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GURNEY, Peter Richard May 18, 1936 - June 16, 2023
It is with great sadness that we announce that Peter passed away at Delta Hosptal on June 16th, 2023

Born and raised in Manchester, U K He attended Manchester Grammar Schoo and went on to graduate from Cambrdge University with a Masters Degree in Engineering His career took he and his famiy to ive and work in Holand and Indonesa before settlng in Canada n 1974
Peter has been a keen member of dfferent chors, ncuding the Richmond Community Choir where the hghight was 2 performances at Carnegie Hall More recently he has been with the Eder Colege Chor
He was aso a ong tme vounteer with Vctim Servces with many hours of dedicated service He has aso been vounteerng at Kin Vllage Community Centre for the past 2 years
In 2018 after sufferng a severe nfection, Peter became paraplegc and spent nearly 2 years between Deta Hospita and Kin Vilage Long Term Care With mmense courage and determinaton with the wonderfu care he received, he earned to wak again and was abe to return home
For ths vaiant effort Peter was nominated for the Courage to Come Back Award He wll be deeply missed by hs wife Coral and his chidren and grandchildren, aso frends and family at home and abroad
In ieu of flowers, donatons to Kin Vllage Community Centre in Tsawwassen would be greatly appreciated Grateful thanks to Dr Noble, Dr Kordic and the staff at Delta Hosptal and Kin Vllage
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A L en s cla med under the Act There s presently an amount due and ow ng of $13,165 30 plus any addition al costs of storage, se zure and sale that may accrue Notice is hereby g ven that on July 21st, 2023 or there after, the said vehic e wil be sold The veh c e is current y stored at Roadway Towing Ltd , 7391 Progress Place, Delta, BC, V4G1A1, and was p aced n storage on March 28th, 2023.
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For more information, call Roadway Towing Ltd. at 604 940 0329
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