2 minute read
• Hull front slopes to rear and curves to join vertical sides, hull rear also vertical and curves to join sides, twin doors rear, hatches over rear troop compartment
• Driver's cupola at front with commander's cupola right and large 20mm gun turret left
• Suspension has five large road wheels, drive sprocket front, idler rear, no trackreturn rollers
Crew: Armament:
Ammunition: Length: Width: Height: Ground clearance: Weight, combat: Power-to-weight ratio: Ground pressure: Engine:
Maximum road speed: Maximum water speed: Maximum road range: Fuel capacity: Fording: Vertical obstacle: Trench: Gradient: Side slope: Armour: Armour type: NBC system: Night vision equipment:
2+10 1 x 20mm cannon, 1 x 6 smoke grenade dischargers, 2 x Lyran launchers 505 x 20mm 5.35m 2.86m 2.5m (turret top), 1.9m (hull top) 0.4m 13,500kg 20.74hp/tonne 0.6kg/cm2 Volvo-Penta model THD 100B horizontal 4-stroke turbocharged diesel developing 280hp at 2,200rpm 66km/hr 8km/hr 300km 285 lit Amphibious 0.61m 1.8m 60% 40% Classified Steel None None
Pbv 302 (Pansarbandvagn 302) was developed by the then Hagglund and Soner to meet requirements of Swedish Army with prototype completed in 1962 and production from 1965 to 1971. Hull is all-welded steel armour with spaced armour in the sides for increased protection. Engine is mounted under floor of vehicle with crew compartment front and infantry compartment rear. Ten infantrymen sit five each side facing, and enter and leave via two doors in rear. They can fire small arms via roof hatches.
Turret is manually operated and armed with 20mm cannon with elevation of +50° and depression of -10°, turret traverses 360°, cannon can be fed by belt containing 135 rounds of HE ammunition or box magazine holding 10 rounds of AP ammunition. Pbv 302 is fully amphibious, propelled by its tracks. Before entering the water trim vanes are erected at front of vehicle and bilge pumps switched on.
Further development resulted in the Pbv 302 Mk 2 and the Product Improved Pb 302, but none of these entered production. Hagglunds and Soner is now known as Hagglunds Vehicle. For operations in the former Yugoslavia, some Pbv 302s were fitted with additional armour protection.
Stripbv 3021 armoured command vehicle has four radio antennas compared to Pbv 302's two, and additional communications equipment. Epbv 3022 is an armoured observation post vehicle and has commander's hatch replaced by cupola with rangefinding devices, three radio antennas, additional buoyancy aids on trim vanes.
Bplpbv 3023 is armoured fire direction post vehicle with four antennas and fire-control/communications equipment inside.
Production complete. In service with Swedish Army only.
Hagglunds Vehicle AB, Ornskb'ldsvik, Sweden.
Above: Pbv 302 APC (Christopher F Foss)
Right: Pbv 302 APC with applique armour added to hull and turret