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Quinoxyfen: Global Product Intelligence (2015-2020) Report / Search Code: WGR564229
1-user P DF : $ 1250.0
Publish Date: 15 July, 2016
1-5 User P DF : $ 1750.0
Enterprise P DF : $ 2250.0
REPORT OBJECTIVES: The report “Quinoxyfen: Global Product Intelligence (2015-2020)” provides market intelligence on the different s egments of the agrochemical, bas ed on type of formulation, crop type, pes t, and geography. Market s ize and forecas t (2015-2020) has been provided in terms of both, Value (000 USD) and Volume (000 KG) in the report. A detailed qualitative analys is of the factors res pons ible for driving and res training growth of the agrochemical and future market opportunities have als o been dis cus s ed. This report is a part of s eries of more than 900 agrochemicals ’ product intelligence reports from Sprout Intelligence. This agrochemicals ’ product intelligence report s eries , in total, covers more than 1,500 pes ts , 60 formulations , 150 crops and 60 countries . RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In our market s ize and forecas t determination efforts , an extens ive s econdary res earch was initially completed to gain a good pers pective of the market in each region. Extens ive primary res earch was als o carried out by interviewing the key executives from the indus try. Thes e interviews helped us to fill-in the data gaps after s econdary res earch. Several s econdary s ources s uch as encyclopedia, directories , and databas es have been us ed to identify and collect information us eful for this extens ive techno-commercial s tudy. The res pondents – s elected experts from manufacturers and s elected s uppliers - have been interviewed to obtain and verify critical information as well as to as s es s the future pros pects . The us age of obtained information is bas ed on the perceived reliability by the res earch team. In many cas es , a combination of s everal s ources was us ed. Sprout Intelligence provides an in-depth analys is of the market s egmentation, which is a critical element of the product intelligence reports at Sprout Intelligence. KEY AUDIENCE Executives in marketing, s trategic planning and new product development will find s uch dis cus s ions in our reports pertinent and us eful. Management cons ultants , inves tment bankers , dis tributors , s uppliers , and regulatory authorities are amongs t our regular clientele s erved. KEY FINDINGS FROM THE REPORT - Quinoxyfen, a fungicide belonging to the group Quinoline is us ed for controlling various pes ts s uch as Uncinula, Oidium, Erys iphe among others . - USA, Maxico, France, Aus tralia, and South Africa are the leading country markets among others . - Sus pens ion Concentrate (SC), Liquid (LI) were the leading formulations in 2015. - Sprout Intelligence agrochemicals expert team es timated global Quinoxyfen market to be more than USD 36.35 million.
1. Report Introduction 1.1. Report Des cription 1.1.1. Res earch Methodology 1.1.2. Report Objectives 1.1.3. Data Sources 1.2. Acronyms / Abbreviations 1.3. As s umptions 1.4. Limitations 2. Executive Summary 3. Global Quinoxyfen Market, By Formulation 3.1. Sus pens ion Concentrate (SC) 3.2. Liquid (LI) 3.3. Emuls ion, Oil in Water (EW) 3.4. Sus po-emuls ion (SE) 3.5. Others 4. Global Quinoxyfen Market, By Crop Type
4.1. Cereals & Grains 4.2. Fruits & Vegetables 4.3. Others 5. Global Quinoxyfen Market, By Pes t 5.1. Uncinula 5.2. Oidium 5.3. Erys iphe 5.4. Sphaerotheca 5.5. Podos phaera 5.6. Others 6. Global Quinoxyfen Market, By Region 6.1. North America (NA) 6.1.1. USA 6.2. South America (SA) 6.2.1. Mexico 6.2.2. Chile 6.2.3. Argentina 6.2.4. Others 6.3. Europe (EU) 6.3.1. France 6.3.2. Italy 6.3.3. Czech-Republic 6.3.4. Germany 6.3.5. Slovakia 6.3.6. Others 6.4. As ia-Pacific (APAC) 6.4.1. Aus tralia 6.4.2. Others 6.5. Res t of the World (RoW) 6.5.1. South Africa 6.5.2. Others 7. Appendix 7.1. Dis claimer 7.2. About Sprout Intelligence LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES 1. Quinoxyfen Market Volume, by Region, 2015-2020, 000KG 2. Quinoxyfen Market Value, by Region, 2015-2020, 000USD 3. Quinoxyfen Market Volume, by Formulation, 2015-2020, 000KG 4. Quinoxyfen Market Value, by Formulation, 2015-2020, 000USD 5. Quinoxyfen Market Volume, by Crop Type, 2015-2020, 000KG 6. Quinoxyfen Market Value, by Crop Type, 2015-2020, 000USD 7. Quinoxyfen Market Volume, by Pes t Type, 2015-2020, 000KG 8. Quinoxyfen Market Value, by Pes t Type, 2015-2020, 000USD 9. Quinoxyfen: Sus pens ion Concentrate (SC) Market Volume, by Country, 2015, 000KG 10. Quinoxyfen: Sus pens ion Concentrate (SC) Market Value, by Country, 2015, 000USD 11. Quinoxyfen: Liquid (LI) Market Volume, by Country, 2015, 000KG 12. Quinoxyfen: Liquid (LI) Market Value, by Country, 2015, 000USD 13. Quinoxyfen: Emuls ion, Oil in Water (EW) Market Volume, by Country, 2015, 000KG 14. Quinoxyfen: Emuls ion, Oil in Water (EW) Market Value, by Country, 2015, 000USD 15. Quinoxyfen: Sus po-emuls ion (SE) Market Volume, by Country, 2015, 000KG 16. Quinoxyfen: Sus po-emuls ion (SE) Market Value, by Country, 2015, 000USD 17. Quinoxyfen: Uncinula Market Volume, by Country, 2015, 000KG 18. Quinoxyfen: Uncinula Market Value, by Country, 2015, 000USD 19. Quinoxyfen: Oidium Market Volume, by Country, 2015, 000KG 20. Quinoxyfen: Oidium Market Value, by Country, 2015, 000USD 21. Quinoxyfen: Erys iphe Market Volume, by Country, 2015, 000KG 22. Quinoxyfen: Erys iphe Market Value, by Country, 2015, 000USD 23. Quinoxyfen: Sphaerotheca Market Volume, by Country, 2015, 000KG 24. Quinoxyfen: Sphaerotheca Market Value, by Country, 2015, 000USD 25. Quinoxyfen: Podos phaera Market Volume, by Country, 2015, 000KG 26. Quinoxyfen: Podos phaera Market Value, by Country, 2015, 000USD 27. Quinoxyfen: North America Market Volume, by Country, 2015-2020, 000KG 28. Quinoxyfen: North America Market Value, by Country, 2015-2020, 000USD 29. Quinoxyfen: USA Market Volume, by Formulation, 2015, 000KG 30. Quinoxyfen: USA Market Value, by Formulation, 2015, 000USD 31. Quinoxyfen: USA Market Volume, by Pes t Type, 2015, 000KG 32. Quinoxyfen: USA Market Value, by Pes t Type, 2015, 000USD 33. Quinoxyfen: South America Market Volume, by Country, 2015-2020, 000KG 34. Quinoxyfen: South America Market Value, by Country, 2015-2020, 000USD 35. Quinoxyfen: Mexico Market Volume, by Formulation, 2015, 000KG 36. Quinoxyfen: Mexico Market Value, by Formulation, 2015, 000USD 37. Quinoxyfen: Mexico Market Volume, by Pes t Type, 2015, 000KG 38. Quinoxyfen: Mexico Market Value, by Pes t Type, 2015, 000USD 39. Quinoxyfen: Chile Market Volume, by Formulation, 2015, 000KG 40. Quinoxyfen: Chile Market Value, by Formulation, 2015, 000USD
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96.
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