Delight*Abide*Love For People in Pursuit of God
Take a Census of Your Portion Love us to the Kingdom Inside Knowledge He’s Bigger than Your Electric Bill Bring it On! Christian Chickens and Placating Pacifists And much more…
July 2012
Dear Reader: Well, we’ve made it to the second month of publication! I have to tell you that I’m absolutely thrilled to be able to provide this magazine to you, free of charge. That said, I want you to know that there’s a difference between this magazine and other devotional magazines which seem to strive for feel good pleasantries as they require all their writers to start the devotions off with a story to draw the reader in. You won’t find that here. Delight*Abide*Love Magazine is not designed to focus on the “seeker” or the casual Christian. It is indeed, For Those in Pursuit of God, therefore it’s more of a meat & potatoes, beyond the milk stage, devotional. When I write these pieces, I do it for the sake of bringing glory to my King, firstly, but secondly, I write them based on the life applications I see therein. I’m not into cutesy fluff and consequently you won’t find that here. If however, you are seeking to know Him better, to honestly evaluate your life and your Spiritual walk, then you’ve come to the right place. I can say that because everything written here is truly directed inwardly, one finger pointed at you while the other three are pointing at myself. The use of the word “you” throughout this magazine is collective, meaning it includes me. I am vastly aware of my shortcomings and when I read a verse, or chapter, or whatever that brings those areas of concern into bright light, I write about them. In the first issue I did not sign my name, as pride is always a problem, but it was pointed out to me that not only was I preventing pride inducing issues, but I was also avoiding any persecution. So, before you praise or poke fingers, let me just add, anything good written in these pages is from Him and anything that’s not, is from me. Peace and blessings, Ginny Mink
Trust in Order to Praise "At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he
fell to the ground in worship." Job 1:20 I'm not sure why previous readings of the Word never brought this verse to the forefront of thought. Now, at this stage in my life, I am keenly in awe of Job's reaction to the absolute calamity and devastation that was his life. I can totally get the concept of tearing your clothing and shaving your head, but the next reaction, well...I just can't fathom how he did that?! I can't imagine that his feelings at that moment drove him to fall on his knees and praise the Father; indeed I think his humanity probably spurred him to desire to do just the opposite. Thusly, I can only assume that the Father empowered him to do so. Also, I would have to suppose that Job made a conscious effort to praise the Father in the midst of his extreme heartache. Are we willing to make the same sacrifice? Maybe you're wondering why I chose the word, sacrifice, here? Well, I think that we would much prefer to wallow in our own emotions, but when we choose to turn from them and worship the Father in the midst of the storm, we are sacrificing a bit of self, the self that wants to bathe itself in exquisite pain and pity. The abandoning of the "woe is me" mentality is indeed a sacrifice. Today I heard a preacher say that the Father is glorified by us in two ways, praise and trust. So, Job was glorifying the King when he fell on his knees to worship rather than shake his fist. Are we prepared to do that when the enemy requests access to our lives and the Potter grants it? Obviously we cannot do it alone, we must Trust Him in order to Praise Him, and He will give us the strength to do both.
Love us to the Kingdom "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," Matthew 3:2 & 4:1 People of the Faith are in a predicament. If they visibly and audibly claim, "I am a follower of the Messiah," they immediately set themselves up for judgment by those living in the flesh. Any proclamation of Faith instantly increases the nonbelievers desire to discover the hypocrisy therein. What people fail to realize is the simple truth that we're all hypocrites. We speak out about gossip and then we talk trash about our drunken neighbors or our promiscuous friends. We condemn Kaycee Anthony for being a bad mother and then we leave our children with babysitters so we can go out to the club. We get mad at the thief for stealing something out of our unlocked car completely forgetting how much change we stole from our parents' stash. We become enraged when we discover someone has lied to us but we tell our bosses how hard we're working on something when we're really spending a lot of time playing solitaire or buying things on amazon or eBay. We are all hypocrites; it isn't just Christ followers whom are guilty. The Scriptures say that all have sinned and fallen short. The Messiah says He didn't come to save the righteous but the sinner and that means He came for every human being walking on this planet. I'm not perfect, I sin every day, no doubt the most obvious things I'm judged on are either my tattoos or the cigarette in my hand, but those are nothing compared to the wickedness within my heart. I'm covetous, jealous, vengeful, greedy, proud and self-centered. Steve Harvey says, "Don't trip, God ain't through with me yet," and that's how I feel. Believers are no more perfect than those who choose not to believe, they're just more aware of how imperfect they are which gives them the ability to repent and thusly be forgiven. We're all in need of grace and that only comes through repentance. Eventually, as the Father continues His good work in us, He will sanctify us, we will become perfect as He is perfect, but it's not because we're "good people," it's just because we've chosen to let Him love us to the Kingdom.
Take a Census of Your Portion “Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.” Ecclesiastes 11:2 (NASB) What’s your “portion” in this life? More importantly, are you content with it? This world tells us a multitude of lies, namely because its ruler is the father of them. Specifically though, we are taught early on not to be content with our lots, our “portions,” in life. Greed slams us in the face as wee ones watching the Sprout channel. “Oh,” we’re told, “you need this toy,” and, “ask your parents to visit this website…” Perhaps you’re old enough to recall inventing your own toys and games by utilizing materials you found outside, where you spent most of your childhood. Certainly you would never have dreamed of asking mom or dad for this or that except, maybe, on special occasions when they first asked you what you might like to have for your birthday or Christmas. So, there’s the lie of greed and then there’s the big one, the message that tells us to focus on number one, self. Perhaps it’s this selfishness that Solomon meant to address here. The amassing of wealth is greatly praised in society and yet, as Solomon points out here and as Jesus points out in one of His parables, you don’t know what calamity may strike, you don’t know even when your life will be required of you. Thusly take a census of your “portion,” what stock-piling and living in excess are you guilty of? By the way, this doesn’t only apply to money or food, but time as well. If you’re selfishly hoarding anything, perhaps even your heart and the grace you’ve been shown, it’s time to divide it up to seven or even eight. Be a good steward of your “portion.”
Over Fifty! “The Lord will send upon you curses, confusion, and rebuke in all you undertake to do, until you are destroyed and until you perish quickly, on account of the evil of your deeds, because you have forsaken Me.” Deuteronomy 28:20 (NASB) We’re told that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and yet we’d much rather hear about all His promises and blessings. In fact, there are people that argue the concept of fearing the King, they quote passages that tell us God is love and they negate His just character, the aspect of Him that punishes disobedience. If any group of people in history was familiar with that trait it had to be the Israelites. Deuteronomy 28 is quite an enlightening chapter, one that begs further consideration and perhaps even study on your part. Initially we see Moses explaining the very amazing blessings the loving Father in Heaven desires to bestow upon His children. These are the verses everyone wants to cling to and hear sermons about. Yet, when we reach verse 15, the tone and topic changes. Here’s something to consider, it took Moses fourteen verses to explain the blessings but over fifty to illuminate the curses! You see, God doesn’t play; He’s the King and His rules are to be abided by, plain and simple. Thankfully, as Christians we’ve been given only two directives that sum up the law and the prophets (Read Matthew 22:34-40), but that doesn’t release us from the necessity of fearing the Almighty. He doesn’t change and thusly the Old Testament God is the same in the New Testament. When He offers His blessings, they’re just as real and just as genuine as the curses He promises. We really need to take Him more seriously; He deserves to be feared.
Everyone on the Planet “Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers’ hands? And he said, ‘The one who showed mercy toward him.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do the same.” Luke 10:36-37 (NASB) Perhaps this parable has always been a bit off putting to you because it would appear that the man’s question, “And who is my neighbor?” (v. 29) doesn’t really get answered. Recently someone enlightened me on the subject and consequently, I’d like to do the same for you. In the parable, the man asking the question wishes to justify himself (v. 29) by requesting that Christ delineate for him which individuals he’s supposed to love as much as he loves himself. I think we’d all like that kind of specificity; is it those people we know, or those who live on the same block, or attend the same denominational church building? Surely He didn’t mean everyone on the planet, right? That’s what makes His answer so incredible, He turns the responsibility back on the man, back on us. He instructs His followers to be the neighbor to all in need rather than allowing us to categorize people. Basically, we’re to behave in a neighborly, loving way to all whose paths we cross. This brings us to the truth that our King is impartial, all mankind has been created in His image and thusly we’re to treat the whole of it with mercy and compassion (v. 33). So, anytime you see anyone in need, be it minute or major, be a neighbor and help that individual out in every way you can.
Inside Knowledge “With whomever of your servants it is found, let him die, and we also will be my lord’s slaves.” Genesis 44:9 (NASB) Joseph’s brothers were hasty in their promises, their father did the same thing when Laban accused him of taking the household idols. Thinking himself and his family innocent, he ended up cursing the wife whom he loved, Rachel, because she had indeed taken the idols. Of course, Joseph set his brothers up, but still they made a serious oath before the servant and God. How many times do we pledge to do things and yet fail to follow through? How many hasty promises to God have we made? “Oh, if You’ll do this…I’ll never do this…again.” Or, “I’ll be more…” God takes oaths quite seriously and He warns us that we’ll be judged on our idle words and that our tongues will get us in trouble. In the case of Joseph and his family, they basically bet on their innocence. They wagered their lives on something they thought they knew with utter certainty. I made a bet with my Pappaw as a child, and I lost that bet (and a month’s worth of allowance) because he knew something I didn’t. Such was the case with Joseph’s servant and Laban’s accusations. Let this be a lesson then to us, that when we are confronted, accused, or compelled to place a wager, chances are the other person has inside knowledge. Similarly, God knows your incapability to abide by the random and impetuous oaths you speak, so just let your yes be yes and your no, no. You’ll save yourself a lot of grief!
Onward and Upward “Whatever the Lord pleases, He does, in Heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps.” Psalm 135:6 (NASB) It’s truly amazing that we specks, worms, and filthy rags have the audacity to question the Creator. “Oh why does God let…happen?” the world who refutes His very existence arrogantly cries out. The Psalmist understood the truth of the matter, God does whatever He wants, that’s it, bottom line. Kierkegaard gives an example of a coachman. He says that the coachman drives the horses hard, whips them mercilessly and perhaps the horses would question his relentless scourging if they could. Yet, he says, there’s something the horses don’t know, had the coachman eased up on them, while traveling the steep incline, then they would have lost their footing and all would have come crashing down to their destruction. Life feels that way sometimes, like there’s a barrage of beatings and lashings, like everything’s against us, the whole when-it-rains-it-pours adage, things-couldn’t-get-much-worse belief systems, etc. What we often fail to realize is that without the struggles and disciplines to drive us onward and upward we’d either end up stagnant or utterly ruined. So, let us remember that God does whatever He wants, it’s all His after all and every situation, no matter how perplexing or contradictory is ultimately designed to bring Him both pleasure and glory. Don’t you dare ask Him why He’s doing anything, just trust that He’s working it all out for your good (if you love Him, that is). Period.
Are We Cowards Too? “Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue, for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God.” John 12:42-43 (NASB) Many of us would look down on these “supposed” believers; we’d judge them worldly cowards. Yet, if we took a look at our own lives we might discover that we’re guilty of the same thing. Perhaps we’ve no fear of being booted out of our safe churches, but what about our places of employment? Are we willing to risk getting fired because we confess belief in the Messiah? “Oh, but I need my job,” we retort. “I can’t afford to be unemployed…” Essentially we’re saying, I can’t give up my life for a few simple, “I believe in Jesus,” remarks. Well, if that’s the way you feel, perhaps you should reexamine the Scriptures. If you’re not willing to confess Him before people, including your bosses, your peers and employers, He says He won’t claim you either. In addition, we’re told that when we want approval of others then we’ve gotten all the reward we’re going to get. Is it scary to take such a stance, particularly in a situation in which you know full well there’s a probability of losing your job? Of course it is! Yet, do you really grasp what and Who you’re professing? The King of the universe, the Most High God, the Almighty! Is your meager paycheck more profitable to you than His approval? Besides, He’ll take care of you, look at the birds and the lilies, oh ye of little faith. Take your stand for Him, wherever you are, or fall for the world’s lies.
The Heathen are Wholly Confused “But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works” Psalm 106:35 (KJV) We’ve been so long with the heathen, so infused by their thought processes and ideals we scarcely stand out at all. There are so many claiming to be members of the Christian Faith that the heathen are wholly confused. Why would a “Christian” abort her child, get drunk at the bar, curse like a sailor or sleep around? “If this is a Christian,” the heathen says, “then I’ve nothing to worry about because I am better than she is.” Yet, we need not go to such extremes; there are less glaring evidences of our mingling with the heathen. We are greedy, selfish and arrogant, lovers of money and full of gossip. We try to keep up with the Jones’ in our clothes, cars and residences; we want things our way and we want them now; we revel in our talents and successes, boasting about this achievement or that accomplishment; we are workaholics striving for more zeros in our paychecks and we frequently talk smack about each other. If that’s what today’s Americanized Christian looks like, one can hardly blame the heathen for lack of interest. Oh that we would separate ourselves from their works and their values. Scripture tells us that friendship with the world is enmity with God. Certainly the Israelites frequently felt the sting of their disobedience and if we don’t quit mingling we’re going to feel it too. No wonder we’re told to “come out of her,” though speaking of Babylon, we can ascertain that we’re to come out of worldly ways as well.
He’s Bigger than Your Electric Bill “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27 (KJV) Is He asking your anxious heart that very same thing this day? Are you subconsciously putting the Most High in a box while trying to devise some self-reliant methodology to relieve the anxiety within? It’s quite amazing really, that when worries loom overhead, that though we pray for assistance from the King, we’re secretly planning our own fix-it strategy. How many times have we been overwhelmed by debt, bills and the like? Instantly we beg His help, but we also hop online looking for second (or third) jobs, or we post craigslist ads in hopes of relieving our own tension. Someone once said that, “the God of all creation is bigger than your electric bill.” Why do we allow ourselves to fret over what our God deems minutia in comparison to His infinite Power and Presence? We are silly and double-minded. We live with this well-if-Goddoesn’t-come-through-I-can…fill in the blank…mentality. No wonder we have a hard time seeing our prayers answered! That doubtful word, if, destroys them. James warns us of such things. You cannot doubt the Almighty and expect Him to prove Himself to you. After all, that’s the insinuation behind doubt, the if-He’s-capable mindset. Mankind must be so frustrating to the Father. Here we are claiming Faith, praying with doubt and relying on ourselves. Really? Is there anything too hard for Him?
Leave All “Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.” Matthew 4:20 (NASB) Peter and Andrew didn’t think twice, they didn’t ask Jesus where He was headed, they didn’t stop to consider the things they’d be leaving behind: friends, family, financial security, a place to call home. No, they immediately left everything to follow Him. We find, just two verses later (v. 22), that James and John did the same thing! Were these guys restless souls looking for an escape from their daily lives; were they experiencing a mid-life crisis? Or was His Presence, His “Follow Me,” just so irresistible that they were compelled? Certainly they had a choice; after all, He says the same, “Follow Me,” to others and they walk away downtrodden. They choose to stay where they are. Perhaps what’s interesting about those callings is that He warns them of the sacrifice they must make to follow Him. If He’d told Peter, Andrew, James and John what they’d be giving up, do you think they’d have done what they did? Of course they would have because His sheep know His voice. The Shepherd called and the sheep followed. He’s called you or you wouldn’t be reading this, the question though is, are you really following Him or are you just claiming to? A Faith-filled life is a sacrifice, it’s a sacrifice of self, it’s a willingness to part yourself from everything the world puts on a pedestal. If Christ called you to leave all, would you? It’s your choice.
The Old Days are Old “Do not say, ‘Why is it that the former days were better than these?’ For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this.” Ecclesiastes 7:10 (NASB) Ah, the good ole days, when my face wasn’t riddled with wrinkles and gray hair hadn’t mounted an overthrow of my dark locks. The precious days of my youth when my teeth were strong, my eyes clear and my ears ever perceiving; we’ve a tendency to reminisce on days gone by; we look backwards at days we mistakenly think were better than those we’re living currently. The truth is youth wasn’t really as wondrous as our sugar-coated memories. Recall, it was in your youth that you strayed from your Redeemer (if indeed you did, and most of us did!). In your younger years you were considerably more vain, heaven forbid a pimple arise, now you laugh at them. You were probably more materialistic too, needing or perceiving that you needed the stylish mall brands of your era; I’d list mine here but then I’d date myself. The fact is, as Solomon reveals, the old days are old and it’s foolish to waste thought on them. Chances are they weren’t really as great as you recollect. Not to mention the sheer Truth that we’re to focus on today while it is today; redeem the time because we’ve no idea what’s in store tomorrow or even a minute from now. Today is the day God has made, rejoice in it!
Rather Throw Stones “And those who were with me saw the light, to be sure, but did not understand the voice of the One who was speaking to me.” Acts 22:9 (NASB) First, let me point out that the KJV says that those with Paul saw the light and were afraid, but they didn’t hear the voice. That said, this verse is part of Paul’s speech to those who had been beating him after seeing him in the temple. He’s telling them of his conversion experience. What’s poignant here though is the fact that the people who’d been with him were able to see the light (and get scared), but were unable to hear/understand Christ’s voice. So it is today. When we are truly living as salt and light, those who dwell in the darkness can see His luminescence in us but they are taken aback by us and can’t understand why we do and say the things we do and say. This is because God’s wisdom is foolishness to them and their hearts have been hardened; otherwise they would hear, believe and be saved. It’s most amazing that the works and the Presence of our Savior can be readily viewed and yet so many cannot comprehend them. True believers can be really intimidating to those dwelling in the flesh, they see the Light but just can’t grasp its meaning and rather than admit their own incompetence they’d rather throw stones. So, if you’ve been beaten down by this world and those in it today, remember: Christ has overcome the world and you’re blessed when you’re persecuted for His Name’s sake. Hallelujah to that one!
Bring it On! “So that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children.” Titus 2:4 (NASB) Quite an interesting tidbit, huh? Paul is instructing Titus here, he’s telling Titus what older women should be doing. What really stands out is the fact that Paul obviously thought young women would need to be encouraged to love their husbands and children. Now, some might me appalled at this insinuation, they’d be the type to think that wifely and motherly behaviors are absolutely natural and to some extent that may very well be true. However, if you’ve the position of being a wife and mother (and you choose to be honest) you know full well that both husbands and children can be exasperating and exhausting. Here’s a study in Greek for you, the word love as applied to husband, is philandrŏs which means affectionate. The word love, as applied to one’s children, is philŏtĕknŏs meaning maternal. Perhaps that will explain the necessity of encouragement as urged by Paul. How often are we just too tired, irritated, stressed or whatever to feel like being affectionate toward our husbands? Perhaps the baby’s been cranky all day, dinner didn’t turn out the way we’d hoped and there’s a pile of dishes to do and in walks our husband having just gotten home from work. Do we really wanna love on him? And what about the maternal thing, how motherly are you feeling when the baby refuses to nap and your eight year old is a broken record about his wants and desires? Ah, older women, young women really do need that encouragement, bring it on!
Christian Chickens and Placating Pacifists “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23 (KJV) At what stage in history did believers become so terrified of the world that they walked away from proclaiming this verse? No, no one wants to hear it and the guys on the street corner wearing placards of this nature are deemed crazy. Well, maybe the “church” needs to get a little crazy these days. After all, what saved you? Wasn’t it the realization that all your sin was going to lead you straight to hell? “Oh, but we need to be seeker sensitive,” we’re told, “No one wants to hear fire and brimstone preaching.” Of course they don’t, that’s why they need it so desperately. No one wants to pass up a donut either, but it’s in one’s best interest if to do so. How can anyone get “saved” without realizing they’re “lost”? We’re chickens; we’re afraid to tell people that the wages of sin, any sin, even the most minute in human perception, creates an insurmountable rift between people and the Almighty Creator of all that is in existence. The guy with high blood pressure doesn’t want to get that news, but it’s a matter of life and death for him. Such is the case here, except we’re talking eternity now. I know some people might think I’m out of my gourd, but Jesus’ family thought the same about Him; people wanted to stone Paul for telling them the Truth. The modern day “church” is made up of a bunch of placating pacifists who live in la la land saying, “can’t we all just get along?” This is serious stuff people! If a blind person doesn’t know he’s blind he’ll never search for someone to open his eyes. This verse is a real eye-opener.
Very Much Like Israel “And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called the way of holiness;…” Isaiah 35:8a (KJV) If you go to the beginning of chapter 35 you see that Isaiah is talking about the wilderness and the desert. I find it quite interesting that by verse eight he has explained to us that the way of holiness, or righteousness, is found therein. Perhaps I’m not the only one who envisions a desert as a vast wasteland, an arid place where nothing grows or lives. Yet, in Scripture we often find reference to it and even in this chapter we’re told waters, streams (v. 6), pools and springs will be found in the midst of the desert. This persuades me to consider a metaphoric implication. Those hard, seemingly unending, hugely lonely, painful times in life are indeed our deserts and if we recall them with objective clarity we’ll discover those were the times we felt His refreshment, when He nourished us. Sometimes those deserts are His only option to get us back on track. We start depending too much on self and begin walking like the world. Jesus often withdrew to lonely desolate places to pray. Of course, He recognized within Himself that need for separation from the world. Unfortunately, we’re very much like Israel and often have to be led into the wilderness. If you’re there now, don’t take forty years to locate His path.
Beware the Government’s Leaven “And he charged them saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.” Mark 8:15 (KJV) I’m not sure why I never noticed the last part of this verse, but for whatever reason, it stands out to me now. Maybe that’s the result of it being an election year. Whatever the case may be, Jesus warned His disciples to beware of the preacher/priest’s teachings and here’s the kicker, the teaching of the heads of government. Certainly we’ve all been warned to keep our eyes out for false prophets and wolves in sheep’s clothing, but what about all the craziness in our government? Sure, it doesn’t take an Einstein to find fault with gender specific abortions and forced birth control, but what about the subtle influences, the tiny bits of leaven that infiltrate the bread of our churches? Things like greed, pride, lust, etc? Our government controls public schools, television and almost completely, health care, not to mention a myriad of other things (like our banks and paychecks). Have we failed to take heed to beware the leaven of Herod? It’s definitely something to think about.
Work on Our Mustard Seeds “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” Mark 9:23 (KJV) This is the problem! We’ve no bigger obstacle to our Faith than the simple and terrible fact that we don’t believe. We lack faith in our Faith and thusly minute molehills crush us when we could be casting mountains into the sea! The world has programmed us so well to recognize fairy tales and the impossibility of supernatural or seemingly magical things that the miraculous feats and spiritual gifts we’ve been given via the Holy Spirit appear to be mere fantasy. Consequently, the enemy takes away our power in Christ. We hardly believe in miraculous healings and then only if we’ve seen it first hand. Even that seems sort of flukish and so we’re reticent to believe anyone else’s healing testimony. What about prophecy and dreams? We push them right out the door because we’re so fearful of false teachers we don’t even attempt to test the spirits. Yet Scripture tells us that our sons and daughters will prophecy, old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions and He’ll pour out His Spirit on men and women in the end times (Joel 2:28 & Acts 2:17). We’re so leery of a hoax and so terrified of being deemed fanatical or loony that we do not claim the power the Word promises us. Why else would Jesus make such a direct statement? Because, as He says elsewhere, he knew and was/is concerned that upon His return He might not find faith. We really need to work on our mustard seeds!
No Excuse for Faithlessness “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17 (KJV) Zephaniah is delivering this message to Jerusalem and the Israelites, or God’s people. If we return to the beginning of this chapter though, we’ll discover that it starts as a reprimand for those who have not obeyed God’s voice or His correction, have not trusted or drawn near to Him (v. 2). If we’re being honest with ourselves here, which (if not all) of these things are we guilty of? We’ve much to learn in this walk of Faith, in this supposed pursuit of the King, in this race we claim to be running. When I think about listening to His voice, I have to ask myself, how can I possibly hear Him when I do all the talking? Then, with regards to correction, I need to start recognizing circumstances and situations for what they are and though I may not like it, the fact is, some of the bad stuff in my life is His means of correcting me. Oh, then there’s trusting Him and drawing near. I definitely fail there! How many times do I resort to my own strength (which is really non-existent) as a means of fixing or controlling things in my life? The truth of the matter is, I’m a wretched example of what Faith should look like and when Zephaniah talks about all the earth being devoured by the fire of the Father’s jealousy (v. 8), well, I deserve to burn! Praise God for the gift of Christ, but let’s not use that as a means of negating our own wretchedness. Our God is mighty, He will save us and rejoice over us, but we really need to work harder on drawing near, trusting and obeying! The blood and Grace provided by Christ should never be used to excuse our faithlessness.
Can He Entrust Himself to You? “But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men.” John 2:24 (KJV) The verse prior to this one says that people believed in His Name when they saw the miracles He did. This is a terrible thing, the claiming of belief when it appears there’s something in it for us. Ya know, as sad as it may be, so many preachers utilize that “believe this and you’ll get that,” methodology. No doubt our Father knew how self-centered, self-serving, and self-gratifying humans are. Look at some of those wonderful promises we like to quote, Psalm 37:4, delight yourself in God and He will give you the desires of your heart, comes to mind instantly, or what about Malachi 3:10, if you tithe God will pour out more blessings than you can hold? So, we think, “if I act happy about God, tell people how ‘blessed’ I am, then I can get whatever I want out of the God-give-me-factory.” This is where John’s statement comes and slams us in the face! Sure, people claimed to believe in Christ because they saw what He could do for them, but He knew what was in their hearts; He knew they didn’t really want Him, they wanted His gifts. Consequently, He did not commit Himself to them. The Greek word for commit used here is pistĕuō (pist-yoo-ò), meaning to have faith or entrust. Basically, Jesus saw right through them and chose not to have faith in their proclamations or entrust His Truth to them. How many times are we guilty of playing at Faith? Let us realize that we’ll never fool Him; He knows those who are His and will not pistĕuō Himself to anyone who’s not.
Secret Love Aids in No Way “Open rebuke is better than secret love.” Proverbs 27:5 (KJV) Not many would agree with this statement though we must acknowledge it as wisdom as it was penned by Solomon. Of course, our main reason for disavowing the verse is based solely on our personal displeasure in chastisement, correction, or reproof, especially when it’s done openly. Open rebuke implies that there are other people who may hear it. Certainly no one wants to be called out on something he or she has done wrong. That all said, why in the world would Solomon tell us that open chastisement was better than hidden affection, secret love? Perhaps it’s because at least when you’re being corrected you have some understanding of where you stand with the person correcting you. Also, there’s the definite possibility that those who confront you or your misbehaviors, are doing so out of love for you and a desire to help you stay on the straight and narrow. What good would it do for Joe to love you from afar, never reaching a hand out to help, never offering any form of advice or assistance? His secret love for you aids you in no way. However, even if the person rebuking you is doing it for the sake of meanness, you have been helped in several ways, ¹ if it’s a true issue, then it’s been brought to your attention and now you can rectify the problem or, ² if it’s a false accusation then you’re being blessed by your Father in Heaven for suffering persecution. So, the next time someone points out your flaws, realize their rebuke is better than someone else’s supposed loving silence.
Pretty Close Together “For apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?” Ecclesiastes 2:25 (ESV) I think we forget that everything comes from Him. Please notice that I said everything. We have to take the good with the bad, in fact Job calls his wife foolish for not recognizing that fact (Job 2:10). It’s really easy to thank God for the good that comes into our lives, for the abundance and prosperity we keep getting told He desires for us. No doubt He wants good things for His children. After all, what father gives his child a stone when she asks for bread? However, He also desires us to grow in Faith, hope and love, not to mention trust. If everything in life is roses, what need have we to increase in any of these areas? It’s the thorns that spur us to greater depths of relationship; it’s the storms that threaten to sink us that make us cry out to and reach for Him. Peter found that out in the midst of miraculously walking on the water. In Him, we move and live and breathe and the fact is, even if the moving and living and breathing are painful at the moment, we still have to realize that He’s in control of it all. Paul was content in little and much, in prosperity and scarcity. Christ committed His Spirit to the One who created Him for the purpose of the cross. Enjoyment can be found in all things if we’ll but realize that the Father’s got His hand in and on them. Praise Him in the spring time and the rains; they usually happen pretty close together.
Living Cerebrally “We love because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 (ESV) Some of you saw this verse and rolled your eyes. Not because you dislike the verse but because you’ve heard it so many times that it’s become almost meaningless. I hope that the revelation I’ve had in reference to it will be something new for you though, and if not new, perhaps a little thought provoking. I don’t know about you, but I’m not necessarily the friendliest human being. I have to make a conscious effort to step out of this shell to smile at and engage with other people. I know this about myself and readily admit that being loving is absolutely foreign to me. If I’m alone in this, then maybe I’m writing for myself. Regardless, this verse has hit me pretty intensely this evening. You see, we sang a song at church on Sunday that talked about God loving us. As I sang along I realized that while I understand, cognitively that God loves me, I don’t think I’ve really allowed the fullness of His love to envelope me. So, I stopped singing and began praying that He would show me His love, that I would stop ‘knowing’ it and start believing it. So many of us are cerebral Christians and there’s some kind of detour or road block between our heads and our hearts. The neck doesn’t seem like such a long road to travel, but our knowledge seems to get caught in our throats before it can turn into the nourishment of Faith. Thusly, this Scripture has some serious implications for those of us living cerebrally. Loving others is not accomplished, in truth, until we allow His incredible love to embrace us. We love others well and to His glory, only once we realize and experience His love for us. If you’re in this boat with me, start seeking out the verses that tell you about His love for you, that’s what I plan to do.
My Own Wretchedness "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." 1 Peter 5:6 (NIV) We have two choices here, in case you didn't know it. You see, the Father is not down with pride and so if you walk around with pride in your spirit, eventually your behavior will tell Him that you choose for Him to humble you. Peter gave us a better option: humble yourself. Thusly the two choices, choose to be humbled by the King, or choose to humble yourself. Certainly a lesson we choose to learn is considerably less painful than one we are made to learn. He warns us that pride comes before a fall. It's not like He didn't tell us that we were going to be humbled one way or another. However, like the good God that He is, He always gives us a choice. Will you humble yourself, or will you have to fall first? Perhaps the coolest part of this verse is that when we humble ourselves before the Almighty, a Being we should never arrogantly approach anyway, it's possible that He will lift us up. Jesus gave a great example of that type of situation telling the people not to take a seat at the head of the table lest the host make them move to a lower spot. Rather, He said, take the lowly spot so that if the host so choose, he may bring you to the head. Jesus fully understood humility as He bent low to wash the feet of His lowly disciples. If the King of all creation could humble Himself, why in the world do we accept pride/arrogance within ourselves? I feel compelled to give you an example. Today I heard dreadful news about a mother choosing to walk out on her child. I found a word wanting to pop off my tongue in reference to her and I realized that this same word could be applied to me and the things I have done. I chose not to say the word, having been pricked by the Spirit so that my own wretchedness came to mind. I've nothing in my life to be proud about. There's a song that comes to mind here, and the beginning is, "I won't deny, the worst you can say about me..." If we can honestly live from that perspective it will be a lot easier to humble ourselves before God's Mighty Hand.
Freight Train of Unacceptable Emotion "Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you." Hosea 10:12 (NIV) It is SO time to seek the Lord! I wish I could say that I have been sowing righteousness, but things just seem to be extraordinarily irritating to me lately. I find my brain speaking so much trash inwardly that the concept of capturing my thoughts is a rough one. There's a freight train of unacceptable emotion raging through me. When things of this nature come upon us, it is important that we remind ourselves to seek our King. He wants to shower His righteousness on us; that's the only way we can sow righteousness, for certainly we are everything but righteous. Perhaps we should ask Him to show us our "unplowed ground," those areas of our hearts and lives that we keep Him out of, those secret "me" places. Yes, He'll probably want to uproot the selfishness and selfdependence that invasively grows there, and yes, that will probably hurt. However, this verse tells us that when we sow His righteousness, we will reap His unfailing love. Oh how I need that love today! What about you?
Why We Were Created in the First Place "He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.� Psalm 46:10 (NIV) Ah, the ever difficult, "be still." This is where that oh-so-wonderful concept of patience is brought to the forefront of our minds. Minds that go 80 mph (we try not to speed too terribly) and rarely brake. Yet, our King tells us to "be still." Even in our prayers we find this concept difficult. No doubt when Jesus went to the lonely places to pray He spent a good deal of time in stillness listening to His Father's voice and as our example, we also should, "be still." But, how in the world do we do that? We live in such fast paced, fast food, speed of light times that the concept of slowing down for a millisecond seems inconceivable. This is sad and is, quite possibly, the reason we often don't know what God wants us to be doing at any given moment. David used to inquire of God and He would respond to him. David heard what God had to say and that's because he allowed himself to "be still." It seems probable that the reason we are told to go into our prayer closets, quiet solitary places, is for the sheer fact that within those confined spaces the world and its distractions can be blocked out. After all, it's those interruptions that make it so difficult to "be still," to focus... Oh that we'd make time to really truly be alone with our Father, to sit at His feet in silence and allow Him the pleasure of interacting with us for indeed He does delight in loving us and being in relationship with us. That's why we were created in the first place!
We are the Fabric "You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me." Psalm 139:5 (ESV) I cannot tell you how much comfort I find in these words today! Perhaps your life is as tumultuous as mine; perhaps you are under the pressure of financial strain, or problems with your children, or maybe you have legal issues accosting you. Whatever the case may be, you, like David, can find peace in the concept that the Father is embracing you; He's hemming you in. What's particularly great about that part of the verse is that He's not just looking out for your future, but He's also blocking out your past. If we think about the concept of hemming, we get the image of the cuff on a pant leg. The section that is hemmed basically envelopes an area of fabric. We are the fabric in this illustration and the Father is enveloping us. Certainly that's a comforting thought, but the verse doesn't end there. No, David also says that God has placed His hand upon him. When I think of this, I can't help but envision my wee-one, Hazel, as I lay my hand upon her head. I do this out of affection and protection. I believe our King does it for the same reason. So, if things are kind of sucky for you right now, rest assured that God not only has your back, but your front as well and His hand is upon you. If God be for us, whom shall we fear?
That’s the Question “that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear.” Luke 1:74 (ESV) Zechariah, John the Baptist’s father, is filled with the Holy Spirit and is prophesying in this verse. He recalls the Father’s promise to Abraham that He would deliver His people from their enemies and therefore His people would serve Him without fear. Why have we forgotten this? Why do we walk around timid and introverted? Namely, because we are afraid of our enemies. We have forgotten, or at least failed to embrace, our position. You see, Paul tells us that by grace we’ve been saved and therefore we’ve been raised up and seated with Christ in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:5-6). Please note the verb tense here, that’s where the power lies. This is a past tense statement, it’s already happened, we’re raised up and seated with Christ and we know that He’s overcome the world and that we’re more than conquerors. What then is the problem? We keep returning to the flesh, not living in Spirit and Truth, and the flesh tells us that our enemies, the world, whatever, can hurt us. But (and how I love that little word) God, but Christ, but Scripture tells us we’ve been delivered, raised up and seated. It is then possible, once we internalize this reality, to serve Him without fear. Are we really willing to walk away from the flesh to do so? That’s the question.
Trivial Nonsense “So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made of God by the church.” Acts 12:5 (ESV) There’s a site online that reveals the sad truth that 150,000 believers were killed last year due to their allegiance to our King. Millions more, it says, are daily threatened with death and other physical tortures. Keep this in mind as we discuss this verse. In the verses prior to this we find that Herod, upon discovering that the Jews were pleased with the fact he had murdered other believers, has Peter arrested and guarded by sixteen men (v. 3-4). So, we’re told, Peter was kept in prison, then we come to one of the more amazing words in the Bible, but. But, earnest (the KJV says without ceasing) prayer was made to God for Peter by the church. The results of the but, happen in verses 7-10 when an angel comes to his rescue. Here’s the tie in. Our brothers and sisters around the world are daily imprisoned, tortured and killed and we’ve neglected to earnestly and ceaselessly pray for them. We have to realize that God included verse five for a reason. He could have left it out and then revealed how He came to Peter’s aid, but no, He thought it pertinent to mention that prayers by the church were being fervently lifted up on Peter’s behalf. We’re so guilty of the four word lie, “I’ll pray for you.” Perhaps this lie, this negligence, is to blame for the martyrdom of His saints. Who knows, maybe He would have sent angels for those 150,000 if His ĕkklĕsia, His church, His called out ones actually called out to Him for the sake of their Spiritual siblings. The lives of the Body are at stake and we’re too busy praying about our finances. Trivial nonsense! Think about it.
Move Toward Maturity “Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let him who has my word speak my word faithfully. What has straw in common with wheat? declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 23:28 (ESV) God’s pretty displeased in this chapter. We find that people are claiming to hear from Him when He says He didn’t speak to or send them. False prophets are the bottom line here and we’ve been frequently warned both in our church experience and in our personal Bible reading times, to look out for people such as these. This is a hard thing to do though because as a believer you may be trying to only listen to Faith-based music and perhaps you’re even watching Faith-based television. False prophets sneak in there too. I have to tell you, a lot of times I’m truly disgusted by supposed “Christian” television. My husband’s a big fan though so I endure, but I totally get what Christ meant when He said that the enemy would try to deceive even the elect. When God asks at the end of this verse, “What has straw in common with wheat?” I don’t think He meant it rhetorically. I think He really intended for us to learn to differentiate the two. This is what I see: they’re both a yellowish-colored reed-like vegetation, they grow out of the ground and they are edible. Upon further evaluation then, I see that false prophets look like the real thing and can even spring up from the soil of a church, but false prophets, like straw, are of no nourishment to humans and in fact if ingested will have ill effects. If however, you showed the two, straw and wheat, to a child, would he/she be able to make a distinction? That’s why it’s so important to test the spirits and know the Word! We must move toward maturity.
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