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ACMAT APC (TPK 4.20 VSC) (France)
• Engine front with radiator grilles under nose, sloped windscreen with two windows covered by armoured shutters hinged at top, side door to immediate rear of windscreen which opens forwards
• Horizontal roof line that extends to rear, two doors in hull rear, troop compartment at rear has three square bulletproof windows each side
• Two road wheels each side with hull sides sloping inwards from just above road wheels
Crew: Configuration: Armament: Lenqth: Width: H^icj|rJJujH_to£:__ Ground clearance (axle): Ground clearance (hull): Wheelbase: Weight, combat: Weight, empty: Power-to-weight ratio: Engine:
Maximum road speed: Maximum range: Fuel capacity: Fording: Trench: Gradient: Side slope: Armour: Armour type: NBCj>yj>terrij_ Night vision equipment: 2+8/10 4x4 See text 5.98m 2.1m 2.205m 0.273m 0.5m 3.6m 7,800kg 6,000kg J^.49hrj/toruTe__
Perkins Model 6.354.4 6-cylinder diesel developing 138hp at 2,800rpm 95km/hr 1,600km 310 lit 0.8m
Not applicable 60% 40% 5.8mm (maximum)
TPK 4.20 VSC was designed as a private venture by ACMAT and is a VLRA (4x4) 2,500kg long-range reconnaissance vehicle with an armoured body. First prototype completed in 1980 and production commenced same year. Engine is at far front with driver and commander to its immediate rear and troop compartment extending right to rear of vehicle. Troops sit at rear on bench seats down each side. One version has fully enclosed roof with three sliding bullet-proof windows each side allowing some occupants to use small arms from inside. Other model has open roof and sides hinged outwards and downwards at mid-point for rapid exit or return fire.
Optional equipment on open-topped version includes 81mm TDA mortar firing to rear, 7.62mm or 12.7mm pintle-mounted MGs or Euromissile MILAN ATGW. Fully enclosed version can have airconditioning system and be used as command or radio vehicle.
VBL light armoured car is essentially the fully enclosed APC with one-man turret on roof armed with 7.62mm or 12.7mm MG. The VBL can be fitted with different radios and an air conditioning system and be modified for more specific roles such as an ambulance or command post vehicle. 6x6 version still at prototype stage, designated TPK 6.40 VBL
In production. In service with a number of countries including Central African Republic, Cote d'lvoire, Gabon and Saudi Arabia.
ACMAT, Ateliers de Construction Mecanique de I'Atlantique, Saint-Nazaire, France.