12 minute read
7TP Light (Poland), 60, 200, 235 40 M Turan I Medium (Hungary), 200, 264
AFVs. See armored fighting vehicles Allenby, Sir Edmund, 31 American La France, 60 APCs. See armored personnel carriers Arab-Israeli wars, x, xi Ariete MBT (Italy), 185, 202, 339 Arjun MBT (India), x, 164–65, 186, 202, 338 armored fighting vehicles (AFVs), xiii armored personnel carriers (APCs), xiii, 93, 137–38, 145–46 Asquith, Herbert H., 13 Australia, WWII tank development in, 97–98, 200, 260
Bacon, Reginald, 11–13 Balfour, Arthur, 14, 16 Balkan Wars of 1912–1913, 5 BEF. See British Expeditionary
Force “Big Willie” (United Kingdom). See
“Mother” Blair, Tony, 193 Boer War (1899–1902), 7, 8 Britain. See United Kingdom British Expeditionary Force (BEF), 6, 16, 52 BT-2 Medium (Soviet Union), 67–68, 200, 238 BT-5 Medium (Soviet Union), 68, 200, 239 BT-7 Medium (Soviet Union), 200, 240 Bush, George H. W., 189–90 Bush, George W., 193–94 Byng, Julian, 31–32
CA1 (Char d’Assault) Schneider (France), 21, 30–31, 199, 206 Cadillac, 4–5 Cadillac Gage Stingray Light (United States), 202, 322 Canada, WWII tank development in, 97, 200, 261–62 Carden, Sir John, 48, 51 Cavalier (United Kingdom). See
Mark VII, Cavalier (A24) Centaur (United Kingdom). See
Mark VIII, Centaur (A27L) “Centipede” (United Kingdom).
See “Mother” Centurion, Cruiser Tank (A41) (United Kingdom), 138–39, 202, 316–17 Chaffee, Adna Romanaza, Jr., 113
Challenger (A30), Cruiser Tank (United Kingdom), 93–94, 201, 282 Challenger II MBT (United
Kingdom), 181–82, 202, 344 Challenger I MBT (United
Kingdom), 141–42, 202, 319 Char AMX-13 Light (France), 142–43, 201, 304 Char AMX-30 MBT (France), 143–44, 201, 305–06 Char B-1 bis Heavy (France), 56, 57–58, 199, 220 Char d’Assault St. Chamond (France), 21–22, 30–31, 199, 207 Charron-Girardot et Voigt, 4 Chieftain Mark 5 MBT (United
Kingdom), 139–40, 202, 318 China
Cold War tank development in, 165–67, 201, 300–03 contemporary tank development in, x-xi, 182–83, 202, 338 Christie, J. Walter, 50, 60, 61–64 Churchill (United Kingdom). See
Mark IV, Churchill (A22) Churchill, Winston, 11–14, 16, 31 Clemenceau, Georges, 37 Cold War tank development during, x, xi, 137–79, 201–02, 302–35 tank employment in, 168–79 combined arms teams, xii Comet (A34), Cruiser Tank (United Kingdom), 94–95, 138, 201, 283 Compagnie des Forces d’Honecourt, 21 Covenanter (United Kingdom). See
Mark V, Covenanter (A13 Mk
III) Crimean War, 8 Cromwell (United Kingdom). See
Mark VIII, Cromwell (A27M) Crusader (United Kingdom). See
Mark VI, Crusader (A15) Czechoslovakia, xi, 10, 77, 170
Daily Telegraph, 79 Daimler, 16 Daimler, Gottleib, 3, 4, 5 Daimler Motor Company, 25 Davidson, R. P., 4 da Vigevano, Guido, 3 da Vinci, Leonardo, 3 de Gaulle, Charles, 81, 82, 83, 162 Diesel, Rudolf, 3 Douhet, Guilio, 128 Droman-Smith, Eric, 129 Dukakis, Michael, x
East Berlin uprising (1953), xi Egypt, 1–2, 45, 163, 178–79 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 168, 42 Elles, Hugh, 31–32, 51–52 England. See United Kingdom Estienne, Jean E., 21, 29 Ethiopia, 71
Falklands War, 139 Fiat 3000 Light (Italy), 70, 199, 228 Fiat-Ansaldo Light (Italy), 70–71, 199, 229 Fiat L6/40 Light (Italy), 104, 200, 265 Fiat M 13/40 Medium (Italy), 104–05, 200, 266 Finland, 69 First Indochina War, 171 Foch, Ferdinand, 36, 37
Cold War tank development in, 142–44, 201–02, 304–06 contemporary tank development in, 183–84, 202, 337
German blitzkrieg and, ix, xi pre–WWII tank development in, 54–58, 199, 216–20
tank theory and, 80–81
WWII tank development in, xi
WWI tank development in, ix, 10, 21–23, 28–30, 199, 206–08 France, Battle for, xii Franks, Frederick, Jr., 192 Franks, Tommy, 193, 198 Fraschini, Isotta, 5 French, Sir John, 14 Fuller, J. F. C., 44, 78–80, 82, 31–33
Gallieni, Joseph S., 4 General Stuart (United States).
See M5 Series General Stuart
Light George V, King, 16 Germany blitzkrieg of, ix-x, xi, 83, 127–28 pre–WWII tank development in, 41–42, 73–77, 199, 221–26 tank theory and, 81–85
WWII tank development in, 98–104, 200, 261–63
WWI tank development in, 10, 24–26, 199, 209
See also West Germany Gott, William H., 130 Grant, Ulysses S., 117 Great Britain. See United Kingdom Guderian, Heinz, 82–84, 100–01, 102 Guk, Carl, 7 Gulf War (1991), x, xii, 151
H. L. Hunley, 3 Haig, Sir Douglas, 27–28, 31, 32, 35 Hankey, Maurice, 12–13 Henkart, Charles, 5 Hitler, Adolf, xii, 50, 73 tank theory and, 81–82, 83
World War II and, 124, 132
WWII tank development and, 100–02, 104 Hobart, Percy, 80 Horne, Henry S., 31 Hotchkiss H-39 Light (France), 55, 199, 218 Hundred Years’War, 2 Hungarian Revolution (1956), xi, 147–48 Hungary, WWII tank development in, 200, 264 Hus, John, 2 Hussein, Saddam, 189–90, 193, 194, 197
IFVs. See Infantry fighting vehicles India
Cold War tank development in, x, 164–65 contemporary tank development in, x, 186, 202, 340 India-Pakistan War (1964), 146, 172 Infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), xiii, 138 Iran, 164 Iraq, contemporary tank warfare and, 189–98 Iraq-Iran War, x Iraq War (2003). See Operation
Iraqi Freedom Ireland, 46 IS-1 Heavy (Soviet Union), 112, 201, 273 IS-2 Heavy (Soviet Union), 112, 201, 274 IS-3 Heavy (Soviet Union), 112, 146, 201, 275 Israel
Cold War tank development in, x, xi, 162–63, 201, 307 contemporary tank development in, 185–86 Italo-Turkish War of 1911–1912, 5 Italy contemporary tank development in, 185, 202, 339
Italy (continued) pre–WWII tank development in, 42, 70–71, 199, 228–29
WWII tank development in, x, 104–05, 200, 265–66
WWI tank development in, 10
Jane’s Defense Weekly, 183 Japan
Cold War tank development in, 167–68 contemporary tank development in, 186–87, 202, 340 pre–WWII tank development in, 71–73, 199–200, 230–33
WWII tank development in, 105–07 Joffre, Joseph, 12, 21, 29
Kennedy, John F., 169 Kim Il-sung, 171, 172 Kitchener, Horatio, 11, 13, 15–16 Korea
Cold War tank development in, 167
See also South Korea Korean war, x Korean War, 8 Korean war, 172–73 KV-1 Heavy (Soviet Union), 111–12, 148, 201, 272
Leclerc, Jacques Philippe, 184 Leclerc MBT (France), 183–84, 202, 337 Leopard 1 MBT (West Germany), 145, 202, 331–32 Leopard 2 MBT (West Germany), 184–85, 202, 345–46 Liddell Hart, Basil, 78–80, 82 Lindsey, George, 80 “Little Willie” (United Kingdom), 14–15, 199, 210 Lloyd George, David, 14, 16 Locarno Pacts (1925), 47, 50 Low Countries, ix Lutz, Oswald, 82
M1 Abrams MBT (United States), x, 160–62, 202, 329–30 M1 and M2 Series Combat Car (Light Tank) (United States), 64–65, 200, 255 M2 and M2A1 Medium (United
States), 115–16, 201, 291 M2 Series Light (United States), 65–66, 200, 256 M3 Series Lee and Grant Medium (United States), 117, 201, 293–94 M3 Series Light (United States), 113–14, 116–19, 201, 286–87 M4 Series Sherman Medium (United States), x, 114, 118–20, 201, 294–95 M4 Sherman (76mm gun)
Medium (United States), 201, 296–97 M5 Series General Stuart Light (United States), 114, 201, 288 M5 Series Stuart VI (United
Kingdom), 114, 201, 288 M22 Locust Light/Airborne (United States), 201, 289 M24 Chaffee Light (United
States), 114, 152, 201, 290.
See M5 Series General Stuart
Light M26 (T26E3) Pershing Heavy (United States), 123–24, 201, 298 M41 Walker Bulldog Light (United
States), 152–53, 202, 320 M46 Patton Medium (United
States), 155–57, 202, 323 M47 Patton II Medium (United
States), 157–58, 202, 324
M48 Patton 48 Medium MBT (United States), 157–59, 202, 325–26 M60 Patton MBT (United States), 159–60, 202, 327–328 M-84 MBT (Yugoslavia), 202, 333 M551 Sheridan Light (United
States), 153–55, 202, 321 MacArthur, Douglas, 61 Machine guns, 6 Mangin, Charles, 30 Manstein, Erich von, 132 Mark A Whippet (United
Kingdom), 19–20, 35–36, 44, 199, 214 Mark I, Matilda I (A11), Infantry
Tank (United Kingdom), 51–52, 200, 251 Mark I and Mark ICS (A9), Cruiser
Tank (United Kingdom), 45, 48–49, 200, 247 Mark I Heavy (United Kingdom), 17–18, 199, 212 Mark II, Matilda II (A12), Infantry
Tank (United Kingdom), 53, 200, 252 Mark II and Mark IIA (A10),
Cruiser Tank (United
Kingdom), 49–50, 200, 248 Mark III (A13), Cruiser Tank (United Kingdom), 50, 200, 249 Mark III, Matilda III, Valentine,
Infantry Tank (United
Kingdom), 53–54, 200, 253–54 Mark II-VI, Light Tank (United
Kingdom), 48–49, 200, 243–44 Mark IV, Churchill (A22), Infantry
Tank (United Kingdom), 95–96, 139, 201, 284–85 Mark IV and Mark IVA (A13 Mk
II), Cruiser Tank (United
Kingdom), 50–51, 200, 250 Marks II, IIA, and II, Light Tank (United Kingdom), 45–46, 200, 246 Mark V, Covenanter (A13 Mk III),
Cruiser Tank (United
Kingdom), 90–91, 201, 276 Mark V Heavy (United Kingdom), 19, 199, 213 Mark VI, Crusader (A15), Cruiser
Tank (United Kingdom), 91, 201, 277–78 Mark VII, Cavalier (A24), Cruiser
Tank (United Kingdom), 92, 201, 279 Mark VII, Tetrarch (A17), Light
Tank (United Kingdom), 89–90, 200, 245 Mark VIII, Centaur (A27L),
Cruiser Tank (United
Kingdom), 92–93, 201, 280 Mark VIII, Cromwell (A27M),
Cruiser Tank (United
Kingdom), 93, 201, 281 Marne, Battle of, 4 Martel, G. Le Q., 50 Marwitz, Georg von der, 32, 37 Matilda I (United Kingdom). See
Mark I, Matilda I (A11) Matilda II (United Kingdom).
See Mark II, Matilda II (A12) Maxim, Hiram, 6 Mazel, Olivier, 30 McNair, Lesley J., 122–23, 134 Merkava MBT (Israel), 163, 185–86, 201, 307 Mexico, 4 Micheler, Joseph Alfred, 30 Middle East, Cold War tank development in, 162–65 Montgomery, Bernard L., 130 “Mother” (“Centipede,” then “Big
Willie”) (United Kingdom), 15–20, 199, 211
National Defense Act of 1920, 41–42, 60 National Defense Machine (M1928) (United States), 62–63 NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty
Organization Nivelle, Robert, 30 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 144, 146, 169
Operation Desert Storm, 190–93 Operation Iraqi Freedom, x, xii, 194–98
Pakistan, Cold War tank development in, x, 164–65 Panther (Germany). See PzKpfw V
Panther Patton, George S., x, xi, 36 Patton, George S., Jr., 42 Pavlov, Dimitri, 108 Pershing, John J., 4 Petain, Henri Philippe, 31 Poland, 75
German blitzkrieg and, ix, xi pre–WWII tank development in, 42, 58–60, 200, 234–35
WWI tank development in, 10 PT-76 Light (Soviet Union), 146, 201, 308 Punitive Expedition (1916–17), 4 Putilov, Austin, 66 PzKpfw 35(t) Ausf. A Light (Germany), 199, 221 PzKpfw 38(t) (Germany), 199, 222 PzKpfw I Ausf. A Light (Germany), 74–76, 199, 223 PzKpfw II Ausf. A Light (Germany), 76, 199, 224 PzKpfw III Medium (Germany), 76, 199, 225 PzKpfw IV Medium (Germany), 76–77, 199, 226–27 PzKpfw VI Ausf. B (Tiger II;
Königstiger/King Tiger:
Germany), 103–04, 200, 263 PzKpfw VI Tiger I Heavy (Germany), 101–03, 200, 262 PzKpfw V Panther (Germany), 101–02, 200, 262
Ram Mark I, Cruiser Tank (Canada), 97, 200, 259 Ram Mark II, Cruiser Tank (Canada), 200, 260 Rao, P. V. Narasimha, x Rawlinson, Sir Henry, 38 Renault FT-17 (France), 22–23, 54, 199, 208 Renault R-35 Light (France), 55, 199, 216–17 Robertson, Sir William, 16 Rock Island Arsenal, 64, 65–66 Rolls-Royce, 5 Rommel, Erwin, 130 Rupprecht, Prince, 34 Russia contemporary tank development in, 187–88, 202, 343
See also Soviet Union; Ukraine Russian Civil War, 66 Russo-Japanese War (1904–05), 6
Sadat, Anwar, 178 Samson, Charles, 5 Saudi Arabia, 163–64 Schneider Company, 21 Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, 190, 192 Seeckt, Hans von, 82 Sentinal AC I, Cruiser Tank (Australia), 98, 201, 258 Shazly, Saad el, 177 Sherman, William T., 118 Simms, F. R., 4 Six Day War, 175–76 Six-Ton (United Kingdom), 46–47
SMK (Sergius Mironovitch Kirov)
Heavy Tank (Soviet Union), 69 SOMUA S-35 Medium (France), 56–57, 199, 219 South Korea contemporary tank development in, 187, 202, 342
See also Korea Soviet Union
Cold War tank development in, 145–52, 201, 309–13 collapse of, 179, 187
German blitzkrieg and, ix-x, xi pre–WWII tank development in, 66–69, 74, 200, 236–42
WWII tank development in, 107–12, 200–201, 267–75
WWI tank development in, 10
See also Russia; Ukraine Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939, 23, 68, 75, 105–6, 108 S-Tank (Stridsvagen 103) (Sweden), 201, 314–15 Stephenson, George, 3 Sturmpanzerwagen A7V (Germany), 24–26, 199, 209 Sweden, 10, 74, 201, 314–15 Swinton, Ernest D., 12, 14, 15, 26–27
T5 Combat Car (United States), 64–65 T-26 Model 1933 (Soviet Union), 47, 66–67, 200, 236 T-28 Medium (Soviet Union), 68–69, 200, 241 T-34/76 Medium (Soviet Union), 109, 200, 269 T-34/85 Medium (Soviet Union), 109–10, 145, 200, 270 T-35 Heavy (Soviet Union), 200, 242 T-40 Light (Soviet Union), 108, 200, 237 T-44 Medium (Soviet Union), 110–11, 146–47, 201, 271 T-54/T-55 MBT (Soviet Union), 146–48, 149, 201, 309 T-60 Light (Soviet Union), 108, 200, 267 T-62 MBT (Soviet Union), 148–49, 201, 310 T-64 MBT (Soviet Union), 149–50, 201, 311 T-70 Light (Soviet Union), 108, 200, 268 T-72 MBT (Soviet Union), 150–51, 201, 312 T-80 MBT (Soviet Union), 151–52, 201, 313 T-84 MBT (3), 202, 345 T-90 MBT (Russia), 187–88, 202, 341 Tainanmen Square, x-xi Tank: The Progress of a Monstrous
War Machine (Wright), xi “Tank Man”. See Wang Weilin Tanks armor and, xi, 2, 42–43 artillery and, 6–7 battlefield and, 7–10, 26–27 cavalry and, 2
Cold War development of, x, xi, 137–79, 201–02, 302–35 combined arms teams and, xii contemporary development of, x-xi, 181–98, 202, 338–48 contemporary warfare and, 189–98 definition of, ix firearms and, 2–3, 5–6 infantry and, xi, 2
Interwar Period development of, 41–85, 199–200, 216–57 new technologies and, 3–7 precursors to, 1–3 state power and, x-xi terrain and, xi, 5
tanks (continued) theory of, 77–85 war and, 1–2
WWI development of, ix–xi, 4, 10–38, 199, 206–14
WWII development of, ix–xii, 87–136, 200–01, 258–99 Tetrarch (United Kingdom). See
Mark VII, Tetrarch (A17) Thoma, Wilhelm von, 75 Tiger I. See PzKpfw VI Tiger I Tiger II. See PzKpfw VI Ausf. B TK.3 Tankette (Poland), 59, 200, 234 Treaty of Versailles, 41, 43, 50, 58, 66, 73–74 Tritton, William, 15, 19 Truman, Harry S., 158 Turtle, 3 Type 59 MBT (China), 165–66, 201, 300 Type 69 MBT (China), 166–67, 201, 301 Type 74 MBT (Japan), 167–68 Type 80 MBT (China), 166–67, 201, 302 Type 85-II MBT (China), 182, 201, 303 Type 88 K1 MBT (South Korea), 187, 202, 342 Type 89B Chi-Ro Medium (Japan), 71–72, 199, 230 Type 90-II MBT (China), 183, 202, 336 Type 90 MBT (Japan), 186–87, 202, 340 Type 94 Tankette (Japan), 72, 199, 231 Type 95 Ha-Go Light (Japan), 72, 200, 232 Type 97 Chi-Ha Medium (Japan), 72–73, 106–07, 200, 233
U. S. Civil War, 3, 7, 117 Ukraine contemporary tank development in, 202, 345
See also Russia; Soviet Union UN. See United Nations United Kingdom
Cold War tank development in, 138–42, 201–02, 318–21 contemporary tank development in, 181–82, 202, 346 pre–WWII tank development in, 43–54, 200, 242–55 tank theory and, 78–80
WWII tank development in, 89–96, 201, 279–86
WWI tank development in, ix, x, 10–20, 31, 199, 210–14 United Nations (UN), 155, 171, 193 United States
Cold War tank development in, x, 152–62, 320–29 contemporary tank development in, 188–89 pre–WWII tank development in, 41–42, 61–66, 200, 255–56
WWII tank development in, x, 112–24, 201, 286–98
WWI tank development in, 10, 23–24
Valentine (United Kingdom). See
Mark III, Valentine Vers l’armee de metier (The Army of the Future) (de Gaulle), 81 Vietnam, 165, 171 Vietnam War, x, 174–75 Villa, Pancho, 4
Walker, Walton, 153 Wang Weilin, x War for American Independence, 3 Warsaw Pact, xi, 151, 169, 170 Watson, Colonel, 97–98
Wells, H. G., 3 West Germany, 347
Cold War tank development in, 144–45, 201–02, 331 contemporary tank development in, 184–85, 202
See also Germany Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 3, 25 Wilson, William, 15, 19 Winter War (1939–1940), 69 World War I
Battle of Cambrai, 17, 19, 31–38
Battle of Neuve Chapelle, 8, 11
Battle of Somme, ix, 8, 27–30
Nivelle Offensive, 28, 30–31
Race to the Sea, 8
tank development during, ix–xi, 4, 10–38, 199, 206–14 World War II armored warfare during, 124–36
German blitzkrieg and, ix–x, xi, 83, 127–28 tank development during, ix-xii, 87–136, 200–01, 260–99 Wright, Patrick, xi
Yom Kippur War (1973), 148, 176–78 Yugoslavia, Cold War tank development in, 202, 335
Zhukov, Georgi K., 106