. Even I can go ten days without a cold beer. :-) If you have never done a fast, this may sound di cult. It is not. Day two will be your toughest day. I have done many ten day fasts in my life. Once, I even did a 30 day juice fast. You will be surprised by how much lighter you will feel after these 5 days. I know you probably think that you eat because you are hungry and your body is demanding nutrition, but mostly you eat out of habit. Oh yes, it is that time of day again - time to eat. And please understand that much of the hunger you think you feel is programmed habitual behaviour. You body gets habituated to, say, having dinner at dinner time, so it creates the feeling of hunger, even when your body does not actually need any new nutrition at that time. Diabetics and those who su er from real, not imagined, hypoglycaemia, will have real blood sugar issues they need to pay attention to. Most of the rest of us do not. Besides which, you probably have a little fuel in the reserve tank - a little bit of extra body fat. Remember to diarize each day, to journal your journey in the hard cover blank book. Also, in your disposable notebook, you can daily write a list of the things you are willing to release or let go of hanging onto. B) Your mental cleanse. I have already set you up for this in the intro. Turn o all media. No movies on your iPad. No quick look at emails or social media. Preferably, you should be as far out of reach of society’s EM radiation as you can manage. You are bombarded all day every day by human created electromagnetic radiation. All of it is toxic to some degree. Even the electricity that leaks from the wiring in your house is mildly toxic. That is the reality of our modern world. This is a detox period. It lasts for all ten days of this process.














Ok. That is the easy part. Now the tough part of this mental cleanse.

I have repetitively mentioned the propagated narrative throughout these pages; and I have also spoken about the fact that you have about 60,000 thoughts per day, most which are subconscious. Even if you have been working for years at controlling that internal chatter, have been a serious meditator and repeated positive a rmations until the cows come home, there is still a lot of toxic shit going on in your mind. The overwhelming majority of that toxicity comes from that propagated narrative, either directly fed to you by the media you consume, or indirectly fed to you via social connection, conversations you have with people in your life. You know this… people talk shit all the time. They repeat what they have been told by the media they consume. They freely o er you their toxic opinions. The company you work for has a culture. Even if it is not overtly toxic according to the HR department, it has toxic elements within it. This toxicity bleeds into your mental activity. Your society, no matter how enlightened it may consider itself to be, is full of toxic ideas, toxic etiquette, toxic behavioural norms. These too, pour into your mind, as stealthily and invisibly as Radon gas seeps from your basement walls into your child’s bedroom. And, the collective unconscious of humanity is lled with toxicity. Bad vibes are everywhere. The whole fucking world needs to be smudged with sage. The bottom line is that your mind, whether or not you are prepared to admit it, contains toxic elements. And that is all without taking into consideration, the probable existence of the Wetiko infection in your mind, no matter how mild that infection may be. So, while you are doing your ve day juice fast, and in addition to your media and electronic device fast, you will be spending this time also paying very close attention to what you are thinking. Most especially, pay attention to the repetitive loops of thought patterns. What keeps coming around? You have a notepad (its on your shopping list). Write down these repetitive thoughts that keep coming around. Be brutally honest with yourself. Do not attempt to gloss this over by telling yourself that you have all these positive a rmations running in the background. There is a lot of crap and random noise in those 60,000 thoughts. Pay attention. Write that crap down. We will deal with it on day seven. Now listen up… your mind is going to resist this self-examination. It will be desperate for some form of distraction. No media? Maybe a book to read. Maybe it is time to count the number of grey hairs you have growing. Maybe it is time to look to see if there is any loose change in the furniture. Anything at all. EXCEPT paying close attention to what you are thinking. If you are going to read anything during this time, do not read ction. It is a distraction. I have added a list of books that will serve you during this time of cleanse and illumination. Pick one or two to take with you. Remember to diarize each day, to journal your journey. C) Your spiritual cleanse. It would be wonderful if a spiritual cleanse were as simple as being smudged by sage as is customary at the beginning of ceremonies. (The Mayans use Copal - the resin or sap of a tree called. Protium Copal.) You will have brought some sage with you to this ten-step process. You will begin each of these ten days by lighting some and mentally cleansing your spirit by waving the smoke around your body and breathing some in, while intentionally declaring that all spiritual impediments be removed from your soul and the surrounding energies of your immediate environment.. But there is more to this process than smudging one’s self and immediate environment. You will also need to go through the Radical Forgiveness process I mentioned earlier. To do this, you will need to do some soul searching in order to see what resentments, angers or su erings you are holding on to about the many ways you have been o ended by other people, by life itself, by your own mistakes and shortcomings, and by the trials and tribulations that Creator has bestowed upon you.









Yes, forgive Creator. Tough one, right? Well, I will tell you this,,, as tough as it was for me to get to the place where I could Radically Forgive Creator for fucking me over and understand that everything had, indeed, been a blessing, it was, and still remains, a tougher job for me to forgive myself for the many

ways I have transgressed. I have hurt everyone who has ever loved me. I have profoundly disrespected other souls. I have judged others to be less than me, unworthy of my compassion and understanding, even as I have a rmed that all true humans have the same core sacred essence. I have thoughtlessly caused harm to the world around me. It is really quite di cult to forgive myself. Nevertheless, I am full aware that only I can grant myself forgiveness. Write down all this shit in the pages of your disposable notepad. Do this for at least 20 minutes every day for your rst six days. You will deal with this list on Day Seven. You will also spend time each of your rst six days in deep self-examination in order to make note of the various ways in which Wetiko symptoms exhibit themselves in you. A list of these possible symptoms are: 1) the need to control other people, 2) the various ways you may seek to exert this control - to manipulate others to behave as you want them to behave, 3) the greed or lust you feel for the blessings that other people may have, which shows up as envy, or as judgement about their deservedness for having these things. 4) the various ways in which you will bend your personal moral code, or code of ethics, in order to obtain that which you desire, 5) any murderous feelings or the intense urge to punish others for not behaving as you’d want them to behave, 6) and the toughest one of all, the sense that somehow, you are better than normal human beings and consequently are in a position to judge, manipulate, hurt or take from others. Write all this stu down too in the pages of your disposable notebook. Again, you will deal with this on day seven. This is tough work. Dealing with one’s shadow aspect is not easy. You will resist this process. You may even deny the whole concept of the Wetiko virus being part of your personality. But let’s be clear - you may be worthy of sainthood, but you are still infected with the Wetiko parasite to some degree. And, allow me to remind you what psychologist Carl Jung had to say, "Everyone carries a shadow and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” And further, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Cleansing one’s self of the shadow and of the Wetiko infection is a tough, but necessary, part of the process of Wake up. Grow up. Clean up. So, tough work, but necessary work. All right, you have made it through your rst ve days. You have done the necessary tough stu of cleansing and detoxing body, mind and spirit. Let’s move on to Day Six and Step #2. These nal ve days of this ten-day process are your liberation from all that which has been holding you back from the best version of you. It is also all a lot easier than your rst ve days. Remember to diarize each day, to journal your journey. Step #2. Ground. Day six. After this cleanse, you will feel lighter, so light you may soar or oat away from the earthly plane, hence, your 2nd step is to get grounded. This grounding also leads directly into the day seven step of Ceremony. All right. Today is the day when you fully understand the term, breakfast. You can eat again. I suggest you do so lightly and eat only fruits and veggies, preferably raw. I hope that you are located in a warm climate or are going through this ten day process in spring, summer or autumn. It sucks to be barefoot outdoors in the winter in northern climes. Yes, for one suggested part of this grounding, you will be preferably barefoot and outdoors. There are several suggested exercises here. You should do all of them. After all, you have nothing else to do this whole day, except eat several times, but lightly; and perhaps, read from the suggested reading list and spend some time meditating on the intentions you wrote down before starting this ten day process. The purpose of these exercises is to ground one’s self by balancing the spiritual and physical energy in your body and harmonizing them with the energy of the earth herself - GAIA.















#1 The most obvious way to do this is by connecting yourself with the earth. You can best do this by sitting, standing or walking barefoot upon the earth, while mentally focused on connecting your personal energy with the earth’s energy. Sitting, visualize your spiritual energy owing down from the top of your

head, through your chakras and into the earth. Standing, visualize the earth’s energy owing up through the soles of your feet and then throughout your body. Walking, let each breath and each step be an a rmation that you and the earth are one. You breathe the earth’s breeze. Your body is made from the earth. The sea is almost identical in chemical composition to the water that makes up 70% of your body. You and earth are intimately connected. #2 Sit with your back against an old growth tree. Imagine you can feel the trees roots extending into the earth. Imagine that those roots are connecting you to the energy of the earth. Ask the tree for the fullness of this connection in order to enliven you. Ask the tree to pull all energy blockages from you and spread them into the earth below. Know that you are interchanging molecules with the tree as you sit there. The tree breathes in the carbon dioxide you breathe out. You breathe in the oxygen the tree breathes out. #3 Immerse yourself in ocean or lake. Lacking the ability to do this, sit in a warm epsom salt infused bath, or at the very least, place your hand into a container of water. Imagine the crystalline mineral salts in your body vibrating harmoniously with the mineral salts in the ocean. Know that the blood that courses through your body is likewise vibrationally attuned to the waters of the earth in streams, rivers, cascading waterfalls and the seven seas. #4 Go for a walk. Do some portion of this walk - barefoot. While walking, collect nine palm-sized stones say about ve or six inches in diameter. Take along a bag strong enough to carry these stones in. You will be using these stones for your ceremony in Step #3 tomorrow on Day Seven. Know that each rock you collect is a gift from Mother Earth to assist you in this ceremony. Say thanks. Know also that each rock is not just a solid thing. Like you, it is also energy. It has a vibrational frequency. Imagine you can sense that vibrational frequency and use that intuitive knowing to help you select the appropriate rocks for your ceremony. If you brought along some of your favourite crystals, they too can be used in this ceremony. While you are on your walk, nd a place to conduct tomorrow’s ceremony. This should be a private open area of at least eighteen feet by eighteen feet. If you wish, you may leave your nine stones here so that you do not need to carry them back tomorrow. Ok. After having done these four things, you should feel properly grounded. When you are grounded, you feel like you are fully here in this present moment, in the physical, in the present. Alive in the fullest sense of the word. Being grounded gives your energy a point of steadiness, and you will feel whole, clear, centered, strong, powerful and focused. You will need to remember that feeling for tomorrow’s ceremony. Ok, a nice calm easy, grounding day. Tomorrow is ceremony. How exciting. A little shamanism for you to practice. Remember to diarize each day, to journal your journey. Step #3. Ceremony. Day seven. In my book, The Quest, which is Book Three of The Del n Trilogy, there are four parts to the book; each part beginning with a ceremony. The rst of those ceremonies was Earth. The second was Water. The third was Fire. The fourth was Air. Each of those ceremonies was designed to prepare the reader, mentally and spiritually, for the written material in each following part. Even though this ceremony contains those same four elements, Earth, Water, Fire and Air, it is di erent in intent, function and purpose. Its intent is to liberate you from everything that may be holding you back from full self-actualization and from the experience of Samadhi - Satori. Its function is to release you from the hold that Samsara has over your perspective of reality - by grounding you in the divine sense of self. Its purpose is to empower you to go forward from today onward, being wholly present in the physical here and now of Samsara, while simultaneously permitting you to experience the wisdom and joy of Samadhi.








Please note that this ceremony is a shamanic process. It is extremely powerful and deserves your full respect. Like all shamanic processes, it has the power to be harmful - if not given full respect and if it is not conducted as described. In other words, it needs to be treated as being sacred. It can evoke a lot of spiritual energy and if that spiritual energy is mistreated or disrespected, it can be detrimental. If however,

you have good intentions and act in a sacred way while conducting this ceremony, it can elevate you in spiritual ways that you may never have experienced before. So, be prepared for sacred magic to happen. Let’s prepare. Gather your nine stones collected yesterday. Plus: your metal stake, small stick and piece of string; your compass; your sage, cornmeal and tobacco; your matches or lighter and re starter; your disposable notebook into which you have written down the things previously described. And bring your hard cover book - your journal. Wear only natural bres - cotton, hemp or linen. No synthetics. For one thing, they are ammable. For another, they will interfere with the energies you will be generating. Bring water and juice. This ceremony will take several hours. Ok. Now, before setting out to the place you selected yesterday to perform this ceremony, in addition to gathering the things you need to conduct this ceremony, it is time to also gather yourself. Take the time to sit in meditation for about twenty minutes, remembering the feeling from yesterday of being grounded. This is also the time to focus on what you intend to accomplish with this ceremony. When you arrive at your ceremonial ground, one of the rst things you will be doing is to state your intention, so you will want to be prepared to do so. May I suggest that you include in your intentionality, the desire to be sacred, to invoke the sacred, to be enveloped within the sacred and to be protected by the sacred. Having done that, add whatever else calls to you. Ask spirit to help with suggestions. Ok. O we go. As you walk to your ceremonial space, rea rm your intention and let every step remind you of the sense of being grounded. Now you have arrived. Place your items near the centre of this space and walk its circumference getting a feel for the energy of this space. Pick a spot that seems like a good spot. Take your tobacco to this spot. In traditional Native American cultures, tobacco is used both as a way to ask permission and to express, in advance, gratitude for the blessings you expect to receive. And this is exactly how you will use it here, several times. In this spot that you have intuitively picked, speak out loud your intention in conducting this ceremony. Speak it three times. Then, sprinkle some of this tobacco and humbly ask for permission to conduct this ceremony here in this spot. Wait until you feel that you have received that permission. You may need to do this again. The land may need some time to wake up to your presence and intentionality. Once you have received permission, sprinkle more tobacco and express your gratitude for receiving the blessings you would like to receive. Then, sprinkle some more tobacco to express your gratitude for the blessings you are about to receive that you had not imagined in advance. Leave yourself open to receive more than you ask for. Reserve about half your tobacco for later. Now, return to the centre of this area where you have left your other things. Center yourself, sprinkle a little more tobacco and ask permission of Mother Earth to create a sacred circle in this spot and to evoke the energies of this spot to aid you in the realization of your intention. Pick a spot and, with love in your heart, hammer your stake into the ground. Move your things about six feet away from this stake. Now tie one end of your string to this stake and the other end to the small stick. Circumscribe a circle, leaving a line in the earth. It will end up having a diameter of eight feet. Take some of your cornmeal and drizzle it all around the circumference of this circle you have just drawn on the earth. While you do this sprinkling of cornmeal, declare your intention that this circle shall be your sacred ceremonial circle - created together with Mother Earth; and that you will be protected in the area of this circle. Grab a little bit more tobacco, step carefully and intentionally into this circle (remember that you are creating a portal to another dimension - to the sacred), untie your string from the stake, leaving it attached to the stick you used to draw your circle. Return this stick and string to your pile of items outside the circle.







Now, take one of your nine stones that will represent you and place it beside the stake, also leaving some cornmeal on and around this stone to denote the sacredness of the act of declaring yourself to be at the centre of this sacred circle. You may also place one or more of your crystals here. Stand in this centre spot and breathe slowly for several minutes with eyes closed until you feel fully cantered and grounded in this spot.

Ok. Grab your compass, return to the centre stone and determine which way is north. Take one of your remaining eight stones and place it on your cornmeal circle at the northern point. This spot will represent several things as per my own Native ancestry. It represents Air/wind. It also represents elders and death. In this case, the death of your old self, as well as the connection to the ancestors who came before you, human and non-human (like the stars who died to give you life). Next, grab one of your remaining seven stones and place it at the western point of your cornmeal circle. This spot represents Earth and adulthood. Next, grab one of your remaining six stones and place it at the southern point of your cornmeal circle. This spot represents Water and youth. Next, grab one of your remaining ve stones and place it at the eastern point of your cornmeal circle. This represents Fire and birth. From this point onwards you will only enter your cornmeal circle, which has now become your Sacred Circle, from this eastern “birth” direction. Sunrise. Rebirth. This represents your new reborn self that will emerge from the completion of this ceremony. You will leave this sacred circle four times during this ceremony, once each from each of the four cardinal directions, but you will only ever re-enter from the east. Having so far, placed your four cardinal direction stones of North, West, South and East, in a counterclockwise manner; you will now place the remaining four stones, starting at the mid-point of north and east, or in the northeast point of your sacred circle, then on the southeast point of your sacred circle and then on the southwest point of your sacred circle and your nal stone on the northwest point of your sacred circle. This was done clockwise. We will see why this was done later on in this ceremony. Ok. As noted above, North represents Air, North also represents your mind. West represents Earth and your heart. South represents Water and your body. East represents Fire and your spirit. Your mind is the wind or air. Your heart is the earth. The body is water. Your spirit is re. Before we continue with this ceremony, let’s talk about the multi-dimensionality of it. On the surface, it appears to be a two-dimensional object - a circle on a at plane. But in reality it extends energetically up and down. The stake you placed at the centre points both up and down. Up into the space above and down into the earth below. Six directions - down, up, north, west, south, east. So your Sacred Circle is three-dimensional. It also extends energetically through time, moment by moment, as you conduct this ceremony, as well as from the past dust of your ancestors, and far into the conceptualizing of your future. So it is four-dimensional - 3D space plus time. It also extends energetically into spiritual realms. So it is ve-dimensional. And, it extends into all seven aspects of self, so it is multidimensional. See Appendix #1 about Conscious Acts of Creation. Bear all this in mind as you go through this ceremonial process. You have only just gotten started by creating this sacred circle. We will continue shortly, but rst more about the dimensionality of this sacred circle you have just created. First, and most importantly, you have just created a portal. It is completely physical, created with dirt, rocks, cornmeal, tobacco. But it opens to the metaphysical. In creating this sacred multi-dimensional circle, you have created a portal to the metaphysical. If you, in your imagination, look at it from the perspective of spirit, you will see, not a still, static circle on the ground, but a moving entity. It moves through time, moment by moment. It also extends back in time to the very rst sacred circle created by humans, your ancestors; and it extends forward in time to all future sacred circles that will be created by future humans, your descendants.









You will also see that it moves energetically and, as you continue to conduct this ceremony, you will establish a ow of this energy, connecting you to Earth, to Sol, to Cosmos and to Creator. This energy

It ows through the Phi spirals inherent in organic life and in each spiral galaxy. It ows, as a melody through Pythagoras’s Harmony of Spheres and the song of the Universe intoned by choirs of angels. According to Wikipedia, “the Musica Universalis, also called music of the spheres or harmony of the spheres, is a philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies – the Sun, Moon, and planets – as a form of music.” This is not just a ‘philosophical concept’ - it is a reality. Universe makes its own music. Your Sacred Circle’s energy ows, like the sound created by one instrument in an orchestra, through the Song of Universe. Alright, let’s return to actually conducting your ceremony, only now - bearing all this is in mind. If you are not already outside your Sacred Circle, step outside, stand in front of your East rock and, once again, speak, out loud, your intention in conducting this ceremony. Light your sage smudge. First smudge yourself to cleanse yourself of any negative or limiting energies. Having done that, walk slowly counterclockwise around the outside of your circle, North, West, South and back to East, mentally cleansing this space of any negative or limiting energies. Having returned to your East rock, enter your Sacred Circle, bearing in mind that you are entering a portal to the spiritual aspect of self. Now, continue your smudging by walking clockwise around the inside of your Sacred Circle, South, West, North and back to East, setting your intention to create this sacred space as both safe and empowering. If you feel or think that any of this is tedious, you should not be conducting this ceremony. Stay focused on your intent and on the fact that you are acting with and from your sacred core essence. Go now to the centre of your Sacred Circle, to the stone that represents You. Close your eyes and breathe, consciously breathing in the energy of this space, breathing in your sacred core essence, breathing in your connection to Earth below and Sky above. Now, face North. This North stone represents death, the death of the old you. Breathe and state out loud your intention to allow the death of the ego self, the old you, the death of any vestiges of the Wetiko parasite in you, the death of any angers, resentments and bitterness you have felt about the many ways you have been o ended by others, by life itself, by your own limitations or sins, and by the Source of the all that is all, to gently dissipate into the air that this stone represents. Now face East. This East stone represents birth, the birth of the new You. Breathe and state out loud your intention to be born into the knowing of self as Universe, born into a world of in nite possibility, born into the highest aspect of self, born into light and love. Born into the re of full awareness that this stone represents. Now face South. The South stone represents youth, vitality. Breathe and state out loud your intention to direct your youthful energy to awakening to your place in the world, awakening to the need to grow up into a full spiritual adult, awakening to the recognition that the waters of your body and the blood that ows throughout your body contain crystalline mineral salts that vibrate, that have a frequency. Awake to the idea that you are a child of the Universe and that the way you go about living your life, being in the world, determines the frequencies of these crystals in your blood and body’s water. Awake to the idea that when these crystals are harmonized with the Song of Universe, you are indeed powerful. Breathe and claim that power. Now face West. This stone represents adulthood. Breathe and state your intention now to grow up from being a child of the Universe to becoming an adult of the Universe, alive to your ability to act, in concert with Universe, to create an ecstatic, abundant and glorious future for self, for others, for Universe itself. Fully wake and aware of past (your Genesis), present (your Emergence) and future (your Transcendence).








Now face Down. Gaze at the ground beneath your feet. Down is one of the six directions. It represents your physical self. It represents Samsara. Breathe and state your intention to be fully alive and fully present in your physicality and in Samsara. Now face Up. Gaze at the sky above your head. Up is one of




ow is truly multi-dimensional. It also ows through all seven aspects of your beingness, physical, etheric, emotional, mental, astral, spiritual and causal. It also ows from that theoretical big bang moment through to the Omega point of De Chardin I wrote about earlier.

the six directions. It represents your metaphysical self. It represents Samadhi. Breathe and state your intention to transcend the physical, incorporate the metaphysical and experience Samadhi. Now, as you stand there, close your eyes, be still, breathe, envision the ow of energy from down below your feet owing up through you, up through your spine, through your Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras to your Heart chakra. Breathe, envision the ow of energy from sky up above your head owing down through you, down through your Crown, Pineal (Third Eye) and Throat chakras to your Heart chakra. Now envisage these two ows of energies combining and owing out through your Heart chakra and through the physical, ethereal, emotional, mental, astral, spiritual and causal aspects of self into Universe itself. Breathe this owing energy out through your heart into Universe. Breathe out love. Breathe out light. Simply stand, be still and breathe. Stay in this space of stillness, breathing energy, breathing love and light until you feel complete in this process. When you sense the completeness, exit your Sacred Circle from the North, declaring that your old self has died to this world. Then enter from the East, declaring that the new you is born to this world. Return to the centre. Pause and breathe. Then exit your Sacred Circle from the South, declaring that you are a fully awake and aware child of Universe. Then, enter again from the East declaring that the new you is fully alive and present in this world. Return to the centre. Pause and breathe. Then, exit from the West, declaring that you have grown into a powerful and causal adult of Universe. Then, enter again from the East, declaring that the new you is prepared to act consciously and intentionally in harmony with Universe. Return to the centre. Be still. Breathe. Know that what you have just done is to fully activate and incorporate the energy ow of the two counterrotating energies of the two tetrahedrons that comprise the Merkaba - your multi-dimensional energetic self. You began energizing your Sacred Circle by walking counter-clockwise around the outside. You then continued energizing your Sacred Circle by walking clockwise around the inside. Right from the very beginning of your ceremony, when you established the centre of the circle by placing the stake until this moment when you stand in this centre, you have been activating and incorporating your metaphysical self (your Merkaba) into your physical self, creating a ow of energy across multiple dimensions. You have been on a shamanic journey into the fullness of self. Feel now, the full recognition and responsibility of what you have done. Allright. Now the next part… exit your Sacred Circle through the East and take a break. Sit. Take stock. Look around you. What do you see? What can you perceive? How do you feel? What are you thinking? What’s going on inside you and in the world around you? Drink some juice or water. Rest for a spell. Let it all settle in. Then journal what has happened to you and happened for you; journal your state of mind; journal how you are feeling, journal what you are perceiving in your world. Take your time. Rest. Think. Feel. Journal it all. Drink more water or juice. Ok. Now for some fun. Gather your hammer and the piece of wood with the string attached. Enter your circle again from the East. Go to the centre, say a short prayer of gratitude. Remove the stake. Go to the North stone. Drive the stake into the ground, attach the string and with your stick, draw a new circle on the ground.. Remove the stake. Go to West stone, Place your stake. Draw another circle. Remove stake. Go to South stone. Place stake. Draw another circle. Remove stake. Go to East stone. Place stake. Draw another circle. Stop to admire your handiwork. You now have ve circles, each one touching the original Sacred Circle center on its’ circumference.











Now repeat this process again, four more times, using the northwest, southwest, southeast and northeast stones as centres of each of these four new circles. You now have nine interlocking circles, all of which

have the original center on its circumference, with each of these nine circles having its’ center on one of the original stones you used to de ne your Sacred Circle.

The diagrams below are what you have created.

Five Interlocking Circles


Nine Interlocking Circles

Ok. Look at it for awhile. How many ways does it morph for you? Now, imagine that each one of those circles is actually a globe, you know - like Planet Earth or your nearest star, maybe a tennis ball. Each one spinning, with the four original ones representing the Cardinal points of North, West, South and East, rotating counter-clockwise around the center and the other four rotating clockwise around the center. This is the energetic space you created. It represents your Crown chakra which is all about spiritual connection and transformation. It connects you to the divine and gives you a sense of your own divinity, the awareness that you are a soul in a human body. It is where Samsara and Samadhi are, indeed, one and the same. There, I just blew your mind. Well, actually you just opened your mind to Universal mind. It is time for the next phase of this ceremony - the closing. Go for a walk around the space where you chose to create your Sacred Circle. Collect some dry kindling and wood. You are about to light a re. Once you have collected this wood to burn, go to your circle and deconstruct it, by rst removing the centre stone, then the remaining eight. Do it slowly and with intention. Be fully present. This is not a random task to be done quickly and without much thought. You will use these stones to build a small circle immediately outside the original East point of your Sacred Circle, which you will remember, represents re. While you are deconstructing your circle, mentally express your gratitude for the blessings you received from this Sacred Circle. Feel the gratitude as deeply as you can. Go slowly and intentionally, both in the deconstruction of your circle and in the construction of the new smaller circle you are building to contain your re. Ok. Having built your new re circle out of those nine stones, built and then started your re, stop and think about this re. The wood you are burning is actually stored sunlight. Yes, plants have the amazing ability, called photosynthesis, which enables them to turn sunlight into matter - its body. Photosynthesis is de ned as the process where electromagnetic radiation (sunlight) is converted into chemical energy and the plant then uses this energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates, (tree trunks, branches, twigs) and oxygen for you to breathe. When you burn wood, you are releasing this original electromagnetic energy back into its original form of light and heat. You will now be burning the pages from your disposable notebook - paper, made from trees, more stored sunlight. You will be turning one form of light (matter) into another form of light (EM radiation). Ok. rst, you will tear out those pages on which you wrote down all those things which have hurt you and for which you may have felt anger, resentment, indignation or bitterness. It is time to complete your Radical Forgiveness process. As you burn each of these pages, you will declare yourself free from all of this, PLUS you will declare that, no matter how cleverly disguised it may have been, each one of these things, that you originally judged as being hurtful, pain inducing acts, are now understood by your higher self to be gifts that have contributed to your higher self; and, were necessary to you - being here now at this moment of transcendence. Take your time. Go slowly. Be intentional. Allow the re to cleanse and renew your spirit.













Next, you will burn the pages that describe any Wetiko symptoms you were able to identify in self. Again, you are burning away, cleansing yourself of this parasitic virus called Wetiko. Take your time. A rm your liberation. You will be transmuting dark into light. A form of alchemy. Alchemy of the soul. Each symptom will be transformed by the re into a deepening resolve within you to always act to the highest good.



Ok. You may think we have just had some random fun creating a ower in the dirt. Let us call it a lotus ower. But, stop for a minute to gaze at this image on the previous page. It is what you have drawn on the surface of the earth. It may not be as clear as the image shown here, but it is the same. And it is energetic.

Now, take the pages on which you may have written other things you wish to be released from having, and take some blank pages, declare them to represent any limitations you may have that may be holding you back from the highest expression of self out into the world, and burn them as well. Next, toss what remains of your sage smudge into the re to signify that this cleanse is complete. And, nally, toss some tobacco into the re. Ask permission to leave this area and to disperse the energies you have created with your ceremony - so that any others who come upon this space will not be a ected by any of these energies. Again, sit in stillness for a while, drink more juice or water, then journal what is going on within you and around you. Pay attention. Write it down in your journal. Now, put your re out. Treat it as the closing of your ceremony. Declare this ceremony to be complete; but know that the e ects will stay with you forever. A new you has emerged. Gather all your things. Make sure your re is completely extinguished. Spread the remainder of your cornmeal randomly in the area and say thank you to Universe for this transformational moment in time, say thank you to Mother Earth for providing this space to you and for you, say thank you to your higher self, your spirit for guiding you through this process. This has been a big day. Tomorrow is a new day. You will be creating your very own Declaration of Independence. You will be asserting your sovereignty. Maybe read a bit before sleeping. May I suggest you read from Embers by Richard Wagamese. The physical embers of your re are now extinguished; but the metaphysical embers still glow brightly. Step #4. Declaration. Day eight. Good morning. This is a journaling day, a day of re ection, a day of integration, a day for naps and walks. It is also the day when Step #7 begins for you. A day when you begin to design your future engagement with the world and with other people. These are some of the things you will want to write in your journal: 1) Revisit your previously written intention for this ten day process. Journal how this has impacted you as you have journeyed through these past seven days. Now, it is time to write a new Statement of Intent for how you will go forward into your future, having completed your Cleanse and Ceremony. 2) Create a Statement of Commitment. This is di erent from your Statement of Intent. It is also not about commitment to other people. It is your commitment to yourself. It may be about old habits you have decided to let go of and new habits you are going to adopt. It may be about things you intend on doing related to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health, your relationships, your work, education, travel, activism, re-creation or contribution to the world. It is up to you to choose what commitments you are prepared to take on. This is not a suggestion to be overly idealistic. I want you to be practical. Commit to those things that you feel con dent you can accomplish. Being too idealistic is setting yourself up for possible failure. 3) Create a Declaration of Independence that de nes your own sense of personal sovereignty. I o er, for your consideration, one that I did for myself a little more than 8 years ago. This is not o ered as a suggestion for what you should write for and about yourself. It is o ered for 2 reasons: the rst of which is to show you that I am not asking you to do anything that I have not previously done and found to be of value; the second is to inspire you to express succinct clarity in what you write for yourself. My Declaration of Independence - Posted on April 4, 2014 by Leslie Fieger Ok. You now have 3 documents, Intention, Commitment. Sovereignty. These, together, can serve as the guiding principles you will use to purposefully travel towards your full self-actualization. There are two more things I ask you to journal today. Gratitude and Engagement. (See below)



















You may, of course, journal anything else you are inspired to do. This is your day of re ection and integration. And, as I mentioned, naps and walks will help enormously. Stretch your legs as well as your mind. Go for a walk. Give your subconscious time to integrate all this new stu . Take a nap.

4) Gratitude exercise. Create a list of things you have to be grateful for having in your life. This list will consist of a minimum of 100 things, conditions, circumstances and people. I will help you get started… I feel a profound sense of gratitude for: - This precious breath I take right now in this present moment. - These eyes that enable me to behold the beauty I exist within. -? 5) Engagement. Ok. When you have completed this ten day process, you will go back out into the world and begin to re-engage with your world, with people, with your work and with Universe. Begin today to journal how you intend to do that. On Day ten, there are only 2 things I will ask you to do. Creating a plan of engagement will be one of the two. You know that, most the time, as we all go through life, we are in a reactive mode. Some people live their entire lives simply reacting to how life unfolds around them. By creating a Plan of Engagement, you will be choosing to be proactive, and choosing to be responsive rather than reactive. It may seem trite or cliché-ish. You will have heard it before, but it bears repeating, Benjamin Franklin’s succinct quip, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Your Plan of Engagement is your assertion to Universe that you plan on creating success. By day ten, you should be ready to write down a de nitive plan. Step #5 Stillness. Day nine. Today is a day to do nothing except to work on achieving stillness. Spend much of the day meditating. I suggest you sit comfortably, with eyes closed, breathing slowly and deeply, allowing any muscular tension to dissipate, perhaps actually instructing the various parts of your body to relax, from the tip of your toes to the top of your head and everything in between (except perhaps - your bladder or bowels. - Just kidding. I thought you may be taking yourself too seriously and needed a smile). Once you have achieved a state of physical relaxation, begin chanting - Om. Mani. Padme. Hum. You will still be disconnected from the Internet and from all your devices. However, you can prepare for this chanting, by downloading this MP3 audio track and listening to it several times in the days ahead of this ten day process. In between the several times you will meditate today, you will bene t from reviewing your gratitude list, reading out loud from it. The ONLY other things you should do today is drink plenty of water, eat lightly, walk a little, short slow walks of less than 15 minutes; and have a couple of naps. (Naps will come naturally - most folks tend to fall asleep while meditating.) :-) Tomorrow is the nal day of this ten day process. You have come so far in these past nine days. Farther than you think. Step #6. Walking. Day ten. Begin this day, after having your breakfast, with a short, 20 minute sitting meditation. Focus on opening your heart to Agape, to the in nite love of Creator. Focus also on opening your mind to Universe, allowing this message in this Book of You to permeate you. Open your mind to the idea that from this day hence, you will be able to hear the messages that Universe is constantly sending to you. The way in which I do this is, when I walk the beach here in the land of the Maya, I engage in conversation with the sun, my old friend, Sol. I consider him to be a messenger, an envoy from Universe, who is constantly radiating, broadcasting messages to all who care to listen. Some people think I am crazy when I tell them that I have conversations with the sun. I think they are crazy to not have these conversations. They are a blessing. Mind you, I also talk to Mother Earth, to trees and to tourists at the beach bar. Trees are actually pretty good conversationalists. They listen really well. They have great things to say. My Cree ancestors call them ‘standing people’.





Anyway, your major task today is to do a walking meditation during which you will practice Pranayama. You will do this twice - once in the morning and once again, after you have had lunch. Each walk should

be about two hours in duration. Go slowly. This is not a cardio exercise. It is an exercise of your soul. It is spiritual exercise. As you walk, you will rst place your attention on each step you take, feeling your connection to the earth - grounding yourself. After about 15 minutes of this intentional taking of steps upon the earth, begin to pay attention to your breath, breathing consciously and slowly, noticing the ow of each in-breath and each out-breath. Now, bring your attention to the fact that in breathing air - in and out, you are interacting with Mother Earth. You are breathing her atmosphere. You are co-mingling your breath with hers. The wind is her breath. Now, after about 15 minutes of simply breathing air, bring your attention to the fact, that in breathing, you are also breathing in light - photons emitted by the sun and the other stars of your galaxy, your entire cosmos, perhaps ancient starlight from stars who have already died, breathing the dust of your ancestors. And, you are breathing out the bio-photons your body produces with its chemical processes. Your breath, the light of you, is interacting with the light of Universe. Photons are information. You are having a two-way exchange of information with Cosmos. Now, after about 15 minutes of simply breathing air and light, bring your attention to the fact that you are breathing Prana, vitality, the energy of life. Prana is not just life force energy, It is the manifest energy of the entire universe. This original creative power is constantly owing around us, through us and inside us as well as outside of us. Now, after about 15 minutes of simply breathing air, light and prana, bring your attention to the fact that you are also breathing consciousness. This is unavoidable. Universe is a manifestation of Universal Consciousness and Universal Consciousness is subsumed within and is omnipresent in Universe, so you are constantly breathing, air, light, life-force energy = consciousness made manifest. In breathing in this Universal Consciousness and breathing out your own awareness of being a conscious entity, you are interacting with Prime Creator. Now, after about 15 minutes of simply breathing in air, light, prana and consciousness, bring your attention to the fact that you are also breathing in Agape - the in nite love of Creator. Chose now to also breathe out your love and your adoration of the All-That-IS-All. Ok. Must be time for lunch now. As you eat, you may ponder the idea that breathing is, in addition to being respiration, is also inspiration. The word inspire means to ‘breathe in the divine’. The etymology of the word breath is the Latin word ‘spiritus”. Let this inspire you as you repeat this exercise one more time after your lunch. Yes, another 90 to 120 minute walk awaits you after you enjoy your lunch. Simply repeat the steps above. Breathe. Be inspired by air, light, prana, consciousness and the in nite love of the Great Spirit. After this second walk, you may choose to have another nap, maybe read for a bit. If you do read, may I suggest, Breath Prayer: An Ancient Practice for the Everyday Sacred by Christine Valters Paintner Now, before you end your day it is time to get back to Step #7. Engage. It is time to re ect on the things you have been journaling these past couple of days and write down, in this same journal, your Plan of Engagement. This is not just a written plan for your return to connection to society, it is also a plan for how you will begin to consciously connect to your Soul Tribe. If you feel the need, it may also be the time to look for and engage with a teacher. Maybe a life coach, although they are a dime a dozen these days, most of whom will not have read this Book of You, and consequently will not be as far advanced down the path toward full self-actualization as you are now. What I am saying is, if you feel the need for a teacher, in addition to connecting with your fellow travellers - your soul tribe, then… avoid the self-professed gurus and those self-proclaimed coaches who do not have at least the depth of education and experience you now have.







That is it. You have now completed your seven-step, ten-day quick-start self-actualization process.

Tomorrow, it is time to return home if you have been away. Travel safely. Pay extra attention if you are driving a vehicle. You are probably ‘buzzed’. If you stayed home, it is time to plug in all your devices that connect to the world and time to let people know you are home from your journey safe and sound. Shopping list You will need to do this in advance. If you are remote, shopping is not an option. If you stay home, you may use the need to go shopping as an excuse to distract you from your process. > Lots of juice. 10 to 20 litres. Enough for ve to ten days. Mineral water. About 20 liters. Senna tea. Enough for twenty cups of tea. > A new blank book to write in. I like the spiral bound kind with a hard cover, but the choice is yours. Plus a notepad of some kind. Half a dozen variously coloured pens. You will be keeping the book for future reference and use. The notepad is for temporary use. Be sure it has plenty of pages. You will not be retaining it. > Sage bundle or other smudging material. In the unlikely event that you are unable to obtain smudging material, buy some incense. If you are a crystal collector, take along ve of your favourites. A cotton or hemp cloth to sit upon. If you do go to a remote cabin in the woods, take a hat. > Buy some tobacco and half a kilo or one pound of corn meal. Bring a metal stake, a small straight stick, a small hammer and a four foot, four inch piece of string and a compass. Bring a lighter, some re starter material. > A small backpack to carry things in. Reading list This list of books is listed in order of priority, according to what I think will be of best use to you during this time. Reading any of these is not a required part of this process, but I strongly suggest you do so. And again, do not succumb to the temptation to read any ction during this ten day period - it is a distraction. #1. Embers by Richard Wagamese #2. Breath Prayer: An Ancient Practice for the Everyday Sacred by Christine Valters Paintner #3. Awakening to The Tao by Lui l-ming #4. The Seat of The Soul by Gary Zukav #5. The Book of You by Leslie Fieger





You have just conducted your Graduation Ceremony. Like the student custom, you can now toss your hat into the air, perhaps toss down a cold beer or a glass of champagne, and after your celebration, get ready to go out into the world and demonstrate your mastery.

Chapter Eighteen - C Personal Mastery “When one comes into and lives continually in the full, conscious realization of oneness with in nite life and power, then all else follows. This it is that brings the realization of such splendors and beauties and joys as a life that is thus related with the in nite power can know. This it is to come into the realization of heaven's richest treasures while walking the earth. This it is to exchange weakness and impotence for strength; sorrows and sighings for joy; fears and forebodings for faith; longings for realizations. This it is to come into a fullness of peace, power and plenty. This it is to be in tune with the in nite.” ~ Ralph Waldo Trine Ok. Now that you have completed your graduation ceremony and the ‘new you’ has emerged, cleansed and ready to embrace the fullness of self, it is time for you to take a metaphorical journey to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. You will be going during the time of Alexander The Great, when the Temple was not a historical ruin, but was, instead, the spiritual centre of ancient Greece. Like many before you, including Alexander himself, Alexander’s teacher, Aristotle, the great polymath, Pythagoras, the legendary King Croesus of Lydia, and another great polymath, the Chief Librarian of the Library of Alexandria, Eratosthenes. You will be amongst esteemed previous visitors. As an aside, all you at-earthers should try convincing Eratosthenes of your delusion. He was the rst to calculate the earth’s circumference and the tilt of the earth’s axis - that it rotates around. Delphi was, for more than one thousand years, the place where pilgrims, kings and common folk alike, went in search for the answers to the deeper meanings of life. Now, at long last, after many years, it is your turn to join those remarkable individuals mentioned above, those bright shining lights of human history, in having a private visit with the Oracle. It is the seventh day of the month, the only day when one can speak with the Oracle. Your appointed day has come. You have journeyed up the winding mountain paths to this sanctuary situated within the Parnassian mountains. Like so many individuals before you, from near and far, across centuries of time, you arrive as dawn breaks. Sunlight re ects o the temple’s marble frontage. It is an entrancing view. It is awe inspiring. As you enter, planning to walk the sacred path to the Temple of Apollo, you see inscribed above the entry portico, the inscription, Know Thyself. You stop and ponder Pythagoras’s statement, “Know Thyself, and thou shalt know all the mysteries of Universe and the gods.”








Entering, you are provided a guide - a young woman, who will lead you to your personal visit with the Oracle, Pythos. As you walk to the Temple of Apollo, she tells you a brief history… When Apollo had originally arrived here, riding on the back of a dolphin, he encountered this mythical dragon, Pythos. They had a rather tempestuous discussion (some say battle). Apollo won the battle, and prevailed upon Pythos to provide oracular services to all future visitors. He then named the spot Delphi, after his friend the dolphin.

Like all visitors, you are permitted only one question per visit. You have thought long and hard about what question to ask the Oracle. In an attempt to be clever, you have decided to ask two questions disguised as one. So when your guide leads you to the well, an entrance to the underworld where Pythos resides, you ask, “How can I best achieve personal mastery in order to become fully self-realized?” Before we hear the answer that Pythos provides to you, it is time for a commercial break… If you would like to know about Pythos’ adventures after he departed Delphi, read my book, Alexandra’s DragonFire. The Oracle, Pythos, was famous for the curtness of his responses, which were also, quite often, almost impossible to decipher. He was a grumpy dragon, probably still pouting after having to submit to Apollo. And also, because of his often indecipherable utterings, he seemed to be, quite often, stoned on something. The young women who served as priestess-guides served to interpret his responses. In answering your question, Pythos is kind enough to be clear, but succinct, apparently having one of his better days. This is what he says to you, “Mastery is the continual striving for the supreme ability to live divinely in the present moment.” And then he is silent. Your guide leads you out of the Temple. You ask her for an elaboration. She sighs, tells you to sit and asks, “What o ering to the Temple are you prepared to give?” I do not know how you answered that question, but it must have been a su cient o ering, because this is what she says to you… “You are asking your question from your mind. I will provide your mind with an answer; but until you learn to ask from your heart, you will be unable to grasp the fullness of what it means to Know Thyself. “Mastery of self is obtained through the knowledge and control of the multi-dimensional aspects of self, which permits a focused awareness in the now. “The quest for personal mastery is therefore enabled by the wisdom to apply the knowledge of one's true self to the everyday events and circumstances of one's life, in every moment. It is the way of walking through life in order to be of service. “The secret power of the master lies in the application of the esoteric knowledge of self to the mundane, every day way you walk your path. Just as the divine is visible in its manifestations, so too, must you demonstrate your personal mastery by your way of being in the world, by the things you enact, your manifestations. “Mastery is achieved by knowledge of the principles of creation utilized by the universal; and by the full knowledge of the various aspects of self; and then, through making the intentional application of that knowledge to daily life. Mastery originates in the causal, not in the physical or temporal world. The temporal is a re ection of the ideals formed in the causal, and transduced through the spiritual, astral, mental, emotional and etheric aspects of 'self' into the physical or temporal.






“Concentrating on the things of the temporal, 'the world without' - the physical - in order to achieve mastery, is getting lost in the e ects. The causal, ‘the world within’ - the metaphysical - is the source. Your causal self is your link to the divine. Once you have an experience of the transcendent, you will become aware of your unity with the divine source of all that is and you can then move toward mastery of self at the causal level.”

She stops talking. You sit there, waiting and wondering if she will have more to say. It seems to you that her elaboration is not much easier to understand than Pythos’ one sentence answer to your question. After a spell, you realize she will not elaborate, so you ask, “Please, can you explain that more? I still do not understand.” Once again, that sigh. Then, “You are so mindful. What does your heart long to hear?” You sit with that for a while, and then, suddenly, your heart bursts open, tears run down your face and you blurt out, “I am lost and can’t nd my way home to my true self.” Your personal priestess smiles so radiantly and says, “Ah yes. So now we have you fully present. Let’s ride that emotional current. First, be assured that you are already home. You are not lost. What did Pythos say to you? This time, if you so desire, I will provide your heart with the answer it longs to hear.” You take a deep breath and recall what the Oracle had to say, “Mastery is the continual striving for the supreme ability to live divinely in the present moment.” She responds, “Exactly so. Mastery is the continual striving. It is your striving that enables your becomingness. Your fullest sense of self is not a destination. It is the path you walk, the journeying, the striving, that actually creates the fullness of self. It is not a place to arrive. It is a vision you pursue, continually. As you move ever closer, step by step, to the highest aspect of self - that self-realization you asked for - your fullness of self expands. Each step creates a more realized you and it also creates more of you to strive toward. Examine the Universe. It is always expanding, making more room for its fullness to appear.” Something in you moves. You close your eyes to hone in on that feeling. After a few moments, when you open them again, your young priestess has gone. In her place sits an old crone, who appears to be having a nap. Her eyes are closed and her breathing is audible, slow and deep. Needless to say, you are somewhat confused. Should you disturb her? Should you quietly leave? You had hoped for more insights from your young priestess. You felt like you were getting close to understanding. “Ah yes”, she says, “where were we?” The same voice. The same twinkle in her eyes. It is your same guide, you realize, somehow now aged several decades. “Well that took you a while.”, she says, “Anyway, Mastery is the continual striving for the supreme ability to live divinely.” “How would one go about ‘living divinely” she asks you. “Uuhhh - I don’t know,” you stutter. “Yes, you do.” She answers, “you most assuredly do know. You must know, because you are living divinely. You are sitting here, in your imagination, a creature currently living in the 21st century, having a conversation with an imagined priestess of the divine, existent 25 centuries before your current time. How do you suppose you are doing that? Your creative imagination stems directly from the source of all that is. It is a divine gift. In using it to seek the completeness of self, you are living divinely.” Once again, you close your eyes to ponder this thought that your creative imagination is a gift from the divine, and, in using it to seek, to strive to discover, the fullness of self, you are, in fact, living divinely. When you open your eyes again, the young priestess has returned. You start to say, “what…


“Stop”, she says. “Stop talking. You are back in your head again. Just breathe. Feel your way through this. Let the thought settle into your whole body. Let it become a ‘knowing’, not in the sense of intellectual knowing, but in the sense of ‘knowing’ that you are alive. That knowing does not require you

to think about it. You simply know that you are alive, even when you are not thinking about it. You are just breathing, being alive. Living divinely.” You both just sit there for a spell. Actually, it feels like she has woven a spell and you are immersed within this spell. Again, something stirs at the edge of your awareness. You feel like something is immanent. It feels ethereal, like a wisp of a cloud or a remembered fragrance of freshly baked bread. “There you go,” your personal priestess says, “almost home. “Mastery is the continual striving for the supreme ability to live divinely in the present moment. Living divinely in this present moment. This present moment. This most precious present moment. This most precipitous, precious present moment. Home sweet home.” Now, just as you can feel yourself being dragged back to the present, and back to this book, it occurs to you that Pythos had said nothing about the second question you thought you had cleverly disguised within what you had asked, “How can I best achieve personal mastery in order to become fully selfrealized?” Not one word from either Pythos or the priestess about self-realization. Well, ok then. I’ve lots to think about now anyway. Enough of this imaginary visit. Let me get through this book. Maybe Part Four will provide the answer. “Before you rush o ,” says your priestess, once again having morphed into the old crone, “you had asked about achieving self-realization.” Of course she can read my mind, you think, she is a gment of my imagination. “Stop right there,” she declaims so rmly that you feel like an admonished child, “I am no more a gment of your imagination than you, yourself, are a gment of your imagination.” You don’t know whether to apologize or to hold your peace. And how can I possibly be ‘only a gment of my imagination’, you wonder to yourself, afraid to ask the question out loud. “You are what you imagine yourself to be,” she continues, somewhat more gently, “The image of yourself, that you create, is exactly what you are. No more. No less. If you wish to become more, you must imagine yourself as being more.” And just like that, the answer comes to you… To realize something, is not just to recognize it, to become re-cognizant of it; it is to make it real, to actualize it, to real-ize it, to e ectuate it. And that which is e ectuated must have originated in the causal. E ects always have causes. That is the simple Law of Cause and E ect, which is fundamental to all human understanding, We would never ask why or how something came to be if we did not inherently know that there is a cause. “Just so,” your guide says, “and your creative imagination resides in your Causal Self, which is only thinly separated from Prime Cause by a veil of illusion. This is your sacred core essence. The fully self-realized you can see through the veil - to realize that you are now, always have been, and always will be at one with the all-that-is all. “Now,” she says to you, touching the middle of your forehead, just above your eyes, “Time to go. It’s been a slice. Come back anytime. Go read the Afterword to this Book of You and immediately, after that, read the rst Appendix, Conscious Acts of Creation.”













And just like that, here you are, in this present moment, reading this nal sentence of Chapter Eighteen.

Afterword Chapter Eighteen is, indeed, the nal chapter in this Book of You. In numerology, the number nine represents completion, as it's the last of the single-digit numbers (which are known as cardinal numbers) and the highest in value. That said, the number nine symbolically represents a culmination of wisdom and experience. In the spiritual arcana aspect of numerology, the number 9 is known as the number of spiritual awakening. It also stands for transcendence. And so, 18, numerological speaking = 1+ 8 = 9. Completion. Awakening. Transcendence. Insert:: This book has been, at long last after all these months, completed today with the nal edit now done, on the 72nd anniversary of my birth. Once again, 7+2 = 9. It is also 26,298 days since I slid out of my mothers birth canal to arrive here on Planet Earth. That also adds to 9. You may think this is foolishness. I think it is proof of the beautiful symmetry and synchronicity of Universe. Alright then, despite the fact that Chapter 18 was the nal chapter, it is not the end of this book, for three reasons: The rst is that there are several important supplemental Appendices for you to read. The second is that I anticipate that you may very well read this book more than once and/or use it as a reference guide as you continue your journey into the greater you. And, the third reason is that you will continue writing the Book of You after you have nished reading it and I have provided an outline to help you do that. I have called it Part Four - Sovereignty. In conceptualizing, idealizing and envisioning a future of your own design, you will do more than empower yourself, you will inform the collective unconscious of humanity that it is possible to imagine a glorious future for all of us. You will also inform Universe that you now accept the responsibility to cocreate the future of Universe itself - that your own self-actualization assists and enables the selfactualization and self-realization of Universe. Writing this book consumed me like none of my previous books have done. As I wrote in the Preface to this book, I felt a profound sense of urgency to get this message out into the world. This message is from Universe itself. I am just the scribe. Throughout the writing of this book, I was reminded, time and time again, that I was taking dictation. It is, of course, coloured by my voice; and includes perspectives from my heart, mind and soul. It was my task, while writing this Book of You, to align myself, to harmonize myself, as best I could with Universe, in order to create this book. I pray it served you. It was written to serve you. It was written to awaken you to the fullness of your being. It was written to encourage you to grow up, to accept your ability and responsibility (response-ability) to rst, envisage and then, to act in accord with, not only your own true sacred essence, but also the sacredness of all creation. It was written to show you that each and all of us must clean up our act. Wake up. Grow up. Clean up. I humbly ask that you assist in getting this critical message, from Universe itself, out to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. We do indeed live in critical times when every thought, word and deed is more important and contributory than ever before. Share the Book of You website. I thank you in advance for doing so.







In any case, I would like to express my gratitude to you for having read this book, this message from my heart and from Source Energy. I strongly urge you to conduct the ceremony described in Chapter 18. It should be considered as the way in which you incorporate, embody, the information contained in this book. Knowledge is only potential power. It is the application of knowledge which begets power. Your personal power will not come from having read this book. It will come from applying the information and

knowledge contained in this book to the way you go about living your life from this day forward. The ceremony is the rst step of your application. Prior to writing down the ceremony in Chapter 18, I conducted my own little ceremony one morning at the beach. The purpose of my ceremony was to: 1) spread some tobacco and ask permission to create and share this shamanic ceremony. The answer I received was not a ‘Yes - you have permission’. It was this very clear and very loud answer - “You do not need permission. This is an imperative. You must do this.” And, 2) to express my gratitude, in advance, for having the clarity to write this ceremony in such a way that those who chose to conduct this ceremony would receive maximum bene t. The answer I received was, “Your ancestors will dictate this to you. Write what they tell you. Trust.” I was also told to write a caveat and to place it here and on the downloadable PDF of this ceremony. This is the caveat. “This ceremony was written by Leslie Fieger with the assistance of his ancestors. The copyright belongs to him. This ceremony is not to be shared in the printed form with anyone who has not already read this Book of You. It is also not to be conducted by anyone as a public ceremony, without clearly and publicly stating in advance that it was created by Leslie Fieger with the assistance and guidance of his ancestors and of the Universe itself. Anyone who conducts this ceremony with or for others must ensure that they are free from any malignant intent. The shamanic process incorporated into this ceremony evokes powerful energies that can be harmful to those with malignant or deceptive intent. Only those with a pure heart and intent should consider conducting this ceremony in the presence of other people. You have been forewarned.” In any case, despite this caveat, if, after having done this ceremony privately for yourself, you feel guided to be of service to others via the use of this ceremony, you have my permission to do so. The caveat still stands, of course. One last bit of serendipity for you… Yesterday, after having sent a PDF Beta Version of this Book of You o to a few people to read and make editorial comments on, I was thinking about how people would respond to my bringing their attention so emphatically to the Wetiko parasite. This article about a previously unknown parasite was brought to my attention by my Google feed. Of course, I immediately read it. I sat there in stunned silence. And, then, a pure white feather drifted onto my table. Goosebumps ensued. In conversation with a fellow grey hair a few weeks ago, I said that a great thing about being an elder was that I no longer even had to pretend to live by societal norms. That I could write my own code of ethics and could live according to my own set of standards, ideals, beliefs and credos. Old folks get more leeway to be eccentric. Just now, as I nished writing this nal chapter, I have recognized that I no longer need to pretend to be merely human. What I have realized is that I can stand and claim, not just my own personal sovereignty, but, also, to fully and truly, assert my divinity. It is my desire that you, too, have arrived at this place of not just recognizing your own sacred nature, but are also willing and able to claim and assert your birthright as a child of God, that has now, at long last, achieved adulthood. Blessings, Leslie And now that The Book of You book is done, we can continue on with Your Book of You..






Anyway, nobody said that it was a hard and fast rule that I have to stop writing after the end of the book? Right?

Alright, now it is time to read about Conscious Acts of Creation. These conscious acts of creation take place, not just in your mind and with the use of your physical body, they involve the entirety of your being - all seven layers of self.

The physical always arises out of, springs forth from, the metaphysical. As the father of all western philosophy told us, behind and above all existent things lies the ideal. Ideals are the metaphysical things that are causal to the physical things. The things of this world are the e ectual. Wisdom informs us that we need to begin with the causal - the metaphysical. I want you to stop for a moment before continuing on. Take a deep breath and re ect upon the fact that Everything that has ever happened, from the creation of the Universe itself to today’s sunrise, was all necessary to have happened in order for you to be here now, reading this Book of You. All of it. Just for you.



Flower of Life - 19 circles

Appendix One - Conscious Acts of Creation

The full human energetic body.

Let’s start o with this. Every conscious act of creation starts with conceptualization. Conceptualization is the genesis of all things. Conceptualization is an attribute of your creative imagination. Your imagination is, for all intents and purposes, in nite in scope. Just for fun, I will say this, you cannot even imagine how vast your imagination is. Universe existed (and still exists) as a concept within the imagination of Universal Consciousness before it became a manifest reality. And, everything ever created by human beings began as a conceptualization within human imagination before it became a manifest reality. The wheel, the lever, the screw, the Hubble Telescope, the International Space Station, Elon Musk’s Starship all had their genesis in human imagination. These things all began in the act of conceptualization. So did Michelangelo’s statue of David and Dickens Tale of Two Cities and Beethoven’s Eighth Symphony and Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. All sprung forth from human imagination and the act of conceptualization. Once something is conceived, conceptualized, it then becomes an idealization. The father of all Western philosophy, Plato, stated quite clearly that ideals are the fundamental reality, and the things of the world are merely representations of these ideals. The common modern usage of idealization is not the true metaphysical meaning of the word. Idealization is not the idolizing of some person, some thing or some iconic representation of GreatSpirit. Idealization is the creation of the ideal image of something in one’s imagination in order for it to serve as a template for the actualization of that thing. Immediately following idealization comes visualization. This is the process of seeing things as real instead of merely a concept or ideal. This mental picture is created in the mind, which is an active aspect of your consciousness. Form and function begin in the mind.




And from that visualization arises the con dent expectation that this concept, ideal thing, clearly seen or visualized thing, will become a tangible part of one’s world, that it will be actualized, made real or manifest.

I need to interject here again the etymology of a word - in this case, the word, ‘expect’. It is made from two parts, ‘ex’ meaning “out” as in exit or exterior, and ‘spect” meaning “vision” as in spectator or spectacles. It quite literally means, “to out picture”. Con dent expectation, therefore, means exactly this the thing visualized or seen in imagination (part of the internal, metaphysical world) becomes a thing seen as existent in the external physical world of event and circumstance. The internal mental picture becomes out-pictured. After the con dent expectation (call it belief if you wish) that this thing will become existent, the intention for its existence needs to be in place. If there is no reason for the existence of a thing, why go to the bother of creating that thing. It is a waste of your mental, emotional and physical energy. Intentionality is critically important. For what reason are you bringing it into being. Why do you desire to e ectuate it? Only after these six steps of the imaginal process, conceptualization, idealization, visualization, con dent expectation and intentionality, is complete, does any of the stu normally associated with the creation of a thing, such as a piece of technology or a piece of artwork - the doingness - actually need to take place. There is no need to do anything - before you know, and have a clear vision of, what you are doing and why you are doing it, - to act to bring anything into the world. Let’s make it simple. First you clearly decide what it is you desire to e ectuate, to make manifest. You conceive of it. It becomes your ideal. You can clearly see it in your mind. You truly believe that it can happen. You know why you desire to have it. And only then, do you go about doing whatever it is that you think needs to be done. Michelangelo did not pick up his hammer and chisel until all this internal work had rst been done. Learn from his example. Beauty is created in the mind. So is everything else. Do your internal work before you do the external, OR you will have sabotaged yourself before you have even begun. Ok. Let’s look at Conscious Acts of Creation from the energetic perspective. After all, everything is energy. Your creativity springs forth from the Universal source of all. That Creative Source is pure energy. As I have said before, what matters most is not matter itself, it is the energy that is behind all matter. And so it is with you. Many people look in the mirror, or touch their body, and imagine that physical body is the totality of their being. Yes, they have a mind, but it is contained within their body. It is, in e ect, only an aspect of their brain. But you know that there is so much more to you than your physicality. As diagrammed above, there are actually seven layers to the complete You. All of you is energetic. Your Physical body is the densest energetic aspect of you. Your Etheric body is less dense. It is what people who can see Auras see. Because your Etheric body immediately surrounds your Physical body, changes to your Etheric have a direct impact of the physical you. And, vice-versa. Anytime you get within six feet of another human being, your Etheric bodies are coming into contact, touching each other. Sensing someone’s vibe is also your subconscious becoming aware of the energy emanations of their Etheric body.









Your Emotional body is your next, less dense aspect of you. Because it directly touches the Etheric, your Emotional being impacts upon your Etheric. Those impacts can be seen as changes in your Aura and often also as changes in your physicality. Someone really angry, or really charismatic, enters a room and immediately, the energy changes. This is the impact a person’s Emotional body can have on the environment. It is tangible.

Your Mental body is your next, less dense aspect of you. Mental energy is still quite tangible. It can be seen and measured by neuronal activity. Your mental energy can also be directly felt by another. Stare at another person sending them a strong thought to turn and look at you. See what happens. Ever had the feeling someone was staring at you? Maybe they were playing this game. Anyway, Mental states impact upon your Emotional body. Your Emotional body then impacts upon your Etheric body and then your Etheric body impacts on your Physical body. That is how the mind/body connection happens. Your Astral body is the next, less dense aspect of your full energetic being. It can travel about in the physical while remaining invisible, popping in to check on loved ones, spy on others and even peer into the future, albeit it, as though a dust covered window into a dimly lit cluttered room. Your Spiritual body is the next, less dense aspect of your being. By the way, when I say less dense, I mean to say that it has a higher vibrational frequency. It is so ‘less dense’, so ethereal, that, when it leaves a physical body at death, only one ounce of mass is subtracted from the physical form. And, now we come to your highest energetic frequency, your Causal body. If your Spiritual body is your soul, your Causal body is your Oversoul. This is where your personal energy begins to di erentiate from the energy of Creator. This is also where your ability to be creative in the world begins. This is where your creative imagination resides. This aspect of you is where you are directly connected to the in nite, to Great Spirit, to Universal Consciousness, to God. All life forms are capable of acting within the world. Human beings are capable of acting both in and UPON the world. Let’s take a close look at how we can do these conscious acts of creation - as a fully awakened and aware causal entity. Knowing this process, this ow of creative energy enables you to be consciously creative. 1. Your Causal Self contains your creative imagination. There is only a thin veil that separates this layer of you, the Causal Self, from Source Energy. The creative imagination of Universal Consciousness seeps into you through this thin veil, by osmosis. The creative power of Universal Consciousness becomes your creative power. It is the most awesome gift. 2. Your Spiritual Self engenders the conceptualization of literally any potential thing or concept. There is absolutely no limit to what you can conceive of e ectuating. This is how blessed you are. This is how powerful you are. When you act from your soul, you are indeed powerful. 3. Your Astral Self takes the concept engendered by your Spiritual Self and forms the ideal, the basis, as Plato said, for all existent things. It is your Astral Self that is responsible for idealization. 4. Your Mental Self builds and sustains the image, the visualization - the mental picture of your ideal. It adds the details, form, function, the colour, or the sense of, the ideal. You can liken this to the creation of an architectural blueprint. 5. Your Emotional Self weaves the con dent expectation and the desire to enact. This is where the emotional current of energy - the desire to e ectuate - is woven together with the mental current of energy - the mental picture - to create both belief and motivation. 6. Your Etheric Self then takes these two braided currents of energy (mental and emotional) and uses them to create the energetic mold - the vibrational density, or energetic plasma, and thus a rms the reality of the thing desired. It takes the architectural blueprint and turns it into an architectural working plan of action. This is where the intention to act upon the world in order to e ectuate the ideal occurs. This is also where the intentionality of the actions is de ned. So, both the how and the why are de ned by your Etheric Self.













7. Your Physical Self e ectuates and actualizes the ideal by acting upon the world. It does the doing. It takes a good look at the architectural action plan and then picks up boards, hammer and nails to build the house or ideal home rst conceived of by your Spiritual Self.

So, this is how you can perform conscious acts of creation: rst, in knowing that you have the power to create anything in your creative imagination, Your Spiritual Self conceives of something it longs for, or is attached karmically to, in order to gain a sense of purpose and meaning. Your Astral Self, being free to travel through time and space, searches out the various expressions of your concept, already existent, and then chooses the ideal expression for what your soul has conceived of expressing out into the world. Your Mental Self takes this idealized version of the original concept and creates a mental picture that can be examined, re ned and further de ned. Your Emotional Self then attaches a tangible, deeply felt, desire for its e ectualization and creates the belief in its actuality (the con dent expectation). Your Etheric Self takes this combined mental and emotional braid of energy and then, just as it does with your physical body, creates the energetic pattern of the physical manifestation that will hold it in place in the physical realm. And then, nally it is time for the physical you to actually take the perceived necessary steps, creating the business plan, talking to potential investors, getting connected to people and sources, nding likeminded people to help you in your endeavour and working long hours when others are watching TV or sitting in the pub. You are doing the external physical work, but only after you have done the internal metaphysical work necessary to ensure that you are energetically coherent. This internal work may take days, weeks or months. It can also, occasionally, in ashes of inspiration, take place in mere moments. These ashes of inspiration happen more often for those who are aware of the metaphysical or spiritual aspects of themselves. Inspire = to breathe in the divine. So, in e ect, these conscious acts of creation can be called ‘sacred acts of creation’ when these acts are based upon these spiritual principles. Soul workings.











Phi = 1.6180339…

A little more Pythagorean fun for you. The formula for the diagonal of a square is d = a√2; where 'd' is the diagonal and 'a' is the side of the square and √2 is the square root of 2. The formula for the diagonal of a square is derived using the Pythagoras theorem. A diagonal divides a square into two isosceles right-angled triangles. If the length of the side of the square above is 1" then the diagonal would be: 1 multiplied by the square root of 2 or 1x√2 which equals 1.4142135... ad in nitum, an in nitely expanding number like Pi. Usually, people will calculate the diagonal of a square by using 1.414 in order to come up with a real number. But that is always going to be inexact, because the square root of two is not 1.414. It is 1.4142135623730… and on and on. This number, 1.414135623730…. Et cetera, is also the diameter of the circle. So even though the circle looks nite, the diameter is an in nite number. It has no end. One more digit can be added no matter how long you make the numerical string. The area of the square is one square inch, a de nite, real, nite number. It is rational. The area of the circle is determined by the formula A = π r2 or in this case, A = pi(½√2)2 or 3.14159265... ad in nitum, multiplied by one half of 1.4142356... ad in nitum, multiplied by one half of 1.4142356... ad in nitum, approximately 1.5661822... ad in nitum square inches. Impossible to exactly de ne. It is an endless number. The area of the circle cannot be exactly de ned because it is a never-ending number. The apparently nite area covered by the circle can only be described by the use of an in nite number. You cannot say exactly how big the area of the circle is. It cannot be de ned exactly. It is irrational. The evidence of your senses tells you that the circle is real and de nite, that it takes up a nite area of the page. The square within the circle is de nitely de nite. It has an area of one square inch. The circle must therefore be just as de nite. It is only rational. The mathematics, however, shows that the diameter of the square, the circumference and the area of the circle are not de nite at all. They are de ned by Irrational Numbers, numbers that always extend one digit more into an in nite sequence. The area of this circle is 1.5661822... and so on into in nity. No matter how big you think it is, how much you attempt to de ne it, it is always just one more digit bigger, extending into in nity.



























Your rational mind cannot make sense of this so it rejects it. "It is not true. It is only as big as it looks on the page." It is, however, true. It is in nite in size. You just cannot perceive it with your rationality; so, perhaps it is time to stop trying to be so rational.



Appendix Two - In nite Numbers My favourite mind twisting metaphor

Your sensory input also tells your rational mind that you are nite, but you are not. You are in nite. Your rational mind tells you that you are the de nite exact square, but you are the in nite and ever expanding circle. The square root of all Prime Numbers, √2, √3, √5, √11, √13, √17, √19 √21, et cetera, are all Irrational Numbers. So too, is the sum of all Rational and Irrational Numbers, for example, 3 + √2, 4 + √7 and A = π r2 These sums are all irrational numbers. Thus, the area of any circle is always an Irrational Number that extends into in nity. The mentally illogical conclusion that the area of the circle above is in nite rather than nite as it appears to you to be, is actually 100% mathematically logical. That is because π (Pi) is an Irrational Number. 3.14159265… So too is Euler’s number 2.71828….. which is often used in logarithmic calculations. And, so too is the Golden Mean Ratio, also called the Fibonacci sequence or φ (Phi) 1.61803… All three of these numbers extend into in nity. They are also called Transcendental Numbers. The Fibonacci sequence is the basis of the design that has has been the Logo of my company, Del n International, since 1995. Del n is a Transformational and Transcendental company. Like the circle above, it too represents the in nity of you. Just for fun, the word ‘logo’ comes from the Greek “logos” which is a term used in Western philosophy, psychology, rhetoric, and religion. It is derived from a Greek word variously meaning "expectation", "word", "speech", "account", "reason", "proportion", and “discourse". In Theology, Logos means, the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identi ed in the Gospel of John with the second person of the Trinity, incarnate in Jesus Christ. In classical rhetoric, logos is the means of persuasion by demonstration of logical proof, real or apparent. And, nally, as used in psychology, speci cally in Jungian psychology, logos is the principle of reason and judgment, associated with the ‘animus’, the animus being the unconscious side of the masculine aspect of the collective unconscious. Jung also described the animus as the unconscious masculine side of a woman, and the anima as the unconscious feminine side of a man, each transcending the personal psyche. Logo. Logos. Rationality. Reason. Irrationality and Transcendence. All encoded in mathematics. No wonder that mathematics is the 2nd most wonderful language created by humans; music being the rst, best language; with the written word being a distant 3rd.
















The two languages spoken by Universe are mathematics and music. Translating them into English words has been my task here. I know that I am an inadequate translator, but I believe I have captured the essence of the message I was tasked to deliver to you.

Appendix Three - Shamanic Journey As I wrote in Chapter 18, the shamanic journey is not for everyone. However, as the oldest spiritual practice on earth, it deserves more than the brief mention I gave it in Chapter Eighteen. Also, if you actually conducted the graduation ceremony described in Chapter Eighteen, you will have already practised a shamanic ceremony - a journey into self. Depending on the depth of your commitment and your intention in conducting this ceremony, you may have gotten a taste of the magic available to experienced shamans. This entire book has been a Shamanic Journey. And just as you would in experiencing an Ayahuasca ceremony in the jungles of Peru with a Quechua shaman, you have seen, in these pages, the fullness of self, revealed in all its glory and connectivity to the divine; and you will have also come face-to-face with those aspects of self that need to be recognized, cleansed and ultimately honoured as great teachers. Ok. In a few paragraphs, after talking some more about shamanism, I will walk you through a simple shamanic journey you can perform anytime, anywhere, in less than half an hour, in order to gain clarity, get etheric assistance with something you may be struggling with, or just to take a pleasant trip into an alternate world. Before even reading any further, I strongly suggest you stop right here, right now, and do two things: 1) Smudge your immediate environment and yourself of any negative or malignant energies, including, but not limited to the Wetiko parasite. Before writing this Appendix, that is exactly what I did. Sage is the universally accepted smudge. Since I am in the land of the Maya, I used Copal and, as I write now, I have Copal incense burning. If you think this is whimsical or unnecessary - DO NOT PROCEED. You are not ready for a shamanic journey. 2) Set your Intention in reading this piece. Your intention is an invisible but powerful chord that connects you to the energies of the spirit world. Without a clearly stated intention, even in just reading this piece, you may invoke energies that are not attuned to your highest good. So, smudge to cleanse, then set your intention to only connect to those energies that serve your higher self. If, after reading this Appendix, you decide that you wish to proceed down the path of shamanism, make the e ort and take the time to seek out an experienced shaman to help you get started. I have already said this, but be wary of new-age wannabes. Many of them may be well-intentioned, but they have no solid grounding in shamanism - because they have not served enough time in apprenticeship AND they do not have the psychological toolsets needed to deal with some of the deep emotional and psychospiritual issues that may arrive during shamanic sessions, especially if those sessions that involve the use of psychotropic drugs or plant medicines. A true shaman is usually, but not always, of Indigenous background. Be wary of some of these Indigenous folks as well - there are a lot of fake Indigenous shamans as well, like the guy who aggressively drummed in the face of an innocent young man - Nick Sandman - on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. This Native American was a man by the name of Nathan Phillips. He claimed to be a shaman. In fact, he is an alcoholic imposter and fraudster. I have come across several Aboriginal people who claimed to be shamans, but were, in fact, not. One more thing - if a person calling themselves a shaman has a published fee schedule, they are not a true shaman. Indigenous shamans will accept, sometimes even demand, a form of payment, but it is ALWAYS situational and it is based upon their intuitive understanding of what exchange of energy is needed.


Don Juan Matus, of Carlos Castaneda’s books, asked Carlos, at the beginning of their relationship, if he was prepared to pay for Don Juan’s time. When Carlos said yes, Don Jun said to him - then you shall pay me for my time - with your time. That proved to be a very expensive bargain for Carlos. It consumed the rest of his life - all his remaining time here on earth.

I am not trying to scare you away.. I just want you to be educated enough to make wise choices. Shamanism is about connecting to your highest self, alternate dimensions (the spirit world), the Universe and the creative source of all things, Universal Consciousness. Let’s start with this understanding before we embark on our simple shamanic journey. The awareness that you have of your self as being a sentient being alive right now on Planet Earth is not the totality of who you are. This current experience that you are conscious of now, as you read this, is only one of your many dream creations. You are, in fact, a vast and eternal consciousness that creates and experiences a multitude of realities. In each of these realities, you have immersed a separate fragment of yourself into each of these realities to such a degree that you have almost convinced that particular individual fragmentation of yourself that it is the totality of who you are. This particular temporal experience will, like all your other ones, someday cease to be. But, you will not. You are eternal. This individual self-consciousness that you are aware of right now, is simply of facet of the greater hyperconsciousness that is the real and eternal you. This hyper-consciousness can also be referred to as the OverSoul or Higher Self. In the same way that Creator or Universal Consciousness has created a multitude of individualized HyperConsciousnesses or OverSouls, each OverSoul/Higher Self also creates, according to its own whim, or desire to glorify Prime Creator, a subset of individual parts, that each experiences a di erent reality. So, the ‘you’ that is reading this is not directly a creation of Prime Creator. You are a creation of your own Oversoul, which was a creation of Prime Creator and is endowed with the power to create sub-identities, such as the one reading this page right now. The individualized facet of consciousness that is reading this is but one of these many subsets or parts of the totality of your Higher Self/OverSoul/Hyper-Consciousness. Each one of these many parts is, like the you that is reading this, almost convinced that it is the whole of self. However, deep in your heart, you know that you are more than the physical/emotional/mental awareness you are experiencing right now. Since all these individualizations take place within time/space, some may occur separated by time and some may occur separated by space. It is possible that you, as Oversoul, are experiencing several lives right now in this same time frame in addition to experiencing several lives over time. It is not simply a matter of you being reincarnated; it is a matter of you choosing to have a multitude of experiences, some of which may be concurrent or contemporaneous, and some of which may be sequential. Since you are eternal and exist, like Creator, beyond time/space, you have the choice of existing, in your multi-faceted forms, in any time or space, in any number of experiences. This Universe is, like you, but one aspect of a grander multi-verse. Just as the ‘you’ that is reading this page is but one aspect of a Hyper consciousness or OverSoul, this Universe is but one aspect of a Hyper-Universe or Multiverse. You are present in one form or another in all of these multitudes of Universes. You are a hyper-dimensional being, a multi-dimensional being. The full extent of your Oversoul’s creativity enables it to create a whole new Universe for you to inhabit and glorify.




Now, here is where it gets interesting… because you are multi-dimensional, when you practice shamanism, you are able to connect with, not just higher-dimensional realms, but with beings that exist hyper-dimensionally. This is where both angelic and demonic magic happens - in di erent dimensional realms. Wetiko is a multi-dimensional, parasitic spiritual cannibal. The shaman, possibly ctional, popularized by Castaneda, Don Juan, talks about this parasite. He calls it ‘the predator’.

This predator, not having its own soul source energy, feeds on the souls of human beings in order to stay alive. If you are not protected in some way, this predator can interfere with and even take over your spiritual journey. The following passage from Castaneda’s book, The Active Side of In nity, describes how the predator operates… “Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal.” “But how can they do this, don Juan?” I asked, somehow angered further by what he was saying. “Do they whisper all that in our ears while we are asleep?” “No, they don’t do it that way. That’s idiotic!” don Juan said, smiling. “They are in nitely more e cient and organized than that. In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver—stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a ghting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who su er it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, lled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.” Castaneda later goes on to say… “There must have been something to what don Juan was saying, which was so devastating to me that at that point I actually got sick to my stomach. “After a moment’s pause, long enough for me to recover, I asked don Juan: “But why is it that the sorcerers of ancient Mexico and all sorcerers today, although they see the predators, don’t do anything about it?” “There’s nothing that you and I can do about it,” don Juan said in a grave, sad voice. “All we can do is discipline ourselves to the point where they will not touch us. How can you ask your fellow men to go through those rigours of discipline? They’ll laugh and make fun of you, and the more aggressive ones will beat the shit out of you. And not so much because they don’t believe it. Down in the depths of every human being, there’s an ancestral, visceral knowledge about the predators’ existence.” I bring this up, not just to remind you of the hard, cold reality of the existence of Wetiko, but to let you know that, unless you are properly protected when you are involved in shamanism, you can become possessed by Wetiko - just as was the fake shaman mentioned above - Nathan Phillips. His addiction to alcohol, combined with his ignorant practice of certain aspects of shamanism, caused him to become a tool of the predator. Once again, I am not trying to scare you away. I just want you to be educated enough to make wise choices. You might now have an inkling of why I insisted you smudge yourself and your environment before even starting to read this Appendix. Maybe you might want to take a break and do it again before we continue on to describe the steps of a Shamanic journey. Ok. Let me say this. Don Juan was wrong. There is a way to isolate yourself from the predator, a way to protect yourself from the machinations of Wetiko. It is to ll your heart, mind and soul, and indeed, all seven layers of your full energetic being, with Agape, the in nite love of the Great Spirit. You then have the psycho-spiritual power to tell Wetiko to fuck o , to get the hell out of your life.










Or, as Christ was reported to have said, “Get thee behind me Satan.” He said that, once, in the desert when tempted by Satan with all the riches and pleasures of the material world, and once again, when Peter admonished Jesus for saying that God’s plan was, not for Jesus to build a kingdom on earth, but

was, instead, for him to su er, to die and to be reborn, "Get behind me, Satan! You are an o ence to me, because you are not thinking God's thoughts but human thoughts!” Christ was not calling Peter - Satan - he was informing the Wetiko aspect of Peter to go away. You can also do this when you claim your personal sovereignty, not just from the earthly machinations of the power-mad Wetiko infected, but also from the aspects of Wetiko that exist in the multiple dimensions you access when you embark on a shamanic journey or practice. So, burn some Sage or Copal to cleanse your environment, and yourself, and let’s describe this gentle shamanic journey you can do for yourself, by yourself. The shamanic journey I have outlined for you below is the simple kind almost anyone can do without encountering the di cult parts of intense shamanic practises. Step One is to fully accept that ALL life is infused with consciousness and Qi or Pranic energy. And that you can communicate with the various forms of life on Planet Earth and with various entities that live in alternate dimensions. Peruvian shamans, when asked how they know what plants produce Ayahuasca or what plants can be used for healing, simply state that the plants, themselves have told them. Yaqui shamans, like Don Juan, converse with Mescalito, the entity that exists in the peyote plant. I talk to trees. You might consider that to be a bit crazy, but these Standing People are great conversationalists. They are much better than the guy sitting next to you at the pub. They do not talk about inanities. They talk about important things; and they have a wicked sense of humour, as do almost all plants. So, in this rst step, you accept that all things are infused with Qi and that you can communicate with them. Step Two is to nd your ally or spirit guide that will serve as both a guide and a protector as you go on your journey. Although this spirit guide can be an entity, like Mescalito, that lives in a plant, it is most often an animal or bird. Psychologists who use shamanic tools in their practice (and there are many such psychologists) will say that the animal is a representation of some aspect of your own subconscious. If that is how you wish to think of it, that is ne, but in aboriginal cultures, this animal spirit guide is not an aspect of your own subconscious, but is, in fact, a real spiritual entity that makes itself known as an animal that resonates with your own spirit. You can get this spiritual guide by intending and asking. From this point onward, your eyes will be closed throughout the process. Opening your eyes ends the journey. The usual method is to rst visualize an opening into Mother Earth, a cave, perhaps, like Alexandra encountered in my book, Alexandra’s DragonFire, which is a shamanic story written with, and for, my daughter. You then imagine yourself entering into this opening to encounter your spirit guide. You can do this by grounding yourself to the earth and then, in a meditative state, simply ask Mother Earth for a spirit guide to come forth. You must also create the intention that only a spirit guide with your best intentions comes forth. And, of course, you must be open to this happening; you must allow your imagination to accept that this will happen. It is important to remind yourself that you cannot pick your spirit animal guide. Whatever shows up is what you get. Tiger or ant. Eagle or moth. Everyone wants a wolf. Sometimes they get a chihuahua. Dismissing a spirit guide because of your judgement about its appearance may prevent any future guide from showing up. Invoking certain power animals or speci c spirits like Mescalito is dangerous work and is best left to experienced shamans.











Step Three is to then tell this spirit guide what you would like to accomplish with your shamanic journey, perhaps a healing, either a physical or emotional or mental or spiritual healing. Perhaps a connection to the higher aspects of self. Perhaps an insight into the next lesson you need to learn as you progress on your journey. Perhaps, you simply wish to explore the di erent aspects of your multi-dimensionality. Whatever. You get to choose. And then, you need to let go of expectations. You have to go with the ow.

This is not a lucid dream that you can shape to your will. It is spirit that writes this script. You set your clear intention and then, you allow your journey to unfold as it will. This is often the part of the journey when, if you are doing this with a shaman, some sort of ceremony is introduced, perhaps, shamanic drumming, perhaps, the conscious performance of some ritual, perhaps, the ingestion of some plant medicine, perhaps, a combination of all these things. When doing this by yourself, you can use a recording of shamanic drumming as your mini-ceremony. I like this one. In fact, I like all the videos and audios produced by Meditative Mind on Youtube. Step Four is to be open to the experience, to allow it to unfold, trusting that your spirit guide will protect you and bring you safely home at the end of your journey. You will experience imagery that is often metaphoric. Journaling this experience afterwards will help you make sense of the metaphors. Step Five is to let your spirit animal know two things: the rst is your gratitude for its showing up and being of assistance; the second is to let it know that, in addition to your appreciation, for its presence now, you are willing to let it be your guide during this present journey and in any future journey it wishes to join with you on undertaking. Step Six is not be judgemental of what is being shown to you during the process. Afterwards, when you are journaling your experience, you can decide what was a value to you. That is it. Open you eyes when you feel you are done. Each time you do this journeying, it will get more vivid. Ok. You can do this simple shamanic of journeying and journaling. Maybe you’d like to become able to do more shamanic stu , to even perhaps, become a real shaman. To do that you will, as I mentioned, need to apprentice to a real shaman. In order to nd one who may accept you as an apprentice, you need to be able to recognize one. So, what does it take to be a real shaman? And what do they look like? First of all, a shaman has to go through an initiation. There are many kinds of initiation; but, there is only one shamanic initiation which serves to place the individual on a true shamanic path. That initiation is the death and resurrection initiation, and it is what defines shamanism. A person cannot make claim to be a shaman and not have endured the death and resurrection initiation. Second of all, in order to be a shaman, you must be humble, the so-called shallow reed. If you have indeed gone through the ego/death initiation, being humble is as natural as breathing. Selfaggrandizement is a clear sign that the person is not a true shaman. Third, except perhaps during ceremony, a shaman does not wear a costume. They prefer to blend into their surroundings. In today’s world, they probably wear blue jeans and a t-shirt, not a feathered headdress or priestly robes. Shamans like to practice invisibility. They are not showy creatures. Fourth, they have a very still and calm energy. They do not bounce around like coke-heads or ca eine junkies. They can sit still for hours. They do not babble at you like a shaken bottle of soda, popped open. Fifth, their eyes are clear and sparkling. If they look directly into your eyes, you can feel their connection to other dimensions. You might even have minor hallucinations. You will certainly feel their power. And sixth, they will know if you are ready to walk the shamanic path in a deeper way than a simple shamanic journey as described above, but will wait for you to ask for the practice - instead of promoting it to you. Alright, enough about that. Let’s talk about how you contain the Universe within you. The next part is about holograms. Every part of a hologram contains the whole image. The Universe may be such a hologram, for you certainly contain the whole Universe within you.





Read the next Appendix about the Universe being a hologram. I may not have written it. I thought I remembered writing it back in ’96, but I see copies of it on the Internet that claim the author is ‘unknown’.

Maybe my memory is simply one of the incongruities caused by the infamous Mandela E ect. I will let you decide if the rhythm of the writing seems like mine or not. I also did not write the fth and nal Appendix. Thoth did. And no, I am not he, re-incarnate. You may think that an odd comment to just throw in. But - once, on stage, during one of my seminars, when I spoke about Thoth and his work, The Hermetica, I was asked if I was the reincarnation of Thoth. No, according to my memory, I am not. I am, however, just as old as he. And, I suspect you may be too. :-) Part Four - the outline for your very own book of you that you may hopefully choose to write, follows upon the fourth and the fth, nal, Appendix.






“Now I've heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord But you don’t really care for music, do you? It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth The minor falls, the major lifts The baffled king composing Hallelujah.”

In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scienti c journals you probably have never even heard Aspect's name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face of science. Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart. Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light. Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking the time barrier, this daunting prospect has caused some physicists to try to come up with elaborate ways to explain away Aspect's ndings. But it has inspired others to o er even more radical explanations. University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes Aspect's ndings imply that objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the Universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram. To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, one must rst understand a little about holograms. A hologram is a three- dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser. To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is rst bathed in the light of a laser beam. Then a second laser beam is bounced o the re ected light of the rst and the resulting interference pattern (the area where the two laser beams commingle) is captured on lm. When the lm is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines. But as soon as the developed lm is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears. The three-dimensionality of such images is not the only remarkable characteristic of holograms. If a hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to contain the entire image of the rose. Indeed, even if the halves are divided again, each snippet of lm will always be found to contain a smaller but intact version of the original image. Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole. The "whole in every part" nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of understanding organization and order. For most of its history, Western science has laboured under the bias that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect it and study its respective parts. A hologram teaches us that some things in the Universe may not lend themselves to this approach. If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is made, we will only get smaller wholes. This insight suggested to Bohm another way of understanding Aspect's discovery. Bohm believes the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. He argues that at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something.



















To enable people to better visualize what he means, Bohm o ers the following illustration. Imagine an aquarium containing a sh. Imagine also that you are unable to see the aquarium directly and your knowledge about it and what it contains comes from two television cameras, one directed at the aquarium's front and the other directed at its side. As you stare at the two television monitors, you might assume that the sh on each of the screens are separate entities. After all, because the cameras are set at di erent angles, each of the images will be slightly di erent. But as you continue to watch the two sh, you will eventually become aware that there is a certain relationship between them. When one turns, the other also makes a slightly di erent but corresponding turn; when one faces the front, the other always



Appendix Four The Universe as a Hologram

faces toward the side. If you remain unaware of the full scope of the situation, you might even conclude that the sh must be instantaneously communicating with one another, but this is clearly not the case. This, says Bohm, is precisely what is going on between the subatomic particles in Aspect's experiment. According to Bohm, the apparent faster-than-light connection between subatomic particles is really telling us that there is a deeper level of reality we are not privy to, a more complex dimension beyond our own that is analogous to the aquarium. And, he adds, we view objects such as subatomic particles as separate from one another because we are seeing only a portion of their reality. Such particles are not separate "parts", but facets of a deeper and more underlying unity that is ultimately as holographic and indivisible as the previously mentioned rose. And since everything in physical reality is comprised of these "eidolons", the Universe is itself a projection, a hologram. In addition to its phantom-like nature, such a Universe would possess other rather startling features. If the apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory, it means that at a deeper level of reality all things in the Universe are in nitely interconnected. The electrons in a carbon atom in the human brain are connected to the subatomic particles that comprise every salmon that swims, every heart that beats, and every star that shimmers in the sky. Everything interpenetrates everything, and although human nature may seek to categorize and pigeonhole and subdivide, the various phenomena of the Universe, all apportionments are of necessity arti cial and all of nature is ultimately a seamless web. In a holographic Universe, even time and space could no longer be viewed as fundamentals. Because concepts such as location break down in a Universe in which nothing is truly separate from anything else, time and three-dimensional space, like the images of the sh on the TV monitors, would also have to be viewed as projections of this deeper order. At its deeper level reality is a sort of super-hologram in which the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. This suggests that given the proper tools it might even be possible to someday reach into the super-holographic level of reality and pluck out scenes from the long-forgotten past. What else the super-hologram contains is an open-ended question. Allowing, for the sake of argument, that the super-hologram is the matrix that has given birth to everything in our Universe, at the very least it contains every subatomic particle that has been or will be -- every con guration of matter and energy that is possible, from snow akes to quasars, from blue whales to gamma rays. It must be seen as a sort of cosmic storehouse of "All That Is." Although Bohm concedes that we have no way of knowing what else might lie hidden in the superhologram, he does venture to say that we have no reason to assume it does not contain more. Or as he puts it, perhaps the super-holographic level of reality is a "mere stage" beyond which lies "an in nity of further development". Bohm is not the only researcher who has found evidence that the Universe is a hologram. Working independently in the eld of brain research, Standford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram has also become persuaded of the holographic nature of reality. Pribram was drawn to the holographic model by the puzzle of how and where memories are stored in the brain. For decades numerous studies have shown that rather than being con ned to a speci c location, memories are dispersed throughout the brain.













In a series of landmark experiments in the 1920s, brain scientist Karl Lashley found that no matter what portion of a rat's brain he removed he was unable to eradicate its memory of how to perform complex tasks it had learned prior to surgery. The only problem was that no one was able to come up with a mechanism that might explain this curious "whole in every part" nature of memory storage. Then in the 1960s Pribram encountered the concept of holography and realized he had found the explanation brain scientists had been looking for. Pribram believes memories are encoded not in neurons, or small groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulses that crisscross the entire brain in the same way that patterns of laser light interference crisscross the entire area of a piece of lm containing a holographic image. In other words, Pribram believes the brain is itself a hologram. Pribram's theory also explains how the human brain can store so many memories in so little space. It has been estimated that the human brain has the capacity to memorize something on the order of 10 billion bits of information during the average human lifetime (or roughly the same amount of information contained in ve sets of the Encyclopaedia Britannica).

Similarly, it has been discovered that in addition to their other capabilities, holograms possess an astounding capacity for information storage--simply by changing the angle at which the two lasers strike a piece of photographic lm, it is possible to record many di erent images on the same surface. It has been demonstrated that one cubic centimetre of lm can hold as many as 10 billion bits of information. Our uncanny ability to quickly retrieve whatever information we need from the enormous store of our memories becomes more understandable if the brain functions according to holographic principles. If a friend asks you to tell him what comes to mind when he says the word "zebra", you do not have to clumsily sort back through some gigantic and cerebral alphabetic le to arrive at an answer. Instead, associations like "striped", "horselike", and "animal native to Africa" all pop into your head instantly. Indeed, one of the most amazing things about the human thinking process is that every piece of information seems instantly cross- correlated with every other piece of information--another feature intrinsic to the hologram. Because every portion of a hologram is in nitely interconnected with every other portion, it is perhaps nature's supreme example of a cross-correlated system. The storage of memory is not the only neurophysiological puzzle that becomes more tractable in light of Pribram's holographic model of the brain. Another is how the brain is able to translate the avalanche of frequencies it receives via the senses (light frequencies, sound frequencies, and so on) into the concrete world of our perceptions. Encoding and decoding frequencies is precisely what a hologram does best. Just as a hologram functions as a sort of lens, a translating device able to convert an apparently meaningless blur of frequencies into a coherent image, Pribram believes the brain also comprises a lens and uses holographic principles to mathematically convert the frequencies it receives through the senses into the inner world of our perceptions. An impressive body of evidence suggests that the brain uses holographic principles to perform its operations. Pribram's theory, in fact, has gained increasing support among neurophysiologists. Argentinian-Italian researcher Hugo Zucarelli recently extended the holographic model into the world of acoustic phenomena. Puzzled by the fact that humans can locate the source of sounds without moving their heads, even if they only possess hearing in one ear, Zucarelli discovered that holographic principles can explain this ability. Zucarelli has also developed the technology of holophonic sound, a recording technique able to reproduce acoustic situations with an almost uncanny realism. Pribram's belief that our brains mathematically construct "hard" reality by relying on input from a frequency domain has also received a good deal of experimental support. It has been found that each of our senses is sensitive to a much broader range of frequencies than was previously suspected. Researchers have discovered, for instance, that our visual systems are sensitive to sound frequencies, that our sense of smell is in part dependent on what are now called "osmic frequencies", and that even the cells in our bodies are sensitive to a broad range of frequencies. Such ndings suggest that it is only in the holographic domain of consciousness that such frequencies are sorted out and divided up into conventional perceptions. But the most mind-boggling aspect of Pribram's holographic model of the brain is what happens when it is put together with Bohm's theory. For if the concreteness of the world is but a secondary reality and what is "there" is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a hologram and only selects some of the frequencies out of this blur and mathematically transforms them into sensory perceptions, what becomes of objective reality? Put quite simply, it ceases to exist. As the religions of the East have long upheld, the material world is Maya, an illusion, and although we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical world, this too is an illusion.








We are really "receivers" oating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency, and what we extract from this sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one channel from many extracted out of the superhologram. This striking new picture of reality, the synthesis of Bohm and Pribram's views, has come to be called the holographic paradigm, and although many scientists have greeted it with skepticism, it has galvanized others. A small but growing group of researchers believe it may be the most accurate model of reality science has arrived at thus far. More than that, some believe it may solve some mysteries that have never before been explainable by science and even establish the paranormal as a part of nature.

Numerous researchers, including Bohm and Pribram, have noted that many para-psychological phenomena become much more understandable in terms of the holographic paradigm. In a Universe in which individual brains are actually indivisible portions of the greater hologram and everything is in nitely interconnected, telepathy may merely be the accessing of the holographic level. It is obviously much easier to understand how information can travel from the mind of individual 'A' to that of individual 'B' at a far distance point and helps to understand a number of unsolved puzzles in psychology. In particular, Grof feels the holographic paradigm o ers a model for understanding many of the ba ing phenomena experienced by individuals during altered states of consciousness. In the 1950s, while conducting research into the beliefs of LSD as a psychotherapeutic tool, Grof had one female patient who suddenly became convinced she had assumed the identity of a female of a species of prehistoric reptile. During the course of her hallucination, she not only gave a richly detailed description of what it felt like to be encapsulated in such a form, but noted that the portion of the male of the species's anatomy was a patch of coloured scales on the side of its head. What was startling to Grof was that although the woman had no prior knowledge about such things, a conversation with a zoologist later con rmed that in certain species of reptiles coloured areas on the head do indeed play an important role as triggers of sexual arousal. The woman's experience was not unique. During the course of his research, Grof encountered examples of patients regressing and identifying with virtually every species on the evolutionary tree (research ndings which helped in uence the man-intoape scene in the movie Altered States). Moreover, he found that such experiences frequently contained obscure zoological details which turned out to be accurate. Regressions into the animal kingdom were not the only puzzling psychological phenomena Grof encountered. He also had patients who appeared to tap into some sort of collective or racial unconscious. Individuals with little or no education suddenly gave detailed descriptions of Zoroastrian funerary practices and scenes from Hindu mythology. In other categories of experience, individuals gave persuasive accounts of out-of-body journeys, of precognitive glimpses of the future, of regressions into apparent past-life incarnations. In later research, Grof found the same range of phenomena manifested in therapy sessions which did not involve the use of drugs. Because the common element in such experiences appeared to be the transcending of an individual's consciousness beyond the usual boundaries of ego and/or limitations of space and time, Grof called such manifestations "transpersonal experiences", and in the late '60s he helped found a branch of psychology called "transpersonal psychology" devoted entirely to their study. Although Grof's newly founded Association of Transpersonal Psychology garnered a rapidly growing group of like-minded professionals and has become a respected branch of psychology, for years neither Grof or any of his colleagues were able to o er a mechanism for explaining the bizarre psychological phenomena they were witnessing. But that has changed with the advent of the holographic paradigm. As Grof recently noted, if the mind is actually part of a continuum, a labyrinth that is connected not only to every other mind that exists or has existed, but to every atom, organism, and region in the vastness of space and time itself, the fact that it is able to occasionally make forays into the labyrinth and have transpersonal experiences no longer seems so strange. The holographic paradigm also has implications for so-called hard sciences like biology. Keith Floyd, a psychologist at Virginia Intermont College, has pointed out that if the concreteness of reality is but a holographic illusion, it would no longer be true to say the brain produces consciousness. Rather, it is consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain -- as well as the body and everything else around us we interpret as physical. Such a turnabout in the way we view biological structures has caused researchers to point out that medicine and our understanding of the healing process could also be transformed by the holographic paradigm. If the apparent physical structure of the body is but a holographic projection of consciousness, it becomes clear that each of us is much more responsible for our health than current medical wisdom allows. What we now view as miraculous remissions of disease may actually be due to changes in consciousness which in turn e ect changes in the hologram of the body.









Similarly, controversial new healing techniques such as visualization may work so well because in the holographic domain of thought images are ultimately as real as "reality". Even visions and experiences involving "non-ordinary" reality become explainable under the holographic paradigm. In his book "Gifts of

Unknown Things," biologist Lyall Watson describes his encounter with an Indonesian shaman woman who, by performing a ritual dance, was able to make an entire grove of trees instantly vanish into thin air. Watson relates that as he and another astonished onlooker continued to watch the woman, she caused the trees to reappear, then "click" o again and on again several times in succession. Although current scienti c understanding is incapable of explaining such events, experiences like this become more tenable if "hard" reality is only a holographic projection. Perhaps we agree on what is "there" or "not there" because what we call consensus reality is formulated and rati ed at the level of the human unconscious at which all minds are in nitely interconnected. If this is true, it is the most profound implication of the holographic paradigm of all, for it means that experiences such as Watson's are not commonplace only because we have not programmed our minds with the beliefs that would make them so. In a holographic Universe there are no limits to the extent to which we can alter the fabric of reality. What we perceive as reality is only a canvas waiting for us to draw upon it any picture we want. Anything is possible, from bending spoons with the power of the mind to the phantasmagoric events experienced by Castaneda during his encounters with the Yaqui shaman or ‘brujo’ don Juan, for magic is our birthright, no more or less miraculous than our ability to compute the reality we want when we are in our dreams. Indeed, even our most fundamental notions about reality become suspect, for in a holographic Universe, as Pribram has pointed out, even random events would have to be seen as based on holographic principles and therefore determined.







Synchronicities or meaningful coincidences suddenly makes sense, and everything in reality would have to be seen as a metaphor, for even the most haphazard events would express some underlying symmetry. Whether Bohm and Pribram's holographic paradigm becomes accepted in science or dies an ignoble death remains to be seen, but it is safe to say that it has already had an in uence on the thinking of many scientists. And even if it is found that the holographic model does not provide the best explanation for the instantaneous communications that seem to be passing back and forth between subatomic particles, at the very least, as noted by Basil Hiley, a physicist at Birkbeck College in London, Aspect's ndings "indicate that we must be prepared to consider radically new views of reality”.

Appendix 5 - Secret of Secrets Now ye assemble, my children, waiting to hear the Secret of Secrets which shall give ye power to unfold the God-man, give ye the way to Eternal life. Plainly shall I speak of the Unveiled Mysteries. No dark sayings shall I give unto thee. Open thine ears now, my children. Hear and obey the words that I give. First I shall speak of the fetters of darkness which bind ye in chains to the sphere of the Earth. Darkness and light are both of one nature, di erent only in seeming, for each arose from the source of all. Darkness is disorder. Light is Order. Darkness transmuted is light of the Light. This, my children, your purpose in being; transmutation of darkness to light. Hear ye now of the mystery of nature, the relations of life to the Earth where it dwells. Know ye, ye are threefold in nature, physical, astral and mental in one. Three are the qualities of each of the natures; nine in all, as above, so below. In the physical are these channels, the blood which moves in vortical motion, reacting on the heart to continue its beating. Magnetism which moves through the nerve paths, carrier of energies to all cells and tissues. Akasa which ows through channels, subtle yet physical, completing the channels. Each of the three attuned with each other, each a ecting the life of the body. Form they the skeletal framework through which the subtle ether ows. In their mastery lies the Secret of Life in the body. Relinquished only by will of the adept, when his purpose in living is done.





Three are the natures of the Astral, mediator is between above and below; not of the physical, not of the Spiritual, but able to move above and below.

Three are the natures of Mind, carrier it of the Will of the Great One. Arbitrator of Cause and E ect in thy life. Thus is formed the threefold being, directed from above by the power of four. Above and beyond man's threefold nature lies the realm of the Spiritual Self. Four is it in qualities, shining in each of the planes of existence, but thirteen in one, the mystical number. Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers: each shall direct the unfoldment of being, each shall channels be of the Great One. On Earth, man is in bondage, bound by space and time to the earth plane. Encircling each planet, a wave of vibration, binds him to his plane of unfoldment. Yet within man is the Key to releasement, within man may freedom be found. When ye have released the self from the body, rise to the outermost bounds of your earth-plane. Speak ye the word Dor-E-Lil-La. Then for a time your Light will be lifted, free may ye pass the barriers of space. For a time of half of the sun (six hours), free may ye pass the barriers of earth-plane, see and know those who are beyond thee. Yea, to the highest worlds may ye pass. See your own possible heights of unfoldment, know all earthly futures of Soul. Bound are ye in your body, but by the power ye may be free. This is the Secret whereby bondage shall be replaced by freedom for thee.




Calm let thy mind be. At rest be thy body: Conscious only of freedom from esh. Center thy being on the goal of thy longing. Think over and over that thou wouldst be free. Think of this word La-Um-I-L-Ganoover and over in thy mind let it sound. Drift with the sound to the place of thy longing. Free from the bondage of esh by thy will.

Hear ye while I give the greatest of secrets: how ye may enter the Halls of Amenti, enter the place of the immortals as I did, stand before the Lords in their places. Lie ye down in rest of thy body. Calm thy mind so no thought disturbs thee. Pure must ye be in mind and in purpose, else only failure will come unto thee. Vision Amenti as I have told in my Tablets. Long with fullness of heart to be there. Stand before the Lords in thy mind's eye. Pronounce the words of power I give (mentally); Mekut-El-Shab-El Hale-Sur-Ben-El-Zabrut Zin-Efrim-Quar-El. Relax thy mind and thy body. Then be sure your soul will be called. Now give I the Key to Shambbalah, the place where my Brothers live in the darkness: Darkness but lled with Light of the Sun Darkness of Earth, but Light of the Spirit, guides for ye when my day is done. Leave thou thy body as I have taught thee. Pass to the barriers of the deep, hidden place. Stand before the gates and their guardians. Command thy entrance by these words: I am the Light. In me is no darkness. Free am I of the bondage of night. Open thou the way of the Twelve and the One, so I may pass to the realm of wisdom. When they refuse thee, as surely they will, command them to open by these words of power: I am the Light. For me are no barriers. Open, I command, by the Secret of Secrets Edom-El-Ahim-Sabbert-Zur Adom. Then if thy words have been Truth of the highest, open for thee the barriers will fall. Now, I leave thee, my children. Down, yet up, to the Halls shall I go. Win ye the way to me, my children. Truly my brothers shall ye become.



Thus nish I my writings. Keys let them be to those who come after. But only to those who seek my wisdom, for only for these am I the Key and the Way.

Part Four - Sovereignty or Your Book of You You have already begun to write this book of you. During your ten-day seven-step quick-start, you created a Statement of Commitment and a Declaration of Independence. As you can see, they are already included in the suggested Table of Contents of your book outline. You may, of course, edit those two preambles to your own Book of You at any time, as you move through the various stages of your growth. I encourage you to revise those two documents from time to time. It will assist you in staying focused on your core values. I have appended a brief statement about core values for you after the suggested outline in case you need help in determining what they may be. I recognize that it is possible that you have not yet fully bought into the seven aspects of self that I de ned for you - your physical, ethereal, emotional, mental, astral, spiritual and causal bodies. Nevertheless, since this, your very own book of you, is about you and your full self-actualization, you will use them as the template for your book. I have also added another bit of supplemental information about those seven layers or aspects of self. That template for your own Book of You is provided here as a suggested Table of Contents. You may, of course adjust it as you see t. This is your book. I am only your writing coach. I am not here to tell you what to write, only suggest a way in which you can write your book of you. The purpose of this Part Four is to encourage you to live an intentional life. A life that is by design and not by default. A life lled with purpose and meaning instead instead of happenstance and reactivity. A life that is creative and contributory. Your journey through life is a sacred shamanic journey. It is lled with wonder, with magic and, of course, with amazing potential.






It is my profound desire that, in these pages, I have touched your heart and engaged your mind su ciently enough to convince you that you are indeed, integral to Universe - that you are yoUniverse.

Table of Contents Introduction - My Declaration of Independence Preface - My Statement of Commitment Part One - My Physical Self Chapter One - My current self-image Chapter Two - My ideal self-image - my Root & Sacral Chakras Chapter Three - My current environment Chapter Four - My ideal environment Chapter Five - My interaction with the world - the things I am currently enacting, creating, making manifest, my work Part Two - My Etheric Self Chapter One - My breath - Prana Chapter Two - My rainbow self (Aura) - my radiance Chapter Three - My energy ow Chapter Four - My will - my personal power - my Solar Plexus Chakra Chapter Five - My intentionality - what I intend to enact, create, and make manifest Part Three - My Emotional Self Chapter One - My acts of Radical Forgiveness Chapter Two - My love Chapter Three - My compassion - my Heart Chakra Chapter Four - My Deep Gratitude Chapter Five - My heart’s desire - what I have attached my ‘longing’ to Part Four - My Mental Self Chapter One - My conscious mind - my mental self-image Chapter Two - My connection to humanity’s collective unconscious Chapter Three - My ability to be a critical thinker, independent of the propagated narrative & societal zeitgeist Chapter Four - My personal truth - my Throat Chakra Chapter Five - My visualizations - what I see unfolding in my future Part Five - My Astral Self Chapter One - My connection to earth’s ‘ley lines’ (energetic grid) Chapter Two - My connection to cosmic energies - to yoUniverse Chapter Three - My connection to higher dimensions - My Third Eye Chakra Chapter Four - My shamanic journey Chapter Five - My idealizations - the ideals I hold and will express into the world Part Six - My Spiritual Self Chapter One - My Soul’s self-image Chapter Two - My spiritual practices Chapter Three - My highest sense of self Chapter Four - My transcendence of ego-self - my Crown Chakra Chapter Five - My conceptualizations - the ideas I have about my future Part Seven - My Causal Self




Chapter One - My Oversoul’s self-image Chapter Two - My creation of the hologram of Universe Chapter Three - My glori cation of the all-that-is-all Chapter Four - My personal connection to Prime Creator Chapter Five - My purpose. My in nite image-ination.

Supplement One - Core Values Have you ever even asked yourself what core values you have? If not, I encourage you to do so now. What exactly are your personal core values? It is quite important to know clearly what your essential core values are. They de ne your beliefs. They motivate your actions. They formulate your opinions. They in uence your thinking. They in uence, to a large degree, how you live your life; and, they determine the degree of purpose and meaning you have in your life. They de ne who you are, as much as they de ne what is important to you. If you do not know what your core values are, you cannot fully come to know yourself. And, if you do not know yourself, you cannot ever become a fully self-actualized human being. And, if you not know yourself, you do not really know anything. In other words, knowing your core values brings value to your life. I may be a slow learner. I had walked around on this planet for more than four decades before I ever asked myself what were my own core values. And then, it took me almost a full year to fully identify them clearly and concisely enough to be able to answer anyone who might ask me what they were. I have appended my personal core value statements at the end of this missive. I have not done so in order to in uence your establishment of your core values. I placed them here to serve simply as an example as to how write your own. So, let me ask you again, what exactly are your personal core values? I had to do some deep soul searching to discover my own. Despite the fact that my education includes psychology and philosophy, I was unaware that psychologists had compiled a list of the common human core values. That listing may make your own self-examination to identify your own core values a little easier than my own quest; so I have appended it below. To encourage you to undertake this task of identifying your own personal core values, let me assure you that it is worth the e ort. Identifying your core values will empower you to live congruently. Your life, when lived congruently with your core values, will bring a sense of clarity and purpose to what you do and why you do it. Living with clarity and purpose will bring meaning to your day-to-day life. Having meaning will bring ful llment. Additionally, identifying your core values will empower you to achieve personal clarity about the value (or lack thereof) of: your inherited and unexamined beliefs, your predominate pattens of thinking about yourself and your world, and your emotional attachments or responses to ideas, ideologies, philosophies, people, places, events or circumstances you encounter on your journey through life. In other words, knowing your core values makes it a lot easier to live a successful and ful lling life with less struggle and personal angst. If you are ready for that, here is a list of traditional human values identi ed by psychologists as being the motivating forces in the lives of individual human beings. Some of these also become cultural values within an organization or society.












It is fairly easy to look at this list and identify with many, if not most, of the values listed here. In order to get clear about your most important personal values, you need to hone this list down to between ve and ten of the 171 listed below..

This will take some personal re ection. It may help to print this list out. Circle the ones that jump out at you. Cross out the ones that seem less important. Rate them on a scale of one to ten. Then do that again until you have pared this list down to a maximum of ten and a minimum of ve. You will know when you have identi ed your ve to ten truest and most resonate core values when, sitting with eyes closed and after getting centred, you say the words out loud and in response, you feel like your soul expands. Common Core Values Acceptance Accomplishment Accountability Achievement Adaptability Altruism Ambition Awareness Balance Beauty Boldness Bravery Brilliance Calmness Candour Capability Carefulness Certainty Challenge Cleanliness Clarity Cleverness Commitment Common sense Communication Community Compassion Competence Con dence Connection Consciousness Contentment Contribution Control Conviction Cooperation Courage Creativity Credibility Curiosity Decisiveness Dependability Determination Devotion Dignity Discipline Discovery Drive Empathy Empowerment Enjoyment Enthusiasm Equality Ethical Excellence Experience Exploration Fairness Fearlessness Feeling Fidelity Focus Foresight Fortitude Freedom Friendship Fun Generosity Goodness Grace Gratitude Greatness Growth Happiness Harmony Health Honesty Honour Hope Humility Imagination Improvement Independence Inquisitiveness Insightfulness Inspiring Integrity Intelligence Intuitive Joy Justice Kindness Knowledge Leadership Learning Liberty Logic Love Loyalty Mastery Meaning Moderation Motivation Openness Optimism Orderliness Organization Originality Passion Patience Peace Performance Persistence Playfulness Poise Potential Power Productivity Professionalism Prosperity Purpose Quality Realistic Reason Recognition Respect Responsibility Reverence Rigour Risk Satisfaction Security Self-reliance Sel ess Sensitivity Serenity Service Signi cance Simplicity Sincerity Skillfulness Spirituality Spontaneousness Stability Status Strength Structure Success Support Talent Temperance Thankfulness Thoroughness Thoughtfulness Tolerance Toughness Tranquility Transparency Trust Trustworthiness Truth Understanding Uniqueness Unity Valour Victory Vision Vitality Wealth Wisdom Wonder Once you have selected your ve to ten core values, walk around with these in your mind for a couple of days to see how well they resonate with you. You might then decide to come back to this list and double check to see if they are the ones that stand out against all other as being the prime values that, if not honoured, would cause your soul to shrink. The next step is to take each of these words and write it into a value statement that expresses what it means to you and how you choose to live your life. My personal core value statements follow. Please note that these are only personal examples, not suggestions. Create your own. It is certainly not my intent that you take my values on as yours. You already have too many things imposed upon you. Choose your own core values. Mine are mine. Leslie’s core values: 1) I believe that the originating creative force of all that is, Creator, is sacred and is present within its Creation. Therefore, I honour all creation as being sacred. Reverence is my primary core value. Above all, I stand in reverence.









2) When I invest myself fully into the relishing of the great gift of life, I honour both my Creator and the sacredness of my own life. Enjoyment is one of my core values. I relish being alive.

3) In that I am unique, only I can have my perspective; and only I have my attributes, therefore, I am compelled to honour the gift of my life by being creative and contributory. Contribution is one of my core values. 4) I understand that gratefulness to life brings a great fullness to life, and therefore - know that the value of my life is greatly enhanced by my constant expression of gratitude for all things and events in my past, present and future. Gratitude is one of my core values. 5) Compassion is the highest of spiritual attributes. Since all things are sacred, I must demonstrate my understanding of that by extending my compassion to all. Compassion is love in action. Compassion is one of my core values. 6) My ability to choose is a sacred honour. I am free to choose to denigrate or to elevate. Free to honour the sacred or to not honour the sacred. Free to think for myself. Free to be me. Free to choose the purpose of my life. Free to choose my core values. Freedom is one of my core values. 7) The abundance exempli ed by Creator and Creation is mine to share. My desire is that all should prosper. My contribution must re ect that desire. Prosperity is one of my core values. 8) To waste my mind by not pursuing wisdom is to profane the sacred gift of consciousness. Seeking to understand and to come into harmony with the in nite ine able source of all that is, with Creator, is what I am called upon to do. Wisdom is one of my core values. 9) I am integral to universe. I aspire to be worthy of that by always being real; by wearing no masks, by being authentic. I reveal my self as I am. I aspire to act in accordance with Creator. Integrity is my core value. My core values are the compass that guides my life.





If you wish to get clear and intentional about how you go through your day-to-day life, you will write your own list of core values.

Supplement Two - To Know Thyself “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” ~ Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching It is one thing to say that I need to come to know my ‘self’. But what exactly is this self? Selfhood is a concept we take for granted. I am me. Likewise, you are you. Most people accept that the concept of self is more than just the awareness of having a physical body. And those who think deeply about selfness will tell you that it is more than just the ego; that it includes ego, but is not limited to “the self especially as contrasted with another self or the world” (as Merriam Webster’s dictionary de nes ego). My de nition of the norm sense of self… “Self is the sense of personal identity. It is the consciousness that is aware of being alive, that thinks, feels, remembers and experiences itself as being separate from other individual selves and from its environment. It is not the physical self; but encompasses the physical self (body). It is not the ego; but encompasses ego. It is not the conscious mind; but encompasses the conscious mind. The self knows it is existent and has a sense of mortality. In other words, the self knows that it is alive and knows that it will die.” Self is much more than that ego/mind that says, “I think, therefore I am.” And once one begins the journey into self, which is really a pilgrimage towards the in nitude, one’s sense of self expands exponentially. Additionally, I should warn you that this voyage has no nal destination; only stops along the way. You will never get to feel that you have arrived. It is a journey of continuous becomingness. Each level of selfrealization, no matter how illuminating it may appear, is only a stage of growth. Embarking on the quest to know thyself, the pursuit of self-knowledge, is an adventure; and like all adventures, it may at times seem arduous and will demand commitment and persistence. It will also, at times be quite exhilarating, perhaps even terrifying or formidable, and will require courage. Some people begin, but then abandon the quest for self-knowledge. Some feel satis ed with a smattering of self-awareness. Some simply do not have the attention span, the commitment and the courage to continue. Mastery is granted to the valiant few who continue to pursue the fullness of selfawareness and the resulting capacity for creativity. It should also be noted that there are a great number of people who are stuck at the instinctual or infantile level of development and whose sense of identity is imprisoned by the the walls of their own immediate physical needs, wants and desires and whose perception of reality is likewise constrained by the limitations of their sensory abilities. These people may not ever, without a traumatic shock to the system, undertake the journey towards greater self-awareness. And, there are also an indeterminate, but growing number of people who have been so e ectively and intentionally dumbed down that they may be completely unable to embark on the journey to self discovery, even if they are presented with the opportunity and subjected to a su ciently eye opening event. “Self-realization is a spiral path within the pilgrim’s soul.” ~ Henry David Thoreau








So, let’s just jump right into it. Most people’s sense of identify is mostly tied to their physicality. (They look in the mirror and see only their face - without perceiving the consciousness that sees the face.)

However, the physical body is only the densest of the seven energetic layers that comprise your complete beingness. Before moving on to identify and describe these other aspects of self, allow me to remind you that your physical body is composed of recycled star ashes. Now that we know how the physical aspect of you came to be, let’s lightly explore how the metaphysical aspects of you came to be. Everything, whether physical or metaphysical, is energetic in nature. All material things (like bodies) and immaterial things (like ideas) arise out of an energy eld. A body is nothing more than a coherent energy eld. So, the physical body is best understood as a coherent, complex myriad of intersecting and interacting bits of vibratory energy that is dense enough to touch and taste. Now, let’s move on to talk about the rest of you. Somewhat less energetically dense than the physical body is the etheric body, which is most commonly known as a person’s aura. It is the subtle electromagnetic eld that surrounds the physical body. It is real. It can be photographed. It can be detected by sensitive measuring devices. It both shapes the physical body, holding its energetic pattern in place, and re ects any physical changes the physical body undergoes. All living creatures have an etheric body as well as a physical body. In fact, the Earth has an etheric body as does the star named Sol that shines its light upon you each day of your life. Your etheric body is a measurable electromagnetic eld. The Earth has a measurable electromagnetic eld that contains you. Sol has a measurable electromagnetic eld that contains Earth and you. These are physical facts just as your beating heart is a physical fact. Just as the Earth is contained within its electromagnetic eld, your physical body is contained within its own energetic eld that can be called the etheric body. Your physicality exists not just within your own etheric body but also within the etheric bodies of the Earth and the Sun. What happens to the etheric body of Earth a ects you directly. What happens to the etheric body of Sol a ects you directly. You are not an isolated thing/event. You are intimately connected to the whole. Somewhat more ethereal, but just as real as your etheric body, are the next two layers of your beingness: your emotional body and your mental body. It is a common misunderstanding to think that the emotional body and mental body are contained within the physical. They are not. It is, in fact, the complete opposite of how things really are. Some people will tell you that the emotional and mental bodies are a part of the etheric. I like to describe them as being identi able on their own. If you have ever walked into a room and felt the tension in the room resulting from someone’s anger or have ever been at a concert or any other event and felt the energy of the crowd, you will be able to understand that emotional energy is not constrained or held within the physical and/or etheric. It extends out beyond the physical and the immediate etheric eld that surrounds the physical body.
















Mental energy is less dense than emotional energy; but is still a tangible energy eld that radiates detectable wave forms. Contrary to the common understanding, the brain does not contain nor originate the mind. Mind is not a epiphenomenal aspect of brain mass or neural activity any more than this essay is an epiphenomenal aspect of my MacBook operating system or the Pages software program that I am using to write it. The brain and the rest of the physical body is contained within the electromagnetic energy eld of the mental body. Consciousness does not emerge from the brain. Consciousness forms and contains the body/brain.

The mental energetic eld (consciousness) encompasses the emotional eld and the etheric eld and the physical energy eld that we call the body. As long as you conceive of your mind as being contained within your brain or body, you will not ever get to know your self fully. Your physicality, as wondrous as it is, is not the completeness or even the majority aspect of the fullness of your being. Mind can wander about independent of brain and body. Mind can imagine vistas the brain/body has not, and will not ever, experience. Mind can envision. Mind can create. The physical aspect of you – your body/brain – is contained within Universe. The is simple -easy to see and understand. But, if you think about it, you will see that Universe, whether it is just that little bit of it that consists of what you place your attention upon during your day-today life, or even if it includes the glorious multitude of billions of galaxies comprised of trillions of stars, is all contained within your mind. Now, if you are willing to accept that expanded but relatively simple concept of self, let’s expand upon that a bit more and this may require you to allow your imagination to stretch beyond its comfort zone. “The sense of being a separate, egoic self begins with the astral, not with the physical body.” ~ Paramahansa Yogananda The next layer to your beingness is the astral body. You have probably heard about OBEs (out of body experiences) or astral travel. If not, the work of Robert Monroe is a good place to start. Although most of the popularly reported OBEs are triggered by near death experiences, many people can actually voluntarily have out of body experiences or so some astral travel. Some of the practitioners of Remote Viewing are actually using astral projection. Most of the remote viewers, however, are simply extending their energetic mental body in order to perceive distant physical locations or events. They are not tuned into their astral bodies or have yet to learn the skill set needed to consciously use their their astral bodies to move about their environment to one degree or another. The astral body is a coherent energy eld just as is the physical body. Although, like the mental body, the astral body is not limited to the material aspect of body, it is not able to separate from the human body and does not detach from the physical body when it appears to exit and travel elsewhere. It is simply a less dense frequency that is not constrained by the limitations of material world and can therefore move more freely through time and space than the physical, etheric, emotional and mental energetic elds. Not all dreams that occur while the body is sleeping are the nightly le sorting and archiving of events experienced during the day; nor the Freudian type of emotional sublimation. Many dreams are, in fact, adventures that the astral body undertakes when consciousness is not focussed on what the physical body is going through each day while awake. Some people have trained themselves to be aware of these adventures and can direct them. This is a skill called lucid dreaming. Now we come to what many will nd to be the most contentious of what I am writing about. The ultimate two aspects of a true self-aware human being. The spiritual body and the causal body.











Many people have simplistic views of what it is to be a human being. These are those who believe that the physical aspect of the human being is all that there is to the human creature. They think that even the discussion of the etheric energy eld is woo woo fantasy talk, despite the fact that the etheric body has been documented by scienti c instruments. These same folks believe that the emotional and mental aspects of a human being are contained within the human physical aspect despite the tangible evidence that they extend beyond the brain/body.

Many others believe (or would like to believe) in a soul that survives the life and death of the human body. Many of those who have experienced the astral body, especially those who did so triggered by a near death experience, believe it to be the soul. It is not. Those who do believe in the soul ascribe its existence to a Creator. That is also not entirely true. Granted the Creative Force from which all things emanate, facilitates, or allows for, the creation of individual souls; but it is actually the causal aspect of you, yourself, that rst generates the spiritual body or soul. The other aspects of self follow as the coherent and harmonic energy elds complexity and densify until the physical you emerges. And like all things that exist on the material plane, your physicality is temporal. Stars are born, then die. Humans are born, then die. The sub-quantum energy elds from which atomic structures, like stars emerge, do not die. Likewise, the energy eld (causal self) from which the physical self emerges does not die. But, just as the physical body dies, the etheric, emotional, mental, astral and even the spiritual aspects of self can also die. A person’s soul (spiritual body) can also be given up by neglect or default. It can also be bartered away in return for supposed riches and power in the material. The example is Christ being tempted in the desert by the devil. The Wetiko infected who have willingly allowed the infection to take over their soul have also become the un-souled. They have sold out. That is why they are desperate for the physical immortality o ered by the religion of Transhumanism. Only the Causal Self is truly immortal. All other aspects of the human being emerge from the individual Causal Self, call it ‘the originating coherent energy eld’ – including the spiritual body, which can also be called the soul. And, all those aspects can return to source - die. This, however, does not have to be the case. The current spiritual aspect of you, your soul, can continue on, be reincarnated - or take a rest, a time out, a pause, existing ‘in potentia’ for another existence or path of your choosing. However, should you choose, the soul (spiritual body) can be severed from the originating causal aspect of self and be subsumed into the undi erentiated potential of Source – cease to exist, just as the physical body will cease to exist in a coherent form, the elements of its composition being recycled into something else. This Causal identity, which is an amorphous entity that came into being as Source re ected upon Itself and then, rst placed Its own awareness outside of Itself, is the source of the totality of your individual existence; but the current ego-self ‘you’ are not its only creation. Because it, the causal aspect of self, arises directly out of the in nite potential of the Creative Source, it also has the capacity to create the other aspects of self. Moreover it can create multiple beings in time and space. So, while we can call the spiritual body – the Soul; we can call the causal body – the Oversoul. Each of the multitude of Oversouls is a facet of the originating Creative Source, which some refer to as The Godhead. Your oversoul came into being in that split second before the theorized big bang. And that is how you came to participate in the actual creation of Universe. Yes, you co-created Universe with Prime Creator.












A nal analogy… if your Spiritual Body is as a single star burning bright, then your Oversoul is as an entire galaxy shining forth with the light of a billion, billion stars. Moreover, Creator shines forth through all the galaxies in Universe, including the galaxy that is the representation of the fullness of you. Your light is the light of Prime Creator. You are glorious to behold.

“Self is everywhere, shining forth from all beings, vaster than the vast, subtler than the most subtle, unreachable, yet nearer than breath, than heartbeat. Eye cannot see it, ear cannot hear it nor tongue utter it; only in deep absorption can the mind, grown pure and silent, merge with the formless truth. As soon as you nd it, you are free; you have found yourself; you have solved the great riddle; your heart forever is at peace. Whole, you enter the Whole. Your personal self returns to its radiant, intimate, deathless source.” ~ Mundaka Upanishad


Love, Leslie

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