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Delight*Abide*Love For People in Pursuit of God

The Whole Buffalo Talk to the Hand Liars become Leaders The Puppy with Mange And much more… November 2012

Dear Reader: Once again I am late. I disappoint myself greatly when I find that the magazine just keeps getting pushed back and back. I could give you a list of excuses, but what good would that do? The truth is, I need to be more disciplined and dedicated to this publication. I know there are people who are looking for it each month and that’s an encouragement for sure, though it does add to my guilt when it comes out late. On the bright side, it looks like this magazine is about to find an additional home. That’s exciting. As many of you know we publish this online so that it’s available for free to anyone who would choose to read it. In addition, we offer subscriptions on our website. However, we have only been making print versions available at First Baptist Church of Midway. This month we are hoping to add another church home to our list of readers. Keep that opportunity in your prayers! I pray that this month will be a most blessed one for you. I know for a fact that it is one of big changes and much thankfulness even in the midst of hardships. Listen, friends, our God is AWESOME. He is in control no matter what other people think, no matter what the world tries to tell us, there is nothing going on that He doesn’t know about. He’s King, dear ones, and amazingly, He LOVES us!!! This month I want you to think about the verses that you read that reveal to you the fact that the Father WANTS you. No, He doesn’t need us, He WANTS us. If that doesn’t lift your Spirit this month, well, pray about it, because that’s hardcore life-changing Truth. Peace and blessings, Ginny Mink

The Emperor’s New Clothes “For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling, if indeed by putting it on we may not be found naked.” 2 Corinthians 5:2-3 (ESV) Paul’s usage of the word tent here is a reference to our mortal bodies. I’m not sure if you’re groaning within your tent, but I can certainly relate. Sometimes this world and its wicked ridiculousness seems more than I can bear, it makes me long for that heavenly dwelling Paul referred to. Yet, as much as I desire to be with my Beloved Savior, my Incredible Abba, verse three shakes me up a bit and puts the brakes on. I have no desire to show up to the Feast naked. I suspect that those who would are thrown out like the guy in Jesus’ parable that shows up without wedding attire. This concept of nakedness and arriving in eternity disrobed is pretty scary. I’d say it’s a far sight worse than those dreams where you show up somewhere important in the emperor’s new clothes. You see, we’re here on this planet, still, for a reason; we’ve a got a job to do, a calling, that will involve us becoming robed in righteousness, that will allow us to put on Jesus. So, as much as we might rather say hasta la vista to this dreadful planet with its pain in the rear inhabitants, we’re still on our shopping spree, we’ve got belts and helmets and shoes and various other attire to attain while we’re here. In verse twenty, Paul explains his purpose and probably ours too. He says, we’re ambassadors for Christ imploring humanity on His behalf, to be reconciled to God. I wonder how many of us really get dressed that way?

Liars Become Leaders “The groans of the dying rise from the city, and the souls of the wounded cry out for help, but God charges no one with wrongdoing.” Job 24:12 (NIV) Job is obviously bitter; at the beginning of this chapter he’s listing the ways the wicked take advantage of others. He illumines the wretched lives the poor are forced to endure due to the hand of the wicked and by verse twelve he’s saying the same thing he said in verse one: God’s not doing anything and we’re all being forced to suffer. Job was a good guy but in the midst of his good guy-ness was the wretched seed of pride and the enemy used that to knock him off his block and make him question God’s just-ness. Have you ever wondered such things? I mean, we see all kinds of vile stuff going on; we see the heinous atheists being financially and publicly exalted, we see liars become leaders and thieves become CEOs. Doesn’t life often seem unfair? Do you sometimes wonder why those who do the wrong thing, or just live in pure oblivion to God’s righteousness, are often in better lifesituations that you’re in? Do you covet their positions and think you must be doing something wrong? I was having a conversation with someone about this very thing and she said she felt like the harder she and her husband worked towards doing what they felt the Father had called them to do, the worse off things seemed to get. She couldn’t understand why the drunkard partiers were able to live it up. Thusly I told her simply, “this earth is the only heaven they’ll ever know and the only hell we’ll ever have to live in.” God loves everyone, those who don’t love Him back only get to enjoy His niceties here; we get it for all eternity. Hallelujah!

Which Side will you be on? “No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval.” 1 Corinthians 11:19 (NIV) Paul is discussing the divisions within the Corinthian church whenever they meet with each other. Maybe some will think this a stretch, but when I read this verse in November of 2008, I wrote a note off to the side, it was just one word, denominations. Can you see that? If not, maybe you should just skip today’s devotion. Anyway, if you’ve ever been exposed to other denominational teachings besides the one you currently align yourself with, then maybe you can visualize the fact that God’s approval will be shown therein. Now, I’m not condemning all members of any denomination. The truth is, I see Scriptural issues in most doctrines. I don’t believe any one has it all right. The thing is though, we’re supposed to study to show ourselves approved and in my mind that means knowing the Scripture for yourself not just claiming membership at XYZ denominational church. I know there are people that attend various denominations because they appreciate the worship styles or the formality/informality of the service. While your comfort and enjoyment might be important to you on a Sunday morning, that’s not what a relationship with the One True God is all about. Some denominations are absolutely wrong in the things they accept and even embrace. So, get over the music and your Levis and study to show yourself approved because these divisions among the Body, among the Church as a whole of believers, will commend or condemn. Which side will you be on?

Don’t Chill with the Enemy “Therefore do not associate with them.” Ephesians 5:7 (ESV) Short and sweet and I’d be willing to bet (though I learned a long time ago not to make wagers of that sort) a verse that can cause some contention. I envision people arguing that Jesus hung out with sinners. I won’t deny that aspect of His ministry in the least, as He said, it’s the sick who need a physician. The difference herein is that He didn’t keep hanging out with the same questionable people unless they’d converted. Perhaps I’ve jumped into this too quickly. If you read verse five you’ll find Paul’s list of who not to hang out with and verse six is the clincher as he refers to them as sons of disobedience. You see, there is a difference between sinners and sons of disobedience. Sinners can indeed be saved, that’s who Jesus spent His time with. Sons of disobedience on the other hand most likely fall into the category of the parable of the wheat and weeds, you know, the one where the enemy sows in weeds and Jesus explains that they are the children of the evil one. It is those people we’re not to associate with. Now, I suspect another argument will come up here, and that’s the, don’t judge or how can we tell, one. I suppose I could offer you the “you’ll know them by their fruit,” retort, but I think I’d rather say, that if you’re spending time with someone who constantly belittles your Faith, demands that you not speak of it, or consistently blasphemes Him, you’re probably chilling with a son of disobedience and I choose chilling here because people of that nature slowly and methodically put out our fire, quench our Spirit, and make us lukewarm. So, if you wanna get spit out, keep chilling. Otherwise, walk away.

Exalted Slave = Friend “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” John 15:14 (ESV) This Sunday we sang a song that repeated the following line, “I am a friend of God…He has called me friend.” In the midst of singing such words, I was struck by the depth of relationship the word friend holds for me. In addition, the concept of being friends with God, while undoubtedly thrilling, also seemed a bit far-fetched. It strikes me as being along the same lines as being friends with the President of the USA or the Queen of England (not that I’d desire friendship with either, to tell you the truth, and not that either are anywhere near as incredible as God). God often feels so other-worldly, so far out of my league (and He is both) that I’m more than honored to be called His slave; I could hardly aspire to be His friend. Yet, Jesus does indeed call us His friends. Notice though, that there is a condition for that position, and that’s if we do what He commands. This brings me to an interesting point of contemplation… what if my BFF told me I could be her BFF if I did what she told me to? Sounds like an elementary school playground deal, but for me it bears careful deliberation. Here’s the thing, we are friends with people we trust and love, right? And, in the midst of that trust and love we desire to please them, correct? Obviously, given the fallibility of humanity, this stipulation to friendship cannot work, but it makes me see that if I love and trust Christ, if I’ve willingly submitted myself to the position of slave hood just to be near Him, then doing what He commands will flow from that position and amazingly He lifts me up to the stature of friend. This makes sense as we are told to humble ourselves before Him and He will exalt us. Pretty cool, I think!

Fanatic? “I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away.” John 16:1 (ESV) Jesus has just finished telling the disciples that the world is going to hate them just as it hated Him. Then, in the next verse He informs them that they’re going to get kicked out of their synagogues. Maybe this doesn’t say too much to you right now, but it speaks volumes to me on two levels at the very least. The first thing I’m concerned with is the fact that Jesus has told us everything we need to know to keep us dedicated and devoted to Him and this Faith. “What’s so concerning about that?” you might wonder. So, I’ll tell you: we’re too apathetic, too infantile in knowledge and too inconsistent in studying the Word. This is the number one reason people fall away. I suspect that if I’d been in the Word like I am now (not that I’m superb or even remotely good now) back in college, I might have been able to utilize the sword of the Spirit to fend off the enemy thereby saving myself years of misery, sin and fruitlessness. Instead, I fell away! That shield of Faith mentioned in Ephesians is all well and good, but it’s hard to maintain a Faith that’s useful without knowing the Word it’s based on. Man, I’ve gone so far off on that concept I’ve almost neglected to tell you the second issue. Perhaps you’ve noticed, as I have, that churches that preach the TRUE WORD of GOD are in decline, that ear tickling and false teachings have infiltrated the ranks of vast numbers of denominations and pulpits. As this trend continues, and it will (we’ve been warned) TRUE believers need to be prepared to get kicked out of church, to be hated, to be labeled fanatics. You know what, I’d rather be a fanatic in heaven than lukewarm in hell (and given the fire situation there I suspect lukewarm is an understatement).

Don’t Underestimate Spiritual Warfare “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him. Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work.” 2 John 1:10-11 (NIV) My husband is a real stickler about who you allow into your home. I suspect these verses have something to do with it. I’m sure many people immediately envision white button-downs and ties on bicycles and I won’t deny that this is an accurate example. I know that there are believers that like to play the apologist role and therefore readily converse with these visitors. However, I think they should be warned to do so on their porches or in their yards. Maybe that sounds a little extreme to you, but if you’ll go back to verse seven you’ll see that John calls these people the antichrist. Do you want to let him in your house? Let me give you an example, I attended a Bible study recently and a mormon showed up. I hope some Light was given her, however, when she left and we discussed where we’d be meeting next (as we rotate homes) I announced to the group that I couldn’t let her in my house. No doubt some thought this judgmental or fanatical, but these verses came to mind and I’ve no interest in sharing in anyone else’s wicked work (I’m plenty capable of my own). You know, it seems to me that after she attended our group for the first and only time, the other members and their families (my children included) spent the next few weeks going back and forth with illness. If that’s indeed the truth, it’s kind of freaky, but it makes perfect sense to me in hindsight. Ya know, we often negate, or underestimate, the reality of Spiritual warfare and battles that aren’t against flesh and blood, but they’re there and we need to be more cognizant of them. Watch who you let in your house. By the way, she got ill before we were finished with the Bible study and left early…

He is! “The Lord said to me: ‘Do not pray for the welfare of this people.” Jeremiah 14:11 (ESV) That’s a rough one. God is hugely fed up with Israel. In chapter thirteen He compares them to a spoiled and ruined loincloth that’s good for nothing. Then in verse fifteen of that chapter He starts to warn them about returning to Him otherwise they’re to go into exile. By chapter fourteen He’s over them; He intends to consume them with famine, sword and pestilence. And, here’s the part that slams you, He forbids Jeremiah to pray for them (remember Moses stood in the gap and God was insuring that didn’t happen again). He’s made up His mind and will not let any compassion Jeremiah might muster up sway Him. Maybe reading verses like these troubles you, I can see why. I mean, we’re often taught an image of God that creates a sense of a sweet, open-armed, grandpa. We love the concept that God is love, but when we’re faced with some of His other character traits, like holiness, justice and jealousy, we sort of cringe. When we keep God in the grandpa shaped box we forget His Kingship and His power and ultimately we begin to revere and respect Him less. I see these verses as reminders. Sure, I want to be able to curl up on Abba’s lap and have Him stroke my hair, wipe away my tears and tell me everything’s going to be ok, just as much as you do. Yet, I also want to know that He’s strong enough to do those things, that He can lift my rather large behind, that He can work the wretched things together for my good, that He has overcome the world. For Him to be that God to me, then I’ve got to see Him put His foot down when His children blatantly flip Him a bird and go their own way. My God has to be all loving and all powerful and verses like this remind me that He is!

Easy Target “The fields are ruined, the ground is dried up; the grain is destroyed, the new wine is dried up, the oil fails.” Joel 1:10 (NIV) I think my mom might say this verse reminds her of a country song if only Joel would add that someone kicked his dog. Obviously I say that in jest, please don’t call PETA or anything. All joking aside though, maybe you’re in a spot of life that feels like everything is a disaster, that there’s simply nothing good going on. I know how you feel and while I could enumerate my own calamities it wouldn’t do either of us any good. Interestingly enough, my son’s devotional tonight included 1 Peter 5:7 as its memory verse. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s one of the rare few I can actually quote with its address: “Cast all your cares upon Him because He cares for you.” Invariably this verse is often a pat-answer one, and probably so overused it’s lost its value to you. Truth be told, that’s just sad because there’s so much power in it, so much peace and rest for the weary therein. Maybe you didn’t know this, but the very next verse warns us to be self-controlled because the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. I want you to consider the order of operations there, then, first give all your anxieties (NIV), worries and concerns (AMP) to your Savior, then be self-controlled so you can avoid the enemy. This insinuates to me that when we’re burdened by the cares of this world, choked out by its thorns, we’re easier targets for the evil one. There is indeed a reason we’re told not to worry. By the way, I realize that Joel’s talking about the damage the locusts did, but the travesty listed therein made me venture this road. Forgive me, unless of course this benefited you and then, Hallelujah!

The Same Everywhere “Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” 1 Peter 5:9 (NIV) The him you’re supposed to resist is the devil who’s prowling around looking for people to devour (v. 8) just in case you were uncertain. Given the fact this comes from Peter, I’m guessing he’s wishing he’d done that back when Jesus got arrested; after all, Jesus warned him that satan had asked to sift him. In actuality I find it quite amazing that we wonder at Peter, that we shake our heads at him for his three time denial. Listen, Jesus told him he’d be the rock that the church would be built on so the fact is, his three time denial is probably so minute compared to our own multitudes. “What?” You may say indignantly, but let me shed some light on the truth herein. How many times have you not proclaimed your Faith when the situation proved uncomfortable? Listen, maybe you haven’t said, “I don’t know the man,” but you haven’t announced the opposite either and your silence in those circumstances makes you equally guilty of such denial. But I digress… The part of this verse that I really wanted to bring to the forefront of your consideration is the part that says our Spiritual siblings around the world are enduring the same sufferings. I kind of have to laugh at this, not at them, but at us, we overly-sheltered, beyond-spoiled American Christians, we have no IDEA the kinds of sufferings our brothers and sisters endure daily and the truth is, they’re praying for us! “Do you believe in Jesus?” the enemy’s children question and the answer dictates lashings, jail time, bullets, you name it and we’re worried about pink slips. Like I said, we have NO IDEA, but we’d better get one because eventually it will be the same everywhere.

Quit Worrying “Having the eyes of your heart enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.” Ephesians 1:18 (ESV) In verse seventeen Paul asks that God provide the Ephesians with a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. It is this Spirit that enlightens the eyes of our hearts and shows us the hope we’ve been called to and the riches of His inheritance in fellow believers. I guess it’s the word hope that draws my attention on this reading. You see, my husband is unhappy in his current work situation, not that he dislikes the work he does. Actually, I think he really loves what he does and he’s great at it. Rather the unhappiness stems from a lack of security, not that he’ll be laid off, he works for himself, but that he’ll make the money necessary to provide for his growing family. Ultimately, what I’m saying is he seems to be struggling with hope. Thusly, he’s in need of that Spirit of wisdom and revelation because God has called each one of us into His hope and hope in Him will never leave us embarrassed or ashamed. I know a lot of people want to focus on the glorious riches, but perhaps they miss the fact that those riches are found in the saints, all that good fruit, all that glory we bring to our King by living in the hope to which He has called us. Ya know, things can look so dreary and insurmountable, but we are children of the Most High God, what’s too big for Him? There’s nothing that can conquer His children so long as they will remember to dwell in the shadow of His wings and the security and peace of the hope to which we’ve been called. We really gotta quit worrying!

Don’t Forget! “They refused to obey and were not mindful of the wonders that you performed among them, but they stiffened their neck and appointed a leader to return to their slavery in Egypt. But you are a God ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and did not forsake them.” Nehemiah 9:17 (ESV) Chapter nine of Nehemiah is actually quite interesting; I’d recommend you read it. It starts with the Israelites coming before the Father in fasting and sackcloth confessing their sins for a quarter of the day after listening to the reading of the Word for a quarter of it. It’s obvious that the intensity of their dedication is reflective of their remorse. The chapter continues by relaying the multitude of miracles the Father has done for them and the countless times He allowed them to suffer for their misbehavior yet readily took them back whenever they cried out for Him. Actually, right now, the song, “Cry out to Jesus,” by Third Day is playing in the background and that seems so fitting. There are a couple of things I want to address here: first, it’s so easy to judge the Israelites – why’d they complain so much? How could they doubt God after the Red Sea, the plagues, the manna, etc? How could they worship a gold cow made from their own earrings? Secondly, how many times are we guilty of the exact same things and why do we so readily forget the Father’s miracles in our own lives? Finally, praise Him that He is: ready to forgive, gracious, merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love! This verse reminded me of a miracle I turned a stiff neck to as I chose to live a most unholy life. Briefly, a friend’s father intended to rape me. I was pressed against a locked door, I prayed, “God please unlock this door!” and suddenly it was unlocked. I escaped because my King was there. Oh people, He’s real, let’s not forget all He’s done for us!

Hit by a Semi “Yet you have been righteous in all that has come upon us, for you have dealt faithfully and we have acted wickedly.” Nehemiah 9:33 (ESV) The world would have us believe that a lot of our circumstances are unfair and undeserved. It readily teaches us to question, “Why me?” whenever we feel wronged. No doubt the Israelites often asked that same question when they were overtaken by their enemies or forced into slavery. In fact, we find in Malachi examples of that self-same line of questioning, “How have YOU loved us?” they ask God (Malachi 1:2). Perhaps part of the issue is our propensity to compare ourselves to others. Try and follow here, when bad stuff happens to us (and not all of it’s punishment obviously) we immediately think we don’t deserve it, maybe Charles Manson does, but we don’t. Listen, the Israelites got what they deserved; they basically shot birds at God and went their own way like blatantly self-indulgent children (sound familiar?). However, in Nehemiah chapter 9 they start recounting their history and God’s willingness to forgive them and come to their aid. That’s when they realize that a lot of their problems are their own fault. Look, God wanted to take them by the hand and lead them safely across the interstate of humanity, crazy world life and instead they broke free and got hit by a semi. That’s just the consequences of rebellion. Thankfully, the Great Physician is able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. We’ve got to learn our lessons too. Some things are direct consequences of our misbehavior, some are consequences of other people’s screw-ups and some things are just the crazy world we live in, but rest assured, our King is faithful and everything happens for a reason.

Talk to the Hand “They made their hearts diamond-hard lest they should hear the law and the words that the Lord of hosts had sent by his Spirit through the former prophets.” Zechariah 7:12 (ESV) The people of Bethel are seeking God’s favor. Basically, they’re offering to fast and mourn in return for His good will. However, He calls them out on it telling them that they do all these things for themselves and not for Him. Then He tells them, through Zechariah, how to fix the situation (read v. 9-10). In summary, He tells them to love one another as they love themselves and they give Him the cold shoulder, stop up their ears and make their hearts diamond-hard. It’s this description that grabs me. I suspect that we all know diamonds are the hardest minerals so the concept of having a diamond-hard heart is quite significant. How stubborn are you? I’ll tell you, I’m pretty stubborn. I’d attribute it to some familial reference as many of us do, but the truth is, we are who we choose to be. The verse doesn’t say that stubbornness ran in the Israelite blood-line, rather it says, they made their hearts diamond-hard, it’s a choice. Just like listening to your spouse, your editor, your boss, your pastor, your King is a choice. How many times do we negate valuable information (laws and words) simply because we’ve chosen a talk-to-the-hand attitude? It seems to me, that when we’re in the midst of problems, overbearing, suffocating wretchedness, we’d do well to listen to trusted people outside the mess because they’ve got a clearer view. And, there’s no one with a clearer view that the Great I Am. It’s amazing to me that after all the teenage-like-eye-rolling and ignoring I’ve done to Him that He still tries to speak to me. He still reaches out for me. May we stop and listen to Him today!

You love us anyway! “For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.” 1 John 3:20 (KJV) I’ve often said to you, I don’t know how vile you’ve been in your past, I only know my own heinousness, and this verse offers me so much comfort. Maybe that seems odd to you, but when I read this, the verse that tells us our hearts are “deceitful above all things,” comes to mind. Thusly, that guilt that tries to creep in, that negativity and self-deprecation that comes in MMA, cage-fighting style and tries to destroy my Spirit and my Faith, is a lie. I have to smile right now because there’s another verse that pops up here and that’s “there is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ,” (gotta love Romans 8). You see, even when our hearts want to punish us, to berate us, to shackle us in guilt over past iniquity we are reminded here that God is greater and He knows all things. Yes, He knows the secret sins, the things done in the dark, but He also knows that as believers, those sins have been cast as far as East is from West, that we are covered by the blood of the Lamb, that we are forgiven, new creatures, redeemed! Do you know how exciting salvation really is? Do you get it? Maybe you never killed, raped or robbed, but guess what, even the smallest lie will condemn you to hell because a pure God can’t be united with the slightest blemish. The greatest most virtuous among us needs Jesus as desperately and completely as the worst, it’s that simple. Oh thank You, Father, that You’re greater than our hearts and that You love us anyway!

We Matter to Him “Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels.” 2 Timothy 2:23 (ESV) Some of you have heard (or read) me say that I don’t argue theology or doctrine that is not relevant to salvation. Well, this is the verse that brought me to that position. Perhaps it means something else to you, but please allow me this interpretation. Verse 22 tells the reader to grow up, to mature to the point that your focus is on righteousness, faith, love and peace in agreement with other true believers. So, when I read verse 23 I assume (you can do with that what you will) that we’re to avoid quarreling over controversial aspects of the Faith. Do I believe there are certain black and white facets of Faith? Absolutely! However, I’m well-read enough to know that there are other areas of theology and doctrinal focus that are points of contention with my Spiritual siblings. Yet, these same controversial areas hold no bearing on my salvation therefore it makes perfect sense to me to avoid the quarrel altogether. You and I don’t have to agree about the timing of the rapture, the specific meaning and explanation of predestination and whether the wine in the Bible did or did not contain alcohol. Sadly, I’ve witnessed people get red in the face over their personal understanding of such things. Look, real quick, go to Romans 10:8-13 and read it. If we agree on that, if you’ve claimed that Truth for your life then you and I will meet again; and there’s certainly no reason for me to fight with you over foolish, ignorant controversies here. Jesus is all that matters and praise the King that we matter to Him!

God’s Diary “Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit.” Ezekiel 18:31 (NIV) Does it seem weird to see the concept of a new heart and a new Spirit appearing in the Old Testament? I don’t mean to insult you of course, and if you’re highly knowledgeable in the Word then surely this isn’t surprising. However, a good number of believers are not actively involved in Scriptural study (shame on you) and for many the only books of the Bible they’ve actually read are found in the New Testament (or Psalms & Proverbs). I find it sad that many are unfamiliar with the Old Testament and that a good number of churches feel that the New Testament is the only thing they need to preach from and encourage members to read because, “Jesus brought the new covenant and eliminated the law.” The truth is, a good deal of the New Testament is repetition of the Old Testament prophecy, law, etc. Let me put it to you like this, if you came across the diary or journal of someone you really wanted to know and understand, would you only read the last third of it? I doubt it. You’d read the whole thing to get the whole picture, to understand why he/she acted that way, and did the things, you found in the end. Well, how can you truly understand the Father without reading every thing He purposely had written down for your benefit? There’s no greater way to know the King than to read His Word. So, like Ezekiel tells us here, let’s repent of all iniquity and renew our beings by basking in the life-giving sustenance of His Word, for man does not live by bread alone but by every Word that comes from the mouth of God!

Wayward Weaknesses “You believe at last!” Jesus answered.” John 16:31 (NIV) The disciples in unison, or so John’s description here implies, tell Jesus that now He’s speaking clearly, knows all things and no one needs to ask Him questions and therefore they are led to believe He came from God (v. 29-30). I kind of envision Jesus smacking Himself in the forehead and rolling His eyes as He sarcastically says, “You believe at last!” I hope that’s not heretical or disrespectful, but I mean, really? These guys saw Him feed 5000 men plus women and children with one bag lunch. They saw Him bring people back from the dead, give the blind sight (spit on some mud and paste it on). They saw insane miracles and yet it took nearly three years of traveling with Him for them to finally say, “Yep, You’re Him.” It seems pretty easy to fault them, and I think Jesus even points the issue out in John 20:29 when He says, essentially, “You guys believe because you’ve seen me, blessed are those who haven’t and still believe.” Yet, we also need to be reminded of our own propensity for seriously lacking Faith. God does miracles still, and I feel confident that most (dare I say, all) believers have experienced some sort of miraculous event, revelation, healing, provision, protection, etc. if not more than one. But, here’s the but, how many times do we allow those moments to slip from our memories when we’re in the midst of the storm and our Savior appears to be sleeping? How many times has He had to say to us, “Oh ye of little faith”? I bet He’s slapped His forehead and rolled His eyes at me a lot. Thankfully He loves me (and you) despite our wayward weaknesses.

Jaw Drop “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Romans 12:11 (NIV) I just read Romans 12 to my son, namely because that’s the book and chapter we’re in currently (we read one chapter a night). However, I was a little bit enthusiastic about this particular chapter because I recently heard Chip Ingram telling pastors they needed to be R12 leaders in order to produce R12 believers. I assumed he was talking about Romans 12, I just hadn’t gotten around to seeing what he was talking about. That said, read Romans 12. Anyway, as I read the chapter to my nine year old I was struck by this verse (he has an NIV Bible). It seemed to me to mean that we needed to do our utmost to remain on fire, to be souled out like the day we first embraced His Grace. I’m always refreshed by new believers because the passion that exudes from their beings is invigorating. This passionate enthusiastic, die-hard devotion is what came to mind when I read this verse. “Oh to be that zealous again,” I thought. Then, being the studious one, I chose to see what my ESV said, and while it was similar, I preferred the NIV. However, I never stop with just two, so I read the KJV and got stopped in my tracks, “not slothful in business; fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” Obviously it’s the first part that made the jaw drop. So, I read the NLT to see the super simplified version and I got, “Never be lazy in your work, but serve the Lord enthusiastically.” I guess all the mushy-gushy-ness of being passionately in love with the King got a little disturbed by the work aspect. I’ve told you before that I’ve a tendency to be lazy and so, while I deeply desire that bon-fire-blazing Faith, I need to equally desire the commitment, zeal and fervor to do the work I’ve been called to, serving Him with my whole heart. What about you?

Pray When You Say “rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 (KJV) I chose this translation for the “continuing instant in prayer,” aspect. The other versions say constant (ESV), faithful (NIV) and devoted (NASB). While these are all vivid, the instant has greater implications for me. I mean, how many times have we said, or heard others say, “There’s nothing left to do but pray”? Why does prayer always seem like a last resort after we’ve exhausted all the futility of our humanity? What if we always (NLT) prayed instantly? I mean the moment something happens or the moment someone asks us to. How many times have we told people we’d pray for them and then not given it a second thought? I can tell you, that when I get a text or email that has a prayer request in it, I pray then, and sometimes I even write the prayer out to the person so that we can touch and agree. I felt a little stupid doing it the first few times, but you’d be amazed how many people really appreciate the concept of instant prayer; it shows them that you’ve heard and acted on their behalf. I suspect that you anticipated me going on about the patience (KJV, ESV, NIV) and perseverance (NASB) in tribulation, and while I could, there’s something about prayer that’s just really been weighing on me. I can tell you that I’m not a prayer warrior. Yet, having become part of two different Bible studies has added people to my prayer list and I find myself praying for them almost daily (I’m sure I miss a few) and there’s a pretty fat list for me. I’ve never been much on prayers for other people but I find the more I pray for them and their issues, the less I’m complaining to God about my own. Actually, the less I even think of my own. Pretty interesting how other people’s prayer needs can make you less self-centered (not that I’m saying I’m selfless or anything near). Something to think about.

Obvious Love in Warnings “When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade him from his ways, that wicked man will die for his sins, and I will hold you accountable for his blood.” Ezekiel 33:8 (NIV) Bet you don’t like that one. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” comes to mind instantly here. Cain says this to God in Genesis, in the beginning, and God lets him know that Abel’s blood cries out to Him. Now, obviously Cain killed Abel, physically and literally, but the concept here is that when we see our brothers and sisters doing things that are wicked it’s our responsibility to warn them (God was telling Ezekiel he had to warn his Israelite brothers). Of course, a lot of people think that this is done with insulting placards and picket signs. However, if we’re to be Christ to this world our warnings must come shrouded and encased in love. When I came out to two of my oldest friends, they both told me that they couldn’t agree Scripturally with me. Yet, they continued to love me through my sin. If they hadn’t warned me, if they’d just accepted and approved, my blood could have been on them. You see, we are responsible for our brothers and sisters. If your arm has a festering sore on it do you just ignore that and hope it fixes itself or do you diligently take care of that body part? Well, it’s the same thing with our Spiritual siblings because as hard as it is to grasp, we’re all members of one Body, each part affecting the others and as they say, you’re only as strong as your weakest link. It’s so important to me to reiterate the necessity for obvious love in the midst of warnings, and this applies to everyone, not just believers. You’re not going to win the nons by shouting at and insulting them. Trust me, I know.

Until that Day “So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates.” Mark 13:29 (ESV) I’m no prophet, I’m not a dreamer of dreams, nor does any other prophetic ability reside within me (though of course His Spirit in me could do whatever He wanted). I preface this devotion with that simply because I just really want to say, “He’s at the gate!” In 2008, God yelled at me in the middle of some very serious conspiracy theory research, to “STOP… GO… NO…FURTHER!” I knew His voice, I knew He was talking about my research but that He was really telling me, “Enough is enough, come back to Me, NOW!” Thusly, I walked away from the research and repented of my lesbianism. When God yells at you, you listen or you die – at least that’s the kind of intensity and urgency of choice that was conveyed to me. I say all that to point out that there’s so much going on behind the scenes, that the depravity this world lives in is infinitely more heinous than anything Sodom and Gomorrah could have dreamed up. Yes, I know that the disciples thought they’d see the great and dreadful day of the coming of the Lord in their lifetimes, and part of me has to wonder if John isn’t still walking the planet. I mean, if God can take people away in chariots of fire or make them just disappear, He could sustain John’s life until Christ’s return. Obviously I’ve veered from the point which is I think He’s at the gates. If nothing else, I think it’s fairly obvious that we’re experiencing birth pangs. Some people really wig-out about the coming end and new beginning but what good does it do? Really, we need to just be aware, we should know the signs so that we can follow the chain of events as prophesied to us and so that no one can lead us astray. He’s coming and it could be very soon. Serve Him with every ounce of your being until that day!

To Hell by Default “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.” Matthew 12:30 (NIV) I was talking to a friend about the verse that tells us not to let people preaching false doctrines into our homes (it’s 2 John 1:10-11 if you want to check it out). Anyway, she said it would be like letting someone who she knew was a devil-worshipper into her home. Thusly, I brought up this verse. As I told her, anyone who chooses not to become a Christ-follower has by default aligned him/herself with the enemy even if he/she doesn’t realize it. Maybe that sounds harsh but the fact is, there are two sides, two roads. One of those roads has a grand multitude of names, but it’s still the wide broad path that leads to destruction. The other road is narrow and has but one Way to enter and that’s through Christ’s blood. He told us that He was it, the only Way to the Father, to our heavenly abode. I guess what really gets me here is that atheists who don’t believe in God, or any deity or any other supernatural being, cannot eliminate His existence. They can deny, deny, deny but in the end their knees will bow and their tongues will confess and unfortunately they’ll then go spend eternity realizing just how real hell is. Then there are the muslims who think that committing suicide in their god’s name will bring them directly into his presence. I wonder if hell is what they’re anticipating. I think not. The enemy has got these people so hood-winked and cleverly deceived and while most think he’s doing it for a power trip, I have to wonder if he’s not just afraid to be alone in eternal unquenchable fire. That and of course he hates everyone so he’s perfectly content to destroy as many as possible. Anyway, everyone on this planet makes a choice one way or the other regardless of their personal positions thereupon.

Pigsty People “Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.” James 1:18 (ESV) I keep reading and rereading this verse trying to determine what exactly I want to say about it but the one thing that keeps screaming at me is “of His own will He brought us forth…” I’m always astonished by verses that reveal to me the fact that our Father wants us, desires us, and of His own will caused us to be. It seems inconceivable that a Holy Righteous God would have any inclination to want me, to desire my existence, especially when I know how horribly I’ve failed Him over the years. Why would He purposely create someone who would emphatically choose to quench His Spirit and walk in blatant sin for more than ten years? In my finite human mind I imagine that if I were Him I’d only want to make people who were going to be bright shining stars for me, wholly devoted to me their entire lives. That’s where my humanity is proven lame intellectually. While robotic obedience might feel good for a time, soon it would get old, feel contrived. Plus, how can those without struggles and failings be used to demonstrate the King’s Almighty Power? How can they bring Him glory if they never need Him? God created we needy, pitiful beings because He knew that our adventures in the mire would ultimately lead the world to see His power to cleanse and purify. He desired prodigals to prove His steadfast love and forgiveness. While I’m still awed by His want of me, I think I’m beginning to understand how pigsty people make Him shine in a muck filled world.

We won’t Know Jack… “Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God.” 1 Corinthians 4:5 (ESV) We’re so quick to judge and typically we base those assumptions on appearance. It’s easy to think someone driving around in a Mercedes could have better used that money for the orphan or widow. However, we may not be getting the whole picture. Maybe it’s a car that his grandpa left him, maybe she got a great deal on it used, any number of possibilities exists besides the automatic perception of materialistic pride. We have no way of knowing someone else’s heart and what may appear to be is not always what is. Let’s take this concept of a believer living in sin. Some people will see the sin and automatically assume that the individual is lost, but this verse says we won’t know jack about someone else’s Spiritual condition until the Lord comes and brings everything to light. I’d like to discuss the last part; in the end we will receive our commendation from God. God judges the heart, He knows the depth of the human soul and psyche and those hidden agendas and purposes will not be kept from Him, they will either commend or condemn us. I’m always cognizant of the fruitful opportunity I lost in that eleven year prodigal period. I’m frequently reminded of my own lack in the realm of potential commendation from the King, but the truth is, I can’t even accurately judge myself before Him, so why in the world would I judge anyone else?

The Puppy with Mange… “You shall be holy to me, for I the Lord am holy and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be mine.” Leviticus 20:26 (ESV) This is another one of those verses that slams me with the absolute truth that our Father wants us. If for some reason you ever felt unloved or unwanted as a child (or an adult) the concept of an Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient God wanting and purposely choosing you out of the whole of mankind is really quite unbelievable. It’s that whole, if those people who were supposed to care for me didn’t, why would an invisible, all-powerful, Holy God even acknowledge my existence let alone want me? Yet, He does! Now, since this is in Leviticus it’s pretty easy to ascertain that He is speaking to the Israelites and I know that some people will want to negate what I’m saying because they’ll say He’s only talking about the Jews. However, it is my belief that the Israelites are a kind of example for us, they show us the wretched, distrustful, disobedient defiance of humanity as a whole and they demonstrate the steadfast love and kindness of our Righteous King. As much as He wanted them, He wants us. I know I’ve already said this, but this blows me away. I know how horrible I’ve been, I know how poorly I’ve represented Him to this world, I know how frequently I lack Faith so I am forced to wonder why in His creation He’d want me. I feel like the puppy with mange and worms that no one in his/her right mind would ever want to adopt and yet my God reaches down and pulls my pitiful self out of the kennel and says to the pound person, “I want her!” Incredible! Why?? I’ve no idea, but I’m so glad He chose me!

I don’t like people “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12:10 (ESV) I used the verses that followed this one as my contribution to the moms Bible study I attend. One of the ladies joked about me purposely leaving this verse out. Now, certainly you don’t know me as well as they do (and they all got a kick out of her comment) but the basis of the joke is that I frequently tell them, “I don’t like people,” and “I’m not servant hearted.” Obviously I say these things mostly in jest but there’s a grain of truth in almost all sarcasm and joking. When I say I don’t like people it’s more of a, I prefer people one on one, I’m not really fond of having to smile at bunches of people; I’d rather be in the background observing human behavior. I’m capable of making it seem otherwise, but my preference is to avoid crowds. When I say I’m not servant hearted, I know full well that we’re to do what we can for our Spiritual siblings (and anyone else) whenever they have need. I get that and when a need is presented to me, if I’ve the ability, I’ll help. However, when it comes to volunteering to reach out, or offering myself up on a whim or a hunch I might be needed, yeah, I’m not that devout. I have friends who are always looking for opportunities to help and do stuff for their brothers and sisters. I’m just not that person and I often beat myself up about it, but some people are just more hospitable and servant like than I am. I suspect my reticence towards people contributes to the issue. Anyway, this is a verse I skipped so probably it’s one I need to learn. What about you?

Nothing to Worry About “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:6 (KJV) No doubt this is a familiar verse, perhaps even one of those that fall under the overly-used category and thereby get relegated to the this-has-no-meaning-anymore arena. If that’s the case for you, as I’d admit it probably was for me until today, then please allow me the opportunity to share with you how value got returned to this verse. I don’t know if you listen to Moody Radio, but I do and Chris Fabry comes on in the afternoons. In all honesty, I’m not a big fan (and generally push the CD button when he’s on). However, this afternoon he had Elsie Young on. She just turned 100 years old on September 21st. As if that’s not impressive enough, she was giving advice to current Moody students (as she’s alumni). This is what she said, “If you truly believe the Bible then, in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path, if you really believe that you’ll have nothing to worry about.” Now, maybe that sounds too simplistic to you, maybe it has the pat-answer ring, but consider the source for a moment will you? This woman has walked the planet since 1912! The year the Titanic sank! To have lived that long it seems obvious that she’s probably learned a thing or two. So, the validity of her wisdom considered, take a closer look at the verse. Basically we can use the NLT to rephrase it, “Seek His will in all you do and He will direct your paths.” If you are living a life devoted to Him, to seeking Him, to searching out His will, and you believe His Word to be the utmost truth then Elsie was absolutely right, you’ve got nothing to worry about because He will direct your paths. Wow! Nothing to worry about as long as I strive to know Him and His will, what an incredible burden is lifted there. Makes me think of Jesus’ “come ye who are weary and heavy burdened, take my yoke for my yoke is easy and my burden is light,” (paraphrase, mine). Hallelujah!

The Whole Buffalo “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.” Revelation 3:2 (NIV) I’ve told you before that I so desire to hear the words, “well done thy good and faithful servant.” I’ve also told you that I fear I’ll really just hear, “Well, she got in by the skin of her teeth.” This verse of Revelation speaks volumes to me along those lines because the church at Sardis is warned that their deeds aren’t complete in the Savior’s sight. I take that to mean that they haven’t followed through on some things He’s called them to; somewhere along the line their motivation failed, they lost the fervor to finish the race. I guess the idea that He’s coming and I haven’t accomplished all the things He designed for me to do is a little bit unnerving. I’ve told people I’m not afraid to die, I’m afraid to die before I’ve produced enough fruit to please my King. I’m not talking works here, I’m talking Faith and obedience and I’m deeply troubled by the eleven years I wasted. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel condemned or guilty about it because I’m saved by Grace and His Grace is sufficient even for me. However, I wonder just how significantly my prolonged disobedience impacted my potential as a child of God. I hope that makes sense. I want to serve Him with all of me so that when He comes I will have finished the race exactly the way He wants. A dear friend heard Sara Groves tell a story about how the Indians used every ounce of the buffalos they hunted because they believed that the buffalo sacrificed itself for them. Apparently, this made Sara realize that she needed to sacrifice her whole buffalo, give her complete self to God, let all of her be used. So, I too think that’s what I want, I don’t want to sing, I surrender all, and only give part of this buffalo (there’s plenty of me to go around), I want Him to have the whole thing so that I will hear, “well done…” Is your whole buffalo His or do you need to wake up?

Fanatical Faith “Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” Deuteronomy 4:9 (NIV) Sharing your personal encounters with your Savior, your King, is hugely important to the Spiritual depth of your children. I think sometimes we don’t tell them some of the things we’ve seen and heard because we’re afraid they’ll think we’re whack-jobs. When Moses is telling the Israelites to remember all the things they saw, the first thing he reminds them of is the fact that they heard God’s voice from Mt. Horeb even though they saw no form (v. 12-15). Can you imagine having to tell your kids something like that? “Well… we heard Him…we just couldn’t see Him.” Seems far-fetched and fanatical but we find that throughout the Old Testament that when the Israelites stop talking about the things their God did for them, their hearts are hardened and they fall away, oft times to worship before man made images. Listen, remembering what your God has done for you, sharing the mercy, grace and love He’s poured out on you is not only an integral part of your children’s Spiritual growth, it’s one way of maintaining your own Faith. We all go through times when we can’t feel His Presence and it’s at those times we have to revisit His faithfulness in our lives. It will empower us in times of hardship and strengthen our children for their own struggles.

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