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9mm VSK-94Sniper Rifle
Sniper Rifle
The VSK-94 special-purpose silent sniper rifle is designed to engage hostile personnel in flak jackets or inside vehicles when carrying out special operations ruling out noise and muzzle flashes. It is highly effective in urban warfare. Features
The weapon has been chambered for the 9x39mm SP-5 sniper rounds fired at a subsonic muzzle velocity. If necessary, the 9x39mm SP-6 or PAB-9 enhanced penetration rounds can be employed, too.
The trigger mechanism provides single-shot and full automatic fire. A selector, which is also a safety catch, is above the trigger guard.
VSK-94 can be quickly field-stripped and assembled, which ensures covert transportation.
A silencer is screwed onto the muzzle section of the barrel reducing noise level and eliminating flash. No maintenance is required for the silencer during operational life of the rifle. Shot noise level equals that of a sports .22LR small-calibre rifle.
The VSK-94 sniper rifle can mount the 4x PSO-1-1 optical sight with illuminated crosshairs. The sight has a range-finder scale, and a range and lateral adjustment input device. A standard mount on the left side of the receiver can be used for fitting the rifle with various night or day sights. A mechanical sighting unit comprising adjustable foresight and a flip sight is used as a fall-back device.
Rounds are fed from a detachable two-row, 20-round box magazine interchangeable with that of the 9A-91 assault rifle.
The VSK-94 rifle is used by the Russian Special Forces.
Basic specifications
Cartridge 9x39mm SP-5, SP-6, PAB-9 Muzzle velocity, m/s 290 Effective range of fire, m: optical and open sights 400 night sight 300 Weight, kg: empty, without sight 2.9
PSO-1-1 sight 0.58 Length, mm 900 Magazine capacity, rds 20