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David Dee May 5, 1950 - February 12, 2021

We miss you Alexis, Aidan, Peter

President and VP of the Delta Hospita Auxlary, Dave oved his DHA volunteer work, and would gadly pitch in wherever help was needed

Dave was a kind and generous man who always thought more about others than hmself

Donatons appreciated to the Delta Hosptal Foundaton www dhchfoundation ca

It is with saddest of hearts to announce the passing of Emil Marz Emi was born n Kaiserslautern

Germany, November 18, 1936

This where Emi became a master painter before leaving Germany late 1959 to early 1960 for Vancouver, Canada Emil arrived here after a long boat voyage and a 3 day train ride to reach Vancouver, British Coumba, where Emil found a rooming house He found a friend in a waitress named Anna, who became a big part of Emil’s life Anna helped him to find a ob at a paint shop Emil later was hired by BC Hydro in October 8, 1974 and retired from Coast Mountain in May 31, 2000

After retirement Eml moved to Ladner where he joined the seniors club Emil loved to play crib and enjoyed hs time with everyone at the senior center Eml loved to tel jokes and play practical jokes

Eml was a loving father and grandfather to his child and grandchidren Emil leaves behind one daughter, 3 grandchildren and 4 great grandchldren

Our greatest thank you for Dr Davidson and the staff at Deta View for takng amazing care of my dad and his daughter through this saddest tme

Celebration of Life is panned for a later date

ELLIOTT, Norman Stephen

Norman Stephen Elliott was born on May 13, 1939 n Vancouver, BC He passed away on December 14, 2022 on Salt Spring Island, BC of Alzheimer’s disease

He was predeceased by hs parents Thomas and Nele (nee Bliss) Elliott and hs son Stuart He is survved by hs son Stephen (Candace nee Brydon) and grandsons Samuel and Kei He is also survved by his wife Dane (nee Wilkie) and his sster Jance Besharah and her daughters Nancy and Susan

Norm grew up in the Dunbar neighbourhood of Vancouver He attended Queen Elizabeth Elementary School and then Lord Byng Secondary School graduating in 1957 He also attended UBC and studed a very rewarding Sales and Marketing Program in which he was quite proud of Hs bg break came when he joined Permasteel Engineering when he was 22 years old He started in the heatng department and eventually moved on to metal bulding constructon sales He travelled northern BC and the Yukon and was very successful He eventually bought out the two owners of Permastee and he thrived in the business

Norm took up flying lessons when he was 27 years old and subsequently bought a small Cessna plane in partnership with a friend He enoyed flyng as a hobby for the next few years

He then took up saling and purchased a C&C sailboat, took sailing lessons, and started racing localy out of RVYC His crew of 5 entered the Victoria to Mau Internatonal Yacht Race in 1976

He and his famiy dscovered Salt Spring Island in 1981 through boating and eventually bought property, buit a home and moved there part time

Norm loved to travel This passon took him to some exotc locales that were off the beaten path at the time He oved to scuba dive in various places that had warm tropical water He enoyed helpng people financially during these travels

The family would like to thank the many compassonate peope who helped care for Norm during his fina coupe of years

A celebration of lfe will be held on Sat Spring Isand in the spring

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