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Asia Pacific Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2016 Report / Search Code: WGR467708
1-user P DF : $ 3995.0
Publish Date: 13 April, 2016
1-5 User P DF : $ 7990.0
Enterprise P DF : $ 11985.0
As ia Pacific Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2016 Summary “As ia Pacific Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2016” is among the lates t region s pecific policy reports from GlobalData, which offers comprehens ive information on major policies governing renewable energy markets in the region. The report covers fifteen key countries in the region, providing the current and future renewable energy targets and plans along with the pres ent policy framework, giving a fair idea of overall growth potential of the renewable energy indus try in each of the countries . The report als o provides major technology s pecific policies and incentives provided in the each country. The report is built us ing data and information s ourced from indus try as s ociations , government webs ites and s tatutory bodies . The information is als o s ourced through other s econdary res earch s ources s uch as indus try and trade magazines . Scope - The report covers policy meas ures and incentives us ed by countries in the APAC region to promote renewable energy. - The report details promotional meas ures in the region both for the overall renewable energy indus try and for s pecific renewable energy technologies that have potential in the region. - The report dis cus s ed the policy s cenario in 15 key countries of the APAC region Aus tralia, China, India, Indones ia, Japan, Kazakhs tan, Malays ia, New Z ealand, Pakis tan, Philippines , Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. - The report dis cus s es how the region fares in renewable energy deployment and compares the 15 countries bas ed on the us e of different types or incentives . Reas ons to buy - Develop bus ines s s trategies with the help of s pecific ins ights about policy decis ions being taken for different renewable enrgy s ources . - Identify opportunities and challenges in exploiting various renewable technologies . - Compare the level of s upport provided to different renewable energy technologies in different countries in the region. - Be ahead of competition by keeping yours elf abreas t of all the lates t policy changes .
1 Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents 4 1.1 Lis t of Tables 13 1.2 Lis t of Figures 14 2 Introduction 15 2.1 Renewable Energy Policy 15 2.2 GlobalData Report Guidance 15 3 Renewable Energy Policy, Aus tralia 16 3.1 Overview 16 3.2 Renewable Energy Policy Framework 17 3.2.1 Renewable Energy Target Scheme 17 3.2.2 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partners hip 23 3.2.3 Renewable Energy Demons tration Program 23 3.2.4 Clean Energy Initiative 23 3.2.5 Renewable Energy Venture Capital Fund 24 3.2.6 Climate Change Grant Program 25 3.2.7 Carbon Pricing Mechanis m 25 3.2.8 Clean Energy Finance Corporation 25 3.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar Power, Aus tralia, Federal Incentives 25 3.3.1 Solar Cities Program 26 3.3.2 Collaboration on Building Solar Future 26 3.4 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind, Aus tralia, Federal Incentives
27 3.4.1 National Code for Wind Farm Cons truction 27 3.4.2 Mechanis ms Supporting Grid-Connected Wind Power 27 3.5 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Geothermal, Aus tralia, Federal Incentives 28 3.5.1 Geothermal Drilling Program 28 3.6 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Energy Efficiency, Aus tralia, Federal Incentives 29 3.6.1 Energy Savings Initiative 29 3.6.2 Tax Breaks for Green Buildings 29 3.7 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Aus tralia, State Level Policies and Incentives 29 3.7.1 South Aus tralia 29 3.7.2 New South Wales 31 3.7.3 Victoria 31 3.7.4 Tas mania 32 3.7.5 Queens land 33 3.7.6 Aus tralian Capital Territory 33 3.7.7 Wes tern Aus tralia 33 4 Renewable Energy Policy, China 34 4.1 Overview 34 4.2 Renewable Energy Law 35 4.2.1 Renewable Energy Targets 36 4.2.2 Feed-in Tariff 37 4.2.3 Taxation Meas ures 37 4.2.4 Grid Acces s 38 4.2.5 Interconnection Standards 38 4.2.6 Special Fund for Renewable Energy Development 38 4.2.7 Renewable Energy Law Amendments 38 4.3 International Science and Technology Co-operation Program for New and Renewable Energy 39 4.4 Shandong Province Village Renewable Energy Regulations 39 4.5 The 12th Five-Year Plan 40 4.6 New Carbon Intens ity Target 40 4.7 China to Join International Renewable Energy Agency 40 4.8 Renewable Energy Tariff Surcharge Grant Funds Management Approach 40 4.9 Renewable Electricity Bonus 41 4.10 Carbon Tax and Carbon Pricing 41 4.11 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar Power, China 41 4.11.1 Golden Sun Program 42 4.11.2 Building Integrated PV Subs idy Program 43 4.11.3 Feed-in Tariff for Solar Projects 44 4.11.4 Dis tributed PV Power Generation Project 44 4.11.5 Notice of the National Energy Adminis tration and China Development Bank on Supporting the Financial Services to the Dis tributed Solar PV Power Generation 45 4.11.6 Notice on Effect of Price Leverage to Promote Healthy Development of PV Indus try 45 4.11.7 Subs idies for Solar PV in Rural Areas 45 4.11.8 Res earch and Development Support for Solar PV 46 4.11.9 Shandong Province Energy Fund 47 4.11.10 Shandong Provinces Suns hine Plan 47 4.12 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind, China 47 4.12.1 Feed-in Tariffs for Wind Power 50 4.12.2 Low Interes t Rate Loans 51 4.12.3 Value Added Tax and Import Tariff Rebate on Key Wind Turbine Components 51 4.12.4 Market Entry Standards for Wind Equipment Manufacturers 51 4.12.5 Interim Meas ure on the Management of Offs hore Wind Farms 52 4.12.6 Offs hore Wind Development Plan 52 4.12.7 Special Fund for the Indus trialization of Wind Power Equipment 52 4.12.8 Notice on Integrating and Accommodating Wind Power 52 4.12.9 Hainan Province Plan for the Cons truction of Wind Farms 53 4.13 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Hydropower, China 53 4.13.1 Preferential Value Added Tax for Small Hydropower 53 4.13.2 Rural Electrification Policies Favoring Small Hydro Ins tallation 53 4.14 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Bioenergy, China 53 4.14.1 Feed-in Tariffs for Biomas s 53 4.14.2 Support for Biogas Projects 54 4.14.3 Financial Incentives for Ethanol 54 4.14.4 Non-food Biomas s Feeds tock Standardization Technical Committee 55 4.15 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Energy Efficiency, China 55 4.15.1 Shandong Province Energy Fund 55 4.15.2 Energy Saving and New Energy Automotive Indus try Development Plan 2012-2020 55 4.15.3 National Building Energy Standard 55 5 Renewable Energy Policy, India 57 5.1 Overview 57
5.2 Electricity Act of 2003 58 5.3 Renewable Energy Certificates 58 5.4 Support for Solar Power 59 5.4.1 Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mis s ion 60 5.4.2 Net-metering 61 5.4.3 Uttar Prades h Solar PV Feed-in Tariff 62 5.5 Support for Wind Power 62 5.5.1 Generation-Bas ed Incentive for Grid Connected Wind Power Projects 63 5.5.2 Regulatory Incentives and State Government Policies 63 5.6 Support for Bio-power 64 5.6.1 Biomas s Power and Bagas s e Co-generation Program 64 5.6.2 Central Financial As s is tance for Biomas s Power Projects 64 5.6.3 Ethanol Production and Blending 66 5.6.4 National Biofuel Policy 66 5.6.5 National Biodies el Mis s ion 67 5.6.6 Regulatory Incentives for Bioenergy 67 5.7 Support for Small Hydropower 68 5.7.1 Small Hydropower Program 68 5.7.2 Financial Support to Private Sector, Joint Sector and Co-operative Society 68 5.7.3 Financial Support to State Government, Central Government and Public Sector Units 69 6 Renewable Energy Policy, Indones ia 70 6.1 Overview 70 6.2 Green Energy Policy 71 6.3 Small Dis tributed Power Generation Us ing Renewable Energy 71 6.4 Medium-Scale Power Generation Us ing Renewable Energy 71 6.5 Income Tax Reduction for Energy Development Projects 71 6.6 Electricity Purchas e from Small- and Medium-Scale Renewable Energy 72 6.7 Clean Technology Fund 72 6.8 Ceiling Price for Geothermal 73 6.9 New Geothermal Law 74 6.10 Geothermal Fund 74 6.11 Power Purchas e from Solar PV Plants 75 6.12 Feed-in Tariffs for Biomas s 75 7 Renewable Energy Policy, Japan 76 7.1 Overview 76 7.2 Japan Renewable Energy Policy Platform 76 7.3 Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Energy 77 7.4 Res earch and Development for Wind Power Technology 79 7.5 Promotion of Geothermal Power 79 7.6 Biofuel Targets 79 7.7 Green Inves tment Tax Credit 80 7.8 Strategic Energy Plan 80 7.9 Long-Term Energy Supply and Demand Outlook 80 7.10 Es tablis hment of New Energy Development Organization 80 8 Renewable Energy Policy, Kazakhs tan 82 8.1 Overview 82 8.2 Law on Electricity 83 8.3 Law on the Us e of Renewable Energy Sources 83 8.4 Long-Term Development Strategy for the Period up to 2025 84 8.5 Long-Term Strategy for Renewable Energy Development 84 8.6 Law on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency 85 8.7 Renewable Energy Targets and Tariffs 85 9 Renewable Energy Policy, Malays ia 86 9.1 Overview 86 9.2 Renewable Energy Act 2011 86 9.3 National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan 87 9.4 Sus tainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Act 2011 87 9.5 Green Technology Development 88 9.6 Small Renewable Energy Program 88 9.7 Energy Efficiency 88 10 Renewable Energy Policy, New Z ealand 90 10.1 Overview 90 10.2 New Z ealand Energy Strategy 90 10.3 New Z ealand Energy Efficiency and Cons ervation Strategy 91 10.3.1 Energy in Bus ines s 92 10.3.2 Efficient and Renewable Electricity Sys tem 92 10.4 Climate Change and Sus tainability Agenda 92 10.5 National Policy Statement for Renewable Electricity Generation 93 10.6 Emis s ions Trading Scheme 93 10.7 Solar and Heat Pump Water Heating 94 10.8 Ins tallations Grants for Public Buildings 94 10.9 Commercial Project Grants 94 10.10 Res ource Management Act 1991 95 10.11 Bioenergy Initiative 95 10.12 Crown Loans Programme 95 11 Renewable Energy Policy, Pakis tan 96
11.1 Overview 96 11.2 Power Sector Reforms 96 11.3 National Power Policy, 2013 97 11.3.1 Power Sector Cris is 98 11.4 Renewable Energy Objectives 99 11.5 Solar PV Feed-in Tariffs 100 12 Renewable Energy Policy, Philippines 101 12.1 Overview 101 12.2 Power Sector Reforms and Privatization 101 12.3 National Renewable Energy Program 102 12.4 Energy Plan 2012-2030 102 12.5 Other Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policies 103 12.6 Feed-in Tariffs 104 13 Renewable Energy Policy, Republic of Korea 105 13.1 Overview 105 13.2 Green Growth Policy 106 13.3 Subs idy Program (Renewable Energy Demons tration and Deployment) 107 13.4 Res earch Funding for the Development of Renewable Energy Sources 107 13.5 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partners hip 108 13.6 The Promotional Law of New and Renewable Energy Development, Us e and Dis s emination 108 13.7 Second and Third Bas ic Plan for New Renewable Energy Technology Development, Us e and Deployment 108 13.8 Certification for New and Renewable Energy Facilities 109 13.9 Tax Audit Exemption 109 13.10 Second Energy Mas ter Plan 2014-2035 110 13.11 Home Subs idy Program 110 13.12 Renewable Portfolio Standards 111 13.13 Mandatory Us e for Public Buildings 111 13.14 Methane to Markets Partners hip 112 13.15 Memorandum of Unders tanding between Korean Wind Energy As s ociation and RenewableUK 112 13.16 SeaRoc and CDS Wind Sign Offs hore Wind Joint Agreement 112 13.17 US Department of Energy and South Korea Announce New Clean Energy Partners hip 113 13.18 South Korea and Cameroon Cons idering Development of Renewable Capacity 113 14 Renewable Energy Policy, Singapore 114 14.1 Overview 114 14.2 Electricity Act 114 14.2.1 Electricity Licens es 115 14.3 Energy Policy 115 14.4 Renewable Energy in Singapore 116 15 Renewable Energy Policy, Taiwan 117 15.1 Overview 117 15.2 Power Sector Policies 118 15.2.1 The Electricity Act 118 15.2.2 The Petroleum Adminis tration Act 118 15.3 Renewable Energy Development Act 119 15.4 Renewable Energy Targets 120 15.5 Renewable Energy Incentives 120 15.6 New Offs hore Wind Power Development Incentive Program 121 15.7 Taiwan Smart Grid Deployment Project 122 15.8 Greenhous e Gas Management and Reduction Act 123 16 Renewable Energy Policy, Thailand 124 16.1 Overview 124 16.2 Power Development Plan 2015 125 16.3 Alternative Energy Development Plan 2015-2036 127 16.4 Feed-in-Tariffs for Wind, Hydropower, and Biopower 128 16.5 Solar Power Feed-in-Tariffs 129 16.6 Energy Efficiency Development Plan, 2015-2036 130 16.7 Tax Incentives through Board of Inves tment 130 16.8 Technical As s is tance for Renewable Energy Projects 131 16.9 Inves tment Grants 131 16.10 Soft Loans - Revolving Fund 132 16.11 Energy Service Company Fund 132 16.12 Energy Cons ervation Program 132 17 Renewable Energy Policy, Vietnam 134 17.1 Overview 134 17.2 Introduction of Competition in Power Market 135 17.3 Power Mas ter Plan VII 135 17.4 Energy Efficiency 136 17.5 Rural Electrification 137 17.6 Renewable Energy Development 137 18 Appendix 139 18.1 Abbreviations 139 18.2 Bibliography 142 18.3 Coverage 147
18.4 Methodology 147 18.5 Dis claimer 148 1.1 Lis t of Tables Table 1: New Large-s cale Renewable Energy Target, Annual Targets , Aus tralia (TWh), 2015-2030 22 Table 2: Renewable Energy Law, China, Major Regulations , 2005-2006 36 Table 3: Renewable Energy Policy, China, Renewable Energy Targets (GW) , 2017 and 2020 37 Table 4: Solar PV Market, China, Feed-in Tariffs in Major Provinces , 2015 44 Table 5: Wind Power Market, China, Lis t of Major Policies , 2015 48 Table 6: Renewable Energy Certificate Volume, India, 2014-2015 59 Table 7: National Solar Mis s ion, India, Phas e Wis e Targets , 2010-2022 61 Table 8: Solar PV Net-metering Tariffs , India, 2016 62 Table 9: State-level Feed-in Tariffs for Wind Power Plants , India, 2016 64 Table 10: Central Financial As s is tance for Biomas s Power Project and Bagas s e Cogeneration Projects by Sugar Mill Type, Inida, 2015 65 Table 11: Central Financial As s is tance for Bagas s e Co-generation Project in Exis ting Co-operative Sector Sugar Mills Employing Boiler Modifications , India, 2015 65 Table 12: Financial Support for Biofuel, India, 2015 67 Table 13: State-level Feed-in Tariffs for Bioenergy-Bas ed Power Plants , 2016 68 Table 14: Support for Hydropower in Private Sector, Joint Sector and Co-operative Societies , India, 2015 69 Table 15: Support for Hydropower in State Government, Central Government and Public Sector Units , India, 2015 69 Table 16: Ceiling Tariffs , Indones ia, 2015-2025 72 Table 17: Ceiling Tariffs , Indones ia, 2015-2025 73 Table 18: Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariffs , Japan, 2015 78 Table 19: Renewable Energy Feed in Tariffs , Kazakhs tan, 2015 85 Table 20: Renewable Energy Targets , Malays ia, 2015-2030 87 Table 21: Solar PV Feed-in-Tariffs ($/kWh), Pakis tan, 2015 100 Table 22: Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariffs , Philippines , 2013-2015 104 Table 23: Renewable Energy, South Korea, Target for New and Renewable Energies (%) 110 Table 24: Renewable Portfolio Standards , South Korea, Targets (%), 2012-2020 111 Table 25: Ins talled Renewable Capacity Targets by Energy Source (MW), Taiwan, 2015 120 Table 26: Feed-in Tariffs by Individual Energy Sources ($/kWh), Taiwan, 2015 121 Table 27: Smart Grid Mas ter Plan, Taiwan, 2012-2030 123 Table 28: Es timated Contributions by Various Energy Sources to the Capacity Mix (%), Thailand, 2014 and 2036 127 Table 29: Feed-in Tariffs ($/kWh), Thailand, 2015-2036 129 Table 30: Solar Power Feed-in Tariffs ($/kWh), Thailand, 2015-2036 130 Table 31: Abbreviations 139 1.2 Lis t of Figures Figure 1: Small-s cale Renewable Energy Scheme, Proces s Diagram, Aus tralia, 2015 20 Figure 2: Large-s cale Renewable Energy Target, Proces s Diagram, Aus tralia, 2015 21 Figure 3: New Large-s cale Renewable Energy Target, Annual Targets , Aus tralia (TWh), 2015-2030 22 Figure 4: Renewable Power Market, South Korea, Policy Impact on Applicable Renewable Power Sources 106
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