Eu5 syringes and needles market capacity, production, import, export, sales, price, cost and revenue

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EU5 Syringes and Needles Market Outlook to 2021 Report / Search Code: WGR539803


1-user P DF : $ 3000.0

Publish Date: 4 April, 2016

Site P DF : $ 6000.0

Enterprise P DF : $ 9000.0


EU5 Syringes and Needles Market Outlook to 2021 Summary GlobalData’s new report, "EU5 Syringes and Needles Market Outlook to 2021", provides key market data on the EU5 Syringes and Needles market. The report provides value, in millions of US dollars , volume (in units ) and average price data (in US dollars ), within market s egments - General Syringes and Specialized Syringes . The report als o provides company s hares and dis tribution s hares data for the market category, and global corporate-level profiles of the key market participants . Bas ed on the availability of data for the particular category and country, information related to pipeline products , news and deals is available in the report. Extens ive interviews are conducted with key opinion leaders (KOLs ), phys icians and indus try experts to validate the market s ize, company s hare and dis tribution s hare data and analys is . Scope - Market s ize for Syringes and Needles market s egments - General Syringes and Specialized Syringes . - Annualized market revenues (USD million), volume (units ) and average s elling price ($) data for each of the market categories . Data is provided from 2007 to 2014 and forecas t to 2021. - 2014 company s hares and dis tribution s hares data for Syringes and Needles market. - Global corporate-level profiles of key companies operating within the EU5 Syringes and Needles market. - Key players covered include Becton, Dickins on and Company, Covidien plc, B. Braun Mels ungen AG, Nipro Corporation and others . Reas ons to buy - Develop bus ines s s trategies by identifying the key market s egments pois ed for s trong growth in the future. - Develop market-entry and market expans ion s trategies . - Des ign competition s trategies by identifying who-s tands -where in the market. - Develop inves tment s trategies by identifying the key market s egments expected to regis ter s trong growth in the near future. - What are the key dis tribution channels and what’s the mos t preferred mode of product dis tribution - Identify, unders tand and capitalize.


1 Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents 2 1.1 Lis t of Tables 5 1.2 Lis t of Figures 7 2 Introduction 8 2.1 What Is This Report About? 8 2.2 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market Segmentation 8 2.3 Definitions of Markets Covered in the Report 9 3 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific 10 3.1 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Revenue ($m), 2007-2021 10 3.2 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Category Comparis on by Revenue ($m), 2007-2021 12 3.3 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Revenue ($m), 2007-2014 14 3.4 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Revenue ($m), 2014-2021 16 3.5 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Volume (Units ), 2007-2021 18 3.6 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Volume (Units ), 2007-2014

20 3.7 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Volume (Units ), 2014-2021 22 3.8 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Company Share by Revenue ($m), 2014 24 4 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia 26 4.1 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Revenue ($m), 2007-2014 26 4.2 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Revenue ($m), 2014-2021 28 4.3 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Volume (Units ), 2007-2014 30 4.4 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Volume (Units ), 2014-2021 32 4.5 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Average Price ($), 2007-2021 34 4.6 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Dis tribution Share by Revenue ($m), 2013-2014 36 4.7 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Company Share by Revenue ($m), 2014 37 5 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China 39 5.1 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Revenue ($m), 2007-2014 39 5.2 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Revenue ($m), 2014-2021 41 5.3 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Volume (Units ), 2007-2014 43 5.4 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Volume (Units ), 2014-2021 45 5.5 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Average Price ($), 2007-2021 47 5.6 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Dis tribution Share by Revenue ($m), 2013-2014 49 5.7 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Company Share by Revenue ($m), 2014 50 6 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India 52 6.1 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Revenue ($m), 2007-2014 52 6.2 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Revenue ($m), 2014-2021 54 6.3 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Volume (Units ), 2007-2014 56 6.4 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Volume (Units ), 2014-2021 58 6.5 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Average Price ($), 2007-2021 60 6.6 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Dis tribution Share by Revenue ($m), 2013-2014 62 6.7 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Company Share by Revenue ($m), 2014 63 7 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan 65 7.1 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), 2007-2014 65 7.2 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), 2014-2021 67 7.3 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Volume (Units ), 2007-2014 69 7.4 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Volume (Units ), 2014-2021 71 7.5 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Average Price ($), 2007-2021 73 7.6 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Dis tribution Share by Revenue ($m), 2013-2014 75 7.7 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Company Share by Revenue ($m), 2014 76 8 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea 78 8.1 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Revenue ($m), 2007-2014 78 8.2 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Revenue ($m), 2014-2021 80 8.3 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Volume (Units ), 2007-2014 82 8.4 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Volume (Units ), 2014-2021 84 8.5 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Average Price ($), 20072021 86 8.6 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Dis tribution Share by Revenue ($m), 2013-2014 88 8.7 Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Company Share by Revenue ($m), 2014 89 9 Overview of Key Companies in As ia-Pacific Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market 91 9.1 Cardinal Health, Inc. 91 9.1.1 Company Overview 91 9.2 3M Health Care Ltd. 91 9.2.1 Company Overview 91 9.3 Medline Indus tries , Inc. 91 9.3.1 Company Overview 91 9.4 Molnlycke Health Care AB 92 9.4.1 Company Overview 92 9.5 Halyard Health, Inc. 92 9.5.1 Company Overview 92 9.6 Nipro Corporation 92 9.6.1 Company Overview 92 9.7 B. Braun Mels ungen AG 93 9.7.1 Company Overview 93 9.8 Ans ell Limited 93 9.8.1 Company Overview 93

9.9 Paul Hartmann AG 93 9.9.1 Company Overview 93 10 Recent Developments 94 10.1 Corporate Communications 94 10.1.1 Apr 17, 2015: As traZ eneca announces updated progres s ion free s urvival data for inves tigational non-s mall cell lung cancer medicine AZ D9291 94 10.2 Financial Announcements 95 10.2.1 Nov 09, 2015: Idera Pharmaceuticals Announces Initiation of Phas e 2 Clinical Trial of IMO-8400 in Patients with Dermatomyos itis 95 10.2.2 Sep 29, 2015: Motif Announces Pres entation of Two Pos ters on Iclaprim at ID Week 2015 97 10.2.3 Apr 16, 2015: Arch Therapeutics ' AC5 Compared Favorably vs . Commercially Available Combination Hemos tat in Animal Study 99 10.3 Government and Public Interes t 100 10.3.1 Jul 14, 2015: Malays ia, The Hub Of Medical Device Manufacturing In As ean 100 10.3.2 May 04, 2015: PMI exhibited at the 14th As ian Aus tralas ian Congres s of Neurological Surgeons in Korea 101 10.4 Legal And Regulatory 101 10.4.1 Apr 17, 2015: Regarding the Res ult of Ins pection at Terumo CVS Ann Arbor Plant 101 10.5 Product News 102 10.5.1 Jan 20, 2016: ITL Granted Important US Patent 102 10.6 Strategy And Bus ines s Planning 102 10.6.1 Oct 13, 2015: Formal Inauguration of our pharmaceutical formulation plant - February 2015 102 10.6.2 Sep 28, 2015: Clinical Data Pres ented On Binimetinib And Encorafenib In Melanoma 102 10.6.3 May 11, 2015: Taiwan’s Apex Medical forays into Indian healthcare market 105 11 Appendix 106 11.1 Res earch Methodology 107 11.1.1 Coverage 107 11.1.2 Secondary Res earch 107 11.1.3 Primary Res earch 107 11.1.4 Company Share Analys is 108 11.1.5 Dis tribution Share Analys is 108 11.2 GlobalData Cons ulting 108 11.3 Contact Us 108 11.4 Dis claimer 109 1.1 Lis t of Tables Table 1: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Cros s Country Comparis on, As iaPacific, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2007-2021 11 Table 2: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Category Comparis on by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2007-2021 13 Table 3: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Revenue ($m), His toric, USD Cons tant, 2007-2014 15 Table 4: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Revenue ($m), Forecas t, USD Cons tant, 2014-2021 17 Table 5: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Volume (Units ), 20072021 19 Table 6: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Volume (Units ), His toric, 2007-2014 21 Table 7: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Volume (Units ), Forecas t, 2014-2021 23 Table 8: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Company Share by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2014 25 Table 9: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, His toric, 2007-2014 27 Table 10: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, Forecas t, 2014-2021 29 Table 11: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Volume (Units ), His toric, 2007-2014 31 Table 12: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Volume (Units ), Forecas t, 2014-2021 33 Table 13: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Average Price ($), His toric, 2007-2014 34 Table 14: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Average Price ($), Forecas t, 2014-2021 35 Table 15: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Dis tribution Share by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2013-2014 36 Table 16: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Company Share by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2014 38 Table 17: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, His toric, 2007-2014 40 Table 18: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, Forecas t, 2014-2021 42 Table 19: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Volume (Units ), His toric,

2007-2014 44 Table 20: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Volume (Units ), Forecas t, 2014-2021 46 Table 21: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Average Price ($), His toric, 2007-2014 47 Table 22: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Average Price ($), Forecas t, 2014-2021 48 Table 23: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Dis tribution Share by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2013-2014 49 Table 24: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, China, Company Share by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2014 51 Table 25: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, His toric, 2007-2014 53 Table 26: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, Forecas t, 2014-2021 55 Table 27: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Volume (Units ), His toric, 20072014 57 Table 28: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Volume (Units ), Forecas t, 2014-2021 59 Table 29: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Average Price ($), His toric, 2007-2014 60 Table 30: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Average Price ($), Forecas t, 2014-2021 61 Table 31: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Dis tribution Share by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2013-2014 62 Table 32: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, India, Company Share by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2014 64 Table 33: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, His toric, 2007-2014 66 Table 34: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, Forecas t, 2014-2021 68 Table 35: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Volume (Units ), His toric, 20072014 70 Table 36: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Volume (Units ), Forecas t, 2014-2021 72 Table 37: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Average Price ($), His toric, 2007-2014 73 Table 38: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Average Price ($), Forecas t, 2014-2021 74 Table 39: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Dis tribution Share by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2013-2014 75 Table 40: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Japan, Company Share by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2014 77 Table 41: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, His toric, 2007-2014 79 Table 42: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, Forecas t, 2014-2021 81 Table 43: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Volume (Units ), His toric, 2007-2014 83 Table 44: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Volume (Units ), Forecas t, 2014-2021 85 Table 45: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Average Price ($), His toric, 2007-2014 86 Table 46: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Average Price ($), Forecas t, 2014-2021 87 Table 47: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Dis tribution Share by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2013-2014 88 Table 48: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, South Korea, Company Share by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2014 90 1.2 Lis t of Figures Figure 1: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Cros s Country Comparis on, As iaPacific, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2007-2021 10 Figure 2: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Category Comparis on by Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, 2007-2021 12 Figure 3: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Revenue ($m), His toric, USD Cons tant, 2007-2014 14 Figure 4: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Revenue ($m), Forecas t, USD Cons tant, 2014-2021 16 Figure 5: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Volume (Units ), 20072021 18 Figure 6: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Volume (Units ), His toric, 2007-2014 20 Figure 7: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Volume (Units ), Forecas t, 2014-2021 22 Figure 8: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, As ia-Pacific, Company Share (%) 2014 24 Figure 9: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Market, Aus tralia, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, His toric, 2007-2014 26

Figure 10: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Cons tant, Forecas t, 2014-2021 28 Figure 11: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies 2007-2014 30 Figure 12: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies 2014-2021 32 Figure 13: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies 37 Figure 14: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Cons tant, His toric, 2007-2014 39 Figure 15: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Cons tant, Forecas t, 2014-2021 41 Figure 16: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies 2007-2014 43 Figure 17: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies 2014-2021 45 Figure 18: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Figure 19: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies His toric, 2007-2014 52 Figure 20: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Forecas t, 2014-2021 54 Figure 21: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies 2007-2014 56 Figure 22: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies 2014-2021 58 Figure 23: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Figure 24: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Cons tant, His toric, 2007-2014 65 Figure 25: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Cons tant, Forecas t, 2014-2021 67 Figure 26: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies 2007-2014 69 Figure 27: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies 2014-2021 71 Figure 28: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Figure 29: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Cons tant, His toric, 2007-2014 78 Figure 30: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Cons tant, Forecas t, 2014-2021 80 Figure 31: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies His toric, 2007-2014 82 Figure 32: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies Forecas t, 2014-2021 84 Figure 33: Dis pos able Hos pital Supplies 2014 89

Market, Aus tralia, Revenue ($m), USD Market, Aus tralia, Volume (Units ), His toric, Market, Aus tralia, Volume (Units ), Forecas t, Market, Aus tralia, Company Share (%) 2014 Market, China, Revenue ($m), USD Market, China, Revenue ($m), USD Market, China, Volume (Units ), His toric, Market, China, Volume (Units ), Forecas t, Market, China, Company Share (%) 2014 50 Market, India, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, Market, India, Revenue ($m), USD Cons tant, Market, India, Volume (Units ), His toric, Market, India, Volume (Units ), Forecas t, Market, India, Company Share (%) 2014 63 Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Market, Japan, Volume (Units ), His toric, Market, Japan, Volume (Units ), Forecas t, Market, Japan, Company Share (%) 2014 76 Market, South Korea, Revenue ($m), USD Market, South Korea, Revenue ($m), USD Market, South Korea, Volume (Units ), Market, South Korea, Volume (Units ), Market, South Korea, Company Share (%)

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