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Australia Peripheral Vascular Procedures Outlook to 2021 Report / Search Code: WGR539786
1-user P DF : $ 1000.0
Publish Date: 4 April, 2016
Site P DF : $ 2000.0
Enterprise P DF : $ 3000.0
Aus tralia Peripheral Vas cular Procedures Outlook to 2021 Summary GlobalData’s new report, "Aus tralia Peripheral Vas cular Procedures Outlook to 2021", provides key procedures data on the Aus tralia Peripheral Vas cular Procedures . The report provides procedure volumes within market s egments Aortic Open Repair Procedures , Aortic Stent Graft Procedures , Carotid Artery Embolic Protection Procedures , Deep Seated Artery Stenting Procedures , Inferior Vena Cava Filters (IVCF) Procedures , Lower Extremity Embolic Protection Procedures , Percutaneous Trans luminal Angioplas ty (PTA) Balloon Procedures , Peripheral Angiography Procedures , Peripheral Vas cular Stenting Procedures , PTA Drug Eluting Balloon (DEB) Procedures , Renal Artery Embolic Protection Procedures and Vas cular Grafts Procedures . The data in the report is derived from dynamic market forecas t models . GlobalData us es epidemiology bas ed models to es timate and forecas t the procedure volumes . The objective is to provide information that repres ents the mos t up-to-date data of the indus try pos s ible. The epidemiology-bas ed forecas ting model makes us e of epidemiology data gathered from res earch publications and primary interviews with phys icians to es tablis h the target patient population and treatment flow patterns for individual dis eas es and therapies . Us ing prevalence and incidence data and diagnos ed and treated population, the epidemiology-bas ed forecas ting model arrives at the final numbers . Extens ive interviews are conducted with key opinion leaders (KOLs ), phys icians and indus try experts to validate the procedure volumes . Scope - Aus tralia Peripheral Vas cular Procedures volumes by s egments - Aortic Open Repair Procedures , Aortic Stent Graft Procedures , Carotid Artery Embolic Protection Procedures , Deep Seated Artery Stenting Procedures , Inferior Vena Cava Filters (IVCF) Procedures , Lower Extremity Embolic Protection Procedures , Percutaneous Trans luminal Angioplas ty (PTA) Balloon Procedures , Peripheral Angiography Procedures , Peripheral Vas cular Stenting Procedures , PTA Drug Eluting Balloon (DEB) Procedures , Renal Artery Embolic Protection Procedures and Vas cular Grafts Procedures . - Projections for each of the market s egments . Data is provided from 2007 to 2014 and forecas t to 2021. Reas ons to buy - Develop bus ines s and inves tment s trategies by identifying the key market s egments expected to regis ter s trong growth in the near future. - Develop market-entry and market expans ion s trategies .
1 Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents 2 1.1 Lis t of Tables 3 1.2 Lis t of Figures 4 2 Introduction 5 2.1 What Is This Report About? 5 2.2 Peripheral Vas cular Procedures , Segmentation 5 2.3 Definitions of Procedures Covered in the Report 6 3 Peripheral Vas cular Procedures , Mexico 10 3.1 Peripheral Vas cular Procedures , Mexico, 2007-2014 10 3.2 Peripheral Vas cular Procedures , Mexico, 2014-2021 12 3.2.1 Aortic Open Repair Procedures , Mexico, 2007-2014 15 3.2.2 Aortic Stent Graft Procedures , Mexico, 2007-2014 17 3.2.3 Deep Seated Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, 2007-2014 19 3.2.4 Percutaneous Trans luminal Angioplas ty (PTA) Balloon Procedures , Mexico, 2007-2014 21
3.2.5 Peripheral Vas cular Stenting Procedures , Mexico, 2007-2014 23 Iliac Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, 2007-2014 25 Femoropopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, 2007-2014 27 Infrapopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, 2007-2014 29 3.2.6 Aortic Open Repair Procedures , Mexico, 2014-2021 31 3.2.7 Aortic Stent Graft Procedures , Mexico, 2014-2021 33 3.2.8 Deep Seated Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, 2014-2021 35 3.2.9 Percutaneous Trans luminal Angioplas ty (PTA) Balloon Procedures , Mexico, 2014-2021 37 3.2.10 Peripheral Vas cular Stenting Procedures , Mexico, 2014-2021 39 Iliac Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, 2014-2021 41 Femoropopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, 2014-2021 43 Infrapopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, 2014-2021 45 3.2.11 PTA Drug Eluting Balloon (DEB) Procedures , Mexico, 2014-2021 47 4 Appendix 49 4.1 Res earch Methodology 50 4.1.1 Coverage 50 4.1.2 Secondary Res earch 50 4.1.3 Primary Res earch 51 4.1.4 Market Modeling and Forecas ting 52 4.1.5 Company Share Analys is 55 4.1.6 Dis tribution Share Analys is 56 4.2 Expert Panel 57 4.3 GlobalData Cons ulting 57 4.4 Contact Us 57 4.5 Dis claimer 57 1.1 Lis t of Tables Table 1: Peripheral Vas cular Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 11 Table 2: Peripheral Vas cular Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 13 Table 3: Aortic Open Repair Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 16 Table 4: Aortic Stent Graft Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 18 Table 5: Deep Seated Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 20 Table 6: Percutaneous Trans luminal Angioplas ty (PTA) Balloon Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 22 Table 7: Peripheral Vas cular Stenting Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 24 Table 8: Iliac Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 26 Table 9: Femoropopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 28 Table 10: Infrapopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 30 Table 11: Aortic Open Repair Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 32 Table 12: Aortic Stent Graft Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 34 Table 13: Deep Seated Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 36 Table 14: Percutaneous Trans luminal Angioplas ty (PTA) Balloon Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 38 Table 15: Peripheral Vas cular Stenting Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 40 Table 16: Iliac Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 42 Table 17: Femoropopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 44 Table 18: Infrapopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 46 Table 19: PTA Drug Eluting Balloon (DEB) Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 48 Table 20: Total Number of Primary Res earch Participants , Cardiovas cular Devices Market, by Country 52 1.2 Lis t of Figures Figure 1: Peripheral Vas cular Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 10 Figure 2: Peripheral Vas cular Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 12 Figure 3: Aortic Open Repair Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 15 Figure 4: Aortic Stent Graft Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 17 Figure 5: Deep Seated Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 19 Figure 6: Percutaneous Trans luminal Angioplas ty (PTA) Balloon Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 21 Figure 7: Peripheral Vas cular Stenting Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 23 Figure 8: Iliac Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 25 Figure 9: Femoropopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 27 Figure 10: Infrapopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, His toric, 2007-2014 29 Figure 11: Aortic Open Repair Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 31 Figure 12: Aortic Stent Graft Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 33 Figure 13: Deep Seated Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 35 Figure 14: Percutaneous Trans luminal Angioplas ty (PTA) Balloon Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 37 Figure 15: Peripheral Vas cular Stenting Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 39 Figure 16: Iliac Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 41 Figure 17: Femoropopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 43 Figure 18: Infrapopliteal Artery Stenting Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 45 Figure 19: PTA Drug Eluting Balloon (DEB) Procedures , Mexico, Forecas t, 2014-2021 47 Figure 20: GlobalData Epidemiology-Bas ed Forecas ting Model 54
Figure 21: GlobalData Capital Equipment-Bas ed Forecas ting Model 55 Figure 22: Primary Interviews by Participant Type (%) 56
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