Authentic Designer goods such as handbags, wallets, etc. are expensive if you buy them from traditional retailers such as brick and mortar retail stores. You have been browsing fashion magazines and know the latest designs from international brands like Prada, Fendi, Burberry, Versace, Marc Jacobs and many more for the heart. The problem is that the products of the designer are, they are just so expensive. So much so that is out of reach for many people. As a result, many dreams of having a Prada handbag or a Burberry portfolio vanish. Fortunately, all that is about to change. Entrepreneurs online retailers have found a way to offer genuine designer goods, as much as 60 percent of the original price. 60 percent off anything is a very steep discount. And if we look at the original prices of products such as designer handbags and purses, the amount can be really important. For example, if the original product cost $ 500, a saving of 60 percent average $ 300 off. How would you spend $ 300 savings is yours? But how to go about buying genuine designer goods with 60 percent discount? First, know how these discounts are possible. Doing business on the Internet is a tremendous cost savings for the online retailer. No store rental to pay, fewer employees to handle, not the distribution rates are required. It is likely that you purchase directly from the original supplier. As a result, you can expect discounts. Online retailers are therefore able to remain extremely profitable, while offering such incredible discounts. Visit Designer Bags or for more detail.