Improvement & Optimization of bulk email marketing
Enterprises cannot manage bulk e-mail in an ad hoc fashion. Typical SMTP service infrastructures such as IBM Lotus or Microsoft exchange are not optimized for the operational constraints. They don't support VERP nor do they assist with common administrative tasks. Administrators must establish a dedicated infrastructure for bulk e-mail. They have four options:
Roll your own solution. The process of parsing smtp service provider lists and merging lists is relatively trivial for developers familiar with common shell scripting languages. They typically use scripts written in a language such as PERL in conjunction with a VERP-aware platform such as qmail, Postfix, or exim. The bulk e-mail system should run on its own server and should be isolated from the operational e-mail system.
Enterprises typically adopt the “roll your own” approach because a developer has some pre-existing experience with the scripting environment and expresses extreme confidence in their abilities to create the solution. “Roll your own” becomes increasingly untenable when the volume of e-mail exceeds 10,000 bulk messages per month. Development costs can also become a factor given the relatively low cost of commercial and hosted offerings. “Roll your own” solutions that require more than three weeks of development time are not financially effective.
Open source There are several open source products that provide basic functionality. These solutions are optimized for the management of public bulk e-mail lists but can be adapted for commercial purposes. As with “roll your own,� these products are inexpensive to acquire but require ongoing development resources to maintain and operate.
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They also lack the full range of functionality that is offered by commercial and hosted offerings. Available offerings include ezmlm, and Mailman. Open source solutions are practical only for IT departments with staff that have extensive experience in using these applications.
Commercial ď Ź
There are two types of commercial offerings by mass email marketing. General mailing list managers like Majordomo and LISTSeRV offer capabilities for subscribing/unsubscribing and compete with open source tools like ezmlm and GNU Mailman. They lack the advanced functionality of tools developed specifically for handling bulk email. Enterprises with a need for managing bulk e-mail will find far more value with specialists such as Arial Software, Lyris, StrongMail, and Zrinity (formerly ActivSoftware). The products offer a full range of management capabilities and are available at different price points depending on the number of users and the size of the mailing list.
Outsource Many administrators elect to use a hosted bulk email marketing. Outsourced options are particularly attractive to those enterprises that must distribute more than 30,000 e-mails per month and to those that need to send bulk email without any intervention from the IT department. With an ESP, the administration and management of the bulk e-mail system remains within the purview of the business unit that requires the functionality, normally marketing.
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