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Home Over a House Anyday
Home Over a House Anyday Constance Barley
Young, with a Mature Name on the wall. Who has the prettiest My name in English derives from were round like navel oranges but attention-grabbers for men, and breast of them all” Latin and means constant. It’s one They made your clothes fit of the more subtle of virtue baby differently, and the boys stared names, yet has a proper image. constantly. Especially the caramelIn Irish, the nickname Connie colored boy in my English class means strong-willed or wise. My with candy apple green eyes. mother selected it as if it were a He was H-O-T, and all the girls sweet lucy cabernet sauvignon. At admired his physique body and school, the children ridiculed my style. One day he decided to talk name, especially during recess. to me, he asked: “if I wanted to They would include my name be his girlfriend”? Feeling like a nursery rhyme songs and laugh. kid in a candy store, I replied yes. It was like a pair of generational Friday after school ended, he and I pearl earrings, you wore on special met behind the pink brick physical occasions. A name for a mature education building. Our bodies woman dresses in a fancy pea-coat were nervous, hands sweating, with a fascinator hat to match. then our noses touched each other. Constance is my name, my dear His lips were like cotton candy and mother selected for her firstborn. his tongue was like warm cocoa in the winter. That day I received Round Navel Oranges my first kiss ever, a French kiss as Ready or not here they come. They coaster for the first time. soft like a cotton pillow. They were Death Came without Warning they would say, like riding a roller great for rocking a baby to sleep As the sun peaks over the horizon after feeding milk from them. Girls I prepare my mind for work, black couldn’t wait to have them, like polyester pants, black bulky slip wearing a bodycon dress for the resistant safety shoes, long sleeves first time. Delighted by what I see, white button-down oxford shirt, I laugh and say: “Mirror, mirror with Mardi Gras theme man tie
and vest to match. Words don’t describe how terrible I looked. My taste buds are filled with hazelnut espresso latte, with a thick foam of almond milk and a dash of cinnamon. Warm toasted cinnamon raisin bagel with plain cream cheese awaits my indulging. While waiting to accommodate guests, from my hostess stand, I see my aunt strolling towards me, her face was bright like a fire engine truck, cheeks like they were filled with jumbo size candy-coated bubble gum, you get out of the machine for a quarter. “Strange” saying out loud to myself, why is she here. Pondering to myself, it’s about my mom, shaking my head from left to right numerous times in her direction, while salty water escapes my eyes. My hearing went deaf briefly, as she says “ baby girl, I’m sorry but she’s gone. My heart and soul ached as if God had taken it himself. On May 21, 2004, my mom passed away. As the clouds turned gray and rain hit the lobby window, a part of me left too.
It was Time for a Change
Shoulder length, dark brown, massively thick-head, as if two heads were put together, dark brown, hair. Mom would mix a white creamy and liquid substance together in a jar, a process to straighten my hair. She would rub my forehead, my ears, the back of my neckline and all over my scalp with Blue Magic grease, which was actually green. Protection so the creamy substance doesn’t burn when applying. No more creamy crack, as I call it. Sides shaved revealing bareness and shine. One inch in space, medium length, tightly coiled, dark brown roots, tips cranberry flavored. Loc’s are a fresh new beginning, it was time for a change, new path in life, new goals to achieve. I embraced my heritage and my culture even more.
Home Over a House Anyday
Two-story, ocean blue doors, fudge chocolate brown painted bricks, 952 square feet total. Rent eight hundred plus a month, that doesn’t include electricity. Off white popcorn textured walls, light blue, gray, and white v-shaped patterned window accent. Displays of family pictures and very few words inspiring wall decor hanging. Furnished with a chocolate cocoa leather sofa with vintage iron and dark wood end tables to match. Strawberry pound cake aroma, peaceful, inviting and filled with love. Laughter from the gut of two young innocent boys, who make pranks on each other nonstop. Although it’s temporarily ours, for now, I dream of owning my own, for them mainly. My true home is a place far away, where my name will be written on the deeds that I own.