Orthotic and prosthetic (o&p) devices us analysis and market forecasts

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Orthotic and Prosthetic (O&P) Devices - US Analysis and Market Forecasts Report / Search Code: WGR251429


1-user P DF : $ 4450.0


Publish Date: 1 August, 2015

Site P DF : $ 8900.0

Enterprise P DF : $ 11645.0

Orthotic and Pros thetic (O& P) Devices - US Analys is and Market Forecas ts Summary The global orthotics and pros thetics (O& P) market, which includes braces and s upports and pros thetic devices , is an expans ive market covering a broad range of indications . Braces and s upports , external devices that provide s upport to joints and weakened mus culos keletal groups to facilitate function and healing, are utilized prominently in os teoarthritis management; fracture, s prain, s train, and tear treatment; and prophylactic s ports us e. For this report, pros thes is us e is focus ed on a s ingle indication: extremity amputation. The growing global aging population and s ubs equent ris e in the prevalence of dis eas es that primarily affect the elderly, including diabetes , vas cular dis eas e, and os teoarthritis , as well as the increas e in adoption of braces and s upports for noninvas ive treatment, particularly in fracture management and pos t-operative rehabilitation, are expected to drive growth in the O& P market. Emerging O& P technologies focus on improving patient comfort and functionality to facilitate increas ed product adoption. This report examines O& P device adoption and challenges faced by current competitors in the US. The analys is als o identifies unmet needs in the market, s pecifies the major drivers and barriers to device adoption, and provides an unders tanding of phys ician perception and outlook with an overall emphas is on current and future indus try trends in the US. *This is an on-demand report and will be delivered within 4 working days (excluding weekends ) of the purchas e. Highlights Key Ques tions Ans wered - What is the current and future O& P market outlook in the US market? What trends are affecting this O& P market? - Which are the key, high growth markets that O& P manufacturers s hould expand into? Which markets are growing the fas tes t, and what are the top-s elling products in each s egment? - What are the unmet needs with O& P products currently on the market? How will emerging technologies fulfill thes e unmet needs ? - What clinical factors and technical s pecifications influence a phys ician to us e one type of brace or pros thetic device over another? What is phys ician perception and market outlook of O& P? - What are the challenges and complications of O& P that have hindered wides pread adoption? - With developing the next-generation of O& P products , what as pects of the technology are device manufacturers focus ed on optimizing? How will new entrants impact the global O& P market? Scope - Annualized total O& P market revenue by type of device, direct and indirect cos ts of dis eas e, procedure trends , and market outlooks for the US through 2021. - Key topics covered include s trategic competitor as s es s ment, market characterization, identification of unmet needs , reimburs ement and regulatory cons iderations , evaluating market acces s in the US, and implications of the emerging technologies on the market. - Pipeline analys is : Comprehens ive data s plit acros s different s tages of development, including a dis cus s ion of emerging trends and O& P products in development. - Analys is of the current and future market competition in the US O& P market. Ins ightful review of the key indus try drivers , opportunities , barriers and challenges . Each trend is independently res earched to provide qualitative analys is of its implications . Reas ons to buy

- “What Phys icians Think” quotes provide a unique ins ight into how healthcare profes s ionals are reacting to events within the indus try, and what their res pons es could mean for indus try s trategis ts . In this report you will unders tand the perceptions of leading orthopedic s urgeons and O& P practitioners from around the world. This information is es s ential for all s trategic decis ion makers in every organization allowing them to act on high quality information. Contents:

1 Table of Contents 1.1 Lis t of Tables 1.2 Lis t of Figures 2 Introduction 2.1 Catalys t 2.2 Related Reports 3 Indus try Overview 3.1 Overview 3.2 Procedure Trends 3.2.1 US 3.3 Market Acces s 3.3.1 Purchas ing Decis ions 3.4 Brand Loyalty 3.5 Adoption 3.6 Regulation 3.7 Reimburs ement 3.8 Product Recalls 3.8.1 Ability Dynamics Recalls Rus h81 Pros thetic Foot (June 2014) 3.8.2 Z immer Recalls Drop-Lok Knee Brace, Cartilage Knee Brace, Hinged Knee Support, and Tennis Elbow Support (April 2014) 3.8.3 Os s ur Recalls Symbionic Leg (February 2014) 3.9 Mergers and Acquis itions 3.9.1 Ottobock Entered Licens ing Agreement with Eks o Bionics (November 2014) 3.9.2 Breg to Merge with United Orthopedic Group (October 2014) 3.9.3 Ottobock to Dis tribute Artec’s 3D Scanners (July 2014) 3.9.4 Hanger Acquired Pros thetic Laboratories of Roches ter (June 2014) 3.9.5 Hanger Acquired Four Patient Care Companies (Augus t 2013) 3.9.6 Os s ur Acquired TeamOlmed for $47m (May 2013) 3.9.7 DJO Global Acquired Exos (December 2012) 3.9.8 Hanger Acquired Two Patient Care Companies (December 2012) 3.9.9 Hanger Acquired Five Companies (Augus t 2011) 3.9.10 Thuas ne Acquired Towns end Des ign (January 2011) 3.10 Economic Impact 3.10.1 Indirect Cos ts 3.10.2 Direct Cos ts 4 Unmet Needs 4.1 Need for More Upper Limb Pros thes es 4.2 Reducing Cus tom Orthos is and Pros thes is Production Timeline 4.3 Lower Limb Pros thetic Socket Fit 4.4 Changes in Patient Need 4.5 Replacement and Reimburs ement Limitations 4.6 Shortage of Orthotic and Pros thetic Profes s ionals 5 Market Drivers , Barriers , and Opportunities 5.1 Driver: Combat Injuries 5.2 Driver: Aging Global Population 5.3 Driver: Orthos es Us ed as Non-invas ive and Mobile Treatments 5.4 Driver: Diabetes and Vas cular Dis eas e 5.5 Barrier: Medical Device Excis e Tax 5.6 Barrier: Es tablis hed Orthotics and Pros thetics Market 5.7 Barrier: Res tricted Reimburs ement 5.8 Opportunity: Active Lower Extremity Pros thes es 5.9 Opportunity: Computer Aided Des ign and Computer Aided Manufacture 5.10 Opportunity: 3D Printing 5.11 Opportunity: Os s eointegration 6 Competitive As s es s ment 6.1 Overview 6.2 Technology and Product Offerings 6.3 Product Portfolios 6.3.1 Bauerfeind AG 6.3.2 Breg, Inc. 6.3.3 BSN Medical GmbH 6.3.4 DeRoyal Indus tries , Inc. 6.3.5 DJO Global, Inc. 6.3.6 Endolite (Blatchford) 6.3.7 Hanger, Inc. 6.3.8 Medi GmbH & Co. KG 6.3.9 Os s ur hf. 6.3.10 Ottobock HealthCare GmbH 6.3.11 Spinal Technology, Inc.

6.3.12 Touch Bionics Limited 6.3.13 WillowWood 6.4 Product Category SWOT ProďŹ les 6.4.1 Braces and Supports 6.4.2 Pros thetics 7 Pipeline As s es s ment 7.1 Orthotic Products 7.2 Pros thetic Products 8 Clinical Trials to Watch 8.1 Overview 8.2 Os s eointegrated Pros thes es for the Rehabilitation of Amputees (OPRA) 8.3 Us e of Subtle Vibration to Improve Walking Ability by Lower Limb Amputees 8.4 Home Study of an Advanced Upper Limb Pros thes is 8.5 Feas ibility of Implantable Myoelectric Sens ors to Control Upper Limb Pros thes es (IMES) 8.6 The General Us e of Robots in Stroke Recovery: The Anklebot 8.7 Validation of a New Generation of Optimized Orthos es for Pers onalized Treatment of Adoles cent Idiopathic Scolios is 8.8 Comparing Functional Outcomes in Individuals Us ing Micro-proces s or Controlled Orthos is Vers us Stance Control Orthos is 8.9 Comparative Eectivenes s Between Microproces s or Knees and NonMicroproces s or Knees (MPK-AOPA) 9 Current and Future Players 9.1 Overview 9.2 Trends in Corporate Strategy 9.3 Bauerfeind AG 9.3.1 Overview 9.3.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.3.3 SWOT Analys is 9.4 Breg, Inc. 9.4.1 Overview 9.4.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.4.3 SWOT Analys is 9.5 BSN Medical GmbH 9.5.1 Overview 9.5.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.5.3 SWOT Analys is 9.6 DeRoyal Indus tries , Inc. 9.6.1 Overview 9.6.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.6.3 SWOT Analys is 9.7 DJO Global, Inc. 9.7.1 Overview 9.7.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.7.3 SWOT Analys is 9.8 Endolite (Blatchford) 9.8.1 Overview 9.8.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.8.3 SWOT Analys is 9.9 Hanger, Inc. 9.9.1 Overview 9.9.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.9.3 SWOT Analys is 9.10 Medi GmbH & Co. KG 9.10.1 Overview 9.10.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.10.3 SWOT Analys is 9.11 Os s ur hf. 9.11.1 Overview 9.11.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.11.3 SWOT Analys is 9.12 Ottobock HealthCare GmbH 9.12.1 Overview 9.12.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.12.3 SWOT Analys is 9.13 Spinal Technology, Inc. 9.13.1 Overview 9.13.2 Portfolio Analys is 9.13.3 SWOT Analys is 9.14 Touch Bionics Limited 9.14.1 Overview 9.14.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.14.3 SWOT Analys is 9.15 WillowWood 9.15.1 Overview 9.15.2 Portfolio As s es s ment 9.15.3 SWOT Analys is 10 Strategic Competitive As s es s ment

10.1 Orthotics : Company Market Share 10.2 Pros thetics : Company Market Share 11 Market Outlooks by Geography 11.1 Orthotics 11.2 Pros thetics 12 Appendix 12.1 Bibliography 12.2 Abbreviations 12.3 Report Methodology 12.3.1 Overview 12.3.2 Coverage 12.3.3 Secondary Res earch 12.4 Forecas ting Methodology 12.5 Phys icians and Specialis ts Included in This Study 12.5.1 Key Opinion Leaders 12.6 Primary Res earch - Pres criber Survey 12.7 About the Authors 12.7.1 Analys ts 12.7.2 Global Head of Healthcare 12.8 About GlobalData 12.9 Contact Us 12.10 Dis claimer 1.1 Lis t of Tables Table 1: Medicare ICD-9 Codes and DRG codes for Common Orthotic and Pros thetic Needs Table 2: HCPCS Codes for Common Orthotic and Pros thetic Devices , 2015 Table 3: Mergers and Acquis itions (2011-2014) Table 4: Bauerfeind’s Orthotics Portfolio Table 5: Breg’s Orthotics Portfolio Table 6: Bleds oe Brace Sys tems ’ Orthotics Portfolio Table 7: BSN Medical’s Orthotics Portfolio Table 8: DeRoyal’s Orthotics Portfolio Table 9: DJO’s Orthotics Portfolio Table 10: Endolite’s Pros thetics Portfolio Table 11: Hanger’s Orthotics Portfolio Table 12: Medi’s Orthotics and Pros thetics Portfolio Table 13: Os s ur’s Orthotics and Pros thetics Portfolio Table 14: Ottobock’s Orthotics and Pros thetics Portfolio Table 15: Spinal Tech’s Orthotics Portfolio Table 16: Touch Bionics ’ Pros thetics Portfolio Table 17: WillowWood’s Pros thetics Portfolio Table 18: SWOT Analys is - Cus tom-Fabricated Orthos es Table 19: SWOT Analys is - Off-the-Shelf Orthos es Table 20: SWOT Analys is - Active Upper Extremity Pros thes es Table 21: SWOT Analys is - Pas s ive Upper Extremity Pros thes es Table 22: SWOT Analys is - Mechanical Lower Limb Pros thes es Table 23: SWOT Analys is - Microproces s or Lower Limb Pros thes es Table 24: SWOT Analys is - Non-functional Lower Limb Pros thes es Table 25: Pipeline Products in the Global Orthotics Market, 2015 Table 26: Pipeline Products in the Global Pros thetics Market, 2015 Table 27: Os s eointegrated Pros thes es for the Rehabilitation of Amputees (OPRA) Table 28: Us e of Subtle Vibration to Improve Walking Ability by Lower Limb Amputees Table 29: Home Study of an Advanced Upper Limb Pros thes is Table 30: Feas ibility of Implantable Myoelectric Sens ors to Control Upper Limb Pros thes es (IMES) Table 31: The General Us e of Robots in Stroke Recovery: The Anklebot Table 32: Validation of a New Generation of Optimized Orthos es for Pers onalized Treatment of Adoles cent Idiopathic Scolios is Table 33: Comparing Functional Outcomes in Individuals Us ing Micro-proces s or Controlled Orthos is Vers us Stance Control Orthos is Table 34: Comparative Effectivenes s Between Microproces s or Knees and NonMicroproces s or Knees (MPK-AOPA) Table 35: Company Profile - Bauerfeind AG Table 36: SWOT Analys is - Bauerfeind AG Table 37: Company Profile - Breg, Inc. Table 38: SWOT Analys is - Breg, Inc. Table 39: Company Profile - BSN Medical GmbH Table 40: SWOT Analys is - BSN Medical GmbH Table 41: Company Profile - DeRoyal Indus tries , Inc. Table 42: SWOT Analys is - DeRoyal Indus tries , Inc. Table 43: Company Profile - DJO Global, Inc. Table 44: SWOT Analys is - DJO Global, Inc. Table 45: Company Profile - Endolite Table 46: SWOT Analys is - Endolite Table 47: Company Profile - Hanger Table 48: SWOT Analys is - Hanger Table 49: Company Profile - Medi GmbH & Co. KG Table 50: SWOT Analys is - Medi GmbH & Co. KG

Table 51: Company Profile - Os s ur hf. Table 52: SWOT Analys is - Os s ur hf. Table 53: Company Profile - Ottobock HealthCare GmbH Table 54: SWOT Analys is - Ottobock HealthCare GmbH Table 55: Company Profile - Spinal Technology, Inc. Table 56: SWOT Analys is - Spinal Technology, Inc. Table 57: Company Profile - Touch Bionics Limited Table 58: SWOT Analys is - Touch Bionics Limited Table 59: Company Profile - WillowWood Table 60: SWOT Analys is - WillowWood Table 61: US Market Value Forecas t by Market Segment for Orthopedic Braces and Supports , $m, 2012-2021 Table 62: US Market Value Forecas t by Market Segment for Orthopedic Pros thetics , $m, 2012-2021 Table 63: UK Market Value Forecas t by Market Segment for Orthopedic Pros thetics , $m, 2012-2021 1.2 Lis t of Figures Figure 1: US Procedure Volume Forecas t by Market Segment, 2012-2021 Figure 2: Pros thetic Device Adoption Rates , 2014 Figure 3: US Company Market Shares for Upper Limb Orthopedic Braces and Supports , 2014 Figure 4: US Company Market Shares for Lower Limb Orthopedic Braces and Supports , 2014 Figure 5: US Company Market Shares for Upper Limb Pros thetics , 2014 Figure 6: US Company Market Shares for Lower Limb Orthopedic Pros thetics , 2014 Figure 7: US Market Value Forecas t by Market Segment for Orthopedic Braces and Supports , $m, 2012-2021 Figure 8: US Market Value Comparis on by Market Segment for Orthopedic Braces and Supports , 2014 & 2021 Figure 9: US Market Value Forecas t by Market Segment for Orthopedic Pros thetics , $m, 2012-2021 Figure 10: US Market Value Comparis on by Market Segment for Orthopedic Pros thetics , 2014 & 2021 Figure 11: Phys icians and Phys ical Therapis ts Surveyed By Country

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