All You Need To Know About Gucci Handbags

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All You Need To Know About Gucci Handbags

Gucci bags are a symbol of style, quality and sophistication. And, there is a Gucci handbag for every woman out there!

Styles: There is a huge range of Gucci handbags available. There are the totes and clutches or the unisex hobo Gucci handbags. All styles come in different sizes and colors to match your need depending on whether you want to use them on a formal occasion or when you are going out for some fun. The classic Gucci bags surely suit all occasions. Gucci bags can also be classified as Gucci Boston handbags, Gucci classic purses, Gucci Cruise handbags and the every-popular Gucci hobo bags.

History - Gucci initially was a luggage and Gucci handbag designer group set up in 1921 in the small town of Florence in Italy. Today, Gucci is a fashion statement in the industry with outlets all over the world. Gucci handbags are almost always part of fashion trendsetters’ choice. The luxurious look of Gucci bags never goes unnoticed.

Value-addition - Gucci, though a fashion label, makes handbags that are distinguished also by their utility and durability. Gucci bags last for several years if not at least a decade and are particularly designed for practicality and convenience of use. Different models offer different kinds of handles, inner linings, and number of pockets etc to suit all buyers.

Gucci bags suit all moods too from the serene variety to the playful. Gucci bags also allow a range of fabric choices. There is leather; velvet, suede, fox fur, mink, denim and even crocodile skin Gucci handbags.

Price - Gucci bags definitely are in the higher range because of their intrinsic value and fashion quotient. They can cost anywhere between $500 and $20,000 or more depending on fabric and size.

Authentication - Gucci handbags being so popular across the world have naturally spawned cheaper duplicates. But all Gucci bags come with an authentication number and the traditional Gucci logo. You can go online and confirm the authentication number to validate that the Gucci handbags you buy are absolutely genuine.

Some popular Gucci bags are: Gucci Blondie Bag that comes in beige ebony with dark brown leather trim. It is a comfortably contoured handbag with dual leather handles. The smooth top gold-tone zipper extends down the sides of the bag which is fully lined with superior fabric. It includes three wall pockets - a zippered pocket on one wall and an open one on the other. There is a third one for the cell phone. Read More

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