MediPoint: Renal Denervation: Global Sales Revenue Market Share by Companies in 2016

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MediPoint: Renal Denervation - Global Analysis and Market Forecasts Report / Search Code: WGR530815


1-user P DF : $ 5995.0


Publish Date: 1 April, 2016

Site P DF : $ 11990.0

Enterprise P DF : $ 17985.0

MediPoint: Renal Denervation - Global Analys is and Market Forecas ts Summary Renal denervation catheters are categorized into the following: radiofrequency (RF) catheters , ultras ound catheters , and micro-injection catheters . Growth in the renal denervation market will be driven primarily by a need for a new intervention to treat res is tant hypertens ion. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the cardiac field, providing a minimally invas ive s olution where none currently exis t. The global market for renal denervation devices is dominated by Medtronic, St. Jude Medical, and Bos ton Scientific. Other key players include Cordis , ReCor Medical, and Terumo Highlights Key Ques tions Ans wered - What is the current and future renal denervation market outlook in the developed and emerging markets ? What trends and events are affecting the global market? - Which are the key, high growth markets that device manufacturers s hould expand into? Which markets are growing the fas tes t, and what are the top-s elling products ? - What are the unmet needs with the current generation of devices ? How will emerging technologies s uch as the next generation radiofrequency and ultras ound catheters and new micro-injection catheters fulfill thes e unmet needs ? - How will current and future clinical trials affect the market? When are new devices expected to commercialize? - What are the challenges and complications that have hindered wides pread adoption? - With developing the next-generation of devices , what as pects of the technology are device manufacturers focus ed on optimizing? How will new entrants impact the global peripheral vas cular interventions market? Scope - Competitive as s es s ment: Currently marketed renal denervation products and evolving competitive lands cape - In-depth analys is of unmet needs and adoption trends of different renal denervation devices - Ins ightful review of the key indus try drivers , opportunities , res traints and challenges . Each trend is independently res earched to provide qualitative analys is of its implications - Pipeline analys is : Emerging products and technologies . - Annualized total renal denervation diagnos tics market revenue by s egment and market outlooks by country from 2012-2022. - Other key topics covered include s trategic competitive as s es s ment, market characterization, identification of unmet needs , market dynamics , and implications of the emerging technologies on the market. Reas ons to buy The report will enable you to - Develop and des ign your in-licens ing and out-licens ing s trategies through a review of pipeline products and technologies , and by identifying the companies with the mos t robus t pipeline. - Develop bus ines s s trategies by unders tanding the trends s haping and driving the global renal denervation market. - Drive revenues by unders tanding the key trends , innovative products and technologies , market s egments , and companies likely to impact the global renal denervation market in the future. - Formulate effective s ales and marketing s trategies by unders tanding the competitive lands cape and by analyzing the performance of various competitors . - Identify emerging players with potentially s trong product portfolios and create effective counter-s trategies to gain a competitive advantage.

- Track device s ales in the global and country-s pecific renal denervation market from 2012-2022. - Organize your s ales and marketing efforts by identifying the market categories and s egments that pres ent maximum opportunities for cons olidations , inves tments and s trategic partners hips . Contents:

1 Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents 6 1.1 Lis t of Tables 9 1.2 Lis t of Figures 11 2 Introduction 13 2.1 Catalys t 15 2.2 Related Reports 16 3 Market Acces s 17 3.1 The Symplicity HTN-3 Trial 17 3.2 Reimburs ement 18 3.2.1 Europe 18 3.2.2 Rus s ia 18 3.2.3 Aus tralia 19 3.3 M& A/Key Partners hips 19 3.3.1 The Cardinal Health Acquis ition of Cordis 20 3.3.2 The Bos ton Scientific Acquis ition of Ves s ix Vas cular 20 3.3.3 The Medtronic Acquis ition of Ardian 20 4 Unmet Needs 21 4.1 Overview 21 4.2 Nerve Regeneration 21 4.3 Ambulatory Blood Pres s ure Readings 21 4.4 Expanded Indications for the Us e of Renal Denervation 22 4.5 Intervention to Monitor Treatment Progres s 25 4.6 Long-Term Effects 25 5 Competitive As s es s ment 26 5.1 Company Share Analys is 26 5.2 Major Players 27 5.2.1 Ablative Solutions 27 5.2.2 Bos ton Scientific 29 5.2.3 CardioSonic 31 5.2.4 Cordis Corporation 33 5.2.5 Kona Medical 34 5.2.6 Medtronic 36 5.2.7 ReCor Medical 39 5.2.8 Renal Dynamics 41 5.2.9 St. Jude Medical 42 5.2.10 Terumo 44 5.3 Emerging Players 47 6 Market Outlooks 48 6.1 Procedure Trends 48 6.2 Market Drivers and Barriers 51 6.2.1 Market Driver 1: Large Dis eas e Prevalence 51 6.2.2 Market Driver 2: Expanding Indications 51 6.2.3 Market Barrier 1: Dependency on Clinical Trials 52 6.2.4 Market Barrier 2: Reimburs ement 52 6.2.5 Market Barrier 3: Development of Competing Technology 53 6.3 Market Outlooks by Segment 53 6.3.1 Radiofrequency Catheters 54 6.3.2 Ultras ound Catheters 55 6.3.3 Micro-infus ion Catheters 56 6.4 Market Outlooks by Geography 57 6.4.1 North America 58 6.4.2 Europe 62 6.4.3 As ia-Pacific 70 6.4.4 South America 77 7 Appendix 79 7.1 Bibliography 79 7.2 Abbreviations 86 7.3 Methodology 87 7.3.1 Overview 87 7.3.2 Coverage 87 7.4 Forecas ting Methodology 88 7.4.1 Overview 88 7.4.2 Patient Population 88 7.4.3 Procedure Volume by Type of Dis eas e 88 7.4.4 Procedure Volume by Type of Device 88 7.4.5 Average Selling Price 88 7.5 Primary Res earch Efforts 89 7.6 About the Authors 90 7.6.1 Brigitte Babin, MSc, Analys t, Medical Devices 90 7.6.2 Linda Tian, MSc, Managing Analys t, Medical Devices 90

7.6.3 Tyler Fletcher, BSc, Global Head of Medical Devices 90 7.7 About GlobalData 91 7.8 Dis claimer 91 1.1 Lis t of Tables Table 1: Mergers and Acquis itions /Key Partners hip 20 Table 2: Clinical Trials Currently Underway As s es s ing Other Indications for Renal Denervation 23 Table 3: Key Clinical Trials As s es s ing Other Indications for Renal Denervation 24 Table 4: Company Profile - Ablative Solutions Inc. 27 Table 5: Ablative Solutions - SWOT Analys is , 2016 28 Table 6: Company Profile - Bos ton Scientific 29 Table 7: Bos ton Scientific - SWOT Analys is , 2016 29 Table 8: Product Profile - Ves s ix Renal Denervation Sys tem 30 Table 9: Company Profile - CardioSonic Inc. 31 Table 10: CardioSonic. - SWOT Analys is , 2016 31 Table 11: Product Profile - TIVUS Renal Denervation Sys tem 32 Table 12: Company Profile - Cordis Corporation 33 Table 13: Cordis - SWOT Analys is , 2016 33 Table 14: Product Profile - RENLANE Renal Denervation Sys tem 34 Table 15: Company Profile - Kona Medical Inc. 35 Table 16: Kona Medical Inc. - SWOT Analys is , 2016 35 Table 17: Company Profile - Medtronic 36 Table 18: Medtronic - SWOT Analys is , 2016 37 Table 19: Product Profile - Symplicity Flex Renal Denervation Catheter 37 Table 20: Product Profile - Symplicity Spyral Renal Denervation Catheter 38 Table 21: Company Profile - ReCor Medical Inc. 39 Table 22: ReCor Medical, Inc. - SWOT Analys is , 2015 39 Table 23: Product Profile - Paradis e Renal Denervation Sys tem 40 Table 24: Company Profile - Renal Dynamics 41 Table 25: Renal Dynamics - SWOT Analys is , 2015 41 Table 26: Product Profile - ReDy Renal Denervation Sys tem 42 Table 27: Company Profile - St. Jude Medical 42 Table 28: St. Jude Medical - SWOT Analys is , 2016 43 Table 29: Product Profile - EnligHTN Renal Denervation Sys tem 44 Table 30: Company Profile - Terumo 45 Table 31: Terumo - SWOT Analys is , 2016 45 Table 32: Product Profile - Iberis Rrenal Denervation Sys tem 46 Table 33: Summary of Emerging Players and As s ociated Renal Denervation Technologies 47 Table 34: Global Radiofrequency Catheter - Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 55 Table 35: Global Ultras ound Catheter - Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 56 Table 36: Micro-Infus ion Catheter clinical trials 57 Table 37: Canada Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 59 Table 38: Mexico Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 61 Table 39: US Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 62 Table 40: France Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 64 Table 41: Germany Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 65 Table 42: Italy Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 66 Table 43: Rus s ia Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 67 Table 44: Spain Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 68 Table 45: UK Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 69 Table 46: Aus tralia Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 72 Table 47: China Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 73 Table 48: India Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 74 Table 49: Japan Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 75 Table 50: South Korea Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 76 Table 51: Brazil Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 77 1.2 Lis t of Figures Figure 1: Steps Required Prior to Treatment with Renal Denervation 14 Figure 2: Global Company Share Analys is - Renal Denervation 26 Figure 3: Ves s ix V2 Renal Denervation Catheter 30 Figure 4: RENLANE Renal Denervation Catheter 34 Figure 5: Surround Sound Renal Denervation Sys tem 36 Figure 6: Symplicity Spyral Renal Denervation Catheter 38 Figure 7: Paradis e Ultras ound Renal Denervation Catheter 40 Figure 8: EnligHTN Renal Denervation Sys tem 43 Figure 9: Compos ition of Global Renal Denervation by Procedure Volumes , 2015 and 2022 49 Figure 10: Global Renal Denervation Market Value ($m) - High-, Mid-, and Low-Level Predictive Adoption Models , 2012-2022 51 Figure 11: Global Renal Denervation Procedure Volume Forecas t, 2012-2022 54 Figure 12: Comparis on of Major Geography Segments , 2012-2022 58 Figure 13: North American Renal Denervation Procedure Volume, 2012-2022 59 Figure 14: Canada Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 60 Figure 15: Mexico Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 61 Figure 16: US Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 62

Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure

17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31:

European Renal Denervation Procedure Volume, 2012-2022 63 France Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 64 Germany Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 65 Italy Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 66 Rus s ia Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 67 Spain Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 69 UK Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 70 APAC Renal Denervation Market Value, 2012-2022 71 Aus tralia Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 72 China Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 73 India Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 74 Japan Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 75 South Korea Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 76 Brazil Renal Denervation Sales ($m) Forecas t, 2012-2022 78 Survey Breakdown by Profes s ion 89

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