Crystal Oversoul Attunement

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Crystal Oversoul Attunements 44 Healing Cards & Book

Michael Eastwood

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Contents About the author Foreword by Judy Hall Introduction

1. Ajoite

12. Morganite

2. Pink Tourmaline

13. Petrified Wood

3. Malachite

14. Rhodochrosite

4. Lapis Lazuli

15. Charoite

5. Aquamarine

16. Green Tourmaline

6. Danburite

17. Papagoite

7. Hematite

18. Dioptase

8. Lemurian Seed Crystal

19. Angel Aura

9. Sapphire

20. Kunzite

10. Amethyst

21. Rose Quartz

11. Vivianite

22. Fairy Quartz

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23. Moldavite

34. Azurite

24. Aqua Aura

35. Herkimer Diamond

25. Amber

36. Garnet

26. Chrysocolla

37. Tanzanite

27. Celestite

38. Petalite

28. Anhydrite

39. Ruby

29. Moonstone

40. Smokey Quartz

30. Emerald

41. Citrine

31. Hemimorphite

42. Blue Tourmaline

32. Sugilite

43. Seraphinite

33. Carnelian

44. Peridot

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Foreword As a child I talked to stones. And the stones talked back. I assumed everyone did. But I soon learned it was better not to mention it, especially to those in the—allegedly—grown-up world. They didn’t seem to understand. It didn’t stop my stone conversations though and they have continued to this day. It is how I learn what the crystals want from me and how they wish to work with us to bring profound change to our earth and our consciousness. Fortunately there are many ‘grown-ups’ that have now caught up with what has turned out to be one of the most ancient beliefs in our world: that stones are alive. I was intrigued to find, during the course of my M.A. research into the history of birthstones, that well over seven thousand years ago, stones were regarded as conscious, sentient beings with more than a touch of the divine about them. This belief underlay the practise of magic, which is not just a set of superstitious rites and rituals but rather a way of facilitating spiritual evolution and connection to the divine. So you can imagine how delighted I was to meet Michael Eastwood who also experiences crystals in this way and to be introduced to the magic of his Crystal Oversoul Healing Cards. Initially I used the cards as a breakfast meditation— quite literally gazing at one I had picked at random as I ate. The card always turned out to be apposite for the day, connecting me to a quality that I would need for the events and challenges I encountered.

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The cards threw light on my path and strengthened my communication with the crystals themselves. I loved the images, which reflected my own intuitive connection to the energetic resonances behind the crystals. And, by carrying my ‘crystal for the day’ I felt that I was connected to a vast network of guidance and awareness: that there was so much more. I use crystal grids and portals a great deal in my own work especially for exploring the new high vibration crystals. But working with the Attunements in this book is something else entirely. It takes me into dimensions that are so familiar and well-known, and then expands them beyond even my wildest imaginings. Working with crystals is always a privilege but meeting the Crystal Oversouls in their own temple is enlightenment beyond words. To be immersed in the love and light they have for us incarnated ones and for the whole of creation is pure joy. A joy I hope you will share through your own attunements to these marvellous beings. To be able, with their assistance, to reconnect to the wisdom we seeded in our own far past, empowering each one of us to make the leap of consciousness that will take us into a new world. Thank you Michael! —Judy Hall, author of The Crystal Bible

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Introduction This book is a deeper exploration into the Crystal Oversoul consciousness. It is designed to give guidance to you who intend to work with the cards and perhaps some crystals. You will find meditations and attunements helping you to come into contact with the Oversouls. The booklet that came with the first limited print run of the Crystal Oversouls Cards was the first wave of information between the Oversouls and myself. My first encounters with the Oversouls were spontaneous. I wrote from direct experience. This book is a result of further learning from their energies, further visits from their consciousness, and observation on my part. It was an illuminating experience to travel into each of the Oversouls, see the beings as well as the inner workings of their temples, to be able to perceive more than at my first encounters. I could not comprehend some of the subtleties of the Oversouls during my first meditation. That is because our usual sensory faculties cannot comprehend the immense energies of such beings at first. Frequently, I refer to the awakening of new chakras and I would like to introduce this a little. The eighth, ninth and the earthstar chakras (see diagram on next page) are centres that are in the process of awakening. These three chakras will become increasingly important in our age as they reflect a new model of consciousness in us, collectively and individually.

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The eighth chakra is located about six inches (15cm) above the crown and is associated with the violet flame of illumination, discernment and with the ability to communicate with other dimensions. The symbol of this chakra is the divine seed, or blue pearl. This seed carries the divine spark that is illuminated through development of the crown chakra.

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The ninth chakra is located about nine inches (22cm) above the crown and is associated with the restoration of DNA. By this I mean that our cells and DNA are repaired and resonate with the first programs and coding from our first incarnation into this solar system. Lifetimes spent in other dimensions or planets are explored through this chakra. The eighth and ninth chakras are deeply connected to each other. To activate one is to activate the other. Upon activation they turn like ancient wheels that set accelerated energies into motion. The earthstar chakra is located about twelve inches (30cm) beneath the feet. This emerging centre works together with all the chakras and especially in combination with the eighth and ninth. The earth star grounds and assimilates the healing changes that take place on higher planes, earthing them into conscious awareness. Without the earthstar the higher chakras would remain unconscious and therefore we would be unable to anchor our experiences into reality. The journeys that I have undertaken with the Oversouls have awakened these chakra centres within myself and brought their importance to my awareness. It is these centers of perception that were in use when I traveled to converse with the Oversouls, and the journeys became a process of alignment to each of the challenges and qualities encountered. With each meditation, I could hold my focus better and see their geometry, colours, and shapes and explore their different qualities. I came to understand the immense healing potential held in working consciously with the Oversouls, the greatest potential being the request to restore in us the keys contained

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within each of the Oversouls consciousness. Ages ago, these keys were placed by ourselves into the fabric of the temples until the time would come when we would be ready to reclaim them. In this book you will find different possible attunements for each of the Oversouls. They are designed to inspire your imagination and lead you to make your own connection. I see each Oversoul as an individual process within itself, and each holds a key to our individual and collective awakening. Some of the attunements might appeal to you more than others. Don’t shy away from the less appealing ones as you might gain more by exploring these. Attunements to the Oversouls are closely linked to the creation and experience of crystal grids and guided meditations. They will mediate the quality that the Oversoul carries for us and enable us to connect to them via creative imagination, meditation, crystals and intention. When I started the process that led to this book I asked the Oversouls a question: What is the best way to work and align with you? What came through was simple and precise: they impressed upon me images in the form of crystal grids, encouraging me to experiment with the impressions they were sending me. I followed their advice and laid out, intuitively, clear quartz points on the grass in my garden. (See picture on opposite page.) As soon as I started this process, floodgates opened within my mind, and I knew what they were leading me to. I laid out the first crystal grid and could see that I could rebuild on this plane what I had seen and experienced, mandalas of

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quartz that would reflect the Oversoul consciousness. It took me a while to realize that the numbers of the quartz points reflected exactly the numbers contained in the mandalas themselves. When you read the information for the individual Oversouls in this book, you will see that there is a number of crystal points attributed to each. The numbers are important to follow in order to create the right aura for the mandalas. The mandalas always need to be laid out in a circle and the crystal tips need to face inwards for personal attunements. I asked the Oversouls what the difference was between the apex pointing inwards or outwards. They replied that when we require a personal attunement or alignment with an Oversoul then the apex should point inward as it is a

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process that happens more within. When we are working in groups, sacred sites or restoring land energy, then the apex should point outwards reflecting the energies spreading out. They said that this technique had also been used in Lemuria and that part of our awakening process would be to gather and put this into practice. Both show how important a grounding of the awakening of these keys is, in a personal and communal sense.

Having developed the mandala cards, my next step was to combine the quartz mandalas with the cards by placing one of the cards in the centre of the circle. As soon as this happened the aura of the circle magnified remarkably.

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Then I placed a crystal that matched the card image in the circle and the aura intensified even more. The final step of this journey involved myself. I would place myself in the circle holding a card and a crystal. To be a part of and in the middle of the mandala was being in another dimension. Although I was fully aware of the world around me the atmosphere in the mandala reflected a quality of otherness. This, I understood, was because the process had created a portal for an Oversoul to enter this plane. I could see that the Oversoul connected to the card I had with me and made itself present in the circle. The process, I felt, had drawn into this protected meditative circle the very essence of the Oversoul. Intuitively, I realized that what had been called a ‘key’ was indeed the attunement itself that had started with the Oversoul becoming present. I have come to understand that the ‘key’ needs our presence as much as the other forces involved. Our physical body can become a living battery, a conduit that draws all the energy together into the mandala. This book introduces the 44 journeys and mandalas that are designed to guide you, or groups you might be involved with, into similar experiences. Each of these cards reflects the essence of an attunement; a key given to be restored. Feel free to experiment, play and add your own conclusions.

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The energy of the Oversoul is projected through the quartz and radiates through the apex. When a circle is created, each aspect of the Oversoul’s energy joins up and creates an inner circle.

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Understanding the Oversouls Below are suggestions on how you can use the cards:

Supportive Attunement Choose a card simply because you are drawn to its image. Reflect upon the mandala and become aware of how you feel. Find the crystal in this book and see if the information matches or inspires your experience. Allow the image to support and remind you throughout the day.

Immersion Attunement Choose a card on purpose because you require learning from either the image or the information given. Sit comfortably impressing the image onto your mind, merge with it, gently utilizing the rhythm of your breathing. Imagine yourself immersed into the mandala. This method allows your eyes to absorb the energy emanation from the card into your aura.

Immersion with Crystal Attunement Choose a card for the appropriate crystal. Sit comfortably drawing the image and the energy of the crystal into your awareness, merge with it, gently utilizing the rhythm of your breathing. Imagine yourself immersed within the mandala itself.

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Oversoul Attunements for Personal Journeys If you wish to make an encounter with a certain crystal, I would recommend that you first read through the guided meditation for the appropriate Oversoul in this book. Make sure that you are familiarizing yourself with the qualities of the Oversoul. Each attunement has a number of clear quartz points, which you will need to prepare. When you are ready choose a nice, peaceful place and put the exact number of clear quartz points required on the ground, in a circle. Allow enough space for you to sit within the circle. Have the apexes of the crystals pointing inwards. First place your chosen Oversoul card in the centre of the circle, then a matching crystal. Once you are relaxed in the circle with your Oversoul card and crystal, breathe deeply and consciously and let the energy build within the circle, imagining the protection and guidance of the Oversoul beings. They will be the guides for your journey and they will take you into the Oversoul and oversee your attunement as well as reassuring your returning consciousness. Although the beings will ground you there are a few things you can do to help in your grounding process: • Stretch and breathe deeply and write down your insights. • Drink plenty of water. • Rub your feet, especially press into the centre of each foot using your thumbs. • Eat light food. • Go for a walk.

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Oversoul Attunements for Groups The Oversouls are passionate about anchoring the ancient awakening codes as an experience of community, one that allows us to find and use the keys aligning human consciousness and universal forces. Therefore I imagine and wish that groups would work with variations on these grids, for example large mandala shapes created through quartz points with the Oversoul images inside and matching crystals, with many people lying in the grid journeying to the Oversoul spirit. The Oversouls reflect collective patterns. When a group of people resonates with a subject and forms human mandalas with this consciousness, the energies will be amplified multifold. Although the beings will give grounding to your group, there are a few things you can do to help this process that should never be underestimated. • Stretch and breathe deeply and write down your insights. • Drink plenty of water. • Rub your feet, especially press into the centre of each foot using your thumbs. If possible rub each other’s feet. • Eat light food. • Go for a walk.

Attunements for the Earth and L ey Lines When I started to prepare this book I received a series of communications from the Oversouls concerning ley lines and sacred sites. I saw the Earth as if from space, illuminated

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by a vast network of paths. The sacred sites in the world were linked and communicating via light. During these visions I saw the Sun and Moon directing energy along paths of light towards sacred sites such as Stonehenge or Machu Picchu. What impressed upon my mind most is that the Earth’s ley line system is still alive with intelligence unknown to human science. Just like the chakra system of a human being, the Earth’s ley lines carry vital energy in order to energize and stabilize essential forces. Part of these visions involved seeing people working consciously with this knowledge by creating crystal grids and Oversoul cards within these sacred sites. These grids could take many permutations and would be guided by the spirit of the place and human intuition. By undertaking this process, energy from the grids and Oversoul consciousness can be welcomed into the sacred sites to help restore balance. Through these actions we can help restore the Earth’s telluric energy. In previous incarnations in Lemuria we were involved in such rituals. As an example, during one of my inner travels to the Lemurian Seed Crystal Oversoul I had a vision where I saw a landscape that I knew to be Lemuria, from other journeys I had taken. Within the landscape I saw a large group of beings gathering together. I sensed that my presence was known to them and accepted. I felt like a time-traveling observer.

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I saw some of the beings preparing a circle. They placed large crystal points very consciously on the ground. These crystal points had been carefully chosen for this purpose, in a particular number. Once the space had been created the ritual began. I was not sure what I was witnessing and as this thought rose the answer came: the gathering had been called to create a sacred vortex on Earth. On this space a temple of energy would be built so that the spirit of the place could be nurtured. The vortices were being created as a way of drawing vital cosmic forces into the body of the Earth that would serve to imbue the life force into the land. As merging points between telluric earth energy and cosmic vital forces, these places would then spread the vital energetic fusion throughout its immediate environment and also along inter-connecting lines of light—the ley lines. What struck me about this was that when we work with the Oversouls either individually or collectively, we are doing a similar thing. If we acknowledge that our bodies are living temples that can serve as conduits for cosmic and telluric forces, we too become places of power that can anchor light. This incoming light can also spread throughout our own personal ley-line system, our meridians. The eighth and ninth chakra and its counterpart, the earth star, connect us to the bigger picture. I hope that you feel comfortable enough to experiment with my suggestions. Enjoy your explorations and inner journeys.

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1 Ajoite Chakra: Ninth Element: Star For a grid: 12 points

We are vast beings of light that incarnate, in part, in human form. We have traveled many lifetimes and have experienced a multitude of experiences to be here at this time in the turning of human history. A new cycle has begun and each of us is here to help the earth’s transition into a new dimension. Ajoite’s colouring and character reminds us of our ancient Lemurian light. For some, this is a painful memory, as in subsequent lives after Lemuria, this light was misunderstood and many were persecuted. This burdened memory has led to a reluctance to take on positions of power or responsibility. By working with this crystal, fears that inhibit the expression of our light in the world are finally healed. Our light can radiate again without attracting negative attention.

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REMEMBRANCE Ajoite is the main initiator serving to align us to our original blueprint. The Ajoite Oversoul appears as a vast mandala of complex geometric patterning. To enter the Oversoul’s portal one must pass through its centre. Inside one sees the temple, formed by a vast vibrant liquid light that to our eye takes on the colour turquoise. Within the temple 12 Ajoite beings, who are the Oversouls, gather and begin to chant their initiation codes. They invite us to lie down on the Ajoite crystal table. Once we have relaxed on the crystal table, the Oversouls place Ajoite crystals upon the ninth chakra and the throat region of our body. Any codes that we have left in these temples now can be recalled by us as we start to remember. The walls of the temples are liquid light and deep within their geometry is anchored what we had left here for another, later age; and slowly it starts to take shape and reveal itself to our conscious minds. Sound and light penetrate our cells, reawakening us to the potential left behind in an ancient time. Simultaneously, the element of Star is activated within us, which spins its wheels and aligns with earth, air, fire and water. The ninth chakra downloads light data that we left in safe keeping within this temple. We awaken with a wider perspective and an enhanced sense of who we really are. Each time we return to the Ajoite temple we retrieve more of our codes and navigational tools.

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2 Pink Tourmaline Chakra: Heart Element: Air For a grid: 12 points

Pink tourmaline encourages us to let go, to relax; to forgive when we can and make space for love. With pink tourmaline the heart chakra can be unburdened of residue, letting in fresh energy and optimism. Grace, respect and love are the key words for pink tourmaline. This crystal encourages openness and trust in life. It asks us to remain true to our inner guidance and to seek validation from our knowing, rather than another. Pink tourmaline initiates strength and communication with the heart. Patterns around love, sharing and responsibility for our feelings are addressed through this crystal. The crystal’s soft healing pink tones the physical body relaxes and releases any tension.

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LETTING GO, GRACE AND RESPECT The Pink Tourmaline Oversoul serves to attune and recalibrate our heart chakra. It has watched the human journey of incarnation and struggle to stay true to our light. It knows that we have accumulated experiences that have tested the wisest of beings. The Oversoul of this temple serves to restore the hearts of all those that seek to continue the journey. Its deep rich pink tones offer nurturing and restorative vibrations to the human heart. When we enter the portal of this Oversoul we are greeted by 12 luminous beings. They seek to replenish our energy and invite us to rest on the ancient crystal table that is carved from a single pink tourmaline. As we rest, the Oversouls chant and sing their sacred songs and we feel how the deep notes stimulate our heart region. Any discordant energy that is being carried here is sung away. The beings join in the singing as it is our breath that releases the vibrations. Ancient sorrows that we carry are drawn out and released. Through this healing a new vitality enters and we can feel a profound sense of grace rising—we let go. We notice that a previous tightness within our chest region has left and we breathe easier and deeper.

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3 Malachite Chakra: Base Element: Earth For a grid: 6 points

Malachite has many important healing qualities. It can help us learn to trust the earth and the cycles of creation. Through the vibration of this stone we face life and feel that we can handle our experience on the physical plane. Malachite’s growth can remind us of more flexible ways of integrating structure and discipline, helping us understand these functions that are vital to carry out projects. Working with Malachite helps us realize that we have the right to take our space in the world. It is a powerful healing ally helping us to understand control issues. Its message is trust yourself and life—leave room for the unknown and unexpected.

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TRUSTING THE EARTH Malachite is an exquisite Oversoul that serves to attune our sense of connection and orientation on the Earth. To our eye, it appears as deep rich green, a complex series of geometric overlapping mandalas. When we pass through its centre we enter the temple and are warmly greeted by six beings. The entire temple is carved from Malachite giving the whole atmosphere a warm green glow. We are asked to remain standing in silence and as we do so, the six beings surround us and form a six-pointed star. This geometry evokes something beautiful. Rising up through the floor appears a deva, which has a earthy elemental quality. This deva works with the Malachite Overouls to enrich the earth-star connection. The deva telepathically shows us any codes we might carry in the base chakra that are inhibiting the flow of our life force. The deva begins to focus its light on our base, sings and its song stirs within us an ancient calling that opens and strengthens the base chakra and aligns it to new frequencies of trust. If we carry a distrust of the Earth plane and if we desire to release this pattern now is the time to do so. As the Oversouls and the Earth deva join in their sacred sounds we too are encouraged to sing with them, thus releasing any fear.

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4 Lapis Lazuli Chakra: Third eye Element: Ether For a grid: 12 points

What we ultimately seek is the truth of our own being, the power and eternity of our inner light. At some point in the life of all beings the great journey of liberation and divinity must begin. Lapis Lazuli is an important crystal giving us the strength and courage to travel to our centre. This stone reminds us that we are the masters of our own destiny, the designer behind our creation. Lapis Lazuli serves us as a safe guide into the depths within ourselves in order to realize the peace of our essential nature. This stone helps us trust in the future, where we drive and co-create our own reality.

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INNER LIGHT GUIDANCE The Lapis Lazuli Oversoul attunes the awakening of our third eye chakra. Its mandala appears to our eyes as a deep intense blue with flecks of gold. The first thing we notice upon entering this mandala is that our sight is blocked and we have to go further in complete faith. As we do so, the intense blue light of the temple begins to open our third eye. We can see in a way that we have not seen for many lifetimes, our third eye has learnt to penetrate the veil and we perceive reality through it. There are 12 beings inside the temple that motion us to rest on a beautifully carved Lapis Lazuli table. As we do we find ourselves surrounded by them. They have formed a mandala by holding hands and facing each other—two have become one and together the six pairs have become 12. They sing, focusing intently on their third eye, which in turn activates ours. The tones of the song seem to enter this centre and awaken us to ancient memories. Lives, aeons ago, rise in front of us, showing how we had worked with the third eye and how working with it had been abused because of its power, either by others or by ourselves. As the deep tones of the beings penetrate the layers of the third eye we remember and we can choose to release these memories through compassion.

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5 Aquamarine Chakra: Heart and Throat Element: Air and Ether For a grid: 12 points

Collectively we are now entering uncharted waters as a human race. The emotional body that has served as a blueprint of behaviour for the past two thousand years has completed itself. The next cycle of human history is already upon us and the emerging new layers of human consciousness are drawing the map. As we enter these multi-dimensional fields of possibilities, it is Aquamarine that is serving us in our adjustment. Aquamarine is one of the most beneficial stones to call upon in times of need or upheaval. By working with this stone any fears or anxieties holding one back are brought to the surface.

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BREATHE The Aquamarine Oversoul serves to free the emotional body. It appears vibrating as an exquisite colour that matches the colour of the mineral itself. We pass through the delicate fine layers of its mandala to get to its centre; here we see the temple, a large Aquamarine crystal standing like a sentinel surrounded by many smaller Aquamarines. Inside we are greeted by 12 beings, looking like luminous Aquamarine crystals. Their greeting is warm and affectionate, and they seem to have been waiting for our return. Their penetrating aquamarine eyes look deep within our heart, and we intuitively know that we are held with such love that tears of joy rise up from our heart. We need to do nothing in this temple but breathe and allow ourselves to be supported by the Aquamarine beings. They unfurl their aquamarine wings and form a mandala of such luminous perfection. As we stand in their centre we feel that we are in the presence of deep love. And through this love magic happens—our wings unfold from our back. We remember that we too are beings of luminosity and magic. We feel the expansion of our being and no longer need to feel tight or restricted by our form. Our light is free to explore a new world of immense potential.

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