6 minute read
• Well sloped glacis plate with hatches for driver and assistant driver in upper part, cupola with externally mounted 12.7mm M2 HB MG on right side of hull, commander's cupola opposite
• Troop compartment has vertical sides with top half sloping inwards, vertical hull rear with two doors
• Suspension extends each side of hull with five road wheels, drive sprocket front, idler rear, three track-return rollers. Upper part of track covered by skirt
Crew: Armament:
Length: Width: Height:
Ground clearance: Weight, combat: Power-to-weight ratio: Ground pressure: Engine:
Maximum road speed: Maximum road range: Fuel capacity: Fording:
Vertical obstacle: Trench: Gradient: Side slope: Armour: Armour type: NBC system: Night vision equipment:
3+10 1 x 12.7mm MG (AA), 1 x 7.92mm MG (bow) 5.02m 2.77m 2.385m (with 12.7mm MG), 1.86m (without armament)
0.4m 11,000kg 12.73hp/tonne 0.7kg/cm2 FAMOS 6-cylinder in-line watercooled diesel developing 140hp 45km/hr 400km 150 lit 1.35m (still water), 1.25m (running water)
0.6m 2m 60% 400/o 25mm (maximum) Steel None Yes (infra-red for driver)
M-60P was developed to meet requirements of Yugoslav Army in late 1960s and made first appearance during parade in 1965. For a short period it was also referred to as M-590. Driver sits front left with co-driver to his right (who also operates bow mounted 7.92mm MG), engine and transmission below. Commander's cupola is to rear of driver and protrudes slightly over left side of hull, with similar machine gunner's cupola on opposite side. 12.7mm M2 HB MG can be used both in antiaircraft and ground-to-ground roles, no provision for firing from inside vehicle. 12.7mm M2 HB MG can be dismounted and used in ground role.
The troop compartment is at the rear and infantry enter and leave via two doors in rear, each of which has firing/observation port. Three firing/observation ports in each side of troop compartment. M-60P has no amphibious capability but board mounted on glacis plate deflects water rushing up glacis plate when fording.
Only known variant is M-60PB anti-tank which has twin 82mm recoilless rifles mounted on top left or top right of hull at rear, elevation of +6°, depression of -4°, traverse and elevation both manual. Ten 82mm HEAT projectiles are carried.
Other versions of M-60P are probably in service, such as ambulance, command and radio vehicles.
Production complete. In service with Yugoslavia.
Croatian and Yugoslavia state factories.
Above left: M-6OP with 12.7mm MG Left: M-6OP with 12.7mm MG Top: Infantry dismount from M-60P Above: M-6OP with 12.7mm MG
BVP M80A Infantry Combat Vehicle (Yugoslavia)
• Well sloped glacis plate leads up to hull top which is horizontal all way to rear, vertical back with hull sides above track sloping inwards, two doors in hull rear
• Circular turret with sloping sides slightly to rear of vehicle centre, 20mm cannon in front and twin launcher for Sagger ATGW externally at rear
• Suspension has five road wheels, drive sprocket front, idler rear, two track-return rollers. Rollers and upper part of track covered by sheet metal skirt
Crew: Armament:
Length: Width: Height: Ground clearance: Weiqht, combat: Power-to-weight ratio: Ground pressure: Engine:
Maximum road speed: Maximum water speed: Maximum road range: Fuel capacity: Fording: Vertical obstacle: Trench: Gradient: Side slope: Armour: Armour type: NBC system: Night vision equipment: 3+7 1 x 20mm cannon, 1 x 7.62mm MG (coaxial), 2 x Sagger ATGW 1,400 x 20mm, 2,000 x 7.62mm, 4 Sagger ATGW 6.42m 2.995m 2.67m (with ATGW)
0.4m 14,000kg 22.5hp/tonne 0.67kg/cm' FAMOS 10V003 4-stroke 10-cylinder direct-injection diesel developing 315hp at 2,500rpm 64km/hr 7.8km/hr 500km 510 lit Amphibious
0.8m 2.4m 60% 40«/o Classified Steel Yes Yes (commander, gunner and driver)
The BVP M80A is a further development of M-80 and was seen in public for the first time during a military exhibition in Cairo in late 1984. Main improvement over M-80 is a more powerful engine which gives slightly higher speed and higher power-toweight ratio.
Overall layout is very similar to earlier M-80 with driver front left, vehicle commander to his rear, engine compartment front right, turret centre and infantry compartment rear. Infantry sit back to back along centre of vehicle, enter and leave via two doors in hull rear each of which has firing port and vision block. In each side of personnel compartment are a further three firing ports with periscope above for aiming. Over top of troop compartment are two oval roof hatches. One-man turret traverses through 360°. 20mm cannon and 7.62mm MG mounted coaxially right elevate from -5° to +75° under power control, with manual controls provided for emergency use. Twin launcher for Sagger-type wire-guided anti-tank missiles mounted on turret rear (launched from inside turret).
The BVP M80A is fully amphibious, propelled by its tracks. Before entering the water a trim vane is erected on glacis plate and bilge pumps switched on. Engine compartment fire suppression system fitted as standard. Vehicle lays its own smoke screen by injecting diesel fuel into exhaust.
BVP M80AK, new one-man turret armed with 30mm cannon, 7.62mm coaxial MG and twin launcher for Yugoslav built Sagger ATGW. BVP M80A1, two-man turret armed with twin 30mm antiaircraft cannon, prototype only. BVP M80A KC, company commander's vehicle.
BVP M80A KB, battalion commander's vehicle. BVP M80A LT anti-tank, new turret with six Sagger ATGW in ready-to-launch position. BVP M80A Sn, ambulance, has no turret. SAVA low altitude SAM system.
Former Yugoslav state factories.
which has 30mm cannon

M-80 Mechanised ICV (Yugoslavia)
• Well sloped glacis plate with trim vane folded back on lower part, horizontal hull top to rear, hull rear slopes slightly inwards with two doors that open on outside
• Circular turret with sloping sides slightly to rear of vehicle centre with 20mm cannon in front, 7.62mm MG coaxial to right, twin launcher for Sagger ATGW right rear
• Suspension has five road wheels, drive sprocket front, idler rear, two track-return rollers. Rollers and upper part of track covered by sheet metal skirt. Hull sides at rear slope inwards, firing ports in sides and periscopes above
Crew: Armament:
Length: Width: Height over ATGW: Height over turret: Height hull roof: Ground clearance: Weight, combat: Weight, empty: Power-to-weight ratio: Ground pressure: Engine:
3+7 1 x 20mm, 1 x 7.62mm MG (coaxial), twin launcher for Sagger ATGW 400 x 20mm, 2,250 x 7.62mm, 4 x Sagger ATGW 6.4m 2.59m 2.5m 2.3m 1.8m 0.4m 13,600kg 11,700kg 18.97hp/tonne 0.64kg/cm2 HS 115-2 V-8 water-cooled turbo diesel developing 260hp at 3,000rpm 60km/hr 7.5km/hr 500km Not available Amphibious 0.8m 2.2m 60% 30% 30mm (maximum) (estimate) Steel Yes Yes (infra-red for commander, gunner, driver)
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M-80 was developed in the early 1970s and seen in public for the first time in May 1975. The vehicle was originally referred to by the Yugoslavs as the M-980, but this was subsequently changed to the M-80. Driver sits front left with commander to his rear, engine compartment to right. Turret is in centre with 20mm cannon and 7.62mm coaxial MG which elevates from -5° to +75°, turret traverses 360°. Mounted externally on right side of turret at rear is launcher with two Sagger-type wire-guided ATGWs which have maximum range of 3,000m. Troop compartment is at rear, three men sit each side back to back, each with firing port and periscope above. Two roof hatches above troop compartment with periscope above. Over top of troop compartment are two roof hatches hinged in centre. M-80 is fully amphibious, propelled by its tracks. Before entering the water the trim vane is erected and bilge pumps switched on.
No known variants.
Production complete. In service with Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia and Yugoslavia. Succeeded in production by BVP M80A (qv).
Former Yugoslav state arsenals.
Right: M-SO