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Academic Advising
from Delaware State University Office of Student Success Hornet Experience Guide - Spring 2022
by delstateuniv

Academic advising at Delaware State University is designed to provide students with a collegial and academically enriched college experience. As a collaborative campus community, students are provided with guidance, support, planning tools and resources to make informed decisions that impact their academic success and career goals.
As a part of our core academic support services, the four-year student experience framework offers centralized advisement that is both proactive and holistic. Each student has an Individual Development Plan (IDP), which is a comprehensive studentplanning tool that charts first-year steps toward identifying and establishing interests, goals, majors and career pathways toward academic success.
Students will:
Become aware of University policies and procedures Understand curriculum requirements Identify campus resources Strengthen oral and written communication skills Participate in academic community and social engagement opportunities Engage in peer learning
The Office of Student Success is the point of entry for all first-year students.
The advising structure for first-year students is designed to:
1. Create a deeper understanding of academic policies and procedures. 2. Enhance the information flow with academic planning, alternate pathways (when appropriate) and early degree-program guidance.
During your freshman year, we will assist you in formulating an educational plan and introduce you to career goals that are closely aligned to your academic interests. Your Academic Advisor will partner with you to develop your Individual Development Plan (IDP) (more information on your IDP, Page 16). You will be actively engaged and on a solid path to graduate within four years.
Office of Student Success Academic Advisors work very closely with campus wide faculty and staff to ensure that you receive exposure to your desired degree program of interest and to facilitate your participation in co-curricular activities within your academic major.

Wesley College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (WCHBS)
Ms. Michele Rush Director of Advising Mr. Samuel Jay
College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (CHESS)
Ms. Charmaine Whyte Director of Advising Ms. Amy Kellen Ms. Gloria Knowles Dr. Carole Kpota-Middleton
College of Business (COB)
Ms. Tamekca Faria-Frisby Director of Advising Ms. Janet McCrea Ms. Symone Merritt Mr. Brian Passerell
College of Agriculture, Science and Technology (CAST)
Dr. Marcel Poe Director of Advising Dr. Leroy Hawkins Ms. Lynae Spratley Mr. Franck Yehiri
How to Schedule an Appointment
The Office of Student Success utilizes Appointment Plus for students to schedule appointments with their advisor. Visit www.desu.edu/academics/student-success, click “Find Your Advisor,” then the “Schedule an Appointment with Your Advisor” button. Reach the page directly at https://booknow.appointment-plus.com/9enxn92m.

Freshmen start strong. Sophomores progress strong. Juniors continue strong. Seniors graduate strong.
The 15 Strong to Completion student outreach campaign is a primary component of the Office of Student Success’ framework for incoming freshmen and new transfer students. 15 Strong to Completion promotes a standard that encourages students to complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of coursework per semester. If students complete 30 credit hours after their first year, they are more likely to persist toward graduation and complete their degree program in four years.
Once you have been admitted to a Delaware State University degree program, the University shall evaluate your college-level course credits submitted on an official transcript to determine if they shall be accepted in transfer and determine how the course credits will apply to program and graduation requirements. The process at Delaware State University involves at least three considerations: 1. The educational quality of your learning experience from the accredited intuitions from which you are transferring. 2. The content and level of the learning experience you received from the college or university. 3. Appropriateness and applicability of the learning experience to the programs offered by Delaware State University in light of your educational goals.
Academic Advising for Transfer Students
All transfer students will be assigned to two advisors: 1. The Transfer Advisor serves as the student’s primary advisor for the first year to ensure an effective credit evaluation, scheduling/registration, and advisement process. 2. In year two of matriculation, a Professional Advisor in the student’s selected degree program/major becomes the primary advisor. The Transfer Advisor will serve as a supplemental support advisor to all transfer students until graduation.
Courses to be transferred must be equivalent to respective Delaware State University courses. Credits are evaluated according to the specific academic program. College course credits obtained within the last 10 years are not accepted automatically and will be at the discretion of the appropriate department. Course grades must at least be a “C” in order for the transfer credit to count. Grades of “C-” cannot transfer.
Sample Course Request Form
(Use as a guide only)
Year 20 ________ Fall ________ Spring________ Summer ________
Last Name First Name Middle Initial
D# _____________________________
Major(s) and Minor/Concentration: ____________________________________________ Alt. Pin# _________________________
DSU Email: _________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________ May We Text You? YES NO
Course Selection (Please Print)
CRN DEPT Course No# SEC Title of Course CR
xxxxx UNIV 191 01 University Seminar I xxxxx MTSC 121 02 College Algebra
1 3 xxxxx MVSC 101 03 Lifetime Fitness & Wellness 2 xxxxx ENGL 121 04 Rhetoric and Composition I 3 xxxxx BIOL 101 05 11 General Biology I & Lab 4
xxxxx PSYC 201 06 Intro to General Psychology 3 Total Credit Hours 16 I am aware of my responsibility to check my schedule from BANNER web prior to the start of each semester. I understand that if I am not able to attend any of the above courses, I must officially drop the course(s). If I am unsuccessful in any course, I am aware that I must see my advisor.
T 12:00 – 12:50 p.m. MWF 2:00 – 2:50 p.m. T TR 4:30 – 7:15 p.m. 8:00 – 9:15 a.m.
MW F 3:00 – 4:20 p.m. Class/Lecture 3:00 – 4:15 p.m. Lab
Student Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ________________________________
Advisor Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ________________________________