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Making it easier for strata developments to charge EVs
SANDOR sgyarmat
@delta-optimist com
Even more people living in strata developments in Delta will soon be able to charge their electric vehicles (EVs) at home.
The province last week introduced legislation to make it easier for strata corporations and owners to install charging stations.
Delta North MLA and housing minister Ravi Kahlon, said many B.C. strata residents are eager to make the switch to EVs, but the lack of charging stations in their buildings is holding them back.
The proposed amendments to the Strata Property Act will improve access to charging stations in residential strata buildings by lowering the voting threshold from 75-to-50 per cent approval for expenditures and changes to common and personal property need- ed to install charging stations, as well as requiring strata corporations to obtain an electrical planning report to help understand a building’s electrical capacity and plan for the expansion of stations.
Stratas will also be required to approve owners ’ requests to install stations at the owners ’ expense, when “ reasonable criteria are met.”
The City of Delta last year made bylaw changes to require EV infrastructure in new, multi-unit residential projects, part of the city’s overall Electric Vehicle Strategy
The new rules require 100 per cent of vehicle spaces with either a dedicated Level 2 outlet or charger, as well as resident bicycle storage areas having one outlet per four bicycle spaces
Visitor parking spaces are not required to provide EV charging
The requirement to provide an energized outlet would allow all parking spaces to be EV-ready, thus reducing the costs for strata corporations and owners to add electrical room capacity, conduit and wiring after construction, according to the planning department
Delta’s previous bylaw did not currently include any EV charging requirements for new singledetached or duplex dwellings, but the new requirement is for at least one Level 2 capable outlet for single-detached dwellings, as well as for each unit in a duplex dwelling.
Secondary suites and coach houses are excluded.
For new townhouse developments with individual parking garages for each unit, there is a requirement for an outlet capable of Level 2 charging or higher per dwelling unit in a garage