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MediPoint: Biopsy Devices - Global Analysis and Market Forecasts Report / Search Code: WGR530814
1-user P DF : $ 5995.0
Publish Date: 1 April, 2016
Site P DF : $ 11990.0
Enterprise P DF : $ 17985.0
MediPoint: Biops y Devices - Global Analys is and Market Forecas ts Summary Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. It can either s pread to neighboring tis s ues or remain localized. When a patient is s us pected of having a particular type of cancer, a biops y procedure is performed to extract a target tis s ue s ample for his tological analys is . This intervention typically provides a definitive cancer diagnos is for the patient. Given that thes e procedures play s uch an important role in the diagnos tic pathway for various cancers , medical device manufacturers have worked to develop devices that maximize the volume and quality of the tis s ue s amples , as well as decreas e their negative impact on the patient’s body. The biops y devices market is s egmented by cancer indication and by the type of biops y procedure performed. Beyond providing a general analys is and forecas t for each device s egment in different global regions from 2013-2022, this report offers a more detailed approach by as s es s ing the adoption patterns of the different biops y procedure types for s pecific cancer indications in s pecific geographies . This report and forecas t focus on the adoption patterns of biops y guns , fine needle as piration (FNA) devices , core needle biops y (CNB) devices , and vacuum-as s is ted biops y (VAB) devices , as well as biops y forceps and punches in the diagnos is of breas t, pros tate, lung, liver, colorectal, and thyroid cancers . Highlights Key Ques tions Ans wered - What are the procedure volumes for different biops y procedures in different countries ? How will the volumes change in the next five years ? - Growth in the biops y devices market is driven by an increas ing number of cancer incident cas es . What are the current numbers of cancer diagnos ed cas es in different geographies ? How will the numbers change in the upcoming years ? - Biops y guns are mos t frequently us ed biops y devices and core needle biops y devices gain popularity over fine needle as piration devices . What are the current adoption trends of different types of biops y device in different geographies ? How will the adoption trends evolve in the near future? - There are various types of biops y devices and different companies have a different s trategic product focus . Who are the leading players in the biops y devices market? Reas ons to buy - “What Do Phys icians Think” quotes provide a unique ins ight into how healthcare profes s ionals are reacting to events within the indus try, and what their res pons es could mean for indus try s trategis ts . This information is es s ential for all s trategic decis ion makers in every organization allowing them to act on high quality information.
1 Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents 6 1.1 Lis t of Tables 10 1.2 Lis t of Figures 12 2 Introduction 14 2.1 Overview 14 2.2 Catalys t 15 2.3 Related Reports 15 3 Indus try Overview 16 3.1 Types of Biops ies 16 3.1.1 Surgical Biops y 16 3.1.2 Fine Needle As piration 16 3.1.3 Core Needle Biops y 17
3.1.4 Vacuum-As s is ted Biops y 17 3.2 Market Acces s to Cancer Screening Programs 18 3.2.1 Regulation 18 3.2.2 Biops y Device Adoption Patterns 21 3.2.3 Reimburs ement Trends 21 3.2.4 Regulatory Is s ues /Recalls 22 3.3 Mergers and Acquis itions /Key Partners hips 23 3.3.1 Devicor Medical Products Acquires Breas t Care Portfolio from Ethicon Endo-Surgery 23 3.3.2 Argon Medical Devices Acquires Promex Technologies 23 3.3.3 GTCR Sells Devicor Medical Products 24 3.3.4 Becton Dickins on Completes Acquis ition of CareFus ion 24 3.4 Economic Impact of Cancer Screening and Treatment 24 3.5 Additional Indications for Biops y Devices 25 4 Unmet Needs and Market Opportunity Analys is 26 4.1 Overview 26 4.2 Minimis e Pros tate Biops y Complications 26 4.3 More Efficient Screening Tes ts for Cancer 26 4.4 More Efficient Screening Guidelines for Thyroid Cancer 27 4.5 Les s Invas ive Screening Tes ts With Better Accuracy 27 5 Competitive As s es s ment 29 5.1 Company Share Analys is 29 5.1.1 Vacuum-As s is ted Biops y Market Share 30 5.1.2 Core Needle Biops y/Fine Needle As piration Market Share 31 5.2 Clas s ification Bas ed on Sys tem 32 5.2.1 Vacuum-As s is ted Biops y Devices 32 5.2.2 Core Needle Biops y Devices 34 5.2.3 Fine Needle As piration Devices 35 5.3 Major Players 36 5.3.1 Argon Medical Devices 36 5.3.2 Becton, Dickins on and Company 37 5.3.3 Bos ton Scientific 39 5.3.4 Cook Medical 42 5.3.5 C. R. Bard 44 5.3.6 Gallini Medical Devices 48 5.3.7 Hologic 50 5.3.8 Leica Bios ys tems 52 5.3.9 Stryker 55 5.3.10 TSK Laboratory 57 5.3.11 Z amar Care 59 5.4 Pipeline Products As s es s ment 60 5.4.1 Overview 60 5.4.2 Optical Biops y 61 5.4.3 Liquid Biops y 62 5.5 Emerging Players 63 6 Market Outlook 64 6.1 Biops y Procedure Trends 64 6.1.1 Global 64 6.1.2 US 66 6.1.3 5EU 67 6.1.4 As ia-Pacific Region 74 6.1.5 South America 80 6.2 Market Drivers and Barriers 81 6.2.1 Market Drivers 81 6.2.2 Market Barriers 84 6.3 Market Outlook by Segment 89 6.3.1 Fine Needle As piration 89 6.3.2 Core Needle Biops y 90 6.3.3 Vacuum-As s is ted Biops y 91 6.3.4 Biops y Guns 92 6.3.5 Biops y Forceps and Punches 93 6.4 Market Outlook by Geography 94 6.4.1 Global 94 6.4.2 US 98 6.4.3 France 99 6.4.4 Germany 100 6.4.5 Italy 102 6.4.6 Spain 103 6.4.7 UK 104 6.4.8 Japan 106 6.4.9 Brazil 107 6.4.10 China 109 6.4.11 India 110 7 Appendix 112 7.1 Bibliography 112 7.2 Abbreviations 120 7.3 Report Methodology 122 7.3.1 Overview 122
7.3.2 Coverage 122 7.3.3 Primary Res earch 122 7.3.4 Secondary Res earch 123 7.3.5 Forecas ting Methodology 124 7.4 Key Opinion Leaders Included in This Study 125 7.5 About the Authors 126 7.5.1 Yizhe Xu, MSc, Res earch Analys t, Medical Devices 126 7.5.2 Linda Tian, MSc, Managing Analys t, Medical Devices 126 7.5.3 Tyler Fletcher, Global Head of Medical Devices 127 7.6 About MediPoint 128 7.7 About GlobalData 128 7.8 Dis claimer 128 1.1 Lis t of Tables Table 1: VAB, Global Market Share, 2015 30 Table 2: CNB/FNA, Global Market Share, 2015 31 Table 3: Company Profile - Argon Medical Devices 36 Table 4: Argon Medical Devices , SWOT Analys is , 2016 36 Table 5: Product Portfolio - Argon Medical Devices 37 Table 6: Company Profile - BD 38 Table 7: BD, SWOT Analys is , 2016 38 Table 8: Product Portfolio - BD 39 Table 9: Company Profile - Bos ton Scientific 40 Table 10: Bos ton Scientific SWOT Analys is , 2016 40 Table 11: Product Portfolio - Bos ton Scientific 41 Table 12: Company Profile - Cook Medical 42 Table 13: Cook Medical, SWOT Analys is , 2016 42 Table 14: Product Portfolio - Cook Medical 44 Table 15: Company Profile - C. R. Bard 45 Table 16: C. R. Bard, SWOT Analys is , 2016 45 Table 17: Product Portfolio - C. R. Bard 46 Table 18: Company Profile - Gallini Medical Devices 48 Table 19: Gallini Medical Devices SWOT Analys is , 2016 49 Table 20: Product Portfolio - Gallini Medical Devices 50 Table 21: Company Profile - Hologic 51 Table 22: Hologic SWOT Analys is , 2016 51 Table 23: Product Portfolio - Hologic 52 Table 24: Company Profile - Leica Bios ys tems 53 Table 25: Leica Bios ys tems , SWOT Analys is , 2016 53 Table 26: Product Portfolio - Leica Bios ys tems 55 Table 27: Company Profile - Stryker 56 Table 28: Sktryker SWOT Analys is , 2016 56 Table 29: Product Portfolio - Stryker 57 Table 30: Company Profile - TSK Laboratory 57 Table 31: TSK Laboratory SWOT Analys is , 2016 58 Table 32: Product Portfolio - TSK Laboratory 58 Table 33: Company Profile - Z amar Care 59 Table 34: Z amar Care SWOT Analys is , 2016 59 Table 35: Product Portfolio - Z amar Care 60 Table 36: Emerging Players in Liquid Biops y Market 63 Table 37: Global Biops y Procedure Volume, 2013-2022 65 Table 38: Age Demographics , Age >65 Years , Global, 2013 84 Table 39: Global FNA Device Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 89 Table 40: Global CNB Device Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 90 Table 41: Global VAB Device Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 91 Table 42: Global Biops y Guns Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 92 Table 43: Global Biops y Forceps and Punches Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 93 Table 44: Global Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 95 Table 45: Global Biops y Devices Sales Unit, 2013-2022 97 Table 46: Global Biops y Devices Sales Unit by device type, 2013-2022 97 Table 47: US Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 98 Table 48: France Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 100 Table 49: Germany Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 101 Table 50: Italy Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 102 Table 51: Spain Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 104 Table 52: UK Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 105 Table 53: Japan Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 106 Table 54: Brazil Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 108 Table 55: China Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 109 Table 56: India Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 111 1.2 Lis t of Figures Figure 1 : Biops y Devices , Global Market Share, 2015 29 Figure 2: VAB, Global Market Share, 2015 31 Figure 3: CNB/FNA, Global Market Share, 2015 32 Figure 4: Global Biops y Procedure Volume: All Indications , 2013-2022 65 Figure 5: Biops y Procedure Volume: All Indications , US, 2013-2022 67 Figure 6: Biops y Procedure Volumes : Pros tate, 5EU, 2013-2022 69 Figure 7: Biops y Procedure Volume: Breas t, 5EU, 2013-2022 70 Figure 8: Biops y Procedure Volume: Lung, 5EU, 2013-2022 71
Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure
9: Biops y Procedure Volume: Colorectal, 5EU, 2013-2022 72 10: Biops y Procedure Volumes : Liver, 5EU, 2013-2022 73 11: Biops y Procedure Volume: Thyroid, 5EU, 2013-2022 74 12: Biops y Procedure Volume: Pros tate, APAC Region, 2013-2022 75 13: Biops y Procedure Volume: Breas t, APAC Region, 2013-2022 76 14: Biops y Procedure Volume: Lung, APAC Region, 2013-2022 77 15: Biops y Procedure Volume: Colorectal, APAC Region, 2013-2022 78 16: Biops y Procedure Volume: Liver, APAC Region, 2013-2022 79 17: Biops y Procedure Volume: Thyroid, APAC Region, 2013-2022 80 18: Biops y Procedure Volume: All Cancer Indications , Brazil, 2013-2022 81 19: Global FNA Device Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 90 20: Global CNB Device Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 91 21: Global VAB Device Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 92 22: Global Biops y Guns Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 93 23: Global Biops y Forceps and Punches Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 94 24: Global Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 95 25: Global Biops y Devices Sales ($m) s hare by country, 2015 and 2022 96 26: US Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 99 27: France Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 100 28: Germany Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 101 29: Italy Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 103 30: Spain Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 104 31: UK Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 105 32: Japan Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 107 33: Brazil Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 108 34: China Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 110 35: India Biops y Devices Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2013-2022 111
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