Forewords In choosing to call this preface Forewords, I deliberately skirted proper usage. Forewords, to my mind, implies something more than an introduction to the poems and extends its meaning literally to "before the words" -- what happened, what I saw, heard or felt that propelled me to the computer to write. Quite simply, before the words . . . My poetry has provided me invites to many international literary events and artist residencies to read and write my words. Italy and Japan stand high amongst the many of the countries I have visited and enjoyed the most. None, though, stands as tall as India. The country and the places I were fortunate to visit – most notably Hyderabad, Bangalore, Varanasi, Assam, Mumbai and Kolkata − inspired me to pick up my writer’s pen. It was India that gave black America the doctrine of nonviolent civil disobedience as an effective “first” tool to loosen the yokes of injustice, inequality, and murderous disregard from the necks of black people. iv