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ICT investment trends in India; Enterprise ICT spending patterns through to the end of 2017 Report / Search Code: WGR574445
1-user P DF : $ 2995.0
Publish Date: 27 July, 2016
Site P DF : $ 5990.0
Enterprise P DF : $ 8985.0
Summary Growing at a healthy rate of 7.9% in the firs t three months of 2016, the Indian economy retains the top pos ition as one of the fas tes t growing economies , beating the forecas ted growth of 7.5%. The concept of digital India gives all the more reas on for organizations to cons ider increas ing their ICT budgets . Cons equently, together the wave of economic optimis m and the digital India initiatives have s purred enterpris es to walk the path of ICT inves tment. Key Findings • Indian enterpris es are upbeat about the growing pros pects of information and communications technology (ICT) which reflects in their inves tment s trategies , with the majority of Indian enterpris es willing to increas e their budget s lightly or s ignificantly. • To chalk out valuable and actionable ins ights from ever increas ing data and to improve decis ion making, organizations are willing to inves t in bus ines s intelligence s olutions , with data warehous ing and analytics attracting greater attention from res pondents in the next two years . • Survival and enhanced decis ion making are rated among the top mos t bus ines s objectives that drive IT inves tment, as mos t ICT s pending s trategies revolve around increas ing efficiency and productivity while being cos t effective. Synops is ICT inves tment trends in India pres ents the findings from a s urvey of 111 Indian enterpris es regarding their Information & Communications Technology (ICT) inves tment trends . The s urvey inves tigates how Indian enterpris es currently allocate their ICT budgets acros s the core areas of enterpris e ICT expenditure: hardware, s oftware, IT s ervices , communications , and cons ulting. The report illus trates the core technologies that enterpris es are inves ting in, including enterpris e application, bus ines s intelligence, IoT, and cloud computing. The s urvey als o highlights the approach to purchas ing technology adopted by enterpris es in India. Through Kable’s s urvey, the report aims to provide a better ins ight to ICT vendors and s ervice providers when pitching their s olutions to enterpris es in India. In particular, it provides an in-depth analys is of the following: • How ICT budgets are s et to change in 2016 in terms of their overall s ize • Allocation acros s the core elements of IT s pend, including hardware, s oftware, s ervices , communications , and cons ulting • Dis tribution of ICT money in areas s uch as the networks , applications , s ervice des k, and data centers • Which ICT functions Indian enterpris es are interes ted in outs ourcing • Indian enterpris es ’ inves tment priorities bas ed on their budget allocations acros s core technology categories s uch as enterpris e application, bus ines s intelligence, IoT, and cloud computing • Factors that are influencing Indian enterpris es ’ inves tments in each technology category • How Indian enterpris es ’ IT budgets are currently allocated acros s various s egments within a technology category • Indian enterpris es ’ dis tribution of their ICT budget acros s various s egments within a technology category • Vendor s atis faction ratings for various core and advanced technology categories • Ins ight into Indian enterpris es ’ preferred buying approaches • Bus ines s and IT objectives that Indian enterpris es are looking to achieve through their IT inves tment s trategies • Factors that are influencing Indian enterpris es ’ decis ions to s elect an ICT provider Reas ons To Buy • Unders tand how Indian enterpris es ICT lands cape is s et to change in 2016 to prioritize your target market • Comprehend how ICT Rupees are being allocated by Indian enterpris es in s pecific
geographies and s ize bands to improve your market penetration • Make effective bus ines s decis ions by recognizing the opportunities within each of the core areas of ICT s pend (hardware, s oftware, IT s ervices , telecommunications , and cons ulting) • Realign your s ales initiatives by unders tanding the current s trategic objectives of Indian enterpris es • Enhance your market s egmentation with the included, detailed breakdown of opportunities within s elected technology categories (enterpris e application, bus ines s intelligence, IoT, and cloud computing) • Prioritize your focus areas by unders tanding which factors are influencing Indian enterpris es ’ decis ions when s electing an ICT provider • Unders tand the changes in cus tomers ’ priorities and identify the bus ines s and IT objectives that Indian enterpris es are looking to achieve through their ICT inves tment s trategies Contents:
Table of Contents 1 Trends in ICT budgets 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Survey demographics 1.3 ICT budget changes 1.4 ICT budget allocation by core technology area 1.4.1 Hardware budget breakdown 1.4.2 Software budget breakdowns 1.4.3 Third party IT s ervices expenditure 1.4.4 Communications expenditure 1.4.5 Cloud computing budget 1.5 ICT budget allocation by function 1.6 Outs ourced IT functions 2 ICT inves tment priorities and vendor s atis faction 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Enterpris e application 2.1.2 Bus ines s intelligence 2.1.3 Internet of Things (IoT) 2.1.4 Cloud computing 3 ICT procurement trends 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Bus ines s objectives influencing IT inves tment s trategy 3.3 ICT provider s election 3.4 Key decis ion maker for purchas ing technology 4 Summary 4.1 Tech-s avvy Indian enterpris es are inves ting in various ICT domains in 2016 5 Appendix 5.1 Definitions 5.2 Further reading 5.3 Contact the authors Lis t of Figures Figure 1: Indian enterpris e ICT s urvey indus try breakdown Figure 2: Indian enterpris e ICT s urvey breakdown by s ize band (number of employees ) Figure 3: Recent and expected ICT budget changes among Indian enterpris es Figure 4: Indian enterpris es ' (external) ICT budget allocation, 2015 and 2016 Figure 5: Indian enterpris es ' average hardware budget allocation Figure 6: Average allocation of s oftware budgets in Indian enterpris e market Figure 7: Indian enterpris es ' average IT s ervices budget allocation Figure 8: Indian enterpris es ' average communications expenditure Figure 9: Indian enterpris es ' average cloud computing budget allocation by technology Figure 10: Indian enterpris es ' average cloud computing budget allocation by implementation type Figure 11: Indian enterpris es ' ICT budget allocation by function, 2015 and 2016 Figure 12: Outs ourced IT functions - Indian enterpris es ' current and future outs ourcing priorities Figure 13: Enterpris e application - Indian enterpris es ' current and future inves tment priorities Figure 14: Enterpris e application - s elected primary provider and vendor s atis faction among Indian enterpris es Figure 15: Bus ines s intelligence - Indian enterpris es ' current and future inves tment priorities Figure 16: Bus ines s intelligence - s elected primary provider and vendor s atis faction among Indian enterpris es Figure 17: IoT - Indian enterpris es ' current and future inves tment priorities Figure 18: IoT - s elected primary provider and vendor s atis faction among Indian enterpris es Figure 19: Cloud computing - Indian enterpris es ' current and future inves tment priorities Figure 20: Cloud computing - s elected primary provider and vendor s atis faction among Indian enterpris es
Figure 21: Bus ines s objectives which inuence Indian enterpris es ' IT inves tment s trategy Figure 22: Factors inuencing Indian enterpris es ' decis ion to choos e an ICT provider Figure 23: Role of key entities in making ICT purchas ing decis ions
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