2 minute read
M-84 Series, Former Yugoslavia
AA anti-aircraft ACV Airborne Combat Vehicle (eg BMD family) AEV Armoured Engineer Vehicle AFV Armoured Fighting Vehicle AIFV Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle AP Armour Piercing AP-T Armour Piercing-Tracer APC Armoured Personnel Carrier APC-T Armour Piercing Capped-Tracer APDS Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot APDS-T Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot-Tracer APER-FRAG Anti Personnel-Fragmentation APERS-T Anti Personnel-Tracer APFSDS Armour Piercing, Fin Stabilised, Discarding Sabot APFSDS-T Armour Piercing, Fin Stabilised, Discarding Sabot-Tracer APHE Armour Piercing, High Explosive AP-T Armour Piercing-Tracer API-T Armour Piercing, IncendiaryTracer AR/AAV Armoured Recovery and Repair Vehicle ARV Armoured Recovery Vehicle ATGW Anti-Tank Guided Weapon AVLB Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge AVRE Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers BARV Beach Armoured Recovery Vehicle BMY Bowen-McLaughlin-York CDC Computing Devices Company GET Combat Engineering Tractor CEV Combat Engineer Vehicle CFV Cavalry Fighting Vehicle CHAVRE Chieftain Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers CHIP Challenger Improvement Programme CPMIEC China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation CRT Cathode Ray Tube DIVAD Divisional Air Defense ERA Explosive Reactor Armour FCS Fire Control System FST Future Soviet Tank (American intelligence community designation usually suffixed by a number eg FST- 1) FV Fighting Vehicle (British MoD designation usually suffixed by a number and version eg FV4030/4 - Fighting Vehicle 4030/version 4) GPS Gunner's Primary Sight GPTTS Gunner's Primary Tank Thermal Sight HE High Explosive HE- APER-FRAG High Explosive-Anti PersonnelFragmentation HE-FRAG High Explosive-Fragmentation HE-FS High Explosive-Fin Stabilised HE-T High Explosive-Tracer HEAT High Explosive, Anti-Tank HEAT-FS High Explosive, Anti-Tank, Fin Stabilised HEAT-MP-T High Explosive, Anti-Tank-Multi Purpose-Tracer HEAT-T High Explosive, Anti-Tank Tracer HEI High Explosive, Incendiary HEI-T High Explosive, IncendiaryTracer HEP-T High Explosive, Plastic Tracer HESH High Explosive, Squash Head HESH-T High Explosive, Squash HeadTracer HVAP-T High Velocity Armour PiercingTracer HVAPDS-T High Velocity Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot-Tracer HVSS Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension IFCS Improved Fire Control System IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle IR Infra Red I.T.T.TV Low Light Level Television HESH High Explosive, Squash Head MBT Main Battle Tank MICV Mechanised Infantry Combat Vehicle MOLF Modular Laser Fire Control MRS Multiple Rocket System NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NBC Nuclear, Biological and Chemical NORINCO China North Industries Corporation REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers RISE Reliability Improved, Selected Equipment SAM Surface-to-Air Missile SAPHEI Semi- Armour Piercing, High Explosive, Incendiary SAPHEI-T Semi-Armour Piercing, High Explosive, Incendiary-Tracer S CG Self Changing Gears SFCS Simplified Fire Control System SIRE Sight Integrated Range Equipment SMT Soviet Medium Tank (Western intelligence community designation usually suffixed by M-date eg SMT M1990 - designation of T-72 Ml 990 before official Russian designation T-72BM became known) STANAG Standardisation Agreement (NATO) TCM Teledyne Continental Motors TOGS Thermal Observation and Gunnery Sight TTS Tank Thermal Sight TWMP Track Width Mine Plough WarPac Warsaw Pact UAE United Arab Emirates