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David Delgado Escribano

(Delgadodavid) Alicante, Spain 1970

Activities 2014 2013) 2011 2010 2009

2008 2006 2002 1999 1998 1996

-With Art Director Miriam Maseda, creation of sets and items for advertisement films (2009-Freelance Design of patterns for Lizzo and Pepe Peñalver Fabric Companies (2010-2014) -Attending “Creative Weeck” Quarry Fold Studio. Blackburn, UK -Attending “Creative Weeck” Quarry Fold Studio. Blackburn, UK -Participación en "God's Pizza Art" evento artistico creado por David Apfel (el club de los astronautas) bar del convent. Convent de Sant Agustí Vell. Barcelona, Spain -Organization and participation in "Expopo#1" art exhibition at my studio. Barcelona, Spain -"26.000 años luz" Scinetific-Utopic-Artistic Festival. Organization. Barcelona, Spain Presentation and video-experiment. Niu Gallery, Barcelona, Spain -"BAC 2002" Barcelona Arte Contemporáneo. Co-organizationn. CCCB Barcelona, Spain -”Edita 99” Independent Editors Meeting Point. Presentation of self-produced magazine “ La Bocina” Punta Umbría, Huelva, Spain -Self edition of the artistic-dadaistic-magazine; "La bocina" Alicante, Spain -Set-up of the Art-group Equipo Gloria. With Aurelio Ayela, Ester Ferrándiz and Eduardo Infante. With the serious purpose of insufflating fun and optimism onto art. Alicante, Spain

Main exhibitions SOLO SHOWS 2015 -"Open Studio" As a result of the Artist Residency at Tentacles Gallery. Bangkok, Thailand -Featured in MOCA virtual museum (Museum of Computer Art) New York, US 2013 -"Exposición David delgado" Cultural space 8y1/2. Alicante, Spain -"Worl sucks, but I am still sexy" Exhibition, party and hapening at my studio. Barcelona, Spain 2012 -"Mirada tangencial + Soul and bodies" Sala Plan C of Grupo Casamayor. Alicante, Spain 2010 -“Premium Bastarda” Café-Gallery Miláns. Barcelona, Spain

2009 -“Experimentos visuales en Vídeo” Projection. Berheads. Barcelona, Spain -“La belleza no miente” (Beauty doesn’t lie) Café-Gallery La Pensió. Malgrat de Mar, Barcelona, Spain -“1 Día” (1 Day) With Theo&dora Quiriconi. At the studio of Theo&dora. Barcelona, Spain -“He besado otras bocas, pero en ninguna hallé tus dientes” (I’ve kissed other lips, but in none of them did I find your teeth) Café-Gallery Miláns. Barcelona, Spain 2006 -"26.000 años luz" (26.000 light-years) with David Apfel and Angels Girona. Niu Gallery. Barcelona, Spain 1999 -”EAC” (Contemporary Arts Meeting) Sala CAM. Alicante, Spain 1998-9 -”¿A qué huelen las bolitas?” (What do the little balls smell like?) With Aurelio Ayela. Lae.sferázul Gallery. Valencia, Spain -”New Objects” CAL-Arts, Californian Instutute of the Arts. Los Angeles, CA, US 1997 -”La lluvia sobre mojado” (Rain on wet) Centre Culturel du Pommier. Neuchâtel,Switzerland -“Demonios Públicos” (Public Demons) With Santiago Delgado and Sergio Martínez-Sarmiento. La Alhóndiga Cultural Centre. Villanueva de los Infantes, Spain 1994 -”¿Por qué lo llaman Arte cuando quieren decir Walter?” (Why do they call it Art, when they mean Walter?) Macro- Exhibition of drawing with Aurelio Ayela, Eduardo Infante and Ester Ferrándiz (as Equipo Gloria Art-team) Centro 14, Alicante, Spain. And in CAL-Arts, Californian Instutute of the Arts. Los Angeles, CA, US GROUP SHOWS 2015 -"Autoplot" With Henry Tan and Partners. BACC (Bangkok Art & Culture Centre) Bangkok, Thailand 2013 -“Bang VI Festival Internacional de Vídeo Arte de Barcelona” Barcelona, Spain -"Hermon La Prada's International Flat Files Project. LETTING GO". Phlat Phile Studio 2805 South Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA, US

2012 -"Fresh Art Fair 2012" Majorca, Spain

2011 -"Vivir de Cine" Short film festival. Screenig of two videoart pieces. Buñol, Spain -"Loop Festival" (International Festival and Fair of videoart) Barcelona, Spain 2010 -"Obra Gráfica". Fondos del IAC Juan Gil Albert III. Casa Bardín. Alicante, Spain 2008 -"XVI Art Solidari" (XVI Solidarity Art) Exhibition promoted by AEC GRIS. contribution with other artists like, Guinovart, Jaume Plensa, Subirachs and Antoni Tàpies. Can Fabra Cultural Centre. Barcelona, Spain -"Expopo#1" With the artists of Guapopo. At my studio. Barcelona, Spain 2007 -"Art Solidari 15 anys" (Solidary Art, 15 years) Exhibition promoted by AEC GRIS. Arcade of Sant Pau del Camp. Barcelona, Spain

2006 -"XIV Art Solidari" (XVI Solidary art) Exhibition promoted by AEC GRIS. Espacio Arena Profesional. Barcelona, Spain 2002 -"BAC 2002" Barcelona Contemporary Art. CCCB Barcelona, Spain 2001 -ART BIBENDUM Exhibition of the international art collection of Michelín, Convent dels Angels. Barcelona, Spain 2000 -”Erótica” La Santa Cultural Promotions. La Santa Gallery, Barcelona, Spain -”BAC 2000” Barcelona Contemporary Art, La Santa Cultural Promotions. Convent de Sant Agustí Vell. Barcelona, Spain 1999 -”Tongue Tyed” Exchange of artists of Lae.sferázul. Valencia, Spain. And Catalyst-Arts. Belfast, Ireland. with exhibitions in both centres -”Espai Trovat” (Found space) Installation Contest in public spaces organised by the City Council. Benissa, Alicante, Spain -”Tauromaquia” (BullFight) La Santa Gallery, Barcelona, Spain 1997-8 -”Sentado en un Bar” (Sitting in a Bar) Tour of Exhibitions of Electrographic Prints with poetry by Luis Felipe Comendador at: La Otra Casa, Béjar, Salamanca. Encuentro de Editores Independientes, Punta Umbría. Asoc. Cultural Prima Littera, Universidad Popular de Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Madrid. El Corrillo, Junta de Castilla y León, Ávila. Centre d’Art, Ayuntamiento de Pego, Alicante. Clan Cabaret, Alicante: Exhibition and reading of poems by the artist. 1996 -Paintings Contesst; “Salvador Soria, villa de Benissa”, Benissa, Alicante, Spain -”Espai Trovat” (Found space) Installation Contest in public spaces organised by the City Council. Benissa, Alicante, Spain -"Grabados en el taller (antológica)" (Prints at the Workshop (Retrospective)) Aula de cultura CAM. Benidorm, Spain 1994 -"Exposició de gravats" (Print exhibition) Art Per la Cara Gallery. Cocentaina, Spain 1993 -"Il.lustració i diversitat" (Illustration and diversity) CAM. Alcoy, Spain

Awards and recognition 2009 1999

1998 1996

-2º Prize Photography Contest "Campos de Montiel". Mancomunidad Campo de Montiel, Ciudad Real, Spain -Special mention Poster awards "La ruta de Don Quijote" Villanueva de los Infantes, Ciudad Real, Spain -”EAC” (Contemporary Art Encounters) Selected for the series of exhibitions by Diputación Provincial de Alicante, Spain -”Espai Trovat 99” Public Space Installations Contest. Benissa, Alicante, Spain -2º Price Carnival Standards. Alicante, Spain -Painting Contest “Salvador Soria, villa de Benissa”, Benissa, Alicante, Spain -”Espai Trovat 96” Public Space Installations Contest. Benissa, Alicante, Spain

Collectors -Centro Eusebio Sempere; Institut de Cultura Juan Gil Albert. Alicante, Spain -Ayuntamiento de Alcoy, Spain -Ayuntamiento de Alicante, Spain -Ayuntamiento de Villanueva de los Infantes, Spain -Centro 14, Alicante, Spain -Fondation Michelin d'Art contemporáin. Paris, France -Mancomunidad Campos de Montiel, Spain -Extremadura Library, Consejería de Cultura, Junta de Extremadura. Spain

record 2010 2001 1999 1996


-Catalog: "Obra Gráfica" Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil Albert. Alicante, Spain -Catalog: "La Bib Collecc" La Santa and Michelín. Barcelona, Spain -Catalog: "EAC" (Contemporary Art Encounters) Centro Eusebio Sempere; Diputación Provincial de Alicante, Spain -Catalog: ”Certamen de Pintura Salvador Soria, villa de Benissa” Alicante, Spain -Catalog: "Grabados en el taller" Aula de Cultura CAM Benidorm, Alicante, Spain -Catalog: ”Espai Trovat” Benissa, Alicante, Spain -Catalog: ”Certamen de Pintura Salvador Soria, villa de Benissa” Alicante, Spain -Catalog: "il.lustració i diversitat" CAM Alcoy, Alicante, Spain

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