This magazine is packed full with urban legends, folks lore and mythology
Midnight Bus
AK N A I T PON 9 - 10
What is Mythology? ---------------------- 5 Jiangshi (China) ---------------------------- 6
Churel (india) ------------------------------- 7 The Headless PRiest (Phillipines) ------ 8 Funa Yurei (Japan) -------------------------- 11 Sister Ngesot (indonesia) --------------- 12 Shui Gui (Chinese) -------------------------- 13 Dokkaebi (Korea) --------------------------- 14 Relating Games ----------------------------- 15 - 16 Tiyanak (Phillipines) ---------------------- 17 Hantu Penanggalan (Malaysia) -------- 18 Pishacha -------------------------------------- 19
Shui Gui
Aokigahara Forestt
Highland Tower
Urban Legends
Mae Nak
Folks Lore
What is urban legend? ----------- 25
What Is Folk’s Lore? -------- 34
Okiku Doll (Japan) Unsure ------- 26
Relating Movies ------------- 35 - 36
Midnight Bus (China) ------------- 27
Kumakatok (Phillipines) --- 37
Aswang (Phillipines) Unsure ---- 28
Demit Pintu (Indonesia) --- 38
Highland Tower (Malaysia) ----- 29
Mae Nak (Thailand) --------- 41
Sathorn Unique Tower (Thai) -- 30
Subcription ------------------- 42
Aokigahara Forest (Japan) ------- 31 - 32 Sesame Seed --------------------------- 33
What Is
Mythology? Myth, is a symbolic narrative that is usually of
unknown origin and mostly traditional stories that relates actual events and that is especially mostly associated with religious belief. As told in Asia’s mythology, monsters are usually form from cult or negative activities such as killing. Mythology is also usually associated with cult, demons, ritual, back magic and symbolic places or objects such as temples or cursed objects. The term mythology denotes both the study of myth and the body of myth that is belonging to a particular religious tradition. While most of the mythology shares the stories of heroes, the creepy creatures are often left forgotten. Paradox tells the story of these creature that you do not want to meet ever.
Documentaries from Youtube About
Asia Mythology
湘西赶尸 Origin of the Chinese Vampire by Discover China
The Eight Immortals, Mystic Masters of Cosmic Law
The H oPping Death Of China
Jiangshi 殭屍
Jiangshi are depicted as stiff looking
corpses dressed in official garments from the Qing Dynasty. Their arms are outstretched, and they move with a hopping motion. They have greenish-white skin, long white hair on their heads and with clawlike fingernails along with a long, prehensile tongue. Sometimes they are shown with a mystical white tag glued to their forehead, as this is the sign that a Taoist priest has reanimated them.
It is, commonly believed that a person’s soul would become homesick if they were buried in an unfamiliar place, so it was paramount that the body be brought home for the funeral. Supposedly if someone died far away from home and their relatives could not afford a vehicle to carry their corpse back for burial, they could hire a Taoist priest to conduct a ritual that would reanimate the deceased and incite them to “hop” their way home.
Jiangshi (殭屍) usually wear eunuch uniform 6
Legend Claims That
There’s A Demon Who Kills Crappy Husband The Churel is the ghost of a low caste woman
who died while she was pregnant, in childbirth, or during their menstrual cycle. If a pregnant woman dies during the five days of the Diwali festival, she will surely rise a Churel. Most Churel are Soshi Churel, women who were neglected in life and now stalk men to drain their blood and semen. Often they will be particularly fond of the blood of their relatives.Sometimes she will keep her victim, locking them in a cage and killing them slowly. She will feed on his blood for several days, bringing him food and water.
Churel are like shape shifters. Their natural appearance is that of an ugly woman with a pot belly and backwards feet. They have a long serpentine like tongue and their hair is also snake-like, moving on its own. They have sharp fangs also like a snake. However, the spirits can change their appearance to become a beautiful woman. Often the backwards feet remain, so they conceal their lower limbs. In this form, they lure young men into having sex, and while copulating will drain the men of their bodily fluids by sucking them dry with their fanged teeth.
Roaming Priest Of the Night
The headless Priest
As their name suggests, these clergymen roam universities,
graveyards, churches, or any other conveniently eerie places. Sometimes they carry their heads with them; other times they do not, and are ostensibly searching for them. Stories has it that they lost their heads, being decapitated by the Filipino revolutionaries during the Revolution or by Japanese soldiers during World War II. Many parents try telling this myth to prevent kids from playing outside in the night for too long and to discipline them about going home late when its night time Appears only during the night, the ghost of a priest dressed in black. But with the particularity that it has no head, it causes terror and panic among the people. Sometimes it appears during masses, or in former schools or buildings where it is rumored to have died in. Other characteristic of this ghost is to appear on sites where presumed treasures are buried and the specter, a jealous caretaker, stays until someone brave enough appears to claim the riches.
Blood Sucker Hidden within the shadow night When a woman dies in childbirth or while pregnant, there is a chance an undead predator, a Pontianak, will be created, says an old Malaysian legend.
Pontianak is especially dangerous to men. It takes the form of a beautiful young woman dressed in white. When victim approaches, it reveals their true form before digging out and devours his intestines and blood. Those that Pontianak hold grudge to will have their sexual organs dug out. Pontianak is say kill the pregnant mother and eat the fetus and drink the blood of the baby, or attack during childbirth. It usually makes its presence known through baby cries. If the cry is loud, the Pontianak is still far away. However, if the cry becomes faint, it means the Pontianak is very close. When it draws near, there would be sweet, floral fragrance that quickly turns into a putrid stench.
Malaysia UITM Hostel Malaysia
Kampung Lapan Tengkera Malaysa
Location where
PONTIANAK was seen
Bukit Tinggi, Malaysia
blk 846 tampines st 82 Singapore
The Horror lurking beneath the water Funayurei 船幽霊
They are the shadows of drowned sailors who died at the sea, searching for others to bring them down into the sea with them. Funayurei usually appears as dead bodies wearing white funerary robes. They are often seen at night when the moon is new or full, or on particular stormy or foggy nights. They appear as an eerie, luminescent mist at first, which gets closer and closer until it forms into a ship with a ghostly crew.
WARNING! They attacks in different way
This ghost oftens demans a barrel from the crew which they uses to flood the deck and sink the ship.
“The lonely restless souls of those who drowned in the sea”
They carry large laddles which they use to fill ships with seawater.
Charging headlong towards the ship, to make it steer away so sharply that it capsizes
Brings along a ghostly crew, clinging onto the side of the ship to drag it down the sea
drags her mutilated legs along the floor
The tale of Suster Ngesot from the 1980s is about
a nurse in a public hospital who is having an affair with one of well-known doctor. One day the nurse got pregnant and want the doctor to take responsible. But the married doctor refused. He told the nurse to get an abortion. But she insist on keeping the baby. In anger, the doctor kill the nurse and cut her legs off. Some part of her body was buried hidden in the ground of the hospital and her cut off legs has been thrown to other place where no one can find. Ever since then, visitors themselves has claimed often saw the nurse sliding at around the alley of the hospital looking for her legs.
Another famous versions about mass massacre of nurses during the occupation of Holland to Indonesia in 1950s. At that time, many self volunteered nurses whose helping Indonesian soldiers had been murdered and mutilated by Hollands soldier. Some says, the nurses return from dead to settled their work and help injure soldiers. Not knowing the war is over, they hanged around in the hospital looking for the soldiers that need their help.
comes with a life risking danger Shui Gui (Water ghost) – Ghosts that died of
watery causes, they will haunt the pong, pool, lake, river or sea that they died or drown in. These ghosts are said to be waiting for their victims, and they can only be reincarnated if they can claim a victim, so, the victim would in turn claim the next and so on.
S H 水 U 鬼 I G U I These ghosts are said to be very afraid of Rain and Snow as it would come down on them like millions of needles poking and piercing through them. Unlike other ghosts, they are most active during Noon time, when the sun is directly above the sky.It is said that during the ghost month, Shui Gui is the most active.
Amongst the most prolific of supernatural beings
in Korean folklore is the dokkaebi. Translating dokkaebi into the English word “goblin” can lead to misconceptions because in European folklore, goblins have a demonic or evil element to them; whereas dokkaebi do not. Dokkaebi are creatures with supernatural powers and skills and have both negative and positive character they take pleasure in making humans happy, but at times are known to bring misery
In some remote villages of Korea, dokkaebi were held responsible for bringing diseases such as smallpox. Dokkaebi are said to possess powers giving them the ability to control all sea creatures, which is why in fishing communities dokkaebi were worshipped as spirits in hopes of gaining a big catch. The first written story of dokkaebi appeared in the Samguk Yusa in the tale “Lady Dohwa and Bachelor Bihyeong” 도화녀 비형랑. This tale is considered to be the first documented narrative of dokkaebi.
Games Be a part of story
White days - Korea On the eve of gift-giving holiday White Day, new Yeondu High School student Hee-Min Lee slips into school to hide a box of candies for the girl of his dreams. But when the school shutters slam shut, he finds himself trapped in the building overnight, hunted by a killer janitor and haunted by the troubled souls of the dead. Playing as Hee-Min lee, can you remain hidden, solve the clues and uncover the dark secrets of the building’s past to survive the deadly threats? Or will the after class horrors claim your life before you can escape? With no weapons to defend yourself there’s zero room for error in this tense, stealth-based scarefest brimming with secrets and multiple endings.
Ju on - Japan When a person dies with a deep and burning grudge, a curse is born. When a housewife in Japan, was murdered in a gory fashion, it gave rise to a powerful curse. Anyone could receive curse in anyway, Just by entering Saeki House or being in contact with someone cursed. Erika Yamada exposed to the curse, while searching for her dog and placed her family in grave danger when she returns home. Each family members must face against his or her individual challenge alone before going against the curse together and free themselves.
Detention - Taiwan Located in a remote mountainous area, two students of Green Wood Highschool found themselves trapped. The old has changed in unsettling ways, haunted by evil creatures, To escape, they must explore the mysterious campus filled with ominous being. Set in a fictitious world in the 1960s Taiwan under martial law, Detention, incorporated East Asian elements rarely used in games. Taoism, Buddhism, Chiense mythology, using the local Taiwanese cultural references to tell an unique and terrifying story.
Pamali - Indonesia Horror is different for everyone. One might think it’s a one-time thing, while the other might think that it is filled with montsters. In Pamali, horror is shaped by the taboos and culture that live among the society itself. Pamali contains four different stories we call folklore, with each folklore featuring all sort of different ghost. Experience authentic Indonesian ghost s such as Kuntilanak, Pocong, Tuyul, and Leak.
Dread Out - Indonesia When a group of high school students went astray from a field trip, they came across a forgotten town trapped in a peaceful state of slumber. And what seemed like an innocent stroll turns into disaster as the secluded town reveals its dark and terrible secrets. The presence of sinister forces beyond their realm of existence. It comes down to Linda. She will experience stirring of foreign unfamiliar powers, emerging from within her. Linda’s and her new found abilities might justs be the only way she can save her own life and those of her friends.
The child who
Meets death before life The Tiyanak takes the form of a baby and waits for a victim deep in the woods or in an abandoned part of a city or village. The Tiyanak would cry uncontrollably until a victim comes to rescue it. It would change the tone o f its voice, making it sound closer and other times farther a way to confuse the seeker s o that h e or she becomes hopelessly lost. Once the person i s lost, the Tiyanak would finally show themselves and lure the victom to them. When the baby is picked up, it reveals its true form and sink their fangs to the victim drinking their blood and consume the flesh.
The Tiyanak is the spirit of a child who died before being born. Other version of the storyshared that they are the result of an infant who had died before being baptized. It is also believed that aborted fetuses become Tiyanaks who seek revenge against those that deprived them of life.
for they
may be eaten The Penanggalan separates at the neck and flies
with her entrails dragging behind her. During the day she appears as a regular woman, but her head flies off at night and supposedly eating newborn babies. Rituals for protection against the monster are used for pregnant women or when a new baby is born. The Penanggalan smells of vinegar, because she must clean her dangling entrails with it and stuff them back into her body through the neck by morning.
Keep your child safe
Its a common practice in Malay villages to sleep with scissors under one’s pillow, is also said to repel Penanggalans. The other popular method of repelling Penanggalans involves planting thorny bushes around the entrances of the house. It’s entrails will become trapped on the thorns so that it can be easily killed or it can die if it can not return to it’s body before sunrise.
To the locals, the Penanggalan is very real. Infact there are even night gathering in villages to hunt for the Penanggalan. In fact it once appeared in the news with mention of being seen in Kampung Miri
The celebration of Aidiladha for the villagers in Miri, Sarawak was ruined with the news of Penanggal
are another sort of vampire creature of Hindu mythology. They are flesh-eating demons, typically associated with being feminine. They are described as having red, swollen eyes and bulging veins. These creatures are nocturnal, of course.They are said to haunt cremation grounds, like many of the other demonic beings of Hindu lore. Some legends describe the pishacha as being created by Brahma himself. Brahma is one of the Hindu Trimurti, and a Creator god, one of the most powerful gods in the Hindu pantheon.Another legend claims the pishacha were the sons of Krodha. The word Krodha means anger or wrath in Sanskrit, and may have related to an actual person or deity at some point
The pishachas can change their form, according to some mythic traditions, and some accounts also say they have the ability to become invisible. Other accounts say that they can enter the body of living humans, and use them to feed on others. Or they can create illnesses in those that they possess, or make their human hosts go insane. Anyone who sees a pishacha is doomed to die within nine months, according to some myths. The Hindu traditions do have beliefs about driving away or ways of protecting against the pishacha. Chanting certain mantras can exorcise a person possessed with a pishacha. Mantras can keep away these demons. Also, giving offerings and participating in religious rites like the puja can keep a household safe from demons.
hidden mysteries in malaysia’s happiest land 21
The Grand Casino of Malaysia
Some people believe that this place is haunted by the spirits of the dead. It is a no surprise, as there are many cases of people committing suicide after losing in their gambling in the casino. A guest to the hotel was completely shocked to find a dead body in the closet in his hotel room, only to find out that the person had commited suicide.
The Pontianak of Genting Highland
One late night on the old road toGenting Highlands a couple was heading home. After passing a tunnel, weird sound started to appear under the hood of their car. Feeling curious, the husband decided to stop on the roadside to check the car’s engine while the wife sat alone in the car. However it was taking too long and was getting anxious from the eerie silence.Suddenly she saw a panicked policeman rushing towards her telling her to get out of the car and into his car without looking back. the woman took a peek at the side mirror of the motorcycle, and there she saw the most horrifying thing.
Creepiest Hotel Amber Court Located in Genting Highland
As they sped down the road, a pontianak with long hair and dressed in white was sucking her husband blood at the top of the car! Her husband’s corpse was found on the next day exactly on the same spot... but headless.
What is the story of the mysterious room in Amber and why was it blocked by the wood. Here is an exclusive story told by a security guard who has been working in Amber court for a long time.
In Amber court, there is a door that has been sealed shut and barricade from any guest. Guest and staff are not allowed to remove the barricade
Mystery Room
Many years ago a Chinese man rented this apartment unit. One day he decided to try his luck in the Casino on the hill, and turned out that he lost all of his gambling money. Heart broken, he lost his mind and decided to take his life into his own hand. That night he slit himself with a knife, and his dead body was found by the staff on the other day. Soon after his death a lot people that stayed in the room reported they saw the gruesome images of a man slitting his body, bleeding profusely in the room. It was like a video playback, as the horror scene repeated over and over again in front of them. That is why the hotel management finally decided to seal the room to prevent any hotel guest from entering it. 24
What Is
Urban Legend? An urban legend is a modern fictional tale that
passes from one person to another. They are told as the truth, but most of them end up being false. Despite being false, they reach a wide audience, because they are passed along from person to person like the latest news.However, there are a few urban legends that are mostly true. These may be tales that are based on actual events but have evolved over time into fantastic tales with bits of truth in them. No one knows for sure how urban legends get started because they are so widespread. Some urban legends are intended to be cautionary tales that serve to warn people about certain types of people or behavior. Other urban legends are purely for entertainment.
Documentaries from Youtube About
Asia Urban Legends
Urban Legend KISAH SERAM Ulu Bendul Bukit Putus N9
Top 10 Scary Malaysian Urban Legends
Urban Legend Story Hikiko
The doll was bought by Eikichi Suzuki in 1918,
for his 2 year old sister Okiku. The traditional doll has a black bob hairstyle. The doll became Okiku’s favourite toy and best friend, and she name it after herself, ‘Okiku’. In 1919, three years old Okiku passed away after a severe fever. The doll was placed in the family’s altar, in commemoration of their daughter. Later on, the family noticed that the dolls hair is growing. It once had a traditional shoulder length cut with neat ends, but now the doll had hair reaching down towards the waist. The family believed the spirit/ soul of their daughter inhabited the doll. Okiku’s story has inspired numerous novels, films and traditional Kabuki plays, some of which have added even creepier elements, like the doll giggling, wailing or moving around.
In 1938 the family moved but not wanting to take Okiku, as they believe by keeping it close to their daughter resting place, the doll would retain its ‘magic’ instead they took it to the Mannenji Temple. Periodically the hair would get a trim by the Priest and soon photos of the doll with different lengths began to adorn the small shrine, dedicated to the Okiku the doll and Okiku the girls memory
Mannenji Temple 297 Ono, Ritto 520-3016, Shiga Prefecture 26
Now nothing but ruins
Once Stood Tall and Proud In 1993, one of the residential blocks collapsed due to a landslide, killing 48 people total in within. It is no wonder that many are claiming that the area is extremely haunted, with sounds of crying, wailing, and screaming being heard in the compound. Some claimed to have been possessed by spirits while ghost-hunting, and to have seen creepy figures lurking around at night. The remaining two apartment blocks were immediately abandoned after the tragedy, but they still stand in ruin today, mostly inhabited by criminals and drug addicts. There are also a story about a taxi driver who picked up a woman passenger at the middle of the night and being asked to drop her at the place. Upon being asked why, she replied creepily.
Picture taken during the saving mission in 1993, where they heard the cries of a baby in the rubble
“I left it here. Something that belong to me. Something that is very important for me, my body�
Sesame Seed Cosmettic There was once a young Korean girl who was very insecure about her looks. She would do anything to keep her skin looking young and beautiful. One day, she heard about a new organic beauty treatment from one of her friends. Her friend told her that it was very good for the skin, and would leave it smooth and silky. The treatment involved putting sesame seeds in bath water and then soaking in it for a couple of hours. When the girl arrived home that evening, she decided to try it out. She filled the tub with warm water and then sprinkled a jar of sesame seeds to stimulate her skin. Hours had passed and the young girl still hadn't come out of the bathroom. Her parents started worrying about her. But every time the girls mother knocked on the bathroom door and asked the girl to come out, the reply would always be, "wait a minute....wait a minute"..... In the end, the mother could no longer wait and forced about the bathroom door. When she peaked into the bathroom, she saw a horrifying sight. Her daughter was sitting in the corner and her body was covered in little black dots. The sesame seeds had become stuck in her pores. The young girl had a crazed look in her eyes and was frantically trying to pick out the seeds with a toothpick. Gaping open wounds filled her body
“Beauty is
not a need
but an obbe
What Is
Folk’s lore? Folklore is oral history that is preserved by the
people of the culture, consisting of traditions belonging to a specific culture. The traditions usually include music, stories, myths, history and legends. Folklore is passed down from generation to generation and is kept active by the people in the culture. Folklore allows people to give meaning to their lives and their surroundings. Because every culture has different historical backgrounds and traditions, folklore has a different definition to each culture. The definition presented in this lesson is a general one that covers the topic broadly.
Documentaries from Youtube About
Asia Folk’s Lore
10 Disturbing Folklore Creatures by Lazy Masquerade
Hungry Ghost Festival by National Geographic
The Aswang Phenomenon - Full Documentary on the Filipino Vampire
MOVIES All you need to know in a story
Aokigahara Forest - Japan When her twin sister disappears in Japan, a young American named Sara heads off to search for her. It leads her to the legendary Aokigahara Forest, located at the base of Mount Fuji. She enters the mysterious wilderness after being warned to “stay on the path.” Her investigation plunges her into a dark world where the angry and tormented souls of the dead prey on those who dare to explore the forest.
Mae Nak - Thailand Nick, Bew, James and their friends are preparing for their university admissions, but because of James’ less than desired results, he brings his friends to get the blessings of Mae Nak. Nick doesn’t believe in Mae Nak and constantly makes fun of it. Suddenly, the group finds themselves in the realm of Mae Nak and they have to find a way out to return to normality before they would suffer the wrath of Mae Nak
Hungry Ghost Festival - Chinese After a failed business venture in China, Zonghua returns home. He reluctantly takes over his father’s Cantonese opera troupe with help from lead actress Xiaoyan. As the Hungry Ghost Festival approaches and opening day draws near, he starts seeing ghosts and strange things occur. What do they want and are they all linked to the flashback story of what happened with the troupe’s former star ? 35
Highland tower - malaysia A horror film set in the Highland Towers of Hulu Klang, which collapsed two decades ago. The lead character of the film is Shima, a tv host. Shima wants to create a documentary about paranormal activities, and chooses the tragic yet popular location of Highland Towers in Taman Hillview, Hulu Kelang, which collapsed two decades ago. While filming at night, Shima begins to see various beings and objects that are not there on location in her camera.
Amber court Hotel - Malaysia Vacationing in Malaysia, a female tourist from China and her friends decide to travel to Genting Highlands. However, due to some confusion, they end up staying at one of Asia’s most haunted hotels. After realising the eerie situation that they are in, all of them quickly agree to leave the place but making their escape will not be so easy. The movie not only take place in a famous local place, Amber Court Hotel that still stands today and operating as an actual hotel. It also includes many bits of local’s horror story ranging from, Pontianak from the Karak Highway and well known Genting’s ghost.
Aswang - Philippines It is based on an actual woman rumored to be an aswang who killed and ate her own children.Maria was forced to work overseas to help her financially poor family. During her stay, she was a victim of abuse and had to be repatriated back home Back at home in the Philippines, Maria began exhibiting aggressive and irritable behavior as she gradually become fully an aswang and became the terror of her neighborhood.