2 minute read
MaytheSunshineofComfort DispeltheCloudsofDespair
MACKENZIE, Jacqueline Enid


November 10, 1933 - February 26, 2023
Jacquelne (Jacke) MacKenze passed away peacefuly February 26th, 2023 after a batte wth dementia Predeceased by her parents Ernest and Bile Townsend and her daughter Karen She is survived by her son Glen, grandchldren Aexander and Nicola, sister Jll Soleway and dear friend Ron Knott

Jacke was born n Kent Engand where she stil has many reatives After high schoo she worked as a private secretary and then in 1956 she emigrated to Canada lvng n Toronto for two years working as a flght attendant for Trans Canada Airines before moving to Vancouver where she met her husband, Tom They married in 1960 and she then worked as a professiona model After their divorce, Jackie moved to Pont Roberts where she enoyed her ove of the outdoors, horses and dogs and working at her antique store ‘Ye Ode Barn Antiques’
Jacke was feisty, witty, cever and loved to trave Greaty appreciated are the friends and professonals that stepped forward to be there when she needed hep and to her former daughter-n-law Michee, who Jacke loved dearly, for her love and caring which involved the everyday responsblites that were requred for her wel-beng over these past few years Thank you also to the staff at Hghgate Senior Living n Belingham, Washington for their compassionate and gentle care
A celebraton of lfe wil be held n Point Roberts, Washington at a future date In ieu of flowers, donatons would be greatly appreciated to the S PC A or The Alzheimer’s Socety of B C
STRUKOFF, Bev (nee Swenson)
September 21, 1938 - March 8, 2023
Wife, mother, gramma, great gramma, and good frend to many A beautiful lfe well lved and very much loved Mom s survved by her husband of over 62 years Mike; chldren Shawn (Sherri), Kim (David), Troy (Jackie), Todd, (Michele) and Pam (James); grandchldren Jennfer (Chris), Kristina (Mitch) Tyer (Kristen), Natasha (James), Garrett (Sara), Sarah, Mikayla, Kennedy, Parker, Annie, Gabe and Josh She was predeceased by granddaughter Taryn Aso survived by great grandchidren, Cara, Kendra, Logan, Dawson, Esie, Corbin, Huxey, Colton, Oiver, Landon, Dustn Jose and Owen Mom a daughter of one of Ladner’s Poneer famiies (Arthur and Violet Swenson) lved her entire life in Ladner workng aongside Dad in various busnesses - endng up on Westham Island for over 50 years Mom’s house aways had an open door, al were welcome She was a great istener and was aways interested n what peope had to say Her unque character and sassness were ever present Above al her unconditonal love for her entre extended famly was legendary Mom also leaves behind many nieces and nephews who meant the word to her
Our famly was very fortunate to have had an extra year with mom Thank you to the doctors and the wonderfu staff at the Delta Hospital Thank you to everyone for making mom’s last year befitting a lady who gave so much to so many n ife There wll be no service by request, in leu of flowers, donatons to The Delta Hospital Foundaton would be appreciated once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.
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