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Linda Nixon


October 25, 1949 - February 22, 1998

25 years have passed but you are forever loved and remembered

KIRKWOOD, Dina (aka Deine) Cornelia

January 21, 1926 February 13, 2023

With sadness, the family of Dina Kirkwood (née Geense) announces her passing on February 13, 2023, at the Irene Thomas Hospice in Ladner, at the grand age of 97.

Dina (aka Deine) was born in The Netherlands and enjoyed a happy childhood with her family until the beginning of WWII and the subsequent occupation of her home country. In 1951, she emigrated to British Columbia, Canada, to marry her wartime Canadian Soldier sweetheart, Andrew Kirkwood, whom she met at the end of the war and with whom she corresponded until she arrived in Canada. Dina was a city girl when she arrived but quickly adapted to country living on a small Surrey farm. When she wasn’t baking bread and cakes or helping out the neighbours, she had a career in office administration She visited her Dutch family as frequently as possible over the years. Her sense of family was very strong, and the friendships she made were lifelong.

Dina was predeceased by her husband, Andrew Kirkwood; parents Jaap and Janna Geense (Kant); sister Christine Schuster (Geense); and brothers, Rein and Cees Geense. She is survived by her daughter, Janna Kirkwood (Darrell Guard); her younger sisters who reside in The Netherlands, Mies Van Dam (Geense) and Maya Geense; as well as numerous Dutch, German and Canadian nieces and nephews and their children.

Dina will be greatly missed by all her many friends and family.

In lieu of flowers, donations to The Rick Hansen Spinal Research Fund or the charity of your choice would be much appreciated

A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date.


It s with great sadness that we announce the passing of John, age 82 John passed away peacefully this January, 2023, with his wife of 56 years, Jean, at his side Daughter Anne and son-inlaw Jay have great memores of onng John on his bucket ist trip to Kyoto, Japan Son Paul and grandson Benjamin fondy remember hostng John on trips to Ontario that often included a vst to the Canadian Canoe Museum John cherished his roes both as a brother-n-law and as an uncle to hs nece and nephews John attended elementary and high school up to Grade 10 n Bnscarth, MB John did al his grade 11 and 12 prerequste courses necessary for universty admittance while in his grade 11 year at the Russel, MB High Schoo John’s marks were extremely hgh and he was honoured with the top award for secondary students, a Governor General Bronze Medal Award for his academc achievements John went straight from grade 11 to attendng the University of Manitoba where he competed his degree n Engineerng (BSc) John’s extensive career as a Professiona Engneer (Eectrcal) began as a young man in Russel, MB where he and his brother Bil (Linda) assisted ther electrician father Hubert and bookkeeper mother Phylis wth the day-to-day operations of the family eectrcal contracting busness Over a vared career John worked wth an abiity that earnt him respect and many frends John was a recyclng pioneer for the town of Tsawwassen Concerned about the amount of paper waste going to Deta landfil, John decded to do somethng about it at a loca eve as his vounteer contrbution to hs communty In the early 1980s, John set up a paper recycing station beside South Delta Recreation Centre John spent many of hs evenings and weekends sorting the paper stations For relaxaton, John enoyed accompanyng his wife Jean on summer beach outings at Boundary Bay Whle Jean swam wth their beach buddies, John would oke and talk current events, hstory, and great book reads wth any frends and strangers who were sitting withn talking distance Always one for a socal visit John alternated mowing the awn wth chatting up any frend or neighbour who shoud drop by John looked forward to sem-monthly face-to-face and Zoom meetngs with an amazing group of his professional friends, “The Guys” John, a member of Legion Branch 61, Deta, BC, honoured the service of his father by volunteering for the Royal Canadian Legon Poppy Fund We wll mss John a great deal, but we wll always be thankfu for the years we had wth him John wil be remembered as a kind, carng genteman, a dear and respectful husband to Jean, and a warm and supportve father to Anne and Pau In leu of flowers, please donate to the Canadan Cancer Socety or Heart + Stroke Foundaton A prvate memoral wil take pace at a future date

In loving memory of Hanni Marie (Ria) Merritt

November 6, 1935 - January 7, 2023

Hanni Mare Pedersen was born on a homestead n Worsley, Alberta Shortly thereafter, her family moved to Naramata, BC where Ria grew up on a picturesque orchard overooking Okanagan Lake After graduating from Pentcton High in 1953, she was off to Vancouver for nurses’ traning in residence at St Pau’s Hospita Ria graduated as an R N in February, 1957 and left for Port Aberni to start her nursing career It was there that she started dating UBC Engineering student Roy Merrtt, whom she marred on March 8, 1958 Ther sons Brad and Craig arrived soon after and in 1962 the Merritt famly moved to New Oreans, where ther daughter Cornne was born For the next few years, Ria’s focus would be on raising the famiy, as Roy’s career woud ead to stops in West Vrgnia, Ohio, Connecticut and California In 1973, the Merrtts moved back to Canada, settlng in Tsawwassen, BC Roy started his own business and Ra resumed nursing Folowing a short stint at Peace Arch Hospita, Ra worked as a home care nurse n Delta; a job that she loved right up unti retirement Outside of work, mom enjoyed famly get togethers, travelling with Roy, her brdge club, her golfing group at Beach Grove and lunches with her nursing friends

Ria emphaszed the positve and would often express gratitude for smple things in her day (the sun, the rain, a flower, a song, a good joke) no snveling alowed! To be in her presence was to be embraced by warmth, ove and laughter Ria was fun and funny and often used her sense of humour to make those around her feel wecome and at ease She never let the facts get in the way of a good story! Ra oved good food and was an excelent cook and deighted in tryng out new recpes wth her famiy and friends Nothng was more important to Mom than her famiy She hosted many memorabe famiy get togethers ncuding Chrstmas Eves, birthdays, Sunday nights any excuse; and food was always at the centre! We are al grateful for the lovng care that she showered upon us

Ria wl be lovingly remembered by her chldren, Bradley (Patricia) of Victoria, BC, Craig (Lsa Woudzia) of Vancouver, BC, Corinne Gray (Christopher) of Surrey, BC and Randy Wood (Marcia Smith) of Vancouver, BC; her seven grandchidren: Samuel, Joshua, Daniel, Sophia, Annelse, Olva, Kera and her many adorng neces and nephews Ra was predeceased by her husband, Roy, parents Jens and Agathe Pedersen and her brothers Arne (Marge) and Paul (Irene) The famiy woud ike to thank the nurses and caregivers n Assisted Lvng at Amca White Rock for ther carng and kindness over the ast three years A private celebration of Ria’s wonderful lfe wil be hed in Naramata In leu of flowers, donations may be made to St Paul’s Foundation, BC Chidren’s Hosptal, BCSPCA, Nature Conservancy Canada or a charty of your choice

ASKIN, Irene February

15, 2023

Surrounded by family Irene passed away peacefully on February 15, 2023, at the age of 92.

Irene lived most of her life in Tsawwassen, where she and Gordon raised their family. Irene was an avid tennis player, as well as an active member of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. She enjoyed hosting dinners for family and friends and travelling with Gordon. Irene was a kind and gentle soul and loved by all who knew her.

Irene was predeceased by her husband of 66 years, Gordon. She is survived by her son Robert (Cheryl), daughters Linda (Ron) and Marlene (Ben), and granddaughters Kayla and Mackenzie.

A service will not be held.

BELL, Donald Frederick

Donad Frederick Bel died February 11th 2023 at age 88 His ast few days were spent in the comfort of Irene Thomas Hospice Wth the end near, he hung on so daughter Heather could fly in to be at his sde Closest relatives include wfe Gai Neff Bel, daughter Heather Godwin and son-in-law Ross, grandaughters Sydney and Annie, sister Lnda Gertsen, sister Pat Miler (husband Alan), cousn Judy Wilson, and others oved and lost

A ifeong Lower Mainlander, Don worked n the precast concrete industry and heped buid vita elements of the library and skytrain Retirng to Tsawwassen he devoted himsef to bulding a garden so ovely passersby woud linger and ook

Famly wil gather n March to share memores and plant a tree Fowers gratefuly declned, but donatons to a charty of your choice would be apprecated


August 22, 1984

February 9, 2023

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Holly Horpestad. Holly was born on August 22, 1984, and passed in her Vancouver home on February 9, 2023. Holly was predeceased by her mother, Paula Storms (Horpestad), grandfather (or Grampa as everyone knew him) Mel Horpestad, grandmother Dorothy Horpestad, and her uncle Chris Horpestad. She is survived by her brother Joshua Storms, aunts, uncles and cousins. Holly was raised by her grandparents in Ladner, BC. You may remember her around Ladner with her bright orange fleece coat. Holly enjoyed riding, cattle penning, selling vegetables with her grandpa, swimming and meeting new people Holly loved animals, especially her horse, Lady, and her dog, Pokey. As an adult, Holly loved anything to do with Hello Kitty, colouring her hair in bright colours and getting tattoos. At the time of her death, Holly lived in Vancouver and was under the care of CLBC and BACI. Many thanks to the BACI team, Ross, Mike, Keith and Chris. (Especially for Ross and Mike for taking her to Victoria for her holiday.) Holly’s funeral will be held at a later date. And to the answer to Holly’s question, "Will there be ’dead food’ at the funeral?" yes, Holly, we will have "dead food" at your funeral. (Holly always asked if they were serving "dead food" at a funeral the little sandwiches, squares, etc.) Rest in peace, Holly.

HEILKER, Maretina

May 5, 1931

February 10, 2023 fOR sale - misc

Maretina "Tina" Heilker passed away peacefully on February 10, 2023, in Tsawwassen, B.C., at the age of 91. She was born May 5, 1931, in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. She will be dearly missed by her six children, John, Bill, Maja, Donna, Carmen and Bob; thirteen grandchildren; eight great grandchildren; and many friends and family in Canada, the Netherlands, Spain and the USA. She is predeceased by her husband, Johan "Jan" Frederik Heilker.

Tina was a great storyteller one of her best memories was when Holland was liberated on her 14th birthday. She said, "It was the best party ever." On behalf of the family, we want to thank the staff at the Delta Hospital with a special thanks to Dr. Fletcher.

There will be no funeral service as per her wishes.

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MCLEOD, Betty February 19, 2023

Our loving mother and Nana passed away peacefully at home with her family by her side on February 19, 2023.

Betty will be remembered for her kind and generous heart She always put the needs of others first. Being surrounded by friends and family were her happiest times.

She is survived by her husband Gordon; sister Susan; sons Glen (Shari) and Gary (Peggy); grandchildren Lindsay (Blair), Ross (Katrina) and Jackson; and great granddaughter Rose.

As per Betty’s wishes, there will be no service. In lieu of flowers, a donation to a charity of your choice in remembrance of Betty McLeod

SCHOLZ, Anton Robert (Tony)

November 9, 1971 - February 14, 2023

It s with sadness that we say goodbye to Tony who passed peacefuly at Vancouver General Hospita on February 14th, 2023 Leavng behind hs loving brother Christopher Scholz (Sofia), nephew Carlos, hs beloved daughter Kishal, his Mom and Dad; Renata, Heinz, and grfriend Amanda Predeceased by hs youngest brother Cary

In leu of flowers donations gratefuly accepted for Deta Hospita Celebration of Lfe when Gardens Boom again

You are nvited to leave a message of condoence on the famly’s onine obtuary at: www myaternatves ca

ROSSANDER, “Bonnie” Patricia Irene 1941

- 2023

It s wth deep sadness and love, that we mourn the passing of beloved wfe, mother, grandmother, sster aunt and friend Patricia “Bonnie” Rossander on February 11, 2023

After a bref lness, Bonne flew over the ranbow at the age of 81 years old

Beoved wife of Albert “Don” Rossander, who’s love affar began over 62 years ago in Vancouver’s, Forum ce skating rink Don and Bonne created a life wthin Tsawwassen ful of beautiful and lovng memories

Loving and devoted mother to Ncole (Scott) Marenych Bl (Vck) Rossander; proud grandmother to Laura, Sean, Wl am, Addyson and Smth; cherished sster to Bil (Joyce) Carrngton

Bonnie was a dedicated wife, mother, grandmother and aunt She treasured these reationships and embraced every moment with them She leaves behind an infinite amount of beautifu memores wth them

Bonne was a oya member of her sororty and dragon boatng chapters which nurtured some of her most cherished friendships through the years

An actve member of the Tsawwassen communty, and always thnking of others in need, Bonnie partcipated n numerous ocal charities and services She always carried herself with grace and grattude and was always the first to offer a smile and say helo

Friends wshing to honour Bonne, are invted to make a donation to Deta Stroke Recovery Associaton in her memory https://www canadahelps org/en/dn/79324?v2 tr ue

“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday Unheard but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear ”

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